General Hospital 6-12-24 FULL NEW 720HD || ABC GH - General Hospital 12th, June 2024

  • 4 months ago


00:00Just what do you think you're doing?
00:04I am the tanning butler.
00:10And how do I know that you're qualified?
00:13You just may have to trust me.
00:18I love seeing my daughter hard at work.
00:21I'm just trying to schedule a swimming lesson.
00:24You must be Giovanni.
00:25I'm Carly Spencer.
00:26I wanted to welcome you.
00:28Nice to meet you.
00:29Please call me Gio.
00:30Well, Olivia can't stop singing your praises.
00:32I've only heard good things.
00:34I'll take the compliments, but my Aunt Olivia might be a tiny bit biased in my favor.
00:39Hey, I don't think so.
00:40I think you're doing so good as a pool attendant, even if it is a waste of your talent.
00:48Thank you for coming.
00:50No problem.
00:51What's going on?
00:52What's going on?
00:53What's going on?
00:54Well, quite a bit, actually, ever since the invader printed that article about me trying
01:00to get Heather freed from prison.
01:06I have a really hard time believing that you had anything to do with that, but it's your
01:14Well, I'm still editor-in-chief, but the culprit for that particular piece was Adrian DeWitt
01:21and his insatiable appetite for clickbait headlines.
01:24Okay, well, it is definitely clickbait, but the information that I had requested Heather's
01:33court records, that was leaked.
01:37Seems likely.
01:39And while I don't approve of Adrian's tactics at all, I do believe in freedom of the press.
01:45So do I.
01:47But the First Amendment does not allow us to scream fire in a crowded theater.
01:52Well, I don't think that's quite what happened.
01:56This headline was intended to get people riled up, and it was successful, by the way.
02:02Well, on a related topic, you said you were not able to give me an answer about whether
02:09or not there'd be a pathway to reopen Heather's case without reading her court files.
02:15So, as per your request.
02:20Gio is an amazing musician, and I'm sure he could be doing something other than folding
02:26No, I'm actually enjoying folding towels.
02:28It's easy work, and you can't beat the MetroCorp pool for ambiance.
02:33Um, well, welcome.
02:35If you'll excuse me.
02:41Who's that guy?
02:42I remember him from the wedding.
02:43Jason Morgan.
02:45He looks familiar.
02:46I feel like I've seen him somewhere.
02:48Besides the wedding.
02:50Maybe in a photo at the quartermaids.
02:53Used to be one.
02:55Thank God.
02:57Where have you been?
02:58Did you get my messages?
02:59Oh, I got all your messages.
03:00And your texts.
03:01Didn't you get my text back that I was okay?
03:03Yes, but you never admit when you're hurt.
03:05But I wasn't hurt.
03:06But you could have been.
03:07You were almost killed.
03:08I had to see for myself that you were okay.
03:11You're seeing me now.
03:12Two days after the fact.
03:13Where did you go?
03:15I thought you were going to disappear again.
03:19Hi, Mom.
03:20Will you let me know if you hear from Christina?
03:22I'm not worried.
03:24I just want to know how she's doing.
03:27Love you.
03:34Why, uh, why ask your mom about Christina?
03:36Why not bypass Alexis and ask Christina directly?
03:40It's, um, not, not that simple.
03:45Why not?
03:47I've been keeping something from you.
03:50And I feel terrible about it.
03:52Our relationship has always been built on trust.
03:54And I, I don't want that to stop now.
03:58It's about Christina.
03:59And you have every right to know.
04:02Mr. Corinthos.
04:03Hi, Glaze.
04:04Is Christina here?
04:07Ali, what?
04:12Can I come in?
04:14I just want to talk to you.
04:18Can I come in?
04:21I just want to talk to you.
04:34How are you?
04:37Tired, but I guess that's to be expected.
04:40You look beautiful.
04:42I'm going to go take care of some things.
04:44No, no, you go ahead and stay.
04:45I need to, I need you to hear this.
04:51I owe you an apology.
04:54What you saw between Dex and me at the wedding that night was unacceptable.
05:06It was ugly.
05:07It was vicious.
05:11And I never wanted you to see that part of me.
05:16But I did see it.
05:18But I did see it.
05:19But I did see it.
05:20But I did see it.
05:21But I did see it.
05:23I'm sorry.
05:24I'm sorry.
05:25I'm sorry.
05:26I'm sorry.
05:27I'm sorry.
05:28I'm sorry.
05:29I'm sorry.
05:30I'm sorry.
05:31I'm sorry.
05:32I'm sorry.
05:33I'm sorry.
05:34I'm sorry.
05:35I'm sorry.
05:36I'm sorry.
05:37I'm sorry.
05:38I'm sorry.
05:39I'm sorry.
05:40I'm sorry.
05:41I'm sorry.
05:42I'm sorry.
05:43I'm sorry.
05:44I'm sorry.
05:45I'm sorry.
05:46I'm sorry.
05:47I'm sorry.
05:48I'm sorry.
05:49I'm sorry.
05:50I'm sorry.
05:52I can't stop thinking about it.
05:56I had a lot of rage that night.
05:59I don't know what got into me.
06:02I know it's not an excuse.
06:05I'm responsible for my words and my actions.
06:11And I'm sorry.
06:14It should have never happened.
06:16And then when I followed you, I only followed you because I wanted to explain to you.
06:24And then I got to you and you were crying.
06:30And I went to touch you and you backed away and it's like you were scared of me.
06:34And I never want that.
06:37That's not, you know.
06:40I was shocked.
06:42It hurt me bad.
06:45But I don't, look, I don't blame you for that.
06:48I understand that that's not how a father should act.
06:51That's not how I should act.
06:57And I know that you were there to comfort her and everything and I appreciate that and I thank you for that.
07:04I'm just glad I was there.
07:08I have some calls to make.
07:12Is it okay if I use the kitchen?
07:15Yeah, go ahead. It's fine.
07:32I know we've always been honest with each other.
07:40You tell me you want me to leave and never come back, I will.
07:46I had coffee business.
07:50Yes, really. I met with a coffee broker in New York and right when I got back, Jake called.
07:54Jake called?
07:56Yeah, Elizabeth, she had a little bit of a situation and he wanted me to help her.
08:01Is she okay?
08:03I think she will be.
08:05I mean, I know it's a big deal that Jake reached out to you. I know that made you happy.
08:12Yeah, I'm just glad he trusted me enough to call.
08:17Me too.
08:19So are you going to explain to me what happened at the warehouse, please?
08:22I thought Sonny told you.
08:24Sonny showed up at my place and he told me that an attempt had been made on your life, that you were okay and he wasn't responsible.
08:29And I think he's being honest, by the way.
08:31No, he is. The gunman had nothing to do with Sonny.
08:33Oh, God. Well, then who sent him?
08:38They look pretty intense.
08:40Why not?
08:41Because I don't want you.
08:43Oh, yeah, my mom's probably talking him into doing something he doesn't want to do.
08:48Does that happen a lot?
08:50It happens pretty often, yeah. I mean, they're best friends.
08:55And I don't think Jason's going to be spending too much time at the pool, but if he does, everything should be calmed.
09:01He's like the ultimate VIP.
09:04This is interesting.
09:06Do you see grounds to reopen her case?
09:08Oh, Laura, I can't say for sure. I mean, I'd have to spend a lot more time studying this.
09:13But I do think, potentially, there's grounds for appeal.
09:18That's good news. I'm glad to hear it.
09:21To be clear, that does not mean that I wish to excuse Heather from all the heinous crimes she committed.
09:28I do think that she should be punished, but if she was not in control of her actions at the time...
09:35As I've said before, she pled guilty, the judge sentenced her, but all of that was before she was diagnosed with metalosis.
09:43Yes, exactly. So nobody knew that her crimes were being influenced by, or perhaps even created by, the cobalt poisoning.
09:52That that was something that was completely out of her control, correct? So why can't you use that to somehow craft an argument?
10:00I'm going to have to stop you. I can't do anything. I'm not a lawyer anymore.
10:07And if by the way things went in Albany, I'll probably never be a lawyer again. So you're going to have to find somebody else.
10:15But do you think it's worth pursuing?
10:17I think a good lawyer would argue that there are legitimate grounds to reopen Heather's case.
10:26The closed captioning of this program is brought to you by...
10:28It's just so relaxing.
10:31It really is. The sun feels so good. I could do this all day.
10:36I'll do it if you will.
10:38Deal. It was really nice of Mama Q to comp us.
10:41So nice. Yeah, I mean, I don't want to sound ungrateful. It's really terrific that the Core Domains let us use their pool, but...
10:48Yeah, no, no, no. I totally get it. When we're there, it still feels like we're working. Here, other people have to serve us.
10:56Um, speaking of, my man? Could I get, uh, two mock mojitos, please?
11:02Yeah, coming right up.
11:03Thank you.
11:04Oh, and getting some drinks is the least that I can do to thank this lovely lady for all the delicious meals I've enjoyed already.
11:10I really like the salmon with capers.
11:13I take that as high praise. I know you've had cerullos and falconeries cooking for you your whole life.
11:19Exactly. I know good food, and yours is just excellent.
11:26Sonny attacked Dex, threatened to kill him, and Christina saw the whole thing.
11:30Christina idolizes her father. That can't have been easy for her.
11:33She ran out of the room crying hysterically. She wound up sobbing on the bathroom floor.
11:38She was able to call for Blaze, who came to get her, took Christina back to her hotel room, and took care of her.
11:43And the baby?
11:44Thankfully, our baby is fine.
11:46How long have you known about this?
11:48Not long. I didn't even find out until days after it happened.
11:51And from Christina?
11:53No. I mean, I guess I can understand why the ADA and Sonny committed multiple crimes that night.
11:58I'm sure Christina knew that telling me would just put me in a bad position.
12:01Molly, how did you find out about this?
12:03I ran into Blaze, asked how Christina was doing, and just the way that she answered, I could tell something was off.
12:10So I pried it out of her.
12:12Not my proudest moment interrogating my sister's girlfriend, but it worked.
12:16Yeah, okay. I'm glad to hear that.
12:18Not my proudest moment interrogating my sister's girlfriend, but it worked.
12:22Yeah, okay. Thank you for finally telling me.
12:25Well, where are you going?
12:26Where do you think?
12:27Someone needs to remind his sister that this baby she's so careless with, that it's ours.
12:32TJ, no. No, no, no. That's not going to make the situation any better.
12:35And it's okay now, okay? Nothing really happened.
12:37Plenty could have, okay?
12:41What if Christina tried to physically intervene?
12:43You know how emotional she gets. You know that she acts without thinking.
12:46Her, she could have been hurt. Our baby could have been hurt.
12:49Sonny is out of control. He is dangerous to anyone that comes in this orbit.
12:55I'm done. I'm done.
12:58Until this baby's born, Christina has to stay away from her father.
13:03People always warned me about you.
13:05Told me that I wasn't seeing things clearly, that I didn't really know you.
13:10But I was sure that I knew you better than anyone else.
13:15And that is why I reacted so strongly that night.
13:19Because I couldn't even fathom that that man I saw attacking Dex was the same loving father that I had grown up with my whole life.
13:29I'm sorry that you had to see that. I really am, honey.
13:32Yeah, I am too.
13:35Seeing you commit that violence, hearing you scream those threats, it's like I was watching a stranger.
13:42Half of me saying that's not my father and I must be hallucinating it or dreaming it.
13:48And the other half of me knew, no, this is real. This is real.
13:53And then I realized that everything anyone has ever said about you was right.
14:01They were right all along.
14:04I don't blame you for feeling that way, but that's not who I am.
14:11You say that, but I don't know.
14:14What happened that night?
14:17Dex worked for me. He betrayed me. He showed up at the wedding.
14:22Walking around like a peacock.
14:26Like he belonged.
14:29Talking to family.
14:32And friends.
14:35Like he was just the, you know, the guy.
14:42I told him.
14:47To stay away from me.
14:50And he refused.
14:54So I walked away.
14:57Grabbed my arm.
14:59And I snapped.
15:03I'm not proud of it.
15:08But I lost my temper. It's the same damn temper that I've been trying to get rid of my whole life.
15:14I lost control.
15:18But that's never gonna happen again.
15:22I understand losing your temper. I have one too.
15:25I assume I got it from you.
15:28You're my daughter.
15:30You're the best part of me.
15:35And I just wanted to come here.
15:38And let you know that I...
15:42That I need you.
15:46And I love you.
15:49And I love you.
15:52And that I want you to know that I would never hurt you.
16:00I have to ask you something.
16:02Please don't lie to me.
16:10When you said...
16:13When you said you were gonna kill Jason and Dex, did you mean it?
16:21A day in the life of your dog's mouth.
16:23Everything that happened, I knew I had to make it right with Dex.
16:27We talked.
16:29We struck a truce and we came to the agreement.
16:31He can live his life as free as he wants and I'm not gonna interfere.
16:36So you came to a truce. That's not exactly peace.
16:38Well, the next step is up to Dex.
16:41He knows where I stand, but that's... He's not what's important here.
16:44You are. There's nothing more important to me than you.
16:49Nothing, and I mean nothing, is worth the cost of losing you.
16:59I don't want to lose you either, Dad.
17:02It's not gonna happen. Ever.
17:05Because I... You know what?
17:07Even if you never want to see me again, I'm still gonna be your father.
17:13I'll cheer you from afar. I'll root for you.
17:17For your happiness.
17:19I'm gonna love you till my dying breath.
17:26And that's never gonna change.
17:29I got a present for the baby.
17:50I used to have one just like this when I was little.
17:53I used to have one just like this when I was little.
17:56Yeah, I know that because I got it for you.
17:59You did?
18:00Yes, I did.
18:01I didn't know that.
18:02And your face lit up like it's lighting up right now.
18:05It lit up back then and you never would get rid of that thing.
18:09Nobody could take it away from you.
18:11Your mom had to snatch it when you were sleeping
18:14because you would not get rid of it when you were awake.
18:18I actually, I think I remember that.
18:20I actually, I think I remember that part.
18:31Well, thank you for the gift and the sweet memory.
18:40So, you good? You good? Everything's fine?
18:43You're taking care of yourself, the whole thing? Yeah?
18:46Yeah, the baby's good.
18:48I'm as healthy as kicking up a storm.
18:52Okay. You let Blaze take care of you, okay?
18:56Yeah, she is.
18:57And I'm sorry if I upset you in any way when I was talking about Dex.
19:00It just, I get, I get very intense.
19:05Yeah, you do.
19:09Alright, well, I probably should get going.
19:14I hope I see you soon.
19:40I know you're upset.
19:41I was too when I found out.
19:42But you can't run over there and confront Christina.
19:44You're just going to put her on the defensive and she'll shut us out completely.
19:47She has to deal with us.
19:48She's carrying our baby.
19:49No, actually, she doesn't.
19:51Christina's the egg donor, too.
19:52So, in the state of New York, the baby is legally hers unless and until she signs adoption papers.
19:58None of this would have ever happened if we had hired a surrogate to carry our baby like I wanted to.
20:02But no, no, no, no.
20:03You had to have your sister, right?
20:05What did you think, Molly?
20:06Really, that after a lifetime of making impulsive decisions,
20:09that suddenly Christina's going to be stable and reliable, right?
20:12And now Christina gets to make decisions about our baby.
20:17So, what would my next step be?
20:20Well, I think you need to find a lawyer.
20:23And I think you'll be able to do that easily because this case is interesting.
20:29I mean, this is a point of law that has not been fully explored.
20:33And an attorney might be interested in arguing it and setting a precedent.
20:39Okay. Is there anyone you can recommend?
20:41Well, I may not have to give that some thought.
20:44But I want to give you fair warning.
20:47By setting a case like this into motion, you're not going to be able to determine the outcome.
20:55It will be unpredictable.
20:57Well, you're not saying that Heather could actually go free, are you?
21:03That depends on the judge. It depends on the argument. It depends on the precedents.
21:08But the bottom line is she may get a lesser sentence.
21:12She may be moved to another facility or she may be freed outright.
21:20Here you go. Let me know if you two need anything else.
21:23Thank you.
21:24Thanks, ma'am.
21:26Wow. You just started and you are killing it.
21:29You're great at this job. Sasha was impressed.
21:32Listen to Cirulo DNA. We can talk to anyone.
21:36Well, it's a great skill to have.
21:38I'll tell him I see it, Gloria. You said that.
21:41So, how do you know Sasha?
21:43She dated my brother, Michael.
21:46Oh, lives in the gatehouse. Willow is his wife. Wiley and Amelia are their kids.
21:52Yeah, you got all four names correct.
21:55If I can keep all my aunts, uncles, and cousins straight,
21:58quarter mains and their affiliates are going to be a piece of cake.
22:03Okay, the attempt on your life. Do you think it was a one-time thing or do you think it's going to happen again?
22:08And do you think it happened because you're an informant for the FBI?
22:11Hey, I didn't get a chance to ask, Carly.
22:13I'm being serious. You're in trouble and I want to help you and you should let me.
22:17You can help me by just staying out of it.
22:19Or you can tell me what the hell is going on.
22:20Carly, please stop. I have so much going on. I don't want to worry about you getting caught in the crossfire.
22:24Just please let it go.
22:31But at least we know it wasn't Sonny who put the hit on you.
22:34And he won't admit it, but I know he was worried about you and relieved that you weren't hurt.
22:56I'll leave you two. Rick told me what happened at the warehouse.
23:01Somebody targeted you again?
23:04Lucky I was a better shot than they were.
23:07I assume that Anna thinks that I was the one who ordered the hit.
23:14Did you think that too?
23:20You are looking red. I think it's my turn to play tanning butler.
23:26My turn today.
23:29What is that? Pretty nasty bruise you got there. What happened?
23:35Oh, yeah. Well, James, he almost fell out of his saddle the other day.
23:40He was trying to jump this little thing and I stopped it from happening.
23:44I came in but Comet kind of caught my leg a little bit when I was rushing in to catch him.
23:51Pretty heroic.
23:53Yeah. It was nothing. Anyone would have done the same thing.
23:56Probably. But you did it because you love James.
24:01I mean, I really like the kid. I wouldn't say I love him.
24:05Then you're fooling yourself. You don't see how your eyes light up when you talk about him.
24:11You don't just like James. You're not just fond of him.
24:15You love that kid and he loves you right back even though he has no idea that he's your nephew.
24:24I mean, imagine how happy and excited he would be if you just told him that you're Max's son.
24:39I knew I shouldn't have left you alone with your father.
24:42No, I'm glad you did.
24:44Why? Why are you crying?
24:47Because the man that just walked out that door was the dad I always believed I had.
24:55The dad I love and the dad I know.
24:59And it is so incredibly confusing.
25:07Don't act like I made this decision alone. You agreed that Christina being our surrogate was a good idea.
25:12Oh, come on, Molly. Don't act like I actually had a choice.
25:15Yes, you did. I specifically stopped you outside Christina's apartment to be sure before we accepted her offer and you said yes.
25:22Right, and I think I made it perfectly clear that I had reservations.
25:25But you obviously wanted this and I know for sure that I wanted to make you happy because I loved you.
25:29Loved? As in past tense?
25:31Dammit, Molly, you know that's not what I meant.
25:33Well, it's what you said.
25:34I love you. I want to make you happy.
25:37But I knew that we should have waited. Everything inside of me was screaming that we should not use Christina as our surrogate.
25:42That we should use someone that is not related to us.
25:45You don't get to play the victim now. You have a voice. You could have used it. Why didn't you say something?
25:50I did in the beginning. But you made it perfectly clear that you would be devastated if I objected.
25:56Okay, all you could see was how you wanted a baby. You wanted it so badly. That's all you could see.
26:01Not just a baby. Our baby. I wanted to have a baby with you, TJ.
26:07I know you do. And I want that too. But using Christina's egg, now we are tied to your erratic sister and her violent, erratic father.
26:15This isn't fair. This is not my fault.
26:18Christina was found sobbing on a bathroom floor because she witnessed her father attack and threaten to kill someone.
26:24But hey, hey, hey, at least they're related to the baby, right?
26:28Are you happy now?
26:32Is Astra really 100%?
26:34I wanted to have a biological connection to our child because it kills me that I cannot carry this baby myself.
26:40I am devastated that I will never experience pregnancy or giving birth.
26:46But you wouldn't get it because there's never been any question that the baby would have half your DNA.
26:51That is not my fault. And it feels like you're blaming me for it.
26:55No, I'm not. I am not blaming you for any of this.
27:01But you are blaming me because I just want to have a connection to our baby.
27:05Look, I know that things have not gone according to plan.
27:09But what do you want from me? An apology?
27:11It wouldn't hurt.
27:12Well, you're not going to get it.
27:14I trusted Christina to be our surrogate. And I shouldn't have.
27:18I admit it. But Christina is very fragile right now.
27:21So the best thing that we can do is just leave Christina alone.
27:24Not upset her anymore.
27:27And just let her be so that we don't provoke her even more.
27:29We just need to let Christina get through this pregnancy, carry the baby to term, give birth, and not upset her.
27:35Or else...
27:37Or else?
27:40Or else what?
27:43Say it.
27:48What if Christina decides to back out of our agreement and keep the baby for herself?
27:54She could. There's nothing stopping her.
28:01My dad got me a stuffed animal just like this when I was a little girl.
28:08I loved that thing so much. I took it everywhere with me.
28:12I slept with it. Everything.
28:14And he brought me this today as a gift for the baby.
28:18Well, that was nice of him.
28:19It was. It was very thoughtful.
28:21And I can tell from your reaction that it means a lot to you.
28:28But I don't know. Am I crazy for feeling that way?
28:31Not at all.
28:33He's your father.
28:37No matter what else he's done, it's all for you.
28:41No matter what else he's done, it's obvious that he loves you.
28:46And I love him. I do.
28:49He's always there for me and he knows exactly what to do to make me feel better.
28:57He never judges me or comes to me with a list of all these things I'm doing wrong.
29:05Today he came here to give me this gift for the baby.
29:10And I know that this little one is going to love this just as much as I did.
29:21The last thing I want is for Heather to go free.
29:26The families of her victims, they would be outraged and I wouldn't blame them.
29:30Laura, then you need to drop this.
29:33I mean it. You need to forget about it and walk away.
29:37And just leave Heather in a supermax prison for the rest of her life.
29:43Because that would make my life easier right now, right? No, I can't do that.
29:50Well this is quite a dilemma for you. I get it.
29:54I mean this is not just an esoteric conversation about a point of law.
29:58People have lost their lives and other people have had their lives altered.
30:03I mean this is, and I can't believe I'm saying it, a time where I'm kind of glad I'm not a lawyer.
30:10Come on, you just fought so hard to become a lawyer again, to defend people's rights.
30:16What would the old Alexis Davis say about all this?
30:22So yeah, at first I did think you were behind the hit.
30:25I did think you were behind the hit.
30:30You could have given me up to Anna. You'd probably be behind bars. But you didn't.
30:37No. And I never would.
30:41And I was wrong anyway. You didn't send the guys.
30:44No, no, I didn't.
30:49It's good that you believe me.
30:55Hellman's real.
30:58Even if I did want to tell Mac that I'm his son, I've kept it hidden for way too long.
31:03I've lied about it so many times, there's no way that he'd trust me.
31:07Look, I get it. I really do. I lied to Nina for months when I made her think that I was her daughter.
31:15And she was so angry when she found out. And so was everyone in Port Charles.
31:21But Nina and I, we got past it. And so did everyone else.
31:28Hey, give Mac a chance to forgive you. I think he'll be pleasantly surprised by the outcome.
31:36I don't know. I mean, there's a big part of me that does want to come clean to Mac.
31:40But I don't know if I'm brave enough.
31:43The Cody I know is plenty brave. You broke me out of Fern Cliff. You saved me from Dr. Montague.
31:52That was a completely different situation, Sasha. You needed help.
31:57Mac has a great life. He's got a happy and fun family. They adore each other.
32:04And I don't want anything to ruin that, much less me.
32:07Plus, I don't even know if Felicia's come clean to Mac about, you know, doing a secret DNA test on my hair to see if- your hair, actually.
32:16See if I'm his son. I don't want to be the one to blow that secret.
32:21You're making excuses because you're afraid of what will happen. I get it.
32:27But, look, it's really hard to maintain a life forever.
32:34And there's something really freeing about telling the truth.
32:39I mean, that's what I found, at least. Maybe you will, too.
32:45The old Alexis Davis, who devoted most of her life to the law and deeply believes in it, would say that if the justice system decides that Heather should have a lesser sentence,
32:59or even if she should go free entirely, she would say, let the law take its course.
33:10Come in.
33:16Hi, Laura.
33:19I'm going to take a longer look at this and I will get back to you.
33:22Okay, thanks.
33:24Thank you.
33:25Nice to see you.
33:30I think I know what you're here to see me about.
33:34I don't think you do.
33:39Feeling better?
33:42A little. Thanks.
33:44I'm glad.
33:47Can I say something?
33:53Sometimes I wish this was our baby.
34:00I know.
34:10You're not wrong.
34:13There is nothing stopping Christina from keeping our baby and what are we going to do, what, sue her?
34:21And what are we going to do to your family? I mean, the law, it's on Christina's side.
34:27This is such a nightmare.
34:32How did we get here, TJ? All we wanted was...
34:36I know.
34:40Be careful what you wish for, I guess, right?
34:48I have to go to the hospital.
35:09Glad to know that when you had the chance to give me up, you didn't.
35:17Part of me...
35:20Part of me wants to trust you again.
35:26But I can't. I can't.
