• last year
Analyzing why Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr is better at his job than San Francisco 49ers head coach Kyle Shanahan.
00:00 Why is Steve Kerr a better head coach than Kyle Shanahan?
00:03 And I ask this because Steve Kerr just got an extension worth almost $18 million a year,
00:07 which he deserves.
00:08 Yeah, another way of looking at it.
00:11 First of all, he is a better coach.
00:13 Another way of looking at it is he got a, an extension, a two year extension for a lot
00:18 of money and Kyle just got an extension.
00:23 I vociferously object to Kyle's extension.
00:28 I applaud Steve's extension.
00:30 So let's, let's start first.
00:33 Iggy, I lose track of things, I'm old.
00:35 I think Steve has won four championships.
00:38 Is that correct?
00:39 Yes, as a coach.
00:41 As a coach.
00:42 Yeah.
00:43 I think he won five as a player.
00:44 Okay.
00:45 But as a coach, he's won four.
00:46 That's a hell of a lot of championships.
00:48 That's a lot.
00:49 I mean, that's a hell of a lot of championships.
00:51 Yeah.
00:52 There's a lot that goes on in an 82 game season.
00:56 He is an extraordinary coach and he deserved it.
00:59 He deserved the extension.
01:02 Kyle didn't deserve it.
01:03 He's done nothing to, to get an extension after three games.
01:07 It's insane.
01:08 He's never won anything.
01:10 And again, well, he's won two championships.
01:12 He's never won the championship.
01:14 He's never won the Superbowl.
01:16 Steve Kerr has won the Superbowl four times.
01:18 The champion, the finals.
01:20 Yeah.
01:21 I'm calling it the Superbowl of, of, of basketball.
01:25 Another thing, the Warriors aren't that good anymore.
01:28 They had a lot of problem with Draymond Green with flipping out and the core players are
01:34 getting older and they're trying to meld in younger players.
01:37 I'm going to say something really crazy.
01:40 I think, although the Warriors may not even make the playoffs, I think Steve Kerr is doing
01:45 a hell of a job this season.
01:46 Now they got beat last night by, by the champion, the championship team, but they're playing
01:52 very well lately and they're making a push to get into, into the play-ins, uh, for, for
01:58 the, um, playoffs.
02:00 So what I think is given what he has and given the problems he had this season, I think Steve
02:07 Kerr has done a beautiful job.
02:08 This might be in a way his best coaching season.
02:11 Yeah.
02:12 And you know, like he's been to six finals.
02:15 He lost two of them.
02:16 One for Kyle's been at three Superbowls, lost all three.
02:19 The ones that Steve Kerr lost in one of them, Kevin Durant, Torres Achilles and clay Thompson
02:25 towards ACL.
02:26 So there was sort of an excuse.
02:28 The other one, he lost to LeBron James.
02:31 He was up three, one.
02:32 He had a lead in the fourth quarter and he didn't call a timeout.
02:35 That was his Kyle Shanahan moment.
02:37 He probably should have won that finals too, but he blew it.
02:40 The other finals, he made great calls.
02:43 He made the right adjustments.
02:44 He had the right rotations.
02:46 He had the right mid series adjustments.
02:48 And that's why he's a legend and a champion.
02:50 And Kyle Shanahan can't say that.
02:52 No, he's a better coach in his sport than Kyle is in his sport.
02:56 And I'll tell you something else.
02:58 Uh, I have to admit, I know Steve, I've covered him.
03:03 We were never particularly close.
03:04 I mean, we knew each other high, low, high Steve, but we weren't, we weren't close at
03:08 all.
03:09 Um, what I felt about Steve, he's really bright.
03:14 He has a very whimsical sense of humor.
03:18 He has great timing.
03:21 He's wonderful with the media and he's someone the warriors can be proud of the way he represents
03:28 the franchise.
03:30 He is ideal and he, he cuts he's, he's normal.
03:36 He can relate to normal people and he always looks good and looks prepared.
03:43 Compare him to Shanahan.
03:44 He's wearing a hat.
03:45 He's wearing a hat.
03:46 He looks like the guy like that in the Niners organization is Lynch, right?
03:52 It's Lynch.
03:53 I like Lynch.
03:54 He hasn't won anything either.
03:55 Uh, as, as a general manager, he's had, you know, it's a play in terms of how they comport
04:00 themselves.
04:01 He's Steve Kerr.
04:02 He is.
04:03 The point is Lynch is Steve Kerr because Kyle can't be Steve Kerr.
04:08 Correct.
04:09 Right.
04:10 Correct.
04:11 And Kyle could do a better.
04:13 Well, I don't know if he could do a better job representing the organization in, in to
04:19 the public in new shelters.
04:21 He should.
04:23 And Steve does.
04:25 And Steve is a four time champion and this guy ain't.
04:28 So I'm all in.
04:29 And again, I'm not close with Steve Kerr.
04:32 I even felt there was a certain distance between us.
04:36 Whatever reason, who cares?
04:37 I mean, I'm not friends with these people, but, um, I admire him.
04:41 I do.
04:42 I admire him.
04:43 Yeah.
04:44 I mean, so you know what he wouldn't do?
04:45 He would never scapegoat the equivalent of Spencer Burford on his team after losing a
04:49 championship would never happen.
04:51 Wouldn't happen.
04:53 No.
04:54 And you, you know why it wouldn't, it would go against his code, his code of a gentleman.
05:00 He would never do that.
05:01 Uh, he's code of leadership and leadership.
05:05 He would never allow himself to sink between a, beneath a line.
05:10 Never do it.
05:11 I, I was in hundreds of news conferences with him after bad losses.
05:17 You know who Kyle is as a basketball coach, Dan Tony, Dan Tony never won anything.
05:26 Thinks the world of himself.
05:28 Thinks he's cutting it different.
05:30 Uh, as a genius just doesn't have that ring to prove it.
05:35 You know, Nelly's the same way.
05:37 We don't call him Nelly.
05:41 Don that's another one.
05:43 Oh, how could be Don Nelson?
05:45 He could end up with the most wins in regular season history.
05:48 Kyle could be a head coach in the NFL for like freaking 40 years.
05:51 He could end up with a lot of records, but will he ever get a ring?
05:54 Don't know.
05:56 Right?
05:57 So I'm all in, I'm all in with Steve Kerr.
06:01 And from what I know about Kyle, I, I admire many things he does, but I don't admire him
06:09 all the way.
06:10 No way.
06:13 Matt McEwen says draft O-line at 31 or best player available.
06:19 It depends what you do in free agency.
06:24 If you get a starting right tackle in free agency, you don't necessarily have to go offensive
06:27 line at 31, but if there's an offensive lineman you like at that area, you could trade up
06:31 a few spots and make sure you get them.
06:33 Be aggressive.
06:34 I like it.
06:35 Yeah.
06:36 I'm being more aggressive than you were at the end of the overtime.
06:39 There you go.
06:40 Omar says is Brian floor is a DC possibility.
06:43 Stay blessed.
06:44 He's a really good coach.
06:45 If they get him now, I'm good.
06:47 Is where was he?
06:50 He was with the Vikings.
06:51 Is he still there?
06:53 I don't know.
06:55 He's with the Vikings.
06:58 So yeah, I'd be tough to get.
07:00 Yeah.
07:01 David Baker says next time you're up in Nevada City, go to 1228 restaurant, great food and
07:05 wine list.
07:07 We went to Willow, Willow, the steakhouse, Willow, Willow invading.
07:12 Next time, though, 1228 invading robots says Lowell of social media was a thing in the
07:16 eighties slash nineties.
07:18 What Niner story would have blown up more than it did at the time?
07:22 The catch.
07:23 Yeah, that would have been a big one.
07:27 I think he's talking more like along the lines of controversy.
07:34 I don't know.
07:35 I'm not good at that.
07:38 (upbeat music)
