• 2 years ago
Chicken purrs like cat when woman says I love you
00:00 I talk to her all day long.
00:01 I love you.
00:03 And she replies back to me.
00:05 I love you.
00:08 I'm Ashley and this is Tina's story for GeoBeats.
00:11 I think you're sweet.
00:14 Love you.
00:16 Love you.
00:17 My favorite bonding time with her is golden hour.
00:20 You're a good girl.
00:22 When the sun's going down, she'll jump on the couch with me
00:25 and start dust bathing on top of me.
00:28 She'll nap on my body, like my shoulder or my hip.
00:31 And there's always a lot of purring involved.
00:33 If she's quiet, you can tell she's
00:35 content by how she winces her eyes and blinks super slowly.
00:39 Sometimes if I'm petting her and she's not ready for me to stop,
00:43 then I'll hear her make a groan, basically asking me,
00:46 where's your hand?
00:47 One of her best traits is she's a protector,
00:55 always aware of what birds might be flying around,
00:58 even through the windows.
00:59 She alerts when she sees one.
01:01 She's like a dinosaur cat.
01:03 This girl can't resist shiny things.
01:09 A smile a little too wide.
01:11 I'm at risk for my teeth to be pecked too,
01:14 because eyes are also shiny.
01:16 She might be interested in pecking them.
01:19 I think she knows her name.
01:20 Hey, teeth.
01:22 One of the ways that she tells me that she loves me
01:24 is by preening my hair.
01:26 That's how chickens clean their chicken friends.
01:28 They gather some of the oil from the oil
01:30 gland at the base of their feathers
01:32 and run their beat through the feathers to remove pests,
01:35 dirt, make them more waterproof.
01:37 Do you think you could be a little more gentle?
01:39 She's a little clumsy with her feet.
01:41 If she gets a little too close to my scalp,
01:43 I'll be like, no, and make it exaggerated and goofy sounding.
01:48 Good girl.
01:49 I feel like that's something my generation has noticed,
01:51 is that people older than us, they
01:52 yelled at us when we were growing up,
01:54 and they yelled at their animals.
01:55 And we don't want to do that.
01:56 So I try to put on a goofy voice so it grabs her attention.
02:00 You're a good woman.
02:01 One odd thing that she loves is the QR codes
02:04 and the barcodes on the boxes.
02:06 She loves pecking at those.
02:08 That's dirty laundry, baby.
02:10 She's very soft and very warm.
02:12 If I touch her skin, it feels super soft and warm
02:16 and like a little gooey.
02:18 Maybe that's a weird way to say it.
02:19 You're sweet.
02:21 She's adopted.
02:22 I saw a post for her from a woman who
02:23 was downsizing her backyard flock.
02:26 She didn't explain to me why she wanted to get rid of Tina.
02:29 I've brought her to work before, and I've snuck her on the train
02:32 to travel with me.
02:34 If I leave the room, then she starts screaming.
02:37 And that means, come get me.
02:39 I can't find you.
02:40 So then I go and grab her and bring her to where I am.
02:43 And then she's happy and content and quiet.
02:46 In the case of the chicken, there's
02:47 sometimes the expectation that they provide eggs.
02:50 Hi, sweet baby.
02:52 I tell her, I love you because you exist,
02:54 because her existence is all that I expect of her.
03:03 (upbeat music)
03:05 (upbeat music)
