Kyle Shanahan Wanted Tom Brady to Start for the 49ers This Season

  • 8 months ago
Kyle Shanahan reportedly wanted Tom Brady to start for the San Francisco this season.
00:00 It was kind of a throwaway thing.
00:02 I don't know how it didn't get picked up or made a bigger deal.
00:05 I guess it doesn't matter as much now, but I did find it interesting that Kyle
00:09 told Brock that this starting job is yours this season, as long
00:15 as we don't get Tom Brady.
00:16 And Brock knew that.
00:19 So as, as long as Tom Brady wasn't coming to San Francisco, he was going to be the
00:24 starter, but if Tom Brady came, then Tom Brady would have started.
00:27 So they did put out feelers to Tom Brady this off season.
00:31 Uh, obviously he decided that it's time to officially retire, which
00:35 is the right move by the way.
00:37 Watching Tom Brady early on last year, he had everything, but towards the tail
00:43 end of last year, he was truly afraid to, to get hit, he just was unwilling
00:47 to get hit and that became clear.
00:50 And when he talked about retiring, he said that I just don't want to get hit
00:54 anymore and that showed up on film weekend and week out, even though the
00:58 numbers were great and he could still make all the throws, it wasn't that he
01:01 had diminished there, but mentally.
01:03 He didn't want to get hit.
01:04 So I think it's probably, I never wanted to get hit.
01:07 I just wanted to know.
01:08 No, no, no, for sure.
01:09 You didn't want to be a quarterback either.
01:12 I don't want to get hit.
01:13 Yeah.
01:14 So I, but that was interesting because there was definitely
01:18 some speculation at some point, but if Tom Brady was willing to play again,
01:24 and come to the 49ers, he would have been your starter this year.
01:28 I find that, I find that interesting.
01:30 I find that very interesting.
01:31 The Niners really need to hold on to Brock pretty for a very long
01:34 time because Kyle is clueless.
01:36 I was just going to say, I was just going to say, give Brock a lifetime contract,
01:41 man, because the idea of trying to find another quarterback, you don't even
01:44 find Brock, you stepped on Brock.
01:46 Oh my God.
01:46 What is that?
01:47 Oh, it's our starting quarterback for the next 10 years.
01:50 Sorry about that little buddy.
01:51 You're great.
01:53 No, but we're going to push you with Sam Darnold.
01:55 Hey, we're going to bring in Tom Brady three years too late.
01:58 Kyle, God love you.
02:00 I'm not going to say it's hot.
02:02 He, his evaluation of Tom Brady couldn't have been more wrong twice.
02:08 When you should have brought him in and you had Jimmy Garoppolo here, you're
02:13 like, ah, we think Jimmy can be marginally better next year, probably.
02:18 So we're going to go with that.
02:19 Brady's washed immediately wins a Superbowl.
02:21 Right.
02:23 Then Brady is actually washed as far as Tom Brady goes.
02:28 And you have an actual good quarterback who's clearly better than Jimmy.
02:32 And you're like, yeah, well, you're going to start unless Tom's willing to come here.
02:36 It's like, wow.
02:37 Could you, you messed up the evaluation going both ways.
02:40 Thank God, at least the second time it didn't go the way that you wanted it to
02:47 go, which was bringing in Tom Brady.
02:49 That would have been crazy.
02:52 Yeah.
02:53 I understand why though, in retrospect, the, the injury, the surgery, you
02:59 didn't know what he was going to be.
03:00 There was a possibility he would miss time.
03:02 There were all these different timelines.
03:04 He didn't get the surgery right away.
03:06 It was unclear what was going to happen.
03:08 They felt stupid for not having Tom, for not bringing in Tom Brady the first time.
03:12 You could see them maybe talking themselves into it in a moment of desperation.
03:16 Fortunately, they didn't, or maybe Tom Brady made the decision for them.
03:20 Don't know.
03:21 But it seems like it's worked out, but again, they haven't won a playoff game yet.
03:25 I just want to remind people that they have not won a playoff game yet this year.
03:29 And I know we're all talking about how special this team is and how
03:34 it's the best scene since 1994.
03:37 And dude, if they lose on Saturday, you guys are going to have nothing but
03:41 bad feelings about this team forever.
03:43 It'll be awful.
03:45 It'll be awful.
03:46 I just want to impress upon you.
03:48 What's at stake.
03:49 That's what I love about the NFL so much.
03:53 It's just so urgent.
03:56 Oh, you think you're one of the greatest teams of all time?
03:58 Okay.
03:59 Well, all you gotta do is win three games, but if you lose one, that's it.
04:03 It's over.
04:03 Sorry.
04:04 You had a bad day.
04:05 It was rainy.
04:06 Sorry.
04:07 Sorry.
04:08 Sorry.
04:09 Well, the 49ers haven't won a game yet in the playoffs, but the fans won three
04:15 times this weekend watching the Eagles lose the Rams lose and Dallas lose.
04:18 I don't know that the weekend could have been any better to be a 49er fan on a
04:22 week that your team didn't play.
04:24 So there is that.
04:25 Nick Ceriani used to have all this bravado and now every time they cut him on the
04:30 sideline, he looks frankly like dorkier and dorkier.
04:34 He just looks like he's got nothing.
04:36 The 49ers also, 49er fans also won twice today.
04:39 The Eagles and the Cowboys are keeping their coaches.
04:43 Riddle me that.
04:45 Why?
04:48 Why?
04:48 No clue.
04:49 I have seen it back for the sake of it.
04:52 Why would they do that?
04:53 I have no idea.
04:55 If I'm the Eagles, I'm getting bill Belichick immediately.
04:59 Immediately.
05:01 Does anyone respect Nick Seriani anymore?
05:04 The issue with him is a lack of respect for him.
05:08 I don't know.
05:12 Mike McCarthy.
05:13 The Cowboys said they're keeping McCarthy.
05:15 The Eagles, Roseman and Seriani have been searching for an offensive
05:20 coordinator supposedly since the season ended.
05:23 So I assume that means they're keeping him.
05:25 Instead of hiring an offensive coordinator, fire Seriani and hire
05:28 someone who can run the offense.
05:30 Like what does Seriani do?
05:31 Why is he, why, why do you need him?
05:32 No idea.
05:33 No, I like Dan Campbell is Dan Campbell is a CEO coach, but you
05:40 see the impact he has on that team.
05:42 They go exactly how he goes.
05:44 And all those gutsy decisions, good or bad or his, I don't know what Seriani does.
05:49 I genuinely have no idea.
05:51 Shane Sikon was incredible.
05:52 That's all I know.
05:54 I don't know what Seriani is or does, but Hey, I'm not an Eagles fan.
05:59 So let him stay there.
06:00 That's great.
06:00 Don't you get the sense that the lions are really, the players
06:02 are really proud of Dan Campbell.
06:05 Oh, he kind of sets the tone or the personality of the team.
06:12 I don't get the feeling that the Eagles are proud of Nick Seriani.
06:14 I mean, I think they seem like they're kind of embarrassed by him kind of being.
06:18 Maybe I didn't need that.
06:19 Maybe I could have taken that out.
06:21 Just use embarrassed alone.
06:23 Yeah.
06:24 Yeah.
06:24 Embarrassed.
06:25 Like a middle school kid getting dropped off by their mom that wants to kiss them
06:29 on the forehead in front of all their friends.
06:30 That's how embarrassed they are of them.
06:31 Yes.
06:32 It's bad.
06:33 Dude.
06:34 Like you're not playing.
06:36 You're not tough.
06:37 What are you doing?
06:38 Dan Campbell played Dan Campbell's tough.
06:42 Dude, you, you, you call a play.
06:49 Oh, you don't do that at all.
06:51 That's why you're mugging because you don't actually do anything.
06:53 It's you and big Dom.
06:54 You're little Dom.
06:55 So bad.
06:58 Oh, all right.
07:00 Joshua born.
07:03 Good to see you guys again.
07:04 Feel like we made Tom Brady more motivated when he was with Tampa.
07:09 Yeah.
07:10 That was for Jen.
07:11 That was for Kyle.
07:12 Probably.
07:12 All right.
07:13 I'm going to wrap this one up early.
07:15 Like Rob, he just shut it down early on me today.
07:17 He was like, you know what, Grant, I'm not enjoying your presence.
07:19 Dismissed.
07:20 And you're dismissed.
07:23 Anyway, are you doing a behind enemy lines right now?
07:27 I am.
07:27 Yeah.
07:28 Five minutes.
07:28 Come over to last second sports behind enemy lines.
07:31 I've got a Packers content creator on this should be really, really good.
07:35 I'm looking forward to this.
07:35 What's he, where's, what's his name.
07:37 Where's he from?
07:38 Where's he from?
07:40 You're going to have to come over to the show.
07:41 It's the teaser.
07:42 I like that.
07:42 Yeah, that was, that was a trick question.
07:44 Trick question.
07:45 Go check it out for yourself.
07:46 Like, subscribe.
07:48 Thanks for watching at the buzzer.
07:50 Brother Bob says, um, Eagle straight trash.
07:54 Big dumb should coach.
07:56 Big dumb.
07:57 Nice.
07:58 Nice.
07:58 Nice.
07:59 [Music]
