Seleniun - An essential mineral that can save your life.

  • 8 months ago
Selenium is a very important trace element for balancing our metabolism and an essential mineral that our body needs to function well.
Maybe you've heard about it, but still have no idea what it does or why you need it?
Selenium, as an element, was discovered in 1817 by the Swedish chemist Jöns Jacob Berzelius, who determined the atomic weights of many elements and developed a system of chemical symbols.
Initially, it was thought to be a toxin, but scientists discovered selenium to be an essential mineral in the 1950s. In the 1960s, doctors began investigating the possible cancer-fighting properties of selenium in animals.
Scientists currently know that selenium is essential for the production of selenoproteins, a family of proteins that contain selenium in the form of amino acids.
So far, 25 different selenoproteins have been isolated in the body, but only half of their functions have been identified.
Human and animal research has found that selenoproteins are involved in embryonic development, thyroid hormone metabolism, antioxidant defenses, sperm production, muscle function, and the immune system's response to vaccines.
We will see the importance of selenium for the human body, the sources of selenium that we can use to avoid developing a deficiency of this mineral, and also what can cause an excess of selenium in the body.
Selenium is an essential mineral for all living cells
