00:00 [music]
00:09 How many of you all are excited about ILS?
00:12 How many of you all excited about it?
00:17 I believe the dates are March 21st through the 24th.
00:20 I may have it wrong.
00:21 I'm going off of memory, but I believe it's the 21st.
00:24 Is that--yeah, 21st through the 23rd.
00:26 And I'm preaching.
00:29 I'm preaching.
00:30 So I'm inviting you to come hear me preach.
00:32 You better register.
00:33 Tell your neighbor who ain't registered, you better do it now.
00:36 Yeah, we are excited.
00:38 This conference, it is the meeting place.
00:43 It is the pool of Bethesda where the water will be troubled,
00:48 and those of us who get in will get out with our miracle.
00:51 I'm coming to expect something.
00:53 Anybody coming to expect something?
00:55 So those of you all who are watching online,
00:57 make sure you register for that.
00:59 You don't want to hear about it.
01:00 You want to witness it in the flesh.
01:03 I've got a word, I believe, from the Lord.
01:09 Let's go to the Gospel of St. John.
01:15 The Gospel of St. John,
01:18 and we're going to commence our attention at chapter number 8.
01:27 If you will indulge me to read verses 1 through 5 for context,
01:33 don't be afraid, the sermon won't be long.
01:35 I'm going to preach verse 6 through 10.
01:39 But in order to know where you're going,
01:41 you have to know where you came from.
01:44 The Bible says in John chapter number 8
01:46 that Jesus went up unto the Mount of Olives.
01:54 And not in the afternoon, not at night, but early in the morning.
01:59 He came again into the temple.
02:04 And all the people came unto him, and he sat down,
02:09 and he taught them.
02:12 And the scribes and the Pharisees brought unto him a woman
02:15 taken in adultery.
02:18 And when they had set her in the midst,
02:22 they say unto him, Master,
02:24 this woman was taken in adultery in the very act.
02:31 Now Moses and the law commanded us that such should be stoned,
02:36 what sayest thou?
02:39 This they said, tempting him that they might have to accuse him.
02:45 But Jesus was too smart for that.
02:49 He stooped down and with his finger wrote on the ground
02:52 as though he heard them not.
02:54 See, sometimes you have to ignore what they're saying.
02:59 Ignoring what they said will determine what you write.
03:05 Hearing what they said will make you transcribe what you heard.
03:09 You've got to ignore the noise.
03:11 He bent down and he wrote as if he didn't hear them.
03:13 And so when they continued asking him, he lifted himself up,
03:16 and he said unto them, He that is without sin among you,
03:23 let him cast a stone at her.
03:29 And again he stooped down and wrote on the ground,
03:31 and they which heard it, being convicted by their own conscience,
03:35 went out one by one, listen, beginning at the eldest,
03:45 even unto the last.
03:47 And Jesus left alone and the woman standing in the midst.
03:58 And Jesus had lifted up himself and saw none but the woman.
04:02 And he said unto her, Woman, where are those?
04:06 Where they at now?
04:10 For, O, where are those thine accusers?
04:13 Hath no man condemned thee?
04:15 I'll stop reading right there.
04:17 I want you to look at your neighbor,
04:19 and I want you to look him right in the face
04:21 since you decided to sit by them.
04:23 If you don't like him, you've got a couple options.
04:25 You can move now.
04:27 You can look at him and say, Neighbor, I'm not innocent.
04:32 Neither are you.
04:35 But the Lord told me to tell you, in spite of it all,
04:40 the case has been dismissed.
04:44 That's what I want to talk about.
04:49 Case dismissed.
04:54 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
05:22 Recently I read a story about two monks
05:33 who had recently joined a Christian monastery.
05:42 The two monks came in with the intention
05:45 on being a part of the worship experience.
05:48 I don't know what they wanted to do.
05:49 Maybe they wanted to join the praise team.
05:53 Perhaps they wanted to play an instrument.
05:58 Perhaps they wanted to be a PMT.
06:00 Perhaps they wanted to be on the security detail.
06:06 Be that as it may, the rules stated that in order
06:10 to be a part of this monastery,
06:13 your first job had to be to transcribe
06:18 the original text of the church.
06:23 So before being allowed to do anything,
06:26 you had to learn how to write the word of God.
06:33 As these two monks came in and they joined the monastery,
06:37 they began to write, but reason whispers to us
06:44 that if this was the strategy or the rules of the monastery,
06:52 then it wouldn't be long, perhaps a generation,
06:55 if that, before you would get from copying original text
07:01 and you would eventually be copying a copy.
07:06 Give you an example.
07:07 If I were to write on a sheet of paper right now
07:10 the first five words of the scripture,
07:13 and I handed it to this young man right here,
07:15 and he wrote the first five words to the scripture
07:18 and handed it to the man next to him,
07:20 by the time it leaves me and gets to him,
07:24 it is no longer original.
07:27 It becomes a copy.
07:30 Now, the problem with copying human beings
07:33 is that no matter how devout you are,
07:38 you will never be perfect.
07:41 So perhaps I would write there, T-H-E-R-E,
07:45 and mistakenly he would write there,
07:47 but he would write T-H-E-I-R.
07:50 By the time he hands his copy to the man next to him,
07:54 he would write T-H-E-I-R, not intentionally,
07:57 but he was just copying the copy.
08:02 You see, the errors were just passed down.
08:07 And I believe, not to preach too early,
08:11 but I believe that that is the reason
08:14 and the purpose for most of the trauma in this room.
08:18 You were not originally hurt.
08:21 You were just a copy of somebody who raised you wounded.
08:28 You were not born distrustful.
08:31 You were nursed as the breast of someone who was distrustful.
08:37 You were not born with that bad habit.
08:40 Perhaps it was sharpened through your life,
08:44 but the truth is that trauma is passed down like heirlooms,
08:51 and nobody has the courage to face it,
08:53 and so as opposed to facing it like these scribes,
08:57 we just pass on the errors.
09:01 Now, here is the issue.
09:03 If no one is perfect, and I believe no one is,
09:06 then the errors being passed down
09:09 and them being transferred point us to something
09:12 that I think is very significant when we look at this text.
09:16 Here is an issue, because while I was studying this,
09:19 I came across a literary work that suggested
09:24 that in the original text, John 7, verse 53,
09:30 through John 8, verse 11,
09:33 were missing from the original text.
09:36 I need you to get that.
09:38 So that means that somewhere along the line,
09:40 somebody left it out on purpose,
09:43 and everybody after that was just copying the copy.
09:48 Just walk with me, y'all. We're going somewhere.
09:51 That the entire verses from John 7 and 53
09:56 through John 8, verse 11,
09:59 were redacted like top-secret documents.
10:04 Now, when we go to John 8,
10:08 you heard me read that there was a woman caught
10:11 in the act of adultery,
10:13 and there were two groups of people
10:16 who were eyewitnesses to the crime.
10:19 Pharisees and scribes.
10:23 Let me explain to you what a scribe is.
10:26 A scribe is a person who is responsible
10:30 for writing the text.
10:32 Now, I don't know if I'm missing something,
10:35 but maybe you can help me scrutinize it.
10:38 Is it not plausible that the individuals
10:42 who were writing left out the part of the story
10:46 where they had culpability?
10:48 [audience murmurs]
10:50 Either this is the biggest canonical disaster
10:53 that we've ever seen,
10:55 or there was a reason why the scribes,
10:58 who were present at the crime scene,
11:00 left themselves out intentionally.
11:03 [audience murmurs]
11:05 I mean, the redaction seems suspicious to me,
11:08 at best, that the individuals
11:11 who are responsible for writing the text
11:14 just so happened to leave out the part of the text
11:20 where they have culpability.
11:21 Come on and talk to me.
11:23 Does that seem interesting to anybody else other than me?
11:27 The Bible says that there were two groups,
11:30 the Pharisees and the scribes.
11:33 Now, the Pharisees were this superior,
11:35 sanctified group of individuals
11:38 that thought they were better than everybody else.
11:40 The scribes were like paralegals.
11:42 They were the ones who were responsible for writing.
11:45 And this is what is referred in legal conversations
11:50 as a conflict of interest,
11:53 because the people who are responsible
11:55 for telling the story are actually present
11:58 at the time of the story,
11:59 and somehow, when this story is told,
12:02 the people who were present
12:03 mention everybody else that was there except for them.
12:07 [audience murmurs]
12:08 Y'all sleep or y'all here with me?
12:11 So I thought this was interesting.
12:14 A conflict of interest is taking place,
12:17 and as I said earlier, either this is an accident
12:21 or this is an incident,
12:23 and no wonder the Pharisees
12:26 always seemed so perfect in our eyes.
12:29 No wonder the scribes always seemed so perfect in our eyes.
12:33 It is not because they were flawless.
12:35 It's because they left out part of the story.
12:39 And that's why when you come to church
12:41 and you look at people with their church clothes on
12:43 and they got their Bibles in their hand
12:46 and they got their makeup on
12:48 and they got their wife and their husband next to them
12:50 and they got their children and everything looks good
12:53 and they drove to church in a nice car
12:55 and you look at them and you wish you had what they had
12:58 or you wish you were where they are,
13:01 can I tell you something?
13:02 Ain't no need of you being jealous
13:04 of anybody in this room.
13:06 The only reason why they seem better than you
13:08 is because they left out part of the story.
13:12 I hope I got somebody in here today.
13:14 Just look at your name and say, "You're not better than me.
13:16 I just don't know your whole story yet."
13:19 Yeah, you know mine, but I don't know yours.
13:22 Yeah, and let me tell you,
13:23 ain't no need of you being mad.
13:25 Ain't no need of you being jealous
13:26 because you may look at their life
13:28 and they may look like they have it all together,
13:30 but let me tell you, you are sitting next to somebody
13:33 that if God put their stuff up on their screen,
13:35 they would have to put up their Baptist finger
13:38 and walk out the back door.
13:39 I need you to look at your neighbor
13:41 because we about to get rowdy in here.
13:43 Tell them, "You ain't no better than me.
13:45 I don't care what you drove to church in.
13:47 You ain't nothing but dirt and filthy rats.
13:50 If you got a Cadillac, you just dirt riding good.
13:53 If you live in a mansion, you just dirt with a big house.
13:56 There is none good, no not."
13:59 [cheers and applause]
14:05 People come in church looking down their nose at you
14:08 as if they better than you.
14:10 You ain't no better than nobody else in here,
14:13 and I'm talking to those of you online as well.
14:16 You are no better than anybody in the chat.
14:19 The difference between you and them
14:21 is we don't know your story.
14:23 And I don't know who I'm talking to in here today,
14:26 but God told me to tell you.
14:28 Are you ready for it?
14:29 He says, "I don't care how bad it is.
14:31 I don't want any edits."
14:33 [cheers]
14:34 I don't want you to leave not one part of your story out.
14:38 If you don't tell your story,
14:40 you'll never get to the next dimension.
14:42 Look at your neighbor and say,
14:44 "I have done some stuff that I'm not proud of,
14:47 but I thank God that he looks beyond my faults."
14:50 [cheers]
14:51 Oh, come on, holler at your boy in here today.
14:53 Now, I know we come to church, we're dressed up,
14:55 but you're no better than anybody else.
14:57 You're looking at the girl next to you,
14:59 oh, she got a husband,
15:00 but what she ain't gonna tell you is
15:02 Daquan and Tyrone got different daddies.
15:04 And we come in church with our Holy Ghost outfits on
15:07 as acting as if we have Pharisee culpability,
15:10 but the truth is there is nobody in this room
15:13 that has the right or the ability
15:16 to throw a stone at anybody else.
15:18 [cheers]
15:23 Touch your neighbor and say, "No edits."
15:25 No edits, no edits. Tell your whole story.
15:27 Don't water yourself down
15:29 because people can't handle you at 100 proof.
15:31 Stop walking in church with your head held down
15:34 because you got a past.
15:35 Stop walking in here thinking you're less than a Christian
15:38 because you struggle with depression.
15:40 Stop thinking you're not saved because you feel insecure.
15:43 Stop thinking that you're not holy because you feel rejected.
15:46 All of that stuff is a part of the story.
15:49 [cheers]
15:55 Touch your neighbor and say, "I got to struggle.
15:57 I got some struggles. I got some struggles.
15:59 I got some struggles."
16:00 Now, listen, I'm a saint, but I got sinner problems.
16:03 [cheers]
16:05 I'm on my way somewhere, but I ain't quite there.
16:08 Matter of fact, ain't no sense of you judging me.
16:10 I came here on a Wednesday night
16:12 because I know I got room to grow.
16:14 [cheers]
16:16 Anybody tired of a church
16:18 where you got to come in and act like you're already there?
16:20 Anybody tired of going to a church
16:22 where you got to act like you already have it together?
16:25 We are here saved by grace.
16:28 [cheers]
16:32 Touch two people, tell them, "No edits."
16:34 No edits. No edits.
16:37 No edits. Tell it all.
16:39 Matter of fact, you better start telling it
16:42 so that when they tell it, it's old news.
16:45 Reason why they keep tearing you up online
16:48 is 'cause you keep on hiding.
16:49 You better get online and say,
16:51 "I'm having the IG Live today.
16:53 Anybody listening, let me tell you what I did.
16:55 In 1991..."
16:57 [cheers]
17:00 Peace.
17:02 [cheers]
17:05 This is why we can't win this next generation.
17:09 We can't win the next generation
17:12 is because our generation acts like
17:15 we didn't have the same issues.
17:17 [cheers]
17:19 Oh, y'all ain't gonna talk to me in here today.
17:21 You can't help nobody that can't see themselves in you.
17:25 [cheers]
17:33 No edits.
17:35 Matter of fact, the Bible says in Ephesians 4 and 25,
17:38 saying--he says, "Put away falsehood.
17:40 Let everyone speak the truth."
17:44 The church, we just--we just act like we always been here.
17:50 Are we so holy?
17:51 You know, you call 'em people that got the voicemail,
17:54 and you call their voicemail
17:56 and it's "Holy Ghost Headquarters."
17:58 Thank you for calling the Holy Ghost Headquarters,
18:01 and they got "We Fall Down, But We Get Up"
18:03 Donna McClurkin in the background
18:05 with Hennessy on the coffee table at home.
18:07 [laughter]
18:19 The church has too many edits.
18:28 The only part we show is the shouting.
18:32 Only part we talk about are the victories.
18:37 But sitting next to you is somebody
18:39 that if they don't get a word tonight,
18:42 they plan on taking a bottle of pills tomorrow.
18:47 And we sit in that church phony and fake and plastic,
18:53 and real recognize real.
18:59 Are you listening to me?
19:01 The Bible says that this woman
19:05 was caught in the act of adultery.
19:06 Now, I must admit that I have some issues with the text,
19:12 but we have to take off our Christian Louisvilletans
19:15 and step in an ancient sandals to feel the breeze
19:19 of this Jerusalem air to find out
19:21 what has actually taken place in the environment.
19:24 As we come to this text,
19:27 the Bible says that the woman
19:31 was caught in the act of adultery.
19:34 And the Bible says in Leviticus 20, verse 10,
19:38 the law, it says, that both the adulterer
19:42 and the adulteress must be put to death.
19:46 So my question is, how you catch her?
19:50 [laughter]
19:56 Now, I didn't go to Harvard, so I might be wrong,
19:58 but if she was caught in the act of adultery,
20:04 then if she was there...
20:10 Now, I don't know, perhaps the guy was a scribe.
20:19 Perhaps he was a scribe and he called in a favor.
20:30 Yeah, go and leave that part out, dog.
20:31 They don't need to know the whole story.
20:37 The adulterer and the adulteress,
20:42 that means that if she is to be stoned to death,
20:48 then he must be stoned to death.
20:51 But given this legal enigma, there are several
20:54 search warrants that must be issued
20:57 before we can indict anybody.
21:01 Now, first of all, there is a difference
21:04 between fornication and adultery.
21:09 Follow me.
21:10 Adultery is when someone has sex
21:12 with someone who is not their spouse.
21:15 Fornication is when somebody has intercourse
21:18 with someone and they are not married.
21:21 Are y'all following me?
21:23 Now, if the woman was caught in the act of adultery,
21:29 it means she had a husband.
21:32 Now, if she had a husband, I got a problem.
21:35 Why isn't he here?
21:40 Because even when Mary was impregnated
21:44 by the Holy Ghost, we even find out
21:46 through the text that Joseph wanted
21:48 to put her away privately because in the days
21:51 of the law, if a woman was caught
21:53 in the act of adultery, her husband showed up
21:56 and put her away.
22:00 So if she is married, where is her husband?
22:08 Or was she married?
22:14 Or was she married?
22:17 Was she married?
22:18 Was this a married woman or was this a single woman?
22:26 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
22:28 Now, I'm just proposing this,
22:30 and I didn't just get this out of thin blue air.
22:33 If you go back and look at Catholic history,
22:35 in 591, it is recovered in the Catholic history
22:39 that Pope Gregory I announced that the woman
22:43 in John chapter 8 was not a married woman,
22:48 but in fact, an unmarried woman
22:52 by the name of Mary Magdalene.
23:00 Just supposing, just supposing that this is not
23:05 an unnamed woman that we've never heard of,
23:08 that perhaps this is Mary Magdalene,
23:11 who by the way, was a woman who was possessed
23:16 by demons, not just possessed by demons,
23:20 but possessed by seven demons.
23:24 The number seven is the number of completion,
23:28 which means that this woman was under
23:31 the complete control of her demons.
23:36 In today's legal system, she could possibly,
23:39 she could possibly go through the legal system
23:43 and plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
23:47 And here is the legal loophole.
23:49 The law said that a woman could not,
23:52 or a man could not be put to death
23:55 for a crime that they committed involuntarily.
24:00 So if this is Mary Magdalene, and she is
24:03 under the complete control of a demonic influence,
24:07 she is now doing something that she has no control over.
24:12 So maybe not guilty of adultery,
24:15 definitely guilty of fornication,
24:17 but I want to talk to the people in the room
24:19 who've ever felt like no matter how hard
24:22 you try to stop, something pushed you over the edge.
24:29 No matter how many times you try to get rid of the temper,
24:32 something always brings it out.
24:34 No matter how many times you try to deal with insecurity,
24:37 something always makes you feel less than.
24:39 The complete control of a demonic influence
24:42 over this woman's life, and here she is,
24:45 caught in the act of adultery.
24:47 Now when you watch this story, you find out actually
24:50 that this is not about the woman, this is about Jesus,
24:54 because if this is Mary Magdalene,
24:56 and she was a woman possessed by demons,
24:59 and perhaps a prostitute, then they know
25:02 what she did for a living.
25:04 This wasn't an accident, this was a sting operation.
25:09 They were setting Jesus up to see what he would do.
25:14 And I just want to walk through here
25:16 and tell you to be careful with people,
25:18 because the Lord told me to tell you
25:20 there are going to be people in your life
25:22 who set you up just to see what you'll do.
25:26 You're going to have to be careful,
25:28 because the devil's going to put people on your job
25:30 just to see what you'll do.
25:32 He's going to put people in your family,
25:34 and they're going to start acting crazy
25:36 just to see what you will do.
25:38 And when you don't have control...
25:42 Are you listening to me?
25:45 So the law says in Leviticus 4 and 13
25:48 that a person could not be condemned to death
25:50 for an involuntary sin.
25:52 So, Bishop, this is why I started thinking about this.
25:56 I said, "Well, if this is in fact Mary Magdalene,
25:59 "it explains so many things to me.
26:02 "It explains so many things to me,
26:04 "because I've always wondered her involvement in Christ."
26:06 Maybe this is the reason she broke the alabaster box.
26:11 Maybe if this is Mary,
26:13 no wonder she was at the foot of the cross
26:17 when everybody else left.
26:19 If this is Mary Magdalene, it explains why
26:22 on the day of the resurrection,
26:24 she was the one that was at the tomb,
26:26 and she had to go tell the disciples and Peter,
26:29 because on this day, she was exonerated.
26:32 I came to talk to about 2,000 people in this room
26:35 and another 5,000 online.
26:37 I need you to tell everybody you can touch.
26:40 Tell them, "That's why I came to church on a Wednesday.
26:43 "That's why I'm signing up for Woman Evolved.
26:46 "That's why I'm registering for ILS.
26:48 "That's why I come on Sunday,
26:50 "because you were not there when he exonerated me."
26:53 [cheers and applause]
26:55 Oh, I need everybody in here who's not going to act innocent
26:58 but knows that you've been through some stuff
27:00 that God should have hung you out to dry for,
27:03 but the reason why you worship God in season and out of season
27:07 is because he was there for you when nobody else was.
27:10 If I'm talking to you, I need you to make some noise in this room.
27:13 [cheers and applause]
27:16 Tell somebody, say, "That's why I tithe.
27:21 "That's why I come to church every Sunday.
27:23 "That's why I cry when ain't nobody bothering me.
27:26 "That's why I don't care what you got to say.
27:28 "That's why every time I stand up and I start clapping
27:31 "and you looking at me like I'm blocking your view,
27:34 "you gonna stand up before I sit down,
27:36 "because when I think of the goodness of Jesus
27:38 "and all that he's done for me, my soul shouts hallelujah."
27:42 I need about 300 people to open up your mouth
27:45 and give Him glory in this place.
27:47 [cheers and applause]
27:49 I need you to act like He's brought you out of something.
27:52 I need you to act like He's delivered you.
27:54 I need you to act like He picked you up,
27:57 dusted you off, and started you out on your way.
28:00 Give your neighbor a high-five and say, "He's talking about me."
28:04 You should have seen my past.
28:06 You should have seen where I came from.
28:08 I didn't come here to edit.
28:10 I came here to tell the whole story.
28:12 I've done some stuff I'm not proud of.
28:14 I've done some things that I wouldn't repeat,
28:16 but thanks be to God.
28:18 [cheers and applause]
28:21 No wonder the woman Mary Magdalene kept showing up,
28:30 'cause perhaps He did something for her
28:35 that nobody else had done before.
28:37 Has God ever done anything for you...
28:39 [cheers and applause]
28:42 ...that nobody else could have done, even if they tried?
28:45 Has God ever made a way for anybody in this place today?
28:49 Has God ever brought you out of areas, situations,
28:53 and circumstances that when you laid in the bed at night
28:56 with the pillow over your head,
28:58 you never thought that you would make it out,
29:01 but you're standing here today only because God made?
29:07 Slap three people and say, "He made a way.
29:09 He made a way. He made a way."
29:11 Find somebody who ain't sleeping. Tell 'em, "He made a way.
29:13 He made a way. When my back was against the wall,
29:16 He made a way. When my bank account was empty,
29:18 He made a way. When I had tumors in my body,
29:21 He made..."
29:24 Oh, I can't hear nobody in this place today.
29:26 I'm gonna give you about five seconds to open up your mouth and shake the roof on this place and let God know that I
29:33 Know it was you. I know it was you. I know it was you. I know it wasn't my education. I know it was you
29:40 Touched me Peter said he kept me he kept me he kept me he kept me he kept me he kept me watch this
29:53 He kept me in spite of the evidence
29:55 Let's just talk about it because she wasn't guilty, but she wasn't innocent
30:01 She didn't do what they said, but she did something anybody here thinking God that in spite of the evidence
30:09 Well if the person next to you knew your real story
30:22 I
30:24 Mean if they really knew if they really knew that that behind that dress and
30:32 behind that title and
30:35 Behind that church look, you know that church look
30:38 It's somebody who crawls out of the bed at night
30:45 Somebody who looks in the mirror and doesn't like what they see
30:51 somebody
30:53 Dealing with mama issues and daddy issues
30:56 Somebody who struggles to love their own child because they didn't get love from their parents
31:02 If they could really really see that I'm not innocent, but I'm not guilty
31:09 That in spite of the evidence I'm still gainfully employed
31:15 hmm
31:18 That
31:20 In spite of the evidence, I'm gonna tell you I remember I remember calling Bishop
31:25 Several years ago about four or five years ago now. I called him and I said pop. I got to tell you something
31:31 He said what is it? I said, I'm getting a divorce
31:34 And I said I'm telling you right now the reason why I'm telling you right now is I know that once it happens
31:40 I know you ain't never gonna talk to him again. I know I'll never preach at your church again
31:45 I know you'll never come and preach at our church again. So I'm telling you right now, but I'm standing here
31:49 Today
31:53 In spite of the evidence, I can't I guess I guess I can't find anybody who's ever been guilty of anything in this place
31:59 Can I get about 300 people in here to give God glory that in spite of the evidence?
32:06 He made away
32:10 Give your neighbor high five and say he made away he made away he made away he made away he made a
32:15 Shot yeah
32:20 I said I said to him I said pop I I
32:25 Don't know how how you gonna view me
32:29 When it's all done and and I could see him
32:33 metaphorically doing
32:36 What Jesus did for this woman?
32:39 He bends down
32:41 In the dirt
32:45 And the text doesn't say what he wrote so can I use supposition I believe
32:51 He feels in the redacted part of John chapter 8
32:57 Come here y'all come here. I believe they thought that for centuries they had gotten away with 11 verses
33:06 God said maybe you forgot
33:08 Maybe you forgot that you were there
33:16 But I didn't he who is without sin
33:21 Let him cast the first stone and the Bible says that they began to drop their stones
33:28 But I see two things being dropped in the text
33:31 Jabari I see them dropping stones and I see Jesus dropping charges
33:36 Touch somebody said he dropped the charges I
33:44 Promise you if he had if he had an executed justice against me
33:49 I wouldn't be here today had he held me liable for everything that I've been through I wouldn't be here today
33:54 I'm looking for somebody in the room who will give God glory that he
34:00 erased the evidence
34:02 The Bible says that they wanted to what stone her to death
34:20 What is not in the text is
34:23 That the Pharisees and the scribes that wanted to stone her to death
34:28 What is not in the text is by the time that Jesus meets this woman because of the Roman Empire
34:35 execution power had been taken from the Pharisees and Sadducees
34:39 so although they desired to execute her they did not have the power to do it because
34:47 No weapon
34:50 Let's back up a verse God created the Smith
34:59 That fanned the flame
35:01 That created the weapon Isaiah said no weapon
35:05 Formed against me shall prosper
35:07 That means God says the reason why the weapon won't work is because I influenced the weapon maker
35:14 and
35:17 I did not allow them to get the fire hot enough to get the knife sharp enough
35:24 So no weapon formed against you will prosper
35:27 He doesn't know or they don't know that they don't even have the power to execute her
35:34 How many of you in this room are stressed out about people's promises that they cannot deliver on?
35:42 The next time somebody tells you I'm gonna destroy you you looking right in the eye and tell him try it
35:51 The next time somebody say I'm gonna mess up your career you look at him right in the face and say try it
35:56 Let me tell you something the people who are after you don't have the ability to do what they are promising
36:04 I thought my life was over
36:13 because of people and their promises and it wasn't until I realized
36:21 That they were not in control
36:23 That God was in control the whole time
36:32 Don't you fret don't you be afraid
36:40 The devil is a roaring lion
36:44 Not a biting one
36:49 Ain't never seen nobody die from a roar
36:51 He bends down and
37:01 He writes now Earl I know what you did I
37:06 Think you better drop your rock Earl said yeah, I'm gonna get on out of here
37:11 I'm gonna go on to the crib
37:14 You ain't gonna tell Sarah is you're gonna tell Susan. All right, I'm going to the crib
37:19 The Bible says they did it from the eldest
37:23 To the youngest
37:28 All of my ministry
37:31 When I preached this text, I've always majored on
37:35 the fact that he wrote in the dirt and
37:40 Skipped over the fact that he simply bowed
37:46 I
37:48 Missed it. Oh
37:54 I've always talked about him writing in the dirt, but he could never reach the dirt until
38:00 Till he bowed oh
38:05 How powerful a bowing Jesus is
38:12 Remember
38:14 He was on the cross and you and I were on our way to hell
38:21 That was until he
38:26 One writer says that's why he's the lily of the valley because the lily is the tallest flower and his head
38:40 Oh
38:42 When he bowed his head my soul was redeemed
38:48 Help me Holy Spirit
38:53 And the Bible says in Psalms 51 have mercy upon me according to thy loving-kindness
38:58 according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my
39:05 Aggressions listen to me. I never saw this loving-kindness is the Hebrew word. It means to bend over
39:12 Blot out means to erase which means that every time God bends
39:20 He erases all help me Holy Ghost I said every time God bends
39:28 he erases so the moment he bent down and
39:33 Began to write the case was dismissed
39:37 And
39:41 That's what happened on Calvary's cross
39:43 You and I were on our way to hell and the moment he hung his head and the locks of his shoulders
39:50 He was blotting out our transgressions Oh
39:55 the power of a bending Jesus
39:59 The moment he bent down the woman's case was being exonerated and now we are seeing
40:06 John's words actually in action behold the Lamb of God
40:10 was taken away the sins of
40:14 The world the people who were trying to execute her number one didn't have the power to
40:22 number two
40:25 They did not recognize that they had just done her the biggest favor of her life
40:30 You know what they did for her
40:34 They brought her to Jesus
40:40 Can I get somebody in here who understands that if it wasn't for your haters you wouldn't be this close to the cross
40:48 If it wasn't for people trying to end your life
40:51 You wouldn't be this close to the cross give your neighbor high-five and say I thank God for my enemies. I
40:56 Can't get nobody here. I said find somebody say I thank God for my enemies
41:00 Do me a favor and give your neighbor a high-five and shout neighbor if it wasn't for my haters. I
41:07 Wouldn't be here today
41:10 If it wasn't for liars, I wouldn't be here today
41:13 Somebody open up your mouth and give God the glory
41:16 (applause)
41:18 Can I tell you one more thing
41:25 They brought her to Jesus and
41:36 They tried to expose her
41:41 They tried to condemn her
41:45 But after the story was over
41:47 The only people that were condemned
41:50 Were the ones
41:56 That tried to condemn her
41:58 It's like when Paul and Silas were in the Roman jail
42:02 After the earthquake happened the people who put them in bars
42:05 Are now in bars themselves. What if I told you that everything that the enemy is trying to do to you?
42:14 God is gonna turn it around
42:16 And make it work for your good give your neighbor high-five and shout neighbor
42:22 God told me to tell you
42:25 Weeping may
42:28 Endure for a night, but give him another high-five and say joy
42:33 It's coming in the morning you got the wrong neighbor turn
42:40 And find another neighbor tell him neighbor
42:44 Whoa neighbor
42:48 Be not dismayed
42:50 Whatever be taught you
42:52 God will
42:55 Take care of you
42:57 What's your neighbor say?
42:59 You got the wrong neighbor turn
43:01 and
43:03 Find another neighbor
43:05 shout neighbor
43:07 God told me to tell you
43:09 Everything don't be all right
43:13 Tell him one more thing say neighbor
43:22 Let me give you a reason
43:25 Why I keep turning around
43:27 Because I found out
43:30 That every time I turn around
43:32 He keeps on blessing me
43:36 Oh
43:38 Good God Almighty
43:40 Every time I turn around
43:43 He keeps on blessing me
43:46 Look at your neighbor one last time and shout neighbor. I
43:50 See you in the future and the case
43:54 Has been dismissed
43:57 Don't you worry about a thing?
43:59 Everything
44:02 Don't be all right
44:04 shout
44:06 Let y'all go
44:09 She thought she was done
44:16 They started to drop the rocks and I can hear the woman
44:20 Saying what I want you to say the next time the devil
44:25 Has your back against the wall. I want you to look that devil in the face and shout devil
44:33 I'm not dying
44:35 from this
44:37 This will not be the end of me I'm not dying
44:43 From this the case has been
44:49 I said the case has been dismissed. I said the case has been dismissed. I said the case has been dismissed
45:03 By the time you look around
45:05 You'll be the last one standing
45:07 Your enemies will be dead the enemies you see today
45:12 You shall see no more
45:14 You will not die from
45:18 I promise you
45:31 That when it's all over
45:33 You'll be the last one standing
45:36 By the time it's all over
45:43 You'll be the last one standing and I know it doesn't look like it right now because you're surrounded
45:50 She understand that God knows what you don't know
45:57 There was nothing in the text that says the woman defended herself
46:00 Jesus said
46:07 I can reverse redaction
46:10 I know what you did last summer, too
46:14 Now he who is without sin
46:22 Now he who is without sin
46:24 Cast us on
46:30 Get ready for your enemies to drop their rocks
46:49 And don't you think that they're dropping the rocks because you innocent
46:53 You might not have done what they said you did but you did something
47:00 They're gonna drop the rocks
47:09 Jesus is gonna drop the charges and the case
47:16 Will be dismissed
47:18 But you got to make sure you don't have any edits you know, nobody wants the plastic version of you stop
47:28 sanitizing your story I
47:30 Remember Bishop told me said I know your problem. He said your problem is you think I won't love you if I know you
47:44 You
47:46 Talking about a mortal man. He knows your thoughts are far off
47:54 Why do you keep coming before Jesus with your edits
48:01 Coming to the altar admitting half the story
48:08 If you're gonna come down here
48:14 You might as well cast
48:16 You might as well tell him Lord, that's sometimes I just can't help myself
48:29 Paul all but said he was insane. He said the good I do I
48:36 Don't and that I don't I would
48:41 Says evil is always
48:43 Present
48:47 And God the reason why I'm not going to give you edits because you already have the evidence
48:52 He knows
48:59 And the people who want you dead they don't have execution power
49:06 And
49:08 God
49:15 He's the great eraser
49:18 And he did it on the cross when he bowed his head
49:26 You know the church would get so happy about cars and
49:32 Blessings and clothes anybody just does anybody shout about the blood anymore?
49:36 I know we want houses and cars, but anybody grateful about the indwelling presence of the Holy Ghost
50:00 Bible says that is in him that we live we move we have our being and
50:05 That the son's hand is in the father's hand
50:09 Well, let's suppose the devil had enough power
50:15 To pry the hand of God away from you
50:19 He still have to deal with Jesus
50:27 And just suppose he had enough power to pry the hand of Jesus from you
50:33 You're still with the Holy Spirit and
50:39 You'd never have to worry about it from that point because if the devil
50:45 Was able to get through God the Father and God the Son and get to you
50:49 By the time he got to you he'd be saved
50:52 Because of any man being Christ
50:57 He's a new creature touching them to say I'm off limits I'm off limits I'm off limits
51:03 You
51:05 You
51:07 You
51:09 You
51:11 You
51:13 You
51:15 You