00:00:00 I believe that we owe God a praise.
00:00:13 Come on, somebody give him glory.
00:00:21 I remember Bishop Jake said some time ago, "You have to trust him even when you can't
00:00:25 trace him."
00:00:29 Even when you don't know what God is doing.
00:00:33 That's what trust is.
00:00:34 Trust is, I don't have to know, I believe the report of the Lord.
00:00:41 I'm telling you right now, I've been speaking it, I will do it until he releases me.
00:00:46 The amount of shifting and transferring of peace and health and prosperity and wealth
00:00:53 that God is getting ready to allow to descend on this house into the body of Christ, you
00:01:00 have to be able to receive that by faith.
00:01:05 You're going to have to try because you're caught in between all of the hell and the
00:01:10 upheaval that's happening in the world.
00:01:14 Especially what's going on in Israel, you can't really speak to that because there's
00:01:22 so much historical and religious implication.
00:01:27 At one end you understand why one is defending themselves, and then on the other end you
00:01:31 can't conceive why innocent people have to die.
00:01:35 You have to be able to trust that God is still in control.
00:01:45 Nobody deserves to die if they're innocent.
00:01:47 I don't care what religion they are.
00:01:49 I don't care what city they live in.
00:01:51 I don't care what their ethnicity is.
00:01:53 If they're innocent, they deserve a chance to live.
00:01:59 But you can still see the enemy's hand.
00:02:04 But the just shall live by faith.
00:02:09 I still believe the report of the Lord.
00:02:10 Can you say amen?
00:02:12 This is the year of wealth and wisdom.
00:02:15 In the month of wisdom, I'm going to continue to talk to you about wisdom.
00:02:19 I don't know if any of you all heard about this announcement last week, but going forward
00:02:24 from here on, we are permanently open here every Sunday at the Lighthouse Church in Newark.
00:02:35 Don't y'all have me up here by myself.
00:02:37 The moment you stop coming to church, I'm stopping too.
00:02:41 You better be here.
00:02:43 Tell your neighbor, "No vacations this winter.
00:02:45 No vacations this winter.
00:02:47 We've got to have church."
00:02:48 Man, the things that God is showing me in my mind are just amazing.
00:02:54 The miracles I've been experiencing are incredible.
00:02:58 In this flow of anointing, me and God have been talking like never before.
00:03:04 He's my dude.
00:03:07 I can feel him in ways I've never felt before.
00:03:13 Let me tell you why.
00:03:14 It isn't because God got better.
00:03:15 It's because I got mature.
00:03:17 This is one thing you've got to understand.
00:03:20 When you start understanding God on another level, you don't owe God a thank you.
00:03:24 He's been the same yesterday, today, and forevermore.
00:03:27 When you feel him on another level, that means he is doing something in you.
00:03:33 Anybody feel something happening on the inside of you?
00:03:38 The things that used to upset you don't upset you anymore, and if they do upset you, you
00:03:42 learn how not to speak on it.
00:03:43 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:03:48 Somebody shout, "I'm growing."
00:03:52 Go to Genesis chapter 41.
00:03:54 I've got a sermon today.
00:04:00 I don't know how good it is, but it sounded good to me when I was talking it in my head.
00:04:06 Genesis chapter 41, verse 37, the Bible says, "And the thing was good in the eyes of Pharaoh
00:04:15 and in the eyes of his servants.
00:04:21 And Pharaoh said unto his servants, 'Can we find such a one as this is, a man in whom
00:04:31 the Spirit of God is?'"
00:04:35 And here it is.
00:04:36 Listen to verse 39.
00:04:37 "And Pharaoh said unto Joseph, 'For as much as God hath showed thee all this, there is
00:04:43 none so discreet and wise as you are.'"
00:04:55 So he says, "Because you are wise…"
00:04:58 I'm getting ready to show you how to go from renting to owning, how to go from being the
00:05:04 borrower to the lender.
00:05:07 He says, "Because you are filled with the Spirit and you are wise, I'm going to put
00:05:11 you over the whole house.
00:05:15 And according to thy word shall all my people be ruled."
00:05:22 I don't know if y'all heard what just happened.
00:05:25 He didn't say, "According to my word."
00:05:29 He says, "Because you had enough faith to say it, I got enough power to do it."
00:05:38 And he says, "The only place…"
00:05:40 Now this is the king talking.
00:05:41 He says, "The only place I'm going to be over you is on the throne.
00:05:46 I'm getting ready to make you equal with me in every other aspect."
00:05:50 Now, do y'all hear?
00:05:56 God is saying, "I'm not going to share my throne with you, but I'll share everything
00:06:01 else."
00:06:02 That's good enough, isn't it?
00:06:06 How many of y'all have been having a tough time in the last three or four months?
00:06:11 Raise your hand.
00:06:12 I don't care if you got the order on or not.
00:06:14 Put it up.
00:06:19 This is what the Lord told me to tell you.
00:06:22 Are you ready?
00:06:25 Better days are coming.
00:06:29 That's what we're going to talk about today.
00:06:32 High-five three people on the way down to the seat that say, "Better days are coming."
00:06:36 Better days are coming.
00:06:37 Better days are coming.
00:06:38 Oh, my God.
00:06:39 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:06:51 Better days are coming.
00:07:00 How many of y'all feel like your life is like a roller coaster?
00:07:08 As soon as you settle in and you think everything is good, as my sister would say, "Here comes
00:07:15 some Tom foolery."
00:07:16 Up.
00:07:17 Now, just as soon as you find out, "This is the route I'm going to take," then God said,
00:07:26 "Let me get that rug."
00:07:29 We're going in a different direction.
00:07:33 It is the nature of God to tell you to go somewhere and not tell you where where is.
00:07:43 I can prove it in the Bible.
00:07:44 "Abraham, go to a place called there."
00:07:46 "God, where?"
00:07:47 "I'll tell you you're there when you go."
00:07:49 Just start walking, because what you don't know about God is he doesn't have to send
00:07:54 you to a specific place to keep his promise.
00:07:58 He can turn the place into a promise.
00:08:05 If you start walking in the direction God told you to go in, he could literally make
00:08:09 the miracle up on the way, because he's sovereign.
00:08:13 That means he knows everything.
00:08:16 He's in control of everything.
00:08:18 He has dominion over everything.
00:08:20 Even when things seem out of control, you better know that God is always in control.
00:08:30 Joseph's life is a roller coaster.
00:08:31 I'm going to tell you right now, I wouldn't have wanted to live it, because he started
00:08:36 off being his father's favorite son.
00:08:39 You know what happens when somebody likes you?
00:08:44 The opposite happens from people who are insecure.
00:08:47 They don't like you because somebody else likes you.
00:08:51 No, they don't like you because they don't like themselves, and they need somebody else
00:08:56 to like them for them to be comfortable with themselves.
00:09:00 As opposed to becoming the kind of person you are, they hate the person you are, because
00:09:05 it is easier to pull you down than to lift themselves up.
00:09:13 Let me just tell you right now, you might as well go ahead and be great, because if
00:09:16 you don't, they're going to talk about you.
00:09:17 If you do, they're going to talk about you.
00:09:20 So just slap three people and say, "Do you, baby."
00:09:31 This story of Joseph is full of jealousy, full of betrayal, full of lust, full of jealousy,
00:09:45 full of a lack of loyalty.
00:09:50 It's got some grief in there.
00:09:53 It's got some desperation in there, because this is life.
00:09:59 In this life, you will have some trials and tribulations.
00:10:06 Don't think that it's God because it's always smooth.
00:10:12 God is in the roller coaster.
00:10:15 He's in the new purchase, and he's also in the foreclosure.
00:10:29 He's with you in the apartment.
00:10:30 He's with you when you own the house.
00:10:32 What you have to stop doing is earmarking God to your great experiences and thinking
00:10:38 that it's the devil when everything isn't going well.
00:10:43 Sometimes you're at the prepared table, like Tony said, but sometimes you've got to walk
00:10:46 through the valley of the shadow of death.
00:10:50 Notice he prepares the table in the presence of the enemies, but he only promises to walk
00:10:55 with you in the valley of the shadow of death.
00:10:58 So sometimes you miss God because you're always trying to get to the table, and he's waiting
00:11:02 on you in the valley.
00:11:10 God is in the tears.
00:11:13 God is in the pain.
00:11:15 God is in the betrayal.
00:11:18 God is in the sickness.
00:11:20 Every one of those opportunities provides him an opportunity to show you who he is.
00:11:26 That's what all of this is about.
00:11:28 God wants to show you who he is.
00:11:32 He wants you to be able to trust him no matter what the circumstance may be.
00:11:36 That's why the old songwriter said, "God is good all the time."
00:11:40 And all the time.
00:11:41 Come on, y'all.
00:11:43 God is good.
00:11:45 So now we've seen the life of Joseph up and down.
00:11:48 He's his father's favorite child.
00:11:50 They put a coat on him.
00:11:51 His brothers get jealous, throw him in a pit, dip the coat in blood, take the coat back
00:11:57 to their father and say an animal ate him up.
00:12:00 He's taken out of the pit, sold into slavery to the Midianites.
00:12:04 The Midianites somehow get him to Potiphar's house.
00:12:07 He gets to Potiphar's house and is accused of sexual harassment on Potiphar's wife, goes
00:12:13 from there to prison, and then ends up being the second in command, only second in the
00:12:23 throne to the man over all of Egypt.
00:12:27 And he eventually says in the fiftieth chapter of Genesis, "To everybody who either threw
00:12:34 me in the pit or accused me of something I didn't do or put me behind prison bars, let
00:12:40 me tell you I don't hate you.
00:12:44 What you meant for evil…"
00:12:55 If I can get you to that point before this sermon is over, that even the people who did
00:12:59 you wrong, you can still look at them and say, "Thank you.
00:13:01 It was good that I was afflicted, that I might learn the statutes of God."
00:13:07 Stop getting upset with the people who threw you in the pit.
00:13:12 If it were not for the pit, we wouldn't know who you are.
00:13:16 Sometimes you have to understand that God doesn't take you through trouble to punish
00:13:19 you.
00:13:20 He takes you through trouble to introduce you.
00:13:25 We don't know Joseph because of how tall he is.
00:13:27 We don't know Joseph because of how rich he is.
00:13:30 We don't know Joseph because of his nationality.
00:13:33 We know Joseph because of his struggle.
00:13:38 You will never make it high if you don't survive low.
00:13:46 Your pit has to come before your palace.
00:13:51 Raise your hand if you've ever been through hell and high water.
00:13:55 Look around, because I don't think there's nobody in here that didn't raise their hand.
00:14:00 Anybody online, you can raise your virtual hand.
00:14:02 I've been through virtual hell and virtual high water.
00:14:11 That's how it started.
00:14:14 That's not how it ended.
00:14:17 We have finally got to the place where we see a glimpse that God is starting to erase
00:14:27 Joseph's dark days.
00:14:31 If I don't get your attention any other time today, I'm telling you that God is about to
00:14:39 deal with your dark days.
00:14:45 Weeping may endure for a night or two or three or four, a week, a month, but whenever God…
00:14:58 Whenever he turns that thing, joy comes in the morning.
00:15:10 I want you to expect that morning is on the horizon of your life, that God is little by
00:15:19 little erasing the dark days, and you're going to have joy.
00:15:27 Let me get my church people joy, unspeakable joy.
00:15:33 I'm talking about the joy that the world didn't give and the world can't take it away.
00:15:40 Tell your neighbor, "You see this smile?
00:15:43 It doesn't mean that I'm not struggling.
00:15:45 It doesn't mean that I don't have enemies.
00:15:48 It doesn't mean that I'm not worried; it's that I have chosen to be content no matter
00:15:56 what stake."
00:15:57 Now watch this.
00:16:08 I want you to know that the trouble you have been through has caused people to label you.
00:16:16 Now they don't…
00:16:19 Look at your boy.
00:16:20 They don't say it to your face.
00:16:24 When you get up on them, "Hey, boo, how you doing?
00:16:26 What up, dog?
00:16:27 What up, cuh?"
00:16:28 Whatever they…
00:16:29 When they see you up close, they call you by your name.
00:16:31 "How are you, John?"
00:16:33 But when you walk away, "Yeah, that's the one that…"
00:16:36 You have to know people are always talking about what they think they know.
00:16:46 So Joseph, up until now, has been known as the boy from the pit, but now his label…
00:16:55 Now we're in the text.
00:16:57 He will no longer be known as the boy from the pit.
00:17:01 He is no longer known as the ex-slave.
00:17:04 He is no longer known as the person who has a felony on his record.
00:17:10 He is no longer known as the person who was in prison.
00:17:15 God is about to change his name, and now they're going to have to reference him based on the
00:17:20 gift that God has…
00:17:25 Are y'all listening to me today?
00:17:28 What we are witnessing in the life of Joseph…
00:17:31 I hope I got about 500 people who understand that what I'm speaking about, Joseph, is getting
00:17:35 ready to happen in your life.
00:17:36 What we are witnessing before our very eyes is that Joseph, finally, after years of punishment,
00:17:44 the dark days are about to disappear.
00:17:47 He's about to go from a slave to a statesman.
00:17:50 He's about to go from a prisoner to a palace.
00:17:54 He's about to go from being disrespected to a ruler.
00:17:57 He's about to go from grief to gladness.
00:17:59 He's about to go from pain to pleasure, and better days are coming.
00:18:12 This is the brokest I will ever be in my life.
00:18:15 Better days are coming.
00:18:21 I got all day.
00:18:22 Better days are coming.
00:18:23 Find you a neighbor, because you're going to need somebody to tell you, "Better days
00:18:29 are coming."
00:18:30 Remember I told you that better days were coming.
00:18:34 Better days are coming in my finances.
00:18:37 Better days are coming in my relationship.
00:18:40 Better days are coming on my job.
00:18:42 I'm about to see something different when I look in the mirror.
00:18:46 Sickness is about to leave my body.
00:18:48 Better days are coming.
00:18:53 If you believe it, give me some noise in this place.
00:19:03 What I'm trying to get you to do is I'm trying to get you to speak those things that are
00:19:09 not as though they were, because if you wait until the better days come, then you won't
00:19:17 receive the benefits of the better days, because the just shall live by.
00:19:22 So you have to shout in advance for the expectation that better days are coming.
00:19:29 When better days…
00:19:30 Here's worship.
00:19:31 The Bible says he is seeking.
00:19:36 The Father seeks that which worship him, and they that worship him shall worship him.
00:19:43 God says, "I'm looking for better people so I can give better days.
00:19:54 I'm looking for people who used to be upset about the pit who can say, 'Now though he
00:19:59 slayed me, yet will I trust him.'"
00:20:05 I'm looking for people who used to have cussed you out but now are saying, "You know what?
00:20:10 You're not worth my time, because what God is about to do for me…"
00:20:19 Tell somebody, "You've got to get better.
00:20:21 You've got to get better.
00:20:22 You've got to get better.
00:20:23 You've got to get better.
00:20:24 It ain't going to get better until…"
00:20:25 I've got to slow down, because we're going to be the rant out of here.
00:20:43 Y'all are going to see me on 59 barefoot.
00:20:55 "Mary, all of this is happening while the boy from the pit is in the palace."
00:21:02 See, you're not shouting because you can't see yourself there.
00:21:13 I know where you see me naturally, but I ain't here.
00:21:21 I know what you see when you look online at your bank account, but that ain't your real
00:21:26 story.
00:21:27 It's a snapshot of a journey.
00:21:35 I know you look at your hand and you don't see nothing, but that's good news, because
00:21:40 if it's empty somebody can put something…
00:21:53 He's in the palace, and he's about to be a vice president.
00:22:06 Started from the bottom.
00:22:07 Let me see if I've got some thugs.
00:22:08 Give your neighbor a high-five and say, "I started from the bottom, but I'm here.
00:22:09 Back then, they didn't want me."
00:22:10 Don't y'all do that.
00:22:23 Don't do that.
00:22:32 I got to operate in my preacher thing right now.
00:22:34 Don't do that to me.
00:22:42 Somebody say, "Better days are coming."
00:22:48 Listen, every struggle you have ever gone through…
00:22:54 Let me say it this way.
00:22:55 Thank you, Holy Spirit.
00:22:57 Every incident is actually an introduction.
00:23:07 If you would stop being embarrassed about your story and start to tell your story, you
00:23:15 could introduce yourself to the person who can put you in the position…
00:23:18 In fact, everybody just look at somebody and say, "Yeah, I did it."
00:23:25 Okay, now that we've got that out of the way, can we get to what God…
00:23:32 I don't have a ministry for people who haven't done anything, but I can preach to people
00:23:36 who have scars.
00:23:37 I can preach to people who have been through some stuff.
00:23:45 Tell somebody, "Yeah, I did it.
00:23:46 I did it.
00:23:47 I did it."
00:23:48 Okay?
00:23:49 Yeah, I did it, but guess what?
00:23:50 You did some stuff too.
00:23:51 I ain't going to judge you for what you did, and I need you to get off of my back for what
00:23:54 I did, because the truth is we're all headed to the next level.
00:24:08 Every incident is an introduction.
00:24:11 Every time you go through something, God is building your story, because when you get
00:24:17 to the next level, you can't be boring.
00:24:23 How did you get here?
00:24:24 I was blessed by my parents to get here.
00:24:26 Who wants to hear that?
00:24:28 Whenever they hear you say, "I was feeding my kids government cheese, and I had wick."
00:24:36 Yeah, yeah.
00:24:38 Come on, talk to me.
00:24:40 I was catching the bus.
00:24:41 I'm not saying everybody needs to struggle to get there, but it's something about a story.
00:24:46 Don't be embarrassed about where you started.
00:24:51 If you own welfare, that's just how it started.
00:24:53 It's not about how you start.
00:24:55 It's about how you finish.
00:24:56 You cannot be embarrassed about the route God used to get you where he wants to take
00:25:03 you.
00:25:09 The pit is a part of the story.
00:25:13 The sickness is a part of the story.
00:25:17 Being in a foreign land is a part of the story.
00:25:21 Not knowing where you fit is a part of the story.
00:25:25 Being insecure about your physical appearance is a part of the story.
00:25:32 Not having the best grades in school.
00:25:35 You know how amazing it's going to be that you got to be a CEO with a D average?
00:25:40 Come on, y'all.
00:25:42 Everybody want to act like you got good grades in high school.
00:25:45 No, you didn't.
00:25:46 If you did, we would have knew about it.
00:25:50 I was good in school.
00:25:51 No, you were not.
00:25:56 C's get degrees, don't they?
00:25:57 I'm going to tell you, there would have been times I would have asked God for a C. I looked
00:26:05 at my grades sometimes and said, "Lord, I got to go see my mama.
00:26:07 Lord have mercy."
00:26:15 Don't you make the mistake of defining me where you met me.
00:26:26 You met me in a pit, but baby, let me tell you, I got out of there a long time ago.
00:26:33 You met me in prison.
00:26:34 I've been out of there a long time ago.
00:26:37 You met me depressed.
00:26:38 See, this is what happens.
00:26:40 This is why most relationships break up, because they met you in a pit, but they had no capacity
00:26:46 for your update.
00:26:47 When you became somebody different, they can only deal with where they met you.
00:26:54 Tell somebody, "We got to end this.
00:26:56 Let's end it now, because I'm not fair anymore."
00:26:58 Touch yourself and say, "I updated myself.
00:27:06 I updated myself.
00:27:07 I told myself I wasn't taking that kind of stuff no more.
00:27:10 I told myself I wasn't going down that road anymore.
00:27:13 I told myself I wasn't selling for that no more.
00:27:17 I'm not there anymore."
00:27:28 When I was a kid, I was sick all the time.
00:27:34 Sick all the time.
00:27:37 I can't remember.
00:27:38 My mom had to remind me what age I was.
00:27:39 She took me to the doctor one time, and they found a hole in my heart.
00:27:44 Whenever I would go to the dentist, I would have to take pills, because I had a heart
00:27:50 murmur.
00:27:51 If the blood would go back down, it would cause me a cardiac episode.
00:27:54 I was always sick.
00:27:56 I was the kid walking around in school with a heart monitor on.
00:28:01 I had to push the button every time I felt pain.
00:28:05 I had pushed the button, and it had this little paper printed out of it, and it had a graph.
00:28:09 They told me I would never play basketball because my heart couldn't take it.
00:28:14 Well, I did that, because I'm not where you met me.
00:28:26 That was the devil trying to take my confidence before God could show me his evidence.
00:28:34 Not only am I not sick, but every time the devil tried to make me sick, God would somehow…
00:28:42 My mother would…
00:28:43 Every time we would go to the doctor, somebody would diagnose, and then another doctor would
00:28:47 say they couldn't find it.
00:28:53 One doctor would diagnose; another doctor would say they couldn't find it.
00:28:57 God says, "Listen, if you have enough patience to get to the second opinion, if you just
00:29:04 won't settle for what they said about you the first time, I can show you that I was
00:29:09 trying to build something inside of you."
00:29:21 I had eczema, hay fever, headaches, heart issues all my life growing up, all of my life.
00:29:39 Now I'm cool as ice, twice as nice, ain't had a bad day of my life.
00:29:45 All of you laughing, but that's the truth.
00:30:03 I'm about to tell y'all something, and this is going…
00:30:08 This is going…
00:30:09 Whoo!
00:30:10 Lord, have mercy.
00:30:11 Brother Keith, I'm almost nervous to say it.
00:30:15 When Pharaoh brought Joseph into his house, the first thing that he told him to do was
00:30:21 to interpret his dreams.
00:30:24 Let me tell you something.
00:30:25 The reason why this is important is because if you go back and read chapter 37, he has
00:30:31 already interpreted his own dreams.
00:30:36 So now Pharaoh says, "I need you to do for me what you did for yourself.
00:30:43 Look at me."
00:30:45 To everybody who has a word, your gift has to work in you before it can work for you.
00:30:55 I'm trying to figure out how you can prophesy over somebody else's life, and you haven't
00:30:59 got a word for yours yet.
00:31:01 Oh, come here.
00:31:02 Don't get quiet.
00:31:05 If the word works coming out of your mouth, I ought to see some evidence in your life
00:31:09 that the word worked for you before it can work.
00:31:18 The thing God is going to do for you next is the thing you are starting to see work
00:31:25 in your life.
00:31:29 So when you're trying to find out your purpose, I want you to start looking at where you are
00:31:34 starting to break through in your personal life.
00:31:38 And then I want you to galvanize energy around that glimmer of hope and turn it into a business,
00:31:45 turn it into a conglomeration so that you can do what you did for you one time for us
00:31:52 many times.
00:31:58 He's interpreting Pharaoh's dreams because he first interpreted his.
00:32:03 Remember, he says, "I see sheaves bowing to me."
00:32:07 It is actually a metaphor for the fact that he actually saw his brothers bowing to him.
00:32:11 And if you read the rest of the text, his brothers actually did bow because he became
00:32:16 second in command only to Pharaoh.
00:32:19 You see, but most people will have a problem with you when you see yourself above them.
00:32:29 My only problem with Joseph is not that he had the dream, but he should have kept his
00:32:34 mouth closed because everybody cannot handle the fact that you already see your future
00:32:41 and they still struggling with their past.
00:32:49 Your deliverance scares people.
00:32:59 There are people in your friendship circle, your family circles, in your life, on your
00:33:09 job.
00:33:10 They are so afraid of you ever realizing the full potential of who you are.
00:33:15 Why?
00:33:16 Because they know, they already know how high you can go.
00:33:19 They are just hoping you never figure it out.
00:33:23 Oh God.
00:33:27 So they say stuff to you like, "I wouldn't do all of that.
00:33:29 It don't take all of that."
00:33:30 Well, you wouldn't, but I am because I see myself.
00:33:39 You have to stop seeing yourself where the trouble started, and you have to see yourself
00:33:45 where the promise is.
00:33:49 Just because you fail once doesn't make you a failure.
00:33:52 Get up and try again.
00:33:55 Okay, you didn't get the last job.
00:34:00 That mean you're going to quit?
00:34:01 Or does that mean you're going to say, "Oh, well, I didn't get it.
00:34:04 You know why?
00:34:05 It's not because I'm disqualified.
00:34:06 It's because that's not the one God wanted me to have."
00:34:12 You'd be surprised how many things you are stressed out about that is not a result of
00:34:16 your lack of qualifications.
00:34:18 It's God blocking it.
00:34:23 I say, "I'm going to let you get a job," and I keep telling you, "You're an entrepreneur."
00:34:30 Okay, we can fight all day.
00:34:33 We can fight all year if you want to.
00:34:35 I'm telling you to start something, and you're trying to go back and get into the system
00:34:38 that I brought you out of?
00:34:43 Somebody shout, "God blocked it."
00:34:44 Joseph, his dream came true.
00:34:56 So Pharaoh said, "Well, if your dream came true for you, how about you look at my dream
00:35:05 and tell me what God is saying to me?"
00:35:08 What's amazing is four chapters ago the boy was in a pit with dirt underneath his fingernails,
00:35:17 and now he is sitting next to a king about to be anointed a second place.
00:35:29 He didn't know that all of the stuff he went through was God taking him through so that
00:35:36 the king would respect him when he showed up.
00:35:42 God says, "I'm taking you through because even if people don't believe you, they won't
00:35:48 be able to doubt your testimony."
00:35:57 You can't doubt breast cancer survivors.
00:36:01 You can doubt the person and say, "Well, I don't know if her prayers work."
00:36:06 They must work, because stage four breast cancer…
00:36:11 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:36:12 Thirty million dollars' worth of medical bills and now debt-free and healed.
00:36:21 You can't doubt the testimony.
00:36:26 Real quickly, every breast cancer survivor in this place, stand to your feet.
00:36:35 Now watch this.
00:36:43 Do what you just did, ma'am.
00:36:45 Just do what you just did.
00:36:46 Go ahead.
00:36:47 You know you a sachet.
00:36:48 Go on a sachet like you a sachet.
00:36:50 You know why she's doing that?
00:36:53 Because the testimony will give you swag.
00:36:54 Come on.
00:36:55 When God has brought you through something, you don't care what nobody has to say about
00:37:00 it.
00:37:01 How about a round of applause for God?
00:37:05 That's a healer.
00:37:11 I wish some of y'all would act like that the next time God brings you out.
00:37:14 I need about 400 people here to act like that.
00:37:17 Did God ever bring you out of anything that you thought you were not going to get out
00:37:23 of?
00:37:24 If you are the redeemed of the Lord, say so.
00:37:34 Before you sit down, let me say this.
00:37:36 The best decision that Pharaoh ever made was promoting Joseph.
00:37:44 The next season of your life will either be good or bad based on who you decide to promote
00:37:51 in it.
00:37:52 You're going to sit down.
00:37:53 You're going to sit down now since you're ready to sit down.
00:37:58 The next season of your life, if you look up and you're still in the pit, it's because
00:38:04 of who you promoted.
00:38:05 If you look up and you're in the palace, it'll be because of who...
00:38:12 If you look up and it look like you're on your way up, it's because you promoted the
00:38:17 right people.
00:38:19 If you look up and you're looking from a place down, it's because you promoted the wrong
00:38:25 people.
00:38:26 This next season of your life is going to be connected to who you promote in your life.
00:38:39 This is hard because everybody's looking for a promotion.
00:38:45 When you become king or queen, everybody is going to want to be owned, but you're going
00:38:50 to have to understand the difference between people who want you and who want what you
00:38:56 offer.
00:39:03 Some people get close to you because of who you're close to.
00:39:09 Can I speak to people who have great relationships?
00:39:12 If you do nothing else, listen to me.
00:39:14 When God puts you next to great people, it is your responsibility to guard great relationships.
00:39:19 You don't let people in just because they like you.
00:39:22 We can be cool, but that does not give you access to that.
00:39:36 Just because we're cool doesn't mean I have to give you all of my relationships.
00:39:40 Just because we're cool, I have to try to spirit by the spirit.
00:39:44 I don't need you getting in an intimate environment and embarrassing me because you don't know
00:39:49 how to act in a palace.
00:39:56 You have to be careful.
00:39:58 People will be making side deals with your connections and then bad-mouthing you to them.
00:40:08 "You stingy."
00:40:11 No, I'm smart enough to know that you're selfish.
00:40:22 Let me hurry up because I haven't got time to play with y'all all day.
00:40:30 Who am I helping?
00:40:31 I'm helping you, boys, if I'm helping you.
00:40:39 If I'm not helping you, something's wrong with you, not me.
00:40:44 All I'm doing is preaching the Word of God.
00:40:50 Your next promotion in your life is going to determine whether you stay in the pit or
00:40:55 go to the palace.
00:41:00 Pharaoh basically said these words, and I'm using a paraphrase.
00:41:03 I'm parenthetically saying this.
00:41:06 He says, "The reason I promoted you, Joe, was because I couldn't find anybody who had
00:41:18 more of God's Spirit in them than you."
00:41:27 He did not mention his education.
00:41:31 He did not mention anything connected to his physicality.
00:41:38 He said, "I promoted you because I saw the Spirit of God all over you."
00:41:43 Now listen to this.
00:41:46 When you are interviewing for the next position in your life, can you please put a spiritual
00:41:54 question on the test?
00:41:59 I need you to start figuring out, "Do people have the right Spirit?"
00:42:04 Now listen.
00:42:06 I'm not talking about their Spirit.
00:42:08 I'm talking about the Spirit.
00:42:11 This is where we get fooled.
00:42:12 We say, "Well, she had a good Spirit."
00:42:14 That's okay, because that Spirit can change.
00:42:18 You don't need people who have a good Spirit.
00:42:21 You need people who have the Spirit.
00:42:29 Basically, do you know the Holy Ghost?
00:42:36 The Holy Ghost will keep you from trying to slit my throat when you get an opportunity
00:42:39 to.
00:42:40 The Holy Ghost will keep you from exposing me when you get upset and angry.
00:42:44 The Holy Ghost will keep you from trying to circumvent what God is doing in my life.
00:42:49 A good Spirit can change, but God changes not.
00:42:52 He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
00:42:58 Ask your neighbor, "Do you have the Holy Spirit?"
00:43:04 Let me ask a better question.
00:43:07 Does the Holy Spirit have you?
00:43:23 He says, "Because of the Spirit in you…"
00:43:27 Look at the two things you get when you have the Spirit.
00:43:30 He says, "I'm going to give you my house and my people.
00:43:36 Only in the throne will I be greater than you."
00:43:40 He went all the way from a pit to a palace, because no matter where he was, he kept the
00:43:51 Spirit in him.
00:43:53 How many of you all let your spirit change or let the fruit of the Spirit change based
00:44:02 on what you're going through currently?
00:44:09 If you can't say amen, say ouch.
00:44:11 As long as everything is going good, you're in a great mood.
00:44:17 The moment you don't understand something…
00:44:26 Some of you all spirit changing right now.
00:44:27 You were just all, "Oh, Spirit of God."
00:44:39 Bible says you have to try the Spirit.
00:44:44 What's your spirit like?
00:44:46 Not your attitude.
00:44:54 What is your relationship with the Holy Spirit?
00:44:56 Not what is your relationship with comfort.
00:45:01 You can act good when you're comfortable.
00:45:02 You can act good when everything is…
00:45:04 But when it's all going crazy and you can't understand, you don't know whether you're
00:45:07 going or coming, you don't know who's for you or who's against you, how is your spirit
00:45:14 in the presence of demons?
00:45:20 You cannot be dogmatic about a person with a bad spirit when you allow theirs to change
00:45:27 yours.
00:45:31 Even in Potiphar's house, Joseph had the right spirit.
00:45:35 Even when he was in cuffs for a rape he did not commit, he had the right spirit.
00:45:49 I know what your palace spirit is like, but what's your pit spirit like?
00:45:57 While you're waiting on better days, what is your spirit like in the wait?
00:46:06 Come here, Holy Ghost.
00:46:09 Because we believe that when people do us wrong it gives us a reason to act ugly back.
00:46:17 The Bible says, "Love those who despitefully use you.
00:46:22 Give bread to those who give you a stone."
00:46:30 In fact, your ability to do the opposite of your enemies is what gets you the elevation.
00:46:40 That's nasty, it's not a nice response.
00:46:57 Because he had the right spirit, God put him over the people and the house.
00:47:00 See, until you get the right spirit, you can only run part of it.
00:47:06 If you want to be over the whole thing, you've got to be able to control your spirit.
00:47:09 God says, "How am I going to give you a company with 15 employees?
00:47:12 You might fire everybody because you've got an attitude."
00:47:26 This is so good.
00:47:29 I always know I'm preaching my best sermons when y'all get busy when I'm preaching.
00:47:34 I'm getting ready to show you the history of Joseph's life.
00:47:50 How many of y'all believe the Bible anyway?
00:47:54 Watch this.
00:47:56 What did Pharaoh just say?
00:47:58 I'm going to put you over my whole what?
00:48:01 House.
00:48:02 Let's go back.
00:48:06 First of all, when he was a kid, his daddy put him over the house because he gave him
00:48:13 a coat of many colors.
00:48:17 When he got into Potiphar's house, what did Potiphar say?
00:48:21 "I know you were a slave, but I see potential in you.
00:48:24 I'm putting you over my house."
00:48:27 When he got to prison, what happened?
00:48:29 The butler and the baker saw a vision, and they put him over the prison house.
00:48:35 This is the fourth house that Joseph has been over because he's so anointed that he comes
00:48:43 in under.
00:48:44 He always finishes.
00:48:48 I don't know who this is for, but God told me to tell you, "You have an over-anointing."
00:48:54 Slap somebody and say, "I've got an over-anointing."
00:48:56 If you will be patient enough, God is going to put you over everything.
00:49:06 Somebody shout, "The fourth house!"
00:49:09 What I'm telling you is you have no clue the type of elevation God has assigned to your
00:49:16 life.
00:49:21 Every time Joseph gets to a place, he gets over it.
00:49:26 If you would just be patient and just wait on God and not let it change your spirit,
00:49:35 it won't be long before you're over it.
00:49:37 By the way, it took him 13 years to get here, which means that God may not come when you
00:49:42 want him to come.
00:49:49 How many of y'all get impatient when God doesn't do it as fast as you want him to?
00:49:52 Raise your hand.
00:49:58 You end up walking away from a thing you were getting ready to run.
00:50:05 You end up getting frustrated with a thing he was getting ready to give you dominion
00:50:08 over.
00:50:12 Joseph figured it out.
00:50:13 "All I do is win, no matter what."
00:50:18 So, if I'm just patient enough to see the salvation of the Lord, it won't be long before
00:50:27 even my enemies have to upgrade me.
00:50:30 I'm telling you right now…
00:50:32 Hear the words that are coming out of my mouth.
00:50:35 Your testimony is going to be so strong that even your enemies won't be able to resist
00:50:39 blessing you.
00:50:47 I need you to hear me, because wisdom requires you to be able to respond differently in the
00:50:56 future than you did in the past.
00:51:00 You don't get to step into tomorrow and tell tomorrow to accept the person that made yesterday
00:51:05 bad.
00:51:08 If a man is going to change, it has to be by the renewing, which means that you can't
00:51:15 be in church every week asking God to get you over a trauma that happened five years
00:51:19 ago.
00:51:20 Either you will let it go or you will never grab your destiny.
00:51:22 One of the two.
00:51:23 I just need somebody to say, "I'm done with it.
00:51:26 I'm done with it.
00:51:28 They didn't see my value.
00:51:29 They overlooked me.
00:51:30 They forgot about me."
00:51:31 Okay.
00:51:32 God made it happen.
00:51:33 There's another house he wanted me to be over, and it obviously wasn't the house that I was
00:51:37 in.
00:51:38 I need to be somewhere else, and that's where you're on your way to.
00:51:43 Who is this message for?
00:51:49 Who am I talking to?
00:51:59 Look at this timing.
00:52:02 Anybody in here around the age of 30?
00:52:03 Let me see your hands if you're around the age of 30.
00:52:05 See, because this is a sweet spot.
00:52:07 Let me tell you something.
00:52:11 At 30, you still around here talking about how young you are.
00:52:19 Have you ever heard little 20 and 30-year-olds talking about, "And I'm only 22"?
00:52:23 Did nobody ask you how old you were?
00:52:27 Keep going to bed and waking up while you're up here bragging about your youth.
00:52:32 You ain't got no money, though.
00:52:33 It's a little young self.
00:52:46 This 30 spot is important because you're young enough to be called young, but you're too
00:52:54 old to act young.
00:52:55 I don't want to be trying to bother y'all, but y'all be trying to pump me.
00:53:05 You're too old to be talking about you've got time, but yet you have enough time to
00:53:10 do what God has called you to do.
00:53:14 Joseph is 30 years old, which means he's going to suffer for 13 years before he actually
00:53:21 gets the blessing.
00:53:24 This is the season of your life, listen to me, where you have enough strength to struggle.
00:53:39 If you struggle any later than this…
00:53:41 The older you get, the more set in your ways you get.
00:53:44 How many of y'all, the older you get, you just say anything that comes to your mind
00:53:47 because you're like, "I'm old and I ain't got time to be…"
00:53:50 Y'all are going to see.
00:53:54 You're going to see.
00:53:57 I was 28 when I started this church.
00:54:00 You're going to see.
00:54:01 It's been 14 years.
00:54:04 I know now that God sends the struggle at the same time you have the strength.
00:54:16 They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength, and they will mount up with wings
00:54:24 like eagles.
00:54:25 They will walk and not be weary.
00:54:28 They shall run and not faint.
00:54:32 Touch somebody and say, "I promise you I'm not going to quit.
00:54:37 You're going to look up, and I'm going to have everything I dreamed about.
00:54:40 You're going to look up, and I'm going to be everything I told you I was going to be.
00:54:44 I was just waiting on God to do it."
00:54:48 Now, if you're not sitting next to nobody who's glad for you, look at somebody else,
00:54:53 because they're not happy for you.
00:54:54 Just tell them, "I told you I was going to do it.
00:54:56 I told you I was going to do it.
00:54:57 I told you I was going to do it.
00:54:59 I told you I was going to be it.
00:55:00 I told you that it was coming.
00:55:02 I promised you."
00:55:06 Why do I have you talking to them?
00:55:08 What did Joseph do?
00:55:09 He interpreted his dreams, which means they met him as a prisoner and found out he was
00:55:13 a prophet.
00:55:19 You met me here, but you didn't know that God was going to use me.
00:55:25 Somebody shout, "I'm going to the next level.
00:55:26 I'm going to the next level.
00:55:27 I'm going to the next level.
00:55:28 By the time I finish opening my mouth, I'm going to have everything I prophesied.
00:55:32 By the time I finish prophesying…"
00:55:34 As a matter of fact, I prophesied to you that everything you touch is going to be yours.
00:55:40 Every place your foot shall tread, God is going to give it to you.
00:55:43 If you believe it, make some noise in this place.
00:55:52 Say that wasn't a pit.
00:55:54 That was experience.
00:55:57 That wasn't prison.
00:55:59 It was experience.
00:56:00 That wasn't a divorce.
00:56:03 That was an experience.
00:56:04 That wasn't a bankruptcy.
00:56:05 That was God giving me wisdom.
00:56:06 You
00:56:31 have to start out there so God can see if he can trust you there.
00:56:40 If you complain in the pit, you're going to complain in the palace.
00:56:43 A lot of people think that if they had more, they would complain less.
00:56:45 That's not true.
00:56:52 You'll get more and still be complaining about not having as much as somebody else.
00:57:04 Your experience is your experience.
00:57:07 You don't have to live nobody else's life.
00:57:10 Guess what?
00:57:11 They ain't got to live yours.
00:57:12 People will be…
00:57:13 Listen.
00:57:14 Tell your neighbor, "You think you can handle what I got?
00:57:18 You think you want my life?
00:57:20 You think you can handle what I go through?
00:57:23 You were uniquely built to handle what you have."
00:57:28 Listen.
00:57:29 Balcony, listen to me.
00:57:31 My father…
00:57:32 Listen.
00:57:33 I wish you could have met my biological father.
00:57:36 He was a genius.
00:57:38 My biological father was a genius.
00:57:40 He told me once, he said, "Son, make sure that if you do anything in your life, you're
00:57:49 a good person."
00:57:50 He says, "Because if you are not yourself, you rob the world twice."
00:57:54 He said, "Number one, you rob them because you can't be who you're trying to be, and
00:57:58 number two, you rob them because you're not being who you're supposed to be."
00:58:04 You sitting around here trying to be Pharaoh, you need to thank God that you're Joseph.
00:58:09 Because the truth is, Pharaoh eventually loses his job.
00:58:14 No.
00:58:16 I've got Bible.
00:58:18 The Bible says there arose a Pharaoh that knew not Joseph.
00:58:24 That means that second in command outlasted the person who put him in position.
00:58:30 Oh, God.
00:58:33 What are you going to do when you finally wake up and realize that you're going to
00:58:38 outlast anything that tried to kill you?
00:58:44 So why are you swatting flies?
00:58:47 Why are you arguing with gnats?
00:58:50 They're going to die and you're going to still be on your way up.
00:58:57 Touch five people and shout, "I'm still here."
00:59:17 The devil thought he had you, but you're still here.
00:59:22 They thought if they took the contract from you it was going to kill you, but you are
00:59:31 still.
00:59:32 Watch this.
00:59:35 Just because they got the contract doesn't mean they got the peace.
00:59:38 Oh, oh, oh, y'all not hearing me today.
00:59:42 Here you are trying to get the thing they took, and they envious of the thing you got.
00:59:53 Don't you trade in your payment for somebody else's position.
01:00:06 You better be glad with what you left with.
01:00:09 Help me, Holy Spirit.
01:00:12 Here you are worried about the thing you lost and the thing you left with.
01:00:18 The people who still have it wish they had what you had.
01:00:27 Somebody shout, "Timing."
01:00:29 This is why this is important.
01:00:32 He said, "Joseph, I am promoting you because you have the Spirit.
01:00:36 Number two, I am promoting you because you have wisdom."
01:00:43 Not the smarter you become; the wiser you become.
01:00:47 If you stop solely depending on education and start depending on wisdom, you won't have
01:00:53 student loan debt, because you're trying to buy it.
01:00:59 You have to attain it.
01:01:02 "In all thy getting, get understanding."
01:01:07 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
01:01:17 Wise.
01:01:20 Where are the people who want to be wise?
01:01:23 Not just good, but wise.
01:01:27 Not just famous, but wise.
01:01:29 Not just rich, but wise.
01:01:30 You're going to get all that money, but if you don't have any wisdom, you're going to
01:01:33 spend yourself back to the apartment you were born in.
01:01:36 Wisdom!
01:01:50 If you get this in the day of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I promise you, if you
01:01:54 get what I'm saying today, that insecurity and depression…
01:01:59 You know that thing that gets on you that you can't explain?
01:02:03 It'll just go away, but you have to open your spirit up to accept this.
01:02:07 Right now, I sense…
01:02:08 I know it because I've been doing this 28 years.
01:02:10 I'm battling with your opinion.
01:02:13 I'm battling with some of y'all's expression.
01:02:16 Here you are praying to a God who says, "Why should I listen to you?"
01:02:20 Because you were not listening to me.
01:02:29 He promoted him because he finally got wise.
01:02:33 You'd be surprised at what would come your way if you would get wisdom.
01:02:41 It starts in my spirit.
01:02:46 If you do that, I can guarantee you that better days.
01:02:56 Listen.
01:03:01 What did Joseph do for Pharaoh?
01:03:04 Interpreted his dream.
01:03:07 Look at God.
01:03:13 The man has chariots, he has palaces, he has concubines, he has wives, he has food, wine,
01:03:23 money, weapons, army, land, but he can't interpret his own dream.
01:03:37 He oversees everything but can't see for himself.
01:03:46 Look at God in his infinite wisdom.
01:03:49 He makes Joseph useful by making him and gifting him with the one ability that the king doesn't
01:03:58 have for himself.
01:04:04 Instead of praying to be king, you should start thanking God that you have the one thing
01:04:13 that the king needs.
01:04:15 When you stir up the gift inside of you, the king will call you to the kingdom.
01:04:25 The greatest thing about being in second place is you have the seat without the responsibility.
01:04:32 Everybody wants to be king, but sometimes you just need to be grateful because God gave
01:04:44 you the one thing the king doesn't have.
01:04:48 When you find out your purpose in life, the king will find you useful.
01:04:54 The man that helped Bill Gates create Microsoft is rich too.
01:05:08 The second in command at Microsoft has a yacht called the Octopus.
01:05:14 You know why it's called the Octopus?
01:05:16 How many legs does an octopus have?
01:05:18 It's called an octopus because it cost him $800 million.
01:05:24 That's why you're in second place.
01:05:25 So, while you're trying to be first all the time, it wasn't the first atom that got us
01:05:30 out of our situation.
01:05:32 It was the second atom.
01:05:35 Some of you all need to understand.
01:05:36 Listen to me, African-American people.
01:05:41 Our problem is that we would rather control 100 percent of nothing than have 10 percent
01:05:49 of something.
01:05:53 This is why our churches are not as strong as they can be.
01:05:57 The moment we get there, some preacher in the church decides that 50 of the people in
01:06:01 the church belong to him, and then he splinters off and goes somewhere else.
01:06:06 Instead of being a part of something great, now you're a ruler over nothing.
01:06:17 We can't work well together.
01:06:20 The moment somebody tells you how good you did, now you think that's the opportunity
01:06:25 for you to go be king, but God needs some Josephs who are talented and gifted but will
01:06:32 support a vision that's bigger than themselves.
01:06:34 You all don't have to say "Amen."
01:06:36 Say "Out."
01:06:39 You'd rather have a business with two clients rather than be a part of one that has many
01:06:47 clients because you want to be able to say "I own it."
01:06:51 But what sense is owning nothing?
01:06:55 Okay, you own it, but you're struggling.
01:07:04 Oh, listen.
01:07:07 Y'all hear that?
01:07:10 It's that church mouse.
01:07:11 You hear?
01:07:13 On cotton.
01:07:19 We got to come together.
01:07:23 We got to come together.
01:07:24 We got to corral.
01:07:26 We got to coalesce.
01:07:28 We have to share ideas.
01:07:31 Yeah, but I know why we don't.
01:07:37 Lack of wisdom.
01:07:41 We still haven't figured out what together we'll accomplish, and so we're splintered.
01:07:53 We don't even like ourselves.
01:07:59 That's why we have no kingdom, because everybody is a Pharaoh in our society.
01:08:09 We won't come up under solitary leadership.
01:08:20 So we'd rather have a church on every corner.
01:08:27 We'd rather preach to five people than to support somebody and help them save five souls
01:08:33 a day.
01:08:40 Let me tell you something about business, and I'm going to finish this.
01:08:42 If you are in business and you are not profitable in the first three to five years, you're either
01:08:49 in the wrong business or you're doing the right business the wrong way.
01:08:55 If you're still in it 10 years later talking about, "I'm waiting on a miracle," get out,
01:09:00 because you're not in the right business.
01:09:02 It doesn't take 10 years to turn a profit.
01:09:05 If you're in the right business and you know what you're doing in the first three to five
01:09:08 years, you should be profitable.
01:09:14 If you're in year 12 still hoping for a miracle, close it and go help somebody else.
01:09:18 Are you all laughing at me?
01:09:21 But I'm saving you the stress of trying to make something live that's already dead.
01:09:25 It's dead.
01:09:26 It's just on life support.
01:09:27 I'm breathing for it.
01:09:34 Everybody shout wisdom.
01:09:35 Say it again.
01:09:36 Say wisdom.
01:09:37 Wisdom.
01:09:38 Wisdom will make your enemies promote you.
01:09:43 Ooh, I like you, whoever you is.
01:09:51 I got nine minutes.
01:09:53 You don't speak for everybody, doc.
01:09:59 John 10:36 says that Jesus was sanctified and he was sent.
01:10:06 Sanctified and sent.
01:10:08 Sanctified and sent.
01:10:10 Sanctified then sent.
01:10:13 Process before promotion.
01:10:16 Most of us like the idea of being sent, but we don't like the idea of sanctification.
01:10:22 You got to go through something.
01:10:23 You got to go through a pit and Potiphar's house in prison in order to get to the palace.
01:10:27 You have to be sanctified before you're sent.
01:10:29 Everybody wants to be sent, but not everybody wants to be sanctified, but you cannot skip
01:10:33 class and expect to get the diploma.
01:10:40 God says, I can't promote you because to do so would be unwise.
01:10:43 If I gave you everything you're asking for without wisdom, you'd be a failure.
01:10:49 And because I'm your father, that's bad for business.
01:10:53 What does the Bible say in Psalms 23 for his name sake, which means his name is on the
01:10:57 line.
01:10:58 So God says, I'm not going to put you in a position to embarrass me.
01:11:01 So until you're ready for the next level, I'm going to keep you at the one you're on.
01:11:04 How many of y'all ready for the next level?
01:11:12 Let me tell you the things God is going to give you on your way.
01:11:15 Number one, write this down.
01:11:16 God says, the first thing I'm going to give you when I promote you as a ring, I'm going
01:11:22 to give you a ring.
01:11:25 What does a ring do?
01:11:27 Y'all remember back in the days where you would see, um, they would put wax on a document
01:11:34 and they would put the ring.
01:11:36 The ring seals it.
01:11:37 It's a signet.
01:11:38 It means that everything that's in the document has gone from being watch this and opinion
01:11:43 to a decree.
01:11:47 So God says, I'm getting ready to give you a ring, which means everything that you say,
01:11:54 I'm going to give you the power to seal.
01:12:01 Which means if you say debt-free, it is so.
01:12:09 If you say cancer skips a generation, it is so.
01:12:15 If you say that my children will grow up happy and healthy, it is so.
01:12:20 If you say that I'm in this marriage and there is no divorcing, it is so.
01:12:25 God says, I'm giving you the ability to seal everything you say.
01:12:31 Acts one and eight says ye shall have power.
01:12:38 That's how God put a ring on it.
01:12:42 Number two, I'm going to give you a robe.
01:12:47 I'm going to give you a robe.
01:12:49 Not only did Joseph have a lot of houses in his life, he had a lot of robes.
01:12:54 His father gave him a robe.
01:12:56 Potiphar gave him a robe.
01:12:58 And now he's getting another robe from Pharaoh.
01:13:04 If I was Joseph, I would have had robophobia because every time he got a robe, somebody
01:13:11 took it from him.
01:13:13 But then I started to praise God when I studied this Melville because I realized that at first
01:13:18 we thought the favor was in the robe, but then you have to ask yourself, if he kept
01:13:23 losing robes, why didn't he lose favor?
01:13:29 Because the favor wasn't in the robe.
01:13:31 The favor was with Joseph, which is why the Bible says everywhere he went, he found favor.
01:13:37 I prophesy in your life right now that nothing you lose will keep you from getting what God
01:13:43 has for you.
01:13:46 Everybody say a robe.
01:13:48 Number three, God gave him a rank.
01:13:52 He gave him a rank.
01:13:55 What does that mean?
01:13:56 The Bible says that Pharaoh put a chain on his neck.
01:13:59 You got to understand how important this is because the last time we saw Joseph in chains,
01:14:04 they were handcuffs, but now he has a chain around his neck and it is a gold chain and
01:14:09 that chain absolutely rectifies the fact that his rank has risen.
01:14:15 I'm speaking to somebody on your job right now.
01:14:17 You are about to be ranked and promoted above people whose degrees outrank you.
01:14:25 God is about to change your rank.
01:14:27 I say God changed my rank.
01:14:29 The next one he changed was a ride.
01:14:32 The Bible says that he gave him chariots.
01:14:36 You got to understand what a chariot means in this day and time.
01:14:40 The chariot represents movement and progress.
01:14:45 I don't know who this is for and I'm almost done.
01:14:48 Just tell your neighbor, I won't be here much longer.
01:14:52 God is about to bring progress and movement into your life.
01:14:56 Here's the next thing God will change reputation.
01:15:02 His name was Joseph, right?
01:15:06 But the Bible says that Pharaoh changed his name and the name that Pharaoh gave him, it
01:15:12 meant revealer of secrets.
01:15:17 God says the gift that you have, I'm going to make your name great before men and I'm
01:15:25 going to change your reputation so that no matter what you have been through, when you
01:15:31 get to the right person, it will be a clean slate.
01:15:34 Listen to me, this is for somebody.
01:15:38 You will not, Mark, your pastor said this.
01:15:42 You will not be judged by the mistake you made in your previous season.
01:15:49 It will have no bearing on what God is about to do at the next season of your life.
01:15:54 The person who's about to elevate you is not even going to ask you where you came from.
01:16:06 Here's the last one.
01:16:07 God says, after I do all of that, I'm going to give you a ring.
01:16:10 I'm going to give you a robe.
01:16:11 I'm going to give you a rank.
01:16:12 I'm going to give you a ride.
01:16:13 I'm going to change your reputation.
01:16:14 Here it is.
01:16:16 If you're looking for it, I'm going to give you romance.
01:16:24 Now why are y'all shouting so loud now?
01:16:25 Come on, let's have church then.
01:16:27 Look at Jesus.
01:16:28 Look at him move now.
01:16:29 How he moving.
01:16:30 He wasn't moving before, but he's moving now.
01:16:41 Pharaoh gave Joseph a wife.
01:16:52 It's the spirit of rebellion on this side of the room.
01:17:02 Joseph was given a wife and she gave him two sons.
01:17:12 The first son she gave him, thank you, Holy Ghost.
01:17:16 His name was Manasseh.
01:17:19 Watch this.
01:17:20 Manasseh means I forgot.
01:17:29 That means that when God does send you your spouse, they're going to be so good that you're
01:17:36 going to forget all of the bad relationships you had.
01:17:42 Oh, y'all don't want to shout.
01:17:43 Touch your neighbor and say, "Lord, send me somebody that's going to make me forget everybody."
01:17:50 Oh, y'all ain't shout.
01:17:59 God said, "I'm about to send you somebody that's going to make you forget everybody
01:18:02 who used you.
01:18:03 I'm going to send you somebody that's going to make you forget everybody who left you.
01:18:08 If I'm talking to you, give God some glory."
01:18:17 I need every woman to give another woman a high five and say, "Lord, send Manasseh right
01:18:20 now.
01:18:21 Send him right now.
01:18:22 Send him right now.
01:18:23 I'm tired of remembering how my heart was broken.
01:18:28 Send me somebody that'll make me forget."
01:18:39 I think this done turned into a singles conference.
01:18:43 I need every woman who believes that God is going to send a Manasseh your way to give
01:18:47 God about 15 seconds of praise.
01:19:00 Somebody got a tambourine.
01:19:01 Listen.
01:19:02 I need every single woman in the room to prepare yourself to forget everything.
01:19:21 When it comes, you're going to forget you were lonely.
01:19:23 When it comes, you are going to forget that you were bitter.
01:19:25 When it comes, you're going to forget every promise you made to yourself about what you
01:19:29 weren't going to deal with.
01:19:31 Here he comes.
01:19:32 Here he comes.
01:19:44 Next relationship is going to be so good, you're going to forget how bad all the other
01:19:48 ones were.
01:19:49 Now, I ain't never seen y'all women so happy.
01:19:55 I've been preaching about salvation all day.
01:19:57 You're like, "I'm saved.
01:19:58 Oh, man.
01:19:59 Oh."
01:20:00 It's all good.
01:20:20 He said they had a second son.
01:20:23 His name was Ephraim.
01:20:26 Ephraim's name means to be fruitful.
01:20:31 Oh, y'all missed it.
01:20:35 You missed it.
01:20:37 God says when you get in this next relationship, I ain't just talking about babies, but y'all
01:20:42 are going to be fruitful and multiply.
01:20:48 I'm tired of being with people who subtract from me.
01:20:52 I'm looking for somebody!
01:21:00 Somebody shout, "Multiply, multiply, multiply, multiply!"
01:21:05 Y'all gonna be rich together. Y'all gonna turn up together. Y'all gonna build!
01:21:11 Somebody shout, "Better days, better days, better days, better days,
01:21:18 better days, better days, better days, better days!" Somebody shout, "Better days!"
01:21:31 Let me tell you how it ends. He says, "What you meant for evil, God turned it around
01:21:46 for my good." I feel like it now, y'all. "For my good." Give your neighbor a high five and shout,
01:21:54 "Neighbor, God told me to tell you that not many days hence, all things are gonna start to work
01:22:05 together for your good." Did they act like they were happy? Roll your eyes at them and find
01:22:12 somebody else. Tell them, "Neighbor, God is getting ready to turn things in your favor."
01:22:20 Did they shout? "Find someone else!" And look them in the eye and shout, "Neighbor,
01:22:31 I said all of that to say, better days are coming. Weeping leave endure for a night,
01:22:43 oh joy is coming in the morning." Get you a praise partner and shout, "Neighbor, I've been down
01:22:53 almost level to the ground, but God told me to tell you, He's about to pick you up,
01:23:00 dust you off, and start you, start you on your way." Anybody believe it? Anybody receive it?
01:23:11 Shout, "Yeah!"
01:23:13 God's gonna turn it around. God's gonna turn it around. God's gonna turn it around.
01:23:27 God's gonna turn it around. God's gonna turn it around. God's gonna turn it around.
01:23:33 God's gonna turn it around. God's gonna turn it around. I feel a turnaround. I feel a shift.
01:23:41 I feel a shift in the atmosphere. I feel a shift. I feel a shift. I feel multiplication. I feel a
01:23:51 shift. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I feel a shift. I feel a shift. I feel a shift. What the enemy
01:24:10 meant for evil? God, He's gonna turn it around for your good.
01:24:22 Somebody shout, "Turn it around, turn it around, turn it around, turn it around, turn it around."
01:24:27 I'm trying to leave y'all alone. Somebody shout, "Turn it around, turn it around, turn it around,
01:24:36 Turn around, turn around, turn around.
01:24:39 Whoa, somebody ought to just do it in the spirit.
01:24:41 Say, turn around, turn around, turn around, turn around,
01:24:43 turn around, turn around, turn around.
01:24:46 [APPLAUSE]
01:24:48 Yeah.
01:24:50 Yeah.
01:24:52 Yeah.
01:24:53 [APPLAUSE]
01:25:06 Better days are coming.
01:25:09 [APPLAUSE]
01:25:33 Somebody just got out of the pit mentally.
01:25:36 somebody just got released from prison psychologically. Who the son has set free is free indeed.
01:25:48 Turn it around, turn it around, turn it around, turn it around.
01:26:14 Turn it around.
01:26:40 Be not weary in your well doing, for you will reap a harvest if you faint not.
01:27:08 This next season is going to be so good, you're going to forget how bad the last one was.
01:27:26 I promise you, I know what I'm talking about. You're not afraid because what's coming is scary.
01:27:42 You're afraid because what was is familiar. And you have never known blessing on this level, which is why you're afraid.
01:27:54 God is getting you ready for something you're not accustomed to. But you can't have what you had and have what's coming at the same time.
01:28:07 There was a sacrifice required to enter into the holies of holies.
01:28:18 You got to pay the cost. You got to pay the cost.
01:28:28 At the age you're now, it's a cost. And when you pay it, you don't have to pay it again.
01:28:35 It's a one-time deal. And here's the thing. God never asks you for more than you have to offer.
01:28:50 But it does require all you have to give. Somebody say, "I got enough. I got enough. I got enough."
01:29:00 You're not going to be by yourself. I know it feels like it, but there are some people waiting to support you where you're going.
01:29:11 Sometimes what you thought was support was guilt.
01:29:21 Because let me tell you something. Listen to me. Anybody who knows that God is working in your life and they are sensitive to the Spirit,
01:29:29 when there is a God move that happens, they will tell you to go even at their own expense.
01:29:38 When I told my mother I had to go, we had no argument about me having to move.
01:29:47 I called her on the phone from Seattle, Washington, Tacoma, Washington, and I told her, "Mama, I got to go."
01:29:58 "Yeah, I know. I know I'm your only son. I'm 20. I got to go."
01:30:05 I moved out of the house at 17. I never went back.
01:30:12 From the day I left, I've never asked my mother for a dime because I knew where I was going.
01:30:27 She didn't have to bail me out. She didn't have to visit me in prison.
01:30:37 She didn't have to call in a favor to get me out of trouble. I had a destiny.
01:30:44 Now, could I have gotten in trouble? Sure. Could all of those things have happened? Yes.
01:30:50 But I was covered because I was in my assignment.
01:30:58 I moved out in August of 1999 at 17 years old.
01:31:05 When I was a boy, I thought as a boy, but that day I became a man, and I put away childish things.
01:31:12 Behold, we see through a glass dark.
01:31:20 I've been through hell and high water, but do you know that God is blessing me so much now that when my sisters and I talk about the past, this is the truth, I can't even remember what they're talking about.
01:31:34 My sister always tells me, "Keanu, something is wrong with your mind."
01:31:38 She says it to me all the time. She says, "You were there, but my season is so good now that I promise you I don't even remember half of the stuff she's talking about."
01:31:52 Can I tell you something? I don't care to.
01:31:57 I don't need the past for me to feel good about the future. I don't need it.
01:32:08 If you're in this place today, I just want to see if I can get some of you to just begin to minister to somebody in your section and just tell them better days are coming.
01:32:21 Let's just look three people and tell them better days are coming.
01:32:32 Come on, just tell them better days are coming. Better days.
01:32:50 Come on, somebody say better days, better days. Better days. Better days are coming.
01:33:09 Better days. Better days. Better days are coming.
01:33:33 Sometimes. Just tell your neighbor, "It feels cold and you feel all alone. I know better days are coming."
01:33:56 It can be rough in this world. Tell somebody to hang on because it ain't easy. Hang on in there. I promise you better days are coming.
01:34:17 You've seen good and you've seen bad. You've been happy and you've been sad, but I promise you standing here today that God told me to tell you that better days are coming.
01:34:36 Come on, everybody say better days, better days. Better days. I promise you better days. Better days. Better days are coming.
01:34:56 Come on, everybody hug somebody. Minister to their soul and tell them better days. Better days. Better days.
01:35:12 One more time. One more time. One more time. One more time. Somebody say it, "Better days." Better days.
01:35:29 God's going to turn it around. I guarantee you. Better days are coming.
01:35:44 Anybody believe it? Anybody believe it? Anybody receive it? Minister to yourself
01:35:53 and say better days. Better days in my home, better days in my finances, better
01:35:58 days in my health, better days in my mind, better days in my disposition, better days
01:36:03 in my perspective, better days in my speech, better days in my outcome, better
01:36:07 days. When you come out of the surgery it won't even be the pain they tell you
01:36:14 is gonna be there.
01:36:17 For those of y'all who have surgery scheduled it's gonna be painless when
01:36:22 you come out. You're gonna have the joy of the Lord. Don't you believe what the
01:36:31 devil told you? Better days. For your mother and your father and your sister
01:36:41 can you say better days, better days?
01:36:46 Can I say this to you? It's only a season
01:37:01 that you're going through. But stay focused and never lose sight. I know it
01:37:18 personally but people, people, people, they don't see the hurt that you feel
01:37:27 inside but you gotta keep on smiling cause everything is gonna be alright.
01:37:37 Everybody say better days.
01:37:41 Say better days.
01:37:46 Better days. Better days are coming.
01:37:56 One more time sing it.
01:38:00 Better days. Better days. Better days.
01:38:12 Better days are coming.
01:38:20 you
01:38:22 (whooshing)