00:00 "Peppa and George are playing in their bedroom" "I'm sure" "George, you must stay on your side of the bedroom" "That's your side and this is my side. Do not cross the invisible line. Post!"
00:24 "Hello Mr. Zebra" "Hello Daddy Pig, I've got some letters for you" "Is there anything for me and George?" "Hmm, I'm afraid not, they're all for Mummy and me" "Oh" "There's a parcel as well" "Probably that box of reinforced concrete I ordered" "Look at all the stamps on it"
00:51 "That's because it's from a long way away. Bye now" "Bye bye" "Oh, the label says it is for Peppa and George" "Yippee! Look Mummy, a parcel for George and me" "Oh, there's a letter too"
01:11 "Dear Peppa and George, here is a present for you to share. Love from your Aunty Dottie" "Aunty Dottie lives far away in another country" "Oooh, what is the present?" "It's got wheels" "Car!" "It's not a car George, it's got legs. It's a table" "It's got a tail!" "Oh, tables don't have tails"
01:41 "There's a handle as well" "What can it be?" "There's something else in the box" "It's a toy horse! I shall call it Twinkle Toes" "Horsie! Twinkle Toes!" "Horsie! Twinkle Toes!" "Horsie!"
02:02 "Remember children, Aunty Dottie sent the present for both of you" "You'll have to share. Sharing can be fun" "Can I play with Twinkle Toes first?" "Let George have the first turn, he's the youngest" "Horsie! Horsie!" "George likes playing with Horsie" "George, it is called Twinkle Toes, not Horsie"
02:26 "Now it's Peppa's turn" "I am Princess Peppa with my magic horse, Twinkle Toes" "Peppa likes playing with Twinkle Toes" "Perhaps you should play with the toy horse outside?" "Yes Mummy"
02:47 "Hmm, it's a bit steep here, maybe you should play at the bottom of the hill. And the quickest way down the hill is to ride down"
02:57 "Are you sure Daddy? Don't crash like you always do" "Oh, oh, I know what I'm doing Peppa, I'm a grown up"
03:09 "How are you going to stop Daddy?" "I don't know, where are the brakes?"
03:22 "Clever Daddy, you used the duck pond to stop" "What was that big splash?" "What big splash?" "Daddy Pig, did you know you've got a duck on your head?" "Oh, er, yes, well, I did fall in the pond"
03:44 "Horsie, horsie!" "George wants to ride on the toy horse" "Go, go!" "Oh!" "George cannot make the horse go"
03:58 "If only there was someone big and strong to push George along" "I'm big and strong, I can push George" "What a good idea Peppa"
04:12 "Horsie, horsie!" "George, she's called Twinkle Toes" "Horsie, Twinkle Toes" "Horsie!" "I know, because the present is for both of us, we'll call her Horsie Twinkle Toes"
04:32 Peppa et George adorent jouer ensemble.