• last year
This blind dog is hiding a terrible secret

transcript - https://www.temi.com/editor/t/b_PfGjqzSNMey9ltkMQU_GqmFnDLY3BBhLHQ4D2nv9QCz0EwcP6NyJ3gqm9uH64Q_kb7FlE-g_PHd3fOkaih97GhIJw?loadFrom=Dashboard&openShareModel=False
audio - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/yn1mwuj7bewssqxczvevc/josie-recording.mp4?rlkey=cy7tb6ap9yydoo3v7hwfjyo2a&dl=0
credit - bugsybuttonbellisima/Instagram

(vo - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/34kg3g5s6810dqpjo21uj/josie_vo_01.wav?rlkey=wq7tjte71lnnxcgbk6yuspkhf&dl=0

You can feel BBs
under her skin
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/o3i1cnc7ghweb7j6gegcz/Colleen-McCarthy-IMG_9369-start.mov?rlkey=crhpet45miejvf37llc134jfc&dl=0 00 slight bit of audio

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jn9hmktf5fz2yr9t22apv/start-ng5_9-walk-bark-sound.mp4?rlkey=9y092c9yzgrm5vdobr2kk22yq&dl=0 01
Hi Josie

as a result of her injury
she lost vision
in both of her eyes.
https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/qzuibl6hqs7dllc4fn0mf/ng5_15.mp4?rlkey=e2nj0c4kzjrpa9y8xjt4oz2kc&dl=0 02 till end
02 - https://capture.dropbox.com/GfHphbbmZy8NQkKq
(audio - https://production.geobeats.com/admin/stock_footages/ambient-indoor-img-8616

https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/jn9hmktf5fz2yr9t22apv/start-ng5_9-walk-bark-sound.mp4?rlkey=9y092c9yzgrm5vdobr2kk22yq&dl=0 02t03
Josie do you wanna?

31:13 i'm coleen...geobeats
(make this audio 10% faster
Josie's Story by GeoBeats Animals
music https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/30e0zn6udupnw66ig2vhc/345_loop3_argentinian-hope_0013.wav?rlkey=ybtex0fphdr8soizrytav3qzx&dl=0
visual https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/uns8p367nyfhwz18vkr3b/ng5_41-walk-with-me.mp4?rlkey=u7co9l7n5vqn8f3id8a4y2uh2&dl=0 00t03 slight bit of audio
(e - https://capture.dropbox.com/w1hbtYZnvzcXm2zc
(adjust frame so dog's face is mostly above top line
00:00 Is it pretty?
00:00 You can feel heavies under her skin.
00:02 Hi, Josie.
00:03 As a result of her injury, she lost vision
00:05 in both of her eyes.
00:06 OK, take it.
00:08 I'm Colleen, and this is Josie's story for GeoBeats.
00:12 Josie was found on the side of the road in Alabama.
00:14 Come and get this.
00:15 She had obviously been injured.
00:17 I can't even imagine how scared she must have been
00:20 and how much pain she must have been in.
00:22 She was actually with a friend and other dog.
00:24 They ended up transporting both dogs.
00:26 She was in the hospital until she recovered,
00:28 and both dogs got adopted.
00:30 Josie's friend went to another home.
00:31 I'm a veterinarian, and I have a soft spot in my heart
00:34 for special needs animals.
00:36 We decided that we would welcome Josie into our house.
00:40 Oh, Josie.
00:43 From the moment she stepped foot in this house,
00:45 it was like she had always been here.
00:47 She immediately just started walking around,
00:52 making a medical map.
00:54 She made it very clear that she did not
00:56 want any special accommodation.
00:57 She did not want any help.
00:58 She was just going to figure it out on her own.
01:00 Quick, quick.
01:03 Good girl.
01:05 What'd you get?
01:06 Oh, are you confused where you are?
01:08 If she bumped into something, no big deal.
01:10 She learned how to do the stairs.
01:12 She's brilliant.
01:15 Where's your cookie, Josie?
01:18 Here it is.
01:21 Yeah, you're hungry.
01:22 She loves to use buttons to speak.
01:26 She'll press the dental chew button.
01:27 That's like her favorite button.
01:28 She'll press that constantly.
01:30 And if we don't immediately go for it
01:32 and give her what she asks for, she'll
01:33 become more insistent and more aggressive
01:36 with her button pressing.
01:37 When people need her, they can't believe
01:38 she's completely blind.
01:41 Josie.
01:42 The ultimate irony, probably, is that she
01:50 has very large, expressive eyes, but they don't see anything.
01:54 We have had a few foster dogs.
01:56 Josie's been a very welcoming, big foster sister
02:00 for other dogs with disabilities so that they can have a soft
02:03 place to land when they come up here to Massachusetts
02:06 while they're looking for their forever families.
02:08 One was also completely blind, and they were best friends.
02:12 They're like two little peas in a pod.
02:14 They love to play together.
02:15 Kiss it.
02:16 Oh, good boy.
02:17 They would even go outside in the yard and have these meanies.
02:20 They just always had this amazing awareness
02:22 of where the other was, where the fence was,
02:24 where any obstacles were.
02:26 We would never know from watching them play
02:28 that neither of them could see.
02:29 After Joey, our foster, left, she and I were
02:32 sad for about a week together.
02:34 It was like the two of us could have sat on the couch
02:36 and been watched Hallmark movies and ate ice cream.
02:40 Like, that was what we were doing together.
02:42 She did have to get used to living with cats.
02:44 She loves the cats.
02:47 And then the flip side for the cats,
02:49 having a young dog in the house was kind of a transition
02:51 for them as well.
02:52 Do you want to go with mommy for a walk?
02:55 With me?
02:56 She really taught me a lot about strength
02:59 and overcoming adversity.
03:01 Good girl, Josie.
03:02 She actually has both of her eyes, miraculously enough.
03:10 But the path that the pellets took caused vision loss.
03:14 Josie, where's mama?
03:15 Where is she?
03:17 But she doesn't hold a grudge.
03:18 Kiss it.
03:20 OK, go ahead.
03:21 Every day she wakes up and it's the best day of her life.
03:24 Come on.
03:25 Twirl, twirl.
03:27 Her father would disagree, but I definitely
03:34 think she's a mama's girl.
03:37 I was really lost after we lost the dog that we had before her.
03:42 And with her coming into my life,
03:44 she really changed things for me.
03:46 OK, go.
03:50 The sun rises and sets with Josie for me.
04:01 [Music]
