(Adnkronos) - Snaitech: 2023 positivo, sguardo al futuro; 120 secondi, finestra sui mercati
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00:22 Snytec 2023 positive, look to the future. Follow 120 seconds, window on the markets.
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00:38 A positive 2023 for Snytec, which has made significant performances,
00:43 as a leader in the gaming sector, and looks with confidence to next year.
00:47 The three words, the three guidelines that have guided the year of 2023
00:52 have been the consolidation, innovation and social responsibility.
00:58 The consolidation, first of all, is the result of what has been the long queue
01:05 that characterized the post-COVID, which led us to confirm market share
01:11 and the company's positioning.
01:13 In the first six months of 2023 we recorded all positive numbers,
01:18 both in terms of turnover, which grew from 10% to 490 million,
01:22 which in terms of debt, which stopped at 142 million,
01:26 with a semester later, the second, which largely confirmed the first.
01:33 Central for the company is the push for innovation and new technologies.
01:37 For us, innovation means making sure that people,
01:42 women and men at Snytec, think differently every day
01:48 and that it helps the company to grow in its markets.
01:54 Certainly, innovation in terms of our products
01:59 has been concentrated in web technologies this year.
02:04 We are about to launch a new site, completely new,
02:11 driven by artificial intelligence, adaptive.
02:15 We also have innovation in terms of retail.
02:19 A new family of SSVTs will arrive,
02:23 therefore of terminals dedicated to retail,
02:26 and we are making, changing our ability to offer our businesses to the public.
02:38 And for Snytec, the social responsibility of the company
02:41 starts with the full involvement of all employees.
02:44 For us, social responsibility is, first of all, a concept that should not be abstract,
02:50 not a good thing to do, but something that is fully shared by the entire corporate population.
02:59 That is why the word "involvement" is the one that best links to social responsibility.
03:08 Involvement, to cite practical examples,
03:12 happens both at the design level,
03:15 so we have had and have had a design involvement for several years
03:20 with the Share for Good project,
03:21 which is a project that requires the corporate population
03:25 to propose new projects on which to commit the company in favor of the community.
03:32 And then there are also active involvement,
03:35 so not only design,
03:36 which are those who see the people of Snytec
03:40 participate directly in the projects on which the company has invested
03:46 or on which the company has been creating for a long time.
03:49 The Snytec Industry Index
03:54 In November 2023, it is estimated that the Index of the Industrial Production
04:03 decreased by 1.5% compared to October.
04:06 In the middle of the quarter, September and November,
04:08 a fluctuation of the level of production of 0.8%
04:12 compared to the previous three months is recorded by the Institute.
04:15 Something is changing in the panorama of the professional choices of young people
04:18 with an interest in the development of practical technical professions.
04:21 According to the annual observatory of young professionals of scuola.net,
04:24 conducted in collaboration with Autostrade per d'Italia,
04:27 a young man out of four close to a diploma is considering these occupations
04:31 as a valid option for his future.
04:33 A positive signal,
04:34 especially considering the constant difficulty of the world of work
04:37 in finding people ready to perform such tasks.
04:40 The 5.0 transition plan, Industry 4.0,
04:44 will have at its disposal 13 billion euros in the 2024-2025 budget
04:48 for companies that have a plan of technological modernization
04:51 for the purpose of innovation and energy efficiency
04:54 for the reduction through renewable energy production
04:57 for the purpose of self-consumption.
04:59 The Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, said so,
05:02 speaking with journalists at the opening of the International Men's Fashion Salon in Florence.
05:07 Almost 30% of the turnover of typical Italian local productions,
05:11 equal to 8.5 billion euros, is generated directly by the modern distribution
05:15 through the distributor's brands.
05:17 It emerges from the brand-to-brand relationship of the Made in Italy distributor
05:20 the role of modern distribution.
05:22 Agriculture has historically been an excellence
05:26 in the complex of Italian productive activities
05:28 and the introduction of innovative technologies in the processes of harvesting and processing
05:31 has allowed it to stay up to date with the times,
05:34 continuing to enhance the production of higher value.
05:37 More than 1.1 million companies operate in the sector,
05:40 mostly still in family or individual management.
05:43 These are the data released today by the INAIL
05:45 on the occasion of the presentation of the Bando ISI 2023 for Agriculture.
05:49 The arrivals in agricultural structures have exceeded 4 million,
05:53 thus recording a strong recovery compared to 2019,
05:56 with an 8.5% increase in the year before the pandemic,
05:58 and this emerges from the analysis with the direct Terranostra
06:01 on the relationship and the stats on agricultural companies in Italy.
06:04 The arrival of 2024 marked the end of the service of protection
06:08 for gas supply to non-vulnerable domestic customers
06:11 who did not go to the free market
06:13 and a new tariff was assigned with possible aggravations
06:16 that according to an elaboration by Facile.it would reach up to 177 euros per year.
06:21 2024 could be positive for gold prices,
06:32 it's hard to make predictions,
06:34 but according to Stephen Bell, Chief Economist and Mayor of Columbia,
06:38 "Trading All Investments", prices should benefit from the fall of interest rates
06:43 and its status of "good and refuge" should offer further support.
06:46 The analyst recalls that the increase in interest rates
06:49 should have generated a hard period for precious metal,
06:52 but this dynamic has changed when Russia invaded Ukraine.
06:56 Central banks are pouring a huge amount of capital into gold,
07:00 in 2022 they bought over 1,000 tons
07:03 and a similar figure is expected in 2023, just concluded.
07:07 Bell explains that in the last two years
07:09 it was expected that gold would go through a difficult period
07:12 because as it happens for a bond without a cedula,
07:15 the latter is an asset that does not generate interest, but it was not.
07:19 The United States and the European Union have frozen
07:21 350 billion dollars in the reserves of the Russian Central Bank.
07:26 The surprising strength of the price of gold
07:28 could reflect the escape of capital to this "good and refuge"
07:32 by central banks, political personalities and powerful individuals
07:36 afraid of being able to suffer a similar fate in the future.
07:39 Sanctions against Russia are in fact unprecedented in terms of scope and impact
07:44 and have involved not only the central bank,
07:46 but also almost 2,000 individuals and entities to whom the assets have been frozen.
07:51 The analyst underlines that security, given the current context,
07:54 seems to be the main reason for the huge amounts of gold purchases
07:58 made by central banks.
08:00 What to expect in 2024?
08:03 Bell recalls that interest rates are going down,
08:06 a valuable support for the price of gold,
08:08 as well as the reasons that have so far encouraged the escape of capital
08:12 and the priority of security could remain still valid.
08:16 The assets affected by the sanctions have not been seized,
08:19 rather the Western governments seem to want to use them
08:22 to rebuild Ukraine after the war,
08:25 when the negotiations for the peace agreement will begin,
08:28 understanding how and who will manage the expenses will be fundamental.
08:31 A debate that, according to the analyst,
08:33 will highlight the vulnerability of conventional financial assets.
08:37 There are certainly other ways to protect your assets from freezing,
08:42 some might think of bitcoins,
08:44 but the gold, says Bell,
08:46 has shown its security, stability and value for over a millennium.
08:50 Bitcoins still have a long way to go to reach a similar level.
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