00:13Gold, Sapson.
00:14Heh heh heh heh heh heh!
00:18Forget it for tonight, Jason.
00:19Heh heh heh heh heh heh heh heh!
00:23Heh hah hah hah hah hah hah!
00:25Look at, one chunk, worth two, three hundred dollars if it's worth a dime.
00:30It'll keep till morning.
00:32Nobody in this forsaken end will know where to steal it.
00:40You know, Charlie, I always said there was gold in the Black Hills.
00:44The amount of talking you do, I can believe it.
00:46Now, shut up and get some shut-eye.
00:50A million dollars in gold, maybe more.
00:53And only a three-way split.
00:55If you can keep your big mouth shut.
00:58The way you spill your guts every time you get a drink,
01:00you'll have these hills swarming with gold hunters within a month.
01:03We'll get ours. There's enough for everybody.
01:07There's never enough, Jason.
01:09With these mountains crawling with gold.
01:11Listen, everybody, listen.
01:16There's gold, gold here, you hear me?
01:19More gold than you ever dreamed of.
01:21Shut up, Jason.
01:23Yeah, you won't ever sue within a hundred miles crawling down our backs.
01:26There's enough of them, too.
01:28Listen to me, all you red men.
01:31All our up-to-date rivals in the world.
01:34Won't win your war against us as fast as gold.
01:39You hear me?
01:45Stamson, you've gone crazy.
01:52There's never enough.
01:54More than one.
02:09For this, you kill.
02:12I kill.
02:14I kill.
02:16I kill.
02:18For this, you kill.
02:21For enough of this, I'll do anything.
02:24There is much more gold than this.
02:29I will show you.
02:31Before you die.
02:33Look, you kill me, you'll be making the biggest mistake of your life.
02:39What's your name?
02:42How do they call you?
02:45Crazy Horse.
02:48Crazy Horse?
02:52Well, you're a leader of the Sioux Nation.
02:55Surely you understand the power of gold.
02:58And where would I spend this gold?
03:00In the white man's stores?
03:02Will he sell me guns and ammunition?
03:05Will he sell me food for my people?
03:07Well, no, not to you, but to me.
03:10Give me access to this gold.
03:12Freedom to come and go as I choose, and I'll get you anything you want.
03:15You just name it.
03:17Anything I want.
03:21Very well, white man.
03:23I want one thing.
03:25Just one.
03:27A man brought to me alive.
03:30A white man.
03:32A man?
03:34Look, Crazy Horse.
03:36You want this gold?
03:40I want it.
03:43I'll bring you any man you say.
03:46You can cast him over a fire or make a blood brother out of him.
03:49It doesn't make any difference to me.
03:52Who is this man you want so badly?
03:59Well, you certainly came to the right man.
04:17At 24, he had been the youngest general in the Civil War.
04:20Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten.
04:24But he was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
04:27His name, George Armstrong Custer.
05:17Commence firing.
05:47Continue firing, sergeant.
05:49I can't, sir. It's jammed.
05:51Twist out that retainer and check the firing pin.
05:54Remove the clip.
06:01Appears as how that contraption's got a mind of its own.
06:04Yeah, and right now, this contraption doesn't want to shoot.
06:09Maybe it just don't favor sergeants.
06:13Ex-rebel sergeants.
06:25They told us during the war that we ought to be careful.
06:28We ought to be careful.
06:30We ought to be careful.
06:32We ought to be careful.
06:34We ought to be careful.
06:38They told us during the war that the Gatling gun was designed to, uh...
06:43replace an entire company of riflemen.
06:47I never did see one of them that worked well.
06:50Just how many did you see, Mr. Sampson?
06:53Other men do have eyes and know how to use them.
06:57In spite of the fact that you never did recognize that, Custer.
07:01You're back early, Sampson.
07:03You weren't due in from the Black Hills till the end of the month.
07:06I couldn't get back at all.
07:08The Sioux ran me out of there, went on crazy horses at war parties.
07:11And obviously you didn't finish scouting for the proposed Sioux reservation.
07:15No, I didn't.
07:17And when you, uh...
07:20when you read my report...
07:23well, let's just say that...
07:26making a treaty with the Sioux and getting them onto a reservation...
07:31is a long way off, if ever.
07:37You'd better come along to my office.
07:40You too, Custer.
07:44Sergeant, seat of the cleaning and storing of this weapon.
07:47Yes, sir.
07:49What do you suppose that was all about?
07:52You've only been in the Army two months, boy.
07:54When you've been around as long as I have, you learn not to ask questions.
08:06Boy's gonna make a good soldier one of these days.
08:09The way you look after that bald-faced kid, I swear, Sergeant...
08:13you're just like an old mother hen.
08:17There. That whole area.
08:20My guess is there's a mother lode right in the middle of it.
08:23But you're not sure.
08:25No, I'm not sure.
08:27But I've got to find out, and you've got to help me.
08:30Sampson, you know as well as we...
08:32that those hills are sacred to the Sioux.
08:34Sending troopers in there would be the same as asking for war.
08:37You don't seem to realize what would happen...
08:39if word got out that there was gold in there.
08:41You couldn't keep people away.
08:43He's right. A gold rush would mean a full-scale war...
08:46and with the entire Sioux nation.
08:48Unless I can get in there and survey it...
08:52stake it out as government land, and they couldn't touch it.
08:55It's not quite that simple.
08:57Crazy Horse has sworn to kill any white man who goes into the Black Hills.
09:00A company of men going in there...
09:02would be an invitation to him to attack.
09:04If we had a company to spare, which we don't.
09:07The 5th is on extended patrol duty in the Southern Dakotas.
09:10I asked for more men to bolster the 7th...
09:13and they sent me a gatling gun.
09:16Now, Mr. Sampson, I'm afraid it's out of the question.
09:20General, a detail of men, well-mounted and equipped...
09:24could skirt the entire area that Crazy Horse is in.
09:28Go around behind, through the back door, as it were.
09:31Once they're there, two days. That's all I need.
09:33Get in and get out.
09:35Now, doesn't that make sense?
09:38It's less than a company of men.
09:40If Crazy Horse spotted them, they wouldn't have a chance.
09:48Unless they had the firepower of a full company.
09:51General, if they had that gatling gun...
09:53Oh, Custer, wait a minute.
09:55My job is to get in there and make this survey for peace, not to start a war.
10:01Mr. Sampson, you can't ask men to protect you...
10:03if you don't allow them the weapons to protect themselves.
10:06All right, Mr. Sampson. Your request is granted.
10:09Colonel Custer, you'll get ready to leave as soon as possible...
10:12and take the gatling gun with you.
10:14Are there any questions?
10:17All right, then. That's all.
10:19Good luck.
10:21Thank you, General.
10:23Thank you, General.
10:40Take her out!
10:54Waterhole up yonder a ways.
10:56Might be a good place to bed down.
10:58Any sign?
11:00Saw a few deer and some buffalo, but nothing else.
11:03Sounds like a safe place.
11:06Indians get thirsty just as we do.
11:09We'll bypass the waterhole and make camp further on.
11:42You never stood night guard in the field before, so don't go roaming around.
11:46Now, your post is from here to those rocks over there.
11:49Hanson will be covering the other side of camp.
11:52If you hear or you see anything, you just holler, hear?
11:56I sure will, Sergeant.
11:58I'll be back from time to time to check on you.
12:01You gonna come back later on and check on me, Sergeant...
12:04in case I get scared?
12:23A little out of tune, I'd say.
12:26You're learning, General.
12:28Sue Brave sings a whole lot prettier than that.
12:35It's getting closer.
12:38We'll have another look around.
12:44I'll be back.
12:52I'll be back.
13:15Good work, soldier.
13:17If you stayed that alert, you'd keep your hair a long time.
13:19Yes, sir.
14:13Sergeant Buster! On the double, Indians!
14:22I'd say you've been busy, General.
14:24Hanson's gone. See what you can find, Joe.
14:27Sergeant, get the men up.
14:29I want a thorough search made of this area.
14:31Tell the men to go in pairs and stay alert.
14:33Yes, sir.
14:37I'd say they're old galahs.
14:39Crazy horses, men?
14:41Yep. Is this all there was?
14:43That's right. No sign of Hanson.
14:47All right.
14:49We'll take another look around as soon as it's daylight.
15:01No sign.
15:04All these rocks, no telling which way he went.
15:07He scouted out yonder for more than a mile.
15:10You didn't really expect to find him, did you?
15:13Why not, Mr. Sampson?
15:15I obviously saw you jumped by those two Indians.
15:18You better make yourself clear.
15:20The man ran scared, went over the hill, deserted.
15:23You better keep that kind of talk to yourself...
15:25At ease, Sergeant!
15:27At ease.
15:36You don't seem to know how to handle men now...
15:38any better than you did during the war, Custer.
15:41Then you never did care for your men, did you?
15:43Just for yourself.
15:48Mount the detail, Captain.
15:50Detail mount up!
16:11They are entering the trap.
16:41What do you think, Colonel?
17:06Think they're trying to warn us off?
17:08I don't know.
17:10I don't know. One thing's clear.
17:14They've seen us and deliberately let us come this far.
17:17We'll double the watch tonight, every man.
17:19Two hours on, two hours off.
18:10Let's go.
18:40I had to slug him to get out of camp.
18:50That makes Custer shy two men now.
18:53If he has this gun you speak of, he will fight.
18:58And many of my men will die.
19:01That's the price you're going to have to pay, isn't it?
19:03I mean, if you want him.
19:05Look, I brought him here. What you do from now on is your business.
19:08What do I have for the bargain?
19:09Not yet.
19:11Destroy that gun.
19:13And you will have your gold.
19:15Hey, hey, wait a minute. That wasn't part of the deal.
19:18The gun was not a part of it either.
19:20It stands in our way.
19:22So you will destroy it.
19:24Well, I can't go back there.
19:27When they discover that boy missing, they'll connect it with me.
19:30You will go back and destroy that gun.
19:32No, no, the risk is...
19:34You do not want the gold as badly as I thought.
19:39Maybe I can get back there before they miss him.
19:42What are you going to do with him?
19:44Does it matter to you?
20:44Your two hours are up.
20:46Go wake up Buckley and Connors.
20:48Okay, Sarge.
20:55What's going on?
20:57I don't know.
20:59I don't know what's going on.
21:01What's going on?
21:03I don't know what's going on.
21:08Over here.
21:12What's wrong?
21:16Looks like another one of your fair weather troopers has taken himself off.
21:20Johnny. Answer me.
21:22He wouldn't answer you even if he heard you.
21:25When did you see him last, Sergeant?
21:27About an hour ago. I checked on him.
21:30I was just about to relieve him when I heard Sampson yelling his head off.
21:33Take a look around. Don't panic the men.
21:36California, ride out and see if you can cut any sign leading away from here.
21:44How did you happen to find him missing, Mr. Sampson?
21:47Because I knew that your boy soldiers would desert the first chance they got.
21:53I heard something. I came out here to investigate.
21:56What did you hear?
21:58I don't know. Something moving.
22:01I don't know. Something moving through the bush.
22:05You came out here to investigate. Alone.
22:08I've spent weeks in these hills alone.
22:11I know how to look after myself.
22:31Find anything?
22:33Out there a couple hundred yards where we found some tracks look like boot heels have been drugged in the sand.
22:39We did hit some rocks and we lost him.
22:42That's all?
22:45Look, Custer. At the rate your men are deserting...
22:48That deserter you're referring to, Mr. Sampson, was just a kid.
22:51Young, scared, and a little bit wet around the ears.
22:54But he was a trooper.
22:57And no deserter.
22:59Hey, cut it out, bustard.
23:21Let him go. I'll give him what's coming to him.
23:24Shut up, Sampson.
23:28We'll move out in ten minutes.
23:30See to it.
23:32Yes, sir.
23:35I'm sorry, sir. I...
23:36Move, Sergeant.
23:38Yes, sir.
23:40That man attacked me.
23:42He ought to be court-martialed.
23:44I'll take that into consideration when we return to Fort Hayes.
23:56Let's go.
24:22How much farther?
24:24Eight, nine miles.
24:28Camp in that area.
24:30You can start your survey in the morning.
24:54Let's go.
25:12Look at that.
25:19It's Hanson.
25:25He may still be alive.
25:29Any sign of Indians?
25:31No, but that don't make no difference.
25:33Crazy horse ain't apt to be seen unless he wants to be.
25:37That's an old Sioux trick.
25:39Planting a man in your road so you'll come a-busting down into their trap.
25:44Captain Keogh, I want two men.
25:46You and Sergeant Bustard stay by the gun.
25:49Use it only if you have to cover us.
25:51Put the men in position.
25:53Be ready.
25:54For anything.
28:06Hold your fire.
28:29Hold your fire.
28:59Let's take and renegade.
29:01The man took off with our pack of munition supplies.
29:03Is he daft?
29:05Not so you'd notice.
29:07Fixed us good and proper.
29:08Took the firing pin retainer off the gun.
29:20I'm wondering why Samson took that firing mechanism.
29:24To eliminate any chance we had of getting out of this mess that he's got us in.
29:28Aye, but why get us in trouble?
29:31Samson may have answered that question himself.
29:33He discovered gold in the Black Hills. That's why we came here.
29:36Sure appears that he went to an awful lot of trouble to get us out here.
29:40My guess is that Samson had some kind of deal with the Sioux.
29:43And that deal includes us.
29:45In any case, we're pulling out now.
29:47Are we going back the way we came, sir?
29:49No, we'll cut west and try to catch up to Samson.
29:51What about the Gatling gun, sir? It'll slow us some.
29:54We can't let that gun fall into Crazy Horse's hands.
29:57Move them out, Sergeant.
29:58Prepare to move!
30:02They still have the gun.
30:04I told Samson to meet me at the high rocks.
30:09Find him and bring him to me.
30:39Well, it's about time.
31:03All right, where is he?
31:06Where's Crazy Horse?
31:10All right, let's go.
31:29Yeah, it's Samson's, all right.
31:35He hasn't passed this way in not too long since, either.
31:38How long ago?
31:40Oh, an hour, maybe two.
31:43Hey, he wasn't alone, either.
31:45There's two shod animals.
31:47That's not the only saddle horse.
31:50There's two unshod pony tracks.
31:59They're an hour ahead of us.
32:01Is there any way to cut them off?
32:03It's hard to say, General.
32:05Now, this canyon here runs off the way he's headed,
32:08if it don't dead end on us.
32:10We've got to catch him.
32:12This canyon could be a trap.
32:15There's only one way to find out.
33:00Get him out of here!
33:29It's a trap!
33:42Back the way we came!
33:58Take cover behind those rocks and dig in!
34:21Let's go, Joe!
34:49We're under fire!
35:05Four men on that gasoline gun.
35:07We live in the position over here.
35:09Get her up.
35:12Rio, get the canteens.
35:16I had to let us ride right into a mess like this.
35:20Neither one of us had any way of knowing that.
35:23If that's any consolation.
35:41The lad, is he all right?
35:44He'll survive.
35:47He is, if any of us do.
35:58All right, soldier.
36:03The Gotham Corn's useless without the fire and pin retainer, General.
36:06Crazy horse may not know that.
36:12Get ready.
36:13Here they come.
36:22Hold your fire.
36:26Come on.
36:27If you're coming, you'll blast his sight, Woosh.
36:29Thank you, Mr. Keel.
36:32I have a feeling the crazy horse won't disappoint you this time.
36:37He's just looking us over before he commits his graves.
37:01No, please.
37:04Don't hurt me anymore.
37:15Easy, trooper.
37:19Easy, trooper.
37:22You're all right now.
37:23You're with us.
37:26Here, drink this.
37:33Colonel Custer.
37:35The man.
37:37It's all right, Johnny.
37:38It's all right.
37:39We know all about that man, Samson.
37:41You rest easy.
37:43How's that leg, Sergeant?
37:44Clean wound, sir.
37:46It's all right, except for the bleeding.
37:47I got that stopped now.
37:49Here, let me take a look at it.
37:52Keep this.
37:58The only thing I know that time out of this hole be a mountain goat.
38:01You'd have to be packing a ladder.
38:07Captain Keel, how much water and ammunition do we have?
38:09Samson got away with all the extra ammunition in canteens.
38:12All we've got is what each man has left.
38:16We're on short rations as long as we're stuck here.
38:21Men, check your ammunition and water.
38:24Check your water last and your ammunition count.
38:37What are they doing, Joe?
38:39Making medicine, I reckon, General.
38:41Big medicine.
38:43Trying to get their courage up for a charge.
38:45If I know anything about Crazy Horsey, it'll be a wing digger.
38:51Maybe any minute.
38:53He'll be with me for a week.
38:55That's one thing about a Sioux.
38:57You never tell what he's going to do.
38:59At any rate, all we can do is wait.
39:03We'll wait all right.
39:06Until night falls.
39:17The Gatling gun is useless.
39:20Without this, it will not fire.
39:32Now, have I kept our bargain?
39:36I do not know the workings of such a gun.
39:40That piece of metal could be anything.
39:44Well, that's the firing pin retainer.
39:46I am telling you, the gun cannot shoot.
39:49I have kept my word.
39:51And yet, Custer keeps the gun with him.
39:54Pointed to meet our attack.
39:56Why, if the gun is useless?
39:58He's a soldier. He's running a bluff.
40:02If you attack now, tonight, you will overrun his position.
40:07You will wipe him out.
40:08You can get close in the darkness.
40:10It will be over in a few moments.
40:12And I promise you, you will wear Custer's yellow hair on your war lance.
40:18If you are wrong, if that gun works, the darkness will not matter.
40:24The bullets will be like a scythe to the white man's wheat.
40:28My men will die.
40:30No, believe me.
40:32You will win everything if you attack now.
40:35We will find out if you are speaking truth.
40:39When the sun rises.
40:49When the sun rises, we will fight.
41:09When the sun rises, we will fight.
41:40When the sun rises, we will fight.
41:55What's on your mind, General?
41:58Captain Keogh, if I don't return, you're in command of this detail.
42:02What are you going to do, General?
42:04Call a reconnaissance, Captain.
42:06I'll try to make it back before daybreak.
42:08If I don't make it, you're on your own. Good luck.
42:10But, General...
42:11You have your orders, Captain.
42:15Yes, sir.
42:17You can't run off by yourself this way.
42:19Sorry, California, but that's the way it is.
42:22You may smell like an old goat, as Sergeant Mustard says,
42:25but I know you can't climb mountains like one.
42:39Is it worth it, Samson?
42:44Go ahead.
42:48Yell your head off.
42:50He won't hear you with all that racket.
42:52What are you going to do, Custer?
42:54I'm going to take you back.
42:57Always the fool, huh?
42:59Always the fool.
43:01I'm going to take you back.
43:03I'm going to take you back.
43:06Always the fool, huh?
43:08Always the lily-white hero.
43:11All right, Custer.
43:12Let's just play your little game.
43:16What do you call yourself, Samson?
43:22You're spouting moralities like some kind of schoolboy.
43:26That's not quite the way it is, Custer.
43:28Everything isn't all that bright and shining nobility they taught us, you know.
43:32It's dog eat dog.
43:34A man takes what he can get in this world the best way he can.
43:38Let me show you what I mean.
44:53Climb into these rocks.
44:55Get above them.
44:57Fire when I tell you to.
45:03That crazy horse, he's just like a coyote.
45:07He sure ain't going to take no unnecessary chances, is he?
45:11What are they doing?
45:13They're working their way up that rock on the other side of the canyon.
45:16When they get up on top, they're going to start picking us off.
45:19They don't leave us very much of a chance.
45:22Just exactly the way Crazy Horse has it figured.
45:55Climb up in those rocks.
45:56They'll pick us off like ducks in a pond.
45:59You've got to make them come to us.
46:01Now, that's a trick that might take a whole lot of doing.
46:11A trick.
46:15Captain Keel.
47:44Now, fire!
48:23All right.
48:26It's all over.
48:32When can I expect you two recruits back on duty?
48:37Well, I keep telling that darn Yankee doctor that I can ride as good as ever,
48:41and he keeps telling me to get back on this darn bed.
48:44Seventh isn't pulling out, is he, Colonel?
48:46Only on foraging duty, Sergeant.
48:49What about you, Trooper?
48:51I'm doing fine, sir.
48:52That's right.
48:53Doctor says he'll be as good as new in about a week.
48:56Well, I'm counting on the both of you.
48:58Two swinging acts.
49:02General Terry's just a-bustin' to see you.
49:13Well, I declare, I gotta hand it to you ex-Johnny Rebs.
49:17If there's any gold-breaking to be done,
49:19you'll somehow or other wind up on the inside track.
49:23You just wait until this arrow hole in my leg
49:25You just wait until this arrow hole in my leg heals.
49:29It's gonna give me great pleasure, you ornery bobcat,
49:32to take you apart with my bare hands.
49:35That'll be the day.
49:37Why, if you get any outlandish ideas like that in that thick head of yours,
49:41don't you go lettin' no little old scratch on your leg stand in the road.
49:52You soldier boys, you're all alike.
49:55Why, you ought to be ashamed of yourself, Sarge.
49:58You've got this poor innocent kid so corrupted,
50:00why, he's gold-breaking just like you are.
50:03You've been out in the wild so long, California,
50:05you've lost all resemblance to anything human.
50:09And all the human decency you ever had.
50:11This poor boy layin' here just about dyin'.
50:14And you carry on the way you do.
50:17You've done just about enough harm for today.
50:20So go out and find some minions to play with.
50:26Just before the battle, mother,
50:31I am thinkin' most of you.
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