• 5 months ago


00:00 It's my favorite vintage. Enjoy.
00:02 Hey, so I need to let the chef know that we have a party of six coming in and they're celebrating their parents' 50th wedding anniversary.
00:12 So I want to have some white chocolate mousse sent out to them with some raspberry coulis, compliments of the hotel.
00:18 Fantastic. I'll let them know. Oh, and somebody's here to see you.
00:21 Thank you.
00:29 Commissioner, can I get you a table?
00:31 Oh, no, thank you. I don't need a reservation. I need some answers.
00:35 Could you explain to me why you went to visit Jack Brendan in Pentonville?
00:39 Hey, Michael.
00:41 Hey.
00:42 Did you have dinner? I can heat something up for you. I'm just scoping out recipes.
00:45 No, no, you're fine. I grabbed something to eat when I got home from work.
00:48 You take a break, you've earned it.
00:50 Your cooking is getting rave reviews from the adults and kids alike and you know how hard the kids are to please.
00:54 Well, in this case, it's the adults that have me digging through recipes.
00:59 Well, I have not heard any complaints from them, so you're doing great.
01:02 Well, if they're happy, I'm happy.
01:05 They are thrilled.
01:06 Not only is Olivia less stressed, but we're getting regular meals and we still have access to our own kitchen, so you are the perfect cook.
01:17 Well, I am very glad that someone thinks so.
01:23 I am a little surprised that you did take the job, though.
01:28 Yeah? Why? Because I used to be a glamorous spokesmodel?
01:32 No, because of you and me.
01:36 Nice ride, Tracy. You have a great seat. Anyone ever told you that?
01:41 Not in a while.
01:44 That is a great saddle. Thank you for letting me try it.
01:48 No problem.
01:49 No problem.
01:50 Expecting someone?
01:56 Yeah, I thought I was, but now I think I'm getting stood up.
02:01 Who would do that to you?
02:02 Tracy, sorry I'm late.
02:12 Good. You just worked a full shift at GH. Are you sure you don't want to just soak in a hot bath, order in, watch one of your favorite shows?
02:24 We're going back out of our movie date with a sweet attempt to find something else for me to do.
02:29 We can't stay cooped up in this gallery all day, surrounded by nice style, different style of art.
02:38 Well, that's called the ode to the chomp.
02:42 Yeah.
02:43 I know art is subjective and expensive. That's how Ava stays in business.
02:48 You know your great grandmother, she used to say a fool and his money are soon parted.
02:54 Because our father was always coming home with these git rich quick schemes. I'll tell you about them someday.
03:01 Well, I can't wait. And I just want to say, I know what you're doing. And I want to let you know that it's working.
03:13 Are you sure about this? I don't know. Maybe this is a mistake.
03:19 You know, the last few times that Willow and I have been together, we've actually parted ways without things deteriorating.
03:25 I don't know. I don't want to push it. I really don't. And I don't want Willow to think that we're handling her in a certain way.
03:30 Would you just calm down and stick to the program?
03:34 I'm your boss. I called you in to talk about Crimson. Don't worry about it. I got everything else handled.
03:40 Drew, this PSA copy looks great. I hope I can do it justice.
03:44 Nina.
03:45 Hi, Willow.
03:47 What are you doing here?
03:49 [Music]
04:13 Accounting system? Okay, good. I'll make sure I speak to the software engineers and I express the rest of your concerns, okay?
04:19 Thank you. Thank you, Drew. Lots of change since I've been back.
04:24 Absolutely. Sure is. And my door's always open.
04:27 You guys can wrap up. I can step outside and go over this copy.
04:31 No, no, no. Stay. Stay. Willow is prepping for her very first PSA for the new Tomorrow Institute.
04:39 Yes! That is really, really great. I'm so proud of Aurora for supporting such a worthy cause.
04:45 And you for being the spokesperson.
04:49 Okay, well, I'll leave you to it.
04:54 Hey, hold on a second. I just had a brilliant idea. Would you mind sitting in?
05:03 What do you mean you know what I'm doing? It's like I have some ulterior motive for trying to spend time with you.
05:10 Well, don't you? The last time we went on a coffee date, you were worried about how I was handling losing Spencer.
05:19 And I took your advice and I tried to do something meaningful that helped me get closure.
05:27 Did it help?
05:29 A bit, but I'm no closer to knowing what to do with myself.
05:34 I know, honey. I do see you trying and I see you struggling. I just wish I could wave a magic wand and take all the hurt away.
05:45 Me too.
05:47 Jocelyn's your great friend and keeping yourself busy here at the gallery, but sometimes you just need a hug and a shoulder to lean on.
05:58 So here I am, baby. Thank you.
06:02 Okay, we got to keep going, right?
06:08 Yeah.
06:09 Fifteen grand, huh?
06:14 Yeah.
06:15 No accounting for taste.
06:17 Stella.
06:18 Hello, ladies.
06:19 Hey, Jordan.
06:21 Hey, I'm really glad to see you both so happy. But I'm sorry to say I am about to be a buzzkill.
06:28 So, this is an interrogation.
06:33 Well, I'm just curious as to why you would visit your attempted abductor in prison.
06:37 So I have to check my comings and goings with the PCPD?
06:40 Maybe, when you're talking to the former head of the WSB and Pikeman Security Group.
06:46 Has that been confirmed? Brennan was head of Pikeman?
06:49 Working theory. I've answered your question, now you answer mine.
06:53 You know, the last time you came knocking on my door with a third degree, you and Agent Cates accused me of harboring a criminal.
06:59 Don't you have better things to do with your time? I do. I have to run a hotel.
07:02 Okay, so the fact that Jason slipped out of your house doesn't mean that he wasn't there.
07:07 You're deliberately not answering my question. Why is that?
07:10 How do you know I went to Pentonville?
07:13 Well, Brennan may be sequestered, awaiting trial, but he's still considered a dangerous man.
07:18 He has a lot of eyes on him. Especially the FBI's.
07:22 I was beginning to think I had been stood up.
07:26 Well, since you asked Yuri to drive me, I could hardly ghost you, as Violet would say.
07:34 And it was such a lovely evening, I asked him to take the route around the lake.
07:39 And the sunset was breathtaking. So I asked him to stop, and he found a nice spot and pulled over and piped Tchaikovsky into the back seat.
07:49 And I just soaked in the music and the splendor and got lost in it.
07:55 I think we both did.
07:57 I'm sorry I missed it.
07:59 I am too. Would have enjoyed it. And I would have enjoyed it more with you.
08:06 Well, I did get to see some of the sunset on my ride, and you're so right. It really was lovely.
08:15 You know, Gregory, I bet we could convince Tracy to hop back on her horse.
08:22 Two of you could finish that sunset together.
08:25 What do you say? Want to trade out your cane for a saddle?
08:29 Maybe next time.
08:32 [music]
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10:31 Interesting assumption. The FBI. Yeah.
10:50 If this is your way of trying to figure out what I know, let me save you some time.
10:53 John Cates was asking Jason about a connection between Sonny, Brennan and Pikeman.
10:58 But Brennan didn't seem to know anything about it.
11:00 So you told Brennan then that Agent Cates was on his case. Like specifically.
11:05 Yeah, it's not like it's some deep dark secret.
11:07 Yes, Carly, it was.
11:10 Didn't you learn first hand how law enforcement works when you were married to the mob?
11:16 I'm sure Nina has more important things to do than listen to me practice my PSA.
11:23 Well, like I said, I'll let you two get to work.
11:26 Just hold on one sec. Are you sure, Willow?
11:29 I mean, Nina listens to pitches and ad campaigns just about every day.
11:35 It'd be a shame not to take advantage of her expertise.
11:37 Someone with so much media and promotion experience.
11:41 I just figure she might see something that I could miss.
11:44 Unless you're not comfortable.
11:46 Well, I'm not sure I'll ever be comfortable with being a public figure.
11:50 But it is important and I agreed to do it.
11:53 But Nina has a magazine to run.
11:56 I'm just suggesting it because this is your first PSA and we really want to knock it out of the park.
12:03 Of course, it's completely up to you.
12:05 You know what happened the first time I wrote a merry-go-round?
12:11 I fell off.
12:14 Stop trying to make me feel better, Calvin.
12:17 No, no, it's a true story.
12:19 I was a little younger than Leo.
12:22 I was probably eight or nine.
12:24 I was trying to impress a very cute girl.
12:28 Hard to believe.
12:30 And she kept looking at this brass ring that was at the top of the pole.
12:34 So I climbed up on the carousel pony and I stretched out my little body as far as it would go.
12:41 And I just kept reaching for that brass ring.
12:43 And then I fell flat on my face.
12:47 Don't know how I didn't break my nose, but I got heat stitches in my head.
12:52 Too bad it didn't knock some sense into you.
12:55 Wait, wait, what about the girl?
12:57 The next day she sat next to me on the school bus.
13:00 Oh!
13:01 And the moral is, reach for that brass ring.
13:06 You may fall flat on your face, but you never know.
13:15 He's well-meaning.
13:17 Yeah. I wish everyone treated me so kindly.
13:21 Or gave me such good advice.
13:24 I don't know, Michael.
13:27 Given your family's history with relationships,
13:31 I'm pretty sure the fact that you and I used to be a couple barely even registers on their radar.
13:36 Maybe you're just disappointed that I never used to cook like this for you.
13:41 I'm a little disappointed.
13:44 No, I'm just sorry that you even had to take this position.
13:48 I never thought you would have walked away from deception.
13:50 I could have negotiated like a golden parachute or something.
13:54 I just hate that you left all that stock on the table, and now you're here cooking for my crazy mixed-up family.
13:59 Please, take that off your mind.
14:02 I wanted to walk away.
14:04 And yes, selling all my shares was a big gulp, sure.
14:10 But it was a loss that I was willing to take for my peace of mind.
14:15 And Gladys already took all my money, so it's not like I didn't have any practice.
14:21 You know, Sasha, you don't have to do that with me.
14:24 You know, pretend that you're okay.
14:26 I'm not pretending.
14:29 It was time for me to go, Michael.
14:33 I've made peace with my decision, and honestly, I haven't even looked back.
14:37 When Olivia offered me this job, I jumped at it.
14:40 I had other options, but none that I liked.
14:45 Okay. You know, maybe if you would have given your job search a little more time, I would have lent you the money to tide you over.
14:51 I'm sure Sonny would have, too.
14:53 I really appreciate the gesture, Michael.
14:55 But first, I would not have taken it.
14:58 And second, there's no need.
15:01 I like it here.
15:03 You know, I don't know if you remember, but I always used to say that I longed to be part of a family.
15:11 After growing up without one.
15:14 So now, I get to cook for your crazy, mixed-up family.
15:22 I get to practice my cooking and stay in a home with people I know and trust.
15:28 Trust? I wouldn't go that far.
15:33 But, I mean, maybe I should have asked you before I said yes.
15:41 I mean, I never even talked to Willow about it.
15:45 I really hope that I have not made things awkward between the two of you, have I?
15:53 I thought we stopped.
15:57 I didn't even think to ask Willow how she might feel about me moving in here.
16:01 We used to be so close, and then with everything that has happened to both of us, we've lost touch.
16:09 And then, after she had Amelia and I showed up at the gatehouse hopped up on pills, she's probably worried about having me around the kids.
16:17 No, no, hey, Sasha, that is not the case at all.
16:20 We know what the situation was. You were sabotaged.
16:23 We trust you.
16:25 Thank you.
16:27 As far as us and our history, yeah, we shared a lot of memories, but we're good, though, right?
16:35 I mean, unless you're saying it's awkward for you.
16:37 No, no, I really like being here.
16:42 Good. Because the quartermaids who rarely agree on anything agree on you.
16:47 Especially the kids, because they love your beignets.
16:50 I'm so glad. And honestly, Michael, this is not a step down for me.
16:58 I really love cooking for your family.
17:01 I found it really nurturing and grounding.
17:08 I like seeing how happy people are when they eat my food, knowing that I'm contributing to their well-being.
17:17 And I really love seeing how happy you are with Willow.
17:22 You guys are really inspirational.
17:27 Love and the commitment that you share.
17:30 I, um, I used to have that once.
17:35 Maybe I will again.
17:38 Have what?
17:42 I don't know if there'll be an actual motion to reopen Heather's case, but I wanted to let you know what was brewing.
17:48 This is preposterous.
17:51 I've lost count of that woman's victims and she almost made Trina one of them.
17:56 What is there to revisit, Georgia? How could this even be considered?
17:59 Well, it's been discovered that Heather was slowly being poisoned by an artificial hip implant decades ago with neurotoxic results.
18:08 Wait.
18:09 What?
18:11 They think her artificial hip made her crazy?
18:13 I read about this.
18:16 And I did some digging.
18:18 Some people who were poisoned by heavy metals have been affected mentally with anxiety, depression, cognitive dysfunction, bipolarity, even schizophrenia.
18:29 But even if that were the case, Heather is a brutal killer.
18:34 Surely this can't erase her actual crimes.
18:37 No, but some people think it can help explain them.
18:40 Some people? Who? Who would even advocate for Heather Weber?
18:44 Well, you're going to find out anyways.
18:47 My boss has raised the question.
18:49 Spencer's a grandmother?
18:51 Blood cancers once considered fatal can now be cured if only people knew where to look for help.
18:57 I should know since a marrow donor saved my life.
19:00 That's why the New Tomorrow Institute was created to help people like you and me.
19:06 Willow, that was so good, especially for your first try.
19:10 Thanks, Drew.
19:14 Nina? Anything to add?
19:18 You come across very sincere and authentic.
19:22 But?
19:23 No, I don't want to make you feel self-conscious. No, what you're doing is spot on.
19:29 Nina, it's okay. I'd like to hear what you have to say.
19:34 Okay.
19:37 Willow, you're living proof that cancer doesn't need to be a death sentence.
19:42 You are the success story.
19:45 You're the example that people can aspire to.
19:48 You came through a harrowing ordeal and now you have a wonderful, healthy, happy, fulfilling life.
19:59 Show that.
20:01 Show the people that are dealing with cancer and their families that they not only stand to survive, but like you, to thrive.
20:12 So in other words, totally okay to smile a little.
20:17 Noted.
20:20 Anything else?
20:23 You got this.
20:26 I'm going to go back to my house.
20:30 Nina.
20:33 Thank you.
20:36 Anytime.
20:49 Why on earth would you think it was a good idea to tell Brennan that he and Pikeman were subjects of an FBI investigation?
20:55 Because I wanted to know how he'd react.
20:57 Why? Are you running an investigation of your own?
21:00 From the minute I laid eyes on Brennan.
21:01 Hasn't asked you to call him Jack yet?
21:03 No, he told me he was in the security business. And I took that to mean he was ex-intelligence or ex-military.
21:09 I thought he was going after Sonny, then I realized he was working with that guy Hume.
21:13 And when I heard the name Pikeman in connection with Brennan, it's not a far stretch to think the FBI had their sights on him.
21:18 Okay, God. I don't know why I'm telling you this.
21:21 Listen. The FBI didn't realize that the former director of the WSB was involved with Pikeman, maybe even running it.
21:30 Because he'd managed to conceal his involvement. And that is why he came after me.
21:35 But did Brennan come after you?
21:37 Well, yes.
21:38 I mean, I thought that was Hume. I mean, did Jack Brennan come anywhere near you?
21:42 How did he find out about John Cates?
21:45 You know, because Brennan was already in prison when he came to town.
21:48 Did he tell you that or did...
21:51 Did you tell him?
21:54 I may have mentioned it.
21:57 Okay. So you blithely confirmed to Brennan that he is under FBI surveillance.
22:03 And you have put Pikeman on high alert. And you have compromised a major investigation.
22:09 Here's a fresh take.
22:14 We think burgers taste better when they're made with Kamek.
22:17 Carly, so you understand what's at stake.
22:20 Like what? Never mind. I don't want to know. I don't want to know because why should I trust you?
22:23 Why should I trust any of you? I mean, John shows up being all nice and genuine.
22:27 Then he goes to Jason and he hassles him about Pikeman.
22:29 And you know this how? I don't think John would have shared that information with you.
22:33 Were you listening? You were listening, weren't you?
22:35 Of course you were listening.
22:37 You've just asked me why you should trust me. It's because I'm trying to help you.
22:42 Or have you forgotten that Brennan could have killed you the day that we arrested him?
22:46 I remember you and Dante bursting in with your gun strung.
22:49 The only thing Brennan was packing was a couple zip ties.
22:52 Yeah, like everyone walks around with zip ties in their pocket.
22:54 Well, apparently all spies do. Where are yours? In your pocket or in your purse somewhere?
22:57 I don't have any. Okay, look. I have never, ever considered you to be stupid or naive.
23:03 But Brennan could have kidnapped you that day or worse.
23:07 You know what? I'm not so sure about that.
23:09 I mean, if Jack Brennan is as dangerous as you say, he could have taken me down.
23:13 He could have pulled a gun. He didn't do either.
23:16 I mean, maybe what you saw as a life or death situation was just a miscommunication.
23:21 Why don't you try to be as smart as you think you are?
23:24 You stay the hell away from Jack Brennan.
23:27 Oh, really?
23:36 Hey, Fritz. Um, I don't feel like driving tomorrow, so I'm gonna need a ride.
23:41 Yes. Yes, that's right. I would like to go to Pentonville.
23:45 Yes. No, I want to leave from here.
23:48 Great. I'll see you tomorrow.
23:51 Well, that's nice of you to still visit your friends behind bars.
23:55 Finn and Violet have probably already left for the rehearsal and Coney Island,
24:03 so why don't you have dinner with me?
24:05 As it turns out, Sasha is a fabulous cook. All she has to do is heat it up for us.
24:10 I'm not having dinner with you tonight, Tracy, because you are going to Coney Island.
24:16 Ha ha! Oh, in the words of the Bensonhurst Brigade, forget about it.
24:23 This is Lois's event, not mine, and while they're all dining on hot dogs and cotton candy,
24:31 I will be enjoying Sasha's delicious meal with cloth napkins and a tablecloth.
24:36 Besides, I'm not in the ceremony, so there's nothing for me to rehearse.
24:40 I couldn't disagree with you more. I need you to stand in for me at the rehearsal.
24:46 That way you can tell me when the music starts and stops, when I make my entrance, where to stand,
24:51 all the little details that I need to know.
24:54 Is this why you wanted to see me tonight?
24:56 Uh, partially. There's something else. I guess you could call it my fail-safe plan,
25:05 in case I can't make it to my son's wedding.
25:10 I am really excited about, hopefully, helping so many people,
25:15 but I have so much to learn when it comes to the media side of things.
25:19 I have no doubt that you're going to get the hang of it. Plus, you've got so many people around you to help.
25:24 It was a really good idea to have Nina stay for the rehearsal.
25:29 Her suggestion to simply smile made it so much easier the next few rehearsals.
25:34 You really are a natural, but I have to admit, Nina's media savvy probably could help us reach our target audience.
25:42 So if you're open to it, I mean, I could ask her to become more involved.
25:48 Well, I'm not surprised, since you and Nina planned this whole thing. Didn't you?
25:55 I'm just here to scrounge. I was hoping to find some yummy leftovers in the fridge.
26:02 I take it you're hungry.
26:04 Aren't I always?
26:06 This is what I like to see. Checking out new recipes?
26:09 Yeah, I am thinking of trying out some new appetizers.
26:13 Stick around long enough and you might get to sample some.
26:16 I'm really glad we talked, Michael.
26:19 She's amazing.
26:25 Oh, I know. So, what are your plans for all of her amazingness?
26:32 Balderson has been masterfully aging our delicious cheese with the same time and care for over 140 years.
26:41 So, we wondered if anything else from back then had aged as well as us.
26:46 It turns out that nothing ages as well as Balderson's Canadian craftsmanship.
26:50 Fabreeze. Your bathroom needs Fabreeze Small Spaces.
26:53 The always-on, odor-fighting air freshener you set and forget.
26:57 No outlets used, no batteries needed, no effort required.
27:00 So your bathroom stays continuously fresh for 45 days.
27:03 That's the power of Fabreeze Small Spaces.
27:06 [music]
27:09 Right now, I'm straining my objectivity to try to see it from Laura's point of view.
27:23 I'm trying to think how I might feel if this was a member of our family.
27:29 Stella, that's big of you. Really, it's amazing.
27:34 You know, I was police commissioner throughout Heather's hook killing spree, her jail breaks, and I'm struggling to find objectivity too.
27:42 But still, I recognize Laura's courage to even consider taking this on.
27:47 She has to realize the political firestorm she'll cause if she gets that case against Heather reopened.
27:54 So, are you saying that Laura's asking for Heather to be set free?
27:58 Well, you just put that out there, didn't you?
28:02 I find it saves a lot of time to be direct.
28:05 I saw you two just now. There's sparks. There's something there.
28:10 Yeah, we have a good time. We're friends.
28:15 Friends. Okay. Friendship's good.
28:19 Can't have too many.
28:20 But some friendships are more special than others, and I just hope you realize how special Sasha is.
28:26 Don't I ever. I mean, her molten chocolate lava cake is to die for. Are you ever serious?
28:31 I'm very serious about my job, so no worries there.
28:34 What about Sasha?
28:35 She has been through a hell of a lot these last few years. She's come through. She's one of the best people that I know.
28:40 So, I hope you're serious about being good to her.
28:44 I will be as good to her as she'll let me be.
28:48 Willow, are you accusing me of setting you up?
28:53 I am accusing you of being a well-meaning friend who is trying to patch things up between Nina and me.
29:01 I'll admit, I would love if you and Nina worked things out, but I am a businessman, and Nina coaching you makes for a better PSA, which may widen the reach for the appeal, which is what Aurora promised the New Tomorrow Institute.
29:16 So it's good business.
29:18 I would never do anything that I thought would hurt you. I hope you know that, Willow. And I do get how sensitive the situation is between you and your mother.
29:28 Ah, my mother. That still lands with a jolt. I haven't thought of Nina in those terms in a while.
29:36 I know, Willow, but if I can get past it and find a way to work with her, maybe you can too.
29:44 I meant what I said before. Your attitude toward Nina, your ability to put the past in the past and deal with her here in the present, made me rethink my own attitude.
29:56 But it's hard. I have opened myself up to Nina on more than one occasion, and it did not go well for me.
30:04 There was always a lie or manipulation, and then I'm left feeling angry and foolish. Like, how many times do I have to go through the same thing before I learn my lesson?
30:12 Nina was the one that needed to learn her lesson, Willow. Maybe she has.
30:18 Maybe.
30:22 I can't be sure, but I'm willing to give her a chance. And I realize that it's easier for me.
30:31 She sent you to prison.
30:34 I have a professional relationship with her, not a personal relationship with her. So she can, like, she can disappoint me, she can frustrate me, but she can't, she can't wound me.
30:47 So I get, I get how letting her in is just a much bigger risk for you than it is for me. And saying that, I realize that I owe you an apology.
31:02 You? Why?
31:06 I, uh, may have finagled the meeting and pushed things a bit so that you guys would have a chance to interact. And I'm sorry. But I stand by my business perspective. She really did make things better, so if you're not comfortable...
31:25 No, no, I'll, I'll think about it.
31:29 Good. And why do you look so upset?
31:34 Because I have no right to come down on you. Not when I've been keeping something from you myself.
31:42 Keeping something from me?
31:45 About your brother.
31:48 I can't do this. I don't have time for this.
31:52 That's, that, that was unnecessary. Carly, I'm having the best day ever and I do not want to ruin it. Look, we're never gonna hear bluebirds or see rainbows when our paths cross, but we don't have to take shots at each other unnecessarily.
32:05 Like you just did?
32:07 That was a reflex that I regret. I'm sorry. I approached you because there was actually another reason why I needed to talk to you.
32:16 It can't be another apology. I've already heard them all.
32:20 I wanted to tell you that...
32:23 You were right about Sonny.
32:27 Ever notice some odors don't...
32:32 ...together some traditional texts along with some thoughts and musings of my own.
32:37 I'm sure it's very beautiful.
32:39 Thanks, but I'm not looking for assurance. I'm holding you to your promise to take my place if I...
32:45 Yada, yada, yada. You are presiding over Chase and Brooklyn's ceremony. It's meant to be.
32:53 The only things that are meant to be are death and taxes.
32:57 Yeah, well I take exception to the latter.
33:00 Tracy, don't tell me you have stage fright.
33:04 Whether I do or not is beside the point. You're the officiant.
33:10 I'm just covering my bases in case I can't read my notes or I lose my breath.
33:16 Things that have been happening more and more these days. I'll need my understudy to go on if that happens.
33:22 Well, I seriously doubt that I'm going to need to go on as you put it.
33:27 Because you are perfectly capable of marrying those two all while being the most attractive man in the room.
33:39 Flattery will get you everywhere. Except Coney Island.
33:45 Now, can we get to the airport in time? You have to make that rehearsal.
33:49 I'll get there.
33:51 So, what's the dress code for Coney Island?
33:56 Think mermaid.
33:58 Oh.
34:04 I heated you up some beef bourguignon. Otherwise known as beef stew.
34:08 Where's Michael?
34:10 He left right after warning me to be good to you.
34:15 Okay, well, I know Michael. He had the best of intentions.
34:21 But it's not his job to make sure that I'm well treated. It's mine.
34:29 I get to decide all on my own if a situation works for me. If it fits my needs.
34:36 So, we're talking about your job as a cook?
34:39 Situation is pretty vague. It covers my job, but also the people I associate with.
34:47 Like me.
34:49 You don't need a lecture from Michael on being good to me, Cody. You already are.
34:58 Trina, I can't speak for Laura's intentions, but I do know her as my boss and as a person.
35:04 She is smart and sensitive. So, let's not jump to any conclusions.
35:08 The immediate question is where does Heather belong while they sort out her medical and legal issues?
35:14 My vote is someplace safe and secure.
35:17 This is a very complicated issue. I've worked with psych patients and their families and...
35:25 And I know that people's pain, whether mental or physical, can drive them to do and say things that would otherwise be unthinkable.
35:34 Okay, Onstella, maybe Heather was acting out of mental or physical pain, as you say.
35:39 But what about her victims? What about the victims' families?
35:44 What about the pain she inflicted on us?
35:51 What I'm about to tell you is confidential, okay?
35:55 Okay.
35:58 When Jason got back to Port Charles, after he jumped off the bridge, Michael and I found him in the boathouse, badly wounded.
36:12 And we bandaged him up and got him antibiotics from the hospital.
36:21 Jason should never have put you guys in that position.
36:25 We had to do something.
36:28 He was shot. So, did you stitch him up?
36:33 Of course you did. Because that's what you do, Willow. You help people.
36:40 You help Jason. You help people at GH.
36:47 And now you're helping people through the New Tomorrow Institute.
36:50 I appreciate you so much, Willow. And your secret is safe with me.
36:56 You said that it was going to last, that Sonny would leave me, and he did.
37:03 If I had listened to you, maybe I could have saved myself some heartache. But you know, I wouldn't... I wouldn't listen to you or anyone else. I had to live it. And I have.
37:16 Is that all?
37:17 I'm trying to make amends with Drew. I understand needing to be on good terms with your employer.
37:26 It's in Drew and my best interest to have a good working relationship.
37:31 Then I guess it's all worked out, huh? You and Drew have a working relationship. You're back at Cremson. I have my hotel back. I mean...
37:39 No reason to look back at all the damage done, huh?
37:45 It's good for all, Tristan. Move forward.
37:48 You make it sound easy.
37:50 Not easy. Necessary.
37:54 I'm not looking back. I'm not going that way.
37:58 Jason?
38:05 Jason?
38:08 Jason?
38:09 Well, you were right.
38:20 right.
38:20 (dramatic music)
