• last year


00:00 Next rider in the gate, Tim, Timmy Schroeder.
00:03 Timmy Schroeder.
00:04 Timmy Schroeder, yeah.
00:06 He qualified first from the Challenger Series last year,
00:10 and he has been so close to qualifying for the Freeride
00:13 World Tour several times.
00:15 He is a big sender and a big chiller by personality,
00:19 and we're really stoked to see him ride today.
00:21 He's one of so many riders on the tour that are just
00:24 massive overachievers.
00:26 Yeah, sure, he's a pro rider.
00:27 He's also a professional filmmaker,
00:30 producing, editing, filming, all that, the Innsbruck Powder
00:34 people, with my former co-host.
00:36 And hopefully you're out here watching.
00:37 Neil Willimon was a big part of that movie.
00:40 So Timmy has been-- he's a massive part
00:42 of the Innsbruck Freeride scene, kind of an integral piece
00:46 of that community.
00:47 And I'm so stoked to see him on the tour.
00:49 Like you said, Anna, he's been so close for so long,
00:53 and he was just not there in the results,
00:56 and then he had a huge injury.
00:58 And to see him now taking the start gate of a Freeride World
01:01 Tour event is just huge.
01:03 So Timmy Schroeder on course.
01:05 Also dropping in from start two there,
01:09 and very visible on the mountain in his yellow outfit.
01:13 Taking a bit more speed across here, looking smooth.
01:16 Yeah, hitting into that feature with just a single turn above.
01:24 So not afraid of the speed, going over
01:26 to this same rider's left side that we saw Hugo go to,
01:29 and going big off that.
01:30 Already on the edge, and making his way over
01:33 into this relatively untapped zone with a 360 above exposure.
01:38 Timmy Schroeder white rooming himself.
01:41 That was really impressive.
01:43 He's lining up his lap.
01:44 Big backflip down there.
01:46 I'm not sure if you guys caught that.
01:47 He's holding on his heel side edge.
01:50 That was epic.
01:52 Wow.
01:53 Wow, Tim really making a strong claim here
01:58 in his first ever FWT run.
02:00 We've got this wind lip down here coming,
02:02 carving off the heel side.
02:04 360, absolute bolts.
02:06 He's on the final stretch here, this bottom apron.
02:11 And through the arch, Timmy Schroeder living up to the hype.
02:16 Woo-hoo!
02:16 That's how we do it.
02:21 That is how he does it.
02:23 Nice one, Timmy.
02:24 Stoked to see an amazing debut on tour.
02:29 Well, you can feel the elation just pouring off him.
02:32 I think equal parts elation and relief.
02:34 Get that first run out of the way
02:36 with a couple of huge moves on that one.
02:38 As we see the drone angle, this first air
02:41 sets him up into the mandatory.
02:43 Timmy is a really strong and stylish as well.
02:48 Huge backing, much bit of you on that one.
02:51 And just lands at absolute bolts.
02:53 Yeah, so Aaron's style just pumping up that category.
02:57 Line score high, fluidity, all of it across the board.
03:00 Score's going to be, I think, going to be a solid, solid
03:03 score.
03:04 That's going to have Ludo shaking in his snowboard boots
03:07 right now as we see the line tracker.
03:09 Similar top section to the others,
03:11 but then moving over a little bit more riders left,
03:13 as we see now Timmy in the finish area.
03:16 Yeah.
03:18 89.
03:21 Let's see.
03:21 I'm a bit hesitant because I sprayed myself
03:24 before the backing.
03:25 I was like, ah, I don't know where the cliff is.
03:28 Yeah, but you will have a high score for sure.
03:31 Now, these moments of the riders catching up with each other
03:36 after the runs.
03:37 Here we see the group getting to work.
03:40 This has got to be the most uncomfortable seat
03:42 in the Freeride World Tour.
03:44 Every single rider, everyone's leaning on you, all the fans,
03:47 but we have the right people for the job.
03:49 All of these are former professional athletes,
03:53 and every one of them just with a wealth of experience
03:55 in the judging world.
03:58 So here we go.
03:58 Score coming in for Timmy Schroeder.
04:00 86.
04:01 6.7.
04:02 So sliding comfortably into the hot seat for the German rider.
04:07 Incredible debut on the FWT.
