A Bird in the Hand (Winnie the Pooh)

  • last year


00:00 [music]
00:06 No, no, no, Tigger! Don't put that there! Put that there!
00:11 Quickly, everyone! Oh, we'll never finish before Kessie comes home.
00:16 [music]
00:22 [coughing]
00:25 Do you like the flower arrangement, Rabbit?
00:27 A very nice arrangement, Piglet, but it needs some flowers.
00:31 Now, I want daffodils, daisies, and junkwills, but no dandelions.
00:37 Dandelions, daisies, and junkwills, but no daffodils.
00:41 [whistling]
00:43 That's not what we're here for.
00:45 [growling]
00:47 What are we here for? I stand--
00:49 Quiet, Bubble Brain. I believe I hear Opportunity knocking.
00:54 [knocking]
00:57 Do you suppose this will be enough of my honey for your party, Rabbit?
01:02 We need two honey cakes, three loaves of honey bread, and dozens and dozens of honey cookies.
01:09 Well, we can always get more.
01:12 I was afraid you might say that.
01:15 Rabbit, exactly what is this party for which we must be ready?
01:21 The welcome home party for my dear little Kessie, who's finally coming home where she belongs.
01:28 So her party must be perfect.
01:32 Now I know what we're after, honey.
01:36 Oh, boy. [laughs]
01:38 I just love honey. [laughs]
01:40 How are we gonna get it, Stan? Huh? [laughs]
01:42 How? How?
01:44 Hide down while I figure it out.
01:46 Hurry, Pooh Bear. She'll be here any minute.
01:48 Here are the dandelions you asked for, Rabbit.
01:50 No, not dandelions. Dandelions make me...
01:54 [sneezes]
01:57 No, no, no. I will not have this party ruined.
02:01 Clean up that honey. Get rid of those dandelions.
02:04 More balloons. Set the table.
02:06 Everything must be perfect to welcome home...
02:09 Hello, everyone.
02:10 Kessie. Why, you're... you're... you're you.
02:15 And you're here, Kessie, at last.
02:18 Hmm. Maybe that little birdie is the meal ticket we've been looking for.
02:24 Come on. We got plans to plan.
02:27 Oh, Kessie, I had a welcome home party all planned, but...
02:31 It was gonna be colossal with half a gazillion balloons.
02:35 And flowers.
02:36 And honey.
02:38 Oh, Bubba.
02:39 That's okay, Rabbit. It's nice just being here.
02:43 Rabbit? But you used to call me Rabby. Remember?
02:48 I'm too old for that.
02:50 Oh, no, Kessie. You will always be my little baby bird.
02:55 But what matters now is you're back. Back to stay forever.
03:00 Forever? But... Rabbit...
03:04 Welcome home, Kessie. How I've missed you.
03:08 I guess I could stay for a little while.
03:12 I got it, Stan. I got it.
03:16 We give them honey, and they give us the bird.
03:20 Nah, that's not it either.
03:23 How about we grab the Rabbit, and we switch him for the bird?
03:28 Nope. Getting closer, though.
03:31 Rabbit certainly is glad Kessie's back.
03:34 Yeah, but I don't think she's so glad about it.
03:37 I believe that's because Rabbit hasn't noticed that Kessie isn't quite as...
03:43 Kessie-like since she came back.
03:46 She's grown up.
03:48 Yes, Kessie, dear. It's going to be just like old times.
03:52 I'm too old for old times. I'm grown up.
03:56 Of course you are, dear.
03:58 I just love it when you pretend you're a big girl.
04:02 Now it's nappy time.
04:04 But, Rabbit, I don't take naps anymore.
04:07 Good night, Kessie, dear. Sleep well.
04:11 Good night, Rabbit.
04:13 I guess the only way to convince Rabbit I'm old enough to take care of myself
04:17 is to go away and take care of myself.
04:21 Come on, Stan. Explain how I said it again.
04:26 Okay, but this is the last time.
04:29 We get the bird in our hands, then trade her back to the rabbit for honey.
04:35 Oh! Oh! You're brilliant, Stan! Brilliant!
04:41 But how do we get the little bitey in our hands?
04:45 Excuse me. Do you know if there are any vacant nests around here?
04:51 Kessie, dear, time to get ready for dinner.
04:56 Ah, it's playtime, is it?
05:00 Hide and seek?
05:02 Here I come, ready or not.
05:05 Kessie, you really shouldn't play this far from home.
05:09 All right, Kessie, playtime is over.
05:13 Kessie, you come out this moment! Kessie!
05:20 Kessie? Where are you?
05:25 Haven't seen a little bird around, have you?
05:29 You see the sort of trouble you get yourself into when you don't let me take care of you?
05:34 Guess you'll want to be ransoming her now, huh?
05:38 Ransom? Certainly not.
05:41 Because in order for there to be a ransom, there must first be a ransom note.
05:46 Knew we forgot something.
05:51 I found this note on my door, and I'm fairly certain I didn't put it there.
06:01 What does it say, Pooh?
06:03 I believe we shall have to read it.
06:05 Why, it's obliviously a happy birthday tigger kind of card.
06:10 Or it could be an invitation to breakfast, or lunch, or dinner.
06:15 I'm not particular.
06:17 Perhaps we should ask Rabbit to read it.
06:20 Hello! Anybody home?
06:23 Oh, perhaps, tigger.
06:25 Since Rabbit and Kessie are not here, this note is from them, telling us where they are.
06:31 That's it, buddy bear. Let's go find them so they can tell us where the notes say they are.
06:36 Kessie! Rabbit!
06:38 Why, there's no telling what kind of danger's lurking out here.
06:43 Yipes!
06:47 You're safer than safe with me.
06:51 Um, Pooh?
06:53 Piglet?
06:55 So nice you could drop by, on account of it means that many more ransoms,
07:00 and that much more honey for us.
07:03 But if we're here, who's left to ransom us?
07:06 Hmm, never thought of that.
07:08 There's got to be somebody somewhere to ransom you.
07:11 Oh, perhaps we could ransom us?
07:14 Perhaps we could ransom us?
07:20 Honestly, Pooh Bear, if you'd kept quiet, they'd have let us go.
07:24 I'm very sorry, Kessie.
07:27 I promised I'd take care of you, and I failed.
07:31 Don't worry, Rabbit. Stan and Hef are going to take care of me now.
07:35 They are?
07:37 We are?
07:38 Yes. In fact, you're going to take care of all of us.
07:42 Now, why in the world would we want to do that, little birdie?
07:45 Because if we're not happy, why should we bother to pay honey for ourselves?
07:50 Why, that's so confusing. Even I understand it.
07:53 She's right, Stan. She's right.
07:56 I know she's right, Honey Breath. Big deal.
08:00 How hard can taking care of this bunch be?
08:03 The first thing you should know is that it's our nap time.
08:06 Nap time? I'm too old for naps.
08:09 Now, Rabbit, you be a good boy or no carrot cake for snacky time.
08:14 Rabbit? Snacky time?
08:17 Okay, kid. You guys go ahead and nap.
08:20 We can't go to sleep without a glass of milk.
08:23 Not cold milk.
08:26 Come on.
08:28 Oh, no, Stan. I know how to warm up a cow.
08:32 Not that warm.
08:34 Besides, we're not thirsty anymore.
08:37 So let's get on with the nap time story.
08:39 A story?
08:41 "Once Upon a Time."
08:44 I've heard that one.
08:46 Well, there was this dragon and--
08:49 Oh, d-d-d-d-deer. Dragons.
09:03 She's behaving more like me than I am.
09:06 Oh, you better behave yourself, Long Ears.
09:09 Too late. We missed our nap time.
09:11 Now we want some honey.
09:13 Yes, please.
09:15 Honey? Yeah, yeah.
09:18 We got honey.
09:20 Not that one. It's too small.
09:23 That's too big. We want that one.
09:27 I don't know if I ought to take that one.
09:31 Just get 'em what they want, Half-Quick, or we'll never shut 'em up.
09:42 Now, what did we do to deserve this?
09:46 Do you think we ought to help 'em?
09:48 Do you want to help? Just keep that bird away from us.
09:52 Kessie, that was a very, very dangerous thing to do.
09:55 And all I have to say is, thank you for saving us.
10:02 I can see now you are indeed grown up and quite able to take care of yourself.
10:07 Thank you, Rabbit.
10:09 I can't be your Rabby anymore. I can still be your friend, Rabbit.
10:16 My very best friend, Rabbit.
10:21 Aren't you coming, Pooh?
10:23 Oh, I thought, Piglet, I might stay behind and, uh, clean up a bit.
