00:00 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:02 [applause]
00:04 Hallelujah.
00:06 I almost felt like we just had church.
00:08 [laughter]
00:10 I need the benediction.
00:12 [laughter]
00:14 Are you ready to go deeper?
00:16 [Yes!]
00:17 Glory to God.
00:19 Let's go deeper into things of God.
00:21 We've been talking about this healing school.
00:23 And we've been studying the Word of God
00:25 line upon line, precept upon precept.
00:28 And we're digging in the Word of God,
00:30 pulling out all the gold nuggets
00:32 or the secrets that God has made
00:34 available to you and I, so that we can
00:36 walk in what Jesus has already
00:38 provided for us.
00:40 Somebody said, "I'm already healed."
00:42 Come on and lift your hands
00:44 high up into heaven.
00:46 I believe that the Spirit of God
00:48 will touch you as the Word of God
00:50 is being preached.
00:52 Hallelujah. Father, we're
00:54 so excited. We have great
00:56 anticipation, great expectation
00:58 in what you would do in the
01:00 house of victory today.
01:02 God, we thank you for the Word of the living
01:04 God that you've made available
01:06 to us for us to receive everything
01:08 that you have for us.
01:10 We thank you that our healing is a part of the
01:12 covenant that we have with Almighty
01:14 God. You declare you are Jehovah
01:16 Rapha. You are the Lord God
01:18 who heals us. And God,
01:20 we believe we receive already
01:22 what you've already provided for us.
01:24 We believe in the finished work
01:26 of Jesus Christ. And we
01:28 believe as a result of that we stand
01:30 before you, Lord God, healthy.
01:32 We stand before you whole with
01:34 expectation, Lord God, for anything
01:36 that's wrong, you're making it right.
01:38 Right now, in the name of
01:40 Jesus. God, open our eyes
01:42 to see. Give us ears to hear
01:44 and a heart to understand.
01:46 We believe that our lives
01:48 will never be the same again.
01:50 Father, for this we give you praise
01:52 and much thanksgiving
01:54 and let the church say
01:56 Amen. Amen.
01:58 Amen. Amen. You may have your
02:00 seat.
02:02 Holly, I need you to take some notes this
02:04 morning, jot down some things.
02:06 Let the Holy Spirit speak to you.
02:08 Again, we're going deeper.
02:10 We've been talking about unveiling the secrets
02:12 of the revelations concerning
02:14 healing because there's so many
02:16 untruths when it comes to healing.
02:18 And when it comes to believing
02:20 God for your
02:22 healing, there's so many untruths. But God
02:24 says in Deuteronomy 29, 29
02:26 again, he says the secret things
02:28 belong to God. But once
02:30 they are revealed, they belong
02:32 to you and to your
02:34 children. Somebody shout
02:36 forever. And so
02:38 there is some hidden truths concerning
02:40 the area of healing that
02:42 God is not hiding it from you
02:44 but he's hiding it for you.
02:46 In Colossians 127
02:48 again, it says that there was a
02:50 mystery that was given to Paul or a secret
02:52 that was given to Paul that God
02:54 is now giving him the opportunity
02:56 to unveil to them.
02:58 And it was Christ in you.
03:00 He's the hope of glory. Hallelujah.
03:02 So Christ is living on the
03:04 inside of us. He's the hope
03:06 of us manifesting the empowering
03:08 presence of God in
03:10 our life and for the subject matter
03:12 of healing. That Christ is
03:14 on the inside of us bringing us to a place
03:16 of healing. In Matthew
03:18 chapter 11 verse 29
03:20 Jesus said to them, "Take my
03:22 yoke upon you
03:24 and learn from me."
03:26 Somebody said we're going to learn from Jesus
03:28 today. And
03:30 I love it the way he said it. "Learn from
03:32 me for I am gentle, lowly in
03:34 heart and you will find rest
03:36 for your souls."
03:38 I mean, know that your
03:40 health is tied to your soul.
03:42 And so God is saying you're going to learn
03:44 from me and you're going to rest
03:46 for your, you're going to find rest
03:48 for your soul. Verse 30 says,
03:50 "For my yoke is easy
03:52 and my burden
03:54 is light."
03:56 He says my yoke is easy.
03:58 My burden is light. You know,
04:00 when it comes to healing, we've made it so
04:02 hard.
04:04 And God wants to make it
04:06 so easy for you, so simple
04:08 for you to understand
04:10 and simple for you to receive.
04:12 We have put a lot of stipulations
04:14 on why we don't receive
04:16 healing, why
04:18 it doesn't work, and we start to
04:20 make up reasons. We even write
04:22 steps, "These are the reasons
04:24 for lack of manifestation
04:26 and why we don't receive
04:28 healing." We've made it hard. And so
04:30 we go through the list and try to
04:32 figure out if that's us or not.
04:34 But Jesus
04:36 provided healing for you.
04:38 And that healing power
04:40 of God has been made available for
04:42 every single one of us. The greater
04:44 one lives on the inside of you.
04:46 And he wants to manifest his will
04:48 for your life, and his will is
04:50 that all of us walk in divine health.
04:52 And that's what we're after
04:54 in this healing school, is that we
04:56 begin to walk in divine
04:58 health in every
05:00 aspect, in every area of our
05:02 lives. Let's look again. Let's review
05:04 a little bit. Let's look again. If you put
05:06 the scripture up in Luke chapter
05:08 five.
05:10 Luke chapter five,
05:12 beginning at verse 17 again, and it
05:14 said, "It came to pass on a certain day
05:16 as he was teaching
05:18 that there was Pharisees
05:20 and doctors of the law sitting by
05:22 which were come out of every
05:24 town of Galilee and Judea and Jerusalem,
05:26 and the power of the Lord
05:28 was present to heal."
05:30 Hallelujah. Somebody
05:32 said, "The power of the Lord
05:34 is present to heal
05:36 whenever there's teaching."
05:38 Hallelujah.
05:40 So what does that mean
05:42 for you and I this morning? The power
05:44 of the Lord is present
05:46 to heal.
05:48 If you need healing this
05:50 morning, you're in the right place this
05:52 morning, because his presence is
05:54 and the power of God is
05:56 present to heal.
05:58 Hallelujah.
06:00 Verse 18, it says, "Some man
06:02 was carrying a paralyzed man on a
06:04 mat and tried to make, take
06:06 him into the house to lay him
06:08 before Jesus, but he could
06:10 not find a way to do this
06:12 because of the crowd.
06:14 They went up on the roof and lowered him on
06:16 his mat, threw the towels
06:18 into the middle of the crowd right in
06:20 front of Jesus.
06:22 And when Jesus saw their
06:24 faith, he said,
06:26 "Friends,
06:28 your sins are
06:30 forgiven." So
06:32 important, the Pharisees and the teachers
06:34 of the law began thinking to themselves,
06:36 "Who is this fellow who speaks
06:38 blasphemy? Who can
06:40 forgive sins but God
06:42 alone?"
06:44 And so here is
06:46 Jesus, they bring this man,
06:48 they lower him in front of Jesus, Jesus
06:50 sees their faith, and he says,
06:52 "Your sins be forgiven."
06:54 Now I don't know what was going
06:56 through their minds,
06:58 but I brought him so Jesus could heal
07:00 them. And Jesus
07:02 said, "Your sins be forgiven."
07:04 And they probably
07:06 "Okay, Jesus, but can you bring some healing
07:08 too?" And the religious
07:10 people got upset about what Jesus
07:12 said because they think
07:14 that only God has the ability
07:16 to forgive sins.
07:18 And Jesus, knowing their thoughts,
07:20 he said, "Why are you thinking
07:22 these things in your heart?" Verse 23,
07:24 he said, "Which is easier
07:26 to say?
07:28 Your sins are forgiven,
07:30 or to say, 'Get up and walk.'"
07:32 Hallelujah.
07:34 See, we made healing hard, and Jesus
07:36 made it easy. He said, "What is it
07:38 easier to say?"
07:40 And we realize that healing will come
07:42 through the words of your mouth
07:44 when you open your mouth and declare
07:46 the healing power of God. It's
07:48 just as easy to say, "Your
07:50 sins be forgiven you," and to
07:52 take up your bed and walk.
07:54 Somebody said, "It's easier to say
07:56 something."
07:58 Jesus is saying,
08:00 "It's easier to say your sins are
08:02 forgiven you."
08:04 And so, but I want you
08:06 to know that the Son of Man has authority.
08:08 Somebody said, "I have authority."
08:10 These key
08:12 things that I'm having to repeat
08:14 because you're going to see these things again.
08:16 Jesus said, "Learn of me."
08:18 He says, "I need you to know
08:20 that the Son of Man has authority
08:22 on earth to
08:24 forgive sins."
08:26 So, he said to the paralyzed man,
08:28 "I tell you, get up,
08:30 take your mat, and
08:32 go home." And so,
08:34 Jesus is saying, "There is nothing that is
08:36 keeping this man, this
08:38 paralyzed man,
08:40 from getting up."
08:42 And so, he tells him to get up, take up
08:44 your mat, and go home.
08:46 There is nothing that is keeping you
08:48 paralyzed. Your sins
08:50 are forgiven.
08:52 There is nothing that is keeping you
08:54 paralyzed. Your
08:56 sins are forgiven.
08:58 There is nothing that is keeping you sick.
09:00 Your sin
09:02 is forgiv--
09:04 There is nothing
09:06 that is keeping you--
09:08 Somebody said, "There is
09:10 nothing that is
09:12 keeping me from
09:14 receiving what Jesus
09:16 has provided. I
09:18 am already healed."
09:20 Hallelujah.
09:22 Hallelujah.
09:24 And so,
09:26 he says, "Immediately,
09:28 he stood up in front of them,
09:30 took up what he had been lying on,
09:32 took up what he had been lying on, took up--
09:34 [applause]
09:36 took up
09:38 what he had been lying on,
09:40 and went home,
09:42 praising God."
09:44 So that you know the Son of Man
09:46 has authority.
09:48 Somebody said, "I have authority
09:50 on the earth
09:52 to forgive
09:54 and to heal."
09:56 Everyone was amazed
10:00 and gave praise to God.
10:02 And they were filled with awe and
10:04 said, "We have seen remarkable
10:06 things today."
10:08 And you can imagine
10:10 that crowd
10:12 that they couldn't get past
10:14 because there were so many
10:16 people they had to climb up on top
10:18 of the roof and tear it
10:20 open to let their friend
10:22 and lay him before Jesus.
10:24 The crowd saw that.
10:26 And look at verse--Matthew
10:28 chapter 15.
10:30 They saw that.
10:32 In Matthew 15, verse 29,
10:34 in the New Living Translation, beginning at
10:36 verse 29, he said, "Jesus
10:38 returned to the Sea of Galilee and climbed
10:40 on a hill and sat down. It was a
10:42 vast crowd brought to him,
10:44 people who were lame,
10:46 blind, crippled, and those
10:48 who couldn't speak, and many
10:50 others. And they laid them
10:52 before Jesus
10:54 and he healed them all."
10:56 Hallelujah. We heard about the
10:58 paralyzed man that was laid before
11:00 Jesus. And so they went--they
11:02 heard that Jesus was there, over
11:04 there in Galilee, and they went
11:06 and they brought all that
11:08 were crippled, all that were lame,
11:10 all that were blind, those that
11:12 couldn't speak, and anybody else
11:14 that needed a healing
11:16 power from Jesus, they
11:18 laid them before Jesus
11:20 and the Bible said he healed them
11:22 all.
11:24 Hallelujah. Didn't leave
11:26 anybody else. And
11:28 the crowd was amazed.
11:30 Those who
11:32 hadn't been able to speak
11:34 were talking.
11:36 The crippled were made well.
11:38 The lame
11:40 were walking. The blind
11:42 could see again.
11:44 And they praised the God
11:46 of Israel. Hallelujah.
11:48 Somebody said he healed
11:50 them all.
11:52 And so again, we have
11:54 these reasons why everybody doesn't
11:56 get healed. And we have all this
11:58 list of reasons, but here the Bible
12:00 said he healed them all.
12:02 He brought them all.
12:04 They brought all these people
12:06 to Jesus that we heard about.
12:08 They were lame, they were blind, they were crippled,
12:10 they couldn't speak, but then he said,
12:12 and many others. I mean, so there was a lot
12:14 of people in that crowd.
12:16 Jesus didn't stop and do a survey
12:18 of who's in the crowd,
12:20 like how many sins did you sin today?
12:22 Or what you've been eating?
12:24 Or maybe you shouldn't be doing this.
12:26 Or what did you do last night?
12:28 The Bible said, no, the healing power
12:30 was present to heal, and he
12:32 healed.
12:34 Somebody
12:36 said, I'm already healed.
12:38 And he healed them all.
12:40 Why? Because it is the will of God
12:42 that you and I be
12:44 healed. And here God
12:46 wants the works of
12:48 God to be revealed.
12:50 He said, the works that you see
12:52 me do, shall you do also,
12:54 and greater works than these,
12:56 so that the Father will be
12:58 glorified in the Son.
13:00 This is so that he would be
13:02 glorified, that the works
13:04 of God would be revealed.
13:06 God wants to reveal his
13:08 works, not only in your life,
13:10 but all of those that you come in contact
13:12 with. Don't leave people
13:14 sick. Don't leave people defeated.
13:16 Don't leave people crippled and
13:18 blind and not being able to speak.
13:20 I'm giving you the power
13:22 so that the works of God
13:24 would be revealed.
13:26 Jesus said something,
13:28 it's easy just to say, your sins
13:30 be forgiven you. Or take
13:32 up your bed and walk and go home.
13:34 Look at John chapter 9
13:36 because the question came up
13:38 in verse 1. And as Jesus
13:40 passed by and saw a man
13:42 which was blind from birth
13:44 and his disciples asked him, saying,
13:46 "Master, who did sin?
13:48 This man or his parents?"
13:50 That he was born blind.
13:52 Jesus answered,
13:54 "Neither hath
13:56 this man sinned,
13:58 nor his parents,
14:00 but that the works of
14:02 God should be made manifest
14:04 in him."
14:06 So sin had nothing to do with
14:08 this man being blind.
14:10 It's so that the works
14:12 of God might be made
14:14 manifest in him. But don't
14:16 get it twisted. God didn't make
14:18 this man to be born blind so he
14:20 could heal him.
14:22 It is the very nature of sin
14:24 that causes sickness and
14:26 disease in the
14:28 earth. But God
14:30 said, "I will use
14:32 what has the sin, the effects
14:34 of sin, to manifest
14:36 the power of God so that
14:38 you know the goodness of God
14:40 and see what God
14:42 can do in your life."
14:44 We are all
14:46 born to work the works of God.
14:48 You born again, you are called to work
14:50 the works of God. Greater works
14:52 than these shall you do. Hallelujah.
14:54 Listen.
14:56 Verse 4.
14:58 He said, "I must work the works of him
15:00 that sent me while it is day.
15:02 The night cometh when no man
15:04 can work. As long as I am in the
15:06 world, I am the light of the
15:08 world. And when he had thus spoken,
15:10 he spat on the ground and made a clay of
15:12 spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind
15:14 with the clay and said unto him,
15:16 'Go wash in the pool of Sihom,
15:18 which is by interpretation sent.'
15:20 And he went his way
15:22 therefore and washed and
15:24 came back seeing."
15:26 Hallelujah.
15:28 Glory to God.
15:30 It is manifested to
15:32 work the works of God
15:34 so that God's work will be
15:36 manifested in his life.
15:38 And all things are possible
15:40 for you and I if we just simply
15:42 somebody said believe.
15:44 Remember there's a difference
15:46 between in the
15:48 belief system and your faith.
15:50 Your faith is your simple trust
15:52 in God. Your belief
15:54 is taking what God has said
15:56 and what God is doing as unquestionable
15:58 truth.
16:00 Unquestionable facts
16:02 is absolute truth.
16:04 He is a healer, absolutely.
16:06 Whether or not I
16:08 receive healing, whether or not I get
16:10 healed, whether I'm still hurting, he's
16:12 still healer. He is Jehovah
16:14 Rapha. He is a--you gotta
16:16 get this on the inside of you.
16:18 Because it doesn't matter what it looks like,
16:20 doesn't matter what it feels like, you gotta
16:22 know without a shadow of a doubt
16:24 that he is who he says he is.
16:26 He would do exactly what he says
16:28 he would do. You cannot wait
16:30 for the circumstances of your life to
16:32 change before you determine
16:34 what is truth and what is not truth.
16:36 We have taken our eyes
16:38 off of Jesus. We put them
16:40 on the physical realm and now
16:42 we determine whether or not God can do
16:44 what he said he could do. Well you gotta
16:46 take the word as absolute
16:48 truth. It's an unquestionable
16:50 fact that he
16:52 is Jehovah Rapha.
16:54 He's the Lord God who
16:56 heals.
16:58 And our God is a good God.
17:00 And when
17:02 you get a hold of that, all
17:04 things are
17:06 possible to him
17:08 that can believe. Now you know
17:10 that's coming from Mark chapter 9
17:12 and let's look at this story.
17:14 Because Peter--
17:16 Jesus comes off
17:18 the mountain with Peter, James, and John.
17:20 They encounter the other disciples
17:22 and when they get there
17:24 as soon as the people saw
17:26 Jesus--well let's--verse
17:28 14, let's back it up. Let's look at this.
17:30 Let's get this. Let's go deeper.
17:32 And when they, Peter,
17:34 James, and John came--this is the NIV
17:36 version. Mark chapter 9.
17:38 I know you got King James up.
17:42 NIV.
17:44 It says when Peter, James, and John
17:46 came to the other disciples,
17:48 they saw a large crowd around
17:50 them and the teachers of the law
17:52 arguing with them.
17:54 And as soon as all the people
17:56 saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed
17:58 with wonder and ran
18:00 to greet him.
18:02 And he said, "What are you arguing with them about?"
18:04 And he asked.
18:06 Listen, they're in there
18:08 arguing, the scribes, they all
18:10 are arguing or discussing really heavily.
18:12 [laughs]
18:14 What is happening? And Jesus said,
18:16 "What are y'all arguing about? What are y'all
18:18 talking about?" And a man
18:20 in the crowd answers, "Teacher, I brought my son
18:22 who is possessed with a spirit
18:24 that has robbed
18:26 him of speech.
18:28 Whenever it seizes him, it throws
18:30 him to the ground. He foams
18:32 at the mouth, gnashes his teeth,
18:34 and becomes rigid. I asked your
18:36 disciples to drive out the spirit,
18:38 but they could not."
18:40 And so,
18:42 who knows what the argument
18:44 could have been?
18:46 They're trying to cast out the devil.
18:48 I don't know if they were one at a time trying to
18:50 cast him out or they're in unison
18:52 trying to cast him out,
18:54 the devil, but still nothing
18:56 happens. And so, here's
18:58 this man along with
19:00 the scribes. And the scribes says, "You know,
19:02 we don't have any authority to
19:04 cast out devils. What do y'all think
19:06 y'all doing?" And so, who knows
19:08 what they were arguing about?
19:10 And Jesus, he says to them,
19:12 verse 19, "You unbelieving
19:14 generation,
19:16 how long
19:18 shall I stay with you?
19:20 How long should I put up with you?
19:22 Bring the boy to me."
19:24 Hallelujah. Glory
19:26 to God. So,
19:28 you know, where did all of this
19:30 unbelief come from?
19:32 What they, you know,
19:34 it was based on what they saw
19:36 and what they were
19:38 looking at. And this
19:40 boy,
19:42 their focus have now taken
19:44 their eyes off of
19:46 the empowering presence
19:48 that God put on them.
19:50 Remember, he gave them power
19:52 to cast out devils.
19:54 Maybe you don't remember, but let me tell you.
19:56 He gave them power.
19:58 He gave them authority
20:00 to cast out
20:02 devils, to heal
20:04 the sick, to cleanse the
20:06 leper, to raise the dead.
20:08 Freely you have
20:10 received, freely
20:12 give it.
20:14 And so now,
20:16 they're trying to exercise
20:18 this authority, but nothing
20:20 happened. And so
20:22 now there's an argument going on
20:24 and Jesus said, "You
20:26 unbelieving generation, bring this
20:28 boy to me." Hallelujah.
20:30 And verse 20, he said,
20:32 "So they brought him, and when the
20:34 spirit saw Jesus,
20:36 it immediately threw the boy
20:38 into a convulsion, and he
20:40 fell to the ground and rolled around
20:42 foaming at the mouth."
20:44 Immediately, listen, when that
20:46 spirit saw Jesus,
20:48 somebody say, "As Jesus
20:52 is, so
20:54 am I in
20:56 this world."
20:58 Soon as they see Jesus,
21:00 they're going to say, "Jesus."
21:02 The boy went into a convulsion.
21:08 He fell to the ground, rolled around, foaming
21:10 at the mouth. Jesus asked the
21:12 boy's father, "How long has he been
21:14 like this?" He said, "From a child,"
21:16 he answered. "You mean to tell me he
21:18 been like this all this time
21:20 as a child?"
21:22 He says, "Yes,
21:24 from a child. It's
21:26 often thrown into the fire or
21:28 into the fire.
21:30 But if you can do anything,
21:32 take pity on us
21:34 and help us."
21:36 "If you can?"
21:38 "If you can," said Jesus,
21:42 "everything is
21:44 possible for the one
21:46 who believes."
21:48 You know what I say.
21:50 He said, "If you can do anything,"
21:52 Jesus said, "can you believe anything?"
21:54 Because all things are possible
21:56 for him that can believe.
21:58 And he said, and the boy's
22:00 father exclaimed, "I do believe.
22:02 Help me to overcome
22:04 my unbelief."
22:06 And I need you to see this.
22:08 And he said that when Jesus saw the crowd
22:10 running to him to the scene, he rebuked
22:12 the impure spirit, "Your deaf
22:14 and mute spirit," he said, "come,
22:16 I command you, come out of him
22:18 and enter him
22:20 no more again." And so here it is.
22:22 He said, "Lord, I believe, but
22:24 help my unbelief."
22:26 I just need you to see,
22:28 here's a man that was
22:30 arguing and questioning the disciples.
22:32 No doubt he saw
22:34 them casting out devils. He knew
22:36 the authority that they had
22:38 and was given to them. That's why
22:40 he brings his son to Jesus in
22:42 the first place. He had faith
22:44 to believe that maybe his son
22:46 would be delivered because of the
22:48 disciples, but nothing happened.
22:50 And so
22:52 now he's in the position, he said, "Lord, I believe.
22:54 I want to believe,
22:56 but help my unbelief."
22:58 And Jesus cast the devil out,
23:00 that boy. So here you see
23:02 that unbelief
23:04 does not stop the healing power
23:06 of God
23:08 because he is who he says he is.
23:10 He would do exactly
23:12 what he said.
23:14 Hallelujah. And I just
23:18 want to dispel this thing because
23:20 you say if a person don't believe, they can't
23:22 get healed. How many of that lunatic boy
23:24 didn't believe nothing?
23:26 That lunatic boy
23:28 didn't know anything that was going on.
23:30 He wasn't in his right
23:32 mind.
23:34 He said, "I believe, God, but help me
23:38 not to be moved by what I see.
23:40 Help me not to be moved
23:42 by your disciples not being able to do
23:44 anything.
23:46 I believe."
23:48 Jesus said,
23:50 "Keep on believing. All things are possible
23:52 to him that
23:54 can believe."
23:56 And he cast the devil out of the little boy
23:58 and he fell and people
24:00 thought he was dead. Jesus grabbed
24:02 him by the hand and he stood up.
24:04 Unbelief can't stop the
24:06 healing power of God.
24:08 I'm talking about those that you're praying for.
24:10 Now, you gotta believe.
24:12 Somebody said, "I'm a believer."
24:14 I'm not a doubter.
24:16 I believe he is
24:18 who he says he is.
24:20 And so, don't worry about a person's
24:24 unbelief or their faith.
24:26 Signs and wonders are for the unbelievers.
24:28 You
24:30 preach, you speak to them.
24:32 You lay hands on them. They see
24:34 the healing power of God. They'll know
24:36 without a shadow of a doubt that
24:38 Jesus is Lord.
24:40 So don't let that stop you
24:42 from praying for the sick.
24:44 Seeing them recover. Freely
24:46 you have received, freely give.
24:48 You don't have to preach to them to get them to
24:50 believe. Lay hands on them, let them get
24:52 healed and then they'll believe.
24:54 Are you
24:56 hearing me?
24:58 Do you remember in John chapter 5, there's
25:00 a man at the pool of Bethesda
25:02 and he's waiting for the troubling
25:04 of the water because the angel
25:06 will come down at a certain time
25:08 and when the angel troubles the water, who's the first
25:10 to step in the water? They were made
25:12 whole. Jesus see this man
25:14 who'd been laying there for 38
25:16 years
25:18 and he comes to him
25:20 and he says, "Will you be made whole?"
25:22 And he says, "Sir, I don't
25:24 have anybody to help me
25:26 because when the angel comes and stir up the water
25:28 by the time, I'm trying to get there
25:30 but by the time I start to
25:32 move my body to try to get there
25:34 somebody get there before me
25:36 and I don't get anything."
25:40 Jesus, you know, he didn't
25:42 ask him all that. He just said, "Will you be made
25:44 whole?"
25:46 But he had a reason
25:48 you know, for why he wasn't made whole
25:50 and listen to this. This is so powerful
25:52 to me. I'm still chewing on it.
25:54 Jesus said, "Take up your
25:56 mat and go home. Take up
25:58 your mat and walk."
26:00 And the man
26:02 took up his mat
26:04 and was
26:06 walking home.
26:08 The religious
26:10 people saw him carrying his mat
26:12 and said, "What are you doing
26:14 carrying your mat on the
26:16 Sabbath? It's not lawful for you
26:18 to carry your bed around
26:20 on the Sabbath. What are you doing with it?"
26:22 He said, "Somebody just told
26:24 me. Go and take up
26:26 your bed and walk."
26:28 Who told you that? I don't even
26:30 know who he
26:36 is. Who is this
26:38 Jesus you talking about?
26:40 I never heard of him. I don't
26:42 know who he is.
26:44 He said,
26:46 "I don't know who told me that.
26:48 I don't know him. Never seen him
26:50 around here before.
26:52 The only people at the pool are the
26:54 sick, the weak, the lame,
26:56 those that are dejected.
26:58 Who?
27:00 I don't know him."
27:02 Can you imagine such
27:04 a thing? Look at the
27:06 authority that
27:08 is in the voice
27:10 when you know who you are,
27:12 when you know your authority.
27:14 Jesus appealed
27:18 to the spirit of the
27:20 man, "Take up your bed.
27:22 Walk."
27:24 He got up
27:26 and walked.
27:28 And then
27:30 Jesus came to him later.
27:32 He said the opposite
27:34 of what he did in Luke chapter 5.
27:36 He said, "Go.
27:38 You're healed. Go and
27:40 sin no more."
27:42 And then he goes to the Jews and says,
27:44 "Hey, it was Jesus
27:46 that healed me." So you know.
27:48 It was
27:50 Jesus that healed me.
27:52 I've been here 38 years
27:54 in this way.
27:56 I've tried many times
27:58 to get healed. Nothing
28:00 happens. Somebody else get healed before
28:02 me all the time.
28:04 But now I know it was Jesus.
28:06 It was Jesus.
28:08 [applause]
28:10 Hallelujah.
28:12 Are you hearing me?
28:14 So Jesus
28:16 heals a man, didn't say,
28:18 "Go and sin no more."
28:20 We just read that Jesus said, "Your sins
28:22 be forgiven." And he healed him.
28:24 So there's nothing
28:26 that can stop the healing power of God
28:28 from manifesting
28:30 in our lives
28:32 and to receive what God
28:34 has for you and I.
28:36 And so this man
28:38 received the healing power of
28:40 Jesus. It is so important
28:42 how you believe to
28:44 receive what God has made available
28:46 to you and I. In order
28:48 for you and I to arrive at healing, we
28:50 must really properly define
28:52 the cause.
28:54 The cause is
28:56 really important.
28:58 And we have talked about this before
29:00 many times when it comes to healing
29:02 because we think the cause is what we
29:04 eat.
29:06 We think the cause is because we don't exercise
29:08 enough. We think the cause
29:10 is because of some generational curse
29:12 that is in our lives, in our family
29:14 line, or in our bloodline.
29:16 We think the cause is because
29:18 of our sin. And so
29:20 the enemy would try to talk you out of
29:22 even believing God for healing
29:24 because it was your fault. It's the things
29:26 that you're doing. You know,
29:28 if somebody develops diabetes,
29:30 they're told it's because of their
29:32 diet.
29:34 You know, if someone has cancers
29:36 because they don't have, they have
29:38 unforgiveness in their hearts or
29:40 they're holding something against somebody
29:42 and it's eating up at them like cancer.
29:44 And so we have all these reasons
29:46 why people have what they have
29:48 and we spend all of our time trying
29:50 to figure out what I need to eat now,
29:52 change my diet. I forgive
29:54 everybody. Lord, I don't know who I'm mad at,
29:56 but God, I just release everybody.
29:58 I don't want...
30:00 We go through all of this stuff
30:02 trying to figure out what I need to
30:04 do so I can receive what He's already...
30:06 [applause]
30:10 What He has already
30:12 provided for us.
30:14 The implication is that sickness
30:16 is the cause of an individual's
30:18 action.
30:20 And so this is not true. This is not
30:22 true at all. Death and sickness are never
30:24 caused by individual actions or
30:26 sin. Let's look at this real
30:28 quick. Let's just throw this in there.
30:30 Romans chapter 5.
30:33 Verse 12.
30:38 It says, "Wherefore, as by
30:40 one man, sin
30:42 entered into the world, and death
30:44 by sin. So
30:46 death passed upon all men
30:48 for all
30:50 have sinned."
30:52 Verse 13. "For until
30:54 the law, the sin was in the world, but
30:56 sin is not imputed, where there is
30:58 no law." People were sinning, but
31:00 didn't know they were sinning because
31:02 there was nobody to tell them, "You ain't...
31:04 You're not supposed to do that."
31:06 Nevertheless,
31:08 death reigned from Adam
31:10 to Moses, even over them
31:12 that had not sinned,
31:14 after the similitude of Adam's
31:16 transgression, who was a figure
31:18 of that, of him, that was
31:20 to come. So, you know,
31:22 people didn't die because of individual
31:24 sin. They died because they
31:26 were included in
31:28 Adam's sin. Because of Adam's sin,
31:30 all have sinned. We were all
31:32 included in Adam's sin. And
31:34 it was by Adam, not individual
31:36 sin.
31:38 Death came.
31:40 And because of that, it reigned.
31:42 From Adam to Moses,
31:44 no one was held
31:46 accountable for their actions,
31:48 and yet, they died.
31:50 The real
31:52 question is, "Why are sickness
31:54 and disease... Why is sickness and disease
31:56 on the planet? And what
31:58 is the permanent solution?
32:00 Why people get sick?
32:02 Why disease in the earth?"
32:04 Verse 17,
32:06 "For the
32:08 sin of this one man,
32:10 Adam, caused death
32:12 to rule over man."
32:14 Because of this
32:16 one man, Adam. But even
32:18 greater, even
32:20 greater is God's
32:22 wonderful grace,
32:24 and his gift of righteousness.
32:26 For all who receive
32:28 it, all who receive it,
32:30 all who receive it,
32:32 will live and triumph over
32:34 sin and death,
32:36 through this one man, Jesus
32:38 Christ. Hallelujah!
32:40 The first Adam
32:42 was the cause. The second Adam
32:44 was the solution. Hallelujah!
32:46 So, the
32:48 cause was the first
32:50 Adam. The solution
32:52 was the second Adam.
32:54 Hallelujah!
32:56 Jesus, he gives us
32:58 the victory over
33:00 sin and death.
33:02 Hallelujah! Somebody
33:04 say, "Jesus is the solution."
33:08 And so, we've been taught so many
33:10 other things that is, things that are going
33:12 on in our lives, and we don't,
33:14 we need to focus, refocus our attention,
33:16 set our gaze on the path
33:18 before us with fixed purpose,
33:20 knowing that Jesus is the
33:22 solution. Don't
33:24 look to the right or to the left, looking
33:26 straight ahead.
33:28 Hallelujah!
33:30 And what God has for us.
33:32 And so, we can't allow
33:34 fear to stop us from
33:36 receiving what God has for us
33:38 or to rob us of what God
33:40 has already provided for us.
33:42 Somebody shout, "No fear" here.
33:44 Because this is the avenue
33:46 that the enemy uses now
33:48 to project fear,
33:50 to project sickness and disease in your
33:52 life through this avenue of fear.
33:54 And so, you can't allow fear
33:58 to rob you of what God has
34:00 for you. Fear has the
34:02 same effect on your life as faith.
34:04 You will
34:06 manifest what you
34:08 believe,
34:10 what you trust.
34:12 You trust what the doctor said,
34:14 it'll manifest.
34:16 You believe
34:18 what they say, it'll manifest.
34:20 You can't
34:22 allow fear to
34:24 stop you or rob you of what you
34:26 are believing God to walk in
34:28 divine health. The enemy will always
34:30 come and use the avenue of fear
34:32 to open the door.
34:34 It's no longer sin. You know it's
34:36 not sin because Jesus did away with
34:38 your sin. He nailed it to the cross.
34:40 Sin has no more dominion over
34:44 your life. So, if
34:46 I can't get them with sin, how
34:48 can I get it? Fear!
34:50 But you gotta close
34:54 the door to fear.
34:56 Mark chapter
34:58 5, you remember the story
35:00 of the ruler of the synagogue that
35:02 comes to Jesus and he said, "Lord,
35:04 I need you to come to my house, lay your
35:06 hands on my daughter and I know she
35:08 will be made whole." Jesus
35:10 said, "I will come."
35:12 And while he's going to
35:14 Jairus' house, there's a crowd
35:16 that is following him and there's
35:18 the woman that hears about Jesus
35:20 going to Jairus' house to lay hands
35:22 on his daughter so she would be made
35:24 whole. She says within herself,
35:26 "If I could just touch the hem
35:28 of his garment, I know I will
35:30 be made whole." I mean, here's
35:32 a faith that's being released. Here's
35:34 a belief that is being released
35:36 because of the authority
35:38 that she knows that Jesus has.
35:40 And she presses through that crowd.
35:44 You gotta be like this woman.
35:48 You know, sometimes we
35:52 as Christians, we've learned to live
35:54 with stuff.
35:56 And you know,
35:58 it doesn't bother me that much and it only
36:00 happens every now and then.
36:02 And we're not
36:04 pressed.
36:06 But the reason
36:08 why you were born was to manifest
36:10 the works of God.
36:12 Sickness and disease has
36:14 no right to your body.
36:16 There's no right to your life. Your body
36:18 is the temple of the Holy Ghost.
36:20 You belong to God.
36:24 So she said,
36:26 "If I could just touch him,
36:28 I'll be made whole."
36:30 She presses through that crowd,
36:32 touches the hem of his garment,
36:34 and immediately
36:36 she knew
36:38 within herself that she was made
36:40 whole.
36:42 The Bible said Jesus turned to see
36:44 her.
36:46 He said, "Who touched me?"
36:48 There's a lot of people touching you, Jesus. What do you mean
36:50 who touched me? He said,
36:52 "I see as a relief of the anointing of God
36:54 on my life." Somebody is
36:56 pulling on that anointing. Somebody
36:58 recognizes the power of God is present
37:00 to heal. Somebody's pulling
37:02 on it. Somebody got some issues
37:04 that they need God
37:06 to answer their issues
37:08 and they're pulling on the anointing
37:10 of God. They're not spectating.
37:12 They are participating
37:14 in what God is moving,
37:16 what God is doing in this house.
37:18 I'm telling you, if you be a
37:20 participator and not a spectator,
37:22 if you pull on the anointing,
37:24 if you just pull on it,
37:28 you will
37:32 find yourself healed
37:34 immediately.
37:36 Oh, I got a few people pulling
37:42 on that anointing right now.
37:44 Maybe you don't have no issues,
37:46 but I don't know. If you got some
37:48 issues in here,
37:50 pull on that anointing.
37:54 Immediately
37:56 she was
37:58 made whole.
38:00 She fear and trembling.
38:04 She wasn't afraid in the
38:06 fear that you and I, you know, when you
38:08 think about being frightened or fearful.
38:10 Fear and trembling. She had great
38:12 respect, great reverence
38:14 for who Jesus was.
38:16 I know you're going to a diarist's house.
38:18 I ain't trying to mess with you. I ain't trying to
38:20 disturb you. I don't want to take up anymore
38:22 your time. I just thought
38:24 if I could just touch you. I know
38:26 I will be made
38:28 whole. I know I'll be made
38:30 whole.
38:32 She fear and trembling
38:36 comes to Jesus, tells her
38:38 testimony. I've had this issue
38:40 for 12 years. I don't
38:42 know how long you've been on medication.
38:44 I don't know how long you've been
38:46 dealing with what you're dealing with. I don't
38:48 know how long, but hers is 12 years.
38:50 I don't know what you know what that looks like,
38:52 but if you're bleeding for 12 years,
38:54 not only is it affecting
38:56 you physically, but it's affecting you
38:58 mentally. It's affecting you emotionally.
39:00 It's affecting every part
39:02 of your life. I don't know if this
39:04 woman was married or not, but her
39:06 husband can't get none for 12 years.
39:08 Can you imagine?
39:10 I didn't mean to say it that way, but
39:18 can you imagine
39:22 12 years?
39:24 I ain't been with my husband for
39:26 12 years.
39:28 I've been to many
39:30 physicians.
39:32 I spent everything that I have.
39:34 I never got any
39:36 better. I only got worse.
39:38 I know the authority that you have.
39:42 I know you're a healer.
39:44 I don't want to disturb you, but if I knew if I
39:46 could just touch you,
39:48 I'll be made whole. He said,
39:50 "Woman, your faith
39:52 your faith
39:56 has made you whole.
39:58 You're trusting.
40:00 You're saying.
40:02 It's easy to say
40:04 y'all.
40:06 It's easy to say it.
40:08 We're scared to
40:10 say something.
40:12 If I say it out loud,
40:14 what if the devil attacked
40:16 me more? If I say
40:18 what it is, what if
40:20 it's easy to
40:22 say
40:24 and you will
40:26 have
40:28 whatsoever
40:30 you say.
40:32 Are you
40:34 hearing me?
40:36 We're going to get to that again.
40:38 And while he's
40:40 talking to this woman,
40:42 somebody from Jairus house comes
40:44 and say, "Hey, don't trouble the master
40:46 any longer. Your daughter is
40:48 dead." Jesus hearing
40:50 that turns to Jairus
40:52 and say, "Hey, be not
40:54 afraid."
40:56 Somebody shout, "Only believe."
41:00 And see this only believe
41:02 has to go beyond what you can
41:04 see. This only believe has to
41:06 go beyond the circumstances.
41:08 It has to go beyond what you are hearing.
41:10 I heard my daughter is dead
41:12 and he's telling me, "No, only believe."
41:14 Only believe what? That if you go to my
41:16 if I go to your house, I lay my
41:18 hands on your daughter, she'll be healed.
41:20 That's the only thing you got to believe.
41:22 The only thing that you got to believe is that he is
41:24 Jehovah Rapha. He is the Lord
41:26 God who heals. He is who he says
41:28 he is. He will do exactly what
41:30 he said he would do. That's the only thing
41:32 I got to believe.
41:34 Somebody shout,
41:38 "Only believe."
41:40 Somebody said, "I'm a believer."
41:42 See the enemy
41:44 is getting taken. He's doing
41:46 everything he can
41:48 to get you not to
41:50 believe.
41:52 The man who brought
41:54 his lunatic son, his son
41:56 is now rolling on the floor, foaming
41:58 at the mouth. He's trying to get
42:00 him to believe something other than what
42:02 he really believed.
42:04 That he could be
42:06 free.
42:08 He said, "Don't be afraid."
42:10 Somebody said, "No fear here."
42:12 Don't be
42:14 afraid. Only
42:16 believe.
42:18 And so,
42:20 he says to him, "You know the
42:22 story. He goes to Jairus' house.
42:24 He puts everybody out of the room that's
42:26 crying and carrying on.
42:28 He put them
42:30 all out.
42:32 He put them all out.
42:34 He put them all out.
42:36 He put them all out.
42:40 He says to the daughter,
42:44 "Baby, get up."
42:46 She's 12 years old. She gets up.
42:48 They say, "Give her something to eat."
42:50 She's raised.
42:52 God raises her up.
42:54 "I need you to zero in. Be not
42:56 afraid. Only
42:58 believe." That is the avenue
43:00 the enemy will come in.
43:02 Sin has no
43:04 dominion over your life.
43:06 Don't allow fear to
43:08 rob you of what Jesus has already
43:10 provided for you.
43:12 You know
43:14 you go to the doctor. You're feeling good.
43:16 Ain't nothing wrong. And then he gives you
43:18 a report.
43:20 All of a sudden fear comes in.
43:22 Somebody say, "No fear here."
43:24 There are doctors
43:26 who think they tell you what they think might be
43:28 wrong. They misdiagnose
43:30 you. I don't have anything against doctors
43:32 or hospitals. We thank God for them all.
43:34 If it wasn't for them, a lot of you'd be dead
43:36 right now.
43:38 But thank God for his
43:40 amazing grace to use
43:42 the doctors.
43:44 But we hear
43:46 and we get misdiagnosed or we
43:48 hear something. And all of a sudden we're
43:50 afraid.
43:52 But Timothy says to us, 1 Timothy
43:54 1-7, "God has not given you a
43:56 spirit of fear,
43:58 but of love, power."
44:00 Somebody said a sound mind.
44:02 Somebody said a renewed mind.
44:04 Remember your health is tied
44:06 to your soul.
44:08 As long as your soul is renewed
44:10 to the truth that I'm already healed,
44:12 then I have
44:14 a sound mind. And
44:16 God has not given me a spirit of fear,
44:18 but he has given you his spirit.
44:20 And Paul
44:22 got us a revelation that God has given us
44:24 a spirit of faith. And when
44:26 you have the spirit of faith, the spirit of faith
44:28 that I believe, therefore I've
44:30 spoken. Listen, you have
44:32 the spirit of faith on the inside
44:34 of you, not the spirit of fear.
44:36 When you have the spirit of faith, you can
44:40 speak. It's easy to
44:42 speak.
44:44 It's easy to say what God
44:46 has said and what
44:48 God is doing in your life. Speak
44:50 the word of God.
44:52 Don't allow fear to rob you
44:54 of that. He's not giving
44:56 us a spirit of fear, but of love,
44:58 power. Somebody said
45:00 I got power.
45:02 Somebody said love.
45:04 You got to know that God loves
45:06 you. God didn't
45:08 put sickness and disease on
45:10 you. He didn't make those
45:12 bad things happen to you.
45:14 Yes, things happen. Life
45:16 happens.
45:18 But God said he would take
45:20 the opportunity to manifest
45:22 the works of God.
45:24 Just
45:26 like Lazarus, this sickness is
45:28 not unto death, but it's for the glory.
45:30 And so that you could see the glory
45:32 of God manifest
45:34 in your life. If things attack
45:36 you, things come against you, the glory
45:38 is about to show up in your life.
45:40 Get ready for the glory of God
45:42 to be seen in your life.
45:44 Somebody shout glory.
45:46 Hallelujah.
45:48 Hallelujah.
45:50 Job chapter 3
45:52 verse 25, he said
45:54 what I've always feared
45:56 happened to me.
45:58 What you fear
46:00 will happen to you. And he said
46:02 what I dreaded has come true.
46:04 I felt something.
46:08 I knew
46:10 something was wrong.
46:12 And it felt like I remember
46:14 because so and so had the same thing.
46:16 My mama had the same thing.
46:18 Daddy had the same thing.
46:20 You go to the doctor
46:22 and he said what I feared
46:24 has happened to me.
46:26 Not because somebody
46:28 else had the same thing. It's
46:30 what you feared
46:32 that has happened to you.
46:34 And what you had dreaded
46:36 has come true.
46:38 Listen.
46:40 Somebody said no fear here.
46:42 Say it
46:44 like you mean it.
46:46 Hallelujah.
46:48 Glory to God.
46:50 Hallelujah.
46:52 Say fear? You're not
46:54 welcome here.
46:56 I need y'all to see
46:58 this because when I just said that I had a
47:00 I saw in my mind's eye or my
47:02 spirit a slamming the
47:04 door.
47:06 You're not welcome
47:08 here. No fear here.
47:10 Glory
47:12 to God. Get up and slam the
47:14 door on the enemy. No
47:16 fear here.
47:18 Glory to God. You have
47:20 no place here.
47:22 Jesus is Lord.
47:24 We are
47:26 healed.
47:28 Glory to God.
47:32 So we see
47:34 hallelujah.
47:36 Glory to
47:38 God. Come on let's give God some praise. If we're
47:40 going to praise him, let's praise him.
47:42 Hallelujah. Glory. Glory.
47:44 Glory. Glory. Glory.
47:46 Hallelujah.
47:48 No fear here.
47:50 Close the door to the enemy.
47:56 No fear here.
48:00 So if we're going to
48:02 receive, you're
48:04 going to have to believe correctly.
48:06 First of all,
48:08 God is a good God.
48:10 You may take your
48:12 seat.
48:14 God is a good God.
48:16 Somebody say God is good.
48:18 And God
48:20 wants you healed.
48:22 He wants you to walk in divine
48:24 health. The Bible
48:26 says in Acts 10 38 how
48:28 God anointed Jesus
48:30 with the Holy Ghost and
48:32 with power
48:34 who went about doing
48:36 good healing.
48:38 How many? Jesus
48:40 went about healing who?
48:42 He went about healing how many?
48:44 Jesus
48:48 went about
48:50 doing good
48:52 healing all that
48:54 were oppressed of who?
48:56 They
48:58 were oppressed of the devil
49:00 for God, he could do
49:02 this because God was
49:04 with him.
49:06 But he healed everybody that was
49:08 oppressed of the devil. John
49:10 10 10 says the thief comes
49:12 to steal,
49:14 kill, and to destroy.
49:16 He's trying to steal your
49:18 health to kill you and to
49:20 destroy you. But
49:22 Jesus said I've come
49:24 to give you life.
49:26 That you might have
49:28 life and that
49:30 you may have it more abundantly.
49:32 Hallelujah.
49:36 Jesus came to give
49:38 us life.
49:40 Remember two weeks ago we said
49:44 that the Spirit of God, Romans
49:46 chapter 8 will quicken your mortal bodies
49:48 and bring it life.
49:50 Jesus came to give you
49:52 life. Now listen to me, he did not
49:54 come to improve your life.
49:56 He came to give you
49:58 a new life.
50:00 A new life. If any man
50:04 be in Christ Jesus, he's a
50:06 new creation. The old man
50:08 have passed away, everything
50:10 is new. He came to give
50:12 you his life.
50:14 His life.
50:18 And so you
50:20 can see from the life of God
50:22 that is on the inside of us.
50:24 He did not
50:26 rely on the outward
50:28 man or the physical senses
50:30 or the circumstances that
50:32 were surrounding anybody's
50:34 issues to determine
50:36 whether or not the power of God
50:38 would be revealed in their lives.
50:40 He encountered
50:42 many devils,
50:44 cast them out, told them
50:46 to shut up, sit down
50:48 somewhere, come
50:50 out of there.
50:52 He encountered the blind
50:54 and caused them to see,
50:56 the lame to walk,
50:58 the deaf to hear, the mute
51:00 to speak, the dead
51:02 to be raised.
51:04 He wasn't moved by the
51:06 circumstances, definitely
51:08 not a doctor's report.
51:10 I've come to give you
51:12 life.
51:14 He came
51:16 to give us, somebody said, his
51:18 life.
51:20 And so we're no longer
51:22 moved or living according to
51:24 the flesh. Oh, my
51:26 time is up. Okay.
51:28 Wait a minute. We got to finish
51:30 this.
51:32 Anybody pressed?
51:36 He came to
51:42 give us this life.
51:44 We got to stop focusing
51:46 on the flesh.
51:48 We got to focus
51:50 on the life of God
51:52 that is within you.
51:54 Look at Romans chapter 8
51:56 verse 5.
51:58 New Living Translation.
52:00 No, NIV. I'm sorry. I hope you
52:02 got it up there. Romans chapter
52:04 8 verse 5.
52:06 NIV.
52:08 Those who
52:10 live according to the flesh
52:12 have their minds set on what the flesh
52:14 desires. But those who live
52:16 according to the spirit have their minds set
52:18 on the spirit desires.
52:20 So you can't focus
52:22 your attention on the flesh because
52:24 you're going to produce fleshly things.
52:26 Or you're going to enforce
52:28 what the flesh
52:30 is saying to you.
52:32 You're hurting because
52:34 this happened and that happened. And so
52:36 because you focus on that, you
52:38 enforce that. But if you
52:40 focus on the spirit, if your
52:42 mind is set
52:44 on what's happening in the
52:46 spirit, you're going to manifest the
52:48 spirit's desires.
52:50 Verse 6 says the mind governs the
52:52 flesh is death.
52:54 But the mind governed by the
52:56 spirit is life
52:58 and peace. God
53:00 wants you to have the life and the
53:02 peace that he gives you.
53:04 Nothing lacking, nothing missing,
53:06 nothing broken, nothing out of place.
53:08 Verse
53:10 7, the mind governed by
53:12 the flesh is hostile to God.
53:14 It does not submit to
53:16 God's law, nor can it
53:18 do so.
53:20 Relying on your spiritual hand
53:22 or the spirit of God on the inside of you brings
53:24 you to a place of life
53:26 and peace.
53:28 Speaking the peace of God
53:30 over your life, speaking
53:32 the life of God into your life
53:34 is easy
53:36 to speak the life of God
53:38 inside of you
53:40 to manifest in this
53:42 natural realm.
53:44 Those of you who are
53:46 minded, the words of the Holy
53:48 Spirit
53:50 reap life and peace.
53:52 Listen to me, there are two ways
53:56 for you and I to live. You can live
53:58 controlled by the spiritual aspect of life
54:00 and we've talked about this.
54:02 Or you can live life controlled by the flesh
54:04 just based on your five physical
54:06 senses.
54:08 Listen, faith perceives as real fact
54:10 what has not been revealed
54:12 to the senses.
54:14 See, what you're believing God
54:16 for may have not been revealed
54:18 to the senses.
54:20 But if you keep believing
54:22 what has been revealed by the spirit
54:24 it will manifest in this
54:26 physical realm.
54:28 And you will experience the
54:30 life and the peace of God
54:32 that is within you.
54:34 Hallelujah.
54:36 So Jesus said, the devil
54:38 comes, the thief comes to steal,
54:40 kill, and to destroy.
54:42 I've come that you may have life
54:44 and that you would have it
54:46 more abundant. Look at
54:48 verse 11, he says, I am the good
54:50 shepherd I give
54:52 who gives his life
54:54 for his sheep.
54:56 Did we not sing that today?
54:58 The Lord is my shepherd.
55:00 Hallelujah. He's my helper.
55:02 He came
55:04 to give me his life.
55:06 He made the exchange.
55:08 I have the life and nature
55:10 of God living on the inside of me.
55:12 And the spirit of God
55:14 will quicken my mortal body
55:16 and cause the life of God to be seen
55:18 in me.
55:20 And you and I, Paul got that same
55:22 revelation, he said, I was crucified with Christ
55:24 nevertheless I live.
55:26 But not I.
55:28 It's Christ that
55:30 lives in me and the life
55:32 that I now live.
55:34 I live by the faith
55:36 of the son of God who loves
55:38 me. Somebody said God loves me.
55:40 He gives his life for me.
55:42 So you
55:44 and I have the ability to speak the life
55:46 of God into your body.
55:48 I speak the life
55:50 of God into your kidneys right now
55:52 in the name of Jesus.
55:54 I speak the life of God
55:56 into your lungs. I speak the life
55:58 of God into your heart.
56:00 I speak the life of God into your head.
56:02 I speak the life of God
56:04 into your brain. You will not
56:06 have dementia. You will not have
56:08 Alzheimer. I speak the life of
56:10 God into your physical body.
56:12 I speak the life of God
56:14 into your limbs. I speak
56:16 the life of God.
56:18 [crowd cheering]
56:20 [speaking in tongues]
56:22 [speaking in tongues]
56:24 [speaking in tongues]
56:26 I speak the life of God
56:28 into every part of your body
56:30 from the crown of your head
56:32 to the very soles of your feet.
56:34 You are healed.
56:36 You are healed.
56:38 You are healed.
56:40 We drive out
56:42 every demonic force
56:44 that's trying to steal,
56:46 kill, and to destroy
56:48 every tumor,
56:50 every fibroid, every cancer
56:52 cell, every arthritis,
56:54 every sugar diabetes,
56:56 every...
56:58 We speak the life of God
57:00 [crowd cheering]
57:02 into every part of your
57:04 body. I speak
57:06 the life of God into your
57:08 prostrate right now
57:10 in the name of Jesus.
57:12 I command it to be whole.
57:14 [crowd cheering]
57:16 We speak the life of God
57:18 into your colon right
57:20 now in the
57:22 name of Jesus.
57:24 I speak the life of God
57:26 into your knee
57:28 in the
57:30 name of Jesus.
57:32 Every cell,
57:36 every tissue, every ligament,
57:38 your bones.
57:40 I speak
57:42 the life of God.