• 5 months ago


00:00Okay, I will be Haven.
00:02Oh, you are nothing like that woman.
00:04That's why it's called acting, Ma.
00:05Okay. Georgie, James, pay attention.
00:07You guys are going to be the audience.
00:09Go easy on me, will ya?
00:11What do you say, guys? Are we going to be an easy crowd
00:14or are we going to be a tough crowd?
00:17Oh, Brooklyn, this is so exciting.
00:20Your grandmother loves Home and Heart.
00:22She's going to be over the moon about this.
00:26Your other grandmother.
00:27Oh, good.
00:28More interlopers in Monica's home.
00:34What's with her?
00:36Tracy's been in a huff all week
00:38having the kids home on spring break.
00:40I feel her pain.
00:41Mom, you know I love you.
00:43Where's Bailey Lou?
00:44She's with my mom, thank God.
00:46She's been a real terror lately.
00:47I love my girl, Bailey.
00:49Yeah, your girl, Bailey. Back me up, Georgie.
00:51Total terror.
00:52It's weird to put cream on your face.
00:54It doesn't really even do anything.
00:57How would you know, huh?
00:58I tried it.
01:00Like, the tiniest pea-sized amount, right?
01:03I don't know. I just dumped it in my hand
01:05and started rubbing it around.
01:09Oh, look, it's Violet.
01:12Hi, Violet and Chase and Gregory, of course.
01:15You guys came to watch.
01:17We wouldn't have missed it.
01:18Uncle Chase said you were practicing to be a TV star.
01:21I might do that when I'm older, too.
01:23I thought you wanted to be a doctor like your dad.
01:25TV star as my backup, but if that takes too long.
01:29I love it. A woman with a plan.
01:32Come here and join our tough crowd.
01:37Lights, camera, action.
01:45Where for the love of God is a nanny?
01:46There are children in every corner of this house.
01:48Melanie's mother had a dental emergency.
01:51Oh, great.
01:52Well, now for my second and final complaint.
01:56I already dealt that.
01:58I cannot believe that you took my intention to hire a cook
02:03as an opportunity to offer the job to Sasha.
02:05We don't know if she can boil a hot dog.
02:07She has worked in restaurants, Tracy.
02:10Of the fast food variety.
02:12Uh, no. Real restaurants.
02:14Well, so has almost everybody under the age of 30
02:19without a trust fund, so what?
02:23Seventh floor.
02:27Dr. Soriano, I believe you can find Nurse Baldwin
02:29down in pediatric ICU.
02:32Of course, I'll let her know if I do.
02:35Everybody's looking for Elizabeth.
02:36I know. I would hate to be her.
02:38They asked me to work a double, but I can't.
02:40You? I just worked a 12 overnight.
02:42I have kids to get home to.
02:44So does Elizabeth.
02:45Ruby, I am an awful person.
02:47We can't rule it out.
02:51Seventh floor.
02:53I'm sorry, Dr. Soriano.
02:55If she's not there, I don't know.
02:56Try orthopedics.
03:04Guess not.
03:05Michael said Wylie was throwing up last night,
03:07so I thought maybe I should pick up something
03:08for him on the way home, but no answer.
03:10So I guess Melanie, the nanny,
03:12must be out with both kids, and he's fine.
03:15Um, don't shoot the messenger,
03:18but I have been deputized to do a multi-floor search
03:23for a nurse who is willing to take an additional shift
03:27since Regina's out sick.
03:29I'm sorry. I-I've just... I've been here all night.
03:31I just can't. I have a one-year-old
03:33who, after a 12-hour shift,
03:34I don't think even remembers me.
03:37I hear you.
03:38I couldn't have worked the hours that you do
03:40when my girls were little,
03:42which begs the question...
03:49You're not asking me why I have a job.
03:51Oh, no. Sorry.
03:53No, having work that fulfills you,
03:55work that makes a difference,
03:57these things matter.
04:01Seventh floor.
04:04Elizabeth, I am so sorry. I just...
04:08Of course I would be happy to pick Aiden up.
04:12No trouble at all.
04:15Elizabeth is still looking for a replacement,
04:17but in the meantime, I'm gonna pick up Aiden for her,
04:19so I guess I feel a little less guilty.
04:21Well, I better continue my search.
04:23With a little bit of luck,
04:25Elizabeth will be out of here while the sun is still shining.
04:33Hey. Hey.
04:35Hey. Good job, Wylie.
04:37Hey, what's up?
04:39It's Melanie helping out with her mom.
04:41It's gonna be fun to hang out with the kids,
04:44Few people are, Michael. Few people are.
04:47Hey, is lunch ready?
04:50The new cook said 45 minutes.
04:52I'm not optimistic.
04:54Okay, well, uh, you shouldn't be optimistic,
04:56because, you know, the new cook is an old friend of mine,
04:59and I bet she does a great job.
05:01I'm with you, Michael.
05:03I think the new cook is a real find.
05:08I'm home.
05:12Hmm. Doesn't sound like anyone's here.
05:14No, it doesn't.
05:16Maybe she took the kids up to the main house for lunch.
05:19Do you want to join them?
05:21Or I can make a sandwich for you to eat here if you want.
05:23I'll go to the house.
05:25I know you worked the overnight shift.
05:27You must be tired.
05:29Your mom did, too.
05:31I hope it doesn't take too long to find that replacement nurse.
05:33She must be desperate to go home and get into bed.
05:36Thanks for picking me up at the library.
05:38Of course.
05:40I'll text Jake to pick me up from his soccer practice.
05:43How do sports get away with holding practice when there's no school?
05:46It's his travel league, so they're basically allowed to do whatever they want.
05:50Let me know if you need anything.
05:52I will.
06:23I always found it easier to hold a product like this.
06:26But maybe that's just me.
06:28No, it feels better.
06:30Okay, maybe you turn the label around so it's facing directly towards the camera.
06:33Hey, you know what, Sasha?
06:35Why don't you show Brooklyn how to cheat to an imaginary camera like over there somewhere?
06:40I have the non-imaginary camera right here.
06:44What are you doing here?
06:48Because I was so rudely not invited.
06:50Well, you know, I just thought that maybe a screen test for our new proposed spokesmodel was in order.
06:58Because you seem to think that anybody and everybody can sort of do the duties that I did so well.
07:03That remains to be seen.
07:28Describe the texture, what it smells like, how it feels on your skin.
07:34With glowing adjectives, of course.
07:36Of course.
07:37Silky, dewy, fresh.
07:40Then you apply just a dab on your cheek and you rub it in.
07:46Just like this.
07:48Okay, let's shoot.
07:50Brooklyn, you're up.
07:51Okay, ready?
07:54Quiet on the set.
07:59Honey, hold it a little closer to your face.
08:01That way the viewers can see the label.
08:04I was going to say that.
08:05Yes, yes.
08:06Like this?
08:07Not that close.
08:08Maybe here should be good.
08:11I think I'm going to go sit out in the sun for a while, get some vitamin D.
08:15May I come?
08:18Good luck, kiddo.
08:25Take two.
08:32Sasha is a great cook.
08:34I never thought that she'd be doing it for a living.
08:36Yeah, I think the offer of free room and board was too tempting.
08:40Also the flexibility.
08:42I don't think Mama Q is going to fully surrender her kitchen.
08:45No, no, no.
08:47I mean, it's probably mostly just breakfast and lunches while I've used that work.
08:51Plus, Sasha has weekends off, which is great.
08:54Maybe I can make a music video someday.
08:57I would love that.
08:58And write a comment while I'm singing.
09:00Whoa, whoa, whoa.
09:01You're going to have to talk to his agent first.
09:03And who's his agent?
09:05You're looking at him.
09:07Is it okay for the boys to play in the hay, even though the horses eat it?
09:11It better be, because they do it all the time.
09:14Can I go play with them?
09:15You can.
09:16Yeah, have at it.
09:18I love the smell of hay.
09:20Georgie, keep an eye on the Littles, will you?
09:22Yeah, and holler if you need any help.
09:24You got it.
09:26So what's this about a music video?
09:28Violet was watching Brooklyn practice her spokesmodeling up at the house,
09:32and they were videotaping her, and now Violet's got a little bee in her bonnet.
09:36I thought Blaze was the new face of deception.
09:38She is, but it's in her contract that she won't do any of the promotional stuff.
09:42Oh, so that's on Brooklyn now.
09:44And I don't think she's too happy about it.
09:48Tracy, you are not the only decision-maker in this household.
09:52And I am not the only person in this household who is sick to death of leftovers and Yuri's borscht.
09:59That's why I hired someone.
10:00I want a real cook.
10:01No, you want someone who's not going to let anyone into the kitchen,
10:04and I'm not going to allow that again.
10:06That's the point. They have their domain, and we have ours.
10:08Yeah, Tracy, I love cooking for my family.
10:12When I have the time to do it, that's what makes Sasha the perfect solution to this problem.
10:16Hello, Aiden.
10:18Hi, Ms. Gordermain.
10:20Hello, another family's child. Be nice.
10:23Something smells good.
10:24Yes, it does smell good, doesn't it, Tracy?
10:27Where'd you come from?
10:28My mom got sick at work, so Mrs. Carinthos picked me up and dropped me off.
10:32Well, lunch is going to be served shortly, so I certainly hope you'll stick around and eat with us.
10:37I'd like that. Thanks.
10:38Of course you would.
10:40Just when I peek in the oven.
10:42Sasha, when you finish lunch, I have a request.
10:46Would you go get a cookbook, please?
10:49Bring it here to me, open it to any page, and point.
10:54There you go.
10:56Tornado Rossini.
10:58Sounds delightful. That's what I want for dinner.
11:04Tornado Rossini. One of my favorites.
11:07Do we have pate? And if we do, will the kids eat it?
11:11I don't know. Tracy, what do you think?
11:13Tracy, what do you think? The kids want pate?
11:15I think you should pick another recipe.
11:22Perfect second choice. Pate au feu, it is.
11:31Dinner at seven?
11:32Oh, works for me.
11:37Sasha, I am so sorry.
11:39I take it Tracy is not happy with me as the new cook?
11:42What was your first clue?
11:44Well, I'll just have to prove her wrong, won't I?
11:48Oh, bless you.
11:50Honey, I'm going to give you all the space you need.
11:52If you need anything at all, you just call me for backup.
11:54Okay. Thank you.
11:57Can I ask you a question?
11:59Ask away.
12:00I love to bake, but I've never seen anything like what you have in the oven.
12:04Oh, well, it's a great way to use any leftovers you have in the fridge.
12:08You want to help me chop up some vegetables and I'll tell you all about it?
12:20Hey. Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you.
12:23No, it's okay. Where's Melanie?
12:26Oh, her mom had a little emergency.
12:29Is she okay?
12:30Yeah, yeah. It was just a dental thing, so I came home to be with the kids.
12:33And Wylie is at the stables with Cody.
12:35Oh, the horses were more entertaining than Dad, huh?
12:37Yeah, pretty much.
12:39I sent Aiden up to the main house for lunch.
12:43Aiden Weber?
12:44Yeah, Elizabeth got stuck at the hospital.
12:46I asked if I could bring him here and make sure he got fed.
12:49Well, that's nice of you to help out.
12:52All right. It's time for you to go to bed.
12:56All right. It's time for you to go to bed.
13:02You stay here, get some rest, and I'll be right back.
13:07Go on, Harry.
13:14I hear Deception is debuting a new product.
13:16That's right, Haven.
13:20What's it called?
13:21Disruptor Nourishing Moisturizer.
13:26Catchy name.
13:28I know, right?
13:31Can you tell us about it?
13:32Oh, yes. Our newest product is a face cream.
13:38It does wonders for the skin.
13:42We like the sound of that. Please go on.
13:46Okay, yes. Well, the texture is silky smooth, and you just take a little bit on...
13:53Oh, shoot.
13:54Cut! I'm sorry.
13:55No, no, no. Honey, it's okay. You still got in the hang of it.
14:00I want a hundred jars and a beautiful face cream model.
14:03Sorry, you are not our target audience.
14:06All right, come on. Let's look at the dailies.
14:08Come on, sweetie. Come on. Let's see. Let's see.
14:12Let's see. Here we go.
14:15Silky smooth, and you just take a little bit on...
14:18Oh, shoot.
14:19Okay. Well, that's what rehearsals are for. Sasha wasn't perfect the first time either.
14:23Uh, she was a lot better than that.
14:25Okay. You know what, Brooklyn? You just need to relax. Come on, come on, come on.
14:29Just a little bit. And you know what? We're going to just try it again.
14:34Excuse me. Why don't we give the professionals a chance?
14:38And I'm guessing you're the professional.
14:41Watch and learn.
14:50How was your shift?
14:51Oh, long, exhausting, but good.
14:54Okay. Do you want to head up to bed?
14:56Don't tempt me.
14:57No, go ahead. You deserve a nap.
15:02You know, I sleep better when you're beside me.
15:21I'm too young to die. What do you desperados want?
15:23All your money.
15:24Ah, you picked the wrong cowboy.
15:26Well, take your horses then.
15:28But they already belong to your family.
15:30Actually, I am the sheriff, and you're all under arrest, including you.
15:37And now you have to marry Georgie.
15:41That's a weird punishment.
15:47Thank you.
15:49What did I do?
15:50Yeah, you arrived just in the nick of time.
15:52Saved me from getting hitched.
15:54Well, you're welcome.
15:56How's it going up at the Mons?
16:00Pretty sure that my first day as the cook will also be my last.
16:06She's not a fan.
16:09And it's a real bummer because I really liked my new room.
16:13Um, do you want me to talk to her?
16:16Believe it or not, I think Tracy actually likes me.
16:19It's okay.
16:21You know what, there was something too good about it to be true from the start.
16:27Especially the part where I got to be near you every day.
16:39Olivia's mad at me.
16:41What happened?
16:43We need a cook. Quarterman's have always had a cook.
16:47Not since I've known you.
16:49No, because since you've known me, Olivia has lived here and she insisted that she could take it on.
16:56But you cannot run a hotel, raise a child with special needs, and cook breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a house full of people. It's too much.
17:08So, instead of hiring a professional cook, Olivia offered the job to her friend.
17:16Do I know this friend?
17:18You certainly do.
17:20Sasha Corbin. And I get it.
17:23Olivia wants somebody that she can kick out of the kitchen without feeling uncomfortable.
17:28When she wants to cook, you mean?
17:30And I certainly do understand that, but we don't know if Sasha has the skills for this.
17:36And hiring someone to do a job that they can't do helps no one. Not us, and not Sasha.
17:41Am I being awful?
17:43You're being practical.
17:44Some homes, the kitchen is a place to gather. Not this one.
17:50Exactly. You have the nook for that. How come you get that and Olivia doesn't?
17:55Probably because I have no skin in the game.
17:58But this is Olivia's home too. She just wants to be comfortable in it.
18:03Am I being too rigid?
18:05You're being you.
18:07So that's rigid, angry, and unyielding.
18:11Where does that come from, you think?
18:14Haven. Haven, have I told you that I am the brainchild of deception?
18:24Oh, yes. About 17 billion times.
18:27Right, right. Because it's so true. And you all, all are very, very welcome.
18:32Now, today we have the Disruptor Nourishing Moisturizer. Brand new product.
18:37And by the way, my idea.
18:38Well, I mean, it wasn't my idea, the formula, but the way it benefits your skin, totally my idea.
18:43Let me, let me show you.
18:45Okay. Wait, there.
18:48It is so absorbing. It absorbs right straight into your skin.
18:54It's not absorbing at all.
18:56I know.
18:58Yikes. She's not very good at this, is she?
19:01I don't think I'm one to talk.
19:03What? You were perfect.
19:05Like a deer in headlights.
19:06Like a deer in headlights?
19:08Look, I love Maxi and deception, but I can't help but feel like this is a wrong turn for me.
19:14You did seem kind of uncomfortable.
19:16Kind of.
19:18And nobody watching is going to believe that you need a face cream.
19:21I love you.
19:23Aha! See? There.
19:26All absorbed. Our Disruptor Nourishing Moisturizer Cream is so good.
19:31It feels so wonderful on my skin, ladies and gentlemen.
19:33My baby. My creation.
19:35Get yours today.
19:40That was fantastic. I know. Thank you.
19:44You know what? Why don't we just review it all, take a peek, and then we can all just kind of vote.
19:53I think I'm mad at time.
19:56And all the years that I wasted
19:58being too afraid to leave my safety net.
20:05The only risk I ever took in my life was on Luke, and I only had him for a few years before I lost him.
20:13Happiness is great as long as you've got it.
20:17Are you unhappy now?
20:23I'm disappointed.
20:25I'm disappointed.
20:29The advantages that I've been given in life are obscene.
20:34As are...
20:37how little I've done with them.
20:42This is going to sound crazy.
20:45When has that ever stopped you?
20:49Why don't you move in with me?
20:51I've got a nice, comfortable room upstairs if you can stay on the spiral staircase to get to it.
20:57I'm not wrong in that we have kissed exactly once, yes?
21:02No, that's right. Yes.
21:04So I feel like cohabitation isn't really the natural next step.
21:09Well, we wouldn't be sharing a bed or anything.
21:12Unless you wanted to, in which case we totally could be.
21:15And where would you sleep?
21:17Well, you know, we've got an extra cot in the tack room for when a mare is foaling.
21:21I could just bring it upstairs.
21:26That's lunch. I need to take it out of the oven.
21:30There's plenty if you're interested.
21:34I am definitely interested.
21:36Georgie! Round up the kids for lunch! Let's go!
21:43Get yours today.
21:49Well, you know, nobody looks good in that kind of light.
21:54You know what? I think Brooklyn just needs one more run through. That's all.
21:58Come on, sweetie. Come here. Come here. Come stand. All right?
22:01Look, I'm going to show you, okay?
22:03So, you want to pick up and hold the product like this. Okay? Right?
22:10Not like this, like it's a secret weapon.
22:13But, like, it's the greatest secret in life.
22:17And you are going to share that secret with the world.
22:21Or with the viewers of Home and Heart, at least. Okay?
22:24And then you're going to open it very gently.
22:27Maybe smell.
22:29Mmm. Right?
22:31And then you're going to take just a tiny little bit. Right?
22:37What are you doing? Why? Why?
22:40Why not? Okay.
22:42And then you're going to see that it's like a little pearl. Right?
22:48Which is fitting because this cream is the ultimate in luxury.
22:54You're going to put it on. Mmm. Silky. Hydrating.
23:00Oh, it's like I've died and gone to heaven. Right? Right? Mmm.
23:06Oh, good. I was just coming to find you.
23:09How's it looking?
23:11Light brown on top and ready to come out, I think.
23:15I'm happy to help you serve it if you want.
23:17Yeah? You're a lifesaver, Aidan Webber.
23:25Are you headed back to the office?
23:27Nah, the ship has sailed, I think. What about you? When's your next shift?
23:32I've been thinking about that.
23:33About my job at GH in general.
23:37Yeah, I saw you were looking at that new Tomorrow Institute pamphlet.
23:42Oh, you did, did you?
23:44Yeah, I'm observant like that.
23:46So, talk to me.
23:49Representing the non-profit, it would essentially be a part-time volunteer position.
23:58Meaning I'd no longer be getting paid.
23:59Well, you know, it's not like we need the money.
24:02I know, but a lot of people do. Like Elizabeth, for example.
24:07She's raising three boys on her own and she doesn't have the luxury of turning down a double shift like I do.
24:12Yeah, and I hope Jason being back can ease her financial burden a little bit.
24:16I hope so, too.
24:18But it's got me thinking. Nursing is wonderful, important work and I've loved doing it.
24:27I know you have.
24:29But I am starting to wonder if I've been doing it for the wrong reasons.
24:37But it was a huge factor in my becoming a nurse.
24:42The idea of solely relying on you for money, it made me uncomfortable.
24:49I liked knowing that if you left tomorrow-
24:52Never happening.
24:54I could stand on my own two feet.
24:56And I still relate to all that. I just-
25:00Taking this position would allow me to still do something meaningful that makes me proud
25:07while being able to be there for my kids in a way I can't now.
25:11I'd get to see all of Wiley's T-ball games and take Amelia to the swings myself,
25:17not hear about it later from Melanie.
25:20Well, just to be clear, you know Melanie, she's a great nanny and the kids are happy and thriving.
25:25I know. I know they are. But I'm missing stuff, Michael.
25:31And I don't have to.
25:33And that makes me so incredibly lucky.
25:37I mean, what Drew is proposing?
25:40An opportunity for me to help recruit bone marrow donors and stem cell donors
25:47who in turn could help cure cancers like I had and also spend significantly more time with my kids?
25:52I mean, what a gift. For them and for me.
25:58Well, it sounds like you made up your mind.
26:02You don't seem surprised.
26:04Honestly, I had a feeling this is how it would shake out. I just- I wanted you to get there yourself.
26:09And here I am.
26:11Here you are.
26:13Here we are.
26:16So you're on board if I do this?
26:19I'm on board with anything that makes you happy.
26:27Why, do you have something specific in mind?
26:33As a matter of fact, I do.
26:37If I'm hearing you right, you feel you've been showered with temporal gifts in life.
26:47Money, property, a close-knit if not always harmonious family.
26:56But in your opinion, you don't have much to show for it.
27:00Well done.
27:03Achievement is overrated.
27:06I don't think we were put on this earth to win trophies or become famous or make scientific discoveries.
27:18Don't get me wrong, power to you if you do, but the way I see it,
27:23I think our job is to love the lives we've been given.
27:29And the people we've been set down amongst.
27:35And be grateful for all of it.
27:41I don't think I've been very successful by this point.
27:46I don't think I've been very successful by that measure either.
27:53There's still time.
27:55And not all of us can say that.
27:58Come on guys, let's go.
28:00Hi Grandpa.
28:02Excuse us.
28:04It's time for lunch.
28:12Be brave, James.
28:14Be brave, James.
28:16You can do it.
28:18High for one.
28:20I think it looks delicious.
28:22Thank you.
28:24You're very welcome.
28:27Wait, Ma, can you just go through it one more time?
28:30How did you hold the product so that it was showing towards the camera?
28:33Oh, okay. You hold it just like this.
28:36And how did you get just the right amount of cream?
28:37Oh, okay. Well, I'll show you.
28:40You've got to open it up gently and take just a little bit.
28:45You know, a little bit goes a long way.
28:48This cream, it's a miracle.
28:50I mean, it is a complete game changer.
28:52That's the plan.
28:54And then, I'm sorry.
28:56Oh, sweetie, it's okay. You're just learning.
28:59The application part, can you show me that part again?
29:01Okay, yeah.
29:03Oh, wait. Smell this first.
29:06Oh, that smells like the summer.
29:08I mean, it takes me right back to the beach.
29:10And the texture of it, come on.
29:13I happen to be a woman of a certain age.
29:15And this, this makes me feel like I am brand new.
29:22Just stop right there.
29:25Stop, stop, and stop.
29:35Simply cannot be the deception spokesmodel.
29:38Whoa, whoa, whoa. I think you're being a little hasty here.
29:41Because Brooklyn just needs a little bit more time.
29:43Time's not really the problem.
29:45Lucy's right, Ma.
29:47Besides, we already have the perfect deception spokesmodel.
29:52Oh, if you say yourself again, Lucy, I swear I'm going to scream.
29:56Lois, it's you.
30:01You. You're it.
30:02Have you lost your ever-loving mind?
30:05No, because you just presented our product effortlessly.
30:09And in fact, it was almost poetic.
30:12It's true.
30:14I have the footage to prove it.
30:16And you love our products, Lois. It has to be you.
30:23I just imagine everyone in the old neighborhood seeing you on TV.
30:25Oh, the girls will get such a kick out of it, won't they?
30:29Okay, come on. Come on.
30:32Are you in?
30:41Why, thank you. What service.
30:44Of course.
30:46This actually smells very good.
30:48Have you seen my dad?
30:50I have not.
30:52He must have gone back to our house.
30:54Want to help me bring him some lunch?
30:56I bet I can beat you there.
30:58Oh, please. I'm much faster than both of you. Right, Grandpa?
31:00She is pretty fast.
31:07On your mark, get set, go!
31:20This is really delicious.
31:22Gâteau salé.
31:24You've had it before?
31:26I have.
31:27Luc and I were living abroad and we used to take little weekend trips to get a change of scene.
31:34Isn't Europe amazing that way? A train ride, you're in another country.
31:39Our favorite place to stay was this bed and breakfast in Bergerac, in the Dordogne.
31:47And every morning, the patron would bring a gâteau salé out for us when we woke up.
31:53Never the same ingredients twice, just whatever they had on hand.
31:57And it was always perfect and light.
32:03Just like this.
32:06I would have liked to have met Luc.
32:09You would have hated him.
32:12I don't think so.
32:15Maybe not.
32:19What else goes in a pot of fur?
32:21What else goes in a pot of fur? Come on, Sasha, think.
32:26Why don't you just look it up on your phone?
32:28Because that would be cheating.
32:31Well, this is ridiculously good.
32:35Yeah. Tracy would be crazy to pass on you.
32:38From your lips.
32:41So, speaking of lips...
32:45Wow! What a segue!
32:48Yeah, I'm good at them.
32:50About before...
32:52I don't want you to think that I was trying to get you alone in my bedroom.
32:57Not that I'd be opposed, but...
33:02The whole point is, I'm Team Sasha.
33:06You won't be without a place to crash as long as I'm around.
33:14Well, my dear, lunch was superb.
33:18I am delighted to welcome you to the household.
33:22Thank you.
33:24And don't worry, I'm still working on dinner.
33:26You can stop.
33:28Actually, you can make whatever you want for dinner. No more tests.
33:32Do we understand each other?
33:35We do.
33:38And you! Aren't you supposed to be minding the rugrats?
33:42They're not outside on the patio?
33:44No, they went off to look for Michael.
33:45Ah! Alright, on it!
34:09It wasn't my fault why we pushed me.
34:12I did not!
34:13Hey, it doesn't matter how it happened.
34:16Wylie, do you know where our broom is so we can clean this up?
34:18Here it is.
34:23What kind of party is this?
34:25Why wasn't I invited?
34:27I brought my dad some lunch, but I can't find him.
34:30Maybe they're upstairs in bed.
34:33Let's go look.
34:35I don't think so. No, no.
34:37You all made a fine mess in the stables.
34:39You're going to help me clean up that bale of hay.
34:45All of you, all of you, let's go.
34:49Thank you.
34:51Yes, of course.
34:53It wasn't supposed to be fun.
34:58Are they gone?
35:03Remind me to give Cody a raise.
35:05I will.
35:12I love you, Willow.
35:14And I love our life.
35:16I love it too.
35:18And you.
35:20So much it hurts sometimes.
