• last year
Analyzing how Kyle Shanahan can improve the San Francisco 49ers' offensive coaching staff.
00:00 Brandon Staley is a reality check for Nick Sorensen, who the Niner who has great ideas.
00:07 Apparently, the Niners trust him to be the idea man of their defense, but he's going
00:12 to have someone with a little bit more experience.
00:13 He can run things by what a great idea that Kyle Sanahan came up.
00:19 It was his idea, a reality tester.
00:22 Yeah, the defense, right?
00:25 As my advisor said, you need a reality test.
00:28 So here's where Iggy is being very whimsical here.
00:32 This is something we talked about.
00:34 I have to admit.
00:36 Here's the paradigm.
00:38 You got a defensive coordinator and it's good to have an expert in his ear.
00:45 So when the defensive coordinator maybe loses his way, the other person can say, Nick, think
00:52 about this.
00:54 Maybe you don't want to do this.
00:55 Maybe this was a mistake.
00:56 Well, if it's so good on the defense, why isn't it good on the offense?
01:00 I mean, really, doesn't Kyle Shanahan need somebody like that?
01:05 If it's so goddamn good on the defense, why can't he do it on the offense?
01:09 I mean, he's not a great play caller in Super Bowls.
01:14 He wasn't a great play caller in the in this last Super Bowl.
01:18 I want to remind everybody he scored no points in the third quarter and you could point to
01:24 they lost because of this, they lost because of that.
01:26 Well, one of the reasons they lost is they scored no points in the third quarter with
01:29 that offense.
01:31 So wouldn't it be interesting if Kyle said, gee, if I'm doing that on the defense, maybe
01:37 it would be nice for me to have an older person could be his dad, but I don't think it should
01:42 be his dad.
01:43 An older person, a consultant, an assistant assistant head coach who could go over the
01:52 film with me afterward or in the game, say you need to run it more.
01:57 Now I hate to interrupt you on the headphone, but I think you need to consider giving the
02:02 ball to McCaffrey here.
02:04 If it works on the defense, why wouldn't it work on the offense?
02:07 And the difference is Kyle has such an ego.
02:10 It would never cross his mind, but there are people out there who could do it.
02:15 First of all, his father could do it.
02:17 Mike Holmgren could do it.
02:18 Mike Holmgren is as every bit of bright on offense as this guy is.
02:23 I mean, those are two guys that come to mind pretty quick.
02:26 What do you think of the idea, Iggy?
02:28 I like it.
02:29 To me, it's got to be someone more experienced than Kyle Shanahan, and he's been in the league
02:32 a long time.
02:33 So yeah, his dad, Mike Holmgren.
02:35 I like Mike Holmgren better because I how how blunt and honest is Mike going to be to
02:40 his son, Mike Holmgren.
02:42 On the other hand, that could be different.
02:44 But I want to take this further.
02:47 Kyle needs to reality check checkers, one for his offense for sure to go over scheme
02:52 and play calling and run to pass ratio and what they're doing on down and distance and
02:55 situation of football, that also a head coach reality checker to go over the rules with
03:00 him.
03:01 Hey, Kyle, you're doing a really good job.
03:05 You don't seem to know all the rules.
03:07 So we're going to go through the rulebook one by one because that's your job.
03:12 So he needs he needs an assistant assistant head coach to just just to be just to make
03:18 sure that Kyle knows the rules could help a rule geek a rule.
03:22 It'd be nice to have a guy on my staff whose job is just to know the rules.
03:27 Considering I don't.
03:29 Maybe he needs somebody like Dom.
03:32 Dom.
03:33 I like it.
03:34 I think it would be helpful.
03:36 Kyle doesn't want to read the whole rulebook.
03:39 Delegate that.
03:40 Yeah.
03:41 Tell me.
03:42 I love it.
03:43 I guess what we're saying is Kyle, who is a really good hire of coaches, he really is
03:49 good at it, needs a little help himself.
03:53 And a person with humility would admit to himself, I could use a little help.
04:01 Right.
04:02 Yeah.
04:04 And you know, I have to say, I think people like Seifert and Walsh, they surrounded themselves
04:09 with very wise people because they knew they didn't have every answer all the time.
04:14 And it doesn't make you less brilliant to admit you.
04:19 You need to have other people who you can reality test with.
04:23 It doesn't make you less brilliant.
04:25 It makes you smart because it tells you I'm surrounded by people who can help me and have
04:31 my interest at heart.
04:32 It's what a wise person does.
04:34 Yeah.
04:36 It was so interesting is like, look at all what they've added to the defense this offseason.
04:41 They brought in a new coordinator.
04:42 They promoted Sorenson.
04:43 They brought in Staley just to be careful, just in case they just signed KJ Wright to
04:50 be a defensive quality control coach.
04:51 And maybe he's going to be on the next trajectory to be a coordinator, kind of like D'Amico
04:55 Ryan's was.
04:56 What have they done to their offensive staff?
04:59 They lost Clint Kubiak, their past game coordinator.
05:02 They don't have an offensive coordinator.
05:04 It's just all Kyle.
05:05 The whole thing.
05:06 Yeah.
05:07 Yeah.
05:08 He needs no help.
05:09 Right.
05:10 So Iggy, everything he's doing correct on the defense, he's not applying to himself.
05:15 Hire a freaking offensive coordinator.
05:18 Delegate.
05:19 Yeah.
05:20 You might know the rules if you did that.
05:22 Yeah.
05:23 He'd be in charge of the rules.
05:25 It's hard to be in charge of the rules because that's his job.
05:29 Yeah.
05:30 It's interesting.
05:31 He doesn't seem to be to cliche a guy who looks in the mirror very often.
05:36 No.
05:38 And you know, I've noticed that some people can be brilliant and be a pluses across the
05:44 board, but really can't look at themselves in the mirror.
05:47 And that's a big problem.
05:49 If you can't do that, it's a huge problem.
05:53 Not just professionally in your life.
05:55 Gotta be able to do that.
05:57 Because if you can't self diagnose, you can't learn.
06:02 No, you can't.
06:03 It's never your fault.
06:04 It's never your fault.
06:05 You're stuck in wherever you're at.
06:08 And how long has Kyle been stuck right at the precipice of greatness?
06:12 Seven years.
06:13 But he's not great, but he's at the precipice.
06:16 Yeah.
06:17 He's stuck there.
06:18 And that's his story because he won't look in the mirror and change anything.
06:21 Andy Reid lost one Super Bowl with Patrick Mahomes and changed his entire offense.
06:24 It's like, okay, we're going to get rid of Tyreek Hill.
06:26 We're going to invest in our offensive line.
06:27 We're going to be more like this and like that.
06:29 We run the ball.
06:30 Yeah.
06:31 We're not losing another Super Bowl.
06:32 Something was that should not have happened.
06:35 Kyle just was out of his control.
06:37 Hey, I got another wise old man he could consult with Bruce Arians.
06:42 Oh, he won Super Bowl.
06:45 Hell yeah.
06:46 What's Bruce Arians doing?
06:48 I mean, come on.
06:49 He could fly in once a week.
06:51 Why not?
06:52 Why not?
06:53 Why not?
06:54 Someone who's not your dad, Kyle.
06:55 Someone who's not your dad.
06:56 He was a very nice man.
06:57 Yeah.
06:58 You don't have to agree with everything he says, but someone who's not afraid to disagree
07:01 with you during the game.
07:03 Yeah.
07:04 I don't know about Anthony Lynn.
07:06 Maybe Anthony Lynn was all over Kyle during the game and Kyle just ignored him.
07:08 I don't know.
07:09 But someone Kyle listened to.
07:12 Yeah.
07:13 I don't know what Anthony Lynn's role was.
07:15 Don't know.
07:16 I've only heard good things about Anthony Lynn.
07:18 The other thing that's interesting about Kyle, this Anthony Lynn was the fired coach of
07:23 the Chargers.
07:24 He was the assistant head coach.
07:25 They got rid of him and now they got Staley fired head coach of the Chargers, which means
07:30 in about three or four years, the next assistant coach, the next assistant head coach for the
07:35 Niners will be Jim Harbaugh.
07:36 Yeah, right.
07:37 He's in a pig's eye.
07:39 Jay Garza is a member for 26 months.
07:43 Thank you, Sean.
07:44 Russell Wilson to the Niners for cheap.
07:45 Stay tuned.
07:46 We're going to talk about that before the show is over.
07:48 Corey Soto hearing they inquired with Belichick and Spagnolo and hired both BS and NS indicates
07:54 to me they couldn't get the man they wanted and didn't have enough confidence in either
07:58 the two guys to hire just one.
08:01 It's certainly a plausible hypothesis.
08:04 We don't know for sure.
08:05 We've tried to look at it from both sides.
08:08 Thank you, Corey.
08:09 It's an interesting logic he's using.
08:10 He's using the sort of the quarterback logic.
08:12 If you have two quarterbacks, you have none.
08:13 If you have two defensive coordinators, you have none.
08:19 (upbeat music)
