00:30Fort Smith, the Custer and his command have arrived.
00:53I've already done it.
00:57New orders, Washington put their man, Conant, in complete command of operational plan 763.
01:05Serious consequences if you fail to comply.
01:08Acknowledge, Terry.
01:09That sort of lays it on the line, don't it?
01:14Right on the line.
01:15Say, uh, ain't that long hair sort of a bother?
01:19I'm waiting for Craziois to cut it.
01:22He promised to do it for nothing.
01:26I'm waiting for Craziois to do it for nothing.
01:33I'm waiting for Craziois to do it for nothing.
01:42Benton Conant.
01:43Have you been informed that I'm to be in command of this mission?
01:52I have.
01:54Then we'll have no problems.
02:00No, not unless we run into hostiles and you don't know what to do about it.
02:06Oh, I'll know what to do about it.
02:12Have these boxes transferred to your wagon immediately.
02:16You're in command, Mr. Conant.
02:19Sergeant, take your orders from Mr. Conant.
02:22Well, I'll be doggone.
02:30Sergeant, bring those men over here.
02:34All right, you heard the man.
02:53Be careful!
02:55Only ammunition to weigh this much would be cannonballs.
03:12Why aren't you helping?
03:14Mister, my contract with the government says I don't have to lift nothing heavier than this rifle.
03:51Send this to Washington.
04:03Yes, sir.
04:15It's urgent, so say so.
04:18Urgent she is.
04:25Here's a map.
04:27You'll follow the old overland trails to Medicine Creek.
04:29Do you mind if I make a suggestion?
04:32Not if it isn't unreasonable.
04:35Those boxes you value so highly stick out like sore thumbs.
04:39You might try covering them up.
04:58I ain't had so much business since the work train plowed into a herd of buffalo.
05:02Send this.
05:03Yes, sir.
05:04General Terry, Fort Smith.
05:06Their man, Conant, may be an incompetent fool.
05:10Prepare for serious consequences.
05:12Signed, Custer.
05:16I wouldn't send this if I was you.
05:18You're lucky.
05:19You're not me.
05:20Send it.
06:44At 24, he had been the youngest general in the Civil War.
06:47Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten.
06:51But he was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
06:54His name, George Armstrong Custer.
07:22Railroads in the west is completed to this point.
07:45That's our destination.
07:46How many miles, you figure?
07:49Oh, from here to there is about 80 miles as a crow flies.
07:52Of course, we ain't crows, so you can tack on another 10 or 15.
07:56You ever been over this trail before?
07:58Yeah, on a mule.
08:00But never one I had any wagons to worry about.
08:03Sure ain't good going like this trail we just come over.
08:06Have to get beyond that ridge where it really gets rough.
08:09It's a dog gone dry that the coyotes pack can ease.
08:20Sergeant, we'll take a four-hour rest here.
08:26All right, dismount.
08:27Make camp.
08:29Post sentries, when the stock's watered and fed,
08:32have the men break out cold rations, get what rest they can.
08:35See to it no one lights a fire.
08:37Yes, sir.
08:38Joe, let's take a look at that trail.
08:41Mr. Custer, what is the meaning of this?
08:48Any orders the colonel has given you are countermanded.
08:50We're moving on.
08:51We've been traveling all night, Mr. Conant, much of it on the double.
08:56Inform the sergeant and your men as to who's in command of this mission, colonel.
09:00Sergeant, consider yourself informed.
09:06They'll obey you without too much trouble, Mr. Conant.
09:09I can't vouch for the amounts of mules.
09:11It's a rare breed of man who can make a mule take an unreasonable order.
09:15However, if you're of that breed, opt to it.
09:18Since you charted our route,
09:20I don't have to tell you there's little grass and no water from here on.
09:25Where are you going?
09:26First, to see if that trail's as bad as Joe says it is.
09:30And secondly, to see if Crazy Horse is preparing a little surprise party for us.
09:35This is Sioux Hell territory.
09:39We'll, uh, we'll wait here for you.
09:41Report back by noon.
09:45Sergeant, take over.
09:49All right.
09:50No rations and no fires.
10:01Get any worse than this?
10:03You think that's bad?
10:05We got some trail ahead of us that'll make this look like the road home.
10:30That was my coffee you kicked over.
10:33I gave orders for cold rations.
10:36The men ate cold rations, sir.
10:38The fire was lit on my orders and over my protest.
10:42You have a gun, Sergeant.
10:44The next time Mr. Conant places my command in danger, use it.
10:48It is not your command.
10:50I thought that had been made plain to you.
10:52Not plain enough where the welfare of my men are concerned.
10:55You've already made two bad errors in judgment this morning.
10:58Out here, that's two more than you're allowed.
11:01We just scouted your trail ahead.
11:03I'm changing the route.
11:05You can't do that.
11:07Your orders are to take the Overland Trail.
11:09I'm doing it.
11:11We'll get back to the trail a mile to the north.
11:25Something's gone wrong.
11:26We've lost their route.
11:27We've got to attack them now.
11:28And lose a dozen of my warriors?
11:30You talk like a fool, Gray Fox.
11:32What's in them wagons is worth any price we pay.
11:35You are a white man, not a Sioux.
11:38Except by marriage.
11:41Why should I believe what you say?
11:43I've proved my right to be trusted a hundred times over the past ten years.
11:48There's nothing for me in the white man's world.
11:50Except maybe the end of a rope.
11:52You are certain about what those wagons contain?
11:55Dead certain, like I told you.
11:57I have decided.
11:58We're going to attack.
12:01But not here.
12:04And not now.
12:22Anybody that could get wagons through down yonder would be a saint's bet to walk on water.
12:27I had to be sure.
12:30It could have saved us ten miles.
12:32Not unless them wagons could sprout wings.
12:36You know, General, you sure do take an awful lot of convincing.
12:41This proves I can be convinced.
12:43We'll cut back to the Overland Trail.
12:50Come on.
12:51Come on.
12:53Come on.
13:00Come on.
13:05Just how did you get yourself into this mess, Morgan?
13:07I followed orders, sir.
13:10Can't you read a map, Mr. Conant?
13:12The crossing is two miles up.
13:14The road continues right through here.
13:16I saw no reason to go two miles out of the way.
13:19Now you see the reason.
13:20Get that wagon unloaded, Sergeant.
13:22I forbid it, Custer.
13:23Get those boxes out of there.
13:25Decide you don't touch those boxes.
13:27All right, untie the ropes.
13:42You clumsy fools!
13:56Says on the box, well, that's the kind of ammunition I always wanted to lay my hands on.
14:05Now what I have just told you is top secret information.
14:08I expect you to keep it that way, Colonel Custer.
14:11Well, it's all loaded.
14:12Do you want to count them?
14:13Six full boxes of...
14:14Rifle cartridges, Sergeant.
14:17Rifle cartridges.
14:18Yes, sir.
14:19We'll trade you double our cartridges for the kind you got in those boxes.
14:23Mr. Conant, my men aren't blind or stupid.
14:26You might as well let them in on it.
14:28I'll do no such thing.
14:30And I forbid you to say one word.
14:32I'll grant no man the right to silence me.
14:38Men, there's something I want you all to hear.
14:40Now, I know you've been wondering what's in those ordnance boxes.
14:44Well, now you know.
14:46We're guarding a wagon load of gold.
14:48Custer, I want you to keep your mouth shut.
14:52Mr. Conant doesn't trust you.
14:54Now, if it was whiskey in this wagon, I wouldn't trust you either.
15:01It's part of the money our government is paying the Russians for the purchase of Alaska.
15:05We have been given the dubious honor of delivering it to the west terminal of the Transcontinental Railway.
15:12One thing.
15:14There will be no souvenir taking.
15:18Any questions?
15:20Yep, just one, General.
15:22How long are we going to stand around here jawing about it?
15:25Sergeant, prepare to move them out.
15:31Do you know the penalty for insubordination?
15:34I should.
15:36Climb aboard that wagon.
15:38From now on, I'm giving the orders.
15:40You can't do that.
15:41Mr. Conant, I'm doing it.
15:44You can address your complaints to General Terry after the mission is completed.
15:48Climb aboard.
16:04We got through?
16:19Yep, as far as we went, which is about four miles.
16:23It's rough, but it's passable.
16:30Defend the wagons!
17:06Oh, hallelujah, brother.
17:08Either prayer worked, or I was born under a lucky star.
17:12Now, if I could just find my pack mule.
17:15Let's not tax the power of prayer or your luck any further.
17:18As the good book says, count your blessings.
17:21Yeah, yeah.
17:23Were they soon?
17:25Oh, brother, things were happening so fast.
17:27I wasn't worried about what breed I'd run into.
17:30By the way, Colonel, my name's Bledsoe.
17:34Oh, Custer, huh?
17:36The only Custer I ever heard of was a General.
17:39Well, I started at the top.
17:41I'm working my way down.
17:47I don't suppose there's too much to hope that you're working your way west.
17:52Fort Bridge is a long way away.
17:55But if you're not, maybe you could spare me a pack mule.
17:59It's a bad country to be traveling alone.
18:03We're heading west.
18:04You better come along with us.
18:06Thank you, Colonel.
18:08Thank you very much.
18:12Oh, Colonel.
18:15The direction you're heading in, you wouldn't be following the old Overland Trail, would you?
18:20Because if you are, you've got nothing but trouble ahead for you.
18:24Well, I come that way.
18:26Last two days ran headlong into Crazy Horse and a bunch of his braves.
18:30Would you estimate the size of the war party?
18:32Oh, must have been a hundred, my guess.
18:37But enough to take care of your troop, that's for sure.
18:42Do we have an alternate route, Joe?
18:44We can swing north through Lost Canyon.
18:48All right.
18:49That's the way we'll go.
18:52Thank you, sir.
19:08Sergeant, we'll make camp here tonight.
19:11You and California Joe have a look around.
19:22Come on.
19:35Captain, party approaching, Colonel.
19:42Trooper, horses.
19:48Any sign of hostiles?
19:50No, but that trail to Lost Canyon is about as hostile as you ever saw.
19:56We'd be better off if we was mountain goats.
19:59No way to get through?
20:01Oh, we can get through all right.
20:03But I sure don't like the looks of it.
20:05It's about the prettiest spot I ever seen for a bushwhacking.
20:14Now, you see this spot here on the trail?
20:16Well, that's where the trail runs into this big bluff here.
20:19So we have to swing north through Lost Canyon.
20:21Now, down in through here is a dry creek.
20:24After we get across that way, it's a piece of cake alongside of what we've already been over.
20:29A handful of Indians with some guns could sure warm that canyon up for us all.
20:45Sure feels good to be out of that saddle for a while.
20:49You got any water? I'm spitting cotton.
20:55Take it easy. That might have to last us for a while.
20:58I sure hope we got enough to get across this stretch.
21:01Thanks to the Colonel, we'll have plenty.
21:04Plenty of water?
21:06Plenty of ammunition, too, I suppose.
21:09This wagon pool, not counting the 40 rounds that the troopers carry.
21:13I guess so.
21:16Do you mind if I sprawl out in the back?
21:19I got more aches and pains than you could possibly count.
21:46Gray Fox says that when the sun is right above,
21:51Yellow Hair will enter Lost Canyon.
21:54He will send a scout to look for us.
21:57But he will not find us.
22:16That old lobo won't be sure tellin' the world what he thinks about it, ain't he?
22:21He can count himself lucky.
22:23How do you figure, General?
22:25No orders to take.
22:27More or less master of his own destiny.
22:31And no responsibility to anyone but himself.
22:35Well, that's the way it is, General.
22:37We'll see about that.
22:39More or less master of his own destiny.
22:42And no responsibility to anyone but himself.
22:45You know, I never thought about it just like that.
22:48But you might have somethin' there.
22:52Still, I never seen one that wasn't about half starved.
22:56There's a dad-blame contrary that they just can't even tolerate one another.
23:01You remind me of something that Sergeant Bustet said about you.
23:05I'll bet it wasn't any good, whatever it was.
23:10General, you still dead set on ridin' through Lost Canyon?
23:15Not if you know a better way.
23:18I sure wish I did.
23:22Well, we better turn in.
23:26I'd like to get an early start tomorrow.
23:39Come on.
23:59Conant, here.
24:06What do you want?
24:07I had to talk to you.
24:08Well, make it fast. I don't want to be seen with you.
24:10I know that. But I don't care.
24:13All right, talk.
24:15You changed the route we planned.
24:17That fool Custer insisted on doing it.
24:19I couldn't force the issue for fear he'd be suspicious.
24:22Oh, you're afraid of shadows.
24:25I'm afraid of nothing.
24:27But there's two million dollars of gold at stake.
24:29Then you'll be glad to know I figured out the trail Custer's taken.
24:33Crazy horse knows?
24:36Where? Where will it happen?
24:57Now what's the delay?
25:07Well, we've ridden through it.
25:11Seen a lot of cracks down there, but didn't see hidin' a hair of an Indian.
25:16Then let's get going.
25:20They're up yonder someplace. I can smell them.
25:23You gonna listen to that?
25:25Strikes me you're pushing mighty hard, Mr. Conant.
25:29And with two million dollars.
25:31You gonna listen to that?
25:33Strikes me you're pushing mighty hard, Mr. Conant.
25:36And with due course, Custer.
25:38The responsibility of this gold is mine.
25:44All right, Sergeant, we're going through.
25:46Move them out.
25:47Yes, sir.
26:01Move them out.
26:31Move them out.
27:02Move them out.
27:24Well, California, what do you think?
27:26Looks like we made it.
27:27Yeah, I think old Crazy Horse missed the boat.
27:29But we'll never in our whole life ride to a better place than that for an ambush.
27:36Sergeant, let's keep a-movin'.
27:38Forward, halt!
27:49Around the wagons!
28:00Down! Down!
28:12See anything?
28:18It's gotta be that Sioux War Party.
28:21I told you I seen at least a hundred of them.
28:23What's keeping them?
28:25It's Crazy Horse. It's a sink. He's got something up his sleeve.
28:29We got enough water for men and horses for three days.
28:33Water's your responsibility, Sergeant.
28:35Yes, sir.
28:37I guess somebody ought to try to get through to General Carey.
28:41I'm sure it'll please him to know that odds against us is only ten to one.
28:47I'll go.
28:49If your scout will go with me.
28:51Two of us might get through.
28:53Do you know this area?
28:55I've been back and forth across this country at least a dozen times.
28:57Now you saved my skin.
28:59Maybe it's my turn to help you save yours.
29:01That is, if your scout wants company.
29:03I'd be happy to have you along.
29:05A man can sure get lonesome out yonder all by himself.
29:12It's Crazy Horse.
29:28Yellow Hair!
29:30I want to talk with you.
29:46The hills are filled with my warriors, Yellow Hair.
29:49And I'm surprised to see the great Chief Crazy Horse under the protection of the white flag.
29:53It is there so I could talk to your men.
29:57They can hear you.
29:59I want the gold to buy arms, ammunition, and supplies.
30:03If they put down their guns, I will allow them to return to Fort Smith.
30:08No other conditions?
30:12They must surrender you to me.
30:16You refuse my terms,
30:18I will kill you.
30:20You refuse my terms?
30:22Wouldn't you?
30:43We're all ready to leave.
30:45Anything special you want me to tell General Perry?
30:46Only that we're pinned down by Crazy Horse.
30:48If he wants a relief column,
30:50tell him to keep his eyes open.
30:52He won't have to,
30:54because I'll be leading that relief column myself.
30:56Good luck.
30:58Thanks a lot, General.
31:00Take care of yourself.
31:11You know to lay on the land better than I do,
31:13so you better lead off.
31:44Are you sure you know where we're going?
31:46If it had been me,
31:48I'd have made a beeline all out of here.
31:50We seem to be moving in a circle.
31:52Why don't you take the lead?
32:13Hold your fire.
32:44What happened?
32:46Sue jumped us.
32:50He ain't hurt real bad,
32:52but they took him.
32:54What'd you leave him for?
32:56Well, now,
32:58you ain't exactly the companionship
33:01I'd be a craving
33:03if I was left to my own choosing, Crazy Horse.
33:05You will not be thinking of amusing things
33:08to say for long, Scout.
33:10Oh, I don't think so.
33:11Right now, I'm thinking about
33:13my chances of meeting up with you
33:15down in the hot place,
33:17and it amuses me quite a lot.
33:19Perhaps I will give you
33:21a taste of that hot place
33:23before you die.
33:25Yeah, and I'll bet you'll give her a try, too,
33:28you red-heathen, you.
33:30Go ahead.
33:32Shoot your best shot.
33:34There is time.
33:36First, I intend to see
33:38if I can find a place
33:39First, I intend to see
33:41if I can make a trade.
33:43One small muskrat
33:47for the pelt of a broad-tailed beaver.
33:54Hey, Appo.
34:10Yellow hair.
34:12Surrender yourself and the wagons to me,
34:15and I will free your friend.
34:17You give me very little choice, Crazy Horse.
34:20How much time do I have
34:22to make this decision?
34:24This far I will go.
34:26The Scout will not be harmed
34:28until the moon is gone.
34:30Then, if you refuse my offer,
34:32he will die.
34:34You have heard my words.
34:40I say we attack at once.
34:43Or as yours would like, nothing better.
34:52I'm going to ask you to risk your neck.
34:55You can say no, and I'll understand.
34:58Well, I wouldn't understand
35:00if you refused to risk yours, Colonel.
35:03So shoot.
35:05It means trying to save my life.
35:07It means trying to sneak out of here.
35:10We may end up where Joe is.
35:14It isn't too much better in here.
35:21you'll come with me.
35:23You're going after your Scout?
35:25Count me in.
35:27Sergeant, you'll take over here.
35:29If anything happens to me,
35:31get these wagons through.
35:33Yes, sir.
36:07Let's go.
36:57Crazy horse!
37:02I wait for your decision.
37:04It has been made.
37:06Yellow Hair has been relieved of his command.
37:09We will surrender him to you,
37:11along with the arms and the wagons,
37:13but under one condition,
37:15that you prove to us
37:17that the man you have taken prisoner
37:19is alive and will be freed.
37:29As you see, he lives.
37:31Bring him here.
37:32Prove to me that Yellow Hair no longer leads you.
37:47All right, Conant, it's up to you.
37:51Up to me?
37:53Prove to that suspicious Indian
37:55that we mean what we say.
37:57Give me one reason why I should.
37:59Custer's Scout means nothing to me.
38:00It does to me.
38:05So move out.
38:19Right here behind you.
38:22You think I'd betray my mission?
38:24I know nothing about that, Mr. Conant.
38:26But this thing sticking you in the back
38:28is my pistol,
38:30so sing out.
38:33Crazy horse!
38:36My name is Benton Conant.
38:39I'm from the State Department.
38:41This mission is now under my command.
38:44Only if you meet me alone will I believe you.
38:57Return to camp.
38:59The only thing I know about you
39:02is that you're a pain in the...
39:06I beg on your pardon.
39:09Anyways, Colonel Custer has his own ideas
39:12on a little chit-chat with that Indian.
39:14Tell him you think it'd be better
39:16if he talked to a soldier.
39:27Get ready to fight.
39:36Kill the Scout.
39:56Kill the Scout.
40:27It's a trick.
40:29There are no more soldiers.
40:43Oh, you sure had me fooled, California,
40:45making out that you were so much smarter
40:47than those Indians.
40:49Well, I didn't plan on being jumped
40:51by no dad-blame renegade.
40:53You mean Bledsoe?
40:54Yeah, that fella turned out to be
40:56more coyote than crazy horse himself.
40:58Leastways, crazy horse will meet a man head-on.
41:01What happened to Bledsoe, I mean?
41:04I killed him, Mr. Conant.
41:08I'm gonna try to make that up to you, General,
41:11if I live long enough.
41:13If I lost you, Joe,
41:15who'd I have to blame
41:17for getting us into a situation like this?
41:25Yellow hair has answered us.
41:30When the sun is full,
41:33we will attack.
41:45I want to talk to you, Custer.
41:48You're right ahead, Mr. Conant.
41:50What are you planning to do?
41:51Well, the next move belongs to crazy horse.
41:55If it leaves your mind, Annie,
41:57the Plains Indians usually won't make a stand-up fight.
42:00They prefer to hit and run.
42:03Behind these wagons,
42:05we can make every attack a costly one for crazy horse.
42:10We can hold this position for quite a while, if necessary.
42:13But I don't think the Indians will fight that long,
42:16not even with crazy horse behind them.
42:18I see.
42:23California is resting like a baby, sir.
42:26Never thought I'd see the day that he'd be shook up.
42:29It's the first time for everything, Sergeant.
42:32Including getting ourselves whipped by the Indians.
42:35And this may be the time,
42:37seeing as how we're so badly outnumbered.
42:40We've been outnumbered before.
42:43Yes, sir.
42:45But we always had a trick up our sleeve.
42:48That sun will be popping up in a minute.
42:51And you know what that means.
42:53How much powder do we have?
42:55Five barrels.
42:57Fifty pounds each.
42:59Break them out.
43:05Yes, sir.
43:13I'm sure you sent these cases.
43:14Far enough away from the wagons.
43:44I'm sure you sent these cases.
43:46Far enough away from the wagons.
43:48I'm sure you sent these cases.
43:50Far enough away from the wagons.
43:52I'm sure you sent these cases.
43:54Far enough away from the wagons.
43:56I'm sure you sent these cases.
43:58Far enough away from the wagons.
44:00I'm sure you sent these cases.
44:02Far enough away from the wagons.
44:04I'm sure you sent these cases.
44:06Far enough away from the wagons.
44:08I'm sure you sent these cases.
44:10Far enough away from the wagons.
44:12I'm sure you sent these cases.
44:14Far enough away from the wagons.
44:28Cooper, cut that powder trail.
44:38It didn't look like an accident, Mr. Conant.
44:42It was deliberate.
44:44No! Let him go.
45:04He's standing around.
45:05Hold it, Sarge.
45:06Looks like the General's getting his range.
45:14All right. Back to your posts.
45:24Mr. Conant, I think it's time we had a little talk.
45:31You can't win, Custer.
45:34Your only chance is to surrender to me.
45:39Surrender? I don't know the meaning of that word.
45:43And if we die, you die with us.
45:48There's no need for any of us to die.
45:50Give us that gold. Crazy Horse City that all your men go.
45:55I know what Crazy Horse said. I want to know about you.
45:59Were you in on this with Bledsoe?
46:02Yes. I knew him before.
46:05And when I found out about the gold, I got in touch with him again.
46:10He arranged the details with Crazy Horse, the trapped here.
46:13We were going to split the gold. They would have got half to buy guns.
46:17I was to keep the rest.
46:19Looks like we got another little problem on our hands, General.
46:26Sergeant, tie him up.
46:30Hold your fire.
46:36I don't suppose there's any chance he wants to talk some more.
46:39I doubt it, Joe.
46:46Well now, would you look at that.
46:51And that.
46:56What are they stopping for? Maybe they saw us with that powder.
47:00Nah, he's just trying to impress us with all the braves he's got on his side.
47:09Get ready. They're coming.
47:13Hold your fire.
48:01Fire at will.
48:21Stop fighting, you fool. You'll kill us all.
48:30Cease fire.
48:53Cease fire.
48:56There will be other days, Yellow Hair.
49:26Who's in charge here?
49:46I am, sir. Second Lieutenant Cooper.
49:49At ease, Lieutenant.
49:52What's the next official train doing?
49:55My day after next, I think.
50:00Never think, Lieutenant.
50:05One thing, before I start sleeping until that next train arrives.
50:09Yes, sir?
50:11I want a receipt for the contents of this wagon.
50:15Do you think that'll be necessary, sir?
50:17Since I want you to do my worrying for me, it is.
50:21And just what does this property consist of, Colonel?
50:24Two million dollars in gold, Lieutenant.
50:29Two million dollars in...
50:32And it's all yours till I wake up, about 30 hours from now.
50:37Finish shaving.
50:54THE END