Episod 393 My #Qurantime Rabu 15 September 2021 Surah Al-Kahf (18:28-34) Halaman 297

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Episod 393 My #Qurantime Rabu 15 September 2021 Surah Al-Kahf (18:28-34) Halaman 297
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02:55 Let us see what the summary of the synopsis of page 297 is.
03:01 In verses 28 to 31, we will see the guidance for the Prophet SAW and also the people of the Prophet to always read the Quran,
03:10 be patient towards the poor poor people, and show proof of truth only from Allah SWT and what is the reward to those who follow, to those who do not follow.
03:22 Then we will go to the second story, in Surah Al-Kahfi, the story of the owner of two gardens and the example for the rich who are empowered by the wealth of the followers and the poor who are proud of their faith, with the belief that is held.
03:38 How can we learn together?
03:41 We start first, our gathering today with our short prayer, "Subhanakala ilmalana illa ma'allamtana innaka antal 'alimul hakim rabbi zidni ilma"
03:53 "O Allah, increase the knowledge for us, God willing"
03:58 So we start together with verses 28 to 30, led by Ustaz Tirmiziyat Ali.
04:03 Thank you Ustaz Fazrul, dear viewers and friends of Al-Quran, Alhamdulillah we are grateful and fortunate today to be given the opportunity by Allah SWT to learn and study Surah Al-Kahfi,
04:18 which is a Sunnah for us to read every night or on Friday.
04:23 Hopefully the Surah that we always read, Alhamdulillah by Quran Time, reading Al-Furham Aman,
04:29 will lead us to learn the stories of Surah Al-Kahfi, which is so interesting to learn,
04:41 and the teachings that are found in this great Surah, which is a blessing, God willing.
04:48 Alright, we will read verses 28 to 30, together with Alunan Jaharkah, God willing,
04:59 hopefully we will be able to complete the first three verses, God willing.
05:04 I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan, in the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
05:11 وَاصْبِرْ نَفْسَكَ مَعَ الَّذِينَ يَدَعُونَ رَبَّهُمْ بِالْغَدَاةِ وَالْعَشِيِّ يُرِيدُونَ وَجْهَةٍ
05:28 وَلَا تَعْدُ عَيْنَكَ عَنْهُمْ تُرِيدُ زِينَةَ الْحَيَاةِ الدُّنْيَا
05:40 وَلَا تُطِعْ مَنْ أَغْفَلْنَا قَلْبَهُ عَنْ ذِكْرِنَا وَاتَّبَعَ هَوَاهُ وَكَانَ أَمْرُهُ فُرُطًا
06:04 وَقُلِ الْحَقُّ مِنْ رَبِّكُمْ فَمَنْ شَاءَ فَلْيُؤْمِنُوا وَمَنْ شَاءَ فَلْيَكْفُرُوا
06:26 إِنَّا أَعْتَدْنَا لِلظَّالِمِينَ نَارًا أَحَاطَ بِهِمْ سُرَادِقُهَا
06:42 وَإِنْ يَسْتَغِيثُوا يُغَاثُوا بِمَاءٍ كَالْمُهْلِ يَشْوِي الْوُجُوهِ بِئْسَ الشَّرَابُ وَسَاءَتْ مُرْتَفَقًا
07:10 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ إِنَّا لَا نُضِيعُ أَجْرَ مَنْ أَحْسَنَ عَمَلًا
07:35 صَدَقَ اللَّهُ الْعَظِيمُ
07:40 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
07:42 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
08:02 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
08:24 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
08:36 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
09:02 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
09:22 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
09:46 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
10:12 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
10:40 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
10:50 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
11:10 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
11:30 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
11:56 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
12:10 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
12:38 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
13:04 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
13:32 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
13:40 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
14:02 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
14:30 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
14:58 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
15:26 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
15:54 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
16:14 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
16:42 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
17:02 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
17:28 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
17:50 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
18:18 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
18:31 إِنَّ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ
18:45 إِنَّا لَا نُضِيعُ أَجْرَ مَنْ أَحْسَنَ عَمَلًا
19:00 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
19:02 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
19:03 سُرَقَ اللَّهُ الْنُزِيمُ
19:31 إِنَّا لَا نُضِيعُ أَجْرَ مَنْ أَحْسَنَ عَمَلًا
19:34 Allah will not waste.
19:36 Allah will not waste.
19:37 So Allah starts by giving a warning to people who play with the truth.
19:44 Playing with the truth is one thing, it is arrogant and another thing, it is degrading to others.
19:50 This is what we do not want to build that culture in the society
19:54 and this Surah Al-Kahfi is very serious about this matter.
19:58 Sometimes people do not want to be VIP, but the people below are the ones who raise it up and put it back.
20:07 And if the person above asks, then the person above must read this Surah Al-Kahfi.
20:14 He knows that if I ask more, I want to be respected more,
20:20 if I get more here, I will get more there.
20:25 One punishment, that face will be put with hot water like oil.
20:32 Why? Because they want to be respected excessively,
20:37 whereas that is not what is needed in this life.
20:41 What is needed is how I, a VIP, can have more faith,
20:46 build people who have faith and do more good deeds,
20:50 help the people below, make things easier, not more troublesome.
20:56 So this brings us to our choice words today, let us see.
21:00 That is the word 'ada' or 'adawa'
21:05 'melangkau', 'melanggar' or 'melampau'.
21:08 It is mentioned 106 times in the Al-Quran
21:11 and this is the term Allah has stated in the 28th verse.
21:15 [Al-Quran 28 times]
21:20 Do not be excessively, do not like the worldly life,
21:24 status, wealth, etc.
21:28 If we want, it should be put for the sake of religion,
21:33 not to be out of religion,
21:35 so that we look down on the poor,
21:39 look down on the unworthy,
21:42 and we prioritize the elite.
21:46 This is how we maintain our religion at the end of times,
21:49 not only by doing zikr alone,
21:52 but we must also maintain our relationship with the people of this world.
21:58 Do not look at the world, but look at the religion.
22:02 Let us take a short break,
22:04 we will return to see what is the importance,
22:06 if we all maintain our faith and do good deeds.
22:10 Al-Quran time, baa chufaha ma'a man, insha'Allah.
22:14 [Music]
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23:37 [Arabic]
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24:33 Thank you to all of our friends who continue to play Quran time,
24:36 read Faham Aman,
24:37 we want to learn more about the Quran,
24:39 about the Kahfi,
24:40 and before that, we take a little Tajweed today,
24:43 we are in the discussion of the law of Maqsilah,
24:45 and in the verse of Surah Al-Muqasirah 2.97,
24:48 there are several places actually,
24:50 the law of Maqsilah Qasirah and Maqsilah Tawilah,
24:53 and we want to see examples for us to repeat the study.
24:56 Okay, in the first slide,
24:58 the example of Maqsilah Qasirah in Surah Al-Kahfi that we read earlier,
25:01 the 28th verse,
25:03 [Arabic]
25:05 the first verse that we read earlier,
25:07 [Arabic]
25:13 if we read it in continuation,
25:15 Maqsilah is read in continuation,
25:18 then the Haq Domey is extended,
25:21 [Arabic]
25:28 but if we stop,
25:29 [Arabic]
25:33 then it is not extended,
25:35 it is not explained or extended,
25:37 the Haq Domey,
25:39 for example, at the end of the 28th verse,
25:41 [Arabic]
25:46 Haq is the Haq Domey,
25:48 how is the imam Hafs' style in reading the Haq Domey or Maqsilah Qasirah,
25:54 the Haq must be between the two letters that are lined up,
26:00 if it is there,
26:01 [Arabic]
26:02 before Hu, there is Ra,
26:04 and it is lined up in front,
26:06 after Ha, Hu, what is there?
26:08 There is also a letter Fa,
26:10 it is lined up,
26:11 it does not matter which line,
26:12 but here it is lined up in front,
26:13 so the imam Hafs' style,
26:15 when the Haq Domey is between the two letters that are lined up,
26:19 then the Haq Domey is extended,
26:21 [Arabic]
26:25 like that,
26:26 then the 34th verse,
26:28 [Arabic]
26:35 Haq is between the two letters that are lined up,
26:39 that is the example of Maqsilah Qasirah,
26:41 we see the example of Maqsilah Tawilah in the verse that we will read later,
26:45 in the last verse, the 34th,
26:48 [Arabic]
27:02 Hu is read not in two movements,
27:05 but it is read in four and five movements,
27:07 why?
27:08 after the Haq Domey,
27:10 there is a letter Hamzah,
27:12 it is also included in the style of Madja'iz Mufasir,
27:16 the important thing is,
27:17 the Haq Domey is between the two letters that are lined up,
27:21 if after the Haq Domey, there is a letter Hamzah,
27:24 it will be extended,
27:25 with the four or five movements,
27:29 when it is extended,
27:30 [Arabic]
27:32 Thank you for answering,
27:33 to Ustaz Tirmizi,
27:35 the Maqsilah Qasirah,
27:37 Maqsilah Qasirah,
27:38 and this is one of the knowledge,
27:40 for us to improve,
27:42 our deeds,
27:43 reading the Quran,
27:44 Allah said in the 30th verse,
27:45 "People who believe and do good deeds,
27:48 [Arabic]
27:51 Allah will not waste,
27:53 even though it is small,
27:55 even though it is a little,
27:56 Allah will not waste,
27:57 you learn to improve,
27:59 little by little,
28:00 others do not know,
28:01 what is our progress with the Quran,
28:03 how Allah praised earlier,
28:05 in the 28th verse,
28:07 remember Allah in the morning and evening,
28:09 morning and evening,
28:10 means, especially when we are busy,
28:11 we still remember Allah,
28:12 with the Quran,
28:13 we read,
28:14 then we do zikr,
28:16 we do what,
28:17 the good deeds,
28:18 faith, we believe,
28:19 with this Quran,
28:20 we read,
28:21 and the good deeds,
28:22 we do the work,
28:23 cook,
28:24 work in the office,
28:25 but still,
28:26 we still,
28:27 put,
28:28 the zikr,
28:29 to Allah,
28:30 Allah will continue,
28:32 to repay with the reward,
28:34 and the reward of Allah,
28:35 is interesting,
28:36 and great,
28:37 not for the cheap,
28:38 want to know,
28:39 is it cheap or not,
28:40 we read the 31st verse,
28:42 until the 34th verse,
28:43 this is the reward,
28:44 the reward,
28:45 inshaAllah,
28:46 it is really,
28:47 ok, let's read,
28:48 the 31st verse,
28:49 and until the 34th,
28:51 to know,
28:52 what is the reward,
28:53 for the people who do good deeds,
28:55 and with the condition,
28:56 that they believe,
28:57 inshaAllah,
28:58 this is the reward,
28:59 for the people who do good deeds,
29:00 and with the condition,
29:01 that they believe,
29:02 inshaAllah,
29:03 this is the reward,
29:04 for the people who do good deeds,
29:05 and with the condition,
29:06 that they believe,
29:07 inshaAllah,
29:08 this is the reward,
29:09 for the people who do good deeds,
29:10 and with the condition,
29:11 that they believe,
29:12 inshaAllah,
29:13 this is the reward,
29:14 for the people who do good deeds,
29:15 and with the condition,
29:16 that they believe,
29:17 inshaAllah,
29:18 this is the reward,
29:19 for the people who do good deeds,
29:20 and with the condition,
29:21 that they believe,
29:22 inshaAllah,
29:23 this is the reward,
29:24 for the people who do good deeds,
29:25 and with the condition,
29:26 that they believe,
29:27 inshaAllah,
29:28 this is the reward,
29:29 for the people who do good deeds,
29:30 and with the condition,
29:31 that they believe,
29:32 inshaAllah,
29:33 this is the reward,
29:34 for the people who do good deeds,
29:35 and with the condition,
29:36 that they believe,
29:37 inshaAllah,
29:38 this is the reward,
29:39 for the people who do good deeds,
29:40 and with the condition,
29:41 that they believe,
29:42 inshaAllah,
29:43 this is the reward,
29:44 for the people who do good deeds,
29:45 and with the condition,
29:46 that they believe,
29:47 inshaAllah,
29:48 this is the reward,
29:49 for the people who do good deeds,
29:50 and with the condition,
29:51 that they believe,
29:52 inshaAllah,
29:53 this is the reward,
29:54 for the people who do good deeds,
29:55 and with the condition,
29:56 that they believe,
29:57 inshaAllah,
29:58 this is the reward,
29:59 for the people who do good deeds,
30:00 and with the condition,
30:01 that they believe,
30:02 inshaAllah,
30:03 this is the reward,
30:04 for the people who do good deeds,
30:05 and with the condition,
30:06 that they believe,
30:07 inshaAllah,
30:08 this is the reward,
30:09 for the people who do good deeds,
30:10 and with the condition,
30:11 that they believe,
30:12 inshaAllah,
30:13 this is the reward,
30:14 for the people who do good deeds,
30:15 and with the condition,
30:16 that they believe,
30:17 inshaAllah,
30:18 this is the reward,
30:19 for the people who do good deeds,
30:20 and with the condition,
30:21 that they believe,
30:22 inshaAllah,
30:23 this is the reward,
30:24 for the people who do good deeds,
30:25 and with the condition,
30:26 that they believe,
30:27 inshaAllah,
30:28 this is the reward,
30:29 for the people who do good deeds,
30:30 and with the condition,
30:31 that they believe,
30:32 inshaAllah,
30:33 this is the reward,
30:34 for the people who do good deeds,
30:35 and with the condition,
30:36 that they believe,
30:37 inshaAllah,
30:38 this is the reward,
30:39 for the people who do good deeds,
30:40 and with the condition,
30:41 that they believe,
30:42 inshaAllah,
30:43 this is the reward,
30:44 for the people who do good deeds,
30:45 and with the condition,
30:46 that they believe,
30:47 inshaAllah,
30:48 this is the reward,
30:49 for the people who do good deeds,
30:50 and with the condition,
30:51 that they believe,
30:52 inshaAllah,
30:53 this is the reward,
30:54 for the people who do good deeds,
30:55 and with the condition,
30:56 that they believe,
30:57 inshaAllah,
30:58 this is the reward,
30:59 for the people who do good deeds,
31:00 and with the condition,
31:01 that they believe,
31:02 inshaAllah,
31:03 this is the reward,
31:04 for the people who do good deeds,
31:05 and with the condition,
31:06 that they believe,
31:07 inshaAllah,
31:08 this is the reward,
31:09 for the people who do good deeds,
31:10 and with the condition,
31:11 that they believe,
31:12 inshaAllah,
31:13 this is the reward,
31:14 for the people who do good deeds,
31:15 and with the condition,
31:16 that they believe,
31:17 inshaAllah,
31:18 this is the reward,
31:19 for the people who do good deeds,
31:20 and with the condition,
31:21 that they believe,
31:22 inshaAllah,
31:23 this is the reward,
31:24 for the people who do good deeds,
31:25 and with the condition,
31:26 that they believe,
31:27 inshaAllah,
31:28 this is the reward,
31:29 for the people who do good deeds,
31:30 and with the condition,
31:31 that they believe,
31:32 inshaAllah,
31:33 this is the reward,
31:34 for the people who do good deeds,
31:35 and with the condition,
31:36 that they believe,
31:37 inshaAllah,
31:38 this is the reward,
31:39 for the people who do good deeds,
31:40 and with the condition,
31:41 that they believe,
31:42 inshaAllah,
31:43 this is the reward,
31:44 for the people who do good deeds,
31:45 and with the condition,
31:46 that they believe,
31:47 inshaAllah,
31:48 this is the reward,
31:49 for the people who do good deeds,
31:50 and with the condition,
31:51 that they believe,
31:52 inshaAllah,
31:53 this is the reward,
31:54 for the people who do good deeds,
31:55 and with the condition,
31:56 that they believe,
31:57 inshaAllah,
31:58 this is the reward,
31:59 for the people who do good deeds,
32:00 and with the condition,
32:01 that they believe,
32:02 inshaAllah,
32:03 this is the reward,
32:04 for the people who do good deeds,
32:05 and with the condition,
32:06 that they believe,
32:07 inshaAllah,
32:08 this is the reward,
32:09 for the people who do good deeds,
32:10 and with the condition,
32:11 that they believe,
32:12 inshaAllah,
32:13 this is the reward,
32:14 for the people who do good deeds,
32:15 and with the condition,
32:16 that they believe,
32:17 inshaAllah,
32:18 this is the reward,
32:19 for the people who do good deeds,
32:20 and with the condition,
32:21 that they believe,
32:22 inshaAllah,
32:23 this is the reward,
32:24 for the people who do good deeds,
32:25 and with the condition,
32:26 that they believe,
32:27 inshaAllah,
32:28 this is the reward,
32:29 for the people who do good deeds,
32:30 and with the condition,
32:31 that they believe,
32:32 inshaAllah,
32:33 this is the reward,
32:34 for the people who do good deeds,
32:35 and with the condition,
32:36 that they believe,
32:37 inshaAllah,
32:38 this is the reward,
32:39 for the people who do good deeds,
32:40 and with the condition,
32:41 that they believe,
32:42 inshaAllah,
32:43 this is the reward,
32:44 for the people who do good deeds,
32:45 and with the condition,
32:46 that they believe,
32:47 inshaAllah,
32:48 this is the reward,
32:49 for the people who do good deeds,
32:50 and with the condition,
32:51 that they believe,
32:52 inshaAllah,
32:53 this is the reward,
32:54 for the people who do good deeds,
32:55 and with the condition,
32:56 that they believe,
32:57 inshaAllah,
32:58 this is the reward,
32:59 for the people who do good deeds,
33:00 and with the condition,
33:01 that they believe,
33:02 inshaAllah,
33:03 this is the reward,
33:04 for the people who do good deeds,
33:05 and with the condition,
33:06 that they believe,
33:07 inshaAllah,
33:08 this is the reward,
33:09 for the people who do good deeds,
33:10 and with the condition,
33:11 that they believe,
33:12 inshaAllah,
33:13 this is the reward,
33:14 for the people who do good deeds,
33:15 and with the condition,
33:16 that they believe,
33:17 inshaAllah,
33:18 this is the reward,
33:19 for the people who do good deeds,
33:20 and with the condition,
33:21 that they believe,
33:22 inshaAllah,
33:23 this is the reward,
33:24 for the people who do good deeds,
33:25 and with the condition,
33:26 that they believe,
33:27 inshaAllah,
33:28 this is the reward,
33:29 for the people who do good deeds,
33:30 and with the condition,
33:31 that they believe,
33:32 inshaAllah,
33:33 this is the reward,
33:34 for the people who do good deeds,
33:35 and with the condition,
33:36 that they believe,
33:37 inshaAllah,
33:38 this is the reward,
33:39 for the people who do good deeds,
33:40 and with the condition,
33:41 that they believe,
33:42 inshaAllah,
33:43 this is the reward,
33:44 for the people who do good deeds,
33:45 and with the condition,
33:46 that they believe,
33:47 inshaAllah,
33:48 this is the reward,
33:49 for the people who do good deeds,
33:50 and with the condition,
33:51 that they believe,
33:52 inshaAllah,
33:53 this is the reward,
33:54 for the people who do good deeds,
33:55 and with the condition,
33:56 that they believe,
33:57 inshaAllah,
33:58 this is the reward,
33:59 for the people who do good deeds,
34:00 and with the condition,
34:01 that they believe,
34:02 inshaAllah,
34:03 this is the reward,
34:04 for the people who do good deeds,
34:05 and with the condition,
34:06 that they believe,
34:07 inshaAllah,
34:08 this is the reward,
34:09 for the people who do good deeds,
34:10 and with the condition,
34:11 that they believe,
34:12 inshaAllah,
34:13 this is the reward,
34:14 for the people who do good deeds,
34:15 and with the condition,
34:16 that they believe,
34:17 inshaAllah,
34:18 this is the reward,
34:19 for the people who do good deeds,
34:20 and with the condition,
34:21 that they believe,
34:22 inshaAllah,
34:23 this is the reward,
34:24 for the people who do good deeds,
34:25 and with the condition,
34:26 that they believe,
34:27 inshaAllah,
34:28 this is the reward,
34:29 for the people who do good deeds,
34:30 and with the condition,
34:31 that they believe,
34:32 inshaAllah,
34:33 this is the reward,
34:34 for the people who do good deeds,
34:35 and with the condition,
34:36 that they believe,
34:37 inshaAllah,
34:38 this is the reward,
34:39 for the people who do good deeds,
34:40 and with the condition,
34:41 that they believe,
34:42 inshaAllah,
34:43 this is the reward,
34:44 for the people who do good deeds,
34:45 and with the condition,
34:46 that they believe,
34:47 inshaAllah,
34:48 this is the reward,
34:49 for the people who do good deeds,
34:50 and with the condition,
34:51 that they believe,
34:52 inshaAllah,
34:53 this is the reward,
34:54 for the people who do good deeds,
34:55 and with the condition,
34:56 that they believe,
34:57 inshaAllah,
34:58 this is the reward,
34:59 for the people who do good deeds,
35:00 and with the condition,
35:01 that they believe,
35:02 inshaAllah,
35:03 this is the reward,
35:04 for the people who do good deeds,
35:05 and with the condition,
35:06 that they believe,
35:07 inshaAllah,
35:08 this is the reward,
35:09 for the people who do good deeds,
35:10 and with the condition,
35:11 that they believe,
35:12 inshaAllah,
35:13 this is the reward,
35:14 for the people who do good deeds,
35:15 and with the condition,
35:16 that they believe,
35:17 inshaAllah,
35:18 this is the reward,
35:19 for the people who do good deeds,
35:20 and with the condition,
35:21 that they believe,
35:22 inshaAllah,
35:23 this is the reward,
35:24 for the people who do good deeds,
35:25 and with the condition,
35:26 that they believe,
35:27 inshaAllah,
35:28 this is the reward,
35:29 for the people who do good deeds,
35:30 and with the condition,
35:31 that they believe,
35:32 inshaAllah,
35:33 this is the reward,
35:34 for the people who do good deeds,
35:35 and with the condition,
35:36 that they believe,
35:37 inshaAllah,
35:38 this is the reward,
35:39 for the people who do good deeds,
35:40 and with the condition,
35:41 that they believe,
35:42 inshaAllah,
35:43 this is the reward,
35:44 for the people who do good deeds,
35:45 and with the condition,
35:46 that they believe,
35:47 inshaAllah,
35:48 this is the reward,
35:49 for the people who do good deeds,
35:50 and with the condition,
35:51 that they believe,
35:52 inshaAllah,
35:53 this is the reward,
35:54 for the people who do good deeds,
35:55 and with the condition,
35:56 that they believe,
35:57 inshaAllah,
35:58 this is the reward,
35:59 for the people who do good deeds,
36:00 and with the condition,
36:01 that they believe,
36:02 inshaAllah,
36:03 this is the reward,
36:04 for the people who do good deeds,
36:05 and with the condition,
36:06 that they believe,
36:07 inshaAllah,
36:08 this is the reward,
36:09 for the people who do good deeds,
36:10 and with the condition,
36:11 that they believe,
36:12 inshaAllah,
36:13 this is the reward,
36:14 for the people who do good deeds,
36:15 and with the condition,
36:16 that they believe,
36:17 inshaAllah,
36:18 this is the reward,
36:19 for the people who do good deeds,
36:20 and with the condition,
36:21 that they believe,
36:22 inshaAllah,
36:23 this is the reward,
36:24 for the people who do good deeds,
36:25 and with the condition,
36:26 that they believe,
36:27 inshaAllah,
36:28 this is the reward,
36:29 for the people who do good deeds,
36:30 and with the condition,
36:31 that they believe,
36:32 inshaAllah,
36:33 this is the reward,
36:34 for the people who do good deeds,
36:35 and with the condition,
36:36 that they believe,
36:37 inshaAllah,
36:38 this is the reward,
36:39 for the people who do good deeds,
36:40 and with the condition,
36:41 that they believe,
36:42 inshaAllah,
36:43 this is the reward,
36:44 for the people who do good deeds,
36:45 and with the condition,
36:46 that they believe,
36:47 inshaAllah,
36:48 this is the reward,
36:49 for the people who do good deeds,
36:50 and with the condition,
36:51 that they believe,
36:52 inshaAllah,
36:53 this is the reward,
36:54 for the people who do good deeds,
36:55 and with the condition,
36:56 that they believe,
36:57 inshaAllah,
36:58 this is the reward,
36:59 for the people who do good deeds,
37:00 and with the condition,
37:01 that they believe,
37:02 inshaAllah,
37:03 this is the reward,
37:04 for the people who do good deeds,
37:05 and with the condition,
37:06 that they believe,
37:07 inshaAllah,
37:08 this is the reward,
37:09 for the people who do good deeds,
37:10 and with the condition,
37:11 that they believe,
37:12 inshaAllah,
37:13 this is the reward,
37:14 for the people who do good deeds,
37:15 and with the condition,
37:16 that they believe,
37:17 inshaAllah,
37:18 this is the reward,
37:19 for the people who do good deeds,
37:20 and with the condition,
37:21 that they believe,
37:22 inshaAllah,
37:23 this is the reward,
37:24 for the people who do good deeds,
37:25 and with the condition,
37:26 that they believe,
37:27 inshaAllah,
37:28 this is the reward,
37:29 for the people who do good deeds,
37:30 and with the condition,
37:31 that they believe,
37:32 inshaAllah,
37:33 this is the reward,
37:34 for the people who do good deeds,
37:35 and with the condition,
37:36 that they believe,
37:37 inshaAllah,
37:38 this is the reward,
37:39 for the people who do good deeds,
37:40 and with the condition,
37:41 that they believe,
37:42 inshaAllah,
37:43 this is the reward,
37:44 for the people who do good deeds,
37:45 and with the condition,
37:46 that they believe,
37:47 inshaAllah,
37:48 this is the reward,
37:49 for the people who do good deeds,
37:50 and with the condition,
37:51 that they believe,
37:52 inshaAllah,
37:53 this is the reward,
37:54 for the people who do good deeds,
37:55 and with the condition,
37:56 that they believe,
37:57 inshaAllah,
37:58 this is the reward,
37:59 for the people who do good deeds,
38:00 and with the condition,
38:01 that they believe,
38:02 inshaAllah,
38:03 this is the reward,
38:04 for the people who do good deeds,
38:05 and with the condition,
38:06 that they believe,
38:07 inshaAllah,
38:08 this is the reward,
38:09 for the people who do good deeds,
38:10 and with the condition,
38:11 that they believe,
38:12 inshaAllah,
38:13 this is the reward,
38:14 for the people who do good deeds,
38:15 and with the condition,
38:16 that they believe,
38:17 inshaAllah,
38:18 this is the reward,
38:19 for the people who do good deeds,
38:20 and with the condition,
38:21 that they believe,
38:22 inshaAllah,
38:23 this is the reward,
38:24 for the people who do good deeds,
38:25 and with the condition,
38:26 that they believe,
38:27 inshaAllah,
38:28 this is the reward,
38:29 for the people who do good deeds,
38:30 and with the condition,
38:31 that they believe,
38:32 inshaAllah,
38:33 this is the reward,
38:34 for the people who do good deeds,
38:35 and with the condition,
38:36 that they believe,
38:37 inshaAllah,
38:38 this is the reward,
38:39 for the people who do good deeds,
38:40 and with the condition,
38:41 that they believe,
38:42 inshaAllah,
38:43 this is the reward,
38:44 for the people who do good deeds,
38:45 and with the condition,
38:46 that they believe,
38:47 inshaAllah,
38:48 this is the reward,
38:49 for the people who do good deeds,
38:50 and with the condition,
38:51 that they believe,
38:52 inshaAllah,
38:53 this is the reward,
38:54 for the people who do good deeds,
38:55 and with the condition,
38:56 that they believe,
38:57 inshaAllah,
38:58 this is the reward,
38:59 for the people who do good deeds,
39:00 and with the condition,
39:01 that they believe,
39:02 inshaAllah,
39:03 this is the reward,
39:04 for the people who do good deeds,
39:05 and with the condition,
39:06 that they believe,
39:07 inshaAllah,
39:08 this is the reward,
39:09 for the people who do good deeds,
39:10 and with the condition,
39:11 that they believe,
39:12 inshaAllah,
39:13 this is the reward,
39:14 for the people who do good deeds,
39:15 and with the condition,
39:16 that they believe,
39:17 inshaAllah,
39:18 this is the reward,
39:19 for the people who do good deeds,
39:20 and with the condition,
39:21 that they believe,
39:22 inshaAllah,
39:23 this is the reward,
39:24 for the people who do good deeds,
39:25 and with the condition,
39:26 that they believe,
39:27 inshaAllah,
39:28 this is the reward,
39:29 for the people who do good deeds,
39:30 and with the condition,
39:31 that they believe,
39:32 inshaAllah,
39:33 this is the reward,
39:34 for the people who do good deeds,
39:35 and with the condition,
39:36 that they believe,
39:37 inshaAllah,
39:38 this is the reward,
39:39 for the people who do good deeds,
39:40 and with the condition,
39:41 that they believe,
39:42 inshaAllah,
39:43 this is the reward,
39:44 for the people who do good deeds,
39:45 and with the condition,
39:46 that they believe,
39:47 inshaAllah,
39:48 this is the reward,
39:49 for the people who do good deeds,
39:50 and with the condition,
39:51 that they believe,
39:52 inshaAllah,
39:53 this is the reward,
39:54 for the people who do good deeds,
39:55 and with the condition,
39:56 that they believe,
39:57 inshaAllah,
39:58 this is the reward,
39:59 for the people who do good deeds,
40:00 and with the condition,
40:01 that they believe,
40:02 inshaAllah,
40:03 this is the reward,
40:04 for the people who do good deeds,
40:05 and with the condition,
40:06 that they believe,
40:07 inshaAllah,
40:08 this is the reward,
40:09 for the people who do good deeds,
40:10 and with the condition,
40:11 that they believe,
40:12 inshaAllah,
40:13 this is the reward,
40:14 for the people who do good deeds,
40:15 and with the condition,
40:16 that they believe,
40:17 inshaAllah,
40:18 this is the reward,
40:19 for the people who do good deeds,
40:20 and with the condition,
40:21 that they believe,
40:22 inshaAllah,
40:23 this is the reward,
40:24 for the people who do good deeds,
40:25 and with the condition,
40:26 that they believe,
40:27 inshaAllah,
40:28 this is the reward,
40:29 for the people who do good deeds,
40:30 and with the condition,
40:31 that they believe,
40:32 inshaAllah,
40:33 this is the reward,
40:34 for the people who do good deeds,
40:35 and with the condition,
40:36 that they believe,
40:37 inshaAllah,
40:38 this is the reward,
40:39 for the people who do good deeds,
40:40 and with the condition,
40:41 that they believe,
40:42 inshaAllah,
40:43 this is the reward,
40:44 for the people who do good deeds,
40:45 and with the condition,
40:46 that they believe,
40:47 inshaAllah,
40:48 this is the reward,
40:49 for the people who do good deeds,
40:50 and with the condition,
40:51 that they believe,
40:52 inshaAllah,
40:53 this is the reward,
40:54 for the people who do good deeds,
40:55 and with the condition,
40:56 that they believe,
40:57 inshaAllah,
40:58 this is the reward,
40:59 for the people who do good deeds,
41:00 and with the condition,
41:01 that they believe,
41:02 inshaAllah,
41:03 this is the reward,
41:04 for the people who do good deeds,
41:05 and with the condition,
41:06 that they believe,
41:07 inshaAllah,
41:08 this is the reward,
41:09 for the people who do good deeds,
41:10 and with the condition,
41:11 that they believe,
41:12 inshaAllah,
41:13 this is the reward,
41:14 for the people who do good deeds,
41:15 and with the condition,
41:16 that they believe,
41:17 inshaAllah,
41:18 this is the reward,
41:19 for the people who do good deeds,
41:20 and with the condition,
41:21 that they believe,
41:22 inshaAllah,
41:23 this is the reward,
41:24 for the people who do good deeds,
41:25 and with the condition,
41:26 that they believe,
41:27 inshaAllah,
41:28 this is the reward,
41:29 for the people who do good deeds,
41:30 and with the condition,
41:31 that they believe,
41:32 inshaAllah,
41:33 this is the reward,
41:34 for the people who do good deeds,
41:35 and with the condition,
41:36 that they believe,
41:37 inshaAllah,
41:38 this is the reward,
41:39 for the people who do good deeds,
41:40 and with the condition,
41:41 that they believe,
41:42 inshaAllah,
41:43 this is the reward,
41:44 for the people who do good deeds,
41:45 and with the condition,
41:46 that they believe,
41:47 inshaAllah,
41:48 this is the reward,
41:49 for the people who do good deeds,
41:50 and with the condition,
41:51 that they believe,
41:52 inshaAllah,
41:53 this is the reward,
41:54 for the people who do good deeds,
41:55 and with the condition,
41:56 that they believe,
41:57 inshaAllah,
41:58 this is the reward,
41:59 for the people who do good deeds,
42:00 and with the condition,
42:01 that they believe,
42:02 inshaAllah,
42:03 this is the reward,
42:04 for the people who do good deeds,
42:05 and with the condition,
42:06 that they believe,
42:07 inshaAllah,
42:08 this is the reward,
42:09 for the people who do good deeds,
42:10 and with the condition,
42:11 that they believe,
42:12 inshaAllah,
42:13 this is the reward,
42:14 for the people who do good deeds,
42:15 and with the condition,
42:16 that they believe,
42:17 inshaAllah,
42:18 this is the reward,
42:19 for the people who do good deeds,
42:20 and with the condition,
42:21 that they believe,
42:22 inshaAllah,
42:23 this is the reward,
42:24 for the people who do good deeds,
42:25 and with the condition,
42:26 that they believe,
42:27 inshaAllah,
42:28 this is the reward,
42:29 for the people who do good deeds,
42:30 and with the condition,
42:31 that they believe,
42:32 inshaAllah,
42:33 this is the reward,
42:34 for the people who do good deeds,
42:35 and with the condition,
42:36 that they believe,
42:37 inshaAllah,
42:38 this is the reward,
42:39 for the people who do good deeds,
42:40 and with the condition,
42:41 that they believe,
42:42 inshaAllah,
42:43 this is the reward,
42:44 for the people who do good deeds,
42:45 and with the condition,
42:46 that they believe,
42:47 inshaAllah,
42:48 this is the reward,
42:49 for the people who do good deeds,
42:50 and with the condition,
42:51 that they believe,
42:52 inshaAllah,
42:53 this is the reward,
42:54 for the people who do good deeds,
42:55 and with the condition,
42:56 that they believe,
42:57 inshaAllah,
42:58 this is the reward,
42:59 for the people who do good deeds,
43:00 and with the condition,
43:01 that they believe,
43:02 inshaAllah,
43:03 this is the reward,
43:04 for the people who do good deeds,
43:05 and with the condition,
43:06 that they believe,
43:07 inshaAllah,
43:08 this is the reward,
43:09 for the people who do good deeds,
43:10 and with the condition,
43:11 that they believe,
43:12 inshaAllah,
43:13 this is the reward,
43:14 for the people who do good deeds,
43:15 and with the condition,
43:16 that they believe,
43:17 inshaAllah,
43:18 this is the reward,
43:19 for the people who do good deeds,
43:20 and with the condition,
43:21 that they believe,
43:22 inshaAllah,
43:23 this is the reward,
43:24 for the people who do good deeds,
43:25 and with the condition,
43:26 that they believe,
43:27 inshaAllah,
43:28 all of these are the arrangement,
43:29 of Allah SWT,
43:30 and we must take care,
43:31 of our religion,
43:32 this is what we want to spread,
43:33 and build,
43:34 in the Tabung Gerakan Al-Quran,
43:35 ladies and gentlemen,
43:36 together,
43:37 to join,
43:38 to contribute,
43:39 is to build,
43:40 a community,
43:41 that is truly religious,
43:42 not only physically,
43:43 but also,
43:44 in a way,
43:45 of truthfulness,
43:46 Al-Haqq,
43:47 that comes from,
43:48 from Allah,
43:49 inshaAllah,
43:50 we will meet again,
43:51 in the re-reporting,
43:52 tonight,
43:53 at 10 o'clock,
43:54 and inshaAllah,
43:55 tomorrow morning,
43:56 at 6 o'clock,
43:57 we will continue,
43:58 the story,
43:59 of the young men,
44:00 of the two farms,
44:01 what actually happened,
44:02 this is important,
44:03 for those,
44:04 who want to become millionaires,
44:05 and become rich,
44:06 this is the answer,
44:07 how we do not,
44:08 become,
44:09 too,
44:10 united,
44:11 and enter,
44:12 the pit,
44:13 that is not,
44:14 wanted,
44:15 we will meet again,
44:16 in the Quran time,
44:17 read,
44:18 and understand,
44:19 the deeds,
44:20 inshaAllah.
44:21 [Music]
44:28 [Music]
44:55 [Music]
