• 2 years ago


00:30Thanks, I'll buy you a drink the next time you're at Fort Hayes
00:39Hello Bates glad to see you back Colonel waiting long. Well, it was getting kind of lonesome waiting out here
00:45Fell on my side gets to be a pretty easy target
00:50Depends on who's doing the shooting. Oh right over there Colonel
00:57Sorry to drag you all the way out here Bates
01:00Won't be a stagecoach to Port Hayes for another week. Well, the telegram said you didn't want an escort Colonel
01:05With all the dust being kicked up by fire cloud and his people around here lately
01:09All the more reason for no escort
01:11Just two men riding hard
01:13Won't make them quite as nervous
01:30Did you do us any good in Washington Colonel I doubt it
01:46Said two hours with General Sheridan talked myself blue in the face
01:51while his orderly
01:53Kept me behind a wall of cucumber sandwiches
01:57Seventh will go right on doing garbage detail instead of soldiering. I
02:01Wouldn't say you've been totally deprived of using your weapons for a chance to lose your scalp. Yes, sir
02:48At 24 he had been the youngest general in the Civil War
02:52War. Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten. But
02:57he was not the kind of man to let the world forget. His name, George Armstrong Custer.
03:52He was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
04:22He was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
04:52Hold it right there. Good morning. I'm Colonel Custer on my way back to Fort Hayes. I'd appreciate a ride. If you don't have any room, I don't mind sharing space with the baggage. You're all alone, huh? As you see me.
05:17Colonel in the cavalry. No horse, no baggage, no orderly? Very nearly no, Colonel. We were attacked by Indians. I lost a man back there. We're leaving in a few minutes. Go have some grub. Thank you.
05:47You know who that is, don't you? Who? Custer. Who? George Armstrong Custer. The boy general. Ex-general. Once known as the Prince of Cavaliers. Now doing penance at Fort Hayes, commanding the dregs of the dregs of the U.S. cavalry. No need to be afraid of him.
06:16You want a ride with us, Colonel, I ought to warn you. This country's swarming. Like a nest of hornets been poked with a sharp stick. I've had occasion to notice it. A jolly zoo without war paint. Combing this country like a giant posse. So they told us at the last station anyways. All seems to me like they're looking for somebody. A reasonable assumption.
06:45Reckon it might be you, Colonel Custer? I've been in Washington for the past three weeks. Indians got better memories than that. Mister, even if I were that important, they couldn't possibly know I'm back. All right, get a move.
07:05Hey, Ron. I ain't no hurry for you, eh? You use that elbow once more and I'll break it. Come on.
07:31Oh, Colonel Custer. Ned Quimbo is my name. Honored to know you, sir. I bet I've read every word ever written about you. I'm glad I can't say the same. You're too modest, sir. I'm a journalist, and I hope to add a few thousand words to the legend before this trip is over.
07:47You ask before you borrow anything from me, mister. Think fast and act faster, Colonel Custer. I want to thank you.
08:03Thank you. It's all right. But I think you and your friend better go first this time. Let's go.
08:33Let's go.
09:04Mighty few men become legends in their own lifetime. And what made them legends wasn't their own spectacular deeds. No, sir, it was the pen of men like yours truly that engraved their names in the affections of their countrymen.
09:16Go ahead. Write up, Custer. And never mind about the facts. You'll swallow every word and buy a hundred copies to dispatch to every congressman and senator as my doing some good.
09:30Why else would a man wear a uniform in peacetime if he weren't lusting after glory? Or you could write me up instead. You could call it Uvalde, the outlaw of the plains.
09:50You could sell copies at my hanging. You'll be slaying long before they set the first ticket type. Perhaps you need someone like me to tell the world the truth about you or what you would like them to consider to be the truth.
10:02You do me too much honor, Mr. Quimbo. If you really wish to write about a man who is a living legend, may I suggest you seek the acquaintance of Chief Crazy Horse of the Oglala Sioux.
10:14Do you hold all your enemies in such high regard, Colonel?
10:19As a good Christian, I always turn the other cheek, but not my back.
10:26Isn't it a pity that so little of your Christian generosity was in evidence when you were fighting us?
10:34You lost your husband in the war. You have my sympathy, but perhaps for such losses we should blame war itself, not the color of a uniform.
10:47We're ready to go. Get aboard.
11:34Some easy targets here.
11:35We've got to stop. I'll find a shallower place to cross.
11:38That water looks shallow enough to forward.
11:40Better take a look at it. Can't risk getting bogged down.
13:04Something's wrong. I wonder where old Jake is.
13:35Where's old Jake?
13:38Engine's got him. Night before last.
13:42Yeah? How'd you get here?
13:44I'm his replacement.
13:47Just keep your hands high.
13:50I can see them.
14:04Throw down your gun.
14:10The banks get these things off me.
14:19Let's have the key.
14:21How far do you think you'll get?
14:35On the ground?
14:38You too, mister.
14:49Over there.
15:05Firecloud has war parties all over these hills.
15:10You'll never get out of here alive. Not on your own.
15:14We ain't about to take any witnesses with us.
15:17We haven't done you any harm.
15:24You ain't done me much good either.
15:28What do you say we take her with us, huh?
15:31I'll go with you, too.
15:34We'd be better off if they shot you right here.
15:37They'd have to sooner or later.
15:40How would you get us out of here alive?
15:43Soldier man.
15:45Today's the 26th. Company C of the 7th Cavalry.
15:49It's scheduled for maneuvers a few miles from here.
15:53Where? Where?
16:15Like I was saying.
16:18You don't get out of here alive.
16:21You don't get out of here alive unless we do.
16:26All of us.
16:30I've written scads of novels about these types.
16:34They're like primitive children. Dangerous only if provoked.
16:42I've seen your name.
16:45I've seen your size.
16:48Rest in peace.
16:51Scads of novels about these types.
16:53They're like primitive children.
16:55Dangerous only if provoked.
17:11I heard you had a rumpus with some bucks back at the creek.
17:15That don't prove they're out there now in full force.
17:19They've been here all day, and I ain't seen no sign of them.
17:25When was the last time you had a look around?
17:36Keep down!
17:40Good bluffing, Mr. Colonel, but it won't wear.
17:44All I can see out there is...
17:50Now, do we get our guns back?
17:52You won't try nothing.
17:53I promise nothing, but I'll try and help us stay alive.
17:58Get inside.
18:49They killed Jake.
18:58Milbank's did it.
19:06The Indians won't attack again until the sun is low enough to blind us.
19:10No need for more than one of us to stay out here in this heat.
19:13I'll bury Jake, and I got the first watch.
19:20That water's gonna have to last us for a while.
19:26Colonel, you ain't in charge of this fort now.
19:30Airbrass don't mean nothing around here now.
19:39We got to get out of here.
19:41We got to get out of here.
19:43We got to get out of here.
19:45We got to get out of here.
20:00I think somebody should be in command.
20:03Not you.
20:05I suspect I'm qualified.
20:08If you want to challenge that,
20:11you'd better do it right here and now.
20:14Guns or fist, any way you want it.
20:22Let's save our ammunition for the Indians.
20:26Hmm, Admiral?
20:35Who's your gun belt, Brewster?
20:44Who's your gun belt?
21:17I'm gonna eat him alive.
21:19Just a while longer.
21:44I'm gonna eat him alive.
22:17Are you all right?
22:25I have seen you before, Colonel Custer.
22:30But you wouldn't remember...
22:35the crying women you passed during the war.
22:41They meant nothing to you, did they?
22:46I'm not the first to say or to think that, Mrs. Moffat.
22:53The spoils of war aren't usually what is imagined.
22:59You're alive.
23:01A soldier learns to live with the sudden possibility of death.
23:07A soldier learns to live with the sudden possibility of death.
23:13And dying...
23:16that's not the hardest part.
23:20It's the problems you leave for those who survive you.
23:28You mean that, don't you?
23:33Would you have been told never to believe a Yankee man?
23:41Boy, General.
23:44Dashing cavalier.
23:48Hear me, General?
23:51Take your hand off me, Uvalde.
23:55If the lady don't mind too much...
23:59If the lady don't mind too much...
24:01supposing she try her luck at wrestling up some grub for us.
24:05From the looks of things, we just might be here for some time.
24:12Some coffee might help.
24:20Got to hand it to you, General.
24:24Fancy uniform.
24:26Her reputation to match.
24:29Really works.
24:31One minute she hates your guts and next time she...
25:26I'll be back.
25:46Uh, Mr. Uvalde.
25:48As an experienced man of the West...
25:52you think it's really only Custer the Indians are after?
25:57Ain't no doubt in the world about it.
26:00In my mind...
26:04my opinion exactly.
26:55Pretty close.
26:57Too close.
26:59You could still use a guard out here.
27:01I'll keep you company.
27:23Where are you going?
27:25To find out if it's me Firecloud is after.
27:28Are you out of your head?
27:36How do you expect to learn what that savage has in his mind?
27:41I'm going to ask him.
27:43Sir, if I get out of this alive...
27:46I know.
27:47You'll make mention of me in your writings in the most generous of terms.
27:51Generous? I shall make you immortal.
27:54Why do you smile?
27:56Can you truly be unaware that the hand that holds the pen...
27:59is the hand that rules the world?
28:01I've been made only too painfully aware of that, Mr. Quimbo.
28:05On more than one occasion.
28:07Diedrichs, lock up after me.
28:12Colonel Custer.
28:17Please take care.
28:21Yes, ma'am.
28:51Yes, ma'am.
28:54it is yellow hair do not kill till I give order
29:24I've come to ask what fire cloud wants it isn't like the great warrior fire
29:33cloud to send hundreds of Braves into a land where he cannot hope to prevail
29:37against our cavalry not without the most serious of reasons fire cloud have that
29:43reason enough to leave the safety of the hills reason enough the people left alive
29:51in that station what makes them so important that you would risk the lives
29:57of your Braves fire cloud had a son one of them he killed son of fire cloud
30:08which one the man you call Uvalde fire cloud believe me that man is under the
30:20sentence of death he escaped from prison and was being returned by a US
30:25marshal to await execution to hang without pain to be dead in the blink of
30:33an eye without time to scream for mercy yes that is the law that no other we will
30:46take him from you to give him death of my choosing give him to us you will all
30:54go free fire cloud I'm an officer sworn to uphold the law I will not I cannot
31:04give you what you want we will come and take him at any cost you will die all of
31:13you will die I will not speak of this again
31:44if you know it you validate they wanted nothing else and why don't you just turn
31:52him over and spare the rest of it don't really believe that fire cloud would let us go do you
31:58know he might not order us killed but he wouldn't stop it either so what if you're wrong what have
32:06we lost the thorn in our side there'll be enough out of you you're a hard man to convince you
32:27Valdez we need what strength we have left to keep fire cloud from overrunning us
32:42what do you think you attack and it won't cost him too many men that's one of their
33:01care about casualties I always thought to a redskin life was cheaper and dirt you shouldn't
33:07believe everything you write mr. Quimbo pursue is a deadly fighter but he loves life as much as
33:14you or I when it isn't maintained at the expense of honor honor among savages perhaps we could do
33:24with a little more of that honor ourselves may I have some water I'd like to thank you Colonel
33:49Valdez would have you asked for it mrs. Muffin I knew I knew I did I I goaded him into it a man
34:00like that he's facing death the same as the rest of us and if fire cloud has his way it won't be
34:06quick and it won't be pleasant remember his life means as much to him as ours does to us I know
34:15that it just seems so unfair for our lives to be in jeopardy to save a man well a man already
34:25condemned to death would you turn him over to fire cloud knowing what would happen no it's
34:35only the chance that we may die here I felt for a long time I had nothing to live for after my
34:47husband was killed everything just come to an end but things do go on and we find ourself living
34:58for the moment picking up the pieces of our lives again remembering all the things we once
35:07planned to do to accomplish you have a dream to Colonel Custer a bigger dream mrs. Moffitt
35:17and I have any right to expect to control
35:47try and get some rest fine thank you sign of them no not yet it's most unusual for Indians
36:00to attack at night the legend has it that their souls can't find a way into the next world in the
36:06darkness children afraid of the dark simple childlike and more terrible than any other
36:17people on this earth but they are people with the same human weakness and frailties the rest
36:24of us wouldn't call you weak afraid of anything for that matter different men fear different
36:35things but you're not afraid of death I've lived too long with it to be afraid of it
36:41that's enough of this kind of talk we'll get out of this somehow you want to try and get some rest
36:52I'm fine here this will make my most exciting novel and every word of it true save me a copy
37:09Quimbo I'd like to know how it turns out why of course Colonel Custer and while you're at it I
37:16don't forget to include my pal firecloud I would give my soul to be able to do just that to
37:25understand a great chief committed to an all-out war against the mightiest nation on earth fighting
37:32for all the barbaric things he believes in you make it all sound very romantic Quimbo but in
37:40truth there's no romance in these Indian wars and no absolute right on either side
38:10kill that line
38:15Diedrich's get inside
38:17now what are you doing trying to get a sound appear if I'm lucky Custer's luck I hope it's
38:43still working you know firecloud will have a guard out there someplace I'm not back in 20
38:54minutes you're on your own Dietrich's and I wish you luck
39:43it's not much of a plan it's the best chance we've got you'll go out straight away from here
40:05about a mile you cross the stagecoach road if you keep low move carefully should be able to
40:10make it before daylight what about you I've got to try and get us out of this trap by distracting
40:18firecloud long enough to give us a head start when you see that stagecoach coming get ready
40:41we got nothing to lose you'll have a better chance if you stay together
40:45Quimbo Quimbo no no no I don't want to go get out that window firecloud isn't after me he has no
41:07reason to kill me believe me Quimbo he doesn't need one the kind you'd understand I don't believe
41:12that believe what you want to get out that window now hurry getting light
43:07and a wall
44:08hurry it up
44:22where's Quimbo come with us but his life firecloud wouldn't kill him I hope he's one
44:52no no no firecloud I want to speak to firecloud firecloud do you realize that you are a living
45:09legend I will engrave your name upon the hearts of no no no you don't understand
45:15you got a broken line can't go on until it's fixed
45:44take long not long there's a leather all in some cordon gearbox I'll get it
45:50drop your gun belt Custer move are you insane Uvalde drop your gun belt Custer
46:14I cut the horses loose Brewster we're riding out what about the woman well that's up to her
46:32she can stay here or she can ride with us
46:47time just ran out Uvalde firecloud you're just full of cute little tricks
46:54aren't you soldier boy
47:16don't shoot not yet you won't let him take you for a lie
48:09it's over firecloud
48:33all right ma'am ready to pull out
48:38just a minute please
48:50there'll be no danger the rest of the way
48:54it's time for goodbyes mrs muffet I'm staying here to meet my troop
49:02I'm very happy to have had the opportunity to have known you Colonel Custer
49:07my privilege to know you however there is something that needs to be said I have reason to
49:15like you respect you but you still stand for everything I hate war and senseless brutal killing
49:26everything that you men call glory I can't deny that mrs muffet but I heard a great man once say
49:36as much as I respect your opinion
49:40I respect my duty more one of your Yankee heroes Colonel Custer no madam that was General Robert E. Lee