• 2 months ago
The Platform 2 Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: TOGETHER WE WALK, TOGETHER WE CELEBRATE, TOGETHER WE FALL... As a mysterious leader imposes their rule in the Platform, a new resident becomes embroiled in the battle against this controversial method to fight the brutal feeding system. But when eating from the wrong plate becomes a death sentence, how far would you be willing to go to save your life?

directed by Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia

starring Hovik Keuchkerian, Milena Smit, Natalia Tena, Oscar Jaenada

release date October 4, 2024 (on Netflix)
00:00I don't know what I'm talking about.
00:02Good morning, neighbors.
00:04A new month in the hole.
00:06Once a day I go down to a platform with food.
00:10We will have a few minutes to eat the dish we have chosen.
00:14A meal.
00:16Whatever you want.
00:18Teaching ourselves our dishes is the law.
00:22We must comply with the law.
00:25Without exceptions.
00:27If the law is not respected, people die.
00:33Don't you understand?
00:36You can't behave like a barbarian who eats whatever he wants.
00:40So the people below can also eat.
00:43The lamb is delicious.
00:47I haven't eaten in two days.
00:52You know why I'm here, right?
00:55I want my press!
01:01A time has come to apply the law.
01:03Darien Babi is the most severe time.
01:07The law is not interpreted, it is fulfilled!
01:10Even if they have to turn their heads.
01:16I need to escape.
01:18If you want to survive, go up.
01:21The mafia is the revolution!
01:25Only fear submits to beasts.
01:32Terror is the message.
01:40We must keep going down.
01:47Nobody survives.
01:52We are prisoners of ourselves.
02:00And there is no possible escape from that.
