Battalion Wars 2 Walkthrough Part 1 (Wii) HD 1080p

  • 3 months ago
00:00 *Grunts*
00:02 Huh?
00:03 Huh?
00:04 *Grunts*
00:06 *Grunts*
00:08 *Gunshot*
00:11 *Music*
00:32 *Music*
00:43 Centuries ago, a dark shadow was cast over the globe.
00:47 *Music*
00:58 The Iron Legion had all but crushed the free nations of the world.
01:03 *Music*
01:07 In readiness for the final onslaught, Lord Feroc gathered his armies at the Iron Tower.
01:13 None can resist! Total conquest is at hand!
01:18 *Music*
01:22 But at the last moment, one nation dared to challenge them.
01:26 The Solar Empire.
01:29 *Music*
01:31 Trespassers! Legion, attack!
01:36 *Music*
01:44 There was little hope of victory, but Empress Ka-Len had hatched a desperate plan.
01:50 Hurry, brave warriors! There's so little time.
01:56 *Music*
02:07 Your attention, Commander. In this staff, we hold the key to the destruction of our enemies, the Iron Legion.
02:16 *Music*
02:21 A strike battalion will take the staff to Lord Feroc's stronghold and bring an end to the lightning war.
02:28 *Music*
02:32 Once atop the Iron Tower, the staff will activate the satellite weaponry and shall destroy the enemy from above.
02:40 *Music*
02:45 Empress Ka-Len's army stands on the brink of ultimate defeat! Annihilate them! Lord Feroc commands you!
02:54 *Music*
03:01 The Nunchuck control stick controls your movement. Press forward to advance to the first gold star.
03:08 *Music*
03:12 The gold star on your screen and radar represents your primary objective. Advance!
03:19 Use the Wii remote to aim at one of the bombers above. The red exclamation mark means it is an enemy!
03:26 *Music*
03:33 Advance to the gold star! The golden tower blocks our path! It is time to learn how to lock on to targets and destroy them!
03:42 *Music*
03:45 Aim the crosshair at the target and press and hold the Z button to lock on. Then press the B button to fire!
03:53 *Music*
03:55 Aim at the unexploded shell. Press and hold the Z button to lock on. Then press the B button to open fire!
04:04 Well done, Commander!
04:06 *Music*
04:10 Join the strike battalion before Lord Feroc discovers the staff!
04:14 *Music*
04:17 Eta lopus! Blow them into oblivion!
04:21 *Music*
04:30 The staff bearer has fallen, and with him the strike battalion!
04:35 *Music*
04:40 Collect the staff. They must not fall into enemy hands!
04:45 *Music*
04:50 The duty of taking the staff to the iron tower now falls to you, Commander!
04:55 *Music*
05:01 Enemy infantry block your approach. Do not allow them to stand in the way of your mission!
05:07 *Music*
05:12 Follow this path to the iron tower. The gold stars will mark the way!
05:17 *Music*
05:20 The staff bearer will recharge your weapon and provide the shield.
05:24 However, the men's power will not last much longer!
05:28 *Music*
05:32 The staff bearer is the last!
05:34 *Music*
05:46 *Music*
06:00 Some kind of sneak attack? Heavy tank, shell them into oblivion!
06:06 *Music*
06:15 Receive the iron tower, Commander!
06:17 *Music*
06:30 Enemy inbound!
06:32 Your leader's shield will be your help!
06:35 *Music*
06:38 Remember, press and hold the Z button to knock onto your enemy, and press the V button to fire!
06:45 *Music*
07:05 Hello, Solar Grant advancers! Gunships, let's fly your missiles!
07:11 *Music*
07:13 Fear not, Commander! Look up at the gunships and shoot them out of the sky!
07:18 *Music*
07:20 Follow the gold star!
07:22 *Music*
07:34 *Music*
07:47 The enemy approaches the iron tower! Unleash the battle station!
07:53 *Music*
07:58 Use the remaining power of the staff! Destroy that battle station!
08:02 *Music*
08:17 The portal's been breached! We can now approach the iron tower!
08:21 *Music*
08:26 Your weapon has fused! It cannot fire, but the staff can still activate the satellite weapon!
08:33 *Music*
08:39 These three survivors will join you and form a battalion under your command!
08:44 Follow them over the ledge and into the breach!
08:47 *Music*
08:53 Get over the ledge to safety! Look for the new gold star!
08:58 *Music*
09:01 Press the A button without locking on to get your battalion to follow you!
09:06 *Music*
09:08 Now, advance to the iron tower!
09:11 *Music*
09:12 You have left those grants in wait mode! Press the A button to get them to follow you!
09:18 *Music*
09:27 To issue an attack order, lock on to an enemy target, then press the A button to send the selected unit type to attack!
09:36 Lock on to the gate chain, then press the A button to send your grants to destroy it!
09:42 *Music*
09:45 Your weapon has received a light incline! You are so close now, Commander!
09:51 *Music*
10:00 More wreckage! Command your troops to destroy the unexploded shells!
10:05 *Music*
10:07 Legion grants! Order your infantry to shoot the ammo dumps and eliminate them!
10:12 *Music*
10:14 Push left or right with the control stick, and tilt the nunchuck in the same direction to perform a combat roll!
10:21 *Music*
10:28 Your weapon is fused! You shall have to deploy your grants wisely!
10:33 *Music*
10:36 Let us take the plunge into this victory!
10:39 *Music*
10:53 Use the D button to lock on to an enemy grant, and press the A button to order your troops to attack!
10:59 *Music*
11:04 Against all odds, you have reached the Iron Tower! Well done, Commander!
11:09 *Music*
11:13 *Music*
11:19 Infiltrating the Iron Tower, Kahlen's foot soldiers deployed the staff to draw down the Power of the Sun.
11:27 *Music*
11:56 Infiltrators! The enemy sent a signal from atop the Iron Tower!
12:03 *Music*
12:06 No! The Legion shall not be undone!
12:11 *Screaming*
12:14 *Music*
12:37 Thus was the Iron Legion ended, but in the ashes of its defeat, the seeds of vengeance would be sown.
12:45 *Music*
12:54 And although the staff was hidden far away from prying eyes and meddling hands,
12:59 centuries later, a plan would be cast in motion that would once again set the nations of the world
13:06 at war.
13:08 *Music*
13:30 Campaign 1 - The Solar Empire, present day.
13:33 In this campaign, you take command of the battalions of the Solar Empire.
13:38 Colonel Windsor and Commander Pierce of the Anglo-Isles believe rumors that the Solar Empire is constructing some form of super-weapon,
13:46 and so they launch a surprise attack.
13:48 Empress Leiko and Admiral Akira, your commanding officers, deny these rumors and are preparing to fight back.
13:56 Defend the Solar Empire from the Anglo-Isles' aggressors.
14:00 *Music*
14:08 The Anglo-Isles have launched a surprise attack on the outlying islands of the Solar Empire.
14:13 Empress Leiko must act quickly or face the dishonor of defeat.
14:18 *Music*
14:39 Glad we got posted to the Solar Empire, General?
14:42 Garrison duty has its perks, I suppose.
14:46 *Music*
14:53 What the...
14:54 *Music*
15:04 You better be right about this super-weapon, Colonel Windsor.
15:07 Whatever do you mean, Commander Pierce?
15:12 Anglo military intelligence is second to none!
15:16 *Scream*
15:18 *Explosion*
15:22 *Music*
15:26 Forgive the intrusion, Empress Leiko. The outer islands are under attack.
15:32 Very well, Admiral Akira. Master our defenses.
15:37 History has come full circle. It is just as I have foreseen.
15:47 *Music*
16:03 Come in, Commander. This is Empress Leiko. The Anglo-Isles have attacked, leaving devastation in their wake.
16:10 *Music*
16:15 These Solar Empire docks have been destroyed, along with the Imperial battalions stationed here.
16:21 *Music*
16:26 We must defend this airbase from further attack by Colonel Windsor. The sanctity of our homeland rests in your hands.
16:33 *Music*
16:39 Tally-ho, men! Nothing shall stand in the way of us finding and destroying the enemy's super-weapon!
16:45 *Music*
16:51 Commander, we must reinforce our airbase to the west. But first, we must-
16:56 Excellent, Commander. You have found a rifle ground. Now, use the map screen to locate the remaining three.
17:04 *Music*
17:06 Press the minus button to open the map screen, which provides a top-down view of the mission area and unit deployment.
17:13 *Music*
17:14 Quickly, Commander! Find the re-
17:16 *Music*
17:24 Remaining ground!
17:25 *Music*
17:27 You have found another rifle ground. Two more remaining.
17:31 *Music*
17:34 That's another rifle ground. Just one more to go.
17:38 *Music*
17:42 You have reassembled your squad. Well done! Now, head to the next gold star, Commander.
17:49 *Music*
17:52 Your path is blocked, Commander. Send your rifle grounds to destroy the heavy tank wreck.
17:58 *Music*
18:09 Our path is clear. Head to the next gold star, Commander.
18:13 *Music*
18:20 Rifle grounds! Disembark and attack those Solar Empire fighters!
18:25 *Music*
18:32 Enemy patrol! Fear not! Flame veterans are at hand! Attack!
18:38 *Music*
18:46 The enemy has sealed the bamboo gate ahead. Fortunately for us, it can be burned down.
18:52 *Music*
18:56 Use left or right on the plus control pad to select the flame vets, then send them to attack the gate.
19:03 Now, use the plus control pad to select the flame vets, and send them to destroy the bamboo gate.
19:09 *Music*
19:25 Now, use the plus control pad to select the flame vets, and send them to destroy the bamboo gate.
19:31 *Music*
19:33 Well done, Commander! Now, head to the next gold star.
19:37 *Music*
19:40 I'll put a stop to you, Empress Leiko! Brats, drive those Imperial rotters into the sea!
19:46 *Music*
19:58 *Music*
20:04 Hurry ahead, Commander! Our anti-air vehicles are under threat!
20:08 *Music*
20:12 Our anti-air vehicles are under attack from an enemy bazooka veteran. Keep one alive at all costs!
20:18 *Music*
20:27 Use the plus control pad to select the all icon if you want to give a command to your entire battalion.
20:34 *Music*
20:37 Attack the enemy bazooka vet using the all icon.
20:40 *Music*
20:43 Most proficient, Commander. Our anti-air vehicle is safe and now yours to command.
20:49 *Music*
20:52 Colonel Windsor to Bomber Command. Send in a bomber and stop those pesky Imperials from reaching their airbags.
20:59 *Music*
21:03 Quickly, use the plus control pad to select the anti-air vehicle, and send it to attack that bomber.
21:09 *Music*
21:19 Well done, Commander. The Anglo bomber has been wiped out.
21:23 *Music*
21:26 Commander, I'll need you to take personal control of the anti-air vehicle before I can open the next gate.
21:33 *Music*
21:38 Use the Z button to lock onto one of your units, then press and hold the A button to control transfer to it.
21:45 *Music*
21:46 Lock onto the anti-air vehicle, then press and hold the A button to control transfer to it.
21:52 *Music*
21:55 I will open it. This is your first time in control of a vehicle unit. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the controls.
22:03 *Music*
22:11 This airbase is vital to our operations in this region. I cannot let your forces advance, Empress. Bombers away!
22:18 *Music*
22:21 Commander, destroy those two Anglo bombers. I have marked them on your radar with gold stars.
22:28 *Music*
22:32 Mass lock on this enemy bomber. Excellent. One bomber down.
22:36 *Music*
22:38 Both bombers have been destroyed. Now, head to the flag at our airbase.
22:44 *Music*
22:57 You have reinforced the airbase. Well done, Commander.
23:01 *Music*
23:04 In the previous attack, the enemy nearly captured our airbase. You must re-raise the Solar Empire flag.
23:11 *Music*
23:16 Lock onto the airbase flag, then send your infantry to it using the A button. They will begin to capture the flag.
23:23 *Music*
23:24 Now send your infantry to the airbase flag and recapture the facility.
23:28 *Music*
23:36 Our flag is flying high. Well done.
23:39 *Music*
23:45 Air transports, dispatch grunts to capture the airbase flag.
23:49 *Music*
23:55 Enemy air transport waves inbound. Shoot them from the sky. Protect the airbase from attack.
24:02 *Music*
24:04 *Music*
24:07 *Music*
24:13 *Music*
24:18 *Music*
24:30 Our flag is being lowered. You must eliminate the enemy troops at the airbase.
24:36 Bombers, neutralize the enemy battalion defending that flag.
24:41 *Music*
24:44 Enemy bombers inbound. Use your anti-air vehicle to shoot them down.
24:49 *Music*
25:01 Groups are all out of sorts. Bombers and air transports to the enemy airbase.
25:06 *Music*
25:10 You can't destroy this wave, Commander. The airbase will be secure and your mission complete. Hurry!
25:16 *Music*
25:19 *Music*
25:39 *Music*
25:43 Excellent work, Commander. You secured the airbase.
25:47 *Music*
25:53 The battle is won, General, but the war is only just beginning.
25:58 I fear my honorable nation shall never know a lasting peace.
26:02 *Music*
26:07 This island remains under your control, but we shall not relent in our search for that superweapon.
26:14 See you on the beach.
26:16 *Music*
26:27 *Music*
26:41 Campaign 1, The Solar Empire, present day.
26:45 In this campaign, you-
26:46 *Music*
26:50 The Western Frontier Garrison is struggling to hold Bongo Island.
26:54 Admiral Akira has assembled a small battalion at the island's southernmost tip.
26:59 With it, he must secure the island.
27:01 *Music*
27:03 *Music*
27:05 Enemy naval transports have been spotted nearby.
27:08 They are about to storm our defensive naval guns.
27:11 *Music*
27:18 Join up with our mighty bazooka beds and protect them.
27:21 *Music*
27:29 Now, gather your troops and make your way to the naval guns.
27:33 They must not be destroyed.
27:35 *Music*
27:43 Follow the gold stars to reach your naval guns.
27:45 Admiral Akira commands you.
27:48 *Music*
27:55 Enemy bazooka beds sighted, commander.
27:58 Do not let your anti-air vehicle get within range of their weapons.
28:02 *Music*
28:08 Protecting your anti-air vehicle is a primary objective.
28:12 Without it, the enemy can bomb us with impunity.
28:15 *Music*
28:23 Press the A button to switch your troops from follow mode to wait mode and keep them out of danger.
28:29 Without locking on, select your anti-air vehicle.
28:34 Then press the A button to order it to wait behind.
28:37 *Music*
28:44 Open fire!
28:45 *Music*
28:58 Well fought, commander.
29:00 Do not forget to call your anti-air vehicle to follow you again.
29:04 *Music*
29:07 Now onwards towards your bazooka beds.
29:10 *Music*
29:22 These bazooka beds make light work of vehicles, but their shells are slow moving and easily dodged by infantry.
29:30 *Music*
29:38 You can charge a veteran weapon by pressing and holding the B button.
29:43 Release the B button to fire.
29:46 *Music*
29:49 Charged shots have increased damage and range, but be careful.
29:53 Some weapons are prone to overheating.
29:56 *Music*
29:59 Use your bazooka beds against that light tank.
30:02 Other infantry and anti-air vehicles cannot penetrate its armor.
30:07 *Music*
30:35 *Whistle*
30:37 *Music*
30:39 We follow the call.
30:41 *Music*
30:44 My weapon is ready.
30:46 *Music*
30:49 Wait long.
30:51 *Music*
30:56 Get my own.
30:58 *Music*
31:04 My weapon is ready.
31:06 *Music*
31:16 Well done, Commander.
31:18 You have reached the naval guns.
31:20 Now, defend them.
31:23 *Music*
31:29 Why not take a broader perspective of the battlefield, Commander?
31:33 *Music*
31:35 Press the C button to switch between three different camera views.
31:39 *Music*
31:45 Now, press the C button to get a better tactical overview.
31:50 *Music*
31:53 This is Commander Pierce calling the A-Day invasion force.
31:56 Storm the beaches.
31:58 *Music*
32:02 The enemy has landed a light tank on the beach.
32:05 *Music*
32:08 Quickly, order your bazooka beds to attack that tank before it reaches our naval guns.
32:14 *Music*
32:17 We are the riot.
32:19 *Music*
32:24 Infantry, attack those naval guns.
32:27 *Music*
32:30 Send your flame vets and grunts to attack the enemy infantry.
32:34 *Music*
32:52 Another light tank should take care of their defenses.
32:55 *Music*
33:08 We are the fire.
33:09 *Music*
33:21 Enemy bazooka beds and rifle grunts have landed on the beach.
33:25 *Music*
33:30 Try to throw all the tanks and infantry I've got left at those naval guns.
33:34 *Music*
33:38 Stand firm, Commander. Use the correct units against each group of enemies and we shall surely prevail.
33:45 *Music*
33:48 Remember, your anti-air vehicle is not effective against ground troops, so keep it out of this battle.
33:55 *Music*
33:57 My weapon is ready.
33:59 *Music*
34:28 We are the fire.
34:29 *Music*
34:41 My weapon is ready.
34:43 *Music*
34:57 My weapon is ready.
34:59 *Music*
35:01 Enemy bomber on approach vector. Time to learn a new way to control transfer to the anti-air vehicle.
35:08 *Music*
35:10 Use the plus control pad to select a unit type, then press and hold the A button to control transfer to it.
35:18 *Music*
35:20 Control transfer to the anti-air vehicle and destroy that enemy bomber.
35:25 *Music*
35:28 AA missiles will not home in.
35:31 Excellent work, Commander. The shoreline is secure.
35:35 *Music*
35:37 I've received word that a full-scale invasion is underway. We must hold Commander Pierce's advance immediately.
35:46 *Music*
35:50 My naval assault may have failed, but control of these docks should bring a swift end to this conflict.
35:55 *Music*
35:59 You must secure this island, no matter the cost.
36:03 *Music*
36:10 Multiple hostiles inbound. This is Brigadier Betty requesting urgent assistance. We can't hold them off forever.
36:16 *Music*
36:24 Brigadier Betty requires our assistance. Make your way to the western frontier position with all due haste.
36:31 *Music*
36:32 My weapon is ready.
36:34 *Music*
36:35 Your final comments?
36:37 *Music*
36:38 All ships and tanks must board this cruise ship.
36:42 *Music*
36:43 My weapon is ready.
36:45 *Music*
36:48 Our allies remain in the base of the ship.
36:52 *Music*
36:53 My weapon is ready.
36:55 *Music*
36:57 Take me to the lorry.
36:59 *Music*
37:07 You have reached our frontier allies just in time, Commander. Help them to repel those advancing anglograms.
37:15 *Music*
37:23 Enemy light tanks are advancing on the western frontier position. Ready your battalion.
37:29 *Music*
37:34 Don't worry, Admiral Akira. One of the western frontier's very own light tanks is now ready to join the fight.
37:41 *Music*
37:57 Another enemy bomber is approaching. Shoot it down.
38:00 *Music*
38:12 Good job, Commander. My men will stay here and guard this part of the island.
38:16 *Music*
38:28 My weapon is ready.
38:29 *Music*
38:57 Commander, this helipad is a secondary objective. You can use it to signal reinforcements to land.
39:04 *Music*
39:10 Now, send an infantry unit to activate that helipad.
39:14 *Music*
39:39 *Music*
39:52 An air transport carrying another anti-air vehicle is now inbound to the landing site.
39:58 *Music*
40:01 The helipad can be used only once, so make good use of your reinforcements.
40:07 *Music*
40:14 Two can play at that game, Commander. A tank and bomber counterattack will see to that.
40:19 *Music*
40:36 *Music*
40:47 Ah-ha! Your counterattack has failed miserably, Commander Pierce. Now onwards, towards the docks.
40:55 *Music*
41:01 The docks facility lies ahead, Commander.
41:03 *Music*
41:08 My weapon is ready.
41:10 *Music*
41:13 *Music*
41:19 My enemy is trying to penetrate the docks.
41:22 *Music*
41:29 We are on fire.
41:30 *Music*
41:33 Commander, a large number of enemy air transports and bombers has been sighted inbound.
41:40 *Music*
41:44 Destroy them and raise the flag at the docks to claim victory.
41:48 *Music*
41:54 Send your troops to raise the flag or jump in yourself.
41:57 *Music*
42:00 When controlling an infantry unit, shake the nunchuck controller to jump directly into an enemy flag.
42:07 *Music*
42:12 Jump into the enemy flag to capture it.
42:15 *Music*
42:43 Here's the docks, Commander. Raise our flag.
42:46 *Music*
42:49 Send your troops to raise the flag. Jump in yourself.
42:53 *Music*
43:13 Here's the docks, Commander. Raise our flag.
43:16 *Music*
43:19 Send your troops to raise the flag or jump in yourself.
43:23 *Music*
43:26 *Music*
43:40 Well done, Commander. We are victorious.
43:44 These islands are in the hands of their rightful owners once again.
43:49 *Music*
43:54 Watch how the honorless enemy flees.
43:58 *Music*
44:02 We may have won this battle, but there are many more to come.
44:06 The Solar Empire fights on.
44:09 *Music*
44:35 The Anglo Isles are staging an assault on the Imperial Palace itself.
44:40 If it falls, Empress Leigh Ko shall be eternally shamed.
44:44 The fate of the Solar Empire rests in her hands.
44:47 *Music*
