• 2 months ago
Episod 612 My #QuranTime 2.0 Jumaat 16 Ogos 2024 Surah Al-A'raf (7: 204-206) Halaman 176

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 204-206 halaman 176 ini adalah:
* Perintah mendengarkan al-Quran dengan tenang ketika dibaca (204)
* Seruan melazimi zikir dengan beradab dan larangan melalaikannya (205)
* Meneladani ketekunan tasbih dan ketaatan para malaikat dalam ibadah (206)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 204-206 halaman 176:
* Memberi perhatian dengan baik ketika al-Quran dibacakan (204)
* Menjaga adab ketika berzikir dan tidak lalai mengamalkannya (205)
* Dekati orang soleh dan tingkatkan kualiti ibadah (206)

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00:30For a believer, there is no beautiful recitation in his ears, even in his soul, compared to the recitation of the Qur'an.
00:44There is nothing that is able to compare to the beauty of feeling the pleasure of hearing the verses of Allah being recited.
00:54Therefore, with the Qur'an, they must recite the Qur'an day and night, with the hope that they will be close to the group of Allah's creatures that have been glorified,
01:07because they always remember Allah, that is, the angels who are always reciting the Qur'an.
01:13With the glorification of the holy words that are more glorious, of course, from the words of Allah, the Noble Qur'an.
01:21This is the section that we will discuss in the discussion of verses 204 to 206 of Surah Al-A'raf, My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat and Infah.
01:52In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
02:02And when the Qur'an is recited, listen to it and be quiet, that you may receive mercy.
02:27May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you, viewers of My Qur'an Time, Qur'an Salat and Infah.
02:36Alhamdulillah, once again we can meet in the series of discussion of verses of the Qur'an,
02:44which we will go through one by one, until today we reach the 176th chapter of Surah Al-A'raf,
02:54discussion of verses 204 to 206.
03:00Alhamdulillah, together with me, Syamsul Hakim, I am not alone in the studio,
03:06together with me, as usual, a companion who will share his voice, if I am from his point of view,
03:13my companion is not a talent, how will he discuss from time to time,
03:18the discussion of verses of the Holy Qur'an that you have never heard, and we have never heard to listen to it,
03:23that is the fortunate one, Ustaz Tirmizi Ali.
03:27How are you Ustaz Tirmizi?
03:29Alhamdulillah, I am fine.
03:31You are smiling.
03:34We hope that our audience, together with the life of the people of the Qur'an,
03:37which is what gives happiness, prosperity, and always loyalty,
03:42among the examples of which we are always smiling, following the Sunnah of the Prophet SAW.
03:48Therefore, for us to start the discussion this time, let us start with a brief prayer.
03:53Subhanakala ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antal alimul hakim
03:58wa la hawla wa la quwwata illa billahi l-Aliyyi l-Azim
04:02Today, inshallah, from the synopsis that we are going to discuss,
04:06these three verses, it involves, firstly,
04:09about the commandment to listen to the Qur'an calmly when it is being read.
04:17And then, the commandment also,
04:21it comes to the call to be obliged to do dhikr with respect,
04:24and prohibition from neglecting it.
04:28And in the verse number 206,
04:30we are going to see how we need to be obedient to the commandment of Tasbih,
04:35and also the obedience of the angels in worship.
04:39These are the three synopsis that we are going to bring through the discussion.
04:43The three verses start from the verse number 204,
04:47up to the verse number 206.
04:50But, we have heard the beginning that was brought by Ustaz Tirmizi Ali just now.
04:58I am sorry, Ustaz.
05:00I would like to ask Ustaz to read it again before we read the translation.
05:04Please, Ustaz.
05:05The verse number 206.
05:07The verse number 204.
05:09I will be late, inshallah.
05:27I will be late, inshallah.
05:47The commandment of Allah SWT in the verse number 204.
05:50Allah says,
05:52When the Qur'an is recited, listen and remain silent,
05:57so that you may receive mercy.
06:00The continuation of the verse number 204
06:03is from what has been commanded by Allah SWT
06:07for the Prophet to convey to us the reality of the Qur'an.
06:13We see that it is the conclusion of the verse number 203.
06:18As Allah said at the end of the verse number 203,
06:27That whatever has been revealed to the Prophet SAW
06:32from the verses of the Qur'an that we have heard from time to time,
06:36is nothing but a proof from Allah SWT
06:43about the proof and mercy that Allah has provided for the believers.
06:49The Qur'an that has been revealed to us
06:52is actually a proof and mercy for us.
06:56Therefore, when we know that the reality of the Qur'an
07:00is a proof and mercy
07:03that we should realize the existence of the Qur'an
07:07with the two functions mentioned earlier,
07:09this is where Allah SWT teaches us
07:13how to receive the proof and mercy
07:19so that it is truly contained within us.
07:23Of course, the beginning
07:25is when we give our all
07:29in which the holy verses of the Qur'an are recited
07:33without neglecting to listen to the meaning of the verses
07:38or taking the liberty of listening to the verses.
07:44If we look at the commandment,
07:47Allah uses the word
07:53The word that is used is not
07:57The word Fasma'u also means
07:59Listen to it.
08:01From the word
08:05So listen to it.
08:06But in the word Fasma'u,
08:09there is an additional letter,
08:11which is the letter Ta.
08:12Which can be understood from the point of view of the language,
08:15when there is an additional letter in a sentence,
08:19there is an additional meaning.
08:21That is, it is not just listening to what is just listening.
08:26But listening to the meaning of
08:29This must be accompanied by
08:31a complete focus
08:34without doing any other work.
08:38If we take an example,
08:40when we drive a car,
08:42sometimes we open the Al-Qur'an
08:45or we open the sound of Al-Qur'an in our car,
08:49the action is not
08:51but the action is
08:53But if we say we are sitting,
08:56for example,
08:57when there is a recitation of Al-Qur'an,
08:59which has been made in the rank of nationality,
09:02then at that time,
09:04the audience present,
09:06they really look at the Mus'haf,
09:09see with full sincerity the verses
09:12that were read at that time by the readers,
09:15without any other talk than that,
09:19or unnecessary movements,
09:22especially if it is read
09:24when the public is holding a prayer with the imam,
09:28no matter which recitation an imam is facing,
09:31the public will be silent,
09:35just putting their ears
09:37to listen to the recitation of Al-Qur'an,
09:40which with a special action
09:42when we obey,
09:43will be commanded by Allah Ta'ala,
09:46Allah promises,
09:48the attitude shown to listen to Al-Qur'an like that,
09:52which will bring mercy from Allah,
09:55and from the mercy of Allah Ta'ala,
09:58which will open for us,
10:00a sign from Him,
10:02a love from Him,
10:04in other words,
10:06the meaning of this verse,
10:09if the recitation of Al-Qur'an is read,
10:12but the human attitude,
10:15like the people who do not appreciate
10:17the blessings and mercy from Allah,
10:20who came down with the recitation of Al-Qur'an,
10:23until they do not care about the recitation,
10:28even getting involved in other matters,
10:32does not show full respect
10:34to the verses that were read,
10:37from the mercy that should be received
10:39through the recitation,
10:41we ask protection from Allah,
10:43which may turn out to be a curse,
10:46due to the recitation of Al-Qur'an,
10:48which was not given
10:50the proper respect,
10:52this is the attitude of a believer,
10:54which we must carry out,
10:56the requirement,
10:57towards this noble holy verse,
10:59which is Al-Qur'an,
11:01the word of Allah,
11:02something of high value and nobility,
11:05so give the proper respect,
11:08so that we receive the mercy from Allah,
11:11through the respect,
11:13that we have given for Al-Qur'an,
11:16this is the lesson from the first verse,
11:18that we have discussed for today,
11:20do not go anywhere,
11:22continue with My Qur'an Time,
11:24Qur'an Salat and Infah.
11:41O Lord of the worlds
12:11In the next episode...
12:41In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
13:11In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
13:41In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
14:11In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
14:42In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate
15:01May Allah bless us all,
15:02back again with My Qur'an Time,
15:04Qur'an Salat and Infah,
15:06in the discussion of the verse,
15:08that was recited by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dirwizi Ali,
15:12where the translation,
15:14if we look at the translation,
15:16that is available in front of us now,
15:18that is the statement of Allah SWT,
15:20And remember your Lord in your heart with a low heart and fear,
15:25and by not making a loud voice,
15:28in the morning and evening,
15:30and do not be among the people who are lazy.
15:34Earlier, we saw how Allah SWT,
15:37in the verse 204,
15:39when the recitation of Al-Qur'an was recited,
15:42Allah asked us to give the full focus,
15:46the full focus,
15:48and then,
15:49do not do anything,
15:52the focus must be given,
15:54because that is the time,
15:56when we are doing dhikr,
15:58remembering ourselves about the verses of Allah,
16:01and our responsibility towards Him,
16:03between listening to the recitation,
16:06trying to understand it,
16:08until we practice it in our life,
16:11then this is what is always a part of the life of a believer.
16:16Then, when we repeat the verses of Al-Qur'an,
16:20for our recitation,
16:22among the adab,
16:24it is emphasized to us,
16:26that is,
16:27when we mention the name of Allah,
16:30and also the verses,
16:32in the situation of
16:35the word tadarru'a,
16:37that is,
16:38it is the same as the other word in Arabic,
16:41which means,
16:43that is,
16:44in the situation of feeling low,
16:47that is,
16:48we are not facing a human pen,
16:51not even our pen,
16:54what is read from the verses of Al-Qur'an,
16:56we need to realize,
16:58that it is the pen of Allah,
17:01which is noble.
17:03no matter where we read this verse,
17:06we need to feel low,
17:09our soul,
17:10towards the greatness of Allah,
17:12in bringing His pen.
17:14At one moment,
17:15the Arabs themselves,
17:18are defeated,
17:19against the greatness of their language,
17:22against the greatness of their heritage,
17:24what else is the truth,
17:26which is brought along with it.
17:28Then, we,
17:29the believers,
17:30who believe in this book,
17:32of course,
17:33we need to feel more,
17:35the greatness of Allah,
17:36no matter where we read these verses,
17:39each of the verses,
17:40gives the meaning,
17:41which we should understand,
17:43and we deepen the meaning,
17:45until we really present,
17:47the greatness of Allah,
17:49and we present,
17:51our low self,
17:53our humiliation,
17:54on the side of Allah,
17:55who has created us,
17:57and brought to us,
17:58His book of guidance.
18:00If not for the guidance,
18:02and the guidance,
18:05we don't know,
18:06what we should do,
18:08as a person,
18:09who stays on this earth,
18:11with the hope,
18:12to return to the hereafter,
18:14in a safe state.
18:16Therefore, Allah SWT,
18:17asks us,
18:18to begin this reading,
18:20by feeling our low self,
18:23from this low self,
18:25which will lead us,
18:27to present,
18:29the character,
18:30of a person,
18:31who has a low self,
18:32which is,
18:35the word,
18:37from the word,
18:39or hidden,
18:41this hidden,
18:42which is,
18:44without needing,
18:45to shout,
18:46as if,
18:47we are calling,
18:48something far away,
18:50we are speaking,
18:51to a person,
18:53we say,
18:54we don't respect,
18:55compared to,
18:56if we are speaking,
18:57to a respected person,
18:59our speech,
19:00will be more,
19:02will be more,
19:04in the tone,
19:05and the intonation,
19:06which is,
19:08The word,
19:11with our low voice,
19:12this is a moment,
19:13which has happened,
19:14in the life,
19:15of the companions of the Prophet,
19:17as it has been narrated,
19:18through the companions of the Prophet,
19:19Abu Musa Al Ash'ari,
19:20one day,
19:21for him,
19:22and his companions,
19:23they were walking,
19:24for a journey,
19:26to fill the group,
19:27of this journey,
19:28ladies and gentlemen,
19:29the companions,
19:30started to do dhikr,
19:31to fill,
19:32their empty spaces,
19:33during the journey,
19:41when they felt,
19:44were fighting,
19:45the dhikr,
19:47a very,
19:48loud voice,
19:49as if,
19:53at that time,
19:54the Prophet,
19:57his companions,
19:58O people,
19:59pay attention,
20:00to yourselves,
20:01O people,
20:02my companions,
20:03you should,
20:07your voice,
20:10do not,
20:16do not,
20:22do not,
20:28do not,
20:32do not,
20:36do not,
20:38We should,
20:41to ourselves,
20:45do not,
20:47donal jahri minal qawl
20:49tidaklah sampai kita menjerit-jerit terjerit-jerit untuk membaca Al-Quran
20:54dan ianya mistilah selalu kita lazimi dalam kehidupan kita
20:59bil-ghudui wal-asal
21:02tanpa mengira akan masanya waktu pagi maupun waktu petang
21:06kita akan sentiasa menemani hidup kita ini
21:10ataupun bertemankan hidup kita ini dengan Al-Quran
21:13sebelah paginya kita baca Al-Quran untuk hidup kita
21:17supaya tampil hidup kita ini dengan keceriaannya
21:20dan sebelah malam kita akhiri kehidupan kita ini juga dengan bacaan Al-Quran
21:25mudah-mudahan itulah tinggalan kita yang terindah
21:28andai kata itulah hari kita yang terakhir yang Allah izinkan
21:32untuk kita hidup di atas muka bumi ini
21:34seperti mana yang menjadi kebiasaan kita Ustaz
21:37dan juga sekalian para penonton yang kita fahamkan
21:41kita fahami bahawasanya antara amalan-amalan kita
21:44malam-malam hari sebelum tidur itu kita bacakan antaranya surah Al-Mulk
21:48ada yang membaca surah As-Sajadah
21:50dan juga surah-surah yang lain yang kita biasa lazimi hidup kita dengannya
21:53sebelah pagi dengan bacaan surah-surah yang kita lazimi
21:56begitu juga dengan yang lain-lain daripadanya
21:58dan Allah perintahkan kepada kita
22:00وَلَا تَكُون مِنَ الْغَافِلِينَ
22:02janganlah kalian
22:04dengan disebabkan Allah telah pun memberikan petunjuk
22:07dan juga peringatannya
22:09kita tekal hidup beristikamah dengan Al-Quran
22:12yang merupakan peringatan yang Allah berikan daripada masa ke semasa ini
22:15dan sepatutnya kita memang menjadikan ia sebagai peringatan kita
22:19janganlah sampai kita menjadi daripada kalangan orang-orang yang lalai
22:24yaitulah orang yang mengabaikan Al-Quran dalam hidup mereka
22:29mereka inilah yang satu ketika pernah diadukan oleh Nabi
22:33وَقَالَ الرَّسُولُ
22:34يَا رَبِّ إِنَّ قَوْمِ تَخَذُوهَا دَلْ قُرْآنَ مَحْجُورًا
22:38telah berkata akan Rasul
22:40sesungguhnya kaumku ini telah pun menjadikan
22:43akan Al-Quran itu hanya barang tinggalan mereka semata-mata
22:47kita tak nak tinggalkan Al-Quran
22:49sebab dengan tinggalkan Al-Quran
22:51kita akan menjadi orang yang lalai
22:53hari ini perkataan pilihan kita
22:55kita nak tahu juga apa yang kita nak belajar
22:57daripada kalimah pilihan kita hari ini
22:59daripada Mekuh Serat yang ke-176 ini
23:02pada ayat yang kita nak beri kentumplahan sekarang ini
23:04ayat yang ke-204
23:06itulah daripada firman Allah
23:08فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ وَأَنْصِتُ
23:11kalimah وَأَنْصِتُ
23:13yang berasal daripada kalimah نَصَوْتَ
23:16yang bermaksud perhatikan
23:21bila mana kita lihat perkataan ini
23:23ditampilkan dalam ayat ini
23:25Allah berkehendak daripada kita
23:27sewaktu kita mendengarkan bacaan Al-Quran
23:30bukan sekarang mendengarkan
23:32sebaliknya perhatikan ayat-ayat tersebut
23:35dan diyam daripada berbuat pekerjaan-pekerjaan
23:39yang selain daripada memberikan tumpuan fokus sepenuhnya
23:42terhadap ayat-ayat suci tersebut
23:44kalimah ini kita boleh temui
23:46disebutkan sebanyak dua kali dalam Al-Quran
23:49dimana surah yang mengandungi perkataan ini
23:52ialah surah Al-Araf
23:53yaitulah surah yang sedang kita bacakan sekarang
23:55daripada ayat 204nya
23:57manakala pada surah yang kedua
23:59yaitulah pada suratul Ahqaf
24:01ayat yang ke-29
24:03فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ وَأَنْسِتُ
24:06maka dengarkanlah dengan sepenuh-penuh tumpuan
24:10dan diyam daripada berbuat sebarang pekerjaan yang lain
24:14yang menghilangkan fokus kita terhadap bacaan Al-Quran tersebut
24:18inilah tuntutan daripada Allah SWT kepada kita
24:22agar kita benar-benar mempamerkan akhlaq dan juga adab kita
24:27terhadap kalamnya yang mulia ini
24:29supaya daripada situlah
24:31syarat yang telahpun Allah tetapkan tadi
24:33untuk kita beroleh rahmat daripadanya
24:36kita sempurnakan terlebih dahulu hak Al-Quran
24:39dan Allah pasti membalasnya
24:41dengan rahmat yang berlipat kali kanda
24:43daripada sisinya
24:45inilah yang kita pohon selalu daripada Allah SWT
24:48agar menetapkan hati kita
24:50sentiasa dengan bacaan Al-Quran
24:53sentiasa seronok dan juga gembira untuk mendengarkannya
24:56dan takkan pernah berpaling kepada yang lain daripadanya
25:00agar kita tetap akan beroleh rahmat daripada Allah
25:03sentiasa dan sentiasa insyaAllah
25:06mudah-mudahan inilah yang kita akan dapat perolehi
25:08daripada bicara ayat yang ke-204
25:11menuruti perkataan pilihan tersebut
25:13dan disitulah akan terletaknya rahmat Allah untuk kita semua
25:16kita berhenti seketika
25:18tetapkan bersama dengan My Quran Time
25:20Quran Salat dan Infah
25:30وَجَعَلْهُ لَنَا هُجَّتَيْنَ
25:37يَا رَبَّ الْعَالَمِينَ
26:00Al-Quran Al-Fatihah
26:30Al-Quran Al-Fatihah
26:40Al-Quran Al-Fatihah
26:52Yang biasa tadi kita ada sebut sikit
26:54yang setengah-setengah orang berpendapat
26:56kata malam itu berlaku pada satu masa sahaja
26:58ini tak tepatlah
27:00sebab tak tepat berdasarkan hadith
27:02dan juga tak tepat berdasarkan ayat Al-Quran sendiri
27:04yang kedua antara yang biasa orang kata
27:06petandanya itu adalah pokok sujud
27:08pokok sujud
27:12rumah masjid jatuh
27:14terbalik kan? terbalik ke atas tanah
27:16nanti semua petanda-petanda yang tidak ada di dalam nas
27:18mungkin pengalamanlah
27:20saya kata itulah pengalaman
27:22sengal-sengal orang itu dia cerita pengalaman dia
27:24tapi kita tak tahu sebenarnya pengalaman dia itu
27:26pokok betul-betul tumbang ke apa kan?
27:28ribut ke apa kan? ada orang dia kata
27:30saya letak pokok sangkut
27:32sangkut kain tuala di dahan
27:34esok pagi tengok di atas kan?
27:36mungkin malam itu ribut kita tak tahu kan?
27:38dia ingat dahan yang sama yang dia dah sangkut
27:40tengok-tengok ada di atas
27:42itu pun antara kepercayaan yang masyarakat ingat
27:44itulah tanda Al-Qadar
27:46tapi sebenarnya tidak
27:48dia bukan tanda Al-Qadar mungkin itu pengalaman masing-masing
27:50yang berbeza daripada satu kan
27:52واجعله لنا هجتين يا رب العالمين
28:22اللهم صلي على سيدنا محمد من نبي الأمين
28:32وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
28:42اللهم صلي على سيدنا محمد
28:50من نبي الأمين
28:54وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم
29:06Alhamdulillah kita kembali
29:08My Quran Time, Quran, Salat dan Ifaat
29:10kita dah dengar kupasan Tarabuh
29:12daripada Ustaz Shamsud sementara tadi
29:14dan seperti biasa
29:16kita fokus sekejap
29:20bagi Ustaz Rehak sekejap
29:22kepada hukum Hakam Tajweed
29:24yang telah kita baca dan juga
29:26Tarabuh sebentar tadi
29:28fokus pada ayat yang kedua ratus lima
29:30ayat yang kedua ratus lima
29:32وَذِكُلْ رَبَّكَ بِنَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّ عَمُ وَخِفَةً
29:38وَدُونَ الْجَهْرِ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ بِالْغُدُوِّ وَالْأَصَلِ
29:42وَلَا تَكُنْ مِنَ الْغَفِلِينَ
29:44pada ayat 205
29:46dan sama-sama kita boleh lihat
29:48di screen kita ini
29:50Inshallah, Barakallah
29:52وَذِكُلْ رَبَّكَ بِنَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّ عَمُ وَخِفَةً
29:54وَذِكُلْ رَبَّكَ بِنَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّ عَمُ وَخِفَةً
29:56baik, sama-sama kita baca terlebih dahulu
29:58ayat yang kita focus, kalimah yang kita
30:00highlight kan ini
30:02وَذِكُلْ رَبَّكَ بِنَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّ عَمُ وَخِفَةً
30:12satu, dua, mula
30:14وَذِكُلْ رَبَّكَ بِنَفْسِكَ تَضَرُّ عَمُ وَخِفَةً
30:43ok, yang pertama, waz-kur-rab-bak
30:48ada dua ra di situ
30:50yang pertama ra pertama, waz-kur
30:52mati, kemudian bertemu dengan ra yang berbaris
30:55maka ra itu dimasukkan ke dalamnya
31:00maka ada dua ra di situ
31:02maka bacaan juga mestilah dua ra
31:04dengan cara diidamkanlah
31:06tak boleh kita baca waz-kur-rab
31:08jadi ada kurang dekat situ
31:11ada sabdu itu
31:13maka ada dua huruf di situ
31:17coba sebut
31:26idagam di situ
31:28jangan waz-kur-rab
31:30jangan laju
31:31tapi kita berikan masa
31:33ketika ada idagam ataupun sabdu di situ
31:35waz-dha mati
31:38huruf itu jangan dilantunkan
31:41jangan waz-dha
31:42tapi waz-dha
31:45huruf dha itu
31:46ia berjalan suaranya
31:48kemudian waz-kur-rab-bak
31:50fi nafsika
31:52huruf fa mati
31:53ya Allah melayu kita
31:55fi naf
31:56dia tutup mulut
31:58tutup mulut jadi
32:01sepatutnya naf-sik
32:03nafsika tadarru'a
32:10waz-kur-rab-bak fi nafsika tadarru'a
32:30jangan lepaskan
32:31pantulan daripada fa
32:37waz-kur-rab-bak fi nafsika tadarru'a
32:52waz-kur-rab-bak fi nafsika tadarru'a
33:04waz-kur-rab-bak fi nafsika tadarru'a
33:16waz-kur-rab-bak fi nafsika tadarru'a
33:30di awal tadi
33:31saya tertinggal
33:33jangan rab
33:36waz-kur-rab-bak fi nafsika tadarru'a
33:56yang kedua
33:57bil-ghuduwi wal-asali wala takum minal ghafilin
34:22waw barih bawah
34:23kemudian waw barih atas
34:24bil-ghuduwi wal-asali
34:33bil-ghuduwi wal-asali
34:46bil-ghuduwi wal-asali
35:05bil-ghuduwi wal-asali
35:09wala takum minal ghafilin
35:15bil-ghuduwi wal-asali
35:20wala takum minal ghafilin
35:26wala takum minal ghafilin
35:33wala takum minal ghafilin
35:39wala takum
35:41terus kita tutup mulut pada
35:44karena nun mati bertemu dengan mim
35:46wala takun
35:48kemudian nun tu mati bertemu dengan mim
35:50apakah hukumnya?
35:52nun mati bertemu dengan mim hukum?
35:55ma'al runnah ke bila runnah?
35:57ma'al runnah
35:58maka nun tu dimasuk ke dalam mim
36:00dan dipanjangkan runnah itu
36:02bayangkanlah kalau kena baca dengan izahar dekat situ
36:07wala takun minal
36:10maka idhram ini memudahkan kita
36:13dalam kita melafazkan
36:17bertemu huruf-huruf mati dan hidup sebagainya
36:20itulah jalan
36:21kita kata apa?
36:22bacaan Quran sebenarnya tidak memeratkan kita
36:26tidaklah diturunkan
36:27Quran itu untuk menyusahkan kita
36:29tapi mudah insyaAllah dengan belajar
36:32واذكر ربك في نفسك تضرعا وخيفة
36:51تضرعا وخيفة
36:56ودون الجهر من القول بالغدو والآصال
37:24ودون الجهر من القول
37:36اذكر ربك في نفسك تضرعا وخيفة
37:44ودون الجهر من القول بالغدو والآصال
38:05وَلَا تَكُن مِنَ الْغَافِلِينَ
38:20masyaAllah, ta'barakAllah
38:22mudah-mudahan kita sentiasa menjadi orang yang berzikir
38:25atau mengati Allah SWT pada setiap pagi dan petang
38:28dan pada setiap masa
38:30dan kita tidak menjadi orang-orang yang lalai
38:35ada sambungan lagi, ayat Tadabur
38:37yang kemana-mana, My Quran Time
38:39Quran, Salat, Imfah
39:04Quran, Salat, Imfah
39:07Quran, Salat, Imfah
39:09Quran, Salat, Imfah
39:39Quran, Salat, Imfah
40:07warusukunatila watahu
41:01Allah SWT
41:03Allah SWT
41:05Allah SWT
41:07Allah SWT
41:10Allah SWT
41:12Allah SWT
41:13Allah SWT
41:14Allah SWT
41:15Allah SWT
41:16Allah SWT
41:17Allah SWT
41:18Allah SWT
41:19Allah SWT
41:20Allah SWT
41:21Allah SWT
41:22Allah SWT
41:23Allah SWT
41:24Allah SWT
41:25Allah SWT
41:26Allah SWT
41:27Allah SWT
41:28Allah SWT
41:29Allah SWT
41:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
42:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
42:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
43:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
43:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
44:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
44:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
45:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
45:30In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
46:00In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
46:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
46:56In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
47:26In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
47:46In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
48:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
48:46In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
49:16In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
49:40In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
50:10In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
50:30Before we end our discussion today, there is something that we need to include in every discussion, which is the resolution that we bring for every discussion.
50:40From verse 204, the resolution that we can achieve from it is that we must give good attention when the Quran is being read.
50:48In verse 205, we are taught to maintain good manners when we are reciting zikr, and not to stray from its practice.
50:57In verse 206, we are taught to be close to Allah's righteous creation, i.e. Allah SWT, and to increase our worship quality from time to time.
51:10These are the three resolutions that are the conclusion of our discussion today.
51:13Is there anything that you would like to share with us, Ustaz Tirmizi?
51:18Thank you, Ustaz. We would like to invite all of you to join us in the movement of Al-Quran.
51:25May we continue to contribute to the development of Al-Quran in our country and around the world.
51:33You can scan the QR code that is provided to facilitate our work.
51:37InshaAllah, may we all be initiated by Allah SWT with Al-Quran, read, listen and live it, and we do not become lazy.
51:47Thank you, Ustaz. InshaAllah, we will meet again in the next episodes.
51:51Of course, My Quran Time, Quran, Salat, Imfah.
51:55Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.
52:07Allahumma dhakirna minhuma naseena waallina waallina minhuma jaheena
52:37Ya Allah, Ya Allah
