• last year
The Killer Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: From the Oscar-winning producer of Oppenheimer, the kinetic action thriller stars Emmy nominee Nathalie Emmanuel (The Fast Saga, Game of Thrones) as Zee, a mysterious and infamous assassin known, and feared, in the Parisian underworld as the Queen of the Dead. But when, during an assignment from her shadowy mentor and handler (Avatar's Sam Worthington), Zee refuses to kill a blinded young woman (Diana Silvers; Ma, Booksmart) in a Paris nightclub, the decision will disintegrate Zee's alliances, attract the attention of a savvy police investigator (Golden Globe nominee Omar Sy; Jurassic World franchise, Lupin), and plunge her into a sinister criminal conspiracy that will set her on a collision course with her own past.

directed by John Woo

starring Nathalie Emmanuel, Omar Sy, Diana Silvers, Sam Worthington, Said Taghmaoui, Hugo Diego Garcia, Aurelia Agel, Gregory Montel

release date August 23, 2024 (on Peacock)
00:00Never send boys to do a woman's job
00:08Some of the boys think you are legend what did they say the say were the queen of the dead
00:16Why did you save the girl easy question not so easy answer I've been on the
00:36Contract was clear. She should be dead. You just betrayed the most dangerous man in Paris
00:42Take care of the witness
00:47If you want to live come with me
00:56So you're a good cop then very
01:00And you are an assassin
01:05Are you trying to do something good for a change
01:07I'm always good at what I do give up the girl or he'll send every killer in the city after you
01:22Never send boys to do a woman's job
01:44Why don't you drop it
01:51I'm not the one out of bullets