Josh Giddey | NY Knicks Post-Game | Feb. 14, 2022

  • 5 months ago
Josh Giddey | NY Knicks Post-Game | Feb. 14, 2022
00:00Very, you know, this was the place I was most excited
00:03when I got drafted to come into play.
00:06You know, you hear so many things,
00:06so many stories about the garden
00:08and it will circle in my calendar for a long time.
00:10So to be here on demand, on the road with a young team
00:13and to win like we did in overtime, big win.
00:16So we needed it to kind of get ourselves back on track.
00:18We were kind of falling into a bit of a losing streak.
00:20So this was a good one to, you know, snap out of it.
00:22And hopefully soon we get all that guys back
00:24and we've got all-star break coming up.
00:25So this was a big win for us and we needed it.
00:28And we fought, you know, full 53 minutes, I think it was.
00:31So, you know, we got the job done.
00:32A lot of young guys out there that went into overtime.
00:36It seems there's a lot of full years out there.
00:37What were you feeling out there
00:39with the different things you had out there on the floor?
00:41Yeah, it was good.
00:42I mean, we didn't get sped up.
00:44They were trying to throw different coverages at us.
00:45They were picking up in the full court.
00:46And I think we did a good job of staying composed.
00:48You know, I had that turnover at the end.
00:50But apart from, opposed from that,
00:53I think overall we were stable.
00:55We had the ship steady.
00:56So we were good in overtime.
00:58Trey was huge for us, you know,
00:59as another ball handling option when I went,
01:01you know, when I was denying or picking up full court.
01:03I, you know, I knew I had Trey there to get the ball to.
01:05And he was making plays all game.
01:06So really fun win, fun place to play.
01:09And then, you know, we pulled off as a group.
01:11How did it strike up with your expectations
01:13just playing here in this environment?
01:17It was everything, you know, I expected.
01:19The fans are awesome. They're into the game.
01:21It's a packed house.
01:23You know, it's everything I've seen on TV,
01:26been told about, so, you know,
01:28I was really looking forward to coming into the garden
01:30and, you know, to finish it with a win was even better.
01:33Does it, you know, having to win another triple-level,
01:36your current highest score,
01:37does it make it more special that it happened here?
01:40I guess it does, yeah, because this is, you know,
01:41probably the most famous building in the world.
01:43And as I said, really looking forward to this game
01:45for a long time. But, you know, we got a big win
01:48on demand on the road in overtime.
01:49So really happy with it.
01:52...that you guys offensively said
01:53you didn't really attack for the full game tonight.
01:56You said that Chicago was kind of, like,
01:58sold off a little bit at the end of the game.
02:00How much of that did you guys
02:01just use that to settle down for the full game?
02:03Yeah, big. I mean, at the end of the Chicago game,
02:05we kind of stopped executing.
02:06We, you know, reverted to a lot of iso ball,
02:09didn't get the best shots.
02:10So tonight, I think down the stretch, as I said,
02:12you know, last five minutes of that fourth
02:13and then overtime, we were really good.
02:15Got good shots, made shots, made plays.
02:17Many guys were doing things.
02:18So it was both ends of the floor tonight
02:20that I think we're really good on.
02:22We didn't allow them to have what they want.
02:24We made them, forced them to shoot tough shots.
02:25So, you know, a complete different script
02:27from Chicago to tonight.
02:28And I think, you know, this is going to,
02:30this is what's going to help us win games going forward.
02:32You guys had those specific shots
02:33down the stretch there.
02:34You said it was pretty tight at the end of the first inning.
02:36That game, that play in specific,
02:38was it a big one or not?
02:39Bays, I can't speak highly of him.
02:41You know, when I, you know, I said in Chicago,
02:44Bays guards one through five.
02:46Offensively, his game's improving every night.
02:48So, you know, he's a great kid.
02:50I shouldn't say kid anymore
02:51because everyone's older than me,
02:51but great dude.
02:53Love playing with him.
02:54He brings energy.
02:55He's, you know, really shooting the ball well now.
02:57So when he provides that for us,
02:58that offensive threat and, you know,
03:00combine it with his defensive abilities,
03:01he's, you know, a handful for other teams to guard.
03:03So, you know, he's been awesome for us
03:05and he was a big piece to why we won the game tonight.
03:09Like after the turnover on the inbound,
03:11to see him come back and get that layup
03:13and defend Randall,
03:15was that like a relief for you
03:16knowing that it ended the line because of that?
03:19Yeah, it did.
03:20Well, he saved me on that layup.
03:21And then, as I said,
03:23he guards one through five.
03:24You know, he was guarding Kemba.
03:25He switched to Randall, Robinson.
03:27So he's so versatile on that end.
03:29And then for him, you know,
03:30I knew that we're going to give it to Randall
03:32and Bays had him.
03:33So I was confident Bays was going to get that stop
03:34and made him make it a tough shot.
03:36And, you know, if he makes that shot,
03:37you live with it.
03:38You know, you tip your hat
03:38because you can't really play a better defense
03:40of what Bays did on that possession.
03:41So, but I had confidence in Bays to get that stop.
03:44You guys have played so many close games.
03:47How much did that help for you?
03:50I mean, the more close games you play in,
03:52the more familiar you get with the environment,
03:54the situations.
03:55And as I said, you know,
03:56it's even a two-day turnaround from Chicago to here.
03:59As I said, you know, we got sped up in Chicago.
04:02We reverted to a lot of eyes,
04:03so we didn't run a lot of offense down the stretch.
04:05But tonight, you know,
04:06the last few minutes of regulation, then overtime,
04:08I think we got into our stuff.
04:10We got good shots.
04:11And on the other end, we forced them into tough shots.
04:14Rebounded well.
04:15I mean, Robertson was killing us on the O boards all night,
04:17but I think in the last few minutes of regulation
04:19and overtime, we did a good job cleaning that up.
04:21So, both ends of the floor were big for us of,
04:23you know, executing defensively and offensively.
04:25So, you know, that helped us get a win.
04:34Go ahead.
04:43Yeah, it was a cheap 30.
04:45I mean, he didn't deserve it.
04:46He was getting hacked at the end of the game,
04:48making free throws.
04:49So, you know, I still think his 29 piece in Dallas
04:51was better, but yeah, happy for the kid.
04:54I had 30 tonight in the garden.
04:55So, big game.
04:57You're welcome.
05:08You said the voice?
05:09Oh, poise, poise, poise.
05:12Yeah, I mean, that comes with, you know,
05:13late game experience,
05:14and we've played a lot of close ones.
05:15And I think, you know, you can see it,
05:18you know, it has its, you know, fluctuation,
05:20but over time it's steadily increasing
05:22and we're gaining experience in those late game situations.
05:24So, I think tonight was evident of that.
05:27We were poised down the stretch.
05:28You know, we didn't get sped up with what they were doing.
05:30They were throwing traps, trying to mix it up defensively.
05:33But, you know, we had guys make big plays
05:36down the stretch for us tonight.
05:37So, we didn't, you know,
05:38we didn't fall under their pressure.
05:40We stood up and, you know,
05:41we started throwing punches in overtime.
05:43That's what ultimately helped us get the win.
05:52Hey, Josh, great game.
05:54Another triple-double big time performance for you.
05:59For you to lead the team,
06:00especially tonight without Shay, without Lou,
06:02how big responsibilities,
06:04how fun is to put your teammates
06:06on a position to be successful?
06:09Yeah, it's very fun.
06:10I mean, obviously, you know, without those two,
06:12they carry a lot of the offensive load for us.
06:14So, we knew it was going to have,
06:15you know, take other guys to step up
06:17and kind of shoulder a bit more of that offensive load.
06:19And I think tonight it was spread out.
06:21You know, Trey was huge.
06:22Baze was huge.
06:23Ty was big off the bench.
06:24So, we had a lot of guys contributing.
06:25I think when your two best players go down,
06:27that's what you need from the rest of the group.
06:29And especially a place like this,
06:31it's a tough place to play,
06:31tough place to win, especially on demand.
06:33So, it was a group effort tonight.
06:35And I think, you know,
06:36the more guys we have step up every week,
06:38the harder we're going to be to beat.
