General Hospital 06-3-2024 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 3th, June 2024

  • 4 months ago


00:00 [Gunshots]
00:07 [Gunshots]
00:17 [Gunshots]
00:27 [Music]
00:37 If Jason doesn't sell his half of Corrento's coffee to you, what do you plan on doing about it?
00:44 It's just business.
00:45 It's not business.
00:46 Yeah.
00:47 You made it personal when you insisted that Jason was your enemy.
00:49 Well, that's who he is now. He's working with the feds.
00:52 He was free to make a choice, right? How to handle it. I made mine.
00:57 You said what happens next is on Jason.
01:00 What the hell does that mean?
01:03 What did you do?
01:07 Wow! Oh my gosh. When you surprise a girl with dinner, you really go all out.
01:12 And my favorite chocolate cake for dessert. I can't believe you remembered that.
01:17 Well, to be fair, you talk about the chocolate cake a lot.
01:20 Yeah, because it's my favorite.
01:23 Not that I'm complaining, but what's the occasion?
01:26 Do I need an occasion to spoil you?
01:29 Okay, maybe there's a little something else going on here.
01:34 I know you've been having a hard time with what you saw at the wedding reception.
01:39 I just wanted to do something to show you that you're not alone.
01:43 I'm with you.
01:45 That's really sweet. Thank you, Allie.
01:47 You're welcome.
01:49 It has been hard lately. It's been really hard just facing the reality of who my dad actually is.
01:55 But talking to Dante helped so much because I could see that he really struggles with some of the same issues, you know?
02:00 I'm glad.
02:02 And also, being here with you, like this, makes me feel even better.
02:08 I feel so safe with you.
02:12 You know, I used to think the only person in this whole world who really understood me was my dad.
02:17 And now I know that's not true because I have you.
02:20 You do, you know. Have me.
02:23 I know.
02:26 Honestly, I'm just so glad that Molly doesn't know about this because if she did, she would be out of control.
02:33 And I just really cannot handle that.
02:37 What's wrong?
02:40 Molly does know. I told her.
02:46 Welcome to the first U.S. exhibition of the work of Lagos-based Harriet Nakaya, exclusively at the Jerome Gallery, when...
02:57 When...
02:59 Damn it.
03:04 Welcome to the fir...
03:15 Oh, hi. I hope this isn't a bad time, is it?
03:20 You did a good job keeping up with me on your walk.
03:24 Now you should get some rest.
03:26 Being in a hospital is like being in a casino.
03:30 You have no idea what time it is.
03:33 Your stab wound may be healing, but your obliques need to regain their length and flexibility with two or three walks a day.
03:41 Maybe tomorrow you'll make it outside.
03:43 It's always good to have a go.
03:51 There's a disturbance on the first floor. They need my help.
03:55 Oh, take your time. I'm not going anywhere.
03:59 We'll be fine.
04:02 Thank you.
04:31 [door slams]
04:34 [door opens]
04:37 [door closes]
04:40 [door opens]
04:43 [door closes]
04:46 [door slams]
04:49 [door opens]
04:52 [door closes]
04:55 [door opens]
04:58 [door closes]
05:01 [door opens]
05:04 [door closes]
05:07 [door opens]
05:10 You seem to have a dead man on your floor.
05:12 It's the second shooter, but he got away.
05:14 Did you get a look at him?
05:15 Uh, no. I was too busy returning fire.
05:20 Any idea who sent them?
05:22 I mean, you got here right after the shooting stopped.
05:26 That's perfect timing.
05:28 Unless you're watching the place.
05:30 What?
05:32 No, it's a coincidence.
05:34 I was coming over here to get more details about Sonny attacking Dex.
05:38 I heard shots and I drew my weapon.
05:41 You better call this in.
05:45 I guess someone beat me to it.
05:50 I don't have to explain myself to you after all your lies and broken promises.
05:53 I never lied to you about Jason.
05:55 Okay, just broken promises. Is that better?
05:57 You know what I think?
05:59 I'm sure I'm going to hear it.
06:00 You still haven't made up your mind about Jason.
06:02 Deep down, you still trust him.
06:05 You might want to hate him, but you still trust him.
06:08 Is that what you think?
06:09 Wait a second.
06:11 You came here for the reality check you knew I would give you, so here it is.
06:16 You've never had a friend like Jason, and you never will.
06:21 And even now, even now, after everything you've accused him of, he still has your back.
06:26 And you know it. Deep down, you feel it.
06:30 Do I?
06:32 You know why you're struggling with all of this?
06:36 Because you can't erase Jason from your life.
06:39 And if we're both being honest, you don't want to.
06:43 I didn't come here to bare my soul to you, but...
06:47 I'm going upstairs to see Blaze.
06:52 Are you serious?
06:54 Please tell me you're not going up there to ask Blaze to defend you to Christina.
06:59 I'm so sorry. I... telling Molly was a complete accident.
07:06 How? How does someone say something like that by accident, Allie?
07:12 Well, I ran into Molly outside of Bobby's.
07:14 At first, it was a totally normal conversation, but then she wanted to talk about what happened with you at the wedding,
07:20 so I thought she knew about your dad, but it turns out she was just fishing.
07:23 Of course she was! Of course she was just fishing! That's what Molly does!
07:27 She gets information out of people. She's a lawyer. She's a damn good one, too.
07:31 I cannot believe you fell for that!
07:35 Look, look, okay, look. She could tell from my reaction that something had happened,
07:40 and I was afraid that if I didn't tell her, she would just ask you and it would upset you even more.
07:45 So I told her what your dad did to Dex and that you witnessed it and that you called me from the ladies room.
07:51 Why didn't you tell me about this right away?
07:52 Because I didn't want to make it a bigger thing than it was, and I completely assured her that you and the baby are fine.
07:57 I highly doubt that she believes you.
08:00 Molly and TJ are already convinced that I'm not responsible enough to take care of this child as it is.
08:05 Now, this is definitely not going to help.
08:07 I'm so sorry, Christina. Look, if I could take it back, I would.
08:10 Oh my God, this is really bad.
08:11 Allie, Molly is an ADA. She has the power to prosecute my father even if Dex doesn't file charges himself.
08:18 She seemed completely fine when we said goodbye. She didn't seem upset at all.
08:22 I mean, in fact, she said that she was headed to your mom's house.
08:25 I mean, didn't you see her there? Did she say anything about it?
08:28 No, Allie, she didn't. She said nothing. And that makes it even worse.
08:34 I assume you're here to see Sonny. Well, he isn't home yet.
08:39 I'm expecting him very shortly, though, so you're welcome to wait if you like.
08:42 Um, yeah, okay, thanks.
08:44 Come on in.
08:46 Can I get you a drink or something?
08:51 Oh, no, thank you. I actually come bearing alcohol because I remember that single malt scotch that Sonny liked so much,
08:56 so I just picked him up a bottle. Just, you know, to say thank you for inviting me to the quartermaid wedding.
09:01 I bet it's so thoughtful.
09:06 Well, I hear it was a very, uh, lively affair.
09:11 Especially the reception.
09:13 Was it?
09:15 [♪♪♪]
09:18 [♪♪♪]
09:20 [♪♪♪]
09:22 [♪♪♪]
09:49 [♪♪♪]
10:18 [♪♪♪]
10:21 [♪♪♪]
10:23 And who did you get this information from? How much did it cost?
10:27 Well, suddenly money's an object? Nothing. It was completely free.
10:32 And it came from Carly Spencer.
10:34 Well, now you got my attention.
10:37 Carly came to visit me at Pensonville.
10:40 She wanted information, but instead she let something of her own slip.
10:45 I know which three-letter agency is investigating Pike.
10:50 FBI.
10:52 You heard that from Carly Spencer?
10:54 Seems the FBI relocated an agent to Port Charles,
10:59 specifically for this assignment.
11:01 John Cates.
11:03 Yeah, I'm aware of his presence.
11:05 Well, you're good with numbers, Val. Do the math.
11:08 If the FBI took the trouble to bring Agent Cates here,
11:11 we can safely assume they're also the ones responsible for creating Alan Jacobs,
11:16 aka Jason Morgan, and having him infiltrate Pikeman.
11:21 So now we know that Jason Morgan is reporting to the FBI.
11:25 Yeah, sorry for the delay.
11:29 Okay. Uh...
11:32 Right. Let's just start from the beginning, shall we?
11:35 Yeah.
11:36 Well, you, uh, you know everything I already know.
11:40 I was working when two men I didn't recognize came into the warehouse.
11:44 They opened fire. I fired back. One's dead, and the other one ran away.
11:49 Do you have any idea who might have sent the gunmen?
11:52 No.
11:54 Has anyone threatened to kill you?
11:58 Ever?
11:59 Recently. Say, when it could have been overheard by witnesses,
12:03 like outside the MetroCorp ballroom, for instance.
12:06 Okay. Not another word.
12:10 I'm sorry, Commissioner. I tried to stop him.
12:12 It's fine. I can handle it, don't worry.
12:14 Um, you were fast.
12:16 My client called on the way here, and I happen to be in the area,
12:19 so I would like a word with him alone.
12:21 Sure.
12:22 That's fine.
12:23 I'll check with forensics and see if the cops on the scene have turned up anything.
12:27 Thank you.
12:28 Who tried to kill you?
12:33 There's two shooters.
12:35 One's dead, and one ran away, but you need to get to Sonny and warn him.
12:38 The cops are gonna come to question him.
12:43 I don't need your permission to tell me what's best for my daughter.
12:46 Sonny, come on. Wait.
12:48 I know how much you love Christina, and how much you care about that baby.
12:52 But if you pressure Blaze to intervene with Christina,
12:56 you are only going to push Christina further away.
12:59 You have to let Christina reach out to you first.
13:03 What if she doesn't?
13:04 It might take longer than you would want,
13:08 but you have to let Christina come to terms with this on her own,
13:11 and she will definitely contact you.
13:13 Despite what she saw you do, Christina loves you fiercely,
13:17 and that just doesn't go away.
13:19 But if you try to manipulate Blaze into talking to Christina,
13:23 Christina is going to find out.
13:25 And she's gonna see it as you going behind her back,
13:27 and that's just gonna make everything worse.
13:29 I know what's best for my daughter.
13:33 Excuse me.
13:40 [phone ringing]
13:42 Brick, can this wait?
13:50 How many shots for fire?
13:55 Cops there?
13:57 Alright, thanks for letting me know. I'll handle it.
14:03 [ominous music]
14:05 Doesn't the fact that Molly didn't bring up what Sunny did to Dex
14:11 mean that she trusts you and--
14:12 Trusts me?
14:13 They don't even trust me to go to the grocery store or take a yoga class.
14:17 You think, you think that they're gonna be okay with the fact
14:20 that I have been hiding from them?
14:21 That I freaked out in a public restroom
14:23 after seeing my father brutally attack someone?
14:26 We don't even know that Molly told TJ.
14:28 Oh, she told TJ.
14:29 If she hasn't yet, she's about to.
14:32 Oh, this is so bad, Allie!
14:34 Now they're gonna start putting more restrictions on me with the pregnancy.
14:36 I know you're worried about a lot of things right now, okay?
14:38 Your, your dad and the baby, but please don't let yourself spin out.
14:42 Molly and TJ are rational people.
14:44 I try to--
14:45 You don't know them like I do.
14:46 Christina--
14:47 No!
14:48 Allie, I trusted you. I trusted you more than anyone.
14:52 And you have completely betrayed me.
14:54 [ominous music]
14:56 [door opens]
14:57 [door closes]
14:59 [door slams]
15:02 Sonny just ordered a hit on you, and you're worried about me warning him?
15:05 You're his lawyer, Diane. It's your job.
15:07 I'm also your lawyer.
15:09 And right now I am much more worried about keeping you alive
15:12 than I am about warning the man who just tried to have you killed.
15:15 [phone rings]
15:17 [phone rings]
15:21 You should answer it. Go ahead.
15:24 [phone rings]
15:26 It's Diane.
15:29 Rick just told me there's trouble at the, the coffee warehouse.
15:32 Um, yeah, I need you to meet me there.
15:35 I'm sorry. I'm with another client at the moment.
15:38 Hang on.
15:40 Is that Sonny?
15:42 He wants me to meet him at the coffee warehouse.
15:44 Okay, go. I'm gonna be fine.
15:45 You just shot and killed a man.
15:47 Now you claim it was self-defense, but there's no guarantee the police
15:50 are going to believe you. In fact, it's more likely that they won't.
15:53 Anna is going to release me or she's not. Either way, I'm going to be fine.
15:56 Sonny might not be. He could say something incriminating
15:58 if you're not there to protect him.
16:00 [gasps]
16:02 I'll just assume you know what you're doing.
16:05 I'm on my way.
16:08 All right. See you there.
16:10 Diane.
16:17 Thank you.
16:21 I want you to think about something.
16:23 While you are in here worrying about Sonny,
16:25 how do you know he's not planning another hit on you?
16:28 Take it that means you didn't stay for the reception.
16:39 Oh, I did. Um, Sonny insisted that I see the Metro Court Gardens
16:42 all decked out for the party, so, yeah, I couldn't say no.
16:46 Did you enjoy yourself?
16:48 It was an interesting evening.
16:51 You know, Sonny knew everybody, but I only knew my daughter
16:55 and Christina, of course.
16:57 And did you stay till the very end?
17:00 I don't know when Allison and Christina left,
17:03 but I started to get tired and Sonny was off socializing,
17:06 and I just thought, you know, maybe I shouldn't overstate my welcome,
17:08 so I went up to bed.
17:10 Well, it sounds like everybody had a lovely time.
17:13 And it must have been nice for Sonny to see Blaze and Christina
17:16 so happy together.
17:19 Just between the two of us,
17:22 Christina has been a bit of a problem child over the years.
17:27 Really?
17:29 Yeah, she's made some bad decisions.
17:33 But luckily, your daughter is not one of them.
17:37 Well, I mean, while we're sharing, um...
17:41 I have to say that their relationship is
17:46 a little too unconventional for my liking.
17:51 In what way?
17:54 Well, they're not really a normal couple, are they?
17:58 Christina's pregnant with her sister's baby.
18:02 She's holding hands with Allison out in public.
18:04 I'm scared to death that somebody's going to take a picture
18:06 and sell it to the tabloids because my daughter's career is just taking off.
18:09 It's going to be such a scandal.
18:11 Would it be?
18:13 It's 2024.
18:15 I think most people seem pretty comfortable with both those things.
18:19 And since you and Sonny have struck up a friendship,
18:22 you should know career worries aside,
18:25 Sonny is completely supportive of Christina in every way.
18:30 Sexual identity includes...
18:33 It's a...
18:35 Fan of the...
18:37 [thunder]
18:39 Christina? Christina!
18:42 Hi. Oh, hi.
18:44 Sorry, Carly, I was totally in my own head there for a minute.
18:47 That's okay. I know you have a lot on your mind.
18:49 Yeah, I do.
18:51 Baby brain. It's a real thing.
18:53 I mean, I used to go to the freezer to get some ice cream,
18:55 and I'd open the door and I'd just stand there staring,
18:58 wondering what I went there for,
19:00 and the ice cream is sitting right there.
19:01 [laughs]
19:03 [sighs]
19:05 Are you feeling okay?
19:07 Yeah, I feel good with the baby.
19:11 Honestly, whenever I feel it kicking or moving around
19:18 or making me uncomfortable,
19:21 it's kind of nice because I know it's safe and healthy.
19:26 I know it sounds weird.
19:28 It doesn't sound weird. It sounds perfect.
19:31 It's crazy how much I care about this little life growing inside of me.
19:34 Considering it's not mine.
19:36 But it is mine. I mean, it's mine for 9 months.
19:41 Right?
19:43 I think it's amazing what you're doing for your sister.
19:47 It's selfless.
19:49 And, you know, this little baby may be your niece or nephew one day,
19:55 but it's always going to be a part of you.
20:00 Thank you for saying that, Carly.
20:04 Just like you're always going to be a part of your father.
20:08 We already knew that Jason Morgan was working with one of the agencies.
20:12 All Carly has done is confirmed it was the FBI.
20:16 Glad you're taking the news so well.
20:19 But it does present a problem.
20:21 If Jason knows you're heading up Pike, but he doesn't,
20:25 otherwise they'd be sharing a cell with you.
20:28 And don't do anything to draw attention to yourself.
20:32 Leave Jason Morgan well alone.
20:37 I just saw Diane leaving.
20:40 Do you want to postpone this conversation until she can be present for it?
20:44 Do I need her?
20:45 Well, at least you're right.
20:47 I encourage you to protect yourself.
20:49 I'm fine.
20:53 Okay.
20:56 We found the dead guy's ID.
20:58 We put him through the system and wouldn't you know, he's had multiple run-ins with law enforcement.
21:02 And he's a low-level member of an organization with ties to the big guys downstate.
21:08 You recognize him?
21:12 I've been away for a long time.
21:14 I'll take that as a yes.
21:16 Which makes sense, seeing as though our departed friends organization has done business with Sonny in the past.
21:22 Yeah, like I said.
21:23 You've been away a long time.
21:27 I don't believe that this man was a stranger to you.
21:31 I think you know exactly who he worked for.
21:35 Why don't you just say it?
21:37 It was Sonny who tried to have you killed.
21:43 You need to stay out of our way and let us do our jobs.
21:45 What are you talking about?
21:46 This is my place.
21:47 I want to check the damage, I'll check the damage.
21:49 Sonny!
21:50 Sonny, I have advised you not to speak to the police.
21:53 Where have you been? I've been waiting for you.
21:56 I got here as fast as I could.
21:59 Diane Miller, Mr. Corintho's attorney.
22:02 Detective Bennett, please be advised that your client is a person of interest.
22:06 For what crime?
22:08 Surely not this, because Mr. Corintho's wasn't even in the building when shots were fired.
22:13 So how can he be a person of interest?
22:15 You'll be able to get more information down at the station.
22:17 Fine. I would like to speak with my client first, however.
22:21 Oh, please tell me you're not thinking of denying Mr. Corintho's his right to speak with his attorney,
22:28 because that's not going to end well for you.
22:30 Fine. Just make it quick.
22:33 Oh, okay.
22:43 You know I cannot help you unless you tell me the truth.
22:48 Were you responsible for that?
22:50 No, Ben. I don't know what happened tonight, but I can tell you this.
22:57 I had nothing to do with it. I wasn't even here.
23:00 Jason uses this place as his office. Maybe you should ask him the same question.
23:05 Well, Jason was here tonight when two armed men broke in and started shooting at him,
23:09 one of whom ended up very dead.
23:12 Now look, Sonny, if you want me to represent you to the very best of my ability,
23:16 you have to tell me everything I need to know before those cops take you into custody.
23:22 Sit down.
23:31 Sit.
23:38 Come on.
23:40 Come on.
23:41 I've told you all I know.
23:52 Do you have a-
23:53 -doctors.
23:58 She's currently starring in-
24:00 -the-
24:01 How many bullets are you going to take for him?
24:06 No, really, I-I-I get loyalty. I understand it.
24:11 But I thought you were smarter than this.
24:13 You're looking out for Sonny and he's off sending people to kill you.
24:18 When does it end?
24:20 And how much blood will be shed before it does?
24:23 You know, I'm meeting a very interesting side to you.
24:34 You've got issues, Jack, and I'm not just talking about the stitches in your stomach from your freshly self-inflicted stab wound.
24:41 I think you need to relax.
24:46 I think you need to learn how to delegate and trust other people.
24:50 You know, you're forgetting how you got where you are and the people that helped you do it.
24:56 It took you a long time to get the top valve,
24:59 but it'll only take you, oh, seconds to fall all the way back down.
25:06 Are we threatening each other?
25:09 I'm going to assume those are the painkillers talking.
25:12 So you heal up and let me take care of everything.
25:16 You know, we don't even know what Jason tells Agent Cates about Pikeman's overseas operations.
25:23 Assuming he knows anything, he may not.
25:26 May not. You want to put our entire operation at risk over "may not"?
25:32 Jason Morgan was smart enough to infiltrate Pikeman without getting caught.
25:37 If he puts the pieces together...
25:40 Okay, calm down. Will you calm down?
25:42 Once Jason Morgan figures things out, assuming he does,
25:46 Sonny will have already taken him off the chessboard and saved us both.
25:50 The truth.
25:55 Is Astra really 100% natural?
25:57 [Astro Space Hero theme]
26:09 It's not a challenge.
26:14 You don't have to go far away to get away.
26:18 Take a trip down the block to Kelsey's.
26:20 Why not come try our delicious shrimp, chicken, or steak fajitas?
26:25 And Corona on tap.
26:27 Kelsey's. The original roadhouse.
26:29 I don't know how long my guard will be occupied.
26:32 Back to my room before he does.
26:34 Okay, but can we get one thing straight?
26:38 Once Sonny eliminates Jason, I will get word to you in Pentonville.
26:41 Until then, we are not to talk to one another.
26:44 So what am I supposed to do?
26:47 Stab myself again, the next time I want some fresh air?
26:50 Jack, you're an enterprising fellow. Find something to do.
26:52 Join a book club. Make a friend.
26:54 God, that would be fine.
26:57 You've been stolen for months.
27:00 Now when the hell are you going to get the charges against me?
27:02 We're drunk as fuck.
27:04 I hear you. I hear you.
27:06 I just need a little bit more patience, my friend.
27:09 Because if we shine light on the WSB-Pipeman connection,
27:12 it's going to backfire. It's all going to blow up in our face.
27:16 Stay strong. Be patient.
27:20 I've got everything under control.
27:24 Okay, so obviously you know what's going on between my dad and me.
27:28 Yeah. Can we sit?
27:43 Jason called me right after he broke up the fight.
27:47 He told me that you saw Sunny attack Dex and then threatened to kill him.
27:54 Yeah, so then you also know that everything Jocelyn ever said about my dad is true.
27:59 And I'm so stupid for even arguing with her because she was right all along.
28:03 Okay, I love my daughter more than anything, but Jocelyn has her own issues with Sunny.
28:08 It doesn't even matter what Jocelyn said.
28:10 I know what I saw, and I keep seeing it over and over and over again.
28:15 Watching my dad be so violent and just out of control.
28:20 That must have been so awful for you. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, especially now.
28:25 Well, I think it's something that all of Sunny's kids have to go through eventually.
28:29 Right?
28:30 I mean, you know that more than anyone with Michael.
28:34 I'm just the idiot that took so long to finally see the truth.
28:37 Christina, you're not an idiot.
28:38 No, I'm not anymore, because now my eyes are wide open.
28:42 And whether Dex files charges against my father or not, I will never forget what I saw my dad do.
28:50 So now I'm just ashamed I didn't admit what I saw right in front of me sooner.
28:58 That's because you wanted to see the truth.
29:01 [audio cuts out]
29:04 TV app. Download now and stream.
29:07 After.
29:08 That's a price tag everyone will love.
29:10 We need to hug.
29:11 No, I'm not a prude.
29:13 Whatever people do behind closed doors, that's their own business.
29:16 I just feel like gay people or whatever alphabet soup they're calling themselves these days, they just, they're flighty.
29:25 They're just not very serious about life.
29:29 I don't think that's true at all.
29:32 Well, you just said so yourself that Christina's had a lot of problems, made bad decisions.
29:37 Well, years ago, when she was younger, you could say the same thing about a lot of straight people, too.
29:43 Christina's really gotten herself together.
29:46 She works hard.
29:47 She's very serious about her baby.
29:50 Okay, but see, that choice of words is very interesting because it's not really her baby now, is it?
29:57 Well, not in the way that you're talking about, no.
30:02 Right, so she's going to be pregnant for nine months, give birth, and then just hand the baby over.
30:09 See, to me, it just seems like Christina and Allison just think, "Oh, wouldn't it be so fun to have a baby as long as we don't have to do any of the hard work or be serious about it?"
30:19 You know, like, what are they going to do?
30:21 They're going to visit the child every once in a while or, I don't know, take it to an amusement park sometimes?
30:27 I'm so sorry if this offends you, but I think that is just a very unfortunate way to look at this beautiful thing that Christina is doing for her sister.
30:38 Okay, well, you're entitled to your opinion, as am I.
30:42 I do try to stay open-minded. It's just that if my way of thinking is considered old-fashioned, then, you know, so be it.
30:54 I know how deep your loyalty to Sonny gets. I do.
31:02 I used to look at him through rose-colored glasses myself at one point. But what if the person you used to know no longer exists?
31:12 Or worse, it was an illusion all along, and Sonny never really was the man you believed him to be.
31:21 Yes?
31:25 Forensics thought you'd want to see what they found on the assailant, Commissioner.
31:29 Thank you. Thank you.
31:32 [door opens]
31:33 Looks like a burner phone.
31:37 Yeah. It's very useful to report back to whoever it was that ordered you to make the kill.
31:43 How good do you feel when you start your day with silk? When you--
31:49 Would you do me a favor and make sure that Sonny gets my gift?
31:52 Yeah, of course. Let me walk you out.
31:54 Okay.
32:00 Well, I enjoyed our chat. We should do it again sometime.
32:04 Mm-hmm. Perhaps.
32:28 I just feel like gay people, or whatever alphabet soup they're calling themselves these days, they just--they're flighty.
32:37 They're just not very serious about life.
32:41 I married a complicated man, and I knew that going in.
32:52 And without making excuses for Sonny, he was capable of many things. Great love, great anger.
32:59 I watched Sonny have incredible highs and amazing lows, but he was never downright cruel.
33:07 And he always had a reason for doing what he did. And he never hurt someone just because he could.
33:13 But do you think that he's the same man now, or do you think that he's changed?
33:21 That's hard to answer because we're not as close as we used to be.
33:25 So I don't know, but what I do know is the bond that you have with him.
33:31 Your father loves you more than anything. He bragged about you all the time.
33:37 I mean, he would give up his life for you.
33:42 So you have to decide how much that matters, and where it fits in to the relationship you have with Sonny, along with all the stuff you've learned about him recently.
33:55 What if it doesn't fit at all?
33:58 Then you're gonna have to really think about can you live your life without your dad.
34:11 I've been trying to figure out what those guys wanted, but nothing makes any sense.
34:14 I mean, we're a coffee warehouse. It's not like, you know, we have product here that anybody wants to steal.
34:21 And we don't keep a large amount of cash here.
34:24 We do have small bills for cash expenses.
34:30 But there they are. Everything's right there. You see that, Diane?
34:35 Okay, alright. So it wasn't about the money?
34:36 No.
34:37 They must have had some other target in mind.
34:40 Whatever they wanted, they didn't get it.
34:42 And Jason made them pay for breaking in.
34:48 So why is it my problem?
34:52 Miss Bing?
35:06 Miss Bing?
35:07 Only one number in the call history.
35:16 I'd really like to know who it belongs to.
35:21 Is it done?
35:29 Just tell me if it's been done.
35:33 [♪♪♪]
35:36 [♪♪♪]
35:38 [♪♪♪]
35:41 [♪♪♪]
35:43 [♪♪♪]
35:45 (dramatic music)
35:47 (dramatic music)
