• last year
Alex Edelman dishes on his "bad boy" role in 'Unfrosted' at the film's premiere. Plus, he speaks on Jerry Seinfeld's attention to detail when it comes to comedy.


00:00How did your involvement in this movie come about did you know Jerry Pryor didn't really but he came to my show and then
00:05My agent was like do you want to audition for?
00:08Anything and I was like, yes, I will literally play anything in this movie and I am I'm in the movie, which is a delight
00:14It's a blink and you miss it scene and I'm wearing an apple head for most of the film, but I do get to assault
00:19Uh, I really get to be a bad boy gets a storm that I get to I don't want to spoil anything
00:24But I get to enact some violence
00:26So I'm really excited to do that and being on set where it was one of the most fun things my I've ever gotten to
00:31do I was on set for a couple of weeks and
00:34mostly watching and enjoying Hugh Grant's and like, you know, even the people in this in
00:40this movie who are there for like a second is
00:43Killer like Bill Byrd. I know did a small thing and Jack McBrayer did a small. I mean, I don't know how small
00:50Versus bigger smaller people's roles are but alley Wentworth like I don't she gets a huge laugh
00:54I don't even know she has this more than two lines
00:56but like it was so fun to be on set for it everyone was like constantly like biting the back of their hand, but like
01:02He's amazing and he gives and I have a cameo and he gives you direction like he you get direction for the cameos
01:09Imagine how cool that is like, you know
01:11Like to get to be in a room with these folks like the most wonderful amazing fun thing
01:16Sorry to give you the Italian. This is Jewish. This is Italian chutzpah. Hey, it's a duty, you know, like it's very
01:24What is
01:26What are three words you would choose to describe Jerry Seinfeld as a director Jerry Seinfeld as a director
01:37His comedy forward, you know, that's two words and
01:41a generous like very generous
01:44He's always like laughing as a sweet man. He's really good as a funny man yourself
01:49What do you think makes Jerry so funny his attention to detail? He cares a lot about the details
01:53He knows that comedy is all in the details and he's the best best details comedian there is so he works really really hard in
02:00His jokes, he's very precise and we all benefit from it. You've been getting so much love on your special. What does that mean to you?
02:07Crazy, you know you make a thing and you put it out into the world and you just have no idea if anyone's gonna like
02:12it and so
02:14It's been the best thing that's ever happened to me and thank God
02:16The story at the center of it is propulsive enough to guess
02:19Key people watching in a short attention span world and I worked really hard on the joke
02:23so and it's got a lot of stuff I love in it, you know, like Jerry came and gave a note and
02:30Billy Crystal came and gave notes
02:32So like every all it has a bunch of all those comedians that I admire and respect in it and that's like the coolest thing
02:36In the world, that's amazing. Thank you so much. It was great talking to you
