• 2 years ago
iMordecai Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: When Mordecai, a Holocaust survivor, portrayed by Academy Award Nominee Judd Hirsch (The Fabelmans, Ordinary People) is given a new iPhone, an unexpected series of events upends his world. A heartwarming Miami-set comedy based on a true story. Co-starring Sean Astin (The Lord of the Rings trilogy, The Goonies) and Academy Award Nominee Carol Kane (Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Hester Street).

Director Marvin Samel
Writers Marvin Samel, Rudy Gaines, Dahlia Heyman
Actors Judd Hirsch / Mordecai Samel, Carol Kane / Fela Samel, Sean Astin / Marvin Samel, Azia Dinea Hale / Nina, Stephanie J. Block / Netta
Genre Comedy, Family, Drama
Run Time 1 hour 42 minutes