Babysitter Blues (Winnie the Pooh)

  • last year


00:36 Come on, jump.
00:57 Faster.
01:10 We're going very down, Christopher Robin.
01:17 Whoa, hit the brakes.
01:30 Oh, no, we're going to crash.
01:37 Uh-uh-uh, escaping from your bedroom again?
01:41 OK, mister, back to bed.
01:44 While your mother's away, I'm in charge, 'kay?
01:47 Uh, all right, babysitters, who needs them?
01:52 [LAUGHS] That guy'd stay up all night if I let him.
01:58 Hmm, Tigger, they're terribible at being bored.
02:03 [YAWNS]
02:04 I suppose it's two after dinner for breakfast,
02:08 and two after d-d-d-d-d-dark for sleeping.
02:12 Hey, wait a minute.
02:16 She said get into bed, but she didn't say go to sleep.
02:21 Hey, you're right, Tigger.
02:26 Hey, but what can we do in bed besides sleeping?
02:29 And thinking about all the honey that isn't here.
02:34 But, uh, uh, there's pillows, and where there's pillows,
02:39 there's pillow fights.
02:44 [LAUGHS]
02:45 Oh, yeah?
02:47 Take this.
02:49 Oh, sorry, Piglet.
02:53 Ahoy, there, mateys.
02:59 [GRUNTS]
03:11 You may fire when ready, first mate, Pooh Bear.
03:22 Are we ready yet, Piglet?
03:25 For what, Pooh?
03:26 Fire!
03:28 [SCREAMS]
03:30 Ah, shiver me tiggers.
03:32 You couldn't hit the broad side of a barnacle.
03:34 [LAUGHS]
03:37 I'm the meanest, pirate-iest pirate that ever pirated.
03:41 So hand over your honey, or I'll make you walk the plank.
03:45 Honey?
03:46 Did he say honey?
03:51 Aye.
03:52 Long John Tigger's after our treasure.
03:56 I know a safe place for it.
04:08 How can one Long John Tigger fire so many pillows?
04:11 Oh, it's what Long John Tiggers do best.
04:13 [LAUGHS]
04:19 Quick, men, we need more pillows.
04:27 [LAUGHS]
04:28 We'll show them.
04:41 Oh, did you hear?
04:43 A talking pillow?
04:44 [GROWLS]
04:45 [SCREAMS]
04:51 How embarrassing.
04:52 I've been sunk by a piglet disguised as a pillow.
04:56 Ah, you're not so mean, Long John Tigger.
05:00 Are you?
05:01 Hey, I'm the meanest.
05:05 But I gives up easy.
05:06 [LAUGHS]
05:07 We've done it, First Mate Pooh.
05:10 We've saved the honey.
05:13 Oh, thank goodness.
05:16 You never seem to save honey at home, you know.
05:25 Oh, no.
05:27 We're sailing over the edge of the bed.
05:40 [SCREAMS]
05:47 Oh, Christopher Robin, this bedroom is for sleeping,
05:51 not playing.
05:53 [GROWLS]
05:55 Oh, I don't believe it.
05:56 How can one kid make such a mess?
06:04 I'm not sure this is a good idea.
06:07 Hey, all that ocean made me thirsty.
06:10 I just want to get a little glass of water.
06:12 And a little something to honey it down with.
06:16 Oh, we need to keep our strength up for sleeping.
06:21 All right, but we have to be quick and quiet.
06:26 Shh.
06:42 Ooh.
06:43 Goodness.
06:49 Hurry, hurry.
06:51 Oh, quickly, piglet, the cake.
06:55 You got it.
06:56 You got it.
06:57 You got it.
06:59 Oh.
07:00 Here you got it.
07:01 Dear.
07:02 Whoa.
07:04 Hey, who turned out the light?
07:08 Piglet, come down.
07:10 I do, but then I go up again.
07:16 Get 'em.
07:17 Oh.
07:18 Whoa.
07:23 Ha ha, gotcha.
07:26 Oh, Christopher Robin, just look at this mess.
07:31 If your mom saw this, she'd never let me babysit again.
07:37 But we made the mess.
07:39 But I'm responsible.
07:41 Your mother left me in charge.
07:44 Sorry.
07:47 OK, let's really try this time.
07:51 Oh, don't worry.
07:52 Sleeping is easy.
07:54 [SNORING]
07:57 See?
07:58 [GIGGLING]
08:01 [SNORING]
08:04 [GROANING]
08:10 Something went bump.
08:13 What is it?
08:14 Whatever it is, we better find out.
08:18 The babysitter might be responsible for us,
08:21 but we're responsible for the house.
08:24 Maybe we should give whatever it is a chance to leave?
08:28 No, we got to surprise it, and surprise
08:31 is what tigers do best.
08:34 [GIGGLING]
08:35 It surprised you, didn't it?
08:46 Shh.
08:47 [GASPING]
08:49 It's-- it's a dragon.
08:52 Uh, what's a dragon doing in my living room?
08:56 Sleeping, I hope.
08:59 Then let's not wake it.
09:01 There's something funny about this.
09:05 [GIGGLING]
09:06 Hey, look, you guys.
09:08 It's only a--
09:12 Oh, help!
09:13 It's got me!
09:15 Christopher Robin!
09:18 Have no fear.
09:20 Tiger is here.
09:21 Take this, and that, and another that, and some of this,
09:24 and some more of that.
09:25 No, tiger!
09:26 And take one of these.
09:27 It's only a vacuum cleaner.
09:29 And these over here, and--
09:31 [GROWLING]
09:32 Oh, no!
09:33 You put it in reverse.
09:36 [GROWLING]
09:47 Christopher Robin?
09:49 What-- what are you doing?
09:52 But, Mom, it isn't my fault.
09:55 What a disaster.
09:56 Oh, I'm so sorry.
09:58 I thought he was asleep.
10:00 Honest.
10:01 I can't imagine how this process could have--
10:03 There's this dragon, see?
10:04 I-- I-- I mean, I can't understand why Earth would have--
10:07 And then long John Tigger, he tried to steal the honey.
10:11 Christopher Robin?
10:12 Of course, then we got hungry.
10:14 So Piglet, he took off in a rocket.
10:16 Oh, you gotta believe me.
10:17 And then the dragon went harpooned.
10:19 That's enough, young man.
10:21 How could you make such a mess?
10:24 It was easy.
10:25 [CHUCKLES]
10:26 Christopher Robin, come quick.
10:31 Yeah, for goodness' sakes, hurry.
10:33 Someone has stolen the color outside.
10:37 [CHUCKLES]
10:38 Silly old bear.
10:40 It's the first winter snow.
10:43 Oh, yeah, I knew that.
10:45 Silly old bear.
10:47 Come on, last one outside is--
10:49 Is the last one outside.
10:51 [CHUCKLES]
10:56 Uh, haven't you forgotten something?
10:59 Nope.
11:00 Uh, the mess you made last night.
11:03 Oh, Mom, please.
11:05 It's the first winter snow.
11:08 [CHUCKLES]
11:09 All right, I'll give you one more chance.
11:11 Thanks, Mom.
11:12 I won't make a mess for a whole year.
11:15 Why do I find that so hard to believe?
11:19 Whee!
11:23 Whee!
11:32 You'd just better rue yourself right down here.
11:38 You know you're not supposed to climb that tree.
11:42 But I didn't climb it, Mama.
11:44 I flew!
11:46 Well, no more climbing or flying today, dear.
11:50 I have to go out this afternoon.
11:53 Oh, Mother.
11:55 So I've asked Christopher Robin to watch you.
11:58 Hiya, little nipper.
12:00 Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
12:03 And you'd be good rue,
12:05 because Christopher Robin's responsible for you.
12:08 Just stay inside and play.
12:10 Okay, Mom.
12:12 Now, Christopher Robin, remember rue's bedtime.
12:16 It's after his dinner time,
12:18 but before his breakfast time.
12:20 Hey, Tigger, let's build a snowman.
12:23 But remember what your mother said, rue?
12:25 No going outside?
12:27 [GASPS]
12:28 Who said anything about going outside?
12:31 Come on, rue, building snowmen's what Tigger's do best.
12:35 Oh, dear.
12:37 Snowmen get very small, very fast indoors.
12:41 Oh, no, rue!
12:44 Snowmen are for outside, not inside.
12:48 I'm sorry, Christopher Robin.
12:51 Look, going outside,
12:54 just till I clean up.
12:56 [SIGHS]
12:57 Since I'm in charge, I guess it's my mess, too.
13:01 But stay in the yard, rue.
13:04 Hey, let's play baseball.
13:07 But we haven't any bases, rue.
13:10 Okay, we'll play snowball.
13:12 I'll toss 'em and you catch 'em.
13:14 [GIGGLES]
13:16 Hey, good catch there, piglet,
13:19 right in the old breadbasket.
13:21 Next time, use your hands, piglet.
13:24 [THUD]
13:25 [THUD]
13:26 [THUD]
13:27 [THUD]
13:28 [THUD]
13:29 [THUD]
13:30 No, hands, piglet, not head.
13:33 Home run!
13:35 Home?
13:36 Time to go in already?
13:38 No, it means a great hit.
13:41 Oh, well, I knew that.
13:43 [CHUCKLES]
13:44 Just testing you.
13:45 Now, let's really home run one.
13:47 Do it for the old Tigger.
13:49 [THUD]
13:50 That's you in your head, putty bear.
13:53 Yes, piglet.
13:55 I just thought I'd try it your way.
13:58 I was right.
14:00 Hands are better.
14:02 Come on, Tigger, throw me a perfect snowball.
14:06 [THUD]
14:07 [THUD]
14:08 Hey, my perfect snowball.
14:11 But, rue, are you supposed to climb that tree?
14:14 I'm not climbing.
14:16 I'm bouncing.
14:19 What's up?
14:20 Rue is up.
14:22 But he's not supposed to climb that tree.
14:25 That's what I told him.
14:27 Well, somebody has to go up there and get him.
14:30 But it's so very high, and I'm so very, very not high.
14:36 I'm afraid I'm better at down than up.
14:40 Climbing trees is not what Tiggers do best.
14:44 I guess I'll have to do it.
14:47 I am the babysitter.
14:49 I never thought babysitting was so much work.
14:54 Rue, come down, please, before you get hurt.
15:00 As soon as I get my snowball.
15:05 Yah!
15:06 Your mom wouldn't like this.
15:13 All right.
15:15 Can we play hide and seek?
15:18 Okay, I'm it.
15:20 Hey, can't I be it, too?
15:22 Hiding and seeking is what Tiggers do best.
15:25 Okay, Tigger, you and rue hide while we count to ten.
15:30 But stay inside.
15:32 Oh, here.
15:33 One.
15:34 No, here.
15:35 Two.
15:36 Over there.
15:37 We'll find Tigger and rue.
15:38 No, here.
15:39 Three.
15:40 This is no good.
15:41 There's too much of me to hide and too little of it.
15:43 Over there.
15:44 Over there.
15:46 Five, six, seven.
15:47 Quick, in here.
15:48 Ten before or after eleven.
15:50 They can see me, Tigger.
15:52 Yeah, so can I.
15:54 Hey, I got it.
15:55 Follow me.
15:56 Eight, nine, ten.
15:58 If we find you, we'll win.
16:00 Here we come.
16:01 Ready or not.
16:04 Oh, no.
16:06 Not again.
16:08 Rue?
16:09 Tigger?
16:16 Rue?
16:18 Tigger?
16:22 It could be rue and Tigger tracks, Pooh.
16:27 Or it could be rabbit and gopher tracks, Piglet.
16:31 But I don't think they're playing hide and seek.
16:35 Hey, it's Buddy Bear and Piglet.
16:38 Hide, hide.
16:42 Don't move, Rue boy.
16:45 I found us the perfect hiding place.
16:48 Oh, d-d-d-dear.
16:55 There aren't any more tracks, Pooh.
16:57 What do we follow now?
16:59 These tracks, Piglet.
17:01 And they're fresh.
17:03 So we must be close.
17:06 Ha ha ha ha.
17:08 It worked.
17:09 I knew they wouldn't find us, Rue.
17:11 'Cause hiding's what Tiggers do best.
17:14 Come on, Tigger.
17:17 Let's slide.
17:19 My words exactly, Rue.
17:21 Last one down is the last one down.
17:25 Whee!
17:28 Whee!
17:30 Oh, oh, oh, oh.
17:38 Whee!
17:41 Tiggers don't like hiding in the snow.
17:45 Where can we hide?
17:48 I got it.
17:49 The perfect place.
17:51 Come on, Rue.
17:53 Hello?
18:03 Uh, everybody?
18:06 Rue!
18:07 Rue, are you here?
18:09 Oh, he's not here?
18:11 Well, isn't he with you?
18:13 No, but don't worry, Kanga.
18:16 I'm sure Piglet and Pooh have found him.
18:19 His tracks lead in here.
18:21 Rue, are you here, Rue?
18:24 Whatever is going on?
18:26 Oh, I'm sure he's all right.
18:28 You see, Tigger's with him.
18:31 Oh, dear.
18:32 Now I know he's in trouble.
18:34 And it's getting dark outside.
18:37 You never know what kind of scary things come out after dark.
18:40 Oh, no.
18:42 Um, did I say scary things?
18:44 I meant hairy things.
18:46 Oh, dear.
18:48 I hope I didn't mean that either.
18:50 We'd better start looking all over again.
18:53 Mama seems awful worried.
19:01 Yeah, and you'd be too.
19:03 If you were losing a game of hide-and-seek.
19:05 I just know something awful's happened to Rue.
19:14 I'm sure he's okay.
19:16 I just wish I knew where Rue was.
19:20 Hey, Tigger, when can we come out?
19:23 I'm tired of hiding.
19:26 He's never been out this late before.
19:32 Oh, don't cry, Mama.
19:34 You see, I'll let you find me.
19:37 Oh, Rue.
19:40 With all the commotion.
19:48 Oh, finally found us.
19:50 Now it's your turn to be it.
19:55 Okay, time for bed.
19:59 Right, Christopher Robin?
20:01 Right.
20:03 Good night, Pooh.
20:15 Good night, Christopher Robin.
20:17 Good night, Piglet.
20:20 Good night, Pooh.
20:22 Good night, Tigger.
20:24 Tigger's already asleep.
20:28 Yeah, 'cause Tigger's a bit sleepier than you know.
20:32 Okay, Christopher Robin?
20:41 I wonder if somebody switched Christopher Robins on me.
20:49 [♪♪♪]
20:52 [♪♪♪]
20:55 [Music]