President Diaz-Canel meets with palestinian student representatives

  • last year
The president of Cuba Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez made this Friday with more than 150 Cuban Palestinian students.


00:00 The president of Cuba, Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, met this Friday with more than 150
00:06 Cuban and Palestinian students.
00:07 The international students day was specially dedicated to solidarity with the Palestinian
00:12 cause.
00:13 The Cuban president listened attentively to the testimonies of the Palestinian students
00:18 who described the horror that their relatives are living in the Gaza Strip.
00:23 This is not a war against the 2.2 million Palestinians living in the Gaza Strip, nor
00:28 against the Palestinian people in general.
00:30 This is a war against humanity, against human rights, against the collective consciousness,
00:35 against the values and principles of civilizations, against morality.
00:42 I lost more than 40 members of my family in 40 days, including my cousin who was going
00:52 to buy bread and when he returned home on the way, the street was bombed.
00:59 My family had to leave to the south.
01:01 I was in my aunt's house when the mosque next door was bombed.
01:07 After listening to the moving stories, Díaz-Canel thanked the pupils for their words and promised
01:13 them that Cuba will continue to stand by the Palestinian cause as it has been historically.
01:22 Before you today, dear Palestinian students, we wish to reiterate Cuba's principled position
01:26 in favor of a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
01:35 on the basis of two states, allowing the Palestinian people to exercise their right to self-determination
01:40 and to have a free and sovereign state on the pre-1967 borders, which each Jerusalem
01:52 as its capital, and guaranteeing the right of return of the refugees.
01:57 That is why we will fight along your side.
02:01 The Cuban president also reminded young Palestinians that they represent the future of their countries
02:09 and that Cuba will help them to graduate in different specialties.
02:18 We condemn in the most energetic terms the genocide of Israel.
02:21 You studied in Cuba, represent the Palestine, and we will be with you so that you can fulfill
02:26 your dreams and in the future you can support your country more.
02:31 Finally, President Díaz-Canel invited the students to participate in a cantata in the
02:37 Revolution Square in solidarity with Palestine.
02:41 There, with a novelist as a stage that welcomed the flags of Cuba and Palestine, Cuban troubadours,
02:47 intellectuals, and actors offered their art and condemned the genocide of the Israeli
02:52 army on the inhabitants of the Gaza Strip and called for a ceasefire.
03:05 Irma Chelton, Telesur, La Habana.
