• last year
(Adnkronos) - L’It Forum, il forum di Comunicazione Italiana dedicato agli scenari dell’It management e della cybersecurity giunto alla sua terza edizione, sbarca per la prima volta a Milano. Con circa 500 iscritti, tra speaker, partner e ospiti, l’appuntamento si conferma un riferimento a livello nazionale per tutti coloro che sono interessati alle sfide e alle prospettive delle nuove tecnologie aziendali, prima fra tutte l’intelligenza artificiale.


00:00500 subscribers among speakers, partners and guests at the appointment that confirms a national reference for all those who are interested in the challenges and prospects of new corporate technologies, first of all artificial intelligence.
00:18It is the IT forum, the forum of Italian communication dedicated to the scenarios of IT management and cyber security, reached its third edition and landed for the first time in Milan.
00:30We are investing in several projects related to artificial intelligence, especially in the phase of data dissemination. In particular, we are working on a semantic search engine to offer our users to have answers in natural language.
00:51In addition, an artificial intelligence chatbot will be added to this search engine to give better information to the statistical user and make it search more easily.
01:06Another project on which we are investing a lot is related to the contact center. We want to answer with a chatbot that can direct them to the best service, to which you can ask if you have been satisfied or not with this automatic redirection. Eventually, if it has not been satisfied, it will be redirected to the correct service.
01:34Implementing advanced digitalization systems of artificial intelligence is fundamental for business strategies.
01:42The first direction of work is to make artificial intelligence make our own devices more efficient. The second direction of work is, with our partners selected and certified, to set up real solutions that, thanks to artificial intelligence, help companies to work better.
02:00For example, in the field of retail, what used to be a monitor on the point of sale that displayed content that entertained users and customers, today it has become a monitor that, thanks to a camera, recognizes very well the profile of the person who is looking at the monitor and the products and engages him in an optimal way thanks to contents that are uploaded according to the profile of the person.
02:26One of the great challenges related to IT concerns cyber security.
02:30Within the company we have an offer of cyber security, we have also acquired a company called RAD, which deals in particular with cyber security and therefore cyber security consultancy, and therefore we offer our customers all possible and imaginable solutions for consulting and approaching security and the adoption of a more suitable security posture for their companies.
