Water - Do you know how to drink water?

  • 8 months ago
As everyone knows, our bodies are made up of an average of 70% water, and it is of the utmost importance that we always keep them well hydrated, as our organs depend on water for their proper functioning, in addition to being essential in composition of blood plasma.
Let's look at some questions:
Are you sure you're drinking the amount of water your body needs?
Do you know the right times to drink water?
Sounds like trivial questions, right?
If you don't drink the right amount, or if you drink water at the wrong time, it can affect how you act, having harmful effects and consequences on your life.
So let's see:
How much water do we need to drink a day?
We heard information from some organization that we need to drink two to two and a half liters of water a day.
Is this really the case? Let's think!
One person weighs 130 kilograms and the other weighs 50 kilograms.
Do these two people need to drink the same amount of water?
Do you both have the same water in your body? Do they lose the same amount of water?
Of course not.
Therefore, the amount of water we should drink per day, depends on our weight, it depends on the ambient temperature, the humidity, the type of activity or work that a person does, because there are certain types of work, or activity, that a person will do getting very tired, sweating more, and others who don't.
If you work in the sun, in hot places, you lose a lot of liquid, you will have to replenish more.
So, how to establish the ideal amount in the easiest way? We will give two examples below:
First, we take our weight, and divide it by eight, we will get a number, which will give how many glasses of three hundred ml we need to drink per day. If a person weighs eighty kilograms, this calculation will be: eighty divided by eight, and the result, multiplied by three hundred, which will result in three liters.
The second way to calculate the amount of water to drink during the day is to multiply 35 ml by each kilo of your weight, that is, if you weigh 100 kilos you should drink thirty-five ml times one hundred which results in three and a half liters per day. That simple. But, what about the hours?
You have to think: water is always welcome, at any time, but there is a good time for everything, including drinking water.
