• last year
Scared feral cat turns to mush for his rescuer
00:00 Hello.
00:01 In our garden, I'd noticed this massive sort of raccoon-looking cat.
00:05 He had a lot of injuries.
00:08 My partner managed to get him into a carrier.
00:10 We got him to the vets and they said he was feeling quite poorly.
00:13 He's had so many fights he'd actually broken his big fangs,
00:16 so he couldn't actually defend himself.
00:18 And we've had cats before and we thought,
00:20 we're going to have to give him a chance.
00:21 We shared him with a local cat charity in case someone's lost one.
00:24 Hello gorgeous.
00:28 So we set up a little home seminar garage
00:30 just to see how he would adapt inside, so we couldn't touch him.
00:33 There was a lot of hissing at the beginning.
00:37 He used to hiss and spit a lot at us.
00:40 He was so hungry.
00:43 The first few weeks I was feeding him, he was eating so fast.
00:46 Every few days we'd get some improvements.
00:50 We noticed he started purring.
00:55 Hello.
00:56 He then wanted to come out and see us in the house.
01:00 We always remember the first time that he went on the carpet,
01:03 he just started rolling over.
01:05 It was like he was so happy that he had some comfort.
01:11 About six weeks later we got him back to the vets.
01:15 They said they just cannot believe he's done so well.
01:17 He's just been inside ever since.
01:23 He's so playful now, he loves his toys.
01:25 It's so sweet to see how he's changed from so defensive
01:30 and scared of us to following us everywhere.
01:33 He's just so happy indoors.
01:35 That's what I found so strange with him,
01:39 is I was thinking, okay, maybe this isn't going to work.
01:42 He might start scratching and get in distress.
01:44 But he showed no signs to go back.
01:46 I think he felt safe and thought, I finally got somewhere
01:52 I can rest, I don't have to fight anymore.
01:54 And he's just blossomed.
01:56 The vets said he's so feral, but he's adapted to inside.
01:59 I do wonder if maybe someone abandoned him a few years ago
02:02 and that made him feral because he suddenly had to fend for himself.
02:05 He's definitely got a bossy side.
02:14 He likes a certain chair now. That's his chair.
02:21 He doesn't enjoy being picked up too much.
02:23 He'll let you, but I wouldn't say he would like you to carry him around.
02:26 But he likes a belly rub.
02:27 I just think he loves company. He's so grateful for that company.
02:30 We called him Ricky because he looked like a raccoon.
02:33 I don't honestly know what he would be like if he went outside again
02:36 because he just hasn't even looked.
02:37 I have thought that. It was strange.
02:39 The other night we had fireworks and he just didn't respond at all.
02:42 Whether he's used to loud noises from being outside,
02:45 but that didn't bother him.
02:46 He's really good, Sammy.
02:50 Any animal that you save, when you build that trust,
02:53 you get a very special connection.
02:55 And we were just so grateful he joined our family.
02:58 [Squawks]
02:59 [Music]
