You've Got Something - Stephanie Ike Okafor

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00:00:00 the gospel.
00:00:03 Luke nineteen verse one to 13.
00:00:24 So, now behold, there was a man
00:00:31 who was a glass collector and
00:00:36 he sought to see who Jesus was
00:00:40 but could not because of the
00:00:41 crowd for he was of short
00:00:44 stature. So, he ran ahead and
00:00:47 climbed up into a sycamore tree
00:00:49 to see him for he was going to
00:00:52 pass that way and when Jesus
00:00:54 came to the place, he looked up
00:00:56 and saw him and said to him,
00:00:59 Lord, I am a sinner for today,
00:01:04 I must stay at your house. So,
00:01:07 he made haste and came down and
00:01:10 received him joyfully but when
00:01:14 they saw it, so crazy, they all
00:01:17 complained saying he has gone
00:01:19 to be a guest with a man who is
00:01:21 a sinner. You have to know how
00:01:24 to silence the day that want to
00:01:26 make you feel less than the
00:01:29 day that you are a sinner. So,
00:01:31 he was a tax collector and back
00:01:34 then and like today, nobody
00:01:37 likes tax collectors. Today, we
00:01:39 call them IRS. Back then, they
00:01:42 were called by name, right? So,
00:01:46 the people didn't like the man
00:01:48 but Jesus saw beyond what they
00:01:51 saw. They saw from the surface.
00:01:54 Jesus saw what he formed.
00:01:58 He saw what he formed. So, he
00:02:00 didn't, he ignored that, right?
00:02:01 And what I love about Zacchaeus
00:02:04 too, he didn't respond. You
00:02:07 don't see a response from
00:02:08 Zacchaeus saying, hey, shut up.
00:02:10 I'm going to charge you some
00:02:11 more taxes. All the pettiness
00:02:13 is out of his system. You have
00:02:17 to know there's some things
00:02:18 that are not worth you
00:02:20 responding. Because you have
00:02:23 the audience of the one that
00:02:25 matters. You don't need to go
00:02:27 to the audience of the one that
00:02:29 matters. Let god show up and
00:02:31 and let the fruit of your life
00:02:33 respond. Alright? Then it says
00:02:36 then Zacchaeus stood and said
00:02:38 to the lord, look, lord, I give
00:02:42 half of my goods to the poor.
00:02:45 And if I have taken anything
00:02:47 from anyone by false
00:02:48 accusation, I restore fourfold.
00:02:52 Zacchaeus is not trying to
00:02:53 prove to god that my works are
00:02:55 worthy. He has come to a place.
00:02:57 He has come to a place where he
00:02:59 has received Jesus joyfully. He
00:03:01 has come to a place where he's
00:03:02 like, I know better. Money no
00:03:05 longer has me. Because prior to
00:03:09 Zacchaeus, there was another
00:03:12 rich man in Luke eighteen. That
00:03:15 was trying to find Jesus. Came
00:03:17 to him and was talking about the
00:03:19 things that Jesus is like, but
00:03:21 you still got some bondage.
00:03:22 He's like, look, lord, I do
00:03:24 this, I do that. I follow these
00:03:26 commandments. That's good. Now,
00:03:29 sell everything you've got.
00:03:31 Give to the poor. He could not
00:03:34 handle that one. But here's the
00:03:37 crazy thing. It says he he he
00:03:40 he he it grieved him. He walked
00:03:43 away from the instruction but he
00:03:45 was bitter. He was grieved. He
00:03:47 knew that the decision he made
00:03:49 was not the right one. But he
00:03:52 did not know he he was wrestling
00:03:54 with what kept him in bondage.
00:03:59 Or can I take the risk of
00:04:03 following Jesus? But he didn't
00:04:06 even pay attention to how he was
00:04:08 feeling. The thing that should
00:04:10 keep him happy like, oh no, I'm
00:04:12 not selling. If if choosing you
00:04:13 means I have to sell all my
00:04:14 things, I'm keeping my things.
00:04:16 But why are you grieved?
00:04:18 Because you know the truth and
00:04:20 you know that this is love.
00:04:21 Jesus is not trying to take from
00:04:23 you. But he that thing already
00:04:26 has you. It has a stronghold on
00:04:30 your life. So Jesus is after
00:04:33 the bondage. Not the thing. So
00:04:38 when Zacchaeus comes to Jesus
00:04:40 one chapter later and he says,
00:04:44 I sell what what was it? Half?
00:04:47 Half. Of his things? If Jesus
00:04:49 really cared about the money,
00:04:50 he'll be like Zacchaeus sell
00:04:52 that too. Actually, there's
00:04:55 still 50%. Sell that too. But
00:04:59 Jesus looked at a man who was
00:05:01 not in bondage, who was not a
00:05:03 slave to money. He was not a
00:05:05 slave to things anymore. So
00:05:07 Jesus responds and Jesus said to
00:05:09 him, today, salvation has come
00:05:14 to this house. Because he,
00:05:18 the son of Abraham. For the
00:05:23 son of man has come to seek and
00:05:25 to save that which was lost.
00:05:30 Oh, so beautiful. Now, as they
00:05:33 heard these things, who are the
00:05:34 day, the disciples, right? He
00:05:37 spoke another parable because he
00:05:40 was near Jerusalem and because
00:05:42 they thought the kingdom of God
00:05:43 would appear immediately. There
00:05:45 were many disciples that follow
00:05:46 Jesus for the wrong reasons.
00:05:49 Because they thought he was
00:05:50 here to establish his kingdom
00:05:53 immediately. And Jesus is about
00:05:55 to bring them into a parable to
00:05:57 say, hey, no, you got a part to
00:05:58 play. This this is not just
00:06:01 about the kingdom appearing
00:06:02 immediately. So, let me explain
00:06:05 this to you in a parable. First
00:06:07 of all, you just watch this man
00:06:09 who everyone has called a
00:06:11 sinner. He's not liked in the
00:06:12 in society and all of that and
00:06:15 he's not getting salvation. So,
00:06:17 I want to show you something.
00:06:19 Let me let me share this
00:06:20 parable with you. And so, he
00:06:24 says, therefore, he said, a
00:06:26 certain noble man went into a
00:06:29 far country to receive for
00:06:31 himself a kingdom and to return.
00:06:34 So, he called ten of his
00:06:36 servants, delivered to them ten
00:06:39 and said to them, do business
00:06:42 till I come. Now, you may be
00:06:44 wondering, what does that mean?
00:06:48 We have been in a series called
00:06:51 God and business. Just happened
00:06:53 organically. Right? Started 2
00:06:56 weeks ago with our pastor. Can
00:06:58 we acknowledge our pastors in
00:07:00 the house? Acknowledge our
00:07:01 senior pastor, pastor Trey
00:07:03 Roberts, pastor Sarah Jakes
00:07:05 Roberts. So, we started this
00:07:08 series and in this text, the
00:07:10 parts I did not read is when it
00:07:13 says, he called his servants
00:07:15 and gave them ten minutes. He
00:07:17 gave each of them individually
00:07:20 one minute, right? And it's
00:07:22 interesting because they had
00:07:23 different results. Someone had
00:07:26 took one minute and turned it
00:07:28 into ten minutes. Mina is
00:07:30 currency. So, it was about three
00:07:32 months of wages, I believe at
00:07:34 the time. It's a currency. So,
00:07:36 one person took one minute,
00:07:38 turned it into ten minutes.
00:07:41 Another took one minute, turned
00:07:43 it into five. Another took one
00:07:45 minute, turned it into one. And
00:07:48 then there are some just didn't
00:07:50 do nothing about the meanness.
00:07:52 Right? Naturally, another took
00:07:54 the second person, I believe,
00:07:55 took five and turn it, no, took
00:07:57 one, turn it into five. The
00:07:58 third person had one and came to
00:08:01 the master and said, you know
00:08:03 what? I feared you. And so, I
00:08:05 did nothing with it. I put in a
00:08:07 handkerchief. And there's
00:08:09 another seven that we don't even
00:08:10 know what they did with their
00:08:12 meanness. Right? So, maybe they
00:08:13 had some ignorance issues right
00:08:15 there. But then the third one is
00:08:17 interesting because he said, I
00:08:19 feared you. So, I did nothing
00:08:21 with it. Put it in a
00:08:23 handkerchief. It's interesting
00:08:25 because that's how we relate to
00:08:28 god sometimes. There is a
00:08:30 difference. This kind of fear is
00:08:32 when you are afraid. Not the
00:08:34 fear of the lord. When you have
00:08:36 the experience of being afraid
00:08:40 of god, then you are, you're,
00:08:43 you're, when it comes to, you're
00:08:45 not motivated to really be who
00:08:47 he's called you to be. Because
00:08:50 it's just like man, you're more
00:08:52 driven by ah, I don't really
00:08:54 wanna disobey you but like, I'm
00:08:57 not really trying to change
00:08:58 either. So, I'm just stuck.
00:09:01 Because I'm afraid of you. And
00:09:03 in being afraid, what does that
00:09:05 mean? Being afraid. Starting in
00:09:08 the garden of Eden. The first
00:09:11 thing they did when they were,
00:09:12 they knew they were naked and
00:09:15 afraid, they hid. Shame is
00:09:19 always connected to that type of
00:09:21 fear. And so, how can you be
00:09:26 open to being used by god when
00:09:28 you're also hiding? So, it's
00:09:31 interesting that he put the
00:09:33 handkerchief. Because could that
00:09:37 also represent how he's covering
00:09:39 himself? Because he has this
00:09:42 perspective, this, this flawed
00:09:44 perspective of god that I feared
00:09:47 you so I did nothing. Like I
00:09:51 said earlier, love is the
00:09:53 greatest motivator for change.
00:09:57 Love is the greatest motivator
00:09:59 to be who god called you to be.
00:10:02 If you live from this place of
00:10:04 rules and regulations, according
00:10:06 to the law, you would always
00:10:08 break it. Because there is no
00:10:10 relationship there. It's just
00:10:12 checklists. Okay, my boss told
00:10:14 me to do this. Alright. But
00:10:17 there's no relationship. So, if
00:10:18 I miss it, you know, his love
00:10:21 is, he he loves me still. But
00:10:24 when it's relationship, it's
00:10:26 like, man, I I don't wanna, I
00:10:29 don't wanna hurt this person. I
00:10:31 don't wanna disappoint this
00:10:33 person. We walk together. And I
00:10:36 recognize how much you love me.
00:10:39 So, so lord, help me, help, let's
00:10:41 let's figure this out together.
00:10:43 But I don't wanna jump into that
00:10:45 area yet, right? So, let me go
00:10:47 back to the series. So, in the
00:10:50 series, we started talking about
00:10:52 how there is there's an emphasis
00:10:57 on how god uses business to
00:11:03 bring forth his kingdom, right?
00:11:06 And god's people had a
00:11:08 misunderstanding of the kingdom.
00:11:11 They thought, like I said, that
00:11:13 they will, it will just appear.
00:11:15 And then god is correcting them
00:11:17 to show them that, no, no, you
00:11:19 have a, you have a part to play.
00:11:21 You have a hand in this, right?
00:11:25 So, there is, you know, because
00:11:27 when they bring meanness to him,
00:11:29 so when the servants, you gotta
00:11:30 read the whole thing, it will
00:11:31 bless you. But when the servants
00:11:33 bring back a return on what he
00:11:35 gave them, instead of him saying,
00:11:37 oh, great, now, here's more
00:11:39 meanness. He responds and tells
00:11:41 them, now, take territory. Rule
00:11:45 over ten cities for the one who
00:11:47 brought ten meanness. Now, rule
00:11:49 over ten cities. So, according to
00:11:51 the amount they brought, he gave
00:11:54 them ten cities. That they will
00:11:55 now become leaders and rulers in
00:11:57 those spaces. Now, it's
00:11:59 interesting because the word for
00:12:01 for do business can translate to
00:12:03 the word occupy. So, the lord is
00:12:06 literally telling them, look,
00:12:07 he's speaking about himself.
00:12:09 Jesus was getting ready to be
00:12:11 crucified. He was getting ready
00:12:13 to be crucified on the cross and
00:12:14 resurrect and all of that and by
00:12:16 doing that, he gets the kingdom.
00:12:18 But then, for that kingdom to be
00:12:21 established, it wouldn't just
00:12:23 be established, it would be
00:12:24 expanded. From the spiritual
00:12:27 realm to the natural realm. And
00:12:29 the difference in its expansion
00:12:31 is that they will do it by
00:12:33 operating through the Holy
00:12:36 Spirit. That they would do it
00:12:38 that there's something that the
00:12:40 lord would give to them that
00:12:42 will cause them to be powerful
00:12:44 in those spaces. You see, as we
00:12:47 were talking and and we were and
00:12:49 you're coming into this
00:12:50 awareness that there is more to
00:12:52 know about yourself. And if you
00:12:55 partner with what the Holy
00:12:57 Spirit says about you and you
00:12:59 partner with him and you walk
00:13:01 with him, it will change your
00:13:02 life. You see, II began to think
00:13:05 about what the meanest
00:13:07 represented. Because they all
00:13:10 had the same thing. But
00:13:13 different results. They all had
00:13:16 the same advantage but different
00:13:18 results. But when you put it in
00:13:21 the context of Jesus speaking to
00:13:25 his disciples, he's giving them
00:13:27 a parable for them to also see
00:13:30 themselves in. What would be the
00:13:32 thing that Jesus would give his
00:13:34 disciples that it would be the
00:13:37 same across the board? Because
00:13:39 this is different. There's
00:13:40 another parable in Matthew
00:13:42 twenty-five when Jesus is called
00:13:43 the parable of the talents. And
00:13:45 Jesus is saying, you know,
00:13:47 there's one, the master gives
00:13:48 one, five talents, another two
00:13:50 talents, each according to his
00:13:53 capacity, right? Or his ability.
00:13:56 But this was not about Uche.
00:14:00 This was not about their
00:14:01 ability. All of them had equal
00:14:05 playing field. They all had one
00:14:09 Mina. But different results.
00:14:13 What did the Mina represent?
00:14:15 And as I was praying with the
00:14:16 lord about this, it represented
00:14:19 the same holy spirit. The same
00:14:22 holy spirit that operated
00:14:24 through Jesus is the same holy
00:14:27 spirit that is in you. It's the
00:14:30 same holy spirit that is in me.
00:14:33 It's the same holy spirit that
00:14:35 is in some of the generals of
00:14:38 the faith. The same holy spirit.
00:14:43 And I was gonna wait till I ask
00:14:45 you this but before we go into
00:14:47 some of the things I'm gonna
00:14:48 say, the question that the lord
00:14:51 had pressed so heavy on my
00:14:53 heart is what are you doing
00:14:56 with the holy spirit? Each and
00:15:00 every one of you as believers,
00:15:02 you have something. You have
00:15:05 God in you. One of my favorite
00:15:08 songs, and it's not even like
00:15:10 they were just worshiping and
00:15:12 it just flowed out, and the line
00:15:14 says, holy ghost, you and I can
00:15:17 change the world. If I fully
00:15:22 surrender to you, holy spirit,
00:15:26 we can change the world. And
00:15:29 you see, how do we do that?
00:15:31 There are certain spheres of
00:15:33 influence that God sends you
00:15:36 into. That with the help of the
00:15:40 holy spirit, you will manifest
00:15:42 his kingdom there.
00:15:47 So, you have your own agenda
00:15:49 but the holy spirit begins to
00:15:51 teach you and begins to give
00:15:53 you insight and wisdom on what
00:15:56 you must do to bring forth the
00:15:58 kingdom. That's why when Jesus
00:15:59 was teaching the disciples how
00:16:01 to pray, one of the key things
00:16:02 he said is your kingdom come.
00:16:04 Your will be done on earth as
00:16:07 it is in heaven. How is it
00:16:09 revealed? Through the holy
00:16:11 spirit. The will of God for
00:16:13 that industry revealed through
00:16:15 the holy spirit and the part
00:16:17 of the spirit. I want to go
00:16:19 through a few things because I
00:16:21 don't know how many of you have
00:16:23 ever heard about the mountains
00:16:25 of influence. Show of hands.
00:16:27 Okay, beautiful. I'll speak on
00:16:29 that. So, the mountains of
00:16:31 influence, it basically speaks
00:16:33 to that in every society, they
00:16:36 are certain areas that impact
00:16:39 and influence the people. And
00:16:42 so, it was -- they coined this
00:16:44 term, the seven mountains of
00:16:46 influence. And I want to go
00:16:48 more to it because I could even
00:16:50 add one of the things that I
00:16:51 might not share in this message
00:16:53 is like science and technology,
00:16:55 right? But let me go through a
00:16:57 few things to show you how God
00:16:59 has need of you in the spaces.
00:17:02 That it's not just a job or a
00:17:05 passion or a career but it's
00:17:08 actually the lord sending you
00:17:10 in the spaces because he has
00:17:12 need of you to manifest his
00:17:15 glory. So, with the seven
00:17:18 mountains of influence, the
00:17:20 first one, the government
00:17:22 mountain. This speaks of
00:17:24 politics, parliament, and
00:17:26 authority. The Bible says in
00:17:28 Proverbs 29, too, when the
00:17:30 righteous are in authority, the
00:17:32 people rejoice. But when a
00:17:35 wicked man rules, the people
00:17:38 groan. Now, it's interesting,
00:17:41 you know, because -- any
00:17:43 Africans in the building?
00:17:45 Right? I'm Nigerian, so the
00:17:48 continent of Africa. Afro beats
00:17:51 -- Africa is not a country.
00:17:53 It's a continent.
00:17:55 [ Applause ]
00:17:57 Now, Afro beats has really
00:18:00 elevated how people perceive
00:18:02 Africa. Right? Because now
00:18:05 there is the hunger to go and
00:18:07 experience the culture and
00:18:09 people are exposed to the fact
00:18:11 that, wait, there's luxury in
00:18:13 Africa. Right? There's beauty
00:18:15 in Africa. There's all kinds of
00:18:17 things in Africa. But
00:18:19 unfortunately, it doesn't take
00:18:21 away the fact that there is
00:18:23 still great poverty in Africa.
00:18:26 And this always baffles me
00:18:28 because I'm going to share some
00:18:30 things with you. That how can a
00:18:32 continent be experiencing such
00:18:35 great poverty when, check this,
00:18:38 it holds 40% of the world's
00:18:41 gold. The largest reserves of
00:18:44 diamonds, platinum and uranium
00:18:46 are in Africa. It holds 65% of
00:18:50 world's formable land. And 10%
00:18:53 of the planet's internal
00:18:55 renewable fresh water source.
00:18:57 And you know what the truth is?
00:18:59 That Africa is not poor.
00:19:02 Corrupt leaders are the source
00:19:04 of its instability.
00:19:06 [ Applause ]
00:19:08 Leadership. Right now we are
00:19:11 celebrating black history month.
00:19:14 Right? And it's a beautiful
00:19:17 thing. Now we got, you know,
00:19:19 we got our white brothers and
00:19:21 sisters that some might be
00:19:23 wondering, like, why y'all got
00:19:25 this month every year? The
00:19:27 black people don't find that
00:19:29 funny. I'm just sharing the
00:19:31 thoughts of others. Not my
00:19:33 thought. But I want to speak to
00:19:36 this. Right? Because it's a
00:19:38 month where we get to celebrate
00:19:40 the achievements, past and
00:19:42 present, of African-Americans
00:19:44 and why is this so important?
00:19:47 Because it's a reminder to
00:19:49 America that there was a time
00:19:51 where the black man, the black
00:19:53 woman did not have the freedom
00:19:55 to have an achievement. And do
00:19:57 you know why? Because slavery,
00:20:02 racial segregation were all
00:20:05 protected by the law.
00:20:08 Government. The law protected
00:20:12 it. They didn't have the freedom
00:20:15 to be who God called them to be.
00:20:19 You see, the one who is a leader
00:20:21 of a nation shapes the destiny
00:20:24 of the nation.
00:20:26 [ Applause ]
00:20:28 And so you have people who are
00:20:31 born in that nation with a great
00:20:33 call of God on their lives. But
00:20:36 it is oppressed through
00:20:38 government. Oppressed through
00:20:41 leadership. Biblically, there
00:20:44 was a woman named Esther in the
00:20:46 Bible who became the queen of
00:20:49 Egypt. Right? And there was a
00:20:52 time where, you know, there was
00:20:56 a man called Haman and Esther's
00:21:00 cousin, Mordecai, had done
00:21:02 something he didn't like. And
00:21:04 so in order for him to, you
00:21:06 know, do payback, but really he
00:21:09 was influenced by the enemy
00:21:11 because we will see throughout
00:21:13 biblical history different times
00:21:15 where the enemy tried to
00:21:17 annihilate the Jews. Right?
00:21:19 Because he feared what was going
00:21:21 to come from them. So then
00:21:25 Haman is like, you know what,
00:21:28 I'm going to get this guy back.
00:21:30 And you know what he tried to
00:21:32 do? Not even what he tried to
00:21:34 do, what he did do. He goes to
00:21:36 the king. The king not realizing
00:21:38 how this would even impact his
00:21:40 life. He gets the king's ring to
00:21:44 have a decree that by the law on
00:21:48 a certain day, all the Jews
00:21:50 should be killed. Basically,
00:21:52 like they should wipe them out.
00:21:54 When Esther finds out, she goes
00:21:57 into fasting. That was her
00:22:00 response. And what I love about
00:22:02 this is because biblically, the
00:22:04 word of God calls you kings and
00:22:06 priests. It says that the lord
00:22:08 would not allow you to rule but
00:22:10 you would rule through
00:22:11 priesthood. And priesthood is
00:22:14 the understanding that you are
00:22:16 in service to God in everything
00:22:18 that you do. So you cannot be
00:22:20 in service to God and not be
00:22:23 disciplined in the things of
00:22:25 God. So even when calamity
00:22:28 rises, there's a different
00:22:29 response you have. You seek the
00:22:32 one whose service you are in.
00:22:35 So calamity rises, Esther
00:22:37 realizes, Lord, we need you to
00:22:39 intervene in this matter. After
00:22:42 fasting, she gains favor. The
00:22:45 king is willing to do anything
00:22:47 for her. But even in his love
00:22:49 for her, you know what he could
00:22:51 not do? Change the law. So
00:22:55 Esther had to use her position
00:22:57 recognizing you're not just
00:22:58 queen to have a better living
00:23:00 experience. You're queen because
00:23:02 God has need of a priest in the
00:23:05 kingdom. So Esther now uses her
00:23:09 position to create a new law
00:23:12 that says the Jews can fight
00:23:14 back. And that's what saved
00:23:17 them. The law. Thank you,
00:23:23 Jesus. God wants to do
00:23:24 something here. But we're going
00:23:26 to flow and we're going to let
00:23:27 him. Thank you, lord. Thank you
00:23:30 lord. Actually, right now, I
00:23:32 just need I need to release a
00:23:34 prayer because this is in
00:23:37 politics. Um and and what I
00:23:39 mean, politics, parliament, you
00:23:41 are part of, you are in the
00:23:43 rooms where the laws are being
00:23:45 made. You are in the rooms
00:23:46 where laws are being executed.
00:23:48 You're in the rooms where laws
00:23:49 are being interpreted. Um can
00:23:51 you stand to your feet right
00:23:52 now? I need to I need to I
00:23:54 need to release a prayer.
00:23:57 Thank you lord. Thank you lord.
00:24:01 There are five people the lord
00:24:03 wants to release. This includes
00:24:05 I'm talking about you're in the
00:24:06 police department. You are and
00:24:08 that's what I mean when the
00:24:09 laws are executed, you're being
00:24:11 sent out when something
00:24:12 happens, you're a part of the
00:24:14 people that are doing the
00:24:15 arresting. Thank you Jesus.
00:24:17 Thank you Jesus. Thank you
00:24:19 Jesus. Can you just stretch
00:24:22 your hands to these ones?
00:24:24 Thank you lord. Thank you lord.
00:24:27 Heavenly father, there's some
00:24:29 that you're trying to locate
00:24:31 right now. I don't know out of
00:24:33 the five of you that was trying
00:24:35 to quit their job. Thank you
00:24:38 lord but you are revealing that
00:24:41 you are not in that position by
00:24:44 accident. God has need of you
00:24:46 there. It's not just your job.
00:24:49 It's your assignment. It may
00:24:51 not feel glamorous. It might
00:24:53 not feel like the thing you're
00:24:55 seeing on your social media
00:24:56 feed but it's because god has
00:24:58 need of a priest in those
00:25:00 spaces that you will begin to
00:25:02 change the outcome. Thank you
00:25:05 Jesus. Do not quit and if I'm
00:25:08 speaking directly to that
00:25:09 person, just raise your hand.
00:25:10 You are about to quit your job.
00:25:13 Thank you lord. Thank you lord.
00:25:15 Thank you lord. Can we just
00:25:16 praise god in this house? Thank
00:25:20 you Jesus. Thank you Jesus.
00:25:23 Thank you Jesus. Okay, let's
00:25:26 continue. I'm trying to find the
00:25:28 rhythm between what's happening
00:25:30 and what's happening. We're
00:25:32 going to continue. We're going
00:25:34 to let it flow. You're not in
00:25:37 your place of work by accident.
00:25:41 It's more than a check. It's
00:25:44 where you were sent. You see,
00:25:47 let's go to the media mountain.
00:25:49 This is the place of the power
00:25:51 of storytelling. Do you know, I
00:25:54 mean, first of all, depending on
00:25:55 on where you where you are
00:25:57 politically, right? There's
00:25:58 a lot of things you might watch
00:26:02 because it's catered to support
00:26:05 an agenda. It's not catered to
00:26:08 inform you of truth. So, the
00:26:12 media is the place where stories
00:26:14 are told but the stories that
00:26:16 are being told many of them like
00:26:18 integrity and as long as they
00:26:21 can keep you ignorance, then
00:26:23 injustice continues as long as
00:26:26 they can keep you ignorant, they
00:26:28 can keep you at war with each
00:26:30 other when there is a divine
00:26:32 purpose for your unity. So, now
00:26:36 we see each other through the
00:26:38 lens of the stories we're told.
00:26:41 That is why god has need for
00:26:42 people who without compromise
00:26:44 will tell the truth. You see,
00:26:47 when I was growing up and I
00:26:49 could correlate this to family
00:26:51 members who were in America and
00:26:54 then myself who was in Nigeria,
00:26:56 the media would paint a terrible
00:26:59 picture of African-Americans
00:27:01 while in America, the media
00:27:03 painted a terrible picture of
00:27:06 Africans. For Africans that went
00:27:11 to high school years ago, there
00:27:14 was a name that they called.
00:27:16 Many people. Some people know
00:27:17 the name. Okay? It ended with
00:27:20 scratchers. You could research
00:27:22 it. I don't want to say the
00:27:23 first part. While in Africa,
00:27:28 they painted a picture where it
00:27:31 just looked like, oh, it's a
00:27:33 lot of just gangs. Now, can you
00:27:37 imagine, do you know why this
00:27:38 is harmful? Because what if in
00:27:41 the perfect will of god, there
00:27:45 was business that both sides
00:27:47 should have been doing together
00:27:48 all that time, but because of
00:27:51 the stories that were told,
00:27:53 there was division where they
00:27:55 didn't have to be. Do you
00:27:58 realize when you go through
00:27:59 history that America had -- they
00:28:04 had this -- it was a common
00:28:07 thing that would be done where
00:28:09 in order to -- when they want to
00:28:11 criminalize a certain race, they
00:28:13 first paint you in the media to
00:28:16 look crazy. They will paint that
00:28:22 race to look a certain way so
00:28:24 they can criminalize things that
00:28:26 should not even be -- people
00:28:28 should not go to jail for. But
00:28:32 they use the media to send a
00:28:36 message that will cause you to
00:28:38 be at war with someone you
00:28:40 should love. And none of it was
00:28:44 rooted in truth. It was rooted
00:28:46 in their agenda. Media.
00:28:52 God has need for people in
00:28:53 media. Arts and entertainment,
00:28:56 this is the mountain that
00:28:58 influences culture and behavior.
00:29:00 Proverbs 23, seven, for as he
00:29:02 thinks in his heart, so is he.
00:29:04 What influences how you think
00:29:06 shapes who you become. And this
00:29:09 is the power of arts and
00:29:11 entertainment. The bible talks
00:29:12 about how we should be
00:29:14 transformed by the renewing of
00:29:16 our mind. That word renewing
00:29:18 means renovation. But
00:29:21 unfortunately, sometimes the
00:29:22 wrong message is renovating how
00:29:24 we think. Arts and
00:29:26 entertainment influences how
00:29:28 your views on sex, marriage,
00:29:31 your life, what you buy, your
00:29:33 spending habits. There are
00:29:35 people that would go broke
00:29:37 trying to look like something
00:29:39 they can't afford. Why is this
00:29:43 important? Because if you -- if
00:29:45 your mind is being renewed by
00:29:48 what matters, then maybe the
00:29:50 business you're looking to
00:29:52 start, the business is hidden
00:29:54 in the life you're trying to
00:29:56 fake. But you're influenced by
00:30:01 what you see, what you hear.
00:30:04 So arts and entertainment, they
00:30:06 have your eyes and they have
00:30:08 your ears. That's why Super Bowl
00:30:11 Sunday, right? Last year, Super
00:30:13 Bowl had over 100 million views.
00:30:16 That's why ads will spend so
00:30:19 much money just to get your
00:30:22 eyes for 30 seconds. 30 seconds
00:30:25 millions of dollars. If they
00:30:28 place that much value on getting
00:30:31 information to you, shouldn't
00:30:34 you place value on what you give
00:30:37 yourself to receive?
00:30:39 [ Applause ]
00:30:46 God keeps you. So God has need
00:30:50 for people. Their fame is not
00:30:52 evil. Even Jesus, it was said
00:30:55 of him that his fame spread
00:30:57 throughout the land. Fame can be
00:30:59 utilized in the hands of God.
00:31:02 Matter of fact, it is designed
00:31:04 to be utilized in the hands of
00:31:06 God. There are people that your
00:31:08 calling necessitates you to have
00:31:11 fame. Because through that, how
00:31:14 you live your life would
00:31:16 manifest itself. So let's talk
00:31:19 about the image of Christ. Arts
00:31:22 and entertainment. Right? I love
00:31:25 it. Even a friend of mine is
00:31:27 involved in this and how Amazon
00:31:29 recently partnered with the
00:31:31 wonder project to produce faith
00:31:34 based films. That's huge. It was
00:31:38 a huge success. Because now the
00:31:42 industry is realizing that
00:31:44 there's a faith based community
00:31:46 that's not just a group of
00:31:48 people. You're feeding us things
00:31:50 that we're looking for something
00:31:52 that will speak to our faith.
00:31:54 So now they're making space.
00:31:56 They're making space. But as
00:31:59 they're making space, rise up.
00:32:02 Don't conform. Rise up. Then we
00:32:08 have the religion mountain. I
00:32:11 love it in Joshua 24 verse 15,
00:32:13 he talks about choose this day
00:32:16 and serve. There's a pastor who
00:32:19 I admire so much. His name goes
00:32:21 by apostle Joshua Selman. And
00:32:23 there was something he said
00:32:25 about the religion mountain
00:32:27 which I love. He said it decides
00:32:29 the spiritual convictions of the
00:32:31 people within a territory. You
00:32:35 see, this is church. It's not
00:32:38 just so that we can come on
00:32:41 La Brea, have a good time, go
00:32:43 home. Then on sunset boulevard
00:32:45 you got psychics also having
00:32:47 their meetings. Then, you know,
00:32:49 a few blocks after that you have
00:32:51 a satanic temple also having
00:32:53 their meetings. Everybody just
00:32:55 having meetings. Having a good
00:32:57 time and going home. No, it's
00:32:59 about territory. That when the
00:33:03 Lord plants a church in a
00:33:05 region, he's after the influence
00:33:07 of that territory to have the
00:33:09 spiritual convictions that
00:33:11 aligns them with the will of
00:33:13 the Lord. It's not just for
00:33:16 this little cute corner. It is
00:33:18 so that his people can gather,
00:33:21 be equipped in understanding
00:33:24 their kingdom mandate in God so
00:33:26 that when you're sent out,
00:33:28 you're sent out with a mentality
00:33:30 of taking territory. The church
00:33:34 doesn't start and ending these
00:33:36 walls. You are the church. It's
00:33:41 beautiful when Jesus, there's a
00:33:43 lot of things that have often
00:33:45 been misunderstood by certain,
00:33:47 you know, interpretations or
00:33:49 whatnot but when Jesus had that
00:33:51 moment with Peter, when Jesus
00:33:53 was like, who do men say that I
00:33:55 am? Then he says, Peter, who do
00:33:57 you say that I am? Then Peter
00:33:59 now says, you are the Christ,
00:34:01 the son of God. Then Jesus said,
00:34:04 flesh and blood has not revealed
00:34:06 this to you but my father who is
00:34:08 in heaven. Then he says, and you
00:34:11 shall build my church and upon
00:34:13 this rock, I shall build my
00:34:15 church and the gates of hell
00:34:19 will not prevail. Now, people
00:34:21 confuse it to think Jesus was
00:34:23 trying to build on Peter but
00:34:25 when we look at the Greek
00:34:27 translation of that text, Peter
00:34:29 is called Petros and the rock
00:34:34 is Petra. Petros is stone.
00:34:39 Right? Now, Petros comes from
00:34:42 Petra. It comes out of Petra.
00:34:47 So, Jesus is saying, he is the
00:34:50 rock and upon the revelation of
00:34:54 Christ, those he sends out as he
00:34:57 sends you out, as he sends Peter,
00:35:00 as he sends the disciples,
00:35:02 wherever he sends you because
00:35:04 you are moving in the
00:35:06 revelation that wait, Christ is
00:35:08 coming and there is a kingdom
00:35:10 that he is after and he is
00:35:12 sending. I'm not, I'm not
00:35:14 random. We had, there was a
00:35:15 message. You gotta watch it if
00:35:16 you haven't. It's called the
00:35:17 sent one. It says, I didn't
00:35:19 start here. I was sent here. So
00:35:21 when the lord sends you that he
00:35:23 sending you with something that
00:35:25 you can take territory and the
00:35:28 gates of hell would not prevail.
00:35:30 What is he saying? Even when
00:35:32 opposition comes against you,
00:35:34 they will not have the victory.
00:35:38 You gotta understand that your
00:35:40 power is because I sent you.
00:35:44 Your power is not going to be
00:35:45 in you. That's why the Bible,
00:35:47 there's a scripture that calls
00:35:49 us living stones. The stone that
00:35:54 comes out of the rock. When you
00:35:57 know that god is the one who
00:35:58 sent you into media, god sent
00:36:01 you into arts and entertainment.
00:36:03 He said, even though people
00:36:04 might oppose your way of doing
00:36:06 things, when you have the
00:36:08 understanding that you came
00:36:11 from god, you can't be stopped.
00:36:15 The problem is that we don't
00:36:16 move with a territory mindset.
00:36:20 We live with a me mindset. We
00:36:24 are not moving with the
00:36:26 understanding that this is about
00:36:28 territory. That god is sending
00:36:31 you into spaces so that you can
00:36:34 manifest his kingdom on the
00:36:37 earth. And then we have the
00:36:40 family mountain. Family is
00:36:42 important to god. Jesus was
00:36:45 traced to a family. But families
00:36:48 are under attack. And one of the
00:36:51 reasons they're under attack is
00:36:53 for the children. In Malachi
00:36:56 215, it says this, but did he
00:36:59 not make them one? Having a
00:37:01 remnant of the spirit and why
00:37:03 one, he seeks godly offspring.
00:37:07 A godly offspring. A godly
00:37:10 offspring. Because you see
00:37:12 family is the backbone of a
00:37:14 community. And the lord is
00:37:17 looking for the family units
00:37:21 that would raise their children
00:37:23 up in the ways of god. And one
00:37:25 of the reasons it redeems the
00:37:27 child time. When a child is
00:37:30 raised up to know the ways of
00:37:32 god, they live with a different
00:37:35 vision. They can, they start to
00:37:38 hear the voice of god and know
00:37:40 the voice of god and they can
00:37:42 identify the voices of the
00:37:44 enemy. They can be led by the
00:37:47 spirit of god quicker. So, if
00:37:50 the lord has an assignment in
00:37:52 the for the generation and he's
00:37:55 sending children, how does the
00:37:57 lord send answers to family?
00:38:00 You are an answer for your
00:38:02 family. And so the lord is like
00:38:06 I need to send an answer but I
00:38:08 can't find a family that will
00:38:11 fit. I'm looking. The eyes of
00:38:14 the lord is searching the earth.
00:38:16 Do you know there's some answers
00:38:18 that are being held back?
00:38:20 Because the lord is looking for
00:38:21 the right family unit that he
00:38:23 can boom send it into. And then
00:38:26 when he can't, he has to start
00:38:28 drawing other people to be an
00:38:30 answer for god's life. Family
00:38:33 matters to god. Check this out
00:38:35 about Abraham, right? Why was it
00:38:37 that the lord was so drawn to
00:38:39 Abraham that he couldn't trust
00:38:41 Abraham's lineage with Christ?
00:38:45 Genesis 1819 says this, for I
00:38:47 have known him in order that he
00:38:50 may command his children and his
00:38:54 household after him that they
00:38:56 keep the way of the lord to do
00:39:00 good and justice that the lord
00:39:04 may bring to Abraham what he has
00:39:07 spoken of him. Can you imagine
00:39:09 this? There was something spoken
00:39:12 of Abraham but in order for the
00:39:15 lord to bring it, Abraham had to
00:39:17 embrace a posture that he will
00:39:19 command his children in the ways
00:39:21 of the lord. So, there was a,
00:39:23 there was something destined to
00:39:25 Abraham's lineage but in order
00:39:28 for it to fulfill it, it says,
00:39:31 no, no, Abraham became the
00:39:33 person that will command his
00:39:36 children in the ways of the
00:39:39 lord. There are things that god
00:39:41 wants to send to you. But will
00:39:45 you handle it according to the
00:39:47 way that it will not be abused
00:39:49 when you receive it, right?
00:39:52 Family matters to god. If the
00:39:56 family fails, rather, the
00:39:58 society fails. When the enemy
00:40:01 wants to attack the society, he
00:40:03 attacks the families. Then
00:40:05 there's the education mountain
00:40:07 which is also important because
00:40:09 it is also, it has its, a huge
00:40:13 influence on children again. If
00:40:15 you start doing studies and
00:40:17 research, you would realize that
00:40:19 there's many who are, who have
00:40:22 come to this understanding that
00:40:24 public schools are sexualizing
00:40:27 children. They have things,
00:40:31 they're teaching kids. They
00:40:34 have no business knowing about.
00:40:36 And so the earliest way to
00:40:39 indoctrinate a child in ways
00:40:42 that is against the word of the
00:40:44 lord is education. Education.
00:40:48 That's why god needs people in
00:40:50 education. People that will
00:40:52 stand on something in education
00:40:54 and teach about education.
00:40:56 There was a testimony I recently
00:40:58 heard and this has been
00:41:00 confirmed. It was a teacher and
00:41:03 this teacher, she recognized
00:41:05 that her position was not just
00:41:07 to be a teacher for a check or
00:41:09 to be a teacher so it could be
00:41:11 added to her resume. She
00:41:13 recognized that it was an
00:41:14 assignment by god and so she
00:41:16 came into covenant with god that
00:41:19 lord, I will stay in this place
00:41:22 and I will teach every student
00:41:25 that you have put under my care
00:41:27 nothing would harm them. So she
00:41:31 goes to class one day and she
00:41:33 doesn't see one of her students.
00:41:35 She creates a personal
00:41:37 relationship with your parents.
00:41:39 She calls the parents to say,
00:41:41 hey, I didn't see your child.
00:41:43 And there was something tragic
00:41:45 that happened the day before
00:41:47 that the child passed away. But
00:41:49 they were still at the hospital.
00:41:51 Because this happened in like
00:41:53 the late hours of the night.
00:41:55 The teacher goes and she said
00:41:57 god, we have a covenant. As
00:41:59 long as I'm here, nothing can
00:42:01 happen to these children. The
00:42:03 teacher, so she's like arguing
00:42:05 with the doctor. She's like,
00:42:07 you know what, doctors, when
00:42:08 you're doing your business,
00:42:10 nobody's bothering you. Now I'm
00:42:12 about to do surgery. Can you
00:42:14 please leave the room? The
00:42:16 child's parents says, you know
00:42:18 what, doctors, please just leave.
00:42:20 She prays over that child. And
00:42:23 the child came back to life.
00:42:27 [ Applause ]
00:42:32 She saw it differently. She
00:42:35 said, no, no, no, I'm not
00:42:37 trying to send condolences.
00:42:39 Right? She said, no, god, we
00:42:41 have a covenant. I'm in this
00:42:43 position not to mourn the ones
00:42:45 you have given me. She had a
00:42:47 different mentality about
00:42:49 her, about her position as a
00:42:52 teacher. She saw herself as a
00:42:54 covering. She saw herself as a
00:42:56 priest in the school. And god
00:42:59 honored it and sent the spirit
00:43:01 of the child back into the
00:43:03 body. Education. Now we are in
00:43:07 a series about business and
00:43:09 there is the business and
00:43:11 finance mountain and here is
00:43:13 why there is such an emphasis
00:43:15 on business. Because every
00:43:17 other mountain is influenced by
00:43:20 business and finance. For the
00:43:23 integrity of the agenda of god
00:43:26 to advance, god's people need
00:43:29 to be in business and finance.
00:43:31 You see, even Jesus, there was
00:43:33 something that happened. Let me
00:43:35 share this with you. In Matthew
00:43:37 1727, there was this whole
00:43:39 conversation about paying taxes.
00:43:41 Right? And you know, about are
00:43:43 they exempt? This, this, and
00:43:45 that. But check out what it
00:43:47 says. We don't want to offend
00:43:49 them because technically Jesus
00:43:51 didn't have to pay taxes. He's
00:43:53 Jesus. He says, however, we
00:43:56 don't want to offend them. So
00:43:58 go down to the lake. He's
00:44:00 speaking that it's important
00:44:02 when you study the Bible, you
00:44:04 always want to pay attention to
00:44:06 who is he speaking to? What is
00:44:10 the context of that and why?
00:44:13 Because if you're just reading
00:44:15 this as so go down to the lake
00:44:17 and you will look at both of
00:44:19 the first fish you catch and
00:44:21 you will find a large large
00:44:23 silver coin. Take it and pay
00:44:25 the tax for both of us. You
00:44:27 would only look at the
00:44:29 supernatural. You'll be like
00:44:31 wow. Jesus just said, hey, just
00:44:33 throw a line in the sea, right?
00:44:35 Pick up a fish. Fish has money.
00:44:37 Pay our taxes. But when you
00:44:40 look at who did he instruct to
00:44:43 do this? Peter, a fisherman.
00:44:46 There are many ways that god,
00:44:49 you know, in the form of in
00:44:51 flesh, Jesus would have
00:44:54 manifested the miracle but when
00:44:57 it came to the language of
00:45:00 finances, he speaks to Peter
00:45:03 that through Peter's business
00:45:05 skill, the supernatural would
00:45:08 happen. He says, Peter, you're
00:45:10 a fisherman. Now, go get one of
00:45:12 those fishing rods. He had the
00:45:14 whole fishing business and the
00:45:16 fisherman had a rod. He might
00:45:17 still have been in business,
00:45:19 right? So, he's like, Peter,
00:45:21 get that. Throw a line. Pick
00:45:23 one fish. We don't need a net.
00:45:25 Peter was used to fishing with
00:45:27 nets because they will catch
00:45:29 many. You see, when the lord
00:45:31 begins to change your strategy,
00:45:33 humble yourself to recognize it
00:45:35 was never about the things that
00:45:37 you did. It was about the
00:45:39 supernatural back in your life.
00:45:41 So, the lord is not asking Peter
00:45:43 get a net, grab a lot of fish
00:45:45 and he's like, I got things to
00:45:47 do. There's a quicker way to go
00:45:49 about this and so in his divine
00:45:51 wisdom and with the supernatural
00:45:54 backing him up, he says, you
00:45:56 know what? We're going to call
00:45:57 there's going to be a fish
00:45:59 swallowed a coin. Now, we're
00:46:01 going to cause that fish to be
00:46:02 attracted. It will be the first
00:46:04 one attracted to your hook
00:46:06 supernatural but the means that
00:46:08 the supernatural took place was
00:46:11 through the construct of
00:46:14 supernatural. It was the
00:46:16 business skill that opened the
00:46:18 door for supernatural
00:46:20 provision. Yes. While I'm
00:46:23 sharing this is that you are
00:46:25 don't think of the idea as ever
00:46:27 too small to start. Yes.
00:46:29 Because when the holy spirit
00:46:31 reveals something, when he
00:46:33 begins to tell you now, I want
00:46:35 you to strike here. I want you
00:46:37 to do this because you have need
00:46:39 for the finances for what I want
00:46:41 you to do in the other
00:46:43 places. There are things,
00:46:45 there are places I'm calling
00:46:46 you to and I don't need you to
00:46:48 lose your integrity because
00:46:50 you're after a check from that
00:46:52 mountain. So, the lord, I'm
00:46:54 telling you this that we are in
00:46:56 a time that the holy spirit
00:46:58 wants to make sure that every
00:47:00 believer is established
00:47:02 financially so you don't
00:47:03 compromise where he's sending
00:47:06 you.
00:47:09 There are things god has need
00:47:12 for you. Um before I I got into
00:47:15 ministry, I was in real estate.
00:47:17 I was flipping properties. The
00:47:19 lord calls me out of that and
00:47:21 calls me into ministry. Couple
00:47:23 weeks ago, the lord, the holy
00:47:25 spirit tells me, you know what?
00:47:27 There's things I have need for
00:47:29 you to do. And in order for you
00:47:31 to do this, I need you to,
00:47:33 there's going to be a property
00:47:35 I'm going to send you away.
00:47:37 This is literally like my
00:47:38 prayers. Oftentimes, prayers
00:47:40 for me is like strategy rooms.
00:47:42 But there's something he wants
00:47:44 me to do that is going to be
00:47:46 financially tasking. He says,
00:47:47 but I'm going to open up a door
00:47:49 again in real estate. Look at
00:47:51 how you can partner with the
00:47:53 holy spirit. I said, I'm like,
00:47:54 lord, I have not done a
00:47:56 property in how many years? And
00:47:58 so he says, I'm going to give
00:47:59 you favor with it. So, I talked
00:48:01 to my husband. I'm like, you
00:48:03 know, babe, this is what I
00:48:04 received from the lord. I'm
00:48:05 like, what? Pray about it and
00:48:07 let me know if you're in
00:48:08 agreement and then we can move
00:48:10 forward. Because even in a
00:48:12 relationship, what he tells me
00:48:14 is still submitted to my
00:48:17 husband. And I have to trust
00:48:21 that he, if he really wants me
00:48:23 to see, god is about order.
00:48:25 Don't believe the hype that
00:48:27 there is something the lord
00:48:28 would want you to do and then
00:48:30 your husband is against it. Now
00:48:32 your husband is your enemy. No,
00:48:33 if the lord is for it, he knows
00:48:35 how to talk to the person who
00:48:37 is your covering. Culture has
00:48:42 been a culture. But I I brought
00:48:47 it to my husband. I said, babe,
00:48:48 you know, you let me know. He
00:48:51 prayed about it. He's like, no,
00:48:52 let's strike. The lord confirms
00:48:54 it. Let's strike. So, then I
00:48:55 call my brother who, you know,
00:48:58 he's also, he's a realist and
00:48:59 I'm like, hey, we want to do a
00:49:01 property. Can you get me
00:49:02 something good? He tells me
00:49:04 about this particular property.
00:49:06 He said, it's a gem. What
00:49:08 they're selling it for is a
00:49:10 steel. It doesn't even make
00:49:11 sense. What they're selling it
00:49:13 for. But if you flip this
00:49:14 property, if you renovate it,
00:49:16 what we could get out of it
00:49:18 would be so much greater. And
00:49:20 I'm like, he's like, but there's
00:49:22 there's competition. It's a lot
00:49:24 of eyes on this one. I said,
00:49:26 that's the one we want. Cuz as
00:49:28 he was talking, the Holy Spirit
00:49:30 again confirms, that's the
00:49:31 property. So, I said, no,
00:49:33 that's the one. So, I'm like, I
00:49:35 told my husband, like, let's get
00:49:36 ready. This, this is gonna be
00:49:38 the one, right? So, my brother,
00:49:40 he's like, let's put the bid in.
00:49:42 He's like, let's see, let's see.
00:49:44 And there are other ones he's
00:49:45 trying to get. It wasn't, that
00:49:46 was not the only one he got. He
00:49:48 has his own, you know,
00:49:49 investors and clients and
00:49:50 himself and all of that stuff,
00:49:51 right? But this one, we're like,
00:49:53 okay, this is the one we want.
00:49:56 He puts the bid in. Out of all
00:49:58 the properties he puts bids for,
00:50:00 that was the only one he got.
00:50:04 So, he calls me, he said, oh, we
00:50:06 got it. I said, oh, I knew. I
00:50:08 knew we were going to get it.
00:50:09 I said, oh, I knew. Because I'm
00:50:11 not the one after it. This was
00:50:14 revealed to me in a strategy
00:50:16 session. And so, when, when we
00:50:18 got the property, so we're about
00:50:20 to open Escort really soon and
00:50:22 I'm like, okay, holy spirit, now
00:50:26 what is the plan? Are you
00:50:29 tracking with me? The lord, you
00:50:31 don't count, don't, don't label
00:50:33 yourself. If you put labels and
00:50:35 titles on yourself, you box in
00:50:37 what god wants to do with you.
00:50:40 When I walked away from real
00:50:42 estate is because of that time
00:50:44 it had me. And god was calling
00:50:46 me into ministry. So, he says,
00:50:48 walk away from all this. This
00:50:50 the, the, you know, the
00:50:51 finances you're making, it has a
00:50:53 stronghold on you. Walk away
00:50:54 from it. Led me into ministry.
00:50:57 When that is no longer a
00:50:58 stronghold on my life, he said,
00:51:00 we have work to do. But for this
00:51:02 thing, you need finances. So,
00:51:04 here is the door I'm going to
00:51:05 open so you can do what I'm
00:51:07 doing. There is strategy in
00:51:12 god. This is what the bible
00:51:14 calls the manifestations, the
00:51:16 gifts of the holy spirit,
00:51:18 wisdom, knowledge. There are
00:51:22 things god wants to reveal to
00:51:24 you that you don't need to
00:51:25 strike, you know, a miss, you
00:51:27 can strike with precision. And
00:51:30 you can be confident because
00:51:31 you're like, it's not coming
00:51:33 from me. It is a revelation
00:51:35 from the lord. The lord has
00:51:38 need for you in business and
00:51:40 finance. There are some of you
00:51:41 you've been with. The lord has
00:51:42 been talking to you about the
00:51:43 podcast, podcast, podcast.
00:51:44 You're like, I don't wanna be
00:51:46 another podcaster. Do you know
00:51:48 the money in podcasts right now?
00:51:51 How much they're giving people
00:51:52 for the deals? And you have no
00:51:55 clue that maybe your podcast
00:51:57 is not about, it's not just
00:51:58 about your podcast but there is
00:52:00 something that the lord would do
00:52:02 so that he can bring finances
00:52:04 to you in a way so that in
00:52:06 another mountain, you're called
00:52:07 to influence. You don't
00:52:09 compromise. And that's for
00:52:13 someone in the room. Actually,
00:52:15 you've been running from the
00:52:16 instruction god gave you
00:52:17 because you're like, I don't
00:52:18 wanna be another one and the
00:52:20 lord is like, if you would use
00:52:22 the skill, if you would use the
00:52:25 story, if you would use the
00:52:27 thing I gave you, the
00:52:29 supernatural will flow through
00:52:31 it but I need to use something.
00:52:33 I need to establish the works
00:52:36 of your hands. If there is no
00:52:39 works, what is he establishing?
00:52:43 So, there are things that the
00:52:44 lord is trying to get to you but
00:52:46 through a means. When Jesus
00:52:49 needed to pay his taxes, it
00:52:51 happened through Peter fishing
00:52:55 business and finance, right? So,
00:52:59 now, let's get back to the
00:53:01 spirit and the holy spirit.
00:53:06 When you walk with the holy
00:53:08 spirit, it will change your
00:53:10 life but here is the thing. You
00:53:13 cannot see the holy spirit as a
00:53:16 force, as wind, as a feeling.
00:53:21 He is a person of the godhead
00:53:24 and he lives in you. He is a
00:53:29 person of the spirit. So, many
00:53:32 times, I know I've been guilty
00:53:34 of this. When you're fasting,
00:53:38 maybe you're doing a seven-day
00:53:40 fast, right? And on day two,
00:53:43 you broke the fast. And when
00:53:46 you broke it, you said, well,
00:53:48 we're here now. Might as well
00:53:52 just go all the way and restart
00:53:55 tomorrow and then you just
00:53:58 break the fast. All the way.
00:54:02 But you know why we do that?
00:54:05 Because we see the holy spirit
00:54:07 as a force, a wind. We are more
00:54:11 concerned about, ah, okay, god,
00:54:13 I already disobeyed so might as
00:54:15 well go all the way, right? We
00:54:19 even live like that. When we're
00:54:21 wilding out, we're doing things
00:54:22 we're not supposed to, we're
00:54:24 like, well, god, I'm here now.
00:54:26 I'm already at the club. I
00:54:29 might as well have a few
00:54:31 drinks, right? Might as well
00:54:33 share the love. We're here now.
00:54:40 I'm sharing my story. I
00:54:44 remember, it was like years,
00:54:46 years, years, years, years,
00:54:48 years ago. Years ago. Headed to
00:54:50 the club with some friends and
00:54:51 the holy spirit tells me, I
00:54:52 don't want you to go. I said,
00:54:55 I'm going. I already got
00:54:59 dressed up. We already have the
00:55:04 playlist. We are going. And I'm
00:55:09 literally telling you what I
00:55:10 said back. I said, I know you
00:55:12 all see him, but just shut your
00:55:13 eyes on this one. That's how we
00:55:15 see it. Like, god, the moment
00:55:17 I'm disobeying, you know, I'm
00:55:19 already in shame, so just, just
00:55:21 don't look today. Look at me
00:55:24 tomorrow. So then we go and I'm
00:55:27 like, child, we here now.
00:55:29 There's some of the people that
00:55:30 we used to party with that go
00:55:31 to this church, I'm sure,
00:55:32 they're like, wow, look at what
00:55:33 the lord can do. But it's
00:55:44 because we look at it more as
00:55:46 ah, if I'm disobeying, let me
00:55:48 go all the way. If you see him
00:55:51 as a person, if you hurt your
00:55:55 friend, would you just say,
00:55:58 well, we already started off
00:56:00 on bad terms. So let me just
00:56:02 hurt you some more throughout
00:56:04 the day. And then tomorrow,
00:56:07 let's reset. Would you do that
00:56:10 to your friend? If your friend
00:56:12 is grieved about something,
00:56:14 would you just be like, I'm
00:56:15 ignoring you right now because
00:56:16 I, I've heard, I'm on the road.
00:56:20 That is the difference with
00:56:23 repentance. Repentance is not
00:56:26 scheduled. That's where we've
00:56:29 missed it. We schedule
00:56:32 repentance. We're like, god,
00:56:34 I'm already here. So tomorrow
00:56:38 is a new day. I'm going to
00:56:41 restart. Oh, committing my, you
00:56:44 wake up early, worship god.
00:56:47 I'm like, I'm in my life. If
00:56:52 your repentance has a schedule,
00:56:55 it's not repentance. It's
00:56:58 convenience. Because the nature
00:57:02 of repentance is that you
00:57:04 identify that you have grieved
00:57:07 your friend. You're like, no,
00:57:09 right now, god. Right now,
00:57:11 right now. I'm walking away
00:57:13 from this right now. If it's
00:57:16 not repentance. And the Holy
00:57:21 Spirit wants to walk with you.
00:57:23 He wants to do life with you.
00:57:25 The person of the Holy Spirit.
00:57:27 Do you know there was something
00:57:28 that happened very early for me
00:57:30 in ministry that changed my
00:57:32 life. And and it marked, well,
00:57:35 many things changed my life but
00:57:36 this marked it not changed. It
00:57:38 marked my life. It was a time
00:57:41 when I was doing a teaching
00:57:42 series on the Holy Spirit.
00:57:44 There are two times I've
00:57:45 been doing that. I was doing a
00:57:47 teaching series on the Holy
00:57:48 Spirit and one particular night
00:57:51 after service and had an
00:57:53 encounter with Satan and he
00:57:55 literally tells me to stop
00:57:56 preaching about the Holy Spirit.
00:57:58 And I remember for me was like
00:58:00 it was laughable because I'm
00:58:02 like, is this how you do deals?
00:58:04 This is a joke. I said, no, I'm
00:58:07 going to continue teaching on
00:58:09 the Holy Spirit. And then he
00:58:11 threatens me with something. He
00:58:12 says, if you don't stop, he
00:58:15 tells me something that will
00:58:16 happen. And I just, I thought
00:58:18 it was a joke. I'm like, this
00:58:19 is foolish, right? I continued
00:58:22 the teaching series on the Holy
00:58:24 Spirit and that thing happened
00:58:27 and I was so confused. I said,
00:58:30 wait, hold up. So I go to the
00:58:33 Lord and I'm like, God, what did
00:58:36 I miss? How how is it that the
00:58:40 enemy could orchestrate this
00:58:43 against me and it happened and
00:58:47 the Lord began to show me, he
00:58:49 said, he was showing me how one
00:58:51 of the things that the enemy is
00:58:52 most threatened by is a believer
00:58:55 who knows the power of the Holy
00:58:57 Spirit in them. And he said,
00:59:01 there's certain and and and to
00:59:03 unpack this would be on another
00:59:05 time. But he said, there's
00:59:07 certain things that before you
00:59:09 teach on it, you have to
00:59:11 consecrate yourself. You have
00:59:14 to be in prayer because the
00:59:17 teaching is warfare. You don't
00:59:20 just wake up and you know,
00:59:23 because I told you this is what
00:59:24 I want you to teach on. You
00:59:27 don't treat it randomly because
00:59:29 what you're doing is starting.
00:59:31 You see, warfare is not always
00:59:32 what the enemy starts.
00:59:34 Oftentimes, it's what you
00:59:35 started. You just don't know
00:59:37 that you started the warfare.
00:59:39 He said, what you were teaching,
00:59:41 you did not come in a place of
00:59:44 prayer before you started
00:59:45 teaching it and you exposed
00:59:48 yourself. So, the Lord gives me,
00:59:51 he says, now, go on a 40-day
00:59:53 fast and prayer. So, for 40
00:59:58 days, I was fasting and
00:59:59 praying. On the 40th day, the
01:00:01 thing that happened reversed.
01:00:05 I'm sharing this with you
01:00:08 because there is power when you
01:00:12 come to understand the person
01:00:15 of the Holy Spirit. He is he he
01:00:19 is the power behind everything
01:00:21 that you would do. He is he is
01:00:23 wisdom. He is counsel. He I
01:00:26 mean, he he searches the mind
01:00:29 of the father and reveals it to
01:00:32 you. He is God in you. So,
01:00:36 back to the question, what have
01:00:38 you done with the Holy Spirit?
01:00:43 You're not limited but you
01:00:46 limit him. You're not limited
01:00:50 in life. You literally have the
01:00:52 greatest advantage and that is
01:00:55 God in you and when you begin
01:00:58 to love him, not a force but a
01:01:02 person that is grieved when your
01:01:05 life is going in a direction
01:01:07 that is not pleasing to God,
01:01:09 then love is the motivator.
01:01:12 It's not about, oh my gosh, I
01:01:14 don't want to disobey out of
01:01:15 fear. No, I love him. That's
01:01:17 why he's also called a friend.
01:01:21 I don't want to hurt my friend
01:01:24 especially when it's a friend
01:01:25 because I know that those
01:01:28 questions are for me. Who knows
01:01:30 me in truth? Who knows the way
01:01:33 I should take? And the Holy
01:01:36 Spirit wants to lead you to
01:01:38 take territory. He wants to
01:01:40 speak to you. He wants to give
01:01:42 you precision about your life
01:01:44 but here's the thing and I
01:01:46 don't want you to miss this,
01:01:48 right? Don't hear this and
01:01:50 think that you being more open
01:01:53 is only on the weight of God
01:01:58 give me that business idea.
01:02:00 God make me influential in arts
01:02:02 and media. Holy Spirit, I'm all
01:02:04 yours. Talk to me because there
01:02:07 are the gifts of the Spirit,
01:02:09 right? Faith, healings,
01:02:11 miracles, word of knowledge,
01:02:13 wisdom, things that would
01:02:15 radically put you in positions
01:02:17 of leadership, right? Because
01:02:20 when you have faith that comes
01:02:22 from the Holy Spirit, the faith
01:02:24 that comes from the Holy Spirit
01:02:25 is the faith of God. You you
01:02:27 you become bold about things
01:02:29 that should not make any sense.
01:02:30 Why are you bold about doing
01:02:31 this, right? When you receive
01:02:33 wisdom from the Holy Spirit,
01:02:35 you have this divine
01:02:36 intelligence about what you
01:02:37 should do. When you receive a
01:02:39 word of knowledge, you begin to
01:02:41 know things you have no
01:02:42 business knowing. It puts you
01:02:44 in positions of leadership.
01:02:48 So, when the Lord stops or
01:02:52 starts, he starts with the
01:02:55 fruits of the Holy Spirit.
01:02:59 Love, joy, patience. Too many
01:03:04 times, we are after the
01:03:06 manifestations of the Holy
01:03:08 Spirit but we don't wanna
01:03:10 submit to be cultivated and to
01:03:13 be pruned that our lives
01:03:16 are not worth it. Do you know
01:03:18 that the Lord does not say you
01:03:20 will know them by their
01:03:21 manifestations? He says, you
01:03:24 will know my people by the
01:03:26 fruits. So, before the Holy
01:03:29 Spirit puts you in a position
01:03:31 where you are moving in word
01:03:33 of knowledge, moving in wisdom
01:03:35 that comes from him, not
01:03:36 another false spirit, right?
01:03:38 You are moving in the things
01:03:39 that comes from God. He first
01:03:41 works on the person. So, if
01:03:45 you're moving in the things
01:03:46 from God concerning your
01:03:48 business, concerning the
01:03:51 industry he placed you in, why
01:03:53 don't you do a fruit check?
01:03:57 When the lord told me to
01:03:59 forgive that person that I
01:04:01 forgive. When the Holy Spirit
01:04:04 told me to to call this person
01:04:07 and apologize, was I so caught
01:04:09 up in my ego that I said no.
01:04:13 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:14 person. I'm not going to
01:04:15 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:16 going to forgive that person.
01:04:17 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:18 person. I'm not going to
01:04:19 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:20 going to forgive that person.
01:04:21 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:22 person. I'm not going to
01:04:23 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:24 going to forgive that person.
01:04:25 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:26 person. I'm not going to
01:04:27 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:28 going to forgive that person.
01:04:29 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:30 person. I'm not going to
01:04:31 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:32 going to forgive that person.
01:04:33 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:34 person. I'm not going to
01:04:35 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:36 going to forgive that person.
01:04:37 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:38 person. I'm not going to
01:04:39 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:40 going to forgive that person.
01:04:41 I'm not going to forgive that
01:04:42 person. I'm not going to
01:04:43 forgive that person. I'm not
01:04:44 going to forgive that person.
01:04:45 I'm not going to forgive that
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01:04:49 I'm not going to forgive that
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01:04:53 I'm not going to forgive that
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01:06:38 person. I'm not going to
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01:07:33 I'm not going to forgive that
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01:07:35 forgive that person. I'm not
01:07:36 going to forgive that person.
01:07:37 I'm not going to forgive that
01:07:38 person. I'm not going to
01:07:39 forgive that person. I'm not
01:07:40 going to forgive that person.
01:07:41 I'm not going to forgive that
01:07:42 person. I'm not going to
01:07:43 forgive that person. I'm not
01:07:44 going to forgive that person.
01:07:45 I'm not going to forgive that
01:07:46 person. I'm not going to
01:07:47 forgive that person. I'm not
01:07:48 going to forgive that person.
01:07:49 I'm not going to forgive that
01:07:50 person. I'm not going to
01:07:51 forgive that person. I'm not
01:07:52 going to forgive that person.
01:07:53 I'm not going to forgive that
01:07:54 person. I'm not going to
01:07:55 forgive that person. I'm not
01:07:56 going to forgive that person.
01:07:57 I'm not going to forgive that
01:07:58 person. There are things that
01:07:59 There are things that have to
01:08:00 There are things that have to
01:08:01 shed. And why is that? Because
01:08:02 shed. And why is that? Because
01:08:03 shed. And why is that? Because
01:08:04 marriage will prune you in a
01:08:05 marriage will prune you in a
01:08:06 marriage will prune you in a
01:08:07 way that you need the
01:08:08 way that you need the
01:08:09 way that you need the
01:08:10 dependency of God to remove
01:08:11 dependency of God to remove
01:08:12 dependency of God to remove
01:08:13 all that ego.
01:08:16 all that ego.
01:08:17 God is after image.
01:08:18 God is after image.
01:08:19 God is after image. He wants
01:08:20 you to look like what he
01:08:21 you to look like what he
01:08:22 formed.
01:08:23 formed. So women don't
01:08:24 So women don't submit to their
01:08:25 submit to their husbands
01:08:26 husbands because they agree.
01:08:27 because they agree.
01:08:28 because they agree. They submit.
01:08:29 They submit.
01:08:30 They submit. Because that's the
01:08:31 Because that's the order of God.
01:08:32 order of God. And even when it
01:08:33 And even when it looks like
01:08:34 looks like this man's wisdom is
01:08:35 this man's wisdom is not, you
01:08:36 not, you know, wisdom in.
01:08:40 You know who you take it up
01:08:41 You know who you take it up
01:08:42 with? The one he is submitted
01:08:43 with? The one he is submitted
01:08:44 to. You say, alright, God. Now
01:08:47 to. You say, alright, God. Now
01:08:48 you gotta stamp in on this one.
01:08:51 There is a blessing in order.
01:08:54 There is a blessing in the
01:08:56 order of God. That's why he's
01:08:59 not going to allow the woman to
01:09:01 you see, God cares about the
01:09:03 woman is so powerful. That is
01:09:06 why the lord says for her to
01:09:09 submit. The Holy Spirit was the
01:09:12 power behind the ministry of
01:09:15 Jesus on the earth. but he it
01:09:18 had to be within the will of
01:09:21 the father.
01:09:25 So, if you're a woman of power,
01:09:28 that's a whole different
01:09:29 message. We gotta go but here's
01:09:32 the thing. Why I'm sharing this
01:09:35 is that women have to realize
01:09:37 God is not trying to oppress
01:09:39 you and because he loves you so
01:09:42 much. That is why he tells the
01:09:44 man, if you oppress her, don't
01:09:47 even talk to me.
01:09:50 because in all her
01:09:53 power, she's a sinner. That's
01:09:57 what submission is. God says in
01:09:59 all her power, I told her to
01:10:01 submit to you. So, she's
01:10:03 vulnerable because she is
01:10:05 submitted. So, in her
01:10:08 vulnerability, if you oppress
01:10:10 her, I will not even hear your
01:10:11 prayers. Business starts to trip
01:10:13 out. Things are not working out
01:10:14 in your life and you think your
01:10:16 wife is a problem. No, your
01:10:17 submission to the lord about
01:10:19 how you treat her is the
01:10:21 problem. If you start trying to
01:10:24 be the head of the household,
01:10:26 you are the problem and it's
01:10:29 not in order. So, the things,
01:10:31 so you start, you also start
01:10:33 feeling far from the Holy
01:10:34 Spirit and you're wondering,
01:10:35 why do I feel far from him?
01:10:37 Because he's after image. You
01:10:41 can't be asking him about the
01:10:42 business and your home is in
01:10:44 chaos. Where is the fruit?
01:10:49 You need to know this. Because
01:10:52 this culture would lie to you.
01:10:56 You can't be a feminist all you
01:10:58 want in the world, in in in the
01:11:00 marketplace but when you come
01:11:01 home, stop doing this tug of
01:11:03 war.
01:11:06 You need to know this because
01:11:10 the Holy Spirit is after your
01:11:12 fruit and when you are open to
01:11:16 the fruit with him, now he
01:11:19 begins to manifest through you.
01:11:21 That's why the gifts of the
01:11:23 Holy Spirit are also known as
01:11:25 the manifestations of the Holy
01:11:28 Spirit. God does not identify
01:11:31 you when you start manifesting
01:11:33 the nature of the Holy Spirit.
01:11:35 He doesn't identify you when
01:11:37 you start speaking in tongues
01:11:38 and prophesying because he says,
01:11:40 no, that is already the outcome
01:11:44 of your life. So, he's not
01:11:46 looking for that. He's looking
01:11:49 for fruit because that could be
01:11:53 mimicked
01:11:56 without fruit. That could be
01:12:01 gotten from other channels
01:12:03 outside of the Holy Spirit. So,
01:12:06 God is looking for fruit. I'm
01:12:08 just telling you this because
01:12:09 if you are, if you feel like you
01:12:12 can hear the voice of God,
01:12:15 check the fruit because I'll
01:12:18 tell you something and we're
01:12:19 going to close. When Abraham,
01:12:23 when God met Abraham and told
01:12:27 him about his promises for
01:12:30 Abraham, Abraham was very old
01:12:32 in age. Sarah, very old in age,
01:12:35 right? She didn't think she
01:12:37 could have children anymore but
01:12:40 when God met him, he tells him
01:12:42 you will have a son and when God
01:12:44 is speaking, then how it's
01:12:46 manifested is without compromise,
01:12:48 right? Because it's God speaking.
01:12:51 He tells him you will have a son.
01:12:53 They have this whole moment.
01:12:54 They have a covenant. Beautiful
01:12:56 moment. After that, Sarah comes
01:13:00 to Abraham and this is why the
01:13:04 moment we had earlier is so
01:13:06 important because sometimes you
01:13:07 think your thoughts are your own.
01:13:09 They came from somewhere else
01:13:11 because this whole time, Sarah
01:13:13 did not have no witty ideas. All
01:13:17 of a sudden, she says, you know,
01:13:19 babe, menopause has come and
01:13:22 gone, right? For women, you
01:13:23 know what that means. Man, you
01:13:24 have a mother. You'll be
01:13:26 alright. She said, Sarah, I
01:13:29 mean, Abraham, you know, I'm
01:13:31 way too old. So, why don't you
01:13:34 just sleep with one of my
01:13:36 servants and let me have a
01:13:38 child through her. The timing
01:13:42 is questionable. There's some
01:13:45 things you're thinking it's you
01:13:46 but you just came in agreement
01:13:48 with to say it's you. It's not,
01:13:49 it didn't start with you. These
01:13:51 were planted thoughts. So,
01:13:55 Sarah goes to Abraham, tells him
01:13:57 all of that and the Bible
01:13:59 highlights. It says, and
01:14:01 Abraham listened to the voice of
01:14:04 his wife, Sarah. So, he sleeps
01:14:07 with her. They have a child,
01:14:09 Ishmael but you know for about
01:14:11 eleven is eleven years past
01:14:13 the ebb but eleven years, god
01:14:16 went silent. from that moment,
01:14:19 god went silent. There was no
01:14:22 word to Abraham after that and
01:14:25 when he shows up again, the
01:14:27 first thing he says is be
01:14:29 blameless before me. What was
01:14:33 that? He said, Abraham, be
01:14:40 patient. Trust me. You've been
01:14:43 patient all this time. Fruit is
01:14:45 a patience of the fruit of the
01:14:47 spirit. You've been patient all
01:14:49 this time. When I give you a
01:14:50 word, we have a covenant. We do
01:14:52 the whole thing. You follow
01:14:55 another voice and not mine. I'm
01:14:59 after fruit and maybe I needed
01:15:01 to spend 11 years of silence
01:15:03 because the silence was a seed
01:15:06 so that I can cultivate more
01:15:08 fruit. You see, sometimes god's
01:15:11 silence is not punishment but
01:15:14 it is a seed that you would
01:15:17 recognize the weight of
01:15:19 relationship with him and the
01:15:21 weight of his words to you. You
01:15:25 may feel like you're struggling
01:15:26 to hear god and and this is
01:15:28 what you've said. I've fasted.
01:15:30 I've fasted. I've fasted. I
01:15:31 realize that people are saying
01:15:32 I've been praying, praying,
01:15:33 praying. I've been fasting,
01:15:34 fasting, fasting but here's the
01:15:35 answer. You cannot trap god in
01:15:37 a formula. spiritual
01:15:41 disciplines help. They create a
01:15:44 space for god but you cannot
01:15:47 trap god in spiritual
01:15:48 disciplines because how he
01:15:51 deals with each and every one
01:15:53 of us is unique. You might be
01:15:57 fasting, praying, doing all the
01:15:58 things that you're supposed to
01:16:00 do but the fruit is the
01:16:03 problem. Maybe the voice of god
01:16:05 is silent because the last
01:16:07 thing he said to you about
01:16:09 forgiveness is still a
01:16:11 stumbling block. You're not
01:16:13 willing to let that one go and
01:16:16 here's what you do. We're out
01:16:18 of time. When god gives you a
01:16:20 word, it's not like this
01:16:22 robotic command, right? It's
01:16:24 not for you to feel like but
01:16:25 god, this person did this to
01:16:27 you. He's not trying to have
01:16:29 you be a robot but it is an
01:16:32 invitation to search his word
01:16:36 and to seek him on his
01:16:39 revelation on how that will be
01:16:41 possible in your life. It's not
01:16:44 for you to shut the door
01:16:46 immediately and say god that
01:16:49 that that it's not going to
01:16:51 happen. but it's an
01:16:54 invitation. He says, look, I'm
01:16:56 not a robot. I know what
01:16:58 happened to you. It hurt. It's
01:16:59 it was not. It's not nice but
01:17:03 open your heart and I will
01:17:05 teach you how forgiveness
01:17:07 becomes possible and through
01:17:10 that forgiveness, the flood
01:17:12 gates begin to open. God's
01:17:15 wisdom is unlocked in your
01:17:16 life. The word of knowledge is
01:17:18 unlocked in your life.
01:17:20 Prophecy is unlocked in your
01:17:22 life. and everyone is
01:17:26 different and what I want to
01:17:27 challenge you is to study about
01:17:29 the fruits of the Holy Spirit
01:17:32 and do a fruit check. Maybe
01:17:35 the area that god is working
01:17:37 on me is patience. Maybe
01:17:40 because I'm still like this
01:17:43 area. I have not really honed
01:17:44 in on it and it's not it's out
01:17:46 of love because remember god
01:17:49 is the one sending you and he
01:17:52 wants to send his
01:17:53 representative. He's not
01:17:55 trying to send a zombie. He
01:17:58 wants to send someone that
01:17:59 embodies his nature and so
01:18:01 however long it takes, that's
01:18:03 alright. He will continue to
01:18:06 do that work and when you're
01:18:08 ready, what could take 7 years
01:18:11 he could do in 7 months. So,
01:18:14 don't even be worried about
01:18:16 the time. Don't put pressure
01:18:18 on yourself to to get it
01:18:20 immediately because when you're
01:18:23 ready, when you are tuned into
01:18:26 the frequency of god's voice,
01:18:29 he would redeem the years.
01:18:34 There are areas in my life.
01:18:35 I'll be honest with you. This
01:18:36 is me too. There are areas of
01:18:39 my life that god has revealed
01:18:41 to me. I've called you to walk
01:18:43 in in this but before you can
01:18:46 walk in in it, before I open
01:18:48 the door, we gotta work on
01:18:50 this fruit right here. We gotta
01:18:53 work on this right here and
01:18:55 when we work on this fully,
01:18:57 this door will open up to you.
01:19:01 I'm not in a hurry but I'm
01:19:04 submitted and that's what god
01:19:06 is calling you to do to be
01:19:08 submitted. Stand with me
01:19:10 family.
01:19:14 Thank you lord. Thank you lord.
01:19:21 We're going to pray and just
01:19:23 after we pray, you know,
01:19:25 normally we, you know, after
01:19:26 worship, we will have
01:19:27 announcements and offering and
01:19:29 all of that but just in the
01:19:30 flow of the holy spirit, we
01:19:32 switch things up a bit but at
01:19:34 the close of service, you know,
01:19:36 the we'll have like the
01:19:38 offering buckets and everything
01:19:39 at the door and I just want to
01:19:40 say that because even as we
01:19:43 are in this series, god has
01:19:46 need of how we steward our
01:19:48 finances and our resources and
01:19:51 how we support even what the
01:19:54 mountain of religion is doing
01:19:56 through the church, right? And
01:19:59 so, when you're giving, I know
01:20:00 they'll have the stuff on the
01:20:01 screen but we'll have the
01:20:03 people right at the doors as
01:20:05 well but I want us to pray.
01:20:09 Thank you lord. Thank you lord.
01:20:15 If you know that today, you are
01:20:21 recommitting yourself. You
01:20:24 realize a couple of things for
01:20:27 some of you, your repentance
01:20:28 has been on the schedule. for
01:20:31 some of you, you didn't
01:20:33 realize why you were in the
01:20:36 industry you were in. You just
01:20:37 thought it was about a check.
01:20:38 You know, fun time, good life
01:20:40 and all that stuff but you are
01:20:42 sent to do business, to occupy.
01:20:48 Life doesn't end on earth. It
01:20:52 doesn't end here. There are
01:20:55 things that we will be held
01:20:56 accountable when we transition
01:20:58 to heaven. The holy spirit
01:21:02 wants to walk with you. He
01:21:03 wants to talk to you. He wants
01:21:05 to be your friend. God in you
01:21:11 and if you want to recommit
01:21:14 how you walk with him, I want
01:21:17 you to just come to this altar
01:21:18 right now and we're going to
01:21:21 pray.
01:21:24 Thank you lord. Thank you lord.
01:21:32 Thank you, Jesus.
01:21:38 You want to recommit yourself to say, "God, I've been treating you more with a fear mentality
01:21:49 than from a place of love, and I want to be sent by you."
01:21:56 It's nothing for you to be afraid of.
01:21:58 It's nothing that comes with shame.
01:22:01 It's just truth.
01:22:02 God loves you, and he wants to walk with you.
01:22:08 If you understand this about the Holy Spirit, that he is a friend, he is a helper, it will
01:22:15 change your life.
01:22:17 Come down to the altar.
01:22:21 Let the shame go.
01:22:22 I hear that so clearly.
01:22:25 Take it off.
01:22:28 Stop putting on the things that have kept you bound.
01:22:32 It's not you.
01:22:35 It's not you.
01:22:38 Thank you, Jesus.
01:22:42 Thank you, Lord.
01:22:44 We got to go, but I see there's some people the Lord is after.
01:22:52 The reason I'm calling you to come down is shame has crippled you so much, and you don't
01:23:01 believe that you are worthy to walk with the Holy Spirit.
01:23:06 You don't believe that you are worthy to walk with the understanding of God in me.
01:23:15 When I met Jesus, I received the Holy Spirit, but not just as a thing that I say, but it's
01:23:21 the reality.
01:23:23 God in me.
01:23:27 Do you know when Satan was after Peter and set up people so that Peter could deny Christ,
01:23:37 why did he want Peter to deny Christ?
01:23:41 Especially when Jesus is telling the Lord, and you know Jesus prayed for Peter that his
01:23:45 faith would not fail him.
01:23:47 But could it be that he wanted Peter to deny Christ because maybe that's the way he traps
01:23:54 him in shame?
01:23:57 That Peter, if you denied Christ, then how would you feel bold enough to tell people
01:24:01 to accept him?
01:24:06 Because what Satan was more worried about was the fact that it was not that version
01:24:10 of Peter that was a threat to him, no.
01:24:14 He was threatened by the version of Peter who would be walking with the Holy Spirit.
01:24:20 So he says, how can I corrupt his mind that he would not know what he has in the Holy
01:24:30 Spirit?
01:24:32 How can I get him to be so focused on his mistakes that he does not have the boldness
01:24:39 to feel worthy of God in him?
01:24:43 So he does a setup.
01:24:46 But Peter didn't fall for it.
01:24:50 And I'm believing, I'm looking at a room full of people who are not going to fall for it
01:24:53 either.
01:24:56 So there are some of you, the Lord will not let this go.
01:24:59 If you know I'm speaking to you, come down.
01:25:03 And Lord I pray you just put a burning, a burning feeling on their chest right now so
01:25:09 you know God is after you.
01:25:11 Thank you Lord.
01:25:13 Thank you Lord.
01:25:14 Thank you Lord.
01:25:15 Thank you Lord.
01:25:16 Thank you Lord.
01:25:17 Thank you Lord.
01:25:18 Now we can pray.
01:25:21 Thank you Jesus.
01:25:23 Thank you Jesus.
01:25:24 Thank you Jesus.
01:25:26 Thank you Jesus.
01:25:27 Thank you Jesus.
01:25:28 Thank you Jesus.
01:25:34 If you're giving your life to Jesus today, you walked in here maybe for good vibes and
01:25:39 community.
01:25:42 But something is tugging at your heart.
01:25:45 And you want to commit your life to Jesus.
01:25:47 You cannot have the Holy Spirit without saying yes to the Lord.
01:25:51 If that is you, I just want you to wave right now.
01:25:54 Amen.
01:25:55 Amen.
01:25:56 We see you.
01:25:57 Amen.
01:25:58 Amen.
01:25:59 Can we glorify God in this place?
01:26:04 Amen.
01:26:05 Amen.
01:26:06 Amen.
01:26:07 Amen.
01:26:08 Amen.
01:26:09 Amen.
01:26:10 Amen.
01:26:11 Amen.
01:26:12 Amen.
01:26:13 Family, let us pray.
01:26:14 Heavenly Father, we worship you.
01:26:15 We thank you Lord for your sons and daughters.
01:26:18 And Lord even now you're showing me a young lady, and this could speak to some mothers,
01:26:27 but a young lady.
01:26:30 Your hair is colored.
01:26:32 You dyed your hair.
01:26:35 And you felt as though if you walked down the aisle, the eyes of people looking at you,
01:26:47 it felt like it would be too loud.
01:26:48 It would be too loud.
01:26:49 It would be too loud.
01:26:52 That you're still struggling.
01:26:55 God has given you visions and dreams about who he has called you to be.
01:27:03 But there is this deep struggle of unworthiness.
01:27:09 Because you're still seeing yourself from all the things you have done.
01:27:16 And the Lord is showing me this now because he is saying to you, he said, even when you
01:27:23 feel like you can't, I will carry you.
01:27:29 It's not, God wants to radically love you.
01:27:37 The Bible says God is love.
01:27:42 His love would inspire change out of you.
01:27:48 Thank you Jesus.
01:27:53 Thank you Jesus.
01:27:54 Brenda, I want you to go hug this lady right here.
01:28:00 With blue hair.
01:28:16 Thank you Lord.
01:28:18 See, there are some times where you feel like life has overwhelmed you so much that you're
01:28:25 like, God, I can't.
01:28:26 And he says, you're right.
01:28:28 Because it would not be in your strength, but it would be in his strength.
01:28:35 There are times where you feel literally it's like a weight is holding you back.
01:28:41 But in your surrender, the Lord says, I will carry you to it.
01:28:47 And I pray that as Pastor Brenda is holding you, that you will know it is but a glimpse
01:28:56 of the love of God.
01:28:58 It doesn't even scratch the surface.
01:29:02 But God is after you.
01:29:05 And he would radically love you in ways.
01:29:07 There are things that would be a drawn to you.
01:29:10 There are things that you don't want to go after.
01:29:12 And the Lord says, you know what?
01:29:13 I'm going to bring it to you.
01:29:19 And I rebuke imposter syndrome in the name of Jesus.
01:29:24 You would know that God has called and qualified you for what he assigned to you.
01:29:31 And if you're receiving that, just lift up your hands right now.
01:29:35 Heavily, Father, we love you.
01:29:38 Who is like you, Lord Jesus?
01:29:41 No one.
01:29:44 Your love is what transforms us from the inside out.
01:29:49 And I thank you, Lord, that your sons and daughters would know that you are never about
01:29:54 keeping anything from them, but that you want to work something in them, that they would
01:30:00 begin to be like you, that they would be transformed to your image and bear the fruits that speak
01:30:07 of you.
01:30:08 And then that is how you equip them.
01:30:10 You equip them by their fruits and then you send them into the marketplace.
01:30:17 And so I thank you, Lord, that they would move in boldness.
01:30:21 They would move in confidence.
01:30:23 They would move knowing that heaven is backing them up as they submit to you.
01:30:29 Have your way, Holy Ghost.
01:30:32 Move in the lives of your sons and daughters.
01:30:35 And Lord, let it be our testimony that you and us will change this world for the kingdom
01:30:44 of God to be manifested.
01:30:47 And I thank you for those that said yes to you.
01:30:50 Let us all say this together as a family for those who are saying yes to the Lord.
01:30:55 Lord Jesus, thank you.
01:30:59 I confess with my mouth that you are my Lord and Savior.
01:31:05 On the cross, my sins were put to death.
01:31:11 And when you were raised up free and victorious, I was raised up with you.
01:31:18 Now Holy Spirit, make my life your home.
01:31:23 In Jesus name.
01:31:24 Amen.
01:31:25 Amen.
01:31:26 Family, we love you.
01:31:28 Can we glorify Jesus in this place?
01:31:31 Hallelujah.
01:31:32 I want to speak a blessing over you.
01:31:36 May the Lord God bless and keep you.
01:31:38 May he cause his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you.
01:31:42 May he lift up his countenance over you all and grant you shalom, shalom.
01:31:48 And that is perfect peace.
01:31:49 We love you, family.
01:31:50 God bless you.
01:31:51 (explosion)
