• 3 years ago
All the Old Knives Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: A modern-day espionage thriller that follows Henry (Chris Pine) as he investigates Celia (Thandiwe Newton), a past flame from their days as CIA intelligence officers in Vienna, who is now under suspicion of having been a double agent. Using flashbacks to weave together multiple timelines, ALL THE OLD KNIVES peels back the layers of their past romance and exposes the truth behind a devastating terrorist attack they were unable to stop.

directed by Janus Metz Pedersen

starring Chris Pine, Thandiwe Newton, Jonathan Pryce, Laurence Fishburne, Gala Gordon, Corey Johnson, Colin Stinton, Ahd Kamel, David Bedella

release date April 8, 2022 (in select theaters and on Amazon Prime Video)