• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Non me l'aspettavo. Sono molto contenta". Così Angelina Mango commenta la classifica della prima serata del Festival di Sanremo. Nella top 5 della stampa, infatti, la giovane artista in gara con il brano 'La noia', ha raggiunto il secondo posto, subito dopo Loredana Bertè. "Sono molto contenta dell'esibizione" racconta Angelina che parla di un'emozione fortissima: "piena di gioia, piangevo e ridevo allo stesso tempo. E' stato uno shock ma di quelli molto belli e voglio tornarci".


00:00 Did you take your name on the podium yesterday when you saw the ranking?
00:04 I laughed, honestly, because I didn't expect it.
00:07 I was very happy when I came back to the hotel,
00:12 I didn't expect this at all.
00:15 I'm very happy.
00:18 Did you feel satisfied when you came out of the stage?
00:22 I was very happy, I was full of joy that I never thought I could find in life.
00:28 I was crying and laughing at the same time, I couldn't speak.
00:30 It was a shock, but one of those beautiful, very beautiful.
00:34 I want to go back.
