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Episod 553 My #QuranTime 2.0 Selasa 18 Jun 2024 Surah Al-A'raf (7: 73) Halaman 159

Antara perkara penting yang dapat kita ambil dari Surah Al-A'raf ayat 73 halaman 159 ini adalah:
* Pengutusan Nabi Saleh AS kepada kaumnya dan mukjizatnya (73)

Tindakan yang boleh dilaksanakan daripada ayat 73 halaman 159:
* Ikhlaskan ibadah hanya kerana Allah SWT (73)
* Sampaikan dakwah dengan tegas dan penuh kelembutan (73)
* Tidak berlaku zalim dan mengganggu haiwan ternak tanpa sebab (73)

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My #QuranTime
World #QuranHour
00:00 [No audio]
00:19 In the Quran, it is mentioned about the camel of Allah SWT.
00:24 Is that the camel of Allah SWT?
00:27 What is its function? How is its end?
00:30 How can the camel form our response to the Quran?
00:35 All of this will be discussed in today's episode,
00:38 My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infa'
00:42 [No audio]
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01:28 [No audio]
01:36 See you again in My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infa'
01:41 We will give a little bit of our time to discuss the verses of Allah SWT
01:47 so that we can increase our faith together
01:50 as mentioned by the Salafis
01:53 [No audio]
01:56 We will give a little bit of our time to increase our faith to Allah SWT
02:01 Ladies and Gentlemen, Alhamdulillah we are still in Surah Al-A'raf
02:07 In the 73rd verse, it is mentioned about the story of Thamud,
02:14 the story of Prophet Salih AS
02:17 Inshallah we will discuss this in detail in a short while
02:21 I am accompanied by Al-Fadhil Ustaz Tarmizi
02:26 Assalamualaikum Ustaz
02:27 Waalaikumussalam
02:30 Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Arif
02:32 Today you are handsome, you are wearing a flowery dress
02:40 Dr. Muhammad Arif, what is lacking?
02:44 Next time I will have to prepare my list to give my response to Ustaz
02:48 But don't get angry, I am just a Tamkromor
02:52 I am sorry
02:53 No worries Ustaz
02:55 So Ustaz, InshaAllah today we are in the 73rd verse
02:59 I am interested in the beginning that was mentioned by the doctor
03:04 The story of the camel
03:07 If we go to Mecca, we will make umrah for our friends
03:11 I am jealous of Ustaz Dr. Arif because he has experience in Madinah
03:21 If I go, it is just for a short while, 4 days of umrah
03:24 If it is longer, it is 8 days of hajj
03:26 Then I will go back
03:27 But Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dr. Arif has been living in Madinah for 4 years
03:35 I saw a post on Instagram of a new tarawih imam
03:42 I forgot his name, Sheikh
03:47 He was one of the imams who could become imam when tarawih was still going on
03:53 For others, Sheikh Sa'al Rumidi, he was in a state of mental fatigue
03:58 The more days passed, the more he was in a state of mental fatigue
04:00 The same with Dr. Ali Huzaifi, he still has a single career
04:05 Many doctors have shared their experience with him
04:07 Because he has a noble body
04:10 So maybe he can share his experience
04:14 He is not a camel, but he has been living in Madinah for 4 years
04:20 Madinah is a blessed land
04:23 Those who can live in Madinah can feel the peace
04:26 In Madinah, it is different
04:30 Thank you Ustaz
04:31 We will start our meeting with a short prayer
04:36 (Prayer)
04:44 Our synopsis for today is only one verse
04:49 We will look at the synopsis of the Prophet's message to his people and his miracles
05:00 We will talk about the camel later
05:08 Before we continue, I would like to ask Al-Fadl Ustaz to read the 73rd verse
05:15 (Prayer)
05:25 (Prayer)
05:38 Ladies and gentlemen, our viewers, those who are at home or on our platform
05:47 I would like to thank our friends at Istiqamah
05:52 We are now at the third part of the Quran, page 159
05:56 Only one verse, but it is a very meaningful verse
06:00 Because it is the Quran or Allah's verse
06:04 We will read the 73rd verse using the word "Mujaharkah"
06:09 Let us try, ladies and gentlemen
06:11 The 73rd verse
06:13 (Prayer)
06:27 (Prayer)
06:54 (Prayer)
07:17 (Prayer)
07:46 (Prayer)
07:56 And to the Samud people, we send their brother Saleh
08:00 He said, "O my people, praise Allah. There is no God for you except Allah.
08:07 The truth has come to you, a proof from your Lord. This is a female camel from Allah as an explanation for you.
08:17 Let her eat in Allah's earth. Do not hurt her.
08:21 As a result, you will receive a painful punishment."
08:25 Ladies and gentlemen, may Allah's mercy be upon him
08:28 Starting from this verse, a new story begins
08:32 The story of Prophet Saleh
08:35 As we know, Allah SWT has put these stories in the Quran
08:40 Besides giving us teachings, we can say that the verses of the Quran are teachings to us
08:47 But the interesting thing is that these stories are also a motivation
08:53 That is why when the scholars tell the stories in the Quran, they say that these stories are a motivation for the Prophet SAW
09:04 Because when the Prophet SAW reads these stories, he can feel and understand how the opposition to this dawah has happened
09:13 It has not started from his time, but it has started from the times before him
09:17 And the Prophet SAW is only one of the messengers of Allah SWT who is going through the same situation and challenges
09:26 So, that is one motivation for the Prophet SAW to be more motivated
09:32 Even if we look at the Prophet SAW, even our asatizah and preachers
09:38 "May Allah reward you with many blessings"
09:40 They are struggling to deliver the teachings or the religion of Allah SWT
09:47 And if we face difficulties and difficulties in delivering the religion of Allah SWT
09:53 Then we realize that our own idol, Prophet Muhammad SAW, has been tested very hard
09:59 And the Prophets before him have also been tested very hard
10:02 So, if we are going through a very difficult test, it means that our path is the right path
10:06 It means that this is the path that will lead us to the heaven of Allah SWT
10:12 "And to the Prophet Muhammad, We have sent their own brother, the Prophet Salih"
10:20 In short, he is not a person who was sent from outside to the tribe of Samud
10:25 The tribe of Samud is a tribe that we can say is one of the Arabs
10:31 They live in a place called Al Hijr
10:34 And it is located between Jordan and the Hijaz
10:39 That is why the Prophet SAW once went through a place called Madain Saleh
10:52 It is said that the Prophet SAW's people were located there
11:00 And when the Prophet SAW went through that place, he was forbidden by the companions to drink from the water of the lake
11:08 Because that is where people were tortured
11:10 The Prophet SAW said, "Let's go a little further and drink from the lake"
11:14 Not drink from the lake, but from the people who were tortured
11:16 Because he was afraid that the torture that they suffered will also be suffered by us
11:21 The Prophet SAW even said, "Do not go into that area unless you are crying"
11:26 Because we are crying
11:27 Do not just go in there just for a selfie
11:32 And put it on Instagram and TikTok
11:35 Do not
11:36 That is where we learn from their stories
11:40 We stop for a moment, do not go anywhere because we have not yet entered into our topic
11:46 Let's go to the Quran time, Quran, prayer and infaq
11:49 [Music]
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15:36 Alhamdulillah, we are back in My Quran Time, Quran, prayer and infaq
15:41 Dear viewers, may Allah's mercy be upon you
15:43 We are still in page 159, verse 73
15:48 We are talking about the story of Prophet Salih and his people, the Thamud
15:54 We mentioned a moment ago how Allah SWT mentioned in verse 73
15:59 [Arabic]
16:02 And We have sent to the Thamud people their own brother, Prophet Salih
16:07 So Prophet Salih is not an unknown person
16:10 Even he is known among his people
16:13 He is known for his good character, because Allah SWT will not appoint anyone other than the best to be a messenger
16:20 And if we think about it, when someone is sent from our own people, from our own nation, using our own language
16:30 Sometimes, not always, it can soften the heart of the person who is being preached to
16:41 For example, for us, the Malays, it is easier for them to be approached by a preacher or a master of the Malays
16:50 For the Chinese, it is easier for them to be approached by someone of the Chinese nation
16:56 And for the Indians, it is easier for them to be approached by someone of the same nation
17:03 Because they speak the same language, they understand the customs and culture of the people
17:09 So the way Allah SWT's message is conveyed, it needs to be processed so that it is consistent with the way of the nation
17:17 So for us, the ascetics, if we want to teach our people, we try to process, not process the Quran
17:25 But process the message that is conveyed in the Quran and Sunnah so that it is easier to be understood by our people
17:33 If all the Ustaz-Ustaz do the Arab style, for example, they come and say, "Tok Chey, Tok Chey Arab"
17:39 Sometimes they teach straight, we do it straight, even if we sit in a mosque, we do it straight
17:43 Sometimes half of the people can accept it, but half of the people are our people, they have our customs, our style
17:51 So sometimes we need to process those things so that the message is easier to be understood and lived by
17:58 Not just understood, but lived by our people. That is the advantage.
18:03 So the Ustaz-Ustaz are Malay, and they need to work harder to preach to the Malays
18:11 Don't just hope that Tok Chey, Tok Chey Arab will come to us, to teach us
18:15 We need to go there, learn from there, and bring that message and use it, style it so that it is closer to our people
18:25 That method cannot be changed, but the style of the message that we can change
18:29 Like Ustaz Datuk Arief today, sharing his name with us
18:35 Allahu Akbar, we as preachers need to be smart
18:39 And it was sent to the Samud people, their own brothers, Nabi Saleh (AS)
18:50 They knew him, he was a trustworthy person, a good person
18:56 Normally when there is a character like this, bringing a message, we easily believe it
19:02 But because there is a contradiction from the devil himself, because the devil has infiltrated the Samud people's mind
19:09 Teaching them to oppose what Allah SWT has said
19:13 Even though they know Nabi Saleh, they still do not want to believe
19:18 Nabi Saleh said, "O my people, praise Allah because there is no God but Allah SWT"
19:36 This verse is interesting, if we look at the story of Nabi Nuh AS, which is mentioned in the 59th verse
19:47 The same style of speech, the same way, we go to the people of Nabi Hud, the people of 'Ad
19:54 What was mentioned by Nabi Hud in the 65th verse, the same style of speech
19:59 We go to Nabi Saleh AS, the same style of speech
20:02 What does this mean?
20:04 The message and call of the prophets, starting from the first prophet to the last prophet
20:10 Is the same message, there is no difference, no difference
20:16 "O my people, worship Allah because there is no God but Allah SWT"
20:23 So how can there be a Jewish people, a Christian people, who are slaves
20:30 While all these messages, the message of Nabi Musa AS is clear
20:34 The same, calling to Tauhid, the message of Nabi Isa AS is clear
20:39 Calling to Tauhid, even Nabi Isa AS himself
20:42 We remember, it is mentioned in Surah Al-Ma'idah, "for him will be asked by Allah SWT on the Day of Judgment, why was he worshipped by a human being?"
20:51 Why?
20:52 And of course, Nabi Isa AS will answer, Nabi Isa AS will say what is commanded to him, which is "Worship Allah"
20:59 "Worship Allah"
21:00 "Tauhid" is a message that crosses the boundary and crosses time
21:07 It starts from the beginning of the prophet's decision to the Day of Judgment
21:12 "There is no God for you except Allah SWT"
21:18 This is the real truth, which the majority of people do not understand
21:23 That actually, why do we need to worship Allah SWT?
21:28 Why do we need to take Allah as our God?
21:30 Because there is no other God
21:32 Where is the other God?
21:34 I recently heard, I opened YouTube and I heard there is an academician, but not a Muslim
21:40 He is telling about Bani Israel
21:43 He said, Bani Israel are the chosen people
21:47 And why do they need to worship Allah?
21:52 Because Allah is their God
21:55 He said that
21:56 Allah is their God, but Allah is not God for other nations
22:00 Oh, for them only?
22:01 He said, Bani Israel need to worship Allah because they are chosen by Allah
22:08 Other nations can worship other gods because they are chosen by other gods
22:13 Do you see?
22:14 This is all a lie
22:16 Actually, the academician himself, but he is not a Muslim
22:21 He himself is deceived by the devil's deception
22:25 Because in reality, because it is clear in the Quran
22:28 In reality, there is no other god than you
22:34 It does not mean that we need to worship Allah and other people can worship other gods
22:37 There is no God
22:38 Tawheed is the reality
22:40 Shirk is a lie
22:44 Shirk is a deceit
22:46 Tawheed is a lie
22:48 "Say, O my people, worship Allah. There is no god but Allah"
22:53 When we say that we worship Allah, we need to have proof and deny
22:56 We know this
22:58 Proof that Allah is the only God
23:00 And deny that we deny the divinity to this false god
23:04 "All of this has come to you as a proof"
23:11 Why is this a proof?
23:13 This proof will correct the miracle or correct the Dawah of Prophet S.A.W. from your God
23:20 Is this proof, my dear viewers, before we talk about the proof
23:24 Let us first look at the choice of words today
23:28 The choice of words today is
23:32 "Fadharuha"
23:34 Or if we say the original word is "Wadara"
23:37 In the verse "Fadharuha ta'kul fi ardillah"
23:41 Which means "Leave" or "Leave"
23:44 It is mentioned 45 times in the Quran
23:49 It is also mentioned "Wadaril ladhi nayul hidu"
23:52 "Leave them"
23:54 Among the Surahs that contain this word
23:57 Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 278
24:02 Surah Hud, verse 64
24:05 And also Surah Yusuf, verse 47
24:08 But the word "Fadharuha"
24:09 Is it thick or thin?
24:12 Yes, if we follow the line "Fadharu"
24:15 "Fadharu" is the lower case "ruh"
24:17 Which means in the plural form of "ruh"
24:19 Which is the upper case "tafri"
24:20 So it is a combination of the two
24:21 "Fadharu"
24:22 Many people I feel read it as
24:24 "Fadharuha ta'kul fi ardillah"
24:27 "Aryu"
24:28 Yes, they read it as "aryu"
24:30 "Fadharuha"
24:31 So if we follow the correct pronunciation
24:33 It is "Fadharuha"
24:35 So dear viewers, we learn
24:37 What does "Fadharuha" mean
24:39 In the same time, the way of reading
24:41 Must be given the correct pronunciation
24:43 "Fadharuha"
24:44 So that is our choice words
24:46 I think if you collect our choice words
24:48 From the first episode until today
24:50 InshaAllah you can speak Arabic
24:52 Subhanallah
24:54 "Qad ja'atkum bayyinatum mirrabikum"
24:57 "There has come to you a proof that justifies my da'wah"
25:02 What is that proof?
25:04 And how is it
25:06 The request of the people of Prophet S.A.W.
25:08 Towards Prophet S.A.W.
25:09 We will tell all of this in a moment
25:11 Don't go anywhere
25:12 Because after this we have a segment
25:14 "Tajweed" is very important
25:16 We will meet again in "My Quran Time"
25:18 Quran, prayer and sacrifice
25:20 "And make it for us a proof, O Lord of the worlds"
25:49 "My Quran Time"
26:08 "My Quran Time"
26:12 "My Quran Time"
26:26 "My Quran Time"
26:54 The Jews have many tombs
26:56 So the Prophet S.A.W. cannot enter
26:58 The Muslim soldiers cannot enter
27:00 At the end the Prophet S.A.W. said
27:02 "I will give this flag to a man who will pass through the tombs of Khaybar"
27:11 "And he is a man who is loved by Allah and His Messenger"
27:15 So all the companions were asking
27:17 Who is the man that the Prophet S.A.W. praised
27:19 Who is loved by Allah and His Messenger
27:21 If I am not mistaken in the narration
27:23 The Prophet S.A.W. was trying to lift himself up
27:25 Or to tie himself up
27:27 So that the Prophet S.A.W. can see him first
27:29 So that the Prophet S.A.W. can see him first
27:31 But when all the companions were gathered
27:33 The Prophet S.A.W. said "Aina Ali"
27:35 Where is Saidina Ali?
27:37 If I am not mistaken, at that time
27:39 "Istakha bi Aynai"
27:41 Saidina Ali was having an eye problem
27:43 So the Prophet S.A.W. put the eye patch on him
27:45 And Saidina Ali was the one who held the flag
27:47 He went towards the Khaybar army
27:49 Or towards the Khaybar tomb
27:51 Which was closed by the hardline Muslim army
27:53 And made it for us a proof
28:00 O Lord of the worlds
28:12 The Prophet S.A.W.
28:17 Fighting without giving up
28:22 The waves of suffering never stop
28:28 The calmness of this place is irreplaceable
28:35 This is the way of the warrior
28:44 At night, like a deer in the forest
28:50 He is cut by the tears of his eyes
28:56 At day, like a lion in the jungle
29:02 He is angry, he is afraid, he is a traitor
29:10 It is good to fight
29:15 Because heaven is sweet
29:21 Not a little expensive that needs to be paid
29:28 Not a little pain that is called
29:37 The Sunnah of the warrior
29:40 By our brothers in Hijaz
29:42 Telling the verse that was shared by the Prophet S.A.W.
29:48 About the story of Prophet S.A.W.
29:55 Meaning, for the tribe of Prophet Thamud
29:58 Prophet S.A.W. was sent
30:00 But as said by the Prophet S.A.W.
30:03 Usually, if the closest person is the one who is healthy
30:05 It is easy for us to accept
30:07 Because we already know him
30:10 If you say the people of Banting, very close
30:13 He is close, so it is easy for him to accept
30:17 But it doesn't seem like it for the tribe of Prophet S.A.W.
30:21 I think there is more
30:24 I don't know what to say
30:27 So, ladies and gentlemen, I can't wait
30:30 But we want to take a break for a while
30:32 For our segment of Tajweed in this episode
30:35 There are a few sentences because the verse is quite long
30:39 The sentences that we want to share
30:41 Let's look at the first one
30:43 (Reciting)
31:04 (Reciting)
31:14 Alhamdulillah, good
31:16 (Reciting)
31:19 The tip of our tongue is a bit out, right?
31:21 (Reciting)
31:28 Then, be careful with the last one
31:30 Because there is a half letter that is read thinly
31:32 (Reciting)
31:37 Don't do that
31:39 (Reciting)
31:41 Try
31:42 (Reciting)
31:48 Good, the last letter is "Ha"
31:50 We stop at "Saleha"
31:53 We stop at "Saleha"
31:55 "Han" can be a "ma"
31:57 (Reciting)
31:58 How many people?
32:00 (Reciting)
32:02 Don't do that
32:04 It's too long
32:05 Now, the "Kunuk" is too long
32:07 It means "Kunuk" for "Falseh"
32:09 (Reciting)
32:11 The kids are making fun of us
32:13 "Kunuk" is too long or too short?
32:15 So, be careful
32:17 (Reciting)
32:22 Be careful
32:23 Sometimes, we want to try
32:25 When we want to learn Taranum
32:28 We read it too much
32:30 Even though we don't read it in a "Munjawat" way
32:32 We read it in "Muratal" way
32:33 Sometimes, it can be too long or too short
32:35 (Reciting)
32:41 Wow, it's too long
32:44 So, there are only two movements
32:46 Then
32:47 (Reciting)
33:03 Alhamdulillah
33:04 In this verse, we find two letters "Kaf"
33:07 One is "Qala"
33:08 Try
33:09 (Reciting)
33:14 Then, we find another letter "Kaf"
33:18 Which has "Waw"
33:20 (Reciting)
33:24 Sometimes, when there is a "Waw" letter
33:27 Which is "Sukun" and "Kaf"
33:29 It becomes "Kalaya Kaumi"
33:32 "Kaumi"
33:33 Right?
33:34 (Reciting)
33:46 The "Mi" sound is more clear
33:47 When we put the "Ain" letter
33:49 (Reciting)
33:51 It becomes "Mek"
33:52 I don't know why
33:54 It becomes "Mek"
33:56 There are many readers of this verse
33:58 So, we have to be careful
34:00 (Reciting)
34:06 Try
34:07 (Reciting)
34:14 MashaAllah
34:15 So, that's two
34:16 We have one more
34:17 The word of our choice
34:19 Which is
34:21 (Reciting)
34:29 Let's try
34:31 (Reciting)
34:38 Okay
34:39 That's one of the words of our choice
34:41 Okay
34:42 One more time
34:43 (Reciting)
34:49 Please
34:50 (Reciting)
34:57 Our focus is on the "Mi" letter
34:59 Which is "Mim"
35:00 (Reciting)
35:02 Try
35:03 (Reciting)
35:06 Then, the "Min" letter
35:07 "Min"
35:08 "Min"
35:09 "I"
35:10 The "Min" letter is "Hamzah"
35:11 Be careful
35:12 Don't go there
35:13 Or don't
35:14 What is it?
35:16 Don't hold it
35:17 (Reciting)
35:21 Oh my
35:22 It's time to read the eye patch
35:24 (Reciting)
35:28 I forgot
35:29 Sometimes, people make mistakes
35:30 They make mistakes
35:31 It becomes "Minailah"
35:32 It becomes "Hidup"
35:33 Yes, it becomes "Hidup"
35:34 (Reciting)
35:38 It's like I said
35:39 It's like I have experience
35:40 The experience of listening
35:42 Yes
35:43 SubhanAllah
35:44 So, be careful
35:45 Don't make a mistake
35:46 Or make a mistake
35:47 From the letters after "Nun"
35:49 For example
35:50 (Reciting)
35:56 Please
35:57 (Reciting)
36:04 Alright
36:05 This verse is long
36:06 We want to try to memorize it
36:07 Look at some of the words
36:09 Try
36:10 (Reciting)
36:18 Please
36:19 (Reciting)
36:26 Confirm
36:27 Do you remember this?
36:28 One more time
36:29 (Reciting)
36:36 Please
36:37 (Reciting)
36:44 Close your eyes
36:45 1, 2, 3
36:46 (Reciting)
36:53 Open your eyes
36:54 Alhamdulillah
36:56 Open the other Alams
36:58 SubhanAllah
36:59 Don't take too long
37:01 That's okay
37:02 (Reciting)
37:10 Please
37:11 (Reciting)
37:29 Say it again
37:30 (Reciting)
37:43 It's easy
37:44 (Reciting)
37:46 O my people
37:48 Don't
37:49 Sambahlak Allah
37:50 Sometimes the meaning
37:51 When we write it
37:52 We draw it
37:54 (Reciting)
37:55 When we want to memorize
37:56 We have memorized
37:57 We salute
37:58 (Reciting)
37:59 It will be a strong memorization
38:01 For how we strengthen our memorization
38:05 Or help us
38:06 For our memorization
38:07 Try again
38:08 (Reciting)
38:15 Please
38:16 (Reciting)
38:23 Continue
38:24 Call
38:25 1, 2, 3
38:26 (Reciting)
38:38 MashaAllah
38:39 Alhamdulillah
38:40 He looks like this
38:41 (Makes noise)
38:42 On the screen
38:44 It's okay
38:45 I just repeated it twice
38:46 I didn't get it
38:47 Yes
38:48 No problem
38:49 The important thing
38:50 We try
38:51 And after this
38:52 In the evening
38:53 Or at night
38:54 What was the verse?
38:55 We can repeat the study
38:56 Look at the Tajweed
38:57 Then what does it mean
38:58 And so on
38:59 Try to memorize
39:00 InshaAllah
39:01 Hopefully
39:02 Allah SWT has made it easier
39:03 And give us the spirit
39:04 To help together with Al-Quran
39:06 Ameen
39:07 Ya Rabbal 'Alamin
39:08 And wherever we want to continue
39:09 After this
39:10 Take a break
39:11 Of course, we will be back
39:12 After this
39:13 In Main Quran Time
39:14 Quran, prayer and
39:15 Infah
39:16 Oh, there is a time too
39:17 (Music)
39:46 (Music)
40:10 (Music)
40:39 (Music)
40:50 This is the story
40:52 That we have to plant
40:53 In our family too
40:54 Do you remember the hadith
40:55 That Rasulullah said
40:56 (Recites hadith)
40:58 Rasulullah said
40:59 Allah SWT has mercy
41:00 On a man
41:01 Who stands up all night
41:03 Then he wakes up his wife
41:05 If his wife
41:06 Is hard to wake up
41:07 In the hadith
41:08 It is called
41:09 (Recites hadith)
41:10 It means
41:11 He is pampered
41:12 With his wife
41:13 So that she wakes up
41:14 All night
41:15 Like that
41:16 If my father
41:17 He pours water
41:18 On the bowl
41:19 It means
41:20 He is half-full
41:21 Half-full
41:22 He pours water
41:23 If the man
41:24 It means
41:25 He can still work
41:26 Hopefully
41:27 He wakes up
41:28 It means
41:29 Why?
41:30 Rasulullah prays
41:31 Allah's mercy
41:32 Rasulullah said
41:33 (Recites hadith)
41:34 Allah SWT has mercy
41:35 On a man
41:36 Who stands up all night
41:37 Then he wakes up
41:38 His wife
41:39 Then he wakes up
41:40 His son
41:41 That is why
41:42 We should pay attention
41:43 To how
41:44 Saidina Umar
41:45 Saidina Abu Hurairah
41:46 The people who
41:47 Slept in their house
41:48 Can pay attention
41:49 That they are the companions
41:50 Who stand up all night
41:51 Then he wakes up
41:52 The family
41:53 With his power
41:54 (Recites hadith)
41:56 (Recites hadith)
41:58 (Recites hadith)
42:00 (Recites hadith)
42:02 (Recites hadith)
42:04 (Recites hadith)
42:06 (Recites hadith)
42:08 (Recites hadith)
42:10 (Recites hadith)
42:12 (Recites hadith)
42:14 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan
42:17 (Recites hadith)
42:18 (Recites hadith)
42:20 (Recites hadith)
42:22 (Recites hadith)
42:24 (Recites hadith)
42:26 (Recites hadith)
42:28 (Recites hadith)
42:30 (Recites hadith)
42:32 (Recites hadith)
42:34 (Recites hadith)
42:36 (Recites hadith)
42:38 (Recites hadith)
42:40 (Recites hadith)
42:42 (Recites hadith)
42:43 (Recites hadith)
42:45 (Recites hadith)
42:47 (Recites hadith)
42:49 (Recites hadith)
42:51 (Recites hadith)
42:53 (Recites hadith)
42:55 (Recites hadith)
42:57 (Recites hadith)
42:59 (Recites hadith)
43:01 (Recites hadith)
43:03 (Recites hadith)
43:05 (Recites hadith)
43:07 (Recites hadith)
43:10 (Recites hadith)
43:11 (Recites hadith)
43:13 (Recites hadith)
43:15 (Recites hadith)
43:17 (Recites hadith)
43:19 (Recites hadith)
43:21 (Recites hadith)
43:23 (Recites hadith)
43:25 (Recites hadith)
43:27 (Recites hadith)
43:29 (Recites hadith)
43:31 Alhamdulillah, we are back to My Quran Time, Quran Salat and Infaq.
43:37 We are still on the 73rd verse.
43:40 We have just learnt about some of the Tajweed laws that are contained in this verse.
43:45 (Recites hadith)
43:47 We have sent to the Samud people their own brother, Prophet Salih.
43:56 (Recites hadith)
44:01 (Recites hadith)
44:02 (Recites hadith)
44:04 (Recites hadith)
44:06 (Recites hadith)
44:08 (Recites hadith)
44:10 (Recites hadith)
44:12 (Recites hadith)
44:14 (Recites hadith)
44:16 (Recites hadith)
44:18 (Recites hadith)
44:20 (Recites hadith)
44:22 (Recites hadith)
44:24 (Recites hadith)
44:26 (Recites hadith)
44:28 (Recites hadith)
44:31 (Recites hadith)
44:32 (Recites hadith)
44:34 (Recites hadith)
44:36 (Recites hadith)
44:38 (Recites hadith)
44:40 (Recites hadith)
44:42 (Recites hadith)
44:44 (Recites hadith)
44:46 (Recites hadith)
44:48 (Recites hadith)
44:50 (Recites hadith)
44:52 (Recites hadith)
44:54 (Recites hadith)
44:56 (Recites hadith)
44:59 (Recites hadith)
45:00 (Recites hadith)
45:02 (Recites hadith)
45:04 (Recites hadith)
45:06 (Recites hadith)
45:08 (Recites hadith)
45:10 (Recites hadith)
45:12 (Recites hadith)
45:14 (Recites hadith)
45:16 (Recites hadith)
45:18 (Recites hadith)
45:20 (Recites hadith)
45:22 (Recites hadith)
45:24 (Recites hadith)
45:26 (Recites hadith)
45:28 (Recites hadith)
45:29 (Recites hadith)
45:31 (Recites hadith)
45:33 (Recites hadith)
45:35 (Recites hadith)
45:37 (Recites hadith)
45:39 (Recites hadith)
45:41 (Recites hadith)
45:43 (Recites hadith)
45:45 (Recites hadith)
45:47 (Recites hadith)
45:49 (Recites hadith)
45:51 (Recites hadith)
45:53 (Recites hadith)
45:55 (Recites hadith)
45:57 (Recites hadith)
45:58 (Recites hadith)
46:00 (Recites hadith)
46:02 (Recites hadith)
46:04 (Recites hadith)
46:06 (Recites hadith)
46:08 (Recites hadith)
46:10 (Recites hadith)
46:12 (Recites hadith)
46:14 (Recites hadith)
46:16 (Recites hadith)
46:18 (Recites hadith)
46:20 (Recites hadith)
46:22 (Recites hadith)
46:24 (Recites hadith)
46:26 (Recites hadith)
46:27 (Recites hadith)
46:29 (Recites hadith)
46:31 (Recites hadith)
46:33 (Recites hadith)
46:35 (Recites hadith)
46:37 (Recites hadith)
46:39 (Recites hadith)
46:41 (Recites hadith)
46:43 (Recites hadith)
46:45 (Recites hadith)
46:47 (Recites hadith)
46:49 (Recites hadith)
46:51 (Recites hadith)
46:53 (Recites hadith)
46:55 (Recites hadith)
46:56 (Recites hadith)
46:58 (Recites hadith)
47:00 (Recites hadith)
47:02 (Recites hadith)
47:04 (Recites hadith)
47:06 (Recites hadith)
47:08 (Recites hadith)
47:10 (Recites hadith)
47:12 (Recites hadith)
47:14 (Recites hadith)
47:16 (Recites hadith)
47:18 (Recites hadith)
47:20 (Recites hadith)
47:22 (Recites hadith)
47:24 (Recites hadith)
47:25 (Recites hadith)
47:27 (Recites hadith)
47:29 (Recites hadith)
47:31 (Recites hadith)
47:33 (Recites hadith)
47:35 (Recites hadith)
47:37 (Recites hadith)
47:39 (Recites hadith)
47:41 (Recites hadith)
47:43 (Recites hadith)
47:45 (Recites hadith)
47:47 (Recites hadith)
47:49 (Recites hadith)
47:51 (Recites hadith)
47:53 (Recites hadith)
47:54 (Recites hadith)
47:56 (Recites hadith)
47:58 (Recites hadith)
48:00 (Recites hadith)
48:02 (Recites hadith)
48:04 (Recites hadith)
48:06 (Recites hadith)
48:08 (Recites hadith)
48:10 (Recites hadith)
48:12 (Recites hadith)
48:14 (Recites hadith)
48:16 (Recites hadith)
48:18 (Recites hadith)
48:20 (Recites hadith)
48:22 (Recites hadith)
48:23 (Recites hadith)
48:25 (Recites hadith)
48:27 (Recites hadith)
48:29 (Recites hadith)
48:31 (Recites hadith)
48:33 (Recites hadith)
48:35 (Recites hadith)
48:37 (Recites hadith)
48:39 (Recites hadith)
48:41 (Recites hadith)
48:43 (Recites hadith)
48:45 (Recites hadith)
48:47 (Recites hadith)
48:49 (Recites hadith)
48:51 (Recites hadith)
48:52 (Recites hadith)
48:54 (Recites hadith)
48:56 (Recites hadith)
48:58 (Recites hadith)
49:00 (Recites hadith)
49:02 (Recites hadith)
49:04 (Recites hadith)
49:06 (Recites hadith)
49:08 (Recites hadith)
49:10 (Recites hadith)
49:12 (Recites hadith)
49:14 (Recites hadith)
49:16 (Recites hadith)
49:18 (Recites hadith)
49:20 (Recites hadith)
49:21 (Recites hadith)
49:23 (Recites hadith)
49:25 (Recites hadith)
49:27 (Recites hadith)
49:29 (Recites hadith)
49:31 (Recites hadith)
49:33 (Recites hadith)
49:35 (Recites hadith)
49:37 (Recites hadith)
49:39 (Recites hadith)
49:41 (Recites hadith)
49:43 (Recites hadith)
49:45 (Recites hadith)
49:47 (Recites hadith)
49:49 Allah SWT sometimes brings out miracles according to the requests of the disbelievers.
49:54 This is also what happened in the time of the Prophet SAW,
49:58 where the disbelievers of Quraysh asked the Prophet SAW to divide the moon.
50:03 And the Prophet SAW divided the moon.
50:05 That is what is mentioned in the verse,
50:06 (Recites hadith)
50:08 Which is, the day of judgement is near and the moon has been divided.
50:12 But the problem with Allah SWT making miracles as requested,
50:18 is that if we do not believe in the miracle,
50:21 there is a high possibility that punishment will come after that.
50:24 I remember a verse in Surah Al-Ma'idah,
50:26 where the followers of the Prophet SAW asked,
50:29 (Recites hadith)
50:31 Remember?
50:32 The food came from the sky.
50:34 What did the Prophet SAW say?
50:36 What did Allah SWT say after that?
50:38 (Recites hadith)
50:40 I will put down the food as you requested.
50:47 But whoever disbelieves,
50:49 I will punish him with a punishment that I have never punished anyone else.
50:53 Allah SWT gave this camel to the Prophet SAW,
50:56 but the danger is that if you are a disbeliever,
50:59 there is no room for repentance for you.
51:01 (Recites hadith)
51:04 So, what can we learn from this verse?
51:09 Actually, there are many things we can learn.
51:11 One of them is to appreciate the miracles given by Allah SWT.
51:16 Allah SWT gave the camel to the followers of the Prophet SAW.
51:20 The Prophet SAW said, "Appreciate the miracle.
51:22 Take good care of it.
51:23 Do not hurt it."
51:25 Allah SWT gave us the miracle of Al-Quran.
51:29 Appreciate the miracle of Al-Quran.
51:31 Do not hurt Al-Quran by taking advantage of it.
51:35 Give the right to Al-Quran.
51:37 Approach yourself to Al-Quran.
51:39 If we do not appreciate Al-Quran,
51:42 if we do not approach ourselves to Al-Quran,
51:44 it is as if we are being threatened.
51:46 Not only threatened,
51:47 if we are threatened, we are afraid of being punished.
51:49 We are threatened just like the people of the Prophet SAW
51:51 who do not appreciate the miracle given by Allah SWT.
51:55 Alhamdulillah, our discussion for this episode is over.
51:58 I will hand over to Al-Fadhil Ustaz.
52:00 Please proceed.
52:01 Thank you, Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dr. Arif.
52:03 As usual, before we end our session this time,
52:07 it would be better if Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dr. Arif
52:10 would like to say something first.
52:12 Perhaps it is our resolution for this episode.
52:14 Oh yes, resolution.
52:15 Please proceed.
52:16 It is so fun to talk about camel.
52:18 I thought it was camel meat.
52:19 I immediately forgot about the resolution.
52:21 It is alright.
52:22 Dr. Al-Fadhil Ustaz Dr. Arif,
52:23 may Allah SWT bless you.
52:24 Our resolution for today,
52:25 what we can learn from it.
52:26 First, we must be sincere in our worship
52:28 only because of Allah SWT.
52:30 Second, we must deliver the da'wah with firmness
52:32 and also with full tenderness.
52:34 Third, we must not be cruel
52:36 and disturb the livestock without a reason.
52:40 This is our lesson, ladies and gentlemen.
52:42 May Allah SWT give us benefit.
52:43 Inshallah.
52:44 Let's pray together.
52:47 (prayer in Arabic)
53:02 (prayer in Arabic)
53:17 (prayer in Arabic)
53:39 (prayer in Arabic)
53:48 (prayer in Arabic)
53:51 May our prayers be accepted by Allah SWT.
53:54 May Allah SWT always
53:56 soften our hearts,
53:57 facilitate us,
53:58 so that we continue to contribute
54:01 in the movement of the Quran.
54:04 So that we continue to expand the Quranic teachings.
54:06 So that we continue to revive the generation of the Quran,
54:09 the atmosphere of the Quran
54:10 with various programs that are planned and arranged.
54:13 May Allah SWT facilitate it.
54:16 Inshallah.
54:17 Jemput untuk semua ibu ayah,
54:18 ladies and gentlemen,
54:19 and all the audience.
54:20 Let's all imarahkan ta'abung gerakan al-Quran.
54:23 Insha'Allah.
54:24 Thank you very much.
54:25 Jazakumullah khairul jazak.
54:26 To the kind doctor,
54:28 Ustaz Dr. Muhammad Arif,
54:29 for this episode.
54:30 Insha'Allah we will discuss again
54:32 the following verses
54:33 in 'Main Quran Time'.
54:35 Don't miss it.
54:36 To come to our show again,
54:37 Insha'Allah.
54:38 Ladies and gentlemen,
54:39 we will meet again
54:40 in the next episode,
54:41 the next verse.
54:42 Certainly in 'Main Quran Time'
54:43 Quran Salat.
54:45 Infaq.
54:46 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
54:48 What else?
54:50 Allahumma arhamna bilquran
54:58 wa aj'al lana imaman wa nuran
55:05 wa hudan wa rahman
55:10 Allahumma dhakirna
55:15 minhuma naseena
55:19 wa allina minhuma jaheena
55:28 waruzukna tilawatahu
55:35 ana'al layli wa aqrafan naam
55:47 [Music]
56:06 [Music]
