Coffee - Is it good or bad?

  • 8 months ago
Shall we talk a little about coffee?
Is coffee good or bad for health?
Is coffee good or bad for the heart?
Can you drink coffee if you have high blood pressure, diabetes or heart arrhythmia?
How much coffee can you drink a day without putting your health at risk?
Does coffee cause cancer or reduce the risk of cancer?
How long does caffeine last in your body?
Does decaffeinated coffee have the same risks and benefits as regular coffee?
What's the best way to brew coffee for your health?
And from what time should you avoid drinking coffee and why?
Well, we're going to answer those questions and more in this video,
and you will know a little about the history of coffee, it will be very complete and,
If you love coffee, you'll have plenty of reasons to celebrate!
So stay until the end, the video will be very interesting.
And you will see that coffee has many benefits for your health. Is coffee good or bad for health?
It depends on the dose, but coffee has more benefits than risks.
In the past, research on coffee seemed like a seesaw. Sometimes they say it's good, sometimes it's bad. But in the last ten years this uncertainty has disappeared. Coffee is good!
Just to give you an idea, until 1991, coffee was included in the list of possible carcinogens by the WHO, because many human studies showed that coffee drinkers had a higher risk of cancer.
Only much later, when studies began to separate coffee from tobacco, did they discover that, contrary to what was previously thought, there is a reduced risk of certain types of cancer in those who drink coffee. (remember that smoking and drinking coffee often go hand in hand).
When you drink coffee, you're not just drinking water and caffeine. Coffee is also a good dietary source of vitamin B2 (riboflavin), B3, magnesium and potassium.
Caffeine is just one of over a thousand chemicals in coffee. There are good and bad things.
The good stuff is polyphenols and antioxidants, which can reduce inflammation and stop cancerous cell growth.
However, raw coffee may contain diterpenes that can raise bad LDL cholesterol and slightly lower good HDL cholesterol.
What types of cancer does coffee reduce the risk of?
Liver cancer (because it reduces the risk of steatosis and fibrosis), melanoma (which is the most dangerous skin cancer), endometrial cancer (because coffee is associated with a decrease in estrogen levels), colon cancer (because coffee coffee stimulates the production of bile acids and speeds up bowel movements, which can reduce the number of carcinogens entering the colon), and prostate cancer.
Reduces risk, not zero.
