• last year
Jerry Seinfeld talks to THR on the red carpet of the 'Unfrosted' premiere and explains the origin of creating the film. Plus, he gets a surprise visit form Jay Leno during his interview.


00:00How do you decide what to wear for these things?
00:03You know, I just felt like the blue felt like the pop of color that went with the popping
00:08Pop Tarts.
00:10Did you see the movie yet?
00:11I have seen the movie.
00:12Okay, so you know it has a lot of color.
00:15Honestly, I loved the color in the movie.
00:17Is that a choice you made while you were, you know, doing the set design and the art
00:21direction for the movie?
00:22Oh yes, very much so.
00:23And I love when you decide, you know, wherever you are in your house and you go, you know
00:29what, I'm going to have some cereal.
00:33So you go to the kitchen, you go to the cupboard, you open the door, and what the first thing
00:37you see is those colorful boxes.
00:39So I want the movie to feel like that exciting feeling of colorful boxes.
00:45It definitely does, and you said you've loved Pop Tarts since you were a kid, but at what
00:49point did you start developing this idea into a feature film?
00:53It wasn't my idea.
00:55It was Spike Ferriston's idea to make a movie about the Pop Tart.
00:59I thought he was kidding.
01:01But when the COVID happened and we had nothing to do, he said, why don't we really do that
01:07I went, it's not a movie.
01:09You can't make a movie about a Pop Tart.
01:12What's it about?
01:14And then Andy Robbin, one of our other writers, said, why don't we make a movie like The Right
01:18Stuff only with cereal?
01:21And that's when I went, oh yeah, that's a good idea.
01:24So it was those two guys that, that's the reason it got made.
01:28It wasn't me.
01:29This is your directorial debut.
01:34Would you want to direct?
01:35I feel like a Southern Belle here.
01:37A rebirth?
01:38Yeah, I'm a debutante.
01:39Now, would you ever want to direct again or would you rather focus on your true love of
01:43stand-up comedy?
01:44Yeah, I don't, I don't want to do anything but stand-up, stand-up comedy and watching
01:51baseball and going for coffee.
01:55That's the only things in life that I like.
01:57I've done all the other things and I don't think they're that great.
02:01Now, you've said it was kind of difficult working with Hugh Grant on this movie.
02:05Would we ever see you two do something together again or is one time enough?
02:08I would do anything Hugh Grant wanted.
02:12Hugh Grant will always, would get a yes from me like that to do anything.
02:16He was my favorite person to work with.
02:20It's difficult, but I just like him.
02:22I like him.
02:23I don't need people to be easy.
02:26I need them to be fun.
02:28He's fun, not easy.
02:31I love that.
02:32And so many of your friends are in this movie and so many people you love.
02:35What was the best part about casting this film?
02:38When Hugh Grant sent me a video from his phone holding a glass of wine in one hand and a
02:45script in the other and it wasn't even, I couldn't even see him in the video and he
02:51was reading the lines.
02:53And I said, what are you doing?
02:54Hey, Jay.
02:55I am so sick of these hard-hitting, controversial documentaries.
02:58Can't somebody just make a comedy anymore?
03:01It's so great.
03:05A funny movie.
03:07Everything is a teachable moment and, oh, I learned this.
03:10I just want to come and laugh, you know?
03:13Yeah, exactly.
03:15Because you're not smart enough to learn anything.
03:16I'm not smart enough.
03:17Once you're over 40, you can't learn anything.
03:18So you might, you just keep going, you know.
03:21No, this is exactly what America needs right now.
03:23It's going to be a really funny movie, yeah.
03:25It's so great to see you here.
03:26Why was it important for you to come out and support Jerry tonight?
03:29Well, we've been friends for a long time.
03:31A long time.
03:32Since 78.
03:3378, at least.
03:34Yeah, yeah, yeah.
03:35What, 45 years?
03:36I remember he went, Mr. Leno, can I talk?
03:37What is it, son?
03:38Hey, I want to be a comedian, too.
03:39Oh, well, we'll see.
03:40Maybe one day you'll do an Unfrosted movie.
03:41Hey, that'd be great, Mr. Leno.
03:42You know, so, yeah.
03:43No, I'm really proud of him.
03:44It's great.
03:45You know, we all started out, but he went the fastest.
03:46The highest.
03:47Because I used to tease him, you know, when I was more well-known than him.
03:48We'd go places and people, oh, Mr. Leno.
03:49And then when they'd have to go, oh, you know, Jerry's a comedian.
03:50Oh, okay.
03:51And then he becomes the biggest star in the world.
03:52Oh, you know, Jay's a comedian.
03:53No, I'm really, really proud of him.
03:54It's really going to be a fun time.
03:55Thank you, pal.
03:56I'll see you inside.
03:57Appreciate it.
03:58Thank you.
