McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Crisis on Infinite Earths Firestorm Figure

  • 8 months ago
McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Crisis on Infinite Earths Firestorm Figure


00:00 McFarlane rearranged a few plastic molecules and gave us a new figure.
00:05 Here's a look at the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Crisis on Infinite Earths Firestorm.
00:11 [music]
00:40 Ronnie Raymond and Professor Martin Stane are two very different personalities.
00:44 One is the epitome of youthful exuberance, the other is a rational thought personified.
00:48 But when merged into a single entity, these opposites complement each other's strengths as Firestorm, the nuclear man.
00:54 Firestorm is a living nuclear reaction and one of the mightiest heroes in the world.
00:59 I guess you could say when it comes to Ronnie Raymond and Professor Martin Stane, opposites do attract.
01:03 Unfortunately, this would have been in time that I brought my tape measure in and showed you guys exactly how tall Firestorm stands.
01:08 That would have been the case if it wasn't for the case that my tape measure exploded on me in my last review.
01:13 Literally, I was extending out the tape measure and it just exploded with that little sound.
01:18 So I'm going to have to try to track down a second tape measure.
01:21 In the meantime, though, what I will do is at least bring in other figures so you can at least get a gauge of how much taller Firestorm stands than regular DC Multiverse figures.
01:29 Case in point, to the left, there's Batman, Nightfall Batman.
01:32 To the right, here's the Flash that came included with the Red Death version of the figure.
01:38 And also, just as well, you want to see what he looks like with a bigger and bulkier figure.
01:41 If I get him to stand, here's what Firestorm as well looks like with the DC Rebirth Superman.
01:45 Come to think of it, maybe if I gave Firestorm some of my garbage, he could make me a new tape measure.
01:50 OK, maybe that's not going to happen.
01:52 What will happen, though, is we're going to have a look at the accessories that come included with the figure.
01:55 First, Firestorm comes included with a podium standee that has the DC logo printed here on the front.
02:01 He also does have, of course, a card that sits inside the podium.
02:04 We're just going to put that to the side.
02:05 This podium, by the way, is the exact same as all the ones we've gotten in the past.
02:08 The card, of course, that sits inside of that is the McFarland Collector's Edition version of Firestorm.
02:13 I'm actually glad that they decided to go with the direction of this one, giving a more classic look to Firestorm than what we actually get here on the image on the front of the card.
02:20 I don't recognize this version of Firestorm at all.
02:23 I more recognize this one.
02:25 Actually, Firestorm was one of the first, if not the first, Super Powers figures that it has as a kid.
02:29 So I have sort of a soft spot for this design of the character.
02:32 Flip around, though, to the back.
02:33 His real name is both Ronnie Raymond and Martin Steen because, of course, the two collaborates literally and they become one being.
02:39 Of course, there is a read up.
02:40 You can read and pause.
02:41 Well, first pause, then read for yourself.
02:43 Happens to be the same thing I read at the beginning of this review.
02:46 Off to the side, though, you may not have seen it.
02:48 I'm just going to slide the card back into the standee here.
02:51 Off to the side, there is also, of course, just a regular cardboard, just a regular standee.
02:56 This is the same display stand as we've gotten with all the cases before with DC Multiverse figures.
03:00 Although, when it comes to be using the McFarlane Collector's Edition figures, you can see that they go all out when it comes to printing on the DC logo.
03:07 Normally, it would just be in a very, almost hard to see at the times, the black DC logo.
03:13 This time around, it's in a very pretty looking silver.
03:15 Those off to the side.
03:17 And then the figure comes in clear with all these really cool looking hands.
03:20 Normally, I would have said I would have loved if they could have given him some effect pieces,
03:24 like those little circular rings with little orbs all around it.
03:27 That usually seems to be the thing that you would go along with, say, a Firestorm figure.
03:30 But at least, they did give him some rather interesting hands instead.
03:34 First, the figure comes in clear with closed fists.
03:36 I mean, those are the fists that he has right now in his forearms.
03:38 Not the most exciting things to look at, I know.
03:40 Then the figure also comes in clear with these sort of flat hands.
03:42 I guess if you wanted to have the character flying, for example,
03:45 you probably could just then pop out the hands that he has right now and swap him out with these.
03:49 Not the most interesting of hands.
03:51 What is a little more interesting, though, is the figure comes in clear with a pointing hand.
03:54 And he also comes in clear with a dynamic hand.
03:56 And either, again, one of these.
03:58 Just to show you, just pop the hands off from the forearms,
04:01 just in case you thought I was making lies.
04:03 Not lying around on this channel here.
04:05 Popping, of course, the hands.
04:07 I want to make sure I've got them on the right way.
04:08 Their thumbsies go in.
04:09 Again, you can give him a pointing hand.
04:11 And you can also give him a dynamic hand.
04:13 Don't worry, though.
04:14 The hands are going to get a lot more interesting than this.
04:16 The hands, once impegged in place, again, you've got yourself more of a dynamic hand.
04:20 But then he has all these really interesting fiery effect hands.
04:24 The first one, actually, that came included inside the packaging with him default was this hand right here.
04:29 It still has that mustard yellow molded plastic.
04:33 But then on the top, you can see they've added this really interesting translucent orange plastic.
04:37 It's not translucent to the point where I can really run my finger behind it.
04:39 My guess is they probably molded the entire thing, as you can see on the inside, in all the orange.
04:44 And then they just painted the palm to match sort of the color of the actual plastic.
04:48 It's pretty close.
04:49 And this one's a little bit darker in coloring than what just the defaulted mustard-colored plastic would be.
04:54 But it's pretty close.
04:55 So he has this hand.
04:57 And then he also has a hand that throws fireballs.
05:00 Literally, his fingers are turning into fireballs.
05:02 Well, you can kind of see.
05:03 There's little fingers still indicated on the inside.
05:05 But this one's neat because it's throwing out fires.
05:07 And then the figure also comes included with these hands.
05:10 Now, this actually looks like he's punching through flames, once again, still relying on the translucency of the orange plastic.
05:16 Once again, though, painting the mustard-yellow fingers on the front of it.
05:19 And, again, any of these hands can just be popped out.
05:22 We've already done this already.
05:23 But just to show you guys a tutorial of it again.
05:25 Pop those out.
05:26 Let's grab -- do we want to grab this hand?
05:29 Let's grab this hand.
05:30 I don't know if I'm going to keep this for the remainder of this review.
05:32 But, again, like if you want to have him throwing the fireballs.
05:35 And then on the other hand, literally, we can plug the other one then in place.
05:39 So, again, like you get a couple of different effects.
05:41 Sure, yes, it would have been nice if they could have given him like a little orb effect.
05:44 But, still, the fact that they actually gave him little flaming hands, really nice touch on McFarlane's part.
05:48 And, again, he also has these ones also as well.
05:50 Moving everything, though, out of the way and getting a closer look at Firestorm.
05:53 Again, the thing I really like about this and the thing that I wouldn't have liked if they had actually made the figure based on the card is the fact he has more classic roots to him.
06:01 The design of this character looks very much like Challenge of the Super Friends.
06:04 No, it wasn't Challenge of the Super Friends.
06:05 Galactic Guardians?
06:07 Super Powers?
06:08 Galactic Guardians?
06:09 I'm trying to think of the cartoon.
06:10 There obviously was a connected to that Kenner line of Super Powers figures.
06:14 And so happened to be that Firestorm was the first figure I had in my collection before, of course, getting those weirder figures like Red Tornado, Martian Manhunter.
06:22 I had one other figure as well.
06:23 Like, I had really all the kind of B and C list characters.
06:26 Not that I necessarily would have considered Firestorm to be an A or C list character.
06:30 He's always A list when it comes to me.
06:32 The head sculpt is really nicely done here.
06:34 Of course, you got the open cowl piece with a very visible face.
06:37 I think that the attention to detail and how clean the paint's been applied to the face is really well done.
06:42 Even to the point where they've outlined the areas around his eyes.
06:44 There doesn't seem to be, from what I can see at least, any paint problems.
06:48 I mean, when you get close quarters like this, any one of these things could be problematic, especially painting areas around the eyes.
06:54 But yeah, I think they've done a really nice job here in Firestorm.
06:57 Like the name would state, though, he does have a fire storm coming out the top of his head.
07:01 And again, that's been using a translucent plastic.
07:03 I don't know, though, it would involve me.
07:06 I look on the inside, though, so they would have used the same coloring of plastic for all this across.
07:10 And then they probably would have attached the flame piece on top of his head.
07:13 Like just adhered it in place.
07:14 Because I was kind of wondering how they would have done this.
07:16 I don't think they would have gone the full while of actually painting the entire thing.
07:20 Getting like a translucent orange plastic, going in there, painting the finer features and the flesh tone, and of course the cowl piece.
07:26 Probably would have just been easier for them just to attach the flame piece on top of the head.
07:30 I don't see a seam line necessarily where I would imagine one is attached to the other.
07:34 A nice job, though.
07:36 And then, of course, the rest of the figure's body.
07:38 He has the more traditional colors.
07:39 They're not quite red.
07:40 It's kind of like a cherry taffy.
07:42 Have you ever had yourself like cherry candies?
07:44 They don't tend to be really a dark red.
07:46 In fact, usually they're kind of like more of an oranger red.
07:48 And that looks very much, or like a fruit punch.
07:51 A fruit punch.
07:52 Kind of looks like this as well.
07:53 Like a Hawaiian punch.
07:54 I haven't had a Hawaiian punch in like forever.
07:56 The color is also, of course, on this guy he has the mustard yellow there for the front of his shirt or front of his top.
08:01 And it matches pretty close that he actually has that also on his gloves.
08:04 Yellows are sometimes a hard thing to kind of match in colors.
08:08 Like his boots, for example, are pretty close in the colors that he has for this section.
08:12 And again, they're pretty close to the colors that he has also for his gloves.
08:15 Spin the figure around to the back.
08:16 Like again, all the striping is really nicely done except for two little areas here.
08:20 It's clean on the front.
08:21 And I don't really notice any paint problems whatsoever.
08:24 The little smaller orbs in red are all, again, nicely painted.
08:27 The orb on the underside, of course, that has the strap across the front, nicely painted too.
08:32 Except, unfortunately, right here.
08:34 I got a smudge this section here and I got a smudge right over here as well.
08:38 There are a few little areas, by the way, everything has to come together that the lines don't quite connect on the sides of his body.
08:44 I don't know if you can see it there on the other side.
08:46 I mean, it's not a very seamless, continued strand of white.
08:50 So there's a few little areas where I kind of notice like this sticks up just a little bit.
08:54 I don't think it's going to start to peel, but it definitely does seem like it was attached over top of the plastic.
08:58 So you just want to be careful that this doesn't...
09:00 You can kind of see already, it's just flaking just a little bit right there by my thumbnail.
09:05 And of course, the rest of the colorings are, again, pretty quick, quite consistent when it comes to the rest of the figure.
09:10 He's very, again, nicely colored.
09:11 Again, a few little paint problems, but those are problems I can easily overlook.
09:16 Now, for the figure's articulation, Firestorm's head is going to be once again on a bulge, right?
09:20 There's nothing, nothing at all that's really getting in the way of preventing this guy from rotating his head all the way around.
09:25 His head can look up that high, so that's fairly high.
09:29 I mean, he probably could have gone a little bit further.
09:31 But if you so, for example, wanted to get him on a flight stand, I might just end up doing that.
09:35 You could do it to a point where it would look like he would be naturally flying,
09:38 at least being able to see exactly what's in front of him.
09:41 The figure head does also rock back and forth as well.
09:43 The upper torso, by the way, does rotate all the way around.
09:46 It's on a bulge, right?
09:47 It goes up and down, and it also rocks back and forth as well.
09:51 Further down from that, the figure also does have an abdomen torso,
09:54 so he has an abdomen bulge, I should say, at the bottom, just behind the belt.
09:58 That also rotates quite freely around.
10:00 Now, the shoulders do rotate, even though he does have these shoulder pads that stick out the sides.
10:04 Still easily, he can rotate his arms all the way around.
10:07 The figure does have swivels in his biceps, double hinges in his elbows.
10:11 Mine, unfortunately, though, I noticed on this elbow is a little bit looser.
10:15 It isn't as loose on this side, but it is a lot looser on this side.
10:19 Not to the point where it feels floppy, but getting out of the packaging,
10:22 I'm a little bit bummed that it's so loose.
10:24 I mean, for what little time I've actually had this out of the packaging,
10:27 it shouldn't be as loose as it is already.
10:29 Of course, the legs do split out.
10:31 This is softer plastic, once again, that they've used for the lower trunks.
10:34 Legs go forward only by that far.
10:36 They also go back as well.
10:38 And, of course, because they're using softer plastic here for the lower trunks,
10:41 bringing the legs forward the way that we are right now does result in sort of stretching this.
10:45 And every once in a while, I find myself kind of flattening these down as best as I can get them.
10:50 The figure has a slight swivel at the top of the thigh, double hinges on the knee.
10:54 No articulation on the boot, which was surprising.
10:56 I actually thought that this would be something that would swivel on its own.
10:59 But the figure at least does have an ankle pivot up and down this way,
11:02 or ankle rocker this way.
11:04 And the figure, of course, as always, does come into play with toe articulation as well.
11:07 "What would have made this figure better?"
11:09 yells somebody at the back of the crowd.
11:11 Thank you, sir, for bringing that to my attention.
11:13 I don't think there's really much I would have done differently to the figure.
11:16 Maybe cleaned up some of the paint.
11:17 Like, for example, I've got a couple of smudges on the back,
11:19 but displaying them from the front, which is usually the way I'm sure most people are going to be displaying their figures,
11:23 I don't really notice a lot of paint problems at all.
11:26 White on top of yellow, red on top of white can all be problem areas when it comes to paint.
11:31 And yet, the figure is pretty clean.
11:33 And nice effects, of course.
11:34 They include these additional hands that the figure has as well.
11:37 I could have loved to have had maybe some additional orb effects that could have wrapped around his hand,
11:41 but I also really kind of think about the older figures, too.
11:44 Like the old days of DC Classics figures from, like, Mattel.
11:48 Those figures back in the day.
11:49 I still have my Firestorm.
11:50 Ooh, I wonder where he went.
11:52 But I think, from what I remember, he also had little orbs as well that you could attach onto the hands.
11:56 Maybe a little outdated by that mindset.
11:58 I do actually like the flame effects that they gave for the hands.
12:00 There's a couple of different options available if you want to display the figure with that.
12:03 And short of maybe not having a flight stand, which is something I can easily just grab myself.
12:07 An overall nice figure from the folks over at McFarland Toys.
12:10 I know. I know.
12:12 Firestorm doesn't technically come in clue with a flight stand.
12:15 And yet, I couldn't resist here for Final Looks not to have the figure in flight,
12:18 so I just happened to use and borrow a flight stand that we actually got, of all things, from Black Manta.
12:23 The figure does look quite good, actually, in a flight stance like this.
12:27 He is, of course, hurling fireballs with one hand, and his other hand is on fire.
12:31 We'll have the figure displayed, I think, on the shelf like you're seeing right now.
12:35 And, as is usually the case when it comes to these upgraded figures of the McFarland Collectors Edition line,
12:40 I will be displaying the figures also with a podium card standee.
12:43 I like the standee myself.
12:45 I know some people kind of think it's just a waste of plastic.
12:47 I mean, obviously, if preferred the choice, I would have honestly just gone with a flight stand
12:51 and not used the podium stand and just saved the plastic that way.
12:54 But, yeah, it does kind of give him a little more polished look.
12:57 Speaking of polished look, I really am impressed, again, the paint that they applied to this figure.
13:00 It isn't the cleanest, certainly when it comes to the seamless lines on the sides of the figure's torso.
13:06 You can very obviously see how two parts to a front and back torso didn't quite meet in the middle.
13:10 But the rest of the figure does look quite good, and I do like the way that he's actually got a more classic design.
13:15 Whether, though, he will look like the characters that's featured on the front of the card,
13:18 even if he is, I probably won't end up picking up that more modernized version of Firestorm,
13:22 I prefer the classics myself.
13:24 What do you guys think of the figure? Let me know down below in the comments section.
13:27 Have you had the chance to get the Marvel's McFarland, I keep calling it Marvel's, McFarland Collector's Edition.
13:33 This was, again, Crisis on Infinite Earths Firestorm.
13:36 Let me know down below in the comments section, yeah, if you've had the chance to pick up this figure.
13:39 I did ultimately order this one online, I couldn't have found this guy at all,
13:42 even if I wanted to in local comic book stores.
13:45 But I did order this guy online, and I'm very, very happy to finally have him in my collection.
13:49 If you guys enjoyed this video, I want to hit it with a like.
13:51 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing, and you would like to stick around for more,
13:54 we are, by the way, going to be looking at some more DC Multiverse reviews,
13:57 courtesy of the folks over at McFarland Toys.
13:59 So if that's the kind of thing you'd like to come back to this channel for,
14:01 I'd like to think you're coming back to the channel for other things,
14:03 but if primarily that's the main reasoning you're coming back to this channel,
14:07 then please do come back, because we're, of course, going to be looking at a lot more stuff.
14:10 As always, guys, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
14:13 [outro]
