Sherlock Jr.: Full Episode 17 (with English subs)

  • 7 months ago
'Sherlock Jr.' is a drama crime series that revolves around how Jack's (Ruru Madrid) and Irene’s (Janine Gutierrez) beloved dog, Serena, find out the truth about what happened to Irene and her friend, Lily (Gabbi Garcia).


00:00 [theme music]
00:02 [dog barking]
00:11 Tell your boss that I'm ready to talk.
00:14 Just promise me that you'll keep my wife away from here.
00:17 I'll tell him everything.
00:19 [Bart grunting]
00:22 Where's Bart?
00:24 He's dead.
00:25 He was in a stroke.
00:28 You know what will happen.
00:30 If Bart is gone, the laptop is broken,
00:32 and Irene might feel for you.
00:35 You'll have to go back to the way you were.
00:37 You're under arrest!
00:38 Why, sir?
00:39 You're spreading filth here.
00:40 Ew, that's not mine.
00:42 You're a scoundrel!
00:43 You're too good at explaining.
00:44 Oh, sir!
00:45 Ms. Pelaez, I'd like the Senator to come
00:48 if you need any help.
00:50 Don't be shy to approach him.
00:52 I don't need any help.
00:54 I just want to say thank you.
00:56 Sorry, son.
00:57 I didn't know there's another Golden Retriever in the neighborhood.
01:00 It's okay, Cap.
01:02 Just don't start a fight with me again.
01:05 Okay?
01:06 Siri!
01:07 Thank you, Papi Jack!
01:08 Siri.
01:10 Thank you, sir.
01:11 Aha!
01:12 It's like you're the salary.
01:14 I just want to apologize for what happened.
01:17 Especially to you, Siri.
01:19 That's why I chose Poe
01:21 so that Siri can have a love life.
01:24 Huh?
01:25 What?
01:26 Siri, do you like your new boyfriend?
01:29 He's so handsome, right?
01:31 No!
01:32 I don't want to--
01:33 Ouch!
01:34 Hey!
01:35 Okay, I love you, sir.
01:40 Siri!
01:41 I don't want to go back!
01:43 Siri!
01:46 Hello, Lily!
02:04 Oh, Papi, what did you do?
02:09 Papi, you chased me.
02:12 You two have something.
02:23 Sorry.
02:27 Sorry.
02:28 Are you okay?
02:29 I'm okay.
02:38 Lucky!
02:39 There they are again, Papi!
02:43 Okay, gotta go!
02:47 Siri!
02:48 It's hard to chase you.
02:50 Wait!
02:51 Siri!
02:52 I'm so pretty.
02:53 Bye-bye!
02:54 Shh!
02:55 Hello?
02:56 It's hard to get you and Siri.
02:58 Don't you worry, Poe.
03:02 We'll find a way
03:05 to make your love story with Siri a happily ever after.
03:09 And of course,
03:11 Jack and I.
03:13 There's an evil witch who's playing the role of a papi.
03:17 I don't think that dog is really your type.
03:22 I miss you, Poe.
03:24 The coast is clear, Papi!
03:26 Woohoo!
03:27 I feel sorry for Siri.
03:30 You're a big girl now, right?
03:33 Yeah.
03:34 Aren't you ready for
03:38 love life?
03:40 Love life?
03:44 Lily,
03:47 do you have a boyfriend?
03:50 No, I don't.
03:54 Lilian?
03:59 Lilian Pelaez?
04:02 Hey!
04:03 Albert Ruiz III!
04:06 Oh, no!
04:07 It's you!
04:08 How are you?
04:09 I'm okay.
04:10 You know my wife, right?
04:11 Merrill?
04:12 Yeah, Merrill!
04:13 I've been looking for you.
04:14 Nice to see you!
04:15 This is our baby, Baby Jace.
04:16 He's so cute!
04:18 Thank you!
04:19 Baby Jace!
04:21 Hello!
04:23 Hello, baby boy!
04:25 You're so cute!
04:28 This is Sherlock Jackson Jr.
04:31 and Siri!
04:32 Hello!
04:33 Jack is Albert.
04:37 He's our senior in our Poetry Guild.
04:40 And his wife is Merrill.
04:42 Merrill.
04:43 You can just call me Jack.
04:45 Okay.
04:46 Let's eat.
04:47 Okay.
04:48 We'll go ahead.
04:49 Let's meet up sometime.
04:51 Okay, I'll make a group.
04:54 Okay, we'll go ahead.
04:55 Take care!
04:57 Bye!
04:58 Bye!
04:59 Bye, baby boy!
05:03 You really said my full name.
05:05 Jack is so cute!
05:10 Let's meet them.
05:11 Oh, what's this?
05:16 You're so romantic!
05:18 Babes!
05:23 Hi!
05:24 My babes!
05:30 Babes, I'm leaving.
05:33 Hi, babe!
05:34 Hi, babes!
05:36 You smell so good!
05:39 Of course, I took a shower.
05:41 Huh?
05:42 I just smelled it.
05:43 You're so sexy, babe!
05:45 I'm leaving.
05:47 I have work to do.
05:49 Babe, you're so romantic!
05:52 What's more important to you?
05:54 You know, I have to go home first.
05:57 And I have work to do.
05:59 So, babe, don't be like that.
06:02 What's more important to you?
06:04 What do you want?
06:05 I'm so fragile when it comes to you.
06:09 Wow, we haven't seen each other for six months.
06:13 Yes, it's been a long time.
06:18 But,
06:19 you look good.
06:23 Look good?
06:26 Do I look like this before?
06:29 Sorry, sorry, no.
06:32 No, um,
06:34 Lily,
06:35 honestly, you too.
06:38 You look good.
06:40 You look good.
06:41 Lily?
06:55 Edo!
06:58 Ma'am?
07:00 You're here.
07:02 I've been waiting for you.
07:04 [music]
07:23 Hey, Ma'am, don't get the calamansi.
07:25 Ma'am, Ma'am, let's eat.
07:26 You're pancit is almost finished.
07:28 Yes, of course,
07:30 our pancit has to be delicious.
07:32 I don't know what to say to the people of the barangay.
07:35 I've never made pancit before.
07:38 You're really something, Ma'am.
07:39 Here, here.
07:40 You should have calamansi.
07:41 Here, here.
07:42 You should have calamansi.
07:43 Here, here.
07:44 Here, here.
07:45 Help me with this.
07:47 Here, this is good.
07:48 Here, here.
07:50 Here, I'll cut this.
07:51 Yes, yes.
07:52 You're so busy.
07:53 Hey, Lado.
07:55 Oh, my.
07:56 Edie, my.
07:57 Oh, my.
07:58 Edie, my.
07:59 You're so beautiful.
08:00 You're so beautiful.
08:01 Wait, wait, wait.
08:02 You first.
08:03 You see, I've changed a lot.
08:06 Wait, there's still fish sauce.
08:07 Here's the fish sauce.
08:08 Here, here.
08:09 I'll put some here.
08:10 Let's put a little more fish sauce.
08:12 Huh?
08:13 For it to be delicious.
08:14 Ma'am, you know,
08:15 your pancit is delicious.
08:16 Of course.
08:17 It's a project.
08:18 You know what I think?
08:19 What I think is,
08:20 what's next?
08:21 This will be our capital, right?
08:23 Really?
08:24 Yes.
08:25 Okay, okay.
08:26 Cup and pearl.
08:27 Cup and pearl.
08:28 Cup and pearl.
08:29 Cup and pearl.
08:30 Cup and pearl.
08:31 Cup and pearl.
08:32 Cup and pearl.
08:33 Cup and pearl.
08:34 Cup and pearl.
08:35 Cup and pearl.
08:36 Cup and pearl.
08:37 Okay, Ma'am.
08:38 I'll put it on the left.
08:39 Okay, Ma'am.
08:40 I'm really hungry.
08:41 I haven't eaten yet,
08:42 compared to the people
08:43 who will give us.
08:44 Oh, Ma'am.
08:45 As long as you cook,
08:46 I'm a fan of your cooking.
08:47 I'll eat first.
08:48 I'll eat first.
08:49 But you, Ma'am.
08:50 I'm the captain.
08:51 I know you'll make it delicious.
08:52 Thank you.
08:53 For the constituents,
08:54 right?
08:55 Lily, do you want to stay here?
08:57 Or let's go straight to the movie house?
08:59 Oh, I forgot.
09:01 I smell something awkward.
09:05 Sorry, the time flew.
09:08 Sorry, P'Doa.
09:09 It looks like you still have to walk.
09:12 I'm sorry.
09:14 But I'll go first.
09:16 Let's go.
09:19 I'll go first.
09:21 Siri.
09:26 Come.
09:28 Awkward.
09:29 Bye-bye, Lily.
09:31 Lily, let's go.
09:36 Okay.
09:38 Wait, the…
09:39 The leash, Siri.
09:41 Wait.
09:42 Jack.
09:44 Jack, the leash you left.
09:47 Yes.
09:48 Thank you.
09:50 Yes.
09:51 Hello, Siri.
09:52 You're so annoying.
09:53 You're so annoying.
09:54 Yeah.
09:56 We were just talking about it.
09:58 You didn't tell me that
10:00 I'll see you and P'Doa.
10:02 That's nothing.
10:05 We just hang out sometimes.
10:08 You know, Lily.
10:11 You should do that more often.
10:13 You should hang out more.
10:14 P'Doa is okay.
10:16 She's your wife.
10:17 Yes.
10:19 Baby, baby, baby.
10:22 Baby, baby, baby.
10:23 Baby, baby, baby.
10:24 Baby, baby, baby.
10:25 What is this I hear?
10:26 Baby boy, is that you?
10:32 That's not your mommy and daddy.
10:34 Siri.
10:36 Siri.
10:38 Siri.
10:39 Siri.
10:43 Hey.
10:44 Siri.
10:46 Baby boy, I'll save you.
10:48 Siri.
10:51 Siri.
10:54 Papi, didn't you see?
10:56 Baby boy is in trouble.
10:58 Are you hungry?
10:59 Let's go eat.
11:00 I'll look for Baby boy
11:01 because of his smell in this room.
11:04 Oh, no.
11:05 I think he left it in the van.
11:07 Siri, do you want to return it?
11:09 Huh?
11:11 I think he wants to return it to the place where it fell.
11:13 The van is gone.
11:14 I want to return the baby I got from mommy and daddy.
11:18 Lily, let's go.
11:23 Take care.
11:26 Papi, the baby.
11:43 I told you.
11:44 I really feel like
11:45 we're the only ones who haven't seen
11:47 The Return of the Detective.
11:49 You didn't tell me
11:52 that you're still seeing Jack.
11:54 Oh, no.
11:56 No, it was just a coincidence.
12:00 What could have happened?
12:02 Siri was running away
12:06 and we ran into each other.
12:10 We had fun,
12:12 we had fun,
12:14 we had fun,
12:16 We had fun.
12:20 Why?
12:22 That's what we do, right?
12:24 We have fun.
12:25 Hey, this is not just fun.
12:28 This is a celebration.
12:30 Celebration of what?
12:32 Don't you notice anything?
12:37 Oh, you're wearing a uniform.
12:39 Not just that.
12:41 This is my uniform when I go to work.
12:44 Because?
12:45 Because I was promoted as a POT,
12:49 Detective Elpidio Lumabao III,
12:51 at your service.
12:53 Wow!
12:54 Pito, congrats.
12:55 You're a big shot now.
12:57 Appear.
12:59 I was promoted.
13:02 Thank you.
13:03 Thank you.
13:04 So,
13:15 Jack and I were having fun
13:17 and then we fell.
13:20 We looked stupid.
13:22 Oh,
13:27 why are you crying?
13:29 I'm not crying.
13:31 Why are you looking like that?
13:34 How can I not look like this?
13:36 You're so weird.
13:37 You just came back from Pito's movie date
13:39 and you're not like this,
13:40 except Jack.
13:41 It's weird because after a long time,
13:44 that's the way we've been meeting.
13:47 It's funny.
13:49 I know what's funny.
13:51 I think hot chocolate goes well with Hopia.
13:53 Do you have Hopia?
13:55 Hopia?
13:56 Hopia, you're being Hopia to that Sherlock Junior.
13:59 Wow!
14:01 You're so weird, Josie.
14:03 He's still moving on.
14:06 And,
14:07 I don't think about that anymore.
14:09 You're worrying about Jack.
14:11 Sometimes,
14:12 you think about all the next moves you'll do in your life.
14:15 Look at me.
14:16 I gave up.
14:17 I gave up on Pito.
14:19 I don't have Hopia anymore.
14:20 So, you,
14:21 don't give up on things like that
14:23 just because Jack is coming back.
14:25 Pito is pitiful.
14:27 We're not sure, Josa.
14:29 Pito hasn't confessed yet.
14:31 Sometimes, he's been here for 6 months.
14:34 He always asks you to go out.
14:35 Doesn't he like you?
14:37 Oh.
14:38 Here's what you should think about.
14:41 There's a pitiful Pito
14:42 who's always around you.
14:45 Yes.
14:46 Jack is always coming back whenever he wants.
14:48 We don't know his status.
14:50 Sometimes, I don't want this to happen.
14:52 I don't want this to happen.
14:54 In the end,
14:55 instead of them,
14:56 you're the one who's pitiful.
14:58 Okay?
15:02 You're so annoying.
15:06 [music]
15:11 Jack!
15:28 There they are again, Papi.
15:32 Hi, B!
15:33 Hi, Jack!
15:35 My Jacky boy!
15:37 Sandra, what are you doing here?
15:39 I'm Cassandra.
15:42 Anywho,
15:43 I just wanted to say hi
15:45 after our game earlier.
15:47 I thought we were playing,
15:49 and I was the one who was tired.
15:51 But you just disappeared.
15:53 It's because Siri
15:56 is not ready yet.
15:58 I'm sorry.
15:59 Wait.
16:00 Siri, come here.
16:02 Siri, come.
16:04 Come.
16:05 So,
16:08 the who is that
16:10 crazy girl you were with earlier?
16:13 Lily?
16:15 She's my friend.
16:16 Why?
16:17 Lily!
16:19 Friend!
16:20 [laughs]
16:22 Okay, okay.
16:24 Okay, that's how it is.
16:25 Why?
16:26 Nothing.
16:28 It's just
16:30 Jack.
16:31 Hmm.
16:32 I'll be here
16:35 waiting for you.
16:37 Yes.
16:39 And Siri, of course.
16:40 Yes.
16:41 Sandra, go to sleep.
16:43 I'm sleepy.
16:44 I just got home from work.
16:45 Oh, really?
16:46 Yes.
16:47 I'm sleepy.
16:48 Maybe she'll see us.
16:50 Ah, okay.
16:52 Come here.
16:56 [grunts]
16:57 Hi, Siri.
17:03 Go to sleep. Good night.
17:05 You're home already?
17:06 Yes.
17:07 Come here, Siri.
17:09 Here.
17:10 Mom, where's Jack?
17:11 Good night.
17:12 Mom!
17:13 Good night.
17:14 I'll just be here.
17:15 Yes, go to sleep.
17:16 It's already late.
17:17 [door closes]
17:18 Don't you worry.
17:27 It won't be long
17:29 before we catch them all.
17:31 So?
17:36 Hi.
17:38 You're already having dinner?
17:40 There's a pancit there.
17:41 Eat first.
17:42 You're the one who's going to be late.
17:44 Don't think about me.
17:45 Think about your nephew.
17:47 He looks so hungry.
17:49 He won't stop eating.
17:51 Because you're not listening to me.
17:54 I've been explaining to him.
17:57 Hey, Siri.
17:58 Let him go.
18:00 I'm talking to you, Papi.
18:02 Oh.
18:04 You're on your own.
18:07 You're drunk again.
18:09 I'm not.
18:11 [TV playing]
18:13 Mom, I'll finish this.
18:24 Okay, son.
18:26 You can eat everything.
18:29 A video of a calling father
18:32 is now going viral online
18:34 just a few hours after
18:35 a concerned netizen posted it.
18:38 In the video,
18:39 Albert and Mary Ruiz are seen
18:41 walking in this area
18:43 when their two-month-old baby,
18:46 Baby Jace, suddenly disappears.
18:49 I was just buying a flower
18:51 when someone took it from my son.
18:53 Here.
18:55 Here's Baby Jace.
18:57 Please have mercy.
18:58 Help us find him.
19:00 Baby Boy is a mommy and papi.
19:02 Our son is all alone.
19:04 He's all alone.
19:06 You're probably rich.
19:08 You know how hard it is
19:09 to take care of our son.
19:10 It hurts.
19:11 Here.
19:12 Please help us.
19:14 I don't know who took my son.
19:16 We're not doing anything.
19:18 Here's Baby Jace.
19:19 Please help us.
19:20 Here.
19:22 We're talking.
19:25 Here.
19:26 Please help us.
19:28 Our son is just a baby.
19:30 He's just here.
19:31 Then suddenly he disappears.
19:32 Baby Boy is a papi.
19:33 He's disappearing.
19:34 I saw him earlier.
19:35 Let's find him.
19:36 Look at the TV.
19:38 He's so handsome.
19:39 He's a sunset genius.
19:41 Hi.
19:43 Jack is Albert.
19:45 His wife is Meredith.
19:47 She just calls me Jack.
19:48 Our baby is Baby Jace.
19:50 He's so cute.
19:51 Thank you.
19:52 Baby Jace.
19:54 He's the one we were with earlier.
20:00 [Dramatic music]
20:02 Online posts about missing persons are going viral.
20:15 The father in the video.
20:17 He cried a lot in the video last night.
20:19 My brother almost died.
20:21 I hope the father's video goes viral.
20:25 So he can find his son soon.
20:27 Sure.
20:28 Jack is the one.
20:30 Sir.
20:35 This is the address of Rubis' wife.
20:41 We also got the consent of the National Guard
20:44 to cover their search for the missing child.
20:47 And with the promise that we would help them
20:51 in terms of posting alerts
20:54 to all their searches in our media collections.
20:57 Okay, sir.
20:59 Where is Mr. Castro?
21:01 He's in the sabbatical league.
21:04 So I insisted that I would be the one to replace him.
21:07 Of course, I've been dying to work with you.
21:10 Good luck.
21:11 Especially with this story of yours.
21:13 Because our readers are looking for a little drama.
21:18 So I want you to exaggerate
21:23 the father who's looking for his missing child.
21:28 Okay, sir.
21:35 This is Baby Jace.
21:44 Please help us find him.
21:47 Our son is all alone.
21:52 Siri!
21:53 Siri!
21:55 Please help us.
22:02 Our son is all alone.
22:04 So, Sherlock.
22:06 I know where to start, sir.
22:09 Siri!
22:12 Siri!
22:14 That son of a bitch.
22:18 Siri!
22:19 Siri!
22:21 Siri!
22:22 Jenny, you have so many books.
22:41 Read them all.
22:42 This is what I want.
22:43 Why?
22:44 Why don't you want Sherlock?
22:46 He has a beautiful name.
22:48 Because he's mad at his father.
22:51 He's lost his father.
22:52 He's not our father anymore.
22:53 Do you have any news about your British father?
22:55 Sherlock Jackson Sr.
22:58 I have no interest in finding him.
23:00 I can change my name again.
23:03 I've been doing it for a long time.
23:04 Are you still affected by your name?
23:07 Again, love.
23:09 You know I really don't like that Sherlock.
23:11 I like my name more, Jack.
23:17 Oh, Sherlock.
23:18 Mom, why is this here?
23:21 I threw this away when you were still here.
23:23 Because Jenny saw it.
23:26 She read it.
23:27 I can still see it in all times.
23:31 Why are you like this, Jack?
23:33 Where's Siri?
23:35 And did you see the lamp that she always uses?
23:38 Jenny brought it to the clinic.
23:41 Because Siri doesn't let go of the lamp that she uses.
23:46 She's so mad.
23:47 Okay, I'll go to the clinic.
23:51 Where is this crazy father of hers, Jack?
24:14 Siri, why don't you let go of the lamp?
24:17 Even if I explain, you won't understand me.
24:21 Usually, when dogs are like that, they're guarding their resources.
24:27 They're just protecting their important things for some reason.
24:31 Hey, you're correct.
24:33 But this lamp is not ours.
24:42 Siri, why don't you let go of the lamp?
24:46 Because the child who owns the lamp is disappearing.
24:53 Trueness, you get it now.
24:56 My dad is so smart.
24:58 And Siri saw it too.
25:00 Who took the missing child?
25:04 The missing child?
25:05 That's a good baby.
25:10 Jack, this is Albert.
25:12 And his wife is Mered.
25:14 Our baby, Baby Jace.
25:16 So cute!
25:17 Baby Jace!
25:19 This is Albert.
25:22 Albert Luis?
25:24 They lost the lamp when we were in the park.
25:35 Lily.
25:38 Lily.
25:39 The van you saw, do you remember what it looked like?
25:45 The plate number you saw?
25:47 Color?
25:50 I don't remember the plate number.
25:57 But I know that the van was an old model.
26:02 And Maroon.
26:05 Maroon, you're right.
26:06 Maroon.
26:07 Maroon.
26:08 Yes, an old Mercedes Benz Maroon.
26:13 Yes, that's right.
26:15 Okay, if that's the case,
26:17 is it okay if I witness something that happened to you?
26:21 That the lamp came from the child who was in the van.
26:27 If that's okay with you.
26:29 Of course.
26:31 Okay, thank you.
26:33 Wait, the...
26:35 The van has a sticker on the side.
26:38 What kind of sticker?
26:40 It's a white sticker that looks like a flower.
26:43 White sticker that looks like a flower.
26:47 Right, right, I remember now.
26:51 So, okay,
26:52 the van is an old Maroon model.
26:54 Yes, that's right.
26:55 That has a flower sticker on the side.
26:57 Yes.
26:58 Okay.
26:59 Lily, is it okay if I witness something that happened to you?
27:04 That's why you're going to the precinct?
27:06 Yes, I want to help.
27:08 Okay, actually, I'm going to the house of Ruiz to interview them.
27:15 After that, I'm going to the precinct.
27:18 I can walk you there.
27:20 If you want,
27:21 I can accompany you to Albert's house.
27:24 Because I thought it would be easier to interview them since we already know each other.
27:30 [music]
27:36 I just brought a pig to the customer.
27:41 Is that a bite?
27:42 Customer, will you hold hands?
27:44 Will you hug?
27:45 Will you hug your customer?
27:47 It seems that Lily will be more frequent with us.
27:50 Will we have a problem with Lily?
27:52 That's a petty issue.
27:53 You call that news?
27:54 It will never be petty.
27:56 A parent is far from his child.
27:58 Can you relate?
27:59 How are you, Aunt?
28:00 I'm okay.
28:01 Aunt, Mom.
28:02 I need a name to sell.
28:04 It could be an illegal foreign adoption syndicate.
28:06 My child's life is at stake here.
28:08 I will cooperate with the kidnappers.
28:09 I have no choice.
28:10 I want to get my child.
28:11 Red-handed, right?
28:12 Can you not attack?
28:13 I'm going to kill you.
28:15 [screams]
28:16 [music]
28:22 (upbeat music)
