Episod 642 My #QuranTime Jumaat 27 Mei 2022 Surah Muhammad (47:30-38) Halaman 510

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Episod 642 My #QuranTime Jumaat 27 Mei 2022 Surah Muhammad (47:30-38) Halaman 510
00:00 [Music]
00:08 [Music]
00:15 [Music]
00:26 [Clears throat]
00:28 [Praising in Arabic]
00:34 [Praising in Arabic]
00:41 [Praising in Arabic]
00:47 [Praising in Arabic]
01:04 [Praising in Arabic]
01:32 [Praising in Arabic]
01:35 [Praising in Arabic]
01:43 [Praising in Arabic]
01:46 We meet in My Quran Time,
01:48 read Faham Amal today,
01:50 on a Friday full of blessings,
01:51 which maybe for some of you,
01:53 have already finished,
01:54 read Surah Al-Kahfi,
01:56 we praise Allah SWT,
01:58 to His servants,
02:00 the Book that has no error,
02:02 to continue our way of thinking and feeling,
02:05 and that is the effect of,
02:07 we read Al-Quran everyday,
02:09 and make it as Al-Kitab,
02:11 as a source of inspiration,
02:13 and today we are with Al-Fadhil,
02:15 Ustaz Tarmizi Abdul Rahman,
02:17 how are you Ustaz?
02:18 Alhamdulillah, I am fine,
02:19 Alhamdulillah,
02:20 just a short while,
02:21 and we are listening to Friday,
02:23 true,
02:24 Allah is great,
02:25 and we have reached page 510,
02:27 not enough, 100,
02:28 less than 100,
02:30 and we pray,
02:31 we get the Istiqama till the end,
02:33 and later we will finish,
02:35 as one of the history,
02:38 history of ourselves,
02:40 and we hope to you,
02:42 we ask Allah to accept all deeds,
02:44 worship,
02:45 because,
02:46 Al-Quran,
02:47 its meaning,
02:48 is a worship that is independent,
02:50 hopefully Allah will continue to guide us,
02:52 with guidance from Him,
02:53 today we are in page 510,
02:57 we start with our short prayer,
02:59 [Al-Quran 510]
03:07 we see the synopsis,
03:08 the summary for page 510,
03:11 starting from verse 30 to 31,
03:14 in the last page of Surah Muhammad,
03:16 reminding us of the wisdom of Jihad,
03:19 in the way of Allah SWT,
03:21 then in verse 32 to 35,
03:24 the condition of some people who are disbelievers,
03:26 who are non-believers from the people of the scripture,
03:28 and some believers in this world and in the hereafter,
03:31 continued in verse 36,
03:33 till the end of Surah Muhammad,
03:35 the 47th Surah,
03:37 emphasizing,
03:38 pushing to do Jihad,
03:40 with the awareness of Zuhud,
03:42 towards the world,
03:44 which causes someone not to want to fight,
03:47 for real.
03:48 Let's read together,
03:49 from verse 30 to 35,
03:51 today,
03:53 hopefully it will be a guidance,
03:54 a guidance to give us spirit,
03:56 from Surah Madadiyah,
03:58 Surah Muhammad,
03:59 please, Ustaz.
04:00 Thank you, Fadhil Saffazor.
04:01 Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
04:02 Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.
04:05 Alhamdulillah,
04:06 Wassalatu Wassalamu Ala Rasulillah,
04:08 Wa Ala Alihi Wasahbihi Man Walahu Wa Ba'aduh.
04:10 How are you, ladies and gentlemen,
04:12 ladies and gentlemen,
04:13 Muslims and non-Muslims,
04:14 Sahaba Sahaba Al-Quran,
04:15 who are loved and blessed by Allah SWT,
04:18 Alhamdulillah,
04:19 we are in the process of today,
04:21 and especially,
04:22 our meeting at this moment,
04:24 a meeting that we will have together,
04:26 with the words of Allah SWT,
04:28 which is Al-Quran.
04:29 We will start our reading
04:31 in page 510,
04:32 Surah Muhammad,
04:33 today,
04:34 with the 30th verse,
04:36 until the 35th verse,
04:40 InshaAllah.
04:41 We will try to start this reading
04:45 with the reading of Murad Tal Nahawan,
04:48 InshaAllah.
04:51 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan.
04:57 And if We willed, We could have seen them,
05:08 And if We willed, We could have shown them to you,
05:17 and you would have recognized them by their marks,
05:27 and you would have recognized them by the tone of speech.
05:38 And Allah knows your deeds,
05:47 and We will test you,
05:51 until We know the Mujahideen among you,
05:59 and the patient,
06:02 and We will test your news.
06:09 Indeed, those who disbelieve and turn away from the way of Allah
06:21 and oppose the Messenger
06:38 after guidance has become clear to them,
06:47 after guidance has become clear to them,
06:55 will not harm Allah at all,
07:02 and He will make their deeds come to nothing.
07:10 O you who have believed,
07:22 obey Allah and obey the Messenger,
07:40 and do not make your deeds come to nothing.
07:51 Indeed, those who disbelieve and turn away from the way of Allah
08:02 and die disbelieving,
08:21 Allah will not forgive them.
08:30 So do not be weak and invite to peace,
08:40 while you are the most high,
08:54 and Allah is with you, and He will not leave you your deeds.
09:06 Allah Almighty has spoken the truth.
09:13 We have read from Surah Al-Muhammad, verse 30-35.
09:18 Thank you for your time, Mr. Al-Mu'izzin.
09:20 We have read a brief passage to conclude the topic of the Surah Al-Muhammad, Surah Al-Madaniyah,
09:26 which is a theme for struggle.
09:30 And of course, in the first paragraph, we talked about the importance of obeying the Messenger
09:37 other than obeying Allah SWT.
09:40 And this is proven by the obedience to the Messenger of Allah in the past and also in the present.
09:46 When we have a hadith, we need to understand it because it is practical to what is in the Quran.
09:53 In the verse 30,
09:55 [Al-Quran 30]
10:22 Allah says, [Al-Quran 30]
10:26 Allah says, "You will know from the way of a hypocrite."
10:33 In the end, Allah wants to inform us,
10:37 people who do not want to struggle,
10:39 other than those who are disbelievers,
10:41 there is another problem among Muslims,
10:45 but they do not really believe.
10:49 This is the term of a hypocrite.
10:51 Allah says, "If Allah wants, He can reveal all the names of those people,
10:56 but He only tells a part of them,
11:00 until the Prophet asked Huzaifah al-Yamani to record it.
11:05 Until Sayyidina Umar asked Huzaifah, "Do you have a name?"
11:10 "Allah"
11:11 So at that time, Huzaifah said, "You do not have a name.
11:14 Because if you want to tell who the name is, you cannot.
11:17 That is a secret, and not all the names of the hypocrites
11:21 are revealed by Allah to Prophet Muhammad SAW.
11:25 What is the lesson?
11:26 The lesson is that at this time, we cannot say,
11:29 "I think you are a hypocrite."
11:31 We cannot say that.
11:32 Although the Muslims have some characteristics,
11:37 but we cannot directly cut them.
11:40 We just need to be careful.
11:42 One of the ways the Prophet introduces them is
11:45 in the language of speech.
11:47 One of the ways he speaks is by muttering.
11:51 Then, what else?
11:52 In terms of body language,
11:55 sometimes he would do this.
11:57 Body language like that
12:00 is a sign of a hypocrite
12:02 because he is not honest with something that is being discussed.
12:06 Or, he may use a flowery language,
12:10 but actually, he is just planting a seed on the side of his lips.
12:14 He is just sweet-mouthing,
12:17 but in his heart, he does not do what is being said
12:21 until we know.
12:23 Like when people sell things,
12:25 they say, "This is good, this is good."
12:26 Or when they sell a car,
12:27 "This car is good, I will sell it to you for 2,000."
12:29 It turns out that it is 350,000 kilometers.
12:33 So, for some people, they don't know,
12:35 they say, "This car is cheap, only 2,000."
12:38 But for those who know,
12:39 "It is 350,000, I don't know, I just drove a few kilometers,
12:43 and it fell down."
12:44 They don't need to know,
12:45 or they just have the steering wheel.
12:47 Because it is old,
12:48 but they can tell,
12:49 "This is beautiful, this is good."
12:51 People who have knowledge,
12:54 who know,
12:55 they know that this is just a mere lie.
12:59 So, this is what Allah has said,
13:02 "Wa Allah ya'lamu a'malakum"
13:04 Allah knows what they do,
13:07 or what you do.
13:08 But, to say it,
13:10 it is useless to just say it.
13:12 To say it, it is useless.
13:14 To say it, it is useless.
13:15 But if it is not translated into deeds,
13:18 Allah says,
13:19 "Allah knows your deeds better,
13:22 who gives us knowledge."
13:24 If we feel like we don't know,
13:26 we just say we don't know.
13:28 We don't need to explain it.
13:30 I really know that.
13:31 I studied before,
13:32 I know my friend who studied at Harvard,
13:34 he studied at Harvard,
13:35 or studied at Oxford,
13:36 not him.
13:37 But, I know him.
13:38 I know him to say,
13:41 "Believe me,
13:42 it is not necessary,
13:43 because what is important is our deeds,
13:45 our deeds to Allah SWT."
13:48 In the 31st verse, Allah says,
13:50 "Wa la'namu l-wannakum hatta na'lamal-mujahidin"
13:53 That is why Allah says,
13:54 "And We will test you until you know
13:59 who is a Mujahid,
14:00 or a person who really fights
14:03 on the path of Allah SWT,
14:04 among you,
14:06 and who is patient.
14:07 And We will test you,
14:11 whether you are a derhaka or not."
14:13 "Akhbarakum" is news,
14:15 that is,
14:16 there is someone who looks like he is okay at first,
14:19 he is a believer,
14:20 but in the end,
14:21 he is out of the group of people
14:23 who are with the Prophet SAW.
14:25 And we have to understand that,
14:27 in this matter,
14:28 the battle in Madinah,
14:30 in Madinah,
14:31 Surah Madaniah,
14:32 that is a kind of a net,
14:34 a net to distinguish
14:36 people who are willing to fight,
14:38 who are really believers,
14:39 or who are not willing to fight,
14:41 and who are not willing to be patient in life.
14:43 The lesson for us is,
14:45 we have to make sure
14:47 our soul is not,
14:49 the term is,
14:50 not weak,
14:51 not weak,
14:52 not willing to fight,
14:53 for the husband,
14:54 for the father,
14:55 fight,
14:56 go and look for profit,
14:57 that is as a virtue,
14:59 as a virtue,
15:00 other than if there is a call
15:02 to do jihad.
15:04 But let's not feel like we are
15:06 motivated to read this surah,
15:07 tomorrow we want to buy snapang,
15:09 we want to go to Palestine,
15:11 don't, don't,
15:12 he needs the guidance
15:14 from the leader,
15:16 he is not just,
15:17 I want to take a motorcycle,
15:19 or buy a ticket to fly,
15:20 straight to Palestine,
15:21 want to enter,
15:22 enter Israel,
15:23 want to bomb,
15:24 that is not the principle
15:25 that is stated in the Prophet's surah,
15:27 the devil is
15:29 not allowed to go to war,
15:31 even the companions in Mecca,
15:33 have arrived in Medina,
15:35 when they receive the guidance,
15:37 it is allowed.
15:38 Alright,
15:39 in the 32nd verse,
15:41 it talks about,
15:43 what is the effect on those who are unbelievers,
15:46 on those who are unbelievers,
15:47 we read the 32nd verse,
15:49 once again,
15:50 Allah reminds us,
15:51 in this last page,
15:52 all good deeds can be destroyed,
15:56 can be destroyed,
15:57 because of what?
15:58 Because of disbelief,
15:59 and also,
16:00 denial,
16:01 not wanting to follow the guidance
16:03 of Rasulullah SAW.
16:05 The 32nd verse,
16:06 we read it once again,
16:07 please, Ustaz.
16:08 Thank you, Ustaz Fazlul.
16:09 Ladies and gentlemen,
16:10 ladies and gentlemen,
16:11 the companions of the Quran,
16:12 who are all blessed,
16:13 we want to repeat our reading,
16:14 the 32nd verse,
16:16 we have read it,
16:17 in the way of reading the Morotal,
16:19 this time,
16:20 the 32nd verse,
16:21 we want to try to read it,
16:22 in the way of Mujahwat,
16:24 let's see,
16:25 how is it,
16:26 our breath,
16:27 we try,
16:28 we try to follow together,
16:29 InshaAllah.
16:30 [Arabic]
16:59 [Arabic]
17:27 [Arabic]
17:49 [Arabic]
17:58 Ustaz Fazlul,
17:59 the 32nd verse,
18:00 tells about,
18:01 the disbelievers,
18:02 the disbelievers,
18:03 there are two parts,
18:04 one,
18:05 disbelievers in the way of Shirk,
18:06 for example,
18:07 the Mushrik,
18:08 who does not believe in the Prophet,
18:09 in Allah SWT,
18:10 but,
18:11 in the 32nd verse,
18:13 one more disbelievers,
18:14 that is,
18:15 if they are already in Islam,
18:17 but,
18:18 they are blocking from the way of Allah,
18:20 and hate,
18:21 against the Prophet,
18:23 after being brought by Al-Huda,
18:25 that is the proof that,
18:26 this person,
18:27 has already entered Islam,
18:28 has entered Islam,
18:29 has believed in the Prophet,
18:30 in Madinah,
18:31 many people entered Islam,
18:32 because,
18:33 because they got,
18:34 what is the term,
18:35 Ustaz,
18:36 they got the noble rank,
18:38 compared to Mecca,
18:39 not many people entered,
18:40 because there,
18:41 it is full of punishment,
18:42 full of,
18:43 the term is loss,
18:44 when they believe,
18:45 and enter Islam,
18:47 so,
18:48 when many people get the guidance,
18:49 but,
18:50 after that,
18:51 they are against the Prophet,
18:52 this is called,
18:53 the disbelievers,
18:54 so,
18:55 the hypocrites,
18:56 that is stated in this verse,
18:57 Allah said,
18:58 "He does not give a direct effect to Allah,
19:00 but what is the effect,
19:02 all his deeds,
19:03 "All his deeds,
19:04 will be destroyed,
19:05 "will be destroyed,
19:06 all his deeds,
19:07 will be destroyed,
19:08 "will be destroyed,
19:09 destroyed,
19:10 this is,
19:11 like a goat,
19:12 what is it,
19:13 fat,
19:14 we think,
19:15 this is a fat goat,
19:16 it is full of poison,
19:17 so, it is fat,
19:18 it is meaningless,
19:19 so,
19:20 for this deed,
19:21 it looks fat,
19:22 but it is meaningless,
19:23 when it is based on,
19:24 not because of Allah,
19:25 Subhanahu wa Ta'ala,
19:26 and this,
19:27 leads to,
19:28 our choice words,
19:29 today,
19:30 we see,
19:31 "Habitah",
19:32 this is the word,
19:33 that we see,
19:34 in this verse 32,
19:35 "He is destroyed,
19:36 "He is destroyed,
19:37 "He is destroyed,
19:38 "He is destroyed,
19:39 and 16 times it is said,
19:40 in the Quran,
19:41 to remind us,
19:42 when we have believed,
19:43 do not,
19:44 once,
19:45 we,
19:46 block,
19:47 the path of goodness,
19:48 there are people,
19:49 who want to do good,
19:50 we block,
19:51 or,
19:52 we oppose,
19:53 the Sunnah of the Prophet,
19:54 that is not allowed,
19:55 moreover,
19:56 Allah reminds,
19:57 in verse 33,
19:58 "O you who believe,
19:59 obey Allah,
20:00 obey the Messenger,
20:01 do not,
20:02 cancel,
20:03 your deeds,
20:04 do not,
20:05 destroy,
20:06 all your deeds,
20:07 or,
20:08 do not,
20:09 erase,
20:10 this deed,
20:11 because,
20:12 because,
20:13 do not,
20:14 cancel,
20:15 Allah,
20:16 and,
20:17 do not,
20:18 cancel,
20:19 the Messenger,
20:20 what is the importance,
20:21 of,
20:22 cancel,
20:23 Allah,
20:24 and,
20:25 the Messenger,
20:26 how,
20:27 the way,
20:28 of course,
20:29 we,
20:30 surrender,
20:31 Allah,
20:32 says,
20:33 what,
20:34 go,
20:35 Messenger,
20:36 give,
20:37 instructions,
20:38 please,
20:39 do this,
20:40 please,
20:41 do this,
20:42 goat,
20:43 chicken,
20:44 there is no chicken,
20:45 there is a cow,
20:46 at home,
20:47 we have to take care,
20:48 all the reasons,
20:49 actually,
20:50 show,
20:51 the Messenger,
20:52 he,
20:53 cancel,
20:54 the deeds,
20:55 that are there,
20:56 he has done good,
20:57 but,
20:58 it turns out,
20:59 doing good,
21:00 is,
21:01 cancel,
21:02 because,
21:03 because,
21:04 all the goodness,
21:05 is not,
21:06 because,
21:07 Allah,
21:08 and not,
21:09 because,
21:10 the Messenger,
21:11 is,
21:12 not,
21:13 because,
21:14 Allah,
21:15 is,
21:16 not,
21:17 because,
21:18 Allah,
21:19 is,
21:20 not,
21:21 because,
21:22 Allah,
21:23 is,
21:24 not,
21:25 because,
21:26 Allah,
21:27 is,
21:28 not,
21:29 because,
21:30 Allah,
21:31 is,
21:32 not,
21:33 because,
21:34 Allah,
21:35 is,
21:36 not,
21:37 because,
21:38 Allah,
21:39 is,
21:40 not,
21:41 because,
21:42 Allah,
21:43 is,
21:44 not,
21:45 because,
21:46 Allah,
21:47 is,
21:48 not,
21:49 because,
21:50 Allah,
21:51 is,
21:52 not,
21:53 because,
21:54 Allah,
21:55 is,
21:56 not,
21:57 because,
21:58 Allah,
21:59 is,
22:00 not,
22:01 because,
22:02 Allah,
22:03 is,
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22:05 because,
22:06 Allah,
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26:43 is,
26:44 not,
26:45 because,
26:46 Allah,
26:47 is,
26:48 not,
26:49 because,
26:50 Allah,
26:51 is,
26:52 not,
26:53 because,
26:54 Allah,
26:55 is,
26:56 not,
26:57 because,
26:58 Allah,
26:59 is,
27:00 not,
27:01 because,
27:02 Allah,
27:03 is,
27:04 not,
27:05 because,
27:06 Allah,
27:07 is,
27:08 not,
27:09 because,
27:10 Allah,
27:11 is,
27:12 not,
27:13 because,
27:14 Allah,
27:15 is,
27:16 not,
27:17 because,
27:18 Allah,
27:19 is,
27:20 not,
27:21 because,
27:22 Allah,
27:23 is,
27:24 not,
27:25 because,
27:26 Allah,
27:27 is,
27:28 not,
27:29 because,
27:30 Allah,
27:31 is,
27:32 not,
27:33 because,
27:34 Allah,
27:35 is,
27:36 not,
27:37 because,
27:38 Allah,
27:39 is,
27:40 not,
27:41 because,
27:42 Allah,
27:43 is,
27:44 not,
27:45 because,
27:46 Allah,
27:47 is,
27:48 not,
27:49 because,
27:50 Allah,
27:51 is,
27:52 not,
27:53 because,
27:54 Allah,
27:55 is,
27:56 not,
27:57 because,
27:58 Allah,
27:59 is,
28:00 not,
28:01 because,
28:02 Allah,
28:03 is,
28:04 not,
28:05 because,
28:06 Allah,
28:07 is,
28:08 not,
28:09 because,
28:10 Allah,
28:11 is,
28:12 not,
28:13 because,
28:14 Allah,
28:15 is,
28:16 not,
28:17 because,
28:18 Allah,
28:19 is,
28:20 not,
28:21 because,
28:22 Allah,
28:23 is,
28:24 not,
28:25 because,
28:26 Allah,
28:27 is,
28:28 not,
28:29 because,
28:30 Allah,
28:31 is,
28:32 not,
28:33 because,
28:34 Allah,
28:35 is,
28:36 not,
28:37 because,
28:38 Allah,
28:39 is,
28:40 not,
28:41 because,
28:42 Allah,
28:43 is,
28:44 not,
28:45 because,
28:46 Allah,
28:47 is,
28:48 not,
28:49 because,
28:50 Allah,
28:51 is,
28:52 not,
28:53 because,
28:54 Allah,
28:55 is,
28:56 not,
28:57 because,
28:58 Allah,
28:59 is,
29:00 not,
29:01 because,
29:02 Allah,
29:03 is,
29:04 not,
29:05 because,
29:06 Allah,
29:07 is,
29:08 not,
29:09 because,
29:10 Allah,
29:11 is,
29:12 not,
29:13 because,
29:14 Allah,
29:15 is,
29:16 not,
29:17 because,
29:18 Allah,
29:19 is,
29:20 not,
29:21 because,
29:22 Allah,
29:23 is,
29:24 not,
29:25 because,
29:26 Allah,
29:27 is,
29:28 not,
29:29 because,
29:30 Allah,
29:31 is,
29:32 not,
29:33 because,
29:34 Allah,
29:35 is,
29:36 not,
29:37 because,
29:38 Allah,
29:39 is,
29:40 not,
29:41 because,
29:42 Allah,
29:43 is,
29:44 not,
29:45 because,
29:46 Allah,
29:47 is,
29:48 not,
29:49 because,
29:50 Allah,
29:51 is,
29:52 not,
29:53 because,
29:54 Allah,
29:55 is,
29:56 not,
29:57 because,
29:58 Allah,
29:59 is,
30:00 not,
30:01 because,
30:02 Allah,
30:03 is,
30:04 not,
30:05 because,
30:06 Allah,
30:07 is,
30:08 not,
30:09 because,
30:10 Allah,
30:11 is,
30:12 not,
30:13 because,
30:14 Allah,
30:15 is,
30:16 not,
30:17 because,
30:18 Allah,
30:19 is,
30:20 not,
30:21 because,
30:22 Allah,
30:23 is,
30:24 not,
30:25 because,
30:26 Allah,
30:27 is,
30:28 not,
30:29 because,
30:30 Allah,
30:31 is,
30:32 not,
30:33 because,
30:34 Allah,
30:35 is,
30:36 not,
30:37 because,
30:38 Allah,
30:39 is,
30:40 not,
30:41 because,
30:42 Allah,
30:43 is,
30:44 not,
30:45 because,
30:46 Allah,
30:47 is,
30:48 not,
30:49 because,
30:50 Allah,
30:51 is,
30:52 not,
30:53 because,
30:54 Allah,
30:55 is,
30:56 not,
30:57 because,
30:58 Allah,
30:59 is,
31:00 not,
31:01 because,
31:02 Allah,
31:03 is,
31:04 not,
31:05 because,
31:06 Allah,
31:07 is,
31:08 not,
31:09 because,
31:10 Allah,
31:11 is,
31:12 not,
31:13 because,
31:14 Allah,
31:15 is,
31:16 not,
31:17 because,
31:18 Allah,
31:19 is,
31:20 not,
31:21 because,
31:22 Allah,
31:23 is,
31:24 not,
31:25 because,
31:26 Allah,
31:27 is,
31:28 not,
31:29 because,
31:30 Allah,
31:31 is,
31:32 not,
31:33 because,
31:34 Allah,
31:35 is,
31:36 not,
31:37 because,
31:38 Allah,
31:39 is,
31:40 not,
31:41 because,
31:42 Allah,
31:43 is,
31:44 not,
31:45 because,
31:46 Allah,
31:47 is,
31:48 not,
31:49 because,
31:50 Allah,
31:51 is,
31:52 not,
31:53 because,
31:54 Allah,
31:55 is,
31:56 not,
31:57 because,
31:58 Allah,
31:59 is,
32:00 not,
32:01 because,
32:02 Allah,
32:03 is,
32:04 not,
32:05 because,
32:06 Allah,
32:07 is,
32:08 not,
32:09 because,
32:10 Allah,
32:11 is,
32:12 not,
32:13 because,
32:14 Allah,
32:15 is,
32:16 not,
32:17 because,
32:18 Allah,
32:19 is,
32:20 not,
32:21 because,
32:22 Allah,
32:23 is,
32:24 not,
32:25 because,
32:26 Allah,
32:27 is,
32:28 not,
32:29 because,
32:30 Allah,
32:31 is,
32:32 not,
32:33 because,
32:34 Allah,
32:35 is,
32:36 not,
32:37 because,
32:38 Allah,
32:39 is,
32:40 not,
32:41 because,
32:42 Allah,
32:43 is,
32:44 not,
32:45 because,
32:46 Allah,
32:47 is,
32:48 not,
32:49 because,
32:50 Allah,
32:51 is,
32:52 not,
32:53 because,
32:54 Allah,
32:55 is,
32:56 not,
32:57 because,
32:58 Allah,
32:59 is,
33:00 not,
33:01 because,
33:02 Allah,
33:03 is,
33:04 not,
33:05 because,
33:06 Allah,
33:07 is,
33:08 not,
33:09 because,
33:10 Allah,
33:11 is,
33:12 not,
33:13 because,
33:14 Allah,
33:15 is,
33:16 not,
33:17 because,
33:18 Allah,
33:19 is,
33:20 not,
33:21 because,
33:22 Allah,
33:23 is,
33:24 not,
33:25 because,
33:26 Allah,
33:27 is,
33:28 not,
33:29 because,
33:30 Allah,
33:31 is,
33:32 not,
33:33 because,
33:34 Allah,
33:35 is,
33:36 not,
33:37 because,
33:38 Allah,
33:39 is,
33:40 not,
33:41 because,
33:42 Allah,
33:43 is,
33:44 not,
33:45 because,
33:46 Allah,
33:47 is,
33:48 not,
33:49 because,
33:50 Allah,
33:51 is,
33:52 not,
33:53 because,
33:54 Allah,
33:55 is,
33:56 not,
33:57 because,
33:58 Allah,
33:59 is,
34:00 not,
34:01 because,
34:02 Allah,
34:03 is,
34:04 not,
34:05 because,
34:06 Allah,
34:07 is,
34:08 not,
34:09 because,
34:10 Allah,
34:11 is,
34:12 not,
34:13 because,
34:14 Allah,
34:15 is,
34:16 not,
34:17 because,
34:18 Allah,
34:19 is,
34:20 not,
34:21 because,
34:22 Allah,
34:23 is,
34:24 not,
34:25 because,
34:26 Allah,
34:27 is,
34:28 not,
34:29 because,
34:30 Allah,
34:31 is,
34:32 not,
34:33 because,
34:34 Allah,
34:35 is,
34:36 not,
34:37 because,
34:38 Allah,
34:39 is,
34:40 not,
34:41 because,
34:42 Allah,
34:43 is,
34:44 not,
34:45 because,
34:46 Allah,
34:47 is,
34:48 not,
34:49 because,
34:50 Allah,
34:51 is,
34:52 not,
34:53 because,
34:54 Allah,
34:55 is,
34:56 not,
34:57 because,
34:58 Allah,
34:59 is,
35:00 not,
35:01 because,
35:02 Allah,
35:03 is,
35:04 not,
35:05 because,
35:06 Allah,
35:07 is,
35:08 not,
35:09 because,
35:10 Allah,
35:11 is,
35:12 not,
35:13 because,
35:14 Allah,
35:15 is,
35:16 not,
35:17 because,
35:18 Allah,
35:19 is,
35:20 not,
35:21 because,
35:22 Allah,
35:23 is,
35:24 not,
35:25 because,
35:26 Allah,
35:27 is,
35:28 not,
35:29 because,
35:30 Allah,
35:31 is,
35:32 not,
35:33 because,
35:34 Allah,
35:35 is,
35:36 not,
35:37 because,
35:38 Allah,
35:39 is,
35:40 not,
35:41 because,
35:42 Allah,
35:43 is,
35:44 not,
35:45 because,
35:46 Allah,
35:47 is,
35:48 not,
35:49 because,
35:50 Allah,
35:51 is,
35:52 not,
35:53 because,
35:54 Allah,
35:55 is,
35:56 not,
35:57 because,
35:58 Allah,
35:59 is,
36:00 not,
36:01 because,
36:02 Allah,
36:03 is,
36:04 not,
36:05 because,
36:06 Allah,
36:07 is,
36:08 not,
36:09 because,
36:10 Allah,
36:11 is,
36:12 not,
36:13 because,
36:14 Allah,
36:15 is,
36:16 not,
36:17 because,
36:18 Allah,
36:19 is,
36:20 not,
36:21 because,
36:22 Allah,
36:23 is,
36:24 not,
36:25 because,
36:26 Allah,
36:27 is,
36:28 not,
36:29 because,
36:30 Allah,
36:31 is,
36:32 not,
36:33 because,
36:34 Allah,
36:35 is,
36:36 not,
36:37 because,
36:38 Allah,
36:39 is,
36:40 not,
36:41 because,
36:42 Allah,
36:43 is,
36:44 not,
36:45 because,
36:46 Allah,
36:47 is,
36:48 not,
36:49 because,
36:50 Allah,
36:51 is,
36:52 not,
36:53 because,
36:54 Allah,
36:55 is,
36:56 not,
36:57 because,
36:58 Allah,
36:59 is,
37:00 not,
37:01 because,
37:02 Allah,
37:03 is,
37:04 not,
37:05 because,
37:06 Allah,
37:07 is,
37:08 not,
37:09 because,
37:10 Allah,
37:11 is,
37:12 not,
37:13 because,
37:14 Allah,
37:15 is,
37:16 not,
37:17 because,
37:18 Allah,
37:19 is,
37:20 not,
37:21 because,
37:22 Allah,
37:23 is,
37:24 not,
37:25 because,
37:26 Allah,
37:27 is,
37:28 not,
37:29 because,
37:30 Allah,
37:31 is,
37:32 not,
37:33 because,
37:34 Allah,
37:35 is,
37:36 not,
37:37 because,
37:38 Allah,
37:39 is,
37:40 not,
37:41 because,
37:42 Allah,
37:43 is,
37:44 not,
37:45 because,
37:46 Allah,
37:47 is,
37:48 not,
37:49 because,
37:50 Allah,
37:51 is,
37:52 not,
37:53 because,
37:54 Allah,
37:55 is,
37:56 not,
37:57 because,
37:58 Allah,
37:59 is,
38:00 not,
38:01 because,
38:02 Allah,
38:03 is,
38:04 not,
38:05 because,
38:06 Allah,
38:07 is,
38:08 not,
38:09 because,
38:10 Allah,
38:11 is,
38:12 not,
38:13 because,
38:14 Allah,
38:15 is,
38:16 not,
38:17 because,
38:18 Allah,
38:19 is,
38:20 not,
38:21 because,
38:22 Allah,
38:23 is,
38:24 not,
38:25 because,
38:26 Allah,
38:27 is,
38:28 not,
38:29 because,
38:30 Allah,
38:31 is,
38:32 not,
38:33 because,
38:34 Allah,
38:35 is,
38:36 not,
38:37 because,
38:38 Allah,
38:39 is,
38:40 not,
38:41 because,
38:42 Allah,
38:43 is,
38:44 not,
38:45 because,
38:46 Allah,
38:47 is,
38:48 not,
38:49 because,
38:50 Allah,
38:51 is,
38:52 not,
38:53 because,
38:54 Allah,
38:55 is,
38:56 not,
38:57 because,
38:58 Allah,
38:59 is,
39:00 not,
39:01 because,
39:02 Allah,
39:03 is,
39:04 not,
39:05 because,
39:06 Allah,
39:07 is,
39:08 not,
39:09 because,
39:10 Allah,
39:11 is,
39:12 not,
39:13 because,
39:14 Allah,
39:15 is,
39:16 not,
39:17 because,
39:18 Allah,
39:19 is,
39:20 not,
39:21 because,
39:22 Allah,
39:23 is,
39:24 not,
39:25 because,
39:26 Allah,
39:27 is,
39:28 not,
39:29 because,
39:30 Allah,
39:31 is,
39:32 not,
39:33 because,
39:34 Allah,
39:35 is,
39:36 not,
39:37 because,
39:38 Allah,
39:39 is,
39:40 not,
39:41 because,
39:42 Allah,
39:43 is,
39:44 not,
39:45 because,
39:46 Allah,
39:47 is,
39:48 not,
39:49 because,
39:50 Allah,
39:51 is,
39:52 not,
39:53 because,
39:54 Allah,
39:55 is,
39:56 not,
39:57 because,
39:58 Allah,
39:59 is,
40:00 not,
40:01 because,
40:02 Allah,
40:03 is,
40:04 not,
40:05 because,
40:06 Allah,
40:07 is,
40:08 not,
40:09 because,
40:10 Allah,
40:11 is,
40:12 not,
40:13 because,
40:14 Allah,
40:15 is,
40:16 not,
40:17 because,
40:18 Allah,
40:19 is,
40:20 not,
40:21 because,
40:22 Allah,
40:23 is,
40:24 not,
40:25 because,
40:26 Allah,
40:27 is,
40:28 not,
40:29 because,
40:30 Allah,
40:31 is,
40:32 not,
40:33 because,
40:34 Allah,
40:35 is,
40:36 not,
40:37 because,
40:38 Allah,
40:39 is,
40:40 not,
40:41 because,
40:42 Allah,
40:43 is,
40:44 not,
40:45 because,
40:46 Allah,
40:47 is,
40:48 not,
40:49 because,
40:50 Allah,
40:51 is,
40:52 not,
40:53 because,
40:54 Allah,
40:55 is,
40:56 not,
40:57 because,
40:58 Allah,
40:59 is,
41:00 not,
41:01 because,
41:02 Allah,
41:03 is,
41:04 not,
41:05 because,
41:06 Allah,
41:07 is,
41:08 not,
41:09 because,
41:10 Allah,
41:11 is,
41:12 not,
41:13 because,
41:14 Allah,
41:15 is,
41:16 not,
41:17 because,
41:18 Allah,
41:19 is,
41:20 not,
41:21 because,
41:22 Allah,
41:23 is,
41:24 not,
41:25 because,
41:26 Allah,
41:27 is,
41:28 not,
41:29 because,
41:30 Allah,
41:31 is,
41:32 not,
41:33 because,
41:34 Allah,
41:35 is,
41:36 not,
41:37 because,
41:38 Allah,
41:39 is,
41:40 not,
41:41 because,
41:42 Allah,
41:43 is,
41:44 not,
41:45 because,
41:46 Allah,
41:47 is,
41:48 not,
41:49 because,
41:50 Allah,
41:51 is,
41:52 not,
41:53 because,
41:54 Allah,
41:55 is,
41:56 not,
41:57 because,
41:58 Allah,
41:59 is,
42:00 not,
42:01 because,
42:02 Allah,
42:03 is,
42:04 not,
42:05 because,
42:06 Allah,
42:07 is,
42:08 not,
42:09 because,
42:10 Allah,
42:11 is,
42:12 not,
42:13 because,
42:14 Allah,
42:15 is,
42:16 not,
42:17 because,
42:18 Allah,
42:19 is,
42:20 not,
42:21 because,
42:22 Allah,
42:23 is,
42:24 not,
42:25 because,
42:26 Allah,
42:27 is,
42:28 not,
42:29 because,
42:30 Allah,
42:31 is,
42:32 not,
42:33 because,
42:34 Allah,
42:35 is,
42:36 not,
42:37 because,
42:38 Allah,
42:39 is,
42:40 not,
42:41 because,
42:42 Allah,
42:43 is,
42:44 not,
42:45 because,
42:46 Allah,
42:47 is,
42:48 not,
42:49 because,
42:50 Allah,
42:51 is,
42:52 not,
42:53 because,
42:54 Allah,
42:55 is,
42:56 not,
42:57 because,
42:58 Allah,
42:59 is,
43:00 not,
43:01 because,
43:02 Allah,
43:03 is,
43:04 not,
43:05 because,
43:06 Allah,
43:07 is,
43:08 not,
43:09 because,
43:10 Allah,
43:11 is,
43:12 not,
43:13 because,
43:14 Allah,
43:15 is,
43:16 not,
43:17 because,
43:18 Allah,
43:19 is,
43:20 not,
43:21 because,
43:22 Allah,
43:23 is,
43:24 not,
43:25 because,
43:26 Allah,
43:27 is,
43:28 not,
43:29 because,
43:30 Allah,
43:31 is,
43:32 not,
43:33 because,
43:34 Allah,
43:35 is,
43:36 not,
43:37 because,
43:38 Allah,
43:39 is,
43:40 not,
43:41 because,
43:42 Allah,
43:43 is,
43:44 not,
43:45 because,
43:46 Allah,
43:47 is,
43:48 not,
43:49 because,
43:50 Allah,
43:51 is,
43:52 not,
43:53 because,
43:54 Allah,
43:55 is,
43:56 not,
43:57 because,
43:58 Allah,
43:59 is,
44:00 not,
44:01 because,
44:02 Allah,
44:03 is,
44:04 not,
44:05 because,
44:06 Allah,
44:07 is,
44:08 not,
44:09 because,
44:10 Allah,
44:11 is,
44:12 not,
44:13 because,
44:14 Allah,
44:15 is,
44:16 not,
44:17 because,
44:18 Allah,
44:19 is,
44:20 not,
44:21 because,
44:22 Allah,
44:23 is,
44:24 not,
44:25 because,
44:26 Allah,
44:27 is,
44:28 not,
44:29 because,
44:30 Allah,
44:31 is,
44:32 not,
44:33 because,
44:34 Allah,
44:35 is,
44:36 not,
44:37 because,
44:38 Allah,
44:39 is,
44:40 not,
44:41 because,
44:42 Allah,
44:43 is,
44:44 not,
44:45 because,
44:46 Allah,
44:47 is,
44:48 not,
44:49 because,
44:50 Allah,
44:51 is,
44:52 not,
44:53 because,
44:54 Allah,
44:55 is,
44:56 not,
44:57 because,
44:58 Allah,
44:59 is,
45:00 not,
45:01 because,
45:02 Allah,
45:03 is,
45:04 not,
45:05 because,
45:06 Allah,
45:07 is,
45:08 not,
45:09 because,
45:10 Allah,
45:11 is,
45:12 not,
45:13 because,
45:14 Allah,
45:15 is,
45:16 not,
45:17 because,
45:18 Allah,
45:19 is,
45:20 not,
45:21 because,
45:22 Allah,
45:23 is,
45:24 not,
45:25 because,
45:26 Allah,
45:27 is,
45:28 not,
45:29 because,
45:30 Allah,
45:31 is,
45:32 not,
45:33 because,
45:34 Allah,
45:35 is,
45:36 not,
45:37 because,
45:38 Allah,
45:39 is,
45:40 not,
