• 6 months ago


00:00That wasn't Sonny who picked up.
00:04No, it wasn't Sonny.
00:09Who was it?
00:12Not done?
00:15No, no, come in. Seriously, come in.
00:18Really good to see you.
00:24Good to see you.
00:26What's up?
00:29I'm thinking of running for public office.
00:33Is that a joke?
00:35Because if it is, I don't get it.
00:38I'm serious.
00:43What are you thinking of running for?
00:44City Council?
00:51Like the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C., Congress?
00:55You think it's a bad idea, don't you?
00:57No, no, I don't.
00:58I mean, this is all, you know, it's coming out of nowhere.
01:00I haven't seen you in forever.
01:06An opportunity came up, and I'm just, I'm really, I'm thinking of grabbing it.
01:09What kind of opportunity?
01:11Congressman McConkie isn't seeking re-election, and he offered to endorse me.
01:19How do you even know Congressman McConkie?
01:23Nina introduced us.
01:33What's that?
01:40So, how'd it go?
01:42It was pretty simple, actually.
01:45Everybody was kind.
01:46I signed some papers, and they handed me this.
01:51Box, not an urn?
01:53It's a scattering box.
01:56It's for, well, the name is actually pretty self-explanatory.
02:02Yeah, this is all that's left of my dad.
02:05And tomorrow, after they scatter his ashes, he'll truly be gone forever.
02:19Whatever they came for, it looks like they didn't get it.
02:22Jason made them pay for it, for breaking in.
02:25So why is this my problem?
02:27It's your problem, Sonny, because someone tried to kill Jason here tonight.
02:30And you have been very vocal about your anger towards him.
02:33FBI, step aside.
02:48Mr. Carrentos.
02:50I have a few questions for you about the attempted murder of Jason Morgan.
03:18These butterscotch brownies, the pilot's favorite.
03:25Thank you, that's very thoughtful of him.
03:27Yeah, he hoped it might help a little.
03:31Tomorrow's going to be a hard day.
03:34It will be.
03:37Thank you.
03:38You already said that.
03:41Yeah, I guess I did.
03:47I haven't been drinking.
03:51That's not what I was looking for.
03:53You weren't?
03:56But I am here to check in with you, because tomorrow is your dad's memorial,
04:03and because I want to support you, and because I love you.
04:10Second thoughts?
04:12About scattering your father's ashes.
04:15I wouldn't dream of defying my father's wishes.
04:18Okay, then what's wrong?
04:20I can't help but feel a burial is permanent.
04:25It's a place to visit, to talk to him.
04:28But this kind of feels like I'm throwing him away.
04:37Well, what if he stayed here?
04:40Yeah, what if we put him on the mantle, and got a really nice picture of your dad,
04:45we put it right next to it, and that way you can see him and talk to him whenever you want.
04:51I don't think my brother would go for that.
04:53Besides, I'm the executor.
04:55It is my job to fulfill my dad's wishes, not my own.
05:00What you're feeling is understandable.
05:03Okay, you're missing your dad.
05:05So however that's making you feel is right and appropriate.
05:08And you grew up believing in good old fashioned burials.
05:11And you want to have a connection to your dad's physical body.
05:15I guess, but my dad wanted-
05:18To be everywhere.
05:20To be on the wind, on the ground, on the water, on the lake.
05:24So wherever you go, wherever you are, he's with you.
05:30That's a nice spin.
05:32Look, I truly believe that Gregory isn't gone.
05:36But his spirit will always be close, because he's in you.
05:42That's a kind thing to say.
05:44It's not just kindness. It's the truth.
05:47I see it all the time in your kindness, and your decency, and your sense of humor.
05:55What your dad really truly was, all of his goodness and his values, it lives on in you.
06:03Well, I always liked McConkie's policies.
06:06But Nina, she's not someone I would think he would be friendly with.
06:10No, McConkie was friends with her father.
06:13Okay, so what'd you do? Crash a high tea at the House of Representatives?
06:17Nina had a meeting with McConkie.
06:19I tagged along just to kind of pitch a big urban renewal project that I'm working on.
06:23How'd that go?
06:25He's tough. He's got a forceful personality.
06:29Well, nothing you're not used to.
06:32He appreciated my tenacity, signed on for the project, and then shortly after, suggested I run for his congressional seat.
06:40Are you going to do it?
06:42Well, I haven't decided, but I'm leaning in that direction.
06:45Okay. So, why are you here? Do you want me to talk you into it, or do you want me to talk you out of it?
06:51There's a lot of reasons to do it.
06:53Yeah. I mean, power, money, influence.
06:56I was actually thinking about serving our nation and the people of the district, but...
06:59Of course you were.
07:01But I've got to be realistic, too. I've got to weigh the downside, you know?
07:05For myself, for the people that I care about.
07:08If I sign on for this, then the first thing that's going to come up is...
07:13Your latest stint in Pennville.
07:17One lunch with Nina, and the whole insider trading thing rears its head again, huh?
07:25And if it does, if I do run, your name is going to come up.
07:30The whole thing is going to be dredged up yet again, and I need to know, if I commit to this, how you feel about the possibility of that.
07:40I have no more questions. You're free to go.
07:46I've trusted you with everything.
07:52You need to trust me, too.
07:54Who picked up?
08:00Whoever it was, you recognized them. I could see it on your face.
08:09Hiring mob hitmen.
08:11Connected to Sonny, so that everybody would assume that he was behind the attack on you.
08:15I mean, it's working. Even people in Sonny's life think he's responsible.
08:20Did you?
08:24I thought it was possible.
08:26But you still weren't going to give him up?
08:27It doesn't matter. Sonny's innocent.
08:29Oh, God. Let's not get carried away.
08:31He's not complicit in the attack on you, but he's far from innocent.
08:38I mean, I'd get good money that a man hasn't taken an innocent breath since his teens.
08:42Okay. Maybe not.
08:45But you were still going to protect him.
08:46You were going to protect Valentin.
08:50You recognized his voice, and you told me that I was free to go.
08:55And the moral of this story is what?
08:57I understand why you want to cover for Valentin.
09:05But I need to know why he wants me dead.
09:09But I need to know why he wants me dead.
09:14I have to confess something.
09:18I'm surprised to see you at an actual crime scene instead of raiding warehouses where no one's committed a crime until after you arrive.
09:30And I'm not used to showing up at the site of a gangland hit and finding the gangster who ordered it waiting for me.
09:36You're a real time saver.
09:38This is my place, so I actually want to report a break-in.
09:45You know, I gotta say, Sonny, you guys made a real mess.
09:50Yeah, what guys are you talking about? The forklift guys? The packaging guy? Or my clipboard guy?
09:56Because none of them would have anything to do with this, Jagger.
10:01All these shots fired and Morgan still walks away.
10:04You need to hire better help.
10:06Agent Cates, your insinuation that my client had anything to do with this is both offensive and slanderous.
10:12Please. We both know Sonny's fingerprints are all over this.
10:16Go ahead and look. You won't find anything.
10:19Because he covered your tracks?
10:21Agent Cates, please search to your heart's content.
10:24But this conversation with my client, as scintillating as it might have been, is now over.
10:29He will not be answering any more of your questions.
10:31Well, I am glad to hear you say that.
10:33Oh, why's that?
10:34Because I can place him under arrest and question him down at the PCPD.
10:45Close catch.
10:47I can't get any of this right. One minute I'm apologizing for how I treated you when I was drinking,
10:53and now I'm apologizing for how I'm speaking to you when I'm not.
10:57Apologizing for how I'm speaking to you when I'm not.
11:00You don't need to apologize again.
11:04Thank you.
11:07But I do feel like I just need to say that the way you spoke to me was really unsettling.
11:16I know. I would give anything to be able to undo that. Just make it so it didn't happen, but I can't.
11:24I can't.
11:26All I can do is keep trying to get better and keep moving forward.
11:31I'm going to two meetings a day as a precaution.
11:33That's great.
11:34I'm not going to drink again.
11:38But even if I did, I'm not an alcoholic.
11:42What do you mean?
11:44I'm an addict.
11:46And I got hooked on Zika Nestrol when I was fighting Blackwoods.
11:50But it was not like I was doing it to get high. It was literally keeping me alive.
11:53But then when I formulated a cure, I couldn't stop.
12:00But you made a point of not drinking.
12:04Yes. Once I got clean, I made a decision to not drink. Out of caution.
12:14But as far as drinking was concerned, alcohol was never really the problem.
12:21On what grounds will you arrest my client, Agent Cates?
12:26Attempted murder?
12:28Two men entered the warehouse and tried to kill Jason Morgan.
12:31I was across town at the time of the attack.
12:35Well, it's not like you to do your own dirty work.
12:37Well, then shouldn't the person who actually did the dirty work be the one that you arrest for the attempted murder of Jason Morgan?
12:45Funny you should mention that, Miss Miller.
12:47Because your other client, the intended victim, Jason Morgan, just so happened to kill one of his would-be assassins.
12:54And we were able to identify him as a low-level contractor affiliated with a crime family with whom Mr. Corinthos has been known to do business.
13:03I think you left out the term, allegedly.
13:06Forgive me. Allegedly.
13:09Now, Mr. Corinthos, if you'd like to come with me.
13:11Now, why would he do that when all you've presented is the thinnest of circumstantial evidence?
13:19Animosity between long-time colleagues and one dead gunman who may be connected to people who may or may not be connected to my client.
13:28That's hardly grounds for arrest, don't you think?
13:31We're in the process of collecting additional evidence now.
13:35If the hit had succeeded, it would have killed two birds with one stone.
13:40First, eliminating you.
13:42You infiltrated Pipeman and you know too much.
13:45And then, it would have got Sonny out of the way, framing him for your murder.
13:51And then Pipeman can operate undisturbed.
13:54Oh, God. That is classic, Valentine.
14:05You know, he, Brennan and I, we all went to the WSB training together.
14:10He and Brennan, very good friends.
14:12Okay, so what was that like?
14:14Well, you know, Jack, he was a rising star.
14:18He was very charismatic and highly intelligent. That's what the two of them, they had in common.
14:26So, what, they were allies?
14:31Valentin had a very, very bright mind.
14:36But he faced these kind of physical challenges at the time.
14:41But Brennan always saw him, or at least treated him, as an equal.
14:45You know, when I brought this up to Valentin,
14:48like their friendship together back then, he just kind of downplayed it.
14:54He said that they barely knew each other.
14:56They barely knew each other.
14:58He's covering his tracks.
15:00Yeah. In retrospect, I think that Valentin has been involved with Pipeman all along.
15:07And with Brennan in prison, there's no doubt in my mind that he's running it.
15:19Thank you.
15:23That's what I needed.
15:26You're going to have reporters banging on your door? You're going to have people bothering you at work?
15:31I have security.
15:33At Bobby's?
15:34At Bobby's, I have Jason.
15:37I'm sorry.
15:39Nothing to be sorry about.
15:41But now that you mention him, he's your close friend. He's a known associate of Sonny's.
15:47He's your brother.
15:48So in addition to our brush with insider trading,
15:52you have literal family ties to alleged organized crime.
15:56And you're worried about me?
15:58All I can do is answer truthfully to whoever asked.
16:01The press, my opponent. I got nothing to do with Jason. I never really did.
16:05It's still a lot of dirty laundry by association.
16:08Are you sure you want to do this?
16:10It's a lot.
16:12It's a lot.
16:14And it's a long shot that you'd win.
16:16I'm still weighing the options, but
16:20the more I think about it, the more I really believe that I can make a difference.
16:25I admire your idealism.
16:27I don't get it,
16:29but I admire it.
16:30And let's not forget while they're doing the digging,
16:32they're going to have to remind everybody that I serve my country honorably
16:35and that I'm involved in a major urban renewal project
16:39and involved in a non-profit that fights cancer,
16:43a disease that took my son.
16:46Oscar would be proud about that.
16:49About which part?
16:50All of it.
16:52I'd like to believe that.
16:56Brings me back to my original question of whether or not I should run.
17:01I really,
17:03I really believe
17:05that I owe this to my family, to the people I care about,
17:08the people of Port Charles that I need to stand up for.
17:11The people of Port Charles that I need to step up.
17:14And I got to try.
17:20Half the time I can't move.
17:22I miss him so much.
17:24How do I go from that to just
17:27forgetting that he's gone?
17:29Because something will happen and then I'll reach my phone.
17:33You know,
17:35once I called him
17:37just so I could hear his voice.
17:38I want him back so bad.
17:44I'll want another day,
17:46another week, another month, another year.
17:50Until I remember what that time would be like.
17:53Wheelchairs and ventilators.
17:55Not being able to reach out and touch the ones that he loved.
17:58He would have hated that.
18:00It was already a struggle for him.
18:03And then I realized he held on and he held on.
18:06And then I realized he held on as long as he did
18:09for us.
18:12To keep his promise to us.
18:15And once that promise was kept
18:19and he knew that we were safe
18:21and happy that he could go
18:28on his own terms and without pain.
18:32And now talking about him like this,
18:33it just makes me want him back even more.
18:36And then I feel like a hypocrite so I do.
18:40You can grieve his passing
18:43and feel relief that he's not hurting anymore.
18:47You can want him back with everything you've got
18:51and still let him go.
18:54You can miss him terribly
18:57and celebrate that he lived an amazingly rich life
19:01filled with people that he loved and loved him.
19:07If you want my opinion, here it is.
19:10If this is something you want to do, you should do it.
19:13McConkie is smart and he is tough
19:16and he has a great record.
19:18And somehow with the gridlock in Washington,
19:20he's able to get a lot of good things done.
19:22So if he wants you to replace him,
19:24that means he thinks you're suited for the job.
19:26Trust his judgment.
19:28And when you consider the alternative,
19:29your opponent is just awful.
19:32And if you don't step up,
19:34you can't complain about the outcome of the election.
19:36That's what I was thinking.
19:40And if you crash and burn, at least you tried.
19:42What about you?
19:44I'm fine.
19:46You don't have to worry about me.
19:48I've had tons of practice in saying no comment.
19:55Well, you've given me a lot to think about.
19:57Good. You know what?
19:59Thank you, Carly.
20:01Good night.
20:03Hey, just so you know,
20:06if you do run, you got my vote.
20:13You ever heard the phrase,
20:15innocent until proven guilty, Agent Cates?
20:17Well, proof is something you are sorely lacking.
20:20Yet here you are, you're making threats,
20:22you're pointing fingers.
20:24By the way, your superiors at the FBI
20:26are going to receive an official complaint from me
20:27regarding the way that you have harassed my client.
20:31Is that really the road you want to go down?
20:33Or perhaps,
20:35you were just a little hasty
20:37and threatened to take my client into custody.
20:40We can wait.
20:42Until the rest of the evidence comes in.
20:44Sound reasoning, Agent Cates. Indeed.
20:47Good night, Jagger.
20:52You know what the best part of all this is, Sonny?
20:54I can't wait.
20:56That you'll go down for trying to kill Jason Morgan.
20:59The last in your line of protégés.
21:02Of all the kids you took in and exploited,
21:05including Karen and Stone,
21:07Jason's probably the saddest.
21:09Because you turned him into a killer.
21:11You took a young man with brain damage
21:14and you turned him into your enforcer.
21:17Then after a lifetime of doing your bidding,
21:20you turn around and try to kill him.
21:22That's some thanks.
21:27I am really gonna love seeing you behind bars once and for all.
21:38Can you believe that guy?
21:40He really had nothing to do with this.
21:47I wasn't involved.
21:48I wasn't involved.
21:53You thought I was?
21:55I did.
21:57And I'm not the only one.
22:00Thank you.
22:02For trusting me.
22:04Yeah, wait. Where are you going?
22:06I'm going to find Cates and tell him that Valentine's the head of Pikeman.
22:09No, why would you involve Cates?
22:11Well, because that was the deal. If I give the FBI the head of Pikeman,
22:14the FBI gives me my life back.
22:16I'll tell them to contact you for details.
22:18I can't let you do that.
22:22People refer to an illness as a battle.
22:25So-and-so lost their battle to whatever.
22:28But my dad, he fought like hell.
22:31He jumped out of a plane for Pete's sake.
22:33Yeah, he got Alexis to do it with him.
22:35And once he knew his time was limited, he made the most of every single day.
22:40And it wasn't just a battle.
22:42It was an all-out war.
22:45When he started having trouble walking,
22:46all I could think about was how athletic he was when I was a kid.
22:51He used to go for runs.
22:53We'd play basketball in the driveway.
22:56And now, ever since he got sick,
22:59when I run or go play basketball,
23:03all I can think about is him.
23:09What if he didn't lose his battle to ALS?
23:13Maybe he won.
23:14Damn right he did.
23:17So I guess I should follow his example that he set for me.
23:21Living life.
23:23Pursuing joy.
23:25More joy.
23:27And not wasting happiness.
23:30That is the best way to pay tribute to my dad.
23:33I love that idea.
23:35Let's do that.
23:36Let's do that.
23:40It's my understanding that AA and NA
23:44deal with the addict's need to alter the reality,
23:48regardless of the method they use to alter it.
23:54It's not like I've become a drunk because I had a couple drinks.
23:58I had one slip.
24:00And part of me felt like that gave me permission to have another.
24:03It's wrong.
24:05But I was hurting, you know.
24:07I found my dad and the way they took his body out of here,
24:10it just put me in a dark place.
24:12And maybe I wouldn't have opened that bottle
24:15if I already hadn't had that glass of champagne.
24:17But I did.
24:19I drank.
24:21And now I've stopped.
24:23I have no desire to drink.
24:26Pretty much ever again.
24:28So you're saying this was just a one-time thing?
24:31I hope so.
24:33You know,
24:35there's plenty of people.
24:37We know some of them.
24:39They're in recovery for addiction,
24:42and they have a drink every now and then.
24:45I can't say who they are.
24:47I know who you mean.
24:49I got alcohol out of my life as a precaution.
24:53Not because it was the problem,
24:55but to prevent another one.
24:57Even so,
24:58you still won't drink again, right?
25:03Okay, what's going on?
25:05Did something happen with Christina?
25:07This is not about Christina.
25:09Okay, look, if you're here to see Donna,
25:11she's already...
25:13Something happened tonight, Carly.
25:15And I wanted to tell you face to face.
25:17It had nothing to do with me.
25:19Okay, what happened?
25:21Somebody attacked Jason at the warehouse.
25:25Is he okay? Is he in the hospital?
25:26He's not hurt.
25:28Oh my God.
25:30Okay, how do you know this, Sonny?
25:32Why are you telling me this?
25:34Rick called me.
25:36He told me two gunmen were after Jason.
25:38One is dead.
25:40The other one got away.
25:42And Agent Cage thinks it was me.
25:44So does my own lawyer.
25:46But it's not me, Carly.
25:49I wanted you to know.
25:52I heard Valentin pick up a call
25:54from an assassin.
25:56I didn't record it.
25:58I have no hard proof connecting him
26:00to the attack on you, let alone Pikeman.
26:02I don't give a damn about Pikeman, okay?
26:04I just want out from under the FBI,
26:06and the way to do that is tell Cates about Valentin.
26:08You know, if you involve Cates,
26:10he will come in guns blazing.
26:12And Valentin will outmaneuver him,
26:14and all of this will amount to nothing.
26:16Okay, that's on Cates.
26:18Once I give him Valentin, Carly is free to go.
26:20I can walk away.
26:22Whatever happens after that is not my concern.
26:24What are you talking about?
26:26If Valentin gets away,
26:28and the FBI doesn't get what they want,
26:30they will never let you go, Jason.
26:32And you know that.
26:42Okay, I won't go to Cates
26:44until we get the evidence.
26:51What are you doing?
26:53I'm going to get the evidence.
26:56From Valentin.
27:02What a wonderful man.
27:04You inherited the best parts of him.
27:07Yeah, well, that might not be all I inherited.
27:10There's a chance, it's a slim one,
27:13less than ten percent,
27:15that he may have passed down a predisposition to ALS.
27:19What if what happened to him...
27:22There's nothing we can do about it, right?
27:24I don't think so.
27:26Then if it happens,
27:28we deal with it then.
27:30Until then, we live our lives.
27:33But if it happens, I don't want that for you.
27:37I don't want you to have to take care of me.
27:42Elizabeth, I'm not going to drink again.
27:44I'm not going to take that risk.
28:06It really does seem empty here without him.
28:10Not just the room.
28:15Do you want me to keep you a little bit of company?
28:19Thank you.
28:21But I think I need a little more time alone.
28:23I understand.
28:53I need to go home.
28:55I need to go home.
28:58I need to go home.
29:07I need to go home.
29:15Please thank Aidan for the brownies.
29:18I will.
29:23See you tomorrow.
29:26I'll see you tomorrow.
29:39I'll see you tomorrow.
29:42How exactly are you going to get evidence incriminating Valentin from Valentin?
29:46Okay, Valentin's probably not running pikemen from his EOQ officers, so that leaves his house.
29:51But you think he has evidence like that lying around his home?
29:54Evidence that we need? Probably not.
29:56But it could lead to something and it's worth a shot.
29:58A shot is exactly what you will get when his security catches you breaking and entering.
30:03On top of that, Valentin will now know that he's blown.
30:06Yeah, well I'm pretty good at this.
30:08I know.
30:10But you weren't trained by the WSB.
30:12And Valentin was.
30:17Do you have another strategy?
30:23I think the only way we get solid proof that Valentin is running pikemen is if I get it.
30:29If you get it? How is you breaking in different than me breaking in?
30:33I don't have to break in. I'll be invited in.
30:36What, you don't think Valentin suspects that you're on to him?
30:40Of course he does.
30:42But he also loves me.
30:45I don't know how far that's going to get you.
30:48I think it's going to get me inside.
30:50And then when I'm in, I can get us the evidence that we need to bring him down.
30:59But I'm going to need time.
31:06I believe you.
31:10Tell Jason when you see him that I just want to make myself clear.
31:13I'm still angry and I want him out of the biz, but I did not try to have him killed.
31:19Why don't you tell Jason yourself?
31:22You know why.
31:24Because he's a traitor, right?
31:26Yeah, that's right.
31:28Except you know he's not.
31:30He's not your enemy.
31:32And you know that deep down, or why else would you be here?
31:38Chances of you inheriting ALS from your father are less than 10%, right?
31:41Yeah, but-
31:43Okay, so there's a greater chance of you getting it randomly. It could just as likely be me.
31:47Do not say that.
31:49Why not? It's true.
31:51Because I can't bear the thought of you going through what he did.
31:55What if I had ALS?
31:58Would you bail? Or would you stick around and take care of me?
32:03There are no wrong answers.
32:05Of course I would stay.
32:08You sure about that? Because I'm already a handful.
32:11Better or worse. In sickness and in health.
32:14Exactly. We are in this for the long haul.
32:18So whatever comes, whatever happens, we stick together.
32:23Okay then. We stick together.
32:41You know.
33:04If you really believe that Jason turned against you,
33:07you wouldn't give a damn if he thought that you tried to take him out.
33:13You still care about what Jason thinks.
33:17Jason is an FBI informant.
33:21In my world.
33:23That means you have no call, no honor.
33:29I don't want anything to do with him anymore.
33:41Anna, I'm sorry.
33:43Sounds like you're playing some kind of long game with Valentin.
33:46And I do not have that kind of time. I need to move right now.
33:50If you do that, you will tip our hat.
33:52I've been trying to get out from under the FBI for almost three years.
33:55You can't ask me to keep waiting anymore.
33:57I'm asking you to trust me.
33:59Anna, it's taken up so much...
34:01I'm telling you, Jason, that if you want to bring Valentin down,
34:04the only way to get him is for me to do it.
34:07Trust me.
34:10Is it too personal?
34:12I can do this.
34:18I can.
34:20But I need backup.
34:23And I need that to be you.
34:35We'll do it your way.
34:37We'll do it your way.
35:07We'll do it your way.
