Diabetes - Reduce your diabetes with these simple changes.

  • 8 months ago
Diabetes is more common than you might think, a disease that affects adults and children and brings many concerns. With this in mind, we decided to bring content with tips on how to control the disease and live better.
People who want to live a long, healthy life need to know how to prevent diabetes. Although this disease has a strong genetic component and cannot be completely prevented, lifestyle acts as a trigger for its development.
Diabetes is a chronic and incurable disease that occurs when there is excess sugar in the blood, that is, an increase in blood glucose levels.
This happens because the cells in the pancreas do not produce enough insulin; or because the body cannot use this hormone properly.
Type 1 diabetes appears in childhood or adolescence and is familial and cannot be prevented.
Type 2 diabetes, on the other hand, represents more than 90% of cases and mainly affects people over 45 years of age.
It also has a genetic influence, but its occurrence is closely related to factors such as excess weight, sedentary lifestyle and inadequate diet.
Symptoms of diabetes:
• Weight loss
• Constant urination
• Feeling very hungry
• Large headquarters
• Blurred vision (diabetic retinopathy)
• Wounds that are difficult to heal
• Burning feet
• Constant tiredness

Therefore, there are some measures that can be taken to prevent this disease, whether by reducing the risk of diabetes itself or the speed at which it develops.
