McFarlane Toys DC Super Powers Sinestro Figure

  • 5 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Super Powers Sinestro Figure


00:00 McFarlane is harnessing fear with his brand new figure release. here's your
00:04 look at the brand new McFarlane toys superpowers Sinestro.
00:09 Sinestro once served as the Green Lantern of sector 1417. after being
00:25 ejected from the core, Sinestro formed the Sinestro core harnessing the yellow
00:29 energy of fear to not only combat the Guardians but to also strengthen the
00:33 Green Lantern core. fear can be a powerful tool providing you're able to
00:38 wield it. just before we get a closer look at the brand new McFarlane toys
00:41 superpower Sinestro, first I'd like to thank the folks over at McFarlane toys
00:45 that provided the sample we could have a look at. second, grabbing the tape measure
00:48 as you can probably already see, we're gonna see that the figure is standing
00:51 about four and a half inches in height or Sinestro is about eleven and a half
00:55 centimeters tall. I know that comparing figures are always an important thing
00:59 in these reviews so I'm gonna bring in surprisingly a small Hal Jordan when you
01:04 compare the two figures. Sinestro would be a taller character but I don't think
01:08 he would be as tall as he is depicted here as a superpowers release. if you
01:12 though compare him say with Jon Stewart then the figures are a little bit more
01:16 in line with one another. I think if anything maybe Sinestro should have been
01:19 just a tad bit shorter. I know I know again he is taller in comics but just
01:22 seems really dwarfing over Hal Jordan when you compare the two. another figure
01:26 as well we can also bring in as well speaking of classic superpowers figures
01:30 here's what he looks like with a Kid Crusader Batman. if you are gonna tap
01:35 into the yellow energy of fear then you probably will need a lantern to do it.
01:38 luckily though Sinestro does come in clear with his own lantern and it
01:42 actually looks more closer to be the kind of lantern that we got with Jon
01:45 Stewart. just get your fingers out of the way. similar style of lantern other than
01:49 just the handle being a little bit different from another. the one that we
01:52 got though from Hal Jordan, get your fingers out of the way, you can see is a
01:55 much larger more circular shaped lantern. I like the more classical look myself.
02:00 even if they again took this design of lantern and molded it more in green with
02:03 a different handle I think it would work a little bit better with Hal Jordan. I
02:07 like the look of this one I just don't know if it looks as good with all the
02:10 other lanterns we've gotten so far. like with Jon Stewart's though the handle is
02:14 a fairly soft plastic and it only allows the figure to hold it on one side because
02:18 the other hand is currently quite occupied, wielding of course the yellow
02:22 ring. the plastic in the hand is pretty soft so it's quite easy to actually take
02:26 the lantern in his hand and of course that's what the figure
02:31 looks like with it. it always seems to be lopsided because there's really no way
02:34 to turn the wrist around so it always kind of looks like he's got the lantern
02:37 slightly more in an angle. he can wield it in his hand although it does make the
02:41 figure a little bit more off-keltered when it comes to trying to stand. the
02:44 figure luckily does have pegs on the undersides of his feet so even though
02:47 one figure display stand is not included with any of these superpowers releases
02:51 you can easily use a display stand that's been provided by McFarlane's team
02:54 for other DC multiverse releases. let's just remove the lantern for right now
02:58 put it off to the side. getting a closer look at Sinestro. what a fantastic figure
03:02 this is. I love the sculpting of the head and I equally love the color of purple
03:07 that they chose for this release. it isn't even quite dark purple either. it's
03:10 kind of more of a dark. if you've been sitting in the Sun for a while or if
03:14 you've ever been in an open cockpit airplane - boy that's a really random
03:17 comparison - I have been in a biplane and flying around and just having windburn.
03:21 windburn is not something I even thought existed until I experienced it. my face
03:26 went about this color. it was quite the sight to see. another sight I'm glad to
03:30 see is the fact they gave him nice little pointed ears, very elongated
03:33 eyebrows and a tiny little mustache that he has down below. it's a really good
03:37 looking head sculpt. something else I really like about this figure is that
03:40 they didn't decide just right away to go right to Green Lantern. rather they
03:44 actually gave him more of the classic colors of his evil Sinestro outfit
03:47 before of course it becomes Sinestro Corps leader. the colors of the blue work
03:50 really well and they're actually quite painted nicely too. not only the top that
03:54 he has on his shirt down below here matching in the blue for the gauntlets
03:57 and he's also got blue trunks there as well. of course can't help but point out
04:01 the fact that the figure does have a really nice sculpted yellow lantern ring
04:04 and it isn't just the case that they took a blob of paint and stuck it on the
04:08 end of the hand. it does actually look like they took the time to sculpt at
04:12 first before they painted it in yellow. down below we've got ourselves some blue
04:15 boots of course matching the colors. all the colors actually come together really
04:18 nicely. if to spin this around at least on mine at least doesn't seem like
04:22 there's any paint problems. things I thought could be a potential problem
04:25 like a little bit of white banding that he has around his belt doesn't seem to
04:28 be a problem at all. of course the figures articulation. it's gonna be the
04:32 standard articulation with most DC super super powers figures. trying to get that
04:36 all out. head rotates yes all the way around. the shoulders rotate all the way
04:41 around as well. you missed that? okay we'll do it again.
04:45 shoulders rotate all the way around. again there's no swiveling in the wrist
04:49 so you can't actually turn the wrist around. more so on this side than this
04:52 side here. and then he also has the means at least to sit inside of a cockpit. I
04:57 don't think there's I don't think the yellow lanterns or green lanterns for
05:00 that matter have come in clear with any vehicles yet. and of course he
05:04 does already have the mentioned pickles and bombs of his feet. I like the look of
05:07 Sinestro. really nice looking figure. I'm sure at some point getting the most
05:11 mileage out of their mold as they will we probably will get ourselves a yellow
05:14 lantern Sinestro core version of Sinestro. or hey we might also even get
05:18 ourselves a green a green lantern version of Sinestro. using the same mold
05:22 I think would be a very good idea. I would love to see this mold get
05:25 released again because it was really a decent looking sculpt for his head and a
05:29 decent body as well. he is again a little bit taller than Hal Jordan if that's not
05:33 a hopefully not a deal-breaker for you. the figures do look really good on the
05:36 shelf together. again the only problem with it though is once again you bring
05:39 back in Jon Stewart you can't help but then notice that the colors of the green
05:42 I know I talked more about this a lot more about that in the Hal Jordan
05:45 review but the colors of the green don't quite jive. other than that though boy
05:49 the Sinestro look good with the other two green lantern core members on either
05:52 side of him. from this recent wave of superpowers figures the ones I was the
05:57 most interested to get it was the Hal Jordan green lantern and Sinestro. both
06:00 figures haven't disappointed at all. I have noticed though that the colors
06:04 that they've used a much richer on these newer releases versus some of the older
06:08 ones. I just couldn't even help but notice that when I brought in Jon
06:11 Stewart as a comparison that Jon Stewart's colors were good but they seem
06:14 to have gone more of a brighter pastel approach when it comes to painting these
06:18 figures that they seem to pop a little bit more and they look I feel at least a
06:21 little bit more like their 80s counterpart. Sinestro of course will go
06:25 rather nicely with the other figures. I think we also are getting a Kilowog if
06:29 memory serves me correctly. that's another green lantern we can add to the
06:32 list. I think though the colors for Kilowog are likely going to be more
06:35 closer to Jon Stewart's green colors and not at all the colors of the green that
06:39 we get for Hal Jordan. so again like poor Hal Jordan it's gonna stand out a
06:42 little out of place when you've got him on the shelf. what do you guys think of
06:45 Sinestro? let me know down below in the comment section. would you guys also like
06:50 to see this mold get used again for Sinestro core leader Sinestro? which I'm
06:54 sure is probably gonna happen. or green clad green lantern Sinestro? if you've
06:58 also had the chance to pick this guy up let me know down below in the comment
07:01 section where you guys have this guy displayed whether it be with the rest of
07:03 the green lanterns or you have this guy displayed with all the evil characters.
07:06 we don't really have a lot of villains to work with so far from superpowers. I
07:11 hope that's something that's gonna change in the immediate future. big thank
07:14 you once again if I can send it out to folks of course at McFarlane toys. they
07:19 were kind enough to provide the sample of the brand new superpowers Sinestro
07:22 Sinestro Sinestro. we can have a look at this review. if you guys did enjoy this
07:28 video I'll throw it a like. if you guys are loving the content I'm throwing your
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07:42 coming back here on a regular basis. as always thanks for watching see you guys
07:47 next time.
07:50 you
07:52 you
07:54 (logo thuds)
