• last year


00:00:00 We know that the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad is from Allah, the intercession is from the Qur'an
00:00:09 We will discuss more in detail where? In secret to get Allah's intercession
00:00:15 Clap your hands
00:00:17 Okay, for the audience at home, we will immediately watch a clip of the victims of the Palestinian-Israeli war
00:00:23 Keep on praying, Allah is Great
00:00:28 [Music]
00:00:30 Countless buildings and damage caused by the conflict between Israel and Palestine
00:00:37 Until now, the people and evacuation teams continue to try to save and find victims behind the collapse of the building
00:00:45 Eyewitnesses show how the Gaza residents are desperately digging with empty hands to find victims behind the wall
00:00:55 The Palestinian people have been ordered to leave the residential areas to avoid land attacks from Israel this Saturday
00:01:04 [Prayer]
00:01:08 Ma'am, if our hearts are not torn, seeing this, it means that our safety is a bit lacking
00:01:17 Because we are divided into one body
00:01:20 We pray, we pray, we are aware of the capacity of prayer
00:01:25 Hopefully Allah will help us
00:01:27 Let's go back to the topic of intercession
00:01:30 Before we go to the intercession, what is it, teacher?
00:01:34 Okay, permission, Abib, Soki, Masha'Allah, Tabarak Allah, Husa Sam, Masha'Allah, Tabarak Allah
00:01:40 Now, for all
00:01:42 [Prayer]
00:02:11 [Prayer]
00:02:27 This is the word of the Prophet that is written in the Hadith of Bukhari number 6304
00:02:34 Jama'ah, don't be angry, okay?
00:02:38 I will immediately say that what is included in intercession is help, amen
00:02:47 Do you want to be helped? Do you want to be helped?
00:02:52 So this is what we need
00:02:54 Because later, all our worship practices are distorted
00:02:59 Salat, fasting, Hajj, are asked by Allah
00:03:02 Where is your prayer, where is your fasting, where is your worship?
00:03:04 All are asked, all are asked
00:03:06 As this is an order
00:03:08 Well, what's left is only sin
00:03:10 So we will face Allah the next day
00:03:13 By bringing the sins that we have committed, which will be held accountable
00:03:16 From there we need intercession
00:03:18 Masha'Allah, yes
00:03:19 And the intercession that is amazing is the intercession of the Messenger of Allah
00:03:22 May Allah bless you, hopefully we get everything, amen
00:03:25 Thank you, Guru, intercession is a help
00:03:29 Yes, and hopefully we get everything, amen
00:03:32 Please, Guru
00:03:34 Intercession is very important
00:03:38 Because it should not be missed from beginning to end
00:03:41 And now we ask Al-Habib Shauqi for his knowledge
00:03:44 I've been waiting for this moment
00:03:48 The Messenger of Allah has the privilege to give intercession to his people
00:03:53 And of course, if we are dependent on worship
00:03:56 We will not be safe, because our worship is not accepted
00:03:59 What we hope is intercession from the Prophet Muhammad
00:04:03 There are six things, maybe, that can be reminded for all of us, please
00:04:08 Permission, Ustaz Maulana, Ustaz Sham, Bang Ali
00:04:14 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:04:20 Waalaikumussalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:04:26 Alhamdulillah, wassalatu wassalamu ala Sayyidina Rasulullah Muhammad bin Abdullah
00:04:31 Al-qaim bi hukukillah, ma'a dhaqadhilati illa wafir yuhallah amma ba'd
00:04:36 We have heard from what our Guru Ustaz Maulana has said
00:04:42 That intercession is a help from Allah SWT
00:04:49 It is a help from one to another who hopes for intercession
00:04:55 Some people say there are six types of intercession, some say five types
00:04:59 There are more than that
00:05:01 The most extraordinary intercession is the intercession of the Uthma
00:05:06 The intercession of the Uthma is a speciality for the Prophet Muhammad
00:05:11 May Allah bless him and grant him peace
00:05:13 However, the intercession of the Uthma is universal
00:05:18 It is good for those who believe or those who do not believe in Allah SWT
00:05:24 To glorify, as if Allah wants to show His glory to the Prophet Muhammad
00:05:33 Until then, it was called Maqamul Mahmud
00:05:36 A place where everyone was praising the Prophet Muhammad
00:05:39 At the time of the intercession, everyone ran to ask for help from the Prophet Adam
00:05:44 Until the Prophet Isa, no one could give help
00:05:48 Only one person could ask for help at that time
00:05:53 It was the Prophet Muhammad
00:05:56 Until the Prophet prostrated, then Allah commanded
00:05:59 Irfa ra'za wa salta'uta wa shfa'tu shafa'
00:06:03 Lift your head, I will give you whatever you ask for and give intercession
00:06:11 Finally, the Prophet Muhammad gave the intercession of the Uthma
00:06:15 He moved from a very critical situation from the time of the intercession to the next
00:06:23 There is also the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad to his people
00:06:27 Immediately enter the heaven without any hesitation
00:06:30 Hopefully we get that intercession
00:06:32 Then the intercession of Ziyadah
00:06:35 Lift the rank of someone when in heaven
00:06:40 There is also the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad
00:06:43 Someone who was already written his name in the door of hell
00:06:47 So it didn't enter hell
00:06:49 Enter heaven
00:06:51 There is also the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad
00:06:54 People who are already in hell, it doesn't work
00:06:57 Already in hell, already in torment
00:06:59 Even if there is only in his heart the word of God, there is intercession
00:07:12 Give help from the Prophet Muhammad
00:07:14 Take, put his hand in the mouth of the Prophet Muhammad
00:07:19 Then put it in the heaven of Allah SWT
00:07:23 Hopefully we are among the people who get intercession for the Prophet Muhammad
00:07:28 Amen
00:07:31 Hopefully we will enter heaven because of the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad
00:07:36 Thank you dear
00:07:40 There are many people who don't understand about intercession
00:07:44 Can ordinary people also have intercession?
00:07:48 Give help to others
00:07:51 Can ordinary people also have intercession?
00:08:00 Allah, there is no god but He, the Living, the Self-Subsisting
00:08:09 No yearning or sleep takes Him
00:08:16 To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth
00:08:21 What is it that He intercedes for except by His permission?
00:08:30 He knows what is before them and what is behind them
00:08:36 And they do not encompass anything of His knowledge except what He wills
00:08:49 His throne is vast in the heavens and the earth
00:08:55 And He does not withhold it, but He is the Most High, the Most Great
00:09:06 What is that verse?
00:09:09 Ayatul Kursi
00:09:11 Before that, we ask permission to our teachers who are present
00:09:14 And all the people present here and the congregation at home
00:09:19 If asked whether ordinary people can intercede for others
00:09:25 The answer is no
00:09:27 It must be a special person
00:09:29 And the most special person is the Prophet Muhammad
00:09:34 There is another special person
00:09:36 Who are they?
00:09:37 The saints of Allah
00:09:39 That's why there are people visiting the shrine of saints
00:09:41 Visiting the grave of saints
00:09:43 We only ask Allah to come there
00:09:48 To pray for the saints so that the souls of the saints will know us
00:09:54 That we are people who always pray and practice the teachings of the saints
00:10:01 Then who else is special?
00:10:03 Our parents
00:10:04 Our parents are also special
00:10:06 Who else?
00:10:07 Our teachers
00:10:08 Who else?
00:10:09 So don't just visit the shrine of saints
00:10:11 Visit the shrine of teachers
00:10:12 Who else?
00:10:13 They are special
00:10:15 Our partners
00:10:17 So there is a righteous husband
00:10:19 A husband who is always close to Allah
00:10:23 On the Day of Judgment, he does not want to step into heaven before he is carried by his wife
00:10:27 He wants his wife to come too
00:10:29 That's why the key to the husband's obedience is to get the husband's charity
00:10:33 And the key to the husband's obedience is to be a righteous husband
00:10:36 So that he can attract his wife
00:10:38 Thank you, Guru
00:10:39 You're welcome
00:10:40 And now we want to ask you something
00:10:43 Yes, what is it?
00:10:44 Is it true?
00:10:45 What?
00:10:46 It is said that a child who has not yet returned to his parents
00:10:48 A child who has not yet returned to his parents
00:10:49 Can give charity to his parents
00:10:51 Is it guaranteed to get charity?
00:10:53 That's what we want to ask
00:10:55 Do you want to know?
00:10:56 Yes
00:10:57 Is it guaranteed to get charity?
00:10:58 Yes
00:10:59 After this one, we will discuss
00:11:00 Yes
00:11:01 Alhamdulillah
00:11:03 It means a child
00:11:04 Yes, who has not yet returned to his parents
00:11:05 Can give charity to his parents
00:11:08 We will help you to return your safety
00:11:13 Hey, check your hair
00:11:17 Always insecure with your hair
00:11:19 Wear Rejoice 3in1
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00:11:25 Buy Dramarambut
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00:11:40 So great now and later
00:11:43 [Music]
00:11:46 Many unique things around us
00:11:48 That invite curiosity
00:11:50 Hello, I'm Mirza Ains
00:11:51 We meet again at Asal Usil
00:11:52 Together with John Martin
00:11:53 But don't worry
00:11:54 All your curiosity
00:11:56 Will be answered by John Martin
00:11:58 Do you have a lift?
00:12:00 Yes
00:12:01 Because this is on TV
00:12:02 I will sleep later
00:12:03 Interesting and informative
00:12:05 Make everything inspiring
00:12:07 Asal Usil
00:12:09 Insert Sian every Monday to Friday at 11 o'clock on TransTV
00:12:14 [Commercials]
00:12:44 [Commercials]
00:13:00 [Commercials]
00:13:29 [Music]
00:13:32 Wow, Irfan, let me help you
00:13:35 Help, help, help
00:13:37 Insert the key
00:13:40 He's proud, active and caring
00:13:42 But his hair turns yellow
00:13:45 Don't worry, there's a new Rinso Formula
00:13:47 With Smart Clean System
00:13:49 Effective, remove dirt and lift yellow hair
00:13:52 [Music]
00:13:55 Rinso Anti-Dandruff
00:13:57 Free clothes, yellow tone
00:13:59 [Music]
00:14:01 Mirza Undercover
00:14:02 This is an exciting show, let's watch
00:14:04 [Commercials]
00:14:21 [Commercials]
00:14:44 [Commercials]
00:14:54 [Commercials]
00:14:59 [Commercials]
00:15:17 [Commercials]
00:15:20 [Commercials]
00:15:35 We want to be Ninja Warrior
00:15:39 This week, enjoy OCG's training to be a ninja
00:15:43 Enjoy playing Battle Game
00:15:48 Keep going, keep going
00:15:50 OCG's seafood mukbang
00:15:54 But FYI, if we eat seafood
00:15:56 Watch it all on Sahabat Cantik
00:15:59 Sunday, November 5th, at 9 AM
00:16:02 On TransTV
00:16:04 [Music]
00:16:08 Check it out, Arthur is talking to the fish
00:16:11 [Music]
00:16:21 They made me what I am
00:16:23 [Music]
00:16:29 Permission to come aboard
00:16:31 [Music]
00:16:35 I've been looking for you
00:16:37 Your half-brother, King Orm
00:16:39 Is about to declare war upon the surface world
00:16:42 The only way to stop this war
00:16:46 Is for you to take your rightful place as king
00:16:49 Trust me, I am no king
00:16:51 You do your best thinking when you're not thinking at all
00:16:55 That was the worst pep talk, ever
00:16:59 I want to strap in
00:17:02 [Music]
00:17:05 Welcome home
00:17:07 Badass
00:17:09 [Music]
00:17:12 My brother has come from the surface
00:17:14 [Music]
00:17:16 To challenge me for the throne
00:17:18 I call it an ass-whooping
00:17:20 [Music]
00:17:26 I'm gonna beat him
00:17:28 I came because I had no choice
00:17:31 [Music]
00:17:33 I came to save my home
00:17:35 And the people that I love
00:17:37 You think you're unworthy to lead
00:17:39 Because you're two different worlds
00:17:41 [Music]
00:17:43 But that is exactly why you are worthy
00:17:45 [Music]
00:17:48 That was awesome
00:17:49 [Music]
00:17:53 The war is coming to the surface
00:17:55 And I'm bringing the wrath of the seven seas with me
00:17:59 [Music]
00:18:01 Aquaman, coming soon on Bioscope Prime TV
00:18:05 You're grandpa is that one too
00:18:07 But grandpa's teeth
00:18:08 Don't worry
00:18:09 Polyden adhesive makes you
00:18:11 Enjoy every bite with strength
00:18:14 And prevent the rest of the food from getting trapped
00:18:16 Polyden cleanser, killing bacteria stronger than toothpaste
00:18:20 This is the spirit of Indonesia
00:18:23 The spirit that promotes Telkomsel
00:18:26 To continue and promote this nation
00:18:29 Telkomsel, the spirit of Indonesia
00:18:33 [Music]
00:18:35 [Music]
00:18:37 This week, Dr. Nico Saputra and Dr. Adib Duwitama
00:18:41 Will be traveling to the island of Dewata, Bali
00:18:43 Starting from the fun at the beach with local kids
00:18:47 Catching fish and processing it into local specialties
00:18:51 To harvest unique bedugul snow fruits
00:18:54 And of course, they will also share useful health information
00:18:59 Dr. Traveler, Sunday, November 5th at 9.30 AM on TransTV
00:19:05 The great thing about Bebelag is that it's enriched with phosgos that is clear
00:19:09 Support good digestion and triple A with higher aloe dha
00:19:12 Stimulating the creative mind of the kids
00:19:15 Both help grow a big heart
00:19:18 Bebelag, all the great things
00:19:20 New, Sunsilk Anti-Skin
00:19:22 With Tetri Oil Serum for skin care
00:19:25 Also Aloe Vera
00:19:26 And Ginseng that nourishes hair
00:19:28 Make the best solution
00:19:31 Sunsilk Anti-Skin
00:19:35 World class movie, on your screen
00:19:39 This is a new race, new species
00:19:42 A higher life for it
00:19:44 A villain trying to control the power of aliens
00:19:48 But an alien has chosen a journalist to be his partner
00:19:53 The time leaps will always come
00:19:58 Final, Sunday, November 5th at 9.30 PM on TransTV
00:20:04 Who here wants to be a thumb?
00:20:13 Me, me, me
00:20:19 Okay, then don't spread hoax
00:20:23 Spreading hoax can be like this
00:20:26 Don't spread hatred
00:20:28 Hatred will only bring deep wound
00:20:31 Don't slander
00:20:33 Because slander is more cruel than murder
00:20:36 And don't curse
00:20:38 Cursing will only hurt the heart
00:20:41 So, we have to avoid all of that
00:20:44 To be a thumb that is a thumb
00:20:48 Indomie Hai Babis that is hot viral
00:20:54 Hot Gua Seblaknya, literally viral
00:21:00 Krupuk Seblaknya crunchy, Mie Lebarnya chewy
00:21:06 Hot Gopreknya trending, Keremesannya kres crazy
00:21:10 Indomie Hai Babis
00:21:12 Indomie Hai Babis Seblak Hot Jeletot dan Ayam Geprek, hotnya viral
00:21:19 Get quality and trusted news to accompany your day
00:21:27 Starting from Good Morning, next hour
00:21:30 CNN Indonesia News Update, next hour
00:21:38 Transvision
00:21:43 Watch all of it only on TransTV and CNN Indonesia on Transvision
00:21:49 Jamal
00:21:56 Yeah
00:21:57 Om Jamal
00:21:59 Yeah
00:22:00 Alhamdulillah
00:22:02 The secret to get the blessing of Allah SWT
00:22:06 Give him a round of applause
00:22:08 We have arrived at the second question
00:22:11 A child who is not yet able to return
00:22:14 But before that, you are also a child who is not yet able to return
00:22:17 Really?
00:22:18 Yes, it's a lesson for us
00:22:20 Let's see this clip, a Palestinian child dies every 15 minutes in Gaza
00:22:25 Victims of the wound continue to block the hospital in Gaza
00:22:31 As seen in Suhada Al-Aqsa Hospital in Darabu
00:22:35 Medical staff are trying to save a child who was attacked by an Israeli rocket
00:22:40 The child was given breathing aids and the wounds were slowly cleaned
00:22:46 Similar conditions are also seen in the Al-Shifa hospital operating room
00:22:51 A number of doctors and medical personnel carefully saved a child who was unable to get on the operating table
00:22:59 The hospital admitted that 40% of the victims were children and women who were attacked by Israel in Gaza
00:23:07 It's 7,000
00:23:12 The number of victims in Gaza is 7,000
00:23:14 Yes, okay
00:23:16 And the most of them are children and women
00:23:18 This means that the next generation of our brothers in Palestine is already there
00:23:25 But we are sure that Allah will give them blessings
00:23:28 Keep praying
00:23:30 Okay, Guru
00:23:31 Okay, let's focus again
00:23:33 A child who has not returned
00:23:37 A child who has not returned
00:23:39 Can we give blessings to the king?
00:23:42 There is an additional question, Guru
00:23:44 If the child is the same as the one who was raised, can it be counted as a child who was born from us?
00:23:48 Okay, thank you very much, Eid-al-Fitr
00:23:50 Abib Shaukri and Ustaz Sam
00:23:52 God bless you
00:23:54 The community is blessed by Allah
00:23:57 Know to the parents who are left dead by their children who are still young
00:24:07 Those who have not returned
00:24:09 So be sure they are the children of the Muslim people who are still young
00:24:15 They are the inhabitants of heaven who will meet their parents later
00:24:21 And if the child is already in heaven, Guru?
00:24:25 Already?
00:24:27 Because there are parks in heaven for children who are still young, who have not returned, who are dead
00:24:33 Guarded by Siti Sarah, Siti Hajar and Prophet Ibrahim al-Salah
00:24:38 Jamaa'
00:24:40 Oh, Jamaa'
00:24:42 So when the time comes, the children will be given gold bars to be filled with alcohol to give to their parents
00:24:54 So, Jamaa'
00:24:58 Oh, Jamaa'
00:25:00 Later, these children will be brought gold bars to give to their parents
00:25:06 Oh Allah, praise be to Allah
00:25:08 So, later, the people of the community will come, the children of the community
00:25:11 And know that these children of the community will not enter heaven before their parents are also entered
00:25:18 He is reluctant, some people hold the clothes of their parents, their hands
00:25:22 So if three children die young, one, two above him
00:25:27 He does not want to go, he does not want to enter heaven if his parents do not enter heaven
00:25:31 The question is how to hear the parents who have a lot of sins
00:25:34 So the parents are replaced by the existence of angels that represent the faces of their parents
00:25:39 Masya Allah
00:25:40 And how about the adopted children?
00:25:42 Adopted, yes, not yet, we want to ask again
00:25:44 Adopted children are taken, suddenly the child dies, then there is an intention, it has reached the intention
00:25:49 And he positions himself as a parent, I am sure it is included
00:25:53 Amen, let's clap our hands
00:25:55 We were all hypnotized by the speech earlier
00:26:01 Yes, pray a lot, hopefully later Allah's help will definitely come to us
00:26:06 Now we enter the segment, ask us Ustaz
00:26:10 We all ask Ustaz
00:26:16 Who wants to ask?
00:26:18 The fastest movement
00:26:21 Oh this one, yes, okay, let's take the mic first, can you stand up, ma'am?
00:26:27 Yes, we are in the middle, how about here?
00:26:31 Yes, don't be far away, ma'am, yes, there are words from me here
00:26:35 Yes, please
00:26:37 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
00:26:42 Waalaikumussalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
00:26:46 I am from the Majelis Taklim Berkah Aktif Tasik Malaya
00:26:50 I am Ismi, Ismiati, I want to ask Ustaz Habib
00:26:57 How can we get the help of the Prophet?
00:27:03 MashaAllah, that's a very cool question, let's clap our hands
00:27:07 Because the help of the Prophet is definitely received
00:27:13 Yes, please Habibi, Umi, you can sit down first
00:27:17 MashaAllah, permission to all the teachers, Habib Ali
00:27:22 Alhamdulillah, hopefully we can pray again so that we can all get the intercession of the Prophet
00:27:29 What is the condition to get the intercession of the Prophet?
00:27:34 Once upon a time, the Prophet told his companions, "I was given two choices by Allah SWT"
00:27:44 "One, I will enter Paradise with my people, and the other, I will enter Paradise without reckoning"
00:27:49 The first choice was given by Allah SWT, how if half of your people entered Paradise without reckoning?
00:27:58 And the second choice was intercession
00:28:01 So, the Prophet chose intercession
00:28:07 The companions who narrated this hadith then asked the Prophet
00:28:13 "O Messenger of Allah, pray for me so that I can also get intercession"
00:28:21 What did Muhammad say?
00:28:23 "This is intercession for all Muslims, for the whole people of the Prophet Muhammad"
00:28:32 So, the condition for people to get intercession is only one
00:28:37 The important thing is that you should not leave the path of faith, but you should still believe in Allah
00:28:44 You should still believe in the Prophet Muhammad
00:28:49 "There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"
00:28:55 Until death, the important thing is that we must be Muslims
00:28:58 Then we have the right to get intercession
00:29:02 Because the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad is a very expensive thing
00:29:09 Until the Prophet Muhammad also said, "Do you know who will be very happy with my intercession in the hereafter?"
00:29:20 Who are those people who are very happy with the intercession of the Prophet?
00:29:26 Who is the person who is strong in his tawhid?
00:29:29 Who is the person who is always holding firmly to the words "There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah"
00:29:37 Therefore, we must keep our faith in Islam
00:29:40 Even though we are at the end of times, even at the very end
00:29:45 We must keep our identity, we must keep our family
00:29:49 So that we are always close to the Prophet Muhammad
00:29:53 So that the Prophet Muhammad will give his help, his intercession to all of us
00:30:00 Also our children, our family
00:30:04 And all the people we love and they love us
00:30:08 Get the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad
00:30:12 Thank you Habib
00:30:15 Let's clap our hands
00:30:19 We still have time to ask questions
00:30:23 Who else wants to ask?
00:30:25 Oh, this one
00:30:27 Yes, I love it
00:30:29 Come here, come here
00:30:32 Let's go back to the straight path
00:30:34 Okay, please
00:30:36 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
00:30:38 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:30:46 My name is Abdi Dewi
00:30:49 From the Taklim Berkah Aktif Tasik Malaya
00:30:54 I want to ask you
00:30:57 What kind of friend gives us intercession?
00:31:06 Please answer
00:31:10 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim
00:31:12 Remember, friends who can give intercession, who are faithful and righteous
00:31:18 Don't let in the hereafter, good, pious, faithful, righteous friends
00:31:25 They are already helpers in the world
00:31:28 Invite us to go to the gathering, remind us
00:31:31 Right?
00:31:34 Pray for us, continue to support our goodness, help us
00:31:39 Those are the people who will give us intercession
00:31:42 Don't let in the hereafter, in the world, we already get it
00:31:45 That's why sometimes, gather with pious people
00:31:50 Look for a good circle
00:31:53 Look for a good group
00:31:55 The bird flies with the colony
00:31:58 (bird sound)
00:32:04 Jamal, what sound is that?
00:32:07 That's my voice
00:32:10 (laughing)
00:32:13 So, everyone will be together with the group
00:32:17 Then, humans will be raised together
00:32:20 Entering heaven with the people they love
00:32:24 That's why sometimes, "Oh my friend, if you don't find me in heaven, look for me"
00:32:33 "Oh my friend, you are so polite"
00:32:37 Help each other
00:32:38 Even people who love each other because of Allah will be given intercession in the hereafter
00:32:43 When there is no intercession
00:32:45 So, really look for a good friend because it has an impact
00:32:49 Thank you, Guru
00:32:50 So, befriend with a good friend
00:32:52 Yes, Masya Allah
00:32:53 Give him a round of applause
00:32:55 Especially if you can marry Ustaz
00:32:58 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:21 Who else want to ask?
00:33:23 (audience)
00:33:24 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:47 Hi, Mimin
00:33:48 (speaking in foreign language)
00:33:51 (speaking in foreign language)
00:34:19 I want to ask, Ustaz Sam, can we, even though we don't have the blessings of the Prophet, can we be safe on the Day of Judgment?
00:34:49 Without the blessings of the Prophet?
00:34:51 Wow, that's a great question.
00:34:54 The power of the Imam.
00:34:56 That's the question from there.
00:34:58 That's a great question. Thank you, Ummi, for coming back to your place.
00:35:04 Thank you too.
00:35:06 There's a question on social media.
00:35:09 But the teachers are allowed by Allah.
00:35:14 I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan.
00:35:20 Blessed is He in Whose hand is the dominion, and He is able to do all things.
00:35:34 Who created death and life to test you, which of you is best in deed? And He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving.
00:35:52 Who created the seven heavens in layers. You see no deviation in the creation of the Most Merciful.
00:36:09 So turn your gaze back, do you see any deviation? Then turn your gaze back twice, and the gaze will return to you, humble, and He is the Reckoner.
00:36:33 We will read a small part of Surah Al-Mulk.
00:36:38 The Prophet said, "There are 30 verses in the Qur'an, and one of them is from the 30 verses that can intercede for someone, so that he is forgiven his sins by Allah."
00:36:57 That is Surah Al-Mulk, which was revealed by Sayyidina Abu Hurairah.
00:37:04 He taught us Surah Al-Mulk.
00:37:10 So even though it is said that Surah Al-Mulk is the one that intercedes, in essence it is not Surah Al-Mulk, but for the Prophet, it is still not possible without intercession for the Prophet.
00:37:26 Why can a teacher intercede for his student? Because he follows the teachings of the Prophet.
00:37:31 Why can the Qur'an intercede for its reader? Because the Qur'an was taught by the Prophet.
00:37:38 Then everything will return to its source, which is the Prophet's wife, Muhammad.
00:37:44 So do not misunderstand when you hear that Al-Mulk can intercede.
00:37:49 I am looking for intercession for Al-Mulk, not for the Prophet.
00:37:51 No, it is not like that.
00:37:53 Intercession is still for the Prophet, because we know that Surah Al-Mulk is from the Prophet.
00:38:01 How does Surah Al-Mulk intercede for us?
00:38:04 "So make this Surah Al-Mulk a companion in our graves."
00:38:08 How does Surah Al-Mulk become a companion in our graves?
00:38:11 "So make this Surah Al-Mulk our reading every time to our bed."
00:38:18 Do not ever sleep before reading Surah Al-Mulk.
00:38:21 Al-Mulk is the one who will give intercession when the Qarnaqir comes.
00:38:26 When the earth is about to collapse, Al-Mulk is the one who will stop it.
00:38:30 Why do you want to collapse? I am inside it.
00:38:32 When the Qarnaqir comes to torture, Al-Mulk says, "Why do you want to torture? I am inside it."
00:38:37 When do you hit this person? You hit me.
00:38:39 This is Surah Al-Mulk, not Surah Al-Ikhlas.
00:38:42 So, do not read it all the time.
00:38:47 Read it. Read it.
00:38:48 If you only read it, add a little bit of Al-Mulk.
00:38:52 Thank you, Master of Science.
00:38:54 Add more science. So, don't miss Al-Mulk every day if you can.
00:39:00 Now, we will see from Instagram @yogimuhammad09.
00:39:07 Assalamualaikum, Habib.
00:39:09 Waalaikumussalam, Ustaz.
00:39:11 He said, if you want to get intercession, just do Salat.
00:39:15 You are guaranteed to get intercession from Prophet.
00:39:17 But it is true that it is easy, Habib.
00:39:20 With Salawat, Bip.
00:39:22 MashaAllah.
00:39:24 So, Salawat to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:39:28 It is like what Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. said,
00:39:32 "I will gather you in a gathering on the Day of Judgment.
00:39:36 I will give you a lot of prayer."
00:39:40 "The people who are closest to me in the Hereafter are those people who always pray to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w."
00:39:53 So, when we pray, the more we know Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:39:59 Because every time, every day, every time, his name is called by us.
00:40:08 "And I will gather you in a gathering on the Day of Judgment.
00:40:10 I will give you a lot of prayer."
00:40:13 Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. once said in his hadith,
00:40:15 "Allah s.w.t. created an angel who is assigned by Allah s.w.t.
00:40:22 to convey every Salawat that is recited by all of my people to me."
00:40:32 Our Salawat to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is until Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. knows that we are reciting his name.
00:40:39 Of course, one of the ways is by Salawat.
00:40:42 Also, there are other ways.
00:40:44 By living the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:40:47 By doing good deeds that are good for us,
00:40:54 until we hear the words of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:40:58 Because Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. knows what we do in this world
00:41:03 because we are his people.
00:41:05 When the news is good news,
00:41:09 Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. is grateful to Allah s.w.t.
00:41:12 Even if there is bad news,
00:41:16 Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. asks for forgiveness for us.
00:41:22 He asks Allah s.w.t. for forgiveness for us.
00:41:26 Therefore, let us maintain a good relationship with Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:41:29 Let Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. know us,
00:41:31 help us,
00:41:33 give us his intercession,
00:41:35 give us his help.
00:41:38 One of the ways is by Salawat.
00:41:40 By living the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:41:43 For the sake of our parents,
00:41:45 we often attend the gatherings of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:41:48 If you see the garden of paradise,
00:41:52 you should pray for the safety of the world.
00:41:54 We live in the gatherings of paradise,
00:41:58 we hope to die in paradise.
00:42:01 May Allah make it easy for us to enter paradise.
00:42:05 Allah s.w.t. Amen.
00:42:07 Ya Rabbal Alamin.
00:42:10 Because our life in this world is only for a moment.
00:42:14 We seek.
00:42:17 Whatever it is,
00:42:18 it is certain by the way Allah s.w.t. has chosen,
00:42:22 so that we are closer to Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:42:26 So that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. knows our faces one by one.
00:42:29 So that hopefully in the hereafter,
00:42:32 we can kiss the hand of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.
00:42:35 Amen. Ya Rabbal Alamin.
00:42:37 Thank you, Habib.
00:42:39 I really want it, Habib.
00:42:41 Thank you, the knowledge.
00:42:44 So that Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. does not know our faces.
00:42:46 Where do we go if Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. does not know our faces?
00:42:50 Okay, let's go.
00:42:52 There are still questions from Instagram @komengprayudibangkomengsehat.
00:42:57 Yes.
00:42:59 Not that.
00:43:01 The question is, assalamualaikum ustaz.
00:43:03 Is it true that people in the gathering of paradise,
00:43:08 they all wait to get intercession?
00:43:12 How long does it usually take for us to get intercession?
00:43:15 How long?
00:43:17 How long do people wait to get intercession in the gathering of paradise?
00:43:22 We will discuss after this one.
00:43:24 So, don't go anywhere.
00:43:26 We will discuss how long people wait to get intercession in the gathering of paradise.
00:43:29 After this one.
00:43:31 Alhamdulillah.
00:43:33 Alhamdulillah.
00:43:35 Alhamdulillah.
00:43:37 [Music]
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00:44:26 Great fire in Molanda, General Hospital, Dr. Selamat, West Garut.
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00:45:41 As a general information, Jakarta is the coldest city in the world.
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00:45:52 Aipedia, available every Saturday and Sunday at half past one in TransTV.
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00:47:53 This week, Dr. Nico Samputra and Dr. Adit Duitama will be traveling on the island of Dewata, Bali.
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00:48:09 And of course, they will also share useful health information.
00:48:14 Dr. Traveler, Sunday, November 5 at half past nine in TransTV.
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00:53:36 and the people who have a great sin, so many of them, receive intercession, so the righteous people have a far greater right to receive intercession and assistance from the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
00:53:51 and of course, we all, whatever our profession, whoever we are, whether we are a man, a woman, or a common people,
00:54:04 we all feel that we have a lot of sins, or a little bit?
00:54:08 we all have a lot of sins, and none of us admit that we have a little bit of sins, none of us dare to admit it
00:54:15 whether it's a master, or someone who works in an office, everyone feels that they have a lot of sins, we all feel that we have a lot of sins
00:54:24 so at that time, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, "I will give intercession to the sinners of my people"
00:54:37 so when we feel that we have a lot of sins, when we feel that we have a little bit of actions,
00:54:43 the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with his mercy, with his love, even though we feel that we don't deserve to receive that intercession,
00:54:54 but that intercession will be enough to give us a good end
00:54:58 even though we feel that it's hard to give a good end to that intercession, but that intercession will give us a good end, will give us a good end
00:55:07 because of the love of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to his people, the Prophet's mercy, the love of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
00:55:19 even more than the love of anyone to us, more than the love of the parents to their children, more than the love of husband and wife,
00:55:29 more than the love of the brother and sister, the love of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to his people
00:55:35 the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is the one who always prays for us, Allahumma ghfir li ummati mata ghadama wa mata akhar
00:55:43 O Allah, please forgive all the sins of my people, whether they are good or bad, whoever comes, who prays for us,
00:55:53 the people who don't know themselves, the people who are still lazy, the people who are still gossiping,
00:56:02 the people who still often sin, the people who still often commit sins, the people who still often fight with their parents,
00:56:08 the people who still often open the aura, but at that time the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) still said in his hadith
00:56:15 shafa'ati li ahlil kabair min ummati, shafa'atku akan aku berikan kepada pelaku besar, pelaku dosa-dosa besar dari ummatku
00:56:26 kasih sayangnya Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) merangkul seluruh umatnya, agar umatnya semuanya,
00:56:33 Nabi pengen kalau bisa semuanya bergandengan tangan masuk ke dalam surganya Allah Subhanahu wa ta'ala
00:56:39 Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) begitu luar biasa, sampai pernah dikabarkan ada orang bukan umatnya Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) mati,
00:56:46 Nabi Muhammad (pbuh) kemudian sedih, sampai sahabat bingung, kenapa sedih ya Rasulullah?
00:56:50 karena telah terlewat dariku satu nyawa yang tak berhasil untuk aku selamatkan
00:56:55 mudah-mudahan kita selamatkan Nabi Muhammad (pbuh)
00:56:57 Amin ya Allah, amin, insya Allah terima kasih ya Habibi
00:57:01 baik, luar biasa ya, ya kalau misalnya dengar apa yang dilakukan Nabi kepada kita ini luar biasa,
00:57:07 getar hati kita ya, mudah-mudahan kita selamat semuanya, amin
00:57:10 dan baik, sekarang kita masuk ke dalam segmen Tanya dong Ustadz
00:57:15 kami semua tanya dong Ustadz
00:57:21 kita kasih kesempatan buat yang ada di studio dulu untuk bertanya siapa yang mau nanya
00:57:26 yang di depan gak kelihatan, yang di sini aja
00:57:29 ya oh ya ya ya ya silahkan
00:57:31 mana tadi mic-nya, udah pegang belum? ada di situ? ada di situ ya silahkan
00:57:34 boleh berdiri, aturan aja di sini sayang
00:57:37 Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
00:57:46 perkenalkan nama saya Ibu Sri Rezeki dari Majelis Ta'lim Ibhi Kota Bandung
00:57:53 Masya Allah
00:57:54 mau bertanya nih pada Ustadz Maulana
00:57:57 Ustadz Maulana, siap Ustadznya langsung Masya Allah
00:58:00 apakah penghuni surga bisa memberikan syafaat bagi penghuni neraka?
00:58:07 oh cakep banget, mudah-mudahan kita penghuni surga semuanya, amin
00:58:11 baik, Ibu boleh kembali, Guru ku silahkan ilmunya
00:58:14 makasih banyak Ijin Habib Shauki dan Ustadz
00:58:17 satu hal buat kita, beruntunglah orang yang memiliki tiga
00:58:23 satu keluarga yang bisa menolongnya, amin
00:58:28 siapa itu? anak yang apal Quran
00:58:33 bisa menyelamatkan
00:58:35 itulah enaknya kalau punya anak-anak yang hadis Quran
00:58:39 bisa menyelamatkan sampai enam, sampai tujuh puluh
00:58:43 sampai enam puluh sampai tujuh puluh keluarganya bisa dimasukkan
00:58:46 makanya Ibu ya, saya ini ya Ibu
00:58:49 karena kan kita tidak tahu posisi kita nanti dari kemudian
00:58:52 dengan adanya anak-anak, kan orang yang apal Quran kan keluarga Allah di bumi
00:58:58 itu bisa diberikan fasilitas bisa menyelamatkan keluarganya
00:59:01 termasuk orang-orang yang sahid
00:59:04 yang kedua, yang ada hubungan batin makanya jangan pelit mendoakan
00:59:10 betul tadi kita tahu sesam, kita pergi ziarah ke makan wali, orang sole
00:59:15 mudah-mudahan kita dikenal
00:59:17 atau sedekah baca Al-Fatiha untuk seluruh orang Muslim, mu'min
00:59:21 mudah-mudahan kita dikenal oleh mereka
00:59:23 nanti mudah-mudahan kita dibantu
00:59:25 yang ketiga, jamaah
00:59:27 selain ada kekeluargaan ada namanya
00:59:31 mohon maaf, apalagi kalau mau masuk surga ada orang dalam ya
00:59:35 tadi kameramen nanya
00:59:38 namanya Cahyof
00:59:40 yang ketiga, jamaah
00:59:42 yang ada hubungan kebaikan
00:59:45 nanti ulama-ulama, guru-guru kita itu tidak mau masuk surga
00:59:51 berdiri di tempat yang tinggi
00:59:52 kenapa? mau mencari orang-orang yang pernah ikut majlisnya
00:59:55 senang itu kalau datang majlis
00:59:58 jadi orang-orang yang punya guru luar biasa
01:00:00 dan ternyata ada orang tidak mau masuk surga
01:00:04 kenapa tidak mau masuk surga?
01:00:06 karena saya bisa ceramah gara-gara diundang
01:00:09 oleh orang dermawan
01:00:11 tidak mungkin juga ceramah kalau tidak diundang
01:00:14 makanya kadang-kadang orang tua kita dulu itu
01:00:17 kalau ada ulama baik, itu suruh anaknya makan di sampingnya
01:00:21 kenapa? minimal insya Allah bisa masuk
01:00:23 masya Allah, tepuk tangan dulu yuk
01:00:25 masya Allah, itu poin-poin yang luar biasa
01:00:28 dan sekarang kita kasih kesempatan lagi untuk bertanya
01:00:30 siapa lagi yang mau nanya?
01:00:32 ini Udeh, iya boleh-boleh silahkan guru
01:00:36 saya mau bertanya dengan Pak Ustadz Sham
01:00:39 Ustadz Sham, boleh maju ke depan
01:00:41 langsung ditembak nih Ustadz Sham, silahkan pertanyaannya
01:00:44 Bismillahirrahmanirrahim, Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
01:00:52 Pak Ustadz Sham, perkenalkan
01:00:55 saya dari majlis Ta'lim Anaylah, kota Bandung
01:01:01 dan nama saya Nela Garnayila
01:01:04 pertanyaannya adalah benarkah kita akan mendapat syafaat dari orang yang didolimi?
01:01:13 oh, dari orang yang didolimi
01:01:16 dapet syafaat ya, kalau didoain mungkin gimana ya
01:01:18 baik, guru, paham pertanyaannya ya?
01:01:20 enggak, enggak, enggak
01:01:21 ah, enggak, ok
01:01:22 benarkah kita akan mendapatkan syafaat dari orang yang kita dolimi?
01:01:27 kita dolimi?
01:01:28 oh, enggak dong
01:01:29 kan kita dolimi dia?
01:01:30 iya
01:01:31 hmmmm
01:01:33 ya, mungkin guru nanti bisa ngerti kalimatnya ya
01:01:35 siap, siap, siap
01:01:36 baik, ok, paham
01:01:37 silahkan Umi, boleh kembali duduk
01:01:39 kalau mendapat syafaat dari membantu orang yang didolimi baru
01:01:45 makanya dalam Al-Quran disebutkan
01:01:47 [Al-Quran]
01:02:07 tidak ada kebaikan sekecil apapun itu kecuali dapat ganjaran dari Allah SWT
01:02:13 dan dari Nabi SAW pernah menyampaikan kepada kita semua
01:02:18 bahwasannya, orang yang menutupi aibnya orang lain di dunia
01:02:22 maka akan ditutupi juga aibnya nanti di akhirat sama Allah SWT
01:02:26 berarti ini kan bentuk pertolongan dari Allah SWT
01:02:30 bentuk syafaat dari Allah SWT
01:02:33 kenapa?
01:02:34 dahulu di dunia kau pernah tolongin orang yang terdolimi
01:02:36 dengan cara apa?
01:02:37 orang-orang pada gibahin dia kau malah tutupi aibnya
01:02:41 orang-orang berbicara dengan dia kau malah tutupi aibnya
01:02:45 maka Allah akan tutupi aibmu pula di hari kiamat
01:02:48 itu caranya mendapatkan pertolongan dari orang yang terdolimi
01:02:53 bukan kita menambahkan volume sama dia
01:02:55 kalau orang lagi berbicara dengan dia kita harus menimbrung
01:02:59 "ah, tidak kok, tidak seperti itu orangnya"
01:03:01 nah itu yang akan mendapatkan pertolongan dari Allah SWT
01:03:05 eh, tahu tidak, ibu itu pelit banget aslinya ibu itu
01:03:08 "ih, saya pernah jalan waktu kita jalan ke Islam itu indah"
01:03:11 "di Bosmah dia mumpet-mumpet makan sendiri di belakang"
01:03:14 ada yang ngomongin gitu
01:03:15 lalu ibu nimbru "enggak, saya malah kemarin dibagi makanannya sama dia"
01:03:20 "dia suka bantuin kita"
01:03:21 nah, orang yang seperti ini yang menutupi aib temannya
01:03:24 malah menimpalin dengan sesuatu kebaikan
01:03:27 maka dia yang akan ditutupi aibnya oleh Allah SWT di hari kiamat
01:03:31 yang pertama
01:03:32 yang kedua, orang yang nolongin orang terdolimi di dunia
01:03:35 tentu saja akan ditolong oleh Allah SWT nanti di akhirat
01:03:39 makanya disebut sebagai syafaat
01:03:41 syafaat artinya tadi, daripada pertolongan
01:03:45 kemudian, Nabi SAW dari sahabat Abu Musa Al Ashari
01:03:48 beliau berkata bahwa pernah suatu ketika
01:03:50 Nabi SAW diletangi seorang yang membutuhkan, seorang peminta-minta
01:03:55 maka Nabi SAW bersabda
01:03:58 "berikanlah kepadanya"
01:04:00 atau "tolonglah ia"
01:04:02 orang yang meminta-minta tersebut
01:04:04 karena itu merupakan daripada ganjaran dari Allah SWT
01:04:09 bahasanya, "berikan syafaat kepada orang"
01:04:11 maksudnya, "tolonglah peminta-minta tersebut"
01:04:13 berarti, kita di dunia ini diminta oleh Nabi SAW
01:04:18 untuk banyak-banyak membantu orang lain
01:04:22 bukan malah menyulitkan orang lain
01:04:24 bukankah kita ingin dimudahkan nanti di hari kiamat?
01:04:27 Ibu, pernah enggak Ibu pergi ke suatu tempat
01:04:32 lalu ternyata suatu tempat tersebut
01:04:35 jangan deh, Ibu masuk ke sini antri enggak Ibu?
01:04:37 Ibu masuk ke sini antri, ingin cepat-cepat masuk enggak?
01:04:40 waktu antri tadi, ingin masuk ke sini
01:04:42 itu baru masuk studio Islam itu indah
01:04:45 gimana kalau masuk surga nanti?
01:04:47 dan Allah SWT mengabarkan melalui lisan mulianya bagi Nabi SAW
01:04:51 bahwa langkah kakinya manusia tidak akan pernah bisa bergerak nanti
01:04:55 sebelum ditanyai
01:04:57 tentang umurnya, tentang ilmunya, tentang hartanya
01:05:01 tentang bagaimana dia menghabiskan waktunya
01:05:04 bahkan kalau dia misalnya di dunia banyak dolimi orang
01:05:07 diminta dulu pertanggungjawabannya itu baru bisa bergerak nanti kakinya
01:05:10 kita masuk ke suatu tempat aja, ingin cepat-cepat masuk
01:05:13 apalagi nanti sudah kelihatan surganya, tapi kita enggak bisa masuk ke dalamnya
01:05:17 kenapa? karena ternyata kita enggak senang untuk menolong orang lain
01:05:21 maka menolong orang dalam kebaikan
01:05:24 maka engkau akan ditolong oleh Allah SWT nanti di hari kiamat
01:05:29 jadi dapat syarfatnya karena menolong orang-orang dolimi
01:05:33 iya, tadi ibu sebenarnya mau nyampinnya, cuma sampai sini, geget gitu ya
01:05:37 jadi akhirnya gue terputar, grogol dia
01:05:39 tapi benar banget ya, ini hal yang paling sulit kita lakukan yaitu menutupi aib orang
01:05:44 makanya ganjarannya besar sekali
01:05:46 satara hullahu Allah akan menutupi daripada aib dia ya umal kiamat
01:05:51 terima kasih guru ilmunya
01:05:53 dan kita berazam mulai sekarang ya, kita tutupin aib orang
01:05:56 insya Allah nanti Allah akan tutupin aib kita, amin
01:05:59 ya rabbal 'alaamin, baik siapa lagi yang mau nanya?
01:06:02 hmmmm, yang merah
01:06:05 ya, mic boleh digeser ke atas
01:06:08 dikasih ke nengnya
01:06:10 iya, namanya siapa? majlis taklimnya apa? silahkan
01:06:16 nama saya, beratu Nur Wiyeti
01:06:20 sampai sini bu, pertanyaannya silahkan
01:06:22 alhamdulillah, salamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
01:06:25 waalaikum salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
01:06:29 saya mau tanya kepada ustad habib
01:06:31 wah, ustad habib, ya habibi, baik silahkan, langsung beb
01:06:36 silahkan, pertanyaannya
01:06:38 amin ya Allah
01:06:40 habib, banyak orang yang memohon
01:06:43 ya rasulullah, berikanlah aku syafaatmu
01:06:46 tapi ada juga yang mengatakan syafaat itu harusnya minta kepada Allah
01:06:51 bukan ke nabi, jadi yang benar itu yang mana?
01:06:55 oh iya, ini urutannya nih harusnya gimana ya
01:06:58 iya, jadi kemana kita harus memintanya?
01:07:00 kepada nabi atau kepada Allah?
01:07:03 Allah, baik, bagus banget
01:07:05 terima kasih ibu, boleh tepuk tangan dulu
01:07:07 ya habibi, silahkan
01:07:09 alhamdulillah, nabi Muhammad s.a.w. telah mengabarkan bahwasannya
01:07:16 yashfa yawmal qiyamah thalatha, yang telah akan memberikan syafaat di akhirat
01:07:22 ada tiga golongan, al-anbiya, wal-ulama, wal-shuhada
01:07:27 mereka para nabi dan rasul
01:07:30 utusan-utusan Allah s.w.t
01:07:34 kemudian para ulama, para orang-orang soleh
01:07:38 makanya penting kita dekat dengan ulama
01:07:41 dekat dengan orang soleh
01:07:44 dekat dengan mereka yang mereka dekat kepada Allah s.w.t
01:07:49 yang mereka dekat kepada Habibullah Muhammad s.a.w.
01:07:55 makanya juga pernah dikabarkan di dalam hadithnya
01:07:59 ketika ada orang yang mati
01:08:01 semua amalnya terputus
01:08:04 ya kan, kecuali tiga
01:08:07 sodakoh, jariyah
01:08:09 kemudian ilmu yuntafakbi, ilmu yang bermanfaat untuknya
01:08:13 kemudian anak yang soleh
01:08:16 anak yang soleh, ulama dengan kesolehannya
01:08:20 bakal memberikan syafaat pertolongan
01:08:24 untuk setiap yang dekat dengan mereka
01:08:28 kemudian para shuhada
01:08:30 makanya kita melihat di berita luar biasa
01:08:33 para shuhada, shuhada
01:08:35 mereka pulang ke rahmatullah
01:08:38 dengan gembira, dengan senangnya
01:08:41 dengan luar biasa kelapangan hatinya
01:08:45 mereka lah yang termasuk
01:08:49 berhak memberikan syafaat
01:08:52 kepada keluarganya, kepada para pecintanya
01:08:56 kepada kerabat-kerabatnya
01:08:58 yang dapat memberikan syafaat, bantuan
01:09:04 nanti di akhirat tiga
01:09:06 para ambia, ulama dan juga shuhada
01:09:09 maka kita berusaha
01:09:11 biar kita dekat dengan nabi Muhammad
01:09:13 tadi dengan kita banyak sholawat
01:09:15 dengan kita menghidupkan sunnah-sunnah nabi Muhammad
01:09:17 juga dengan kita banyak sedekah
01:09:19 juga kita dengan baik kepada orang lain
01:09:21 dekat kepada ulama, dekat kepada guru-guru kita
01:09:24 para asatid kita, para qiyai kita
01:09:26 para habib kita, para ustadah kita
01:09:28 harapannya dekat kita dengan mereka di dunia
01:09:31 biar juga nanti dekat di akhirat
01:09:34 masuk ke dalam sorga di belakang romongan mereka
01:09:37 amin ya rabbal
01:09:39 karena nabi Muhammad s.a.w
01:09:44 sangat perhatian kepada kita
01:09:46 syafaat nabi, jelas adanya
01:09:49 pertolongan dari nabi, jelas adanya
01:09:53 karena nabi pernah mengabarkan
01:09:55 nanti di akhirat
01:09:57 biar orang-orang semua bakal mencari ku
01:10:00 sahabat ada yang nanya, ya rasulullah
01:10:02 kalau nanti di akhirat saya gak ketemu dengan mu
01:10:05 saya cari di mana engkau ya rasulullah
01:10:07 kata nabi Muhammad
01:10:09 cari di sirat, jembatan suratul mustahim
01:10:12 kalau gak ada di sirat, cari di telaga
01:10:15 kalau gak ada di telaga, cari di mizan
01:10:17 nabi Muhammad cuman berputar di antara tiga tempat ini
01:10:21 yang sangat menghentikan, mengkhawatirkan keadaan
01:10:24 antara sorga atau neraka
01:10:27 bahkan saat umatnya berjembat, di jembatan suratul mustahim
01:10:31 nabi Muhammad dari jauh mendoakan
01:10:33 ya rab salim salim ala ummati
01:10:37 ya Allah tolong selamatkan umatku
01:10:40 ya Allah tolong selamatkan umatku
01:10:43 kita didoain sama rasulullah dari dulu
01:10:46 sampai sekarang
01:10:47 bahkan sampai nanti kita berjembat di jembatan suratul mustahim
01:10:52 rasulullah mendoakan kita
01:10:55 dan itu bentuk daripada syafaatnya habibu nabi Muhammad
01:10:59 bentuk daripada pertolongan rasulullah
01:11:02 bentuk daripada bantuan rasulullah
01:11:04 mudah mudahan nanti kita berjembat di belakang romongan ya nabi Muhammad
01:11:08 nanti kalau antum duluan masuk, cari aneh
01:11:12 jangan lupa ganteng tangan aneh
01:11:14 pasti habib duluan yang masuk sama dibelakang jauh nih kayaknya
01:11:17 doaannya mati duluan dong
01:11:19 doanya ya masya Allah berkah selalu ya
01:11:22 dan baik ini luar biasa ngomongin masalah syafaat ya
01:11:26 ada juga yang pernah alih denger syafaat rasulullah s.a.w itu ada di akhir azan
01:11:31 jadi siapapun yang menjawab azan insya Allah akan mendapatkan syafaatnya nabi s.a.w
01:11:36 jangan kemana-mana tetap bersama kami di islam itu indah
01:11:39 jama'a wa jama'a alhamdulillah
01:11:42 [music]
01:11:46 bercanda
01:11:47 berita kocak
01:11:48 untuk anda
01:11:49 [music]
01:11:51 masih rontok gimana dong
01:11:54 pakai Pantene baru
01:11:56 formula dengan mikro-pro vitamin yang meresap
01:11:58 rambut lebih kuat dari dalam
01:12:00 hingga 10 kali lebih kuat lawan rontok
01:12:03 Pantene baru
01:12:06 yakin deodoranmu bisa segar seharian?
01:12:08 yuk bandingkan dengan Rexona
01:12:10 dari pagi sampai malam
01:12:13 biasa segarnya gak tahan lama
01:12:15 wah dengan Rexona tetap bersih dan segar seharian
01:12:18 ok percaya deh habis ini aku pakai Rexona
01:12:21 [music]
01:12:23 pemirsaan dari kabur ini ada tontonan seru kita langsung buka ya
01:12:26 Omay Faridah Nurhan merasakan sensasi bakso Big Boa di kota Bogor yang punya big surprise di dalamnya
01:12:33 teksturnya itu tengal begitu sudah kena tapir abitnya ini mengalahkan segalanya
01:12:37 selain itu juga menikmati ayam goreng di banjiri Serundeng yang letaknya ada di dalam pasar
01:12:43 Undercover Detektif Rasa
01:12:46 Minggu 5 November jam 12.30 di Trans TV
01:12:50 [music]
01:12:52 CTRS Foundation dan CNN Indonesia mempersembahkan
01:12:55 CTRS Charity Fun Run 2023
01:12:58 ikuti Fun Run 5 kilometer dan Race Run 10 kilometer
01:13:02 dengan hadiah dan door prize ratusan juta rupiah
01:13:05 dimeriahkan oleh musisi ternama Tanah Air
01:13:08 ayo ikuti CTRS Charity Fun Run 2023
01:13:12 Sabtu 18 November di lapangan Trans City BSD Tangerang Selatan
01:13:17 segera daftarkan diri anda melalui The Dig Event
01:13:20 [music]
01:13:21 apakah ia terlindungi?
01:13:23 sejak ia berusia satu tahun
01:13:25 lindungi terus eksplorasinya dengan Denkau
01:13:28 [music]
01:13:30 kini hadir dengan isi lebih banyak
01:13:32 harga tetap
01:13:34 [music]
01:13:36 [music]
01:13:37 kita mau menjadi ninja warrior
01:13:39 minggu ini intip keseruan OCG's latihan jadi ninja
01:13:43 [music]
01:13:46 serunya main game perang bantal
01:13:49 maju terus
01:13:50 [music]
01:13:52 hebohnya mukbang seafood ala OCG's
01:13:55 tapi FYI kalau kita makan si..
01:13:57 saksikan semuanya di Sahabat Cantik
01:14:00 Dungu 5 November jam 9 pagi di Trans TV
01:14:04 [cheering]
01:14:06 [music]
01:14:07 diskon besar hingga 50% di Transmart Full Day Sale
01:14:11 plus diskon tambahan 20% dengan alo prime
01:14:14 kartu kredit bank mega atau bank mega syariah
01:14:17 mulai dari kebutuhan sehari-hari
01:14:19 produk fresh, perlengkapan rumah tangga
01:14:22 produk departemen store dan elektronik
01:14:25 belanjanya sekarang, bayarnya belakangan
01:14:28 hari ini mulai dari toko buka sampai jam 10 malam
01:14:31 di Transmart seluruh Indonesia
01:14:34 [music]
01:14:36 ini jarak baru internetan
01:14:39 waktu kini bisa dipeli di AXIS
01:14:42 kontrol internet semuanya dengan play
01:14:46 and plus AXIS, MRI kita beda
01:14:51 [music]
01:14:53 di minggu kali ini Dr. Nico Saputra dan Dr. Adib Dwi Dama
01:14:57 akan traveling di Pulau Dewata Bali
01:15:00 mulai dari seru-seruan di pantai bareng anak-anak lokal
01:15:03 ikut menangkap ikan hingga mengolahnya jadi makanan khas daerah
01:15:07 hingga memanen buah salju khas Bedugul yang unik
01:15:10 dan pastinya mereka juga akan berbagi informasi
01:15:13 seputar kesehatan yang bermanfaat
01:15:15 Dr. Traveler, minggu 5 November jam 10.30 pagi di Trans TV
01:15:21 selamat datang, silakan
01:15:23 [music]
01:15:25 emangnya ada waktu buat sakit kepala
01:15:27 Panadol Extra, cepat redakan sakit kepala dan nyeria mengganggu
01:15:32 Panadol Extra, cepat redakan sakit kepala, dapat diminum sebelum makan
01:15:36 [music]
01:15:54 [music]
01:16:09 [typewriter sound]
01:16:12 [music]
01:16:28 Hi, baby-baby Agu, how are you?
01:16:31 do you want to be the most updated girl in the world?
01:16:33 so, baby-baby Agu, we have chosen the colors of your life
01:16:37 just follow this one Madam's journey
01:16:40 wow, it's so beautiful
01:16:42 everything you need is here
01:16:44 and guaranteed to make you happy and make you happy
01:16:47 see you again in Madam Comel Trans TV, bye
01:16:50 Madam Comel on Insat Sian Weekend
01:16:52 available every Sunday at 11.00 PM on Trans TV
01:16:56 [music]
01:16:58 every time I touch my hair, it's always messy
01:17:01 I feel like I don't trust myself
01:17:04 try Duff Hair Care with Nutriserum and Dynazine
01:17:07 Nutrition and lock the roots of the hair
01:17:10 so that the hair is strong and less messy 99%
01:17:13 finally, I can buy two hairs
01:17:16 why is it like tree skin?
01:17:18 so it's not like tree skin
01:17:20 use Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing every day
01:17:24 with honey, avocado oil, vitamin A and B5
01:17:27 wow
01:17:29 make the skin moist and soft
01:17:32 WP Protection protects the skin from the sun
01:17:35 from tree skin to soft skin
01:17:37 extra soft for your skin
01:17:39 Emerald Lovely Naturals Intense Moisturizing
01:17:42 new
01:17:43 [music]
01:17:46 viral or phenomenal news that circulates in society
01:17:49 more and more every day
01:17:51 various unique phenomena become viral in the Maya world
01:17:54 some information that is spread is not true
01:17:57 but many doubt the information
01:18:00 we are here to investigate everything
01:18:02 to reveal the truth
01:18:04 UNDERCOVER will reveal the truth from various phenomena
01:18:08 available every Sunday at 17.30 on TransTV
01:18:13 Hi, I'm Riel
01:18:14 in the middle of my crazy activity
01:18:16 my body condition is still stable
01:18:17 I always drink Indomil Steril
01:18:19 the benefits are real
01:18:20 real
01:18:21 Indomil Steril
01:18:22 the milk is real
01:18:23 the honey is real
01:18:24 the deliciousness is real
01:18:25 Indomil Steril
01:18:26 the benefits are real
01:18:27 [music]
01:18:30 why are you staring at me?
01:18:33 sad, sir
01:18:34 why are you sad?
01:18:36 I can't watch TV
01:18:38 the picture is blurry
01:18:40 oh, I see
01:18:43 where is your father?
01:18:45 he's already up there, sir
01:18:47 [praying]
01:18:51 this is a great fortune
01:18:54 we as humans must be able to ascend
01:18:57 oh, my God
01:18:58 help me, sir
01:19:00 where are you from?
01:19:01 I'm from the sky
01:19:03 I'm listening to the antenna
01:19:05 oh, my God
01:19:07 [music]
01:19:08 let's use Setopbox TV Digital broadcast now
01:19:12 [music]
01:19:13 world-class movie is on your screen
01:19:16 [music]
01:19:17 this is a new race, new species
01:19:19 [music]
01:19:20 a higher life form
01:19:22 a villain trying to control the power of aliens
01:19:25 [music]
01:19:26 but an alien has chosen a journalist to be his partner
01:19:30 [music]
01:19:36 Final, 25th November, 10.30pm, on TransTV
01:19:42 [music]
01:19:45 [speaking in foreign language]
01:19:58 [music]
01:19:59 glowing means brightening
01:20:02 the skin is fragrant every time
01:20:04 glowing means dot, dot, scarlet
01:20:08 always glow on the go
01:20:09 available in your favorite store
01:20:12 [music]
01:20:14 get quality and trusted news to accompany your day
01:20:19 starting from Good Morning, next time
01:20:23 [music]
01:20:27 CNN Indonesia News Update, next time
01:20:31 [music]
01:20:35 watch all of it only on TransTV
01:20:38 and CNN Indonesia on Transvision
01:20:41 [music]
01:20:43 [music]
01:20:47 [speaking in foreign language]
01:20:54 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:02 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:11 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:18 [singing]
01:21:24 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:28 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:37 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:45 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:52 [speaking in foreign language]
01:21:59 [speaking in foreign language]
01:22:09 [speaking in foreign language]
01:22:20 [speaking in foreign language]
01:22:38 [speaking in foreign language]
01:22:46 [speaking in foreign language]
01:23:06 [speaking in foreign language]
01:23:13 [speaking in foreign language]
01:23:23 [speaking in foreign language]
01:23:33 [speaking in foreign language]
01:23:43 [speaking in foreign language]
01:23:53 [speaking in foreign language]
01:24:13 [speaking in foreign language]
01:24:21 [speaking in foreign language]
01:24:31 [speaking in foreign language]
01:24:41 [speaking in foreign language]
01:24:51 [speaking in foreign language]
01:25:01 [speaking in foreign language]
01:25:11 [speaking in foreign language]
01:25:21 [speaking in foreign language]
01:25:31 [speaking in foreign language]
01:25:41 [speaking in foreign language]
01:25:51 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:01 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:11 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:21 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:31 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:41 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:51 [speaking in foreign language]
01:26:56 [music]
01:27:07 [speaking in foreign language]
01:27:17 [speaking in foreign language]
01:27:27 [speaking in foreign language]
01:27:37 [speaking in foreign language]
01:27:47 [speaking in foreign language]
01:27:57 [speaking in foreign language]
01:28:07 [speaking in foreign language]
01:28:17 [speaking in foreign language]
01:28:27 [speaking in foreign language]
01:28:37 [speaking in foreign language]
01:28:47 [speaking in foreign language]
01:28:57 [speaking in foreign language]
01:29:07 [speaking in foreign language]
01:29:17 [speaking in foreign language]
01:29:27 [singing in foreign language]
01:29:37 [singing in foreign language]
01:29:47 [singing in foreign language]