Todo por mi Familia Capitulo 281 Completo HD

  • last year
00:00 (Suspense music)
00:02 (Speaking in Spanish)
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01:01 (Speaking in Spanish)
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01:22 (Speaking in Spanish)
01:24 Yes, what is it? I want to know.
01:26 I won't tell you, obviously. The man here prepared something that I swear you will like it a lot. Why don't you go see, girls?
01:32 Yes, let me go!
01:34 Oh, how happy they are.
01:36 I like when they get excited like that. Did you notice how their eyes shone when you said surprise? They even forgot what I brought them.
01:46 Easy, my friend. Don't be sad, look, you'll give them to me downstairs, okay?
01:51 Okay. Anyway, I know that any surprise of mine won't be as great as others.
01:56 My friend, you're a good person. Come.
01:59 Well, I'll do my best. Anyway, let's go.
02:05 How awful. We were also children, but not so messy.
02:12 A dinosaur?
02:15 [Music]
02:34 But what...
02:36 [Music]
02:40 What are they arguing about?
02:42 [Music]
02:46 I don't know, he's tall, he has a big heart. He doesn't remind me of anyone I know.
02:52 Think about it. He's very tall, very intelligent, he's a good game.
02:57 Does he really have all that?
02:59 Yes, his name is O... M... E...
03:03 A... M... E...
03:05 [Music]
03:09 I can't believe it. Sosen was there.
03:13 I swear I don't know who it could be.
03:17 Oh, come on, Sosen. I just gave my name and let's finish this without joking.
03:22 I just don't know who it is. It's not a joke.
03:25 Oh, enough. I'm not going to do it.
03:28 Ogulcan?
03:31 Are you okay? What's wrong?
03:39 I'm fine.
03:41 Are you serious?
03:43 Uh-huh. I'm going to wash my hands.
03:48 [Music]
03:58 You can come in. It's your room.
04:01 Listen, the closet is all yours to keep what you need.
04:07 By the way, I want to ask you to bathe every day.
04:11 I'm a person obsessed with personal hygiene.
04:15 The towels are in the bed. They're yours.
04:18 Okay, no problem. As long as you don't make me pay the bill.
04:22 That's what I do.
04:24 Sure. I made you a list of the things you have to do in this house.
04:28 If there's something you don't understand, you can tell me and I'll be happy to explain it to you.
04:36 I'll let you get comfortable. Get some rest.
05:01 [Music]
05:06 What's going on with him?
05:08 I don't know. He didn't want to tell me anything.
05:10 Ogulcan? Are you okay?
05:15 You were quiet all the way. Well, you're still like that now.
05:19 I'm fine. It's okay.
05:22 Are you sure?
05:24 Uh-huh.
05:26 As you wish.
05:29 [Music]
05:33 I guess that was a letter.
05:36 Yeah, he also sent me a picture of his dog.
05:39 Oh, how sweet.
05:42 That's the dog he adopted in the animal shelter, right? That's very kind of him.
05:47 Yeah, he's a very good person.
05:50 What did you say, cousin?
05:55 I'd better go to sleep.
05:58 Get some rest.
06:00 Good night.
06:02 [Music]
06:10 Since when is he so serious?
06:12 Well, it was at the party.
06:14 Susen tried to hug him, but he turned around.
06:17 Maybe he's lonely because he misses his girlfriend.
06:20 Maybe he's surrounded by couples.
06:22 Maybe that's what made him remember Fraile, the impotence of not being able to be with her.
06:26 Yeah, maybe.
06:28 Apparently he's very sensitive.
06:30 He decided to defend Susen. That's why they got so close.
06:35 Now I understand everything.
06:38 Oh, my God.
06:40 Oh, Ogulcan.
06:44 Couldn't you sleep?
06:48 No, I can't, Dad.
06:52 Is there something that worries you?
06:58 No, Father. Everything is fine.
07:03 Why didn't you call me?
07:05 Oh.
07:06 Then it must be serious.
07:09 What happened?
07:11 I'm going to help you find a solution, but tell me.
07:17 I won't leave until you do.
07:19 What? You don't trust me?
07:21 Are you going to keep me sitting until dawn?
07:26 I'm waiting for you.
07:28 Dad, I found out something horrible and I don't know what to do.
07:33 It's hard for me to decide how to act now because it's not that Susen matters a lot to me,
07:38 but Tolga has just started a new life.
07:42 Son, what are you talking about? I don't understand.
07:46 What are you afraid of? What happened? What could be so serious? Explain it to me.
07:50 Do you remember Leila, your sister?
07:54 Yes. She fell down the stairs and died.
07:58 She didn't fall.
08:00 What?
08:01 Susen was there. They started arguing about something, they argued, and then...
08:08 It's not possible. How could Ogulcan find out?
08:14 How did you find out? Who told you that?
08:17 By accident, I saw a video of the security cameras in the club.
08:21 I'm such an idiot. Why does Mr. Akif have those recordings? What does it have to do with it?
08:31 Wait a minute. Let me see if I understand.
08:34 If you say that she didn't fall and that Susen...
08:37 ...argued with her on the stairs, is it possible that she pushed her on purpose? Is that what you're insinuating?
08:43 No, Dad. It's not what I'm saying. It's clear that it was an accident, but...
08:47 Susen must have told the truth, right? Why hide the fact that Leila lost her balance and fell?
08:52 Sar too! He defended Susen in the hospital.
08:56 The thing is that both of them lied to us, Dad, and that's wrong.
09:01 Look, if I'm being honest, all this is very confusing. I don't know what to think or say.
09:06 No, please don't say any of this. It would affect Tolga a lot.
09:11 I'm afraid he...
09:13 ...will be able to kill Susen, son. How can you believe that he would get so close?
09:19 What a disgrace.
09:23 Sungul?
09:26 You can't sleep either?
09:30 Humut woke up and I went to check on him. He was sweating a lot, so I changed him.
09:37 I also wanted to change his blanket, but it was on the top of the closet and I couldn't reach it.
09:42 - Would you take it down, Orhan? - Yes, it's fine. I'll go in a moment.
09:46 Ogulcan, what's going on? Why aren't you in your bed?
09:51 Well, I was talking to my dad about something, but...
09:57 - It's not important, right, Dad? Tell him, please. - No, not at all.
10:01 I'll go get the blanket and then to bed.
10:05 It's too late.
10:07 Drinking tea at night helps me sleep a lot. It relaxes me.
10:19 I know. What were you saying?
10:21 Ah, Elif is now in the same house and in the same school as her brother.
10:28 - That's good news. - Yes, apparently.
10:32 But the fact that Elif has to work as a housemaid, I don't like it at all.
10:36 Besides, Mrs. Ayla demanded that she bathe daily. I felt sorry for her.
10:41 - Yes, what a shame. - What did Elif say?
10:44 What could I answer? She said she accepted, but...
10:48 Anyway.
10:50 So I have to tell the truth? And if I talk to Berk?
10:58 You know what's going to happen, that's why you haven't done it.
11:01 He won't like to know that his life is a lie.
11:04 Homer also took it badly, remember? With Berk it won't be different.
11:09 So what am I going to do?
11:13 If I tell Berk, he'll suffer. There will only be more problems.
11:18 But if I don't, I'll keep feeling like a hypocrite with him.
11:23 Listen, no matter the result, it's not good to lie to the people we love.
11:28 I'd say you should talk to Berk.
11:31 You're right.
11:34 I'll tell him tomorrow.
11:39 I promised my mother to keep quiet, but I'm tired of lying to my boyfriend like this.
11:52 What a horrible night. I have to sleep. Rest.
11:55 And hopefully tomorrow will be different.
11:58 - Orhan. - Ah.
12:00 - Wait, I want to talk to you. - What's going on?
12:03 - I heard your conversation with Nogulcan. - What are you saying?
12:08 About how Leila died. I already knew, but...
12:11 How did you know? Who told you?
12:14 It was something involuntary, but the news follows me, I swear.
12:18 I wish I didn't have to find out.
12:20 Why didn't you destroy that phone?
12:23 You didn't know, but Ogulcan found it and gave it to Afra because she didn't have a phone.
12:28 What did you say? What phone, Sengul?
12:31 It was the one where he had saved the video of the accident in Kadir.
12:35 Instead of destroying it, I hid the phone so no one would find it, but Ogulcan found it.
12:41 Then he gave it to Afra and she gave it to Leila because she was also unconnected.
12:45 And?
12:47 Leila could see the video.
12:50 And when she did, she told her Sengul that she had to tell Omer the truth about Kadir's death.
12:55 I guess her Sengul refused and then what we already know happened.
12:59 Oh, how can there be such a disgrace for that?
13:02 What were you thinking? Why did you hide it? You had to delete the video.
13:06 I'm a fool!
13:08 I don't have a brain!
13:10 You don't know how much I regret not getting rid of him when I could.
13:15 But if Leila hadn't died that day, Omer would have known the truth.
13:21 He would have told her that Melissa was the one who killed Kadir.
13:25 And Mr. Akif saved the video as a backup to protect his daughter.
13:31 He was desperate and didn't know what was going to happen.
13:34 It's true. What else could it be?
13:36 Orhan, you have to convince Ogulcan.
13:40 You know he's imprudent, but he is more so when he feels bad.
13:44 I'm afraid Mr. Akif will get angry.
13:46 Please.
13:48 Get angry?
13:50 What would happen? What are you insinuating?
13:53 He would hurt Ogulcan?
13:55 You know that whoever messes with my family will not be able to remain impudent.
13:59 I can also be aggressive and you know it.
14:01 Yes, I know.
14:03 Orhan, I beg you, don't do anything, okay?
14:05 Stay calm.
14:09 I don't know if it's because of the stress, but I have a dry throat.
14:12 It would be better if you brought me some water, please, love.
14:15 Do it. And if you want, drink it too.
14:18 I'm not thirsty. I won't take long.
14:20 Damn it.
14:23 [Music]
14:45 Damn it.
14:47 I haven't even woken up well and she wants me to work.
14:50 It is obvious that I will have problems with this lady.
14:53 Elif!
14:56 Why are you taking so long? You should have finished already.
14:59 Not only with her, also with him.
15:01 Apparently this is not going to be easy.
15:04 Elif!
15:07 This is stupid.
15:12 What do you want, boy?
15:14 Excuse me? Watch your words.
15:17 I wouldn't be nice if you were rude.
15:20 Better tell me, what do you want?
15:22 Use the bathroom, obviously.
15:24 What else could I want that you don't know how to think?
15:28 Oh, what bad luck. I was about to go into the bathtub.
15:31 Look, whatever you want to do or don't have me careless, huh?
15:35 This is the bathroom I want.
15:37 Use it right now, Elif.
15:40 Please, Sun.
15:41 Hey, what's wrong with you? Why are you so grumpy?
15:44 Come on, Elif. I don't want to argue. Just go.
15:47 And you behave like that?
15:49 Not only you have problems, but of course, as you are the prince of the house, I have to obey you.
15:55 Fine?
15:56 Come in.
15:58 Come in, sir. Excuse me. Come in.
16:00 That's enough, Elif.
16:02 I suggest you watch what you say.
16:04 I don't want you to call me a boy or a prince, okay?
16:07 Sorry, but it's not correct.
16:10 Oh, poor mother's boy.
16:12 Did I offend you?
16:14 You've never been told the truth?
16:16 You're used to command.
16:19 It's early to argue, don't you think?
16:23 Are you bitter or what?
16:25 Look, Berg. Don't challenge me.
16:27 I'm not going to allow you to humiliate me.
16:30 Just because I work here for now, is that clear?
16:33 Besides, I came because your mother insisted.
16:36 If you have any problem with my presence here, complain to her.
16:41 Go to the bathroom and do whatever you want. I don't care.
16:44 Do I have to deal with this crazy girl every morning?
16:50 What's wrong with her?
16:52 I hope she leaves.
16:54 I'll be late for school because of her.
16:57 Uncle Jen?
17:07 Hey, it's obvious you have problems.
17:09 You didn't make your triumphal entrance every day.
17:12 Yes, in fact, I find it very strange that he is so quiet.
17:15 During breakfast, he didn't say a word.
17:19 You have to give him the day off.
17:21 And only this time I will welcome him.
17:23 Are you ready for a new day, Eren family?
17:26 And why wouldn't they be ready?
17:28 In my opinion, you are always ready.
17:30 Good morning.
17:32 Good morning.
17:34 Let's go to the cafeteria.
17:37 Tonight I'm going to give you a big surprise.
17:40 What surprise?
17:42 I'll invite you to the movies and we'll watch a movie that I know you'll love.
17:47 That sounds great, although...
17:49 I don't accept a no.
17:51 First, listen to what I'm going to tell you.
17:53 You know I don't have money to take you to the movies.
17:57 Who said you'd take me, Homer?
17:59 We'll make a deal, honey.
18:01 I'll buy the tickets and you'll buy the coffee.
18:05 Okay, deal.
18:07 Excellent!
18:09 By the way, I have to go to the library before class.
18:12 I'll see you later.
18:14 I'll go too, Homer.
18:16 And since when are you interested in books?
18:18 What's wrong with you?
18:20 I'm talking to you, Gulcan!
18:22 I don't know.
18:32 I don't know.
18:34 We have to talk.
18:38 What happened?
18:40 Not here. Come.
18:43 Wait. Why so much mystery?
18:46 You'll understand.
18:48 Hey, can we talk?
18:55 Thank you.
18:58 [♪♪♪]
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19:07 No.
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22:12 [crying]
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22:58 [screaming]
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27:08 [explosion]
27:11 [explosion]
27:14 [music]
27:17 [sniffing]
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27:26 [scoffs]
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27:40 [sniffing]
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27:45 [scoffs]
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28:26 [music]
28:29 oh Celine Celine Celine Celine Celine Celine Celine Celine que sorpresa como estas?
28:35 que estas haciendo aqui? Escucha Celine, estoy aqui porque quiero pedirte un favor. Me podrĂ­as nombrar las tres cosas mas negativas que recuerdes de mi? solamente dila si yo te voy a grabar. Mejor vete, no te quiero ver. Si por supuesto en un momento. Necesito que me grabes eso. No te cuesta nada. ah que? lo dices en serio? si totalmente. de lo contrario no te estaria molestando.
28:58 Lo nuestro acabo hace años, ya no me acuerdo.
29:01 eso fue cruel, me ofende que digas eso. Tampoco importante fui para ti linda, al menos deberias recordar las noches que pasamos juntos haciendonos felices.
29:12 Mira Keith, no quiero recordar nada de ti, me das asco, ya dejame en paz.
29:16 Espera, solo te pido que expreses esas emociones para el telefono y te dejare tranquila.
29:21 Ah Keith eres un hombre que no conoce la empatia por los demas, eres un hombre hipocrita, me dijiste que irias al ejercito y no era cierto, todo lo que eres, solo eres una gran mentira.
29:34 Ah, juro que me lo han dicho millones de veces Celine, eso no es novedad, si pudieras hacer acusaciones mas creativas me ayudarias bastante, por ejemplo puedes decir que tengo flatulencias en las noches, de hecho eso no suena nada mal, porque no lo dices?
29:47 Ya te dije que no recuerdo comprende, es algo que elimine de mi memoria, ahora largate y dejame en paz.
29:55 Que grosera, tendre que buscar a otra exnovia, y si visito a Gulshas, si eso hare, ella ayudara.
30:05 (Sollozos)
30:25 Acabo de ver a Tolga.
30:32 No te preocupes no dije nada, pero no agradezcas, no le dije porque considero que Tolga ya ha sufrido demasiado.
30:45 Me entendiste?
30:47 Llora lo que quieras.
30:55 Nunca quise que las cosas fueran asi, jamas imagine que esto pasaria.
31:08 Berg ya llego, si vas a hablar con el sobre Eli?
31:10 Si por supuesto prima.
31:13 Ay deseme suerte.
31:14 Buen dia chicas.
31:16 Buen dia amor como estas?
31:17 Muy bien hermosa.
31:20 Llegaste un poco mas tarde de lo normal no?
31:22 Es que me entretuve con algo en casa.
31:31 Quiero hablar contigo de algo.
31:33 Te escucho mi amor.
31:40 No puede ser, alli esta otra vez.
31:43 Que nunca podre librarme de esa loca, es como una pesadilla que no termina.
31:49 Por que me miras? Que es lo que te pasa?
31:51 No, no es lo que me refiero, es un infierno.
31:53 Siempre eres asi de grosera.
31:55 Si crees que ser ruda hace que te veas mas importante, no, todo lo contrario.
32:01 No se si lo has notado, pero no todo es sobre ti.
32:04 Tu eres quien se mete conmigo.
32:07 Por cierto, ahi vi que se nota que tu si eres inteligente.
32:11 Podrias preguntarle a tu novio porque me dejo en casa cuando sabe que asistimos a la misma escuela.
32:16 Quizas queria que tomara el autobus para molestar, o porque le da vergĂĽenza traer a su empleada.
32:22 Mira, no tengo por que estar discutiendo contigo, largo.
32:25 Ya te veo en casa, y ahora en la escuela por desgracia.
32:28 Lo que menos necesito es tambien tener que soportarte en el camino.
32:32 Como si me gustara estar contigo, idiota.
32:35 Ay, por favor no me digas eso, voy a llorar.
32:38 No me importa lo que sientas, asi que mejor callate.
32:42 No, tengo por que soportar esto.
32:45 Donde estaba tenia paz, estaria mas tranquila viviendo en la calle.
32:49 Te felicito ahi vi que tienes un gran corazon, y mucha paciencia para soportar a tu novio, es admirable.
32:55 Ya lo ven, es insoportable.
32:57 Vieron lo gruesera que es, cierto?
32:59 Maldicion, quien tiene ganas de discutir tan temprano, el dia va comenzando.
33:03 Es estresante estar con ella, no lo voy a poder soportar.
33:10 En fin, que era lo que me querias decir, eh mi vida?
33:14 Lo siento por esa loca lo habia olvidado.
33:17 Hoy lo olvide, disculpa, luego me acordare, perdona.
33:28 Si, ojala, te entiendo, a mi tambien me ha pasado varias veces.
33:33 Oye, voy por un cafe, tu quieres uno asi?
33:37 Asi es.
33:39 No tardo, las veo luego.
33:41 Oye, si ya no te rias por favor.
33:46 Perdona Ibike, pero ni siquiera pueden ser amigos, menos podran aceptarse como familia.
33:51 Si, tienes razon, no podran.
33:53 Por desgracia, no vamos a poder cambiar eso.
33:56 Puede ser que la vida les haga saber que son hermanos algun dia.
34:00 Al parecer necesitarian de un milagro para que cuando eso pase, quieran unirse en lugar de alejarse mas,
34:06 porque si no, temo que siempre se van a odiar.
34:09 No crei que esto fuera tan dificil.
34:11 Oye Sali, mira te lo adverti varias veces, ya te dije que si dejas abierto el cesto de basura, la escuela se va a llenar de moscas.
34:20 Eso no esta bien, es asqueroso e incomodo, nos llamaran la atencion, entiende?
34:25 Y ademas no podemos, oye espera, no puedes pasar.
34:27 Es mas desesperante que el señor Burak.
34:30 Que pasa?
34:31 Ah, es que el director me pidio anotar el nombre de los alumnos que llegan tarde a la escuela,
34:36 si alguno acumula tres retardos se le castigara.
34:39 Sugiero que intentes llegar a tiempo, para evitar inconvenientes, tu nombre?
34:43 Que estupidez, no te lo dire.
34:46 Oye, te lo estoy pidiendo de buena manera.
34:48 Y que? No quiero dartelo, que vas a hacer? Acusarme con el director?
34:54 Escuchame, solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo, no lo hago por molestar, solo dime como te llamas.
34:59 No te lo dire, sabes quien es mi padre o no? El dueño de la escuela, entiendes?
35:04 Escucha, a mi no me importa quien sea tu padre, mi jefe es el señor Burak, comprende?
35:09 Eso significa que me hago responsable ante el y nadie mas, cual es tu nombre?
35:13 Eres sordo o que?
35:14 Levantalo, rapido.
35:18 Entiende que solo estoy haciendo mi trabajo, si eso no te parece, ve con el señor Burak y quejate.
35:25 Sabes que?
35:27 Deja de decir estupideces.
35:29 Mira, no permitiré que me agredas fisicamente, te lo advierto.
35:32 Que haras? Te vas a pelear conmigo? Tienes el valor?
35:37 Hazlo y me encargaré de que te echen, tu decides.
35:41 Maldito arrogante, ojala la vida le enseñe algo de humildad.
35:49 MaldiciĂłn.
35:52 MaldiciĂłn.
35:53 Elif es nuestra nueva alumna de casa, entienden chicos? A partir de ahora va a estudiar con ustedes.
36:03 A ver de quien termina siendo hermana.
36:06 A que te refieres?
36:09 Amigo, el salĂłn esta lleno de hermanos, no te has dado cuenta? Que haya otro no seria dificil, cierto?
36:15 Es a lo que me referia.
36:16 Ah, ya entendi.
36:18 No, a mi ni me miren por favor chicos.
36:20 No hablen, muestren respeto.
36:22 Elif, elige algĂşn lugar que este disponible.
36:24 Ah, siéntate con Berk.
36:28 No, no es necesario, asĂ­ estoy bien.
36:30 Mira, ella esta desocupado, porque no te sientas con Susan?
36:34 No me quiero sentar contigo idiota, que asco.
36:38 Elif?
36:40 Lo siento, perdón señor, ya no hablaré. Mejor iré a buscar un lugar, disculpe.
36:46 Disculpe.
36:47 Lugar incorrecto.
36:57 Nada Homer.
37:00 Bienvenida Elif.
37:02 Gracias por su tiempo maestra.
37:06 Todos tengan un buen dĂ­a.
37:08 Igualmente.
37:12 Maestra, tengo que decirle algo al director, me permite hablar con Ă©l?
37:16 Está bien, ve.
37:17 Por cierto, y Jasmine?
37:20 En su guardia.
37:22 Bien.
37:23 Bien jĂłvenes, el dĂ­a de hoy la clase va a ir enfocada al significado de los conceptos abstractos.
37:30 ¿Quién quisiera empezar?
37:32 ÂżSusan? ÂżQuieres hacerlo?
37:34 Muy bien, el primero va a ser... Conciencia.
37:39 Que oportuno.
37:41 Muy bien, compañeras docen, que nos tienes que decir?
37:44 ÂżOgulcan?
37:48 ¿Qué? Solo me interesa saber que grado de conciencia tiene.
37:52 Ogulcan, estas actuando muy raro.
37:55 Maestra, pensándolo bien no quiero hacerlo, me siento un poco mal.
37:59 De acuerdo, entonces los escribiré en la pizarra para que los vean.
38:04 La conciencia es lo que nos dice lo que es bueno y lo que es malo. Es así de fácil.
38:10 Deja de molestarme.
38:11 Ogulcan, ¿qué pasa entre ustedes? ¿Hay algún problema?
38:23 Sí, también quiero saber por qué eres así con ella.
38:25 Eso no les incumbe.
38:27 ¿Qué dijiste? Ella es mi novia, ¿lo recuerdas Ogulcan?
38:31 Pues yo no creo que te merezca. No hacen buena pareja.
38:38 ¿Qué te pasa? Hay un límite.
38:41 SĂ­, no pienso cruzarlo, tranquilo.
38:44 JĂłvenes, si ya resolvieron sus conflictos, Âżpuedo dar inicio a la clase?
38:49 Les escribĂ­ los conceptos en la pizarra, Âżlos pueden ver?
38:53 Vamos a comentar cada uno de ellos.
38:56 Es usenable.
38:59 [MĂşsica]
39:11 (upbeat music)
