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Full Video: The One Most Important thing about life || Acharya Prashant, with Ms. Gauri Maulekhi (2023)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOAMwMOI13U&t=0s

Video Information: 04.04.23, with Ahimsa Fellows (Online-talk), Greater Noida

What is the solution to climate change?
How spirituality can stop the climate change?
Climate change have no scientific solution
How veganism is related to compassion?
Why veganism is necessary for today's generation?
What is the relation between veganism and climate change?
How could veganism change the world?

Music Credits: Milind Date
00:00 I bring a child to this world and the kind of resource consumption that implies simply
00:13 means death to thousands of trees and lakhs of animals and it's a geometric thing. It's
00:30 not just one being that I bring to the world. The being that I bring to the world would
00:36 continue to multiply. So if you look at the entire geometric series, when I have one kid,
00:48 I have actually had maybe 10, 20 or 40 kids. That's what it means. Purely from the point
00:57 of resources, does the earth have enough to sustain or tolerate even one more individual?
01:09 The answer does not lie in emotions or opinions. The answer has to lie in rigorous computation.
01:18 If you look at economics, if you look at the kind of resources that an average individual
01:26 consumes today and the average individual not only consumes that many resources today,
01:34 he aspires to consume even more in the future. So if you bring a child to life, the resource
01:43 consumption of that child, that single individual is likely to be at least 5 to 10 times more
01:51 compared to the amount that you consumed. And we are not even talking of the fact that
01:57 the child will beget even more kids into the world. So I have a baby and that means slaughtering
02:07 so so so many animals. We should be talking in lakhs. Just for our consumption, every
02:18 day we slaughter crores of animals. Even the number on a per minute basis is staggering.
02:32 Is it not? So when somebody talks of reproduction, when people talk of pregnancy, I say when
02:41 you produce the baby, also produce roads, also produce school, also produce an apartment.
02:51 How does your responsibility end with just getting a baby to this world? Now the baby
02:57 will need so much. From where will that come? From where will the road come? Otherwise the
03:02 road is jammed. Because of your baby, you need an extra lane. To have that extra lane,
03:09 you will have to slaughter so many trees. From where will the air come? You know of
03:18 the AQI, you know of the pollution levels. From where will the coal come? Where will
03:26 the steel come? The electricity, where will it come from? The kid will surely want a car.
03:31 Where will the car come from? All of that ultimately crashes upon the environment. Because
03:43 the environment can't speak and can't resist. You produce a baby and you tell your neighbour
03:50 now that I have a baby, I need extra space. So I will violate your premises and occupy
03:58 one of your rooms. Will your neighbour allow that? Your neighbour won't. But there are
04:04 trees behind your house. Now that you have a baby, you go and hack those trees down.
04:14 And you say now I have some free space and we can have extra room there for the baby.
04:18 Baby is growing up. The baby doesn't always remain a baby. So you want an extra room.
04:24 The trees won't resist. The neighbour resists. Everybody resists. Only the trees don't resist
04:30 and the helpless poor animals, they don't resist. So when the baby comes to this world,
04:37 it is the trees and the animals whose death sentence has been read out. Lakhs of animals
04:45 die the very day you give birth to a kid.
