• 2 years ago


00:30Don't touch his stuff, colonel.
00:41There's danger of infection.
00:42No more danger for me than you.
00:45Yes, sir.
00:50Colonel, over here.
00:56She's dying, colonel.
01:06Now comes the time for going into darkness.
01:12Rest and sleep.
01:15The good days have come and gone.
01:19Now I am alone.
01:24We found no warriors when we came to your village.
01:28Did they die before we got here?
01:32The men went to hunt.
01:36They have been gone too long.
01:53Red Wolf, listen to me.
02:17Your people died of...
02:57At 24, he had been the youngest general in the Civil War.
03:00Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten.
03:04But he was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
03:07His name, George Armstrong Custer.
03:53Easy, boy.
04:05With Crazy Horse and the Sioux on a rampage to the north,
04:33and the Cheyennes threatening to join up with him from the south,
04:36I don't have a tenth of the troops that I need.
04:39And now you say you want a troop to go chasing Pawnee blankets across the country.
04:43Those blankets are contaminated by smallpox, sir.
04:46They must be destroyed.
04:48I know the danger of the spread of the disease, Custer.
04:50I just don't have the troops to spare.
04:52Red Wolf is on his way now to the main village of the Pawnee,
04:56about a hundred miles to the southwest.
05:00If he reaches that village before we have a chance to intercept him,
05:04smallpox could very well wipe out the entire Pawnee nation.
05:09Even if I could somehow find the men, what good would it do?
05:14We're low on medical supplies.
05:16We don't have any smallpox vaccine.
05:19I can't possibly spare the medical officer.
05:22We could stop Red Wolf and his braves, isolate them,
05:25until the danger of infection has passed.
05:30There's one other thing, sir.
05:32What's that?
05:33Red Wolf and his braves were away hunting when the disease struck the village.
05:37He returned just as we were burying the women and children.
05:40He attacked us before we had a chance to explain.
05:43Red Wolf has every reason to believe that the 7th Cavalry massacred his people.
05:49But that could mean war.
05:51And a war with the Pawnee would be disastrous.
05:53It might be enough to trigger an alliance between the Sioux and the Pawnee,
05:56and that would be doubly disastrous.
05:59If we can convince the chief of the Pawnee, Running Bear,
06:02that we're trying to save his people from a plague,
06:05we might make a powerful ally.
06:08I know, Custer.
06:10And if there were men I could spare...
06:12Thank you, sir. I'll find them.
06:38There we are.
06:41That old chief Crazy Horse himself.
06:47I only seen him once, but that's him all right.
06:50You know, my pa used to say that Crazy Horse would rather face a whole regiment
06:53than you and him.
06:54Oh, sure.
06:56Go on.
06:57Your old man is exaggerating.
07:00Well, just a hair.
07:02Well, I do remember Don was a dude in the War of Mexico.
07:06Yeah, I was just a fresh meat recruit,
07:08and your old man was a regimental sergeant major.
07:11He was in a village called Ezio.
07:21All right.
07:26Well, well.
07:39As you were.
07:43Gentlemen, I need some volunteers.
07:51I heard your last detail ran into a bit of bad luck.
07:55That's correct, Riker.
07:57How come you're the only one to get back?
07:59Alive, that is.
08:01It's been widely rumored that luck
08:03has played a very favorable part in my career.
08:06That old lady luck.
08:08She sure got a young for you, ain't she?
08:10Custer's luck. It's all good.
08:12Or all bad.
08:14You know, Riker,
08:16Custer's luck. It's all good.
08:18Or all bad.
08:22A patrol was attacked by Red Wolf
08:24while burying some of his people who died of smallpox.
08:28Right now, Red Wolf is making his way
08:30to the main Pawnee encampment,
08:32carrying contaminated blankets and effects.
08:35The assignment is to stop him.
08:40Now, General Terry has informed me
08:42he can't spare any regular troops.
08:45Do you consider us expendable?
08:47Is that it, Colonel?
08:49I consider you our only chance to prevent
08:52what could be the extermination of the Pawnee.
08:57Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing out here?
09:00Exterminating the Indian?
09:02We are here to protect an expanding and growing nation,
09:06to keep the peace as best we can.
09:08You've been in the Army long enough to understand that, Powell.
09:13Some of us may not return.
09:16Possibly none of us will.
09:18The tribe we're trying to help
09:20may very well be our executioners.
09:23Now, are there any volunteers?
09:31I suppose...
09:33I suppose that some of us did volunteer.
09:36What do we get out of it?
09:39I can guarantee nothing.
09:41But I will make a report
09:43that should influence any court-martial board.
09:56Do you think that you can influence that board
09:59enough for them to go easy on me, Colonel, sir?
10:06Your crime was mutiny and murder of an officer, Powell.
10:09That officer was insane.
10:11He would have caused the death of every man in his command.
10:13Be quiet, Billy.
10:17All right, you got yourself a volunteer.
10:20I can't let the Army down after all they've done for me.
10:24Now can I?
10:25All right, Powell.
10:27But, Colonel,
10:29how do you know that I won't slit your throat some night and take off?
10:33I don't know.
10:35No, you don't, do you?
10:37I'll ride with you, too, sir.
10:39You stay here.
10:40Where you go, I go, Jeb.
10:46I don't believe I know you, boy.
10:49Billy Nixon, sir.
10:51My father was in the 5th Cavalry.
10:53He got hurt pretty bad.
10:55I had to see him.
10:56I deserted, sir.
10:58How do I know you won't desert again?
11:01Ain't got no place else to go.
11:04He died.
11:07All right.
11:09I've had time to do a lot of thinking, Colonel,
11:12since you had me busted and thrown in here.
11:15And I reckon you know that I've hated your guts
11:18ever since you took it upon yourself to do the law's dirty work.
11:22Is that all, Riker?
11:24No, I've been kind of regretting my wasted youth.
11:28And now with a U.S. Marshal on his way down here to get me
11:31on a matter of a half a dozen bank holdups in the old days,
11:35do you think it's possible that maybe you could get that lawman
11:38to think just a bit kindlier on me, Colonel?
11:41You heard me, Riker.
11:43I can't guarantee anything.
11:46Spoken like my old colonel.
11:49Count me in.
11:51I don't mind keeping that lawman waiting a bit.
11:55All right.
11:59Do any of you have any medical training or experience?
12:04I thought you'd get around to that question, Colonel.
12:07You have Stanhope?
12:09You have seven years in the medical school
12:12of Columbia University as qualification.
12:15You must understand the importance of this detail
12:18and the fact that I can't order you to come.
12:20Oh, I do.
12:22And you can save your breath, Colonel, because I'm not volunteering.
12:27I swear by Apollo the physician...
12:31and by all the gods and goddesses
12:35that I will keep this oath.
12:38Into whatever house I enter,
12:41I will go into for the benefit of the sick
12:45and will abstain from every act...
12:51of corruption.
12:57Well, a man who has a noose already around his neck
13:02hasn't very much to lose.
13:08I'm at your service, Colonel Custer.
13:14Well, I'd rather be out there riding
13:16than just sitting around here sweating.
13:18Count me in.
13:20What's your name, soldier?
13:22Rod Tobey.
13:24Rod Tobey, ex-sergeant,
13:275th Cavalry, Company B, Colonel.
13:30What are you doing time for?
13:34Well, sir, there was these horses,
13:38and I'd had a snort or two,
13:40and, well, it seemed like a good idea at the time
13:43to trade them off for something better,
13:45like, say, some beaver pelts.
13:49Trouble was, they was 5th Cavalry horses.
13:54I see.
13:56All right, Tobey, you can come along.
13:59Now, wait a minute.
14:01With all the money you owe me, Tobey,
14:03you got no right volunteering
14:05and go riding off to who knows where.
14:07My name is Bishop, Colonel.
14:09You can count me in.
14:11You got yourself another volunteer.
14:16We'll report to the quartermaster immediately.
14:19We'll ride in one hour.
14:22Just one more thing.
14:24I will tolerate no failures in performing your duty.
14:28If one man disobeys or tries to desert,
14:32I will shoot him without hesitation.
14:36Is that understood?
14:46Thieves, swindlers, out-and-out killers.
14:49You'll be lucky you're not murdered in your sleep, Custer.
14:52Are you certain you know what you're doing?
14:54Never more certain, sir.
14:56I think you're a fool, but good luck.
14:59Request permission to move out.
15:01Person granted.
15:03Detail, right turn.
15:06All right, let's move out.
15:15Let's go.
15:45Let's go.
16:11They got a full day's start on us.
16:13They'll be riding hard if I know Red Wolf.
16:16These travois, they're pulling.
16:19We gotta slow them down some.
16:21That spy wagon ain't gonna help us get there any quicker.
16:56Colonel, there's a sick Pawnee down here.
17:03Colonel, stay away from him.
17:05I'll give the order, Stanhope.
17:07Dr. Stanhope.
17:09Success of your entire expedition, Colonel, could very well depend on me.
17:14Very well, Doctor.
17:17See what you can do for him.
17:28You been vaccinated, boy?
17:30About six months ago.
17:32Good. I'm gonna need your help.
17:49I'm afraid we can't do anything for you, old man.
17:52There's something you can do for us and your people.
17:57There's a small bottle and a syringe in that bag, give them to me.
18:17I've been all through this country.
18:19And if I know engines, and I do, they're gonna take the easiest way, which in this case happens to be the long way around.
18:25You know a shorter trail to the Pawnee camp?
18:28Yes, right through the badlands.
18:30It's man-killin', and it's horse-killin', but it'll save you one full day.
18:34We need that day. We'll take it.
18:37There is one other little problem, Colonel.
18:40That trail there will lead us right through Sioux country, and there ain't a Sioux alive...
18:44who wouldn't sell his mother for a chance to lift yellow-haired scalp.
18:48We'll take the short way.
18:53You ain't changed a bit, Colonel.
18:56Risking your men's lives don't mean a thing to you.
19:05Whoa, whoa.
19:31How do you do it, Doc?
19:33How do I do what?
19:35Look at you. Neat as a pin.
19:38Me, I'm so dirty, I can't stand myself.
19:45So am I, Riker.
19:48So am I.
19:52Tell me somethin', Doc.
19:55That woman over in Hayes City...
19:59you really kill her?
20:02It's funny. I've been thinkin' how big this country is.
20:06How lonely it is.
20:09Lonely and quiet.
20:11Yeah, well, it won't be quiet long.
20:14Listen, Billy, you've still got time to change your mind on goin' back.
20:19What's botherin' you, Jeb?
20:22Well, nothin's botherin' me.
20:24I just don't wanna play nursemaid to no wet-eared kid.
20:28Listen, uh, nobody ask you to play nursemaid, Jeb.
20:32Nobody ask you.
20:34Come on.
20:47Hey, Doc, there's that rabbit you've been lookin' for.
21:48Are you all right, Billy?
21:50I... I feel not so.
21:54You all right?
21:56Yes, I... I'm not hurt.
21:59Come on.
22:24Let's go.
22:34Yeah, now, you just fix this wagon. It's all stove-in.
22:38Pack what you can on the horses.
22:41I'm... I'm sorry, Colonel. It was my fault.
22:44The Doc said that...
22:49Guilty, Colonel.
22:51Blame yourself, Trooper.
22:53When we reach the Pawnee encampment, we're gonna need some serum, Colonel.
22:58If I make it, I'll need a live animal.
23:00That's why I told the boy to keep on the lookout for a rabbit.
23:03Until we reach the Pawnee encampment,
23:06we're going to need some water very badly.
23:12I'm sorry, Jeb.
23:16Oh, forget it, kid.
23:19It doesn't make any difference, not to you or to me.
23:39See to your horses. They have two more rough days ahead of them.
23:43We ain't exactly got a picnic ahead of us neither, you know.
23:46Your horse has to carry you and your supplies. Now, you see that it's watered.
23:50Right after me.
23:52Your health, Colonel.
24:09What are you gonna have your hands for, Colonel?
24:12Fighting all of us, one by one.
24:17That's a job I'm handing over to you, Powell.
24:21That's right. Because from now on, you're acting corporal.
24:25And you're to see that my orders are carried out.
24:28I'm to see that your orders are carried out.
24:31What makes you think so?
24:33Because you're a soldier, no matter what else you are.
24:40All right, Colonel. I'll be your soldier.
24:44Meanwhile, I'll be your corporal.
24:48For as long as it suits me.
24:54Remove your hats.
24:59Now, pour and water your horses.
25:03I said now.
25:29Colonel didn't waste much time in taking you apart, Riker.
25:33Custer doesn't know what taking a man apart really is.
25:37But he's gonna find out.
25:41I promise you that.
25:56Should do it.
25:58That looks fine.
26:00All right, hand me those things.
26:05All right, now you take this fellow.
26:09You got him? Yeah.
26:27All right, now hold him nice and steady.
26:41There he goes.
27:00What do you want, Stanhope?
27:03You got the disease, Colonel.
27:06I've known it for hours.
27:08And still you're going on?
27:11That's right, Stanhope. We're all going on.
27:16It doesn't take long for smallpox to weaken a man and drag him down.
27:22When that happens, these men will turn on you like a pack of wolves.
27:27Are you going to run with the pack?
27:30I don't know, Colonel.
28:00Custer's got it.
28:02Do you suppose he's holding them up?
28:07Well, he ain't gonna last much longer.
28:10What then?
28:12Then I'll be in command.
28:14But don't get your hopes up, boy.
28:16That rabble may save him yet.
28:20He's got it, hasn't he?
28:24He's got it, hasn't he?
28:31How long will it be before this rabbit's of any use?
28:35Anywhere from 24 to 96 hours.
28:49Any sign of water?
28:51Not yet.
28:53Don't expect doodle tomorrow when we cross that ridge.
29:16Camp here for the night.
29:18No fires.
29:20Take over, Corporal.
29:26Yes, ma'am.
29:28It gets cold up here at night.
29:58Get out of the way, boy.
30:01I'm gonna cut you, kid, huh?
30:05I'm gonna cut you real bad, kid, huh?
30:08Break it off, Riker.
30:12Break it off.
30:14Break it off.
30:16Break it off.
30:18Break it off.
30:20Break it off.
30:22Break it off.
30:24Break it off.
30:36You get out of the light, I guess.
30:39And I'm gonna stomp on you.
30:43Is that clear?
30:57Get your things together. We're moving out of here.
31:00Moving out? You mean deserting?
31:03I mean we're moving out. Now, come on.
31:05But water.
31:07Don't worry about it. I'll find water.
31:09You let that bunny rabbit go and get moving. Come on.
31:11What about the Colonel?
31:13He's a dead man anyway.
31:16Our stay in or leaving won't change anything for him.
31:19Now, come on.
31:21I'm not going with you, Jeb.
31:23I'm not going with you, Jeb.
31:25You can do as I say, boy.
31:27Not this time.
31:29You desert, you do it alone.
31:32All right.
31:34All right, that suits me just fine.
31:36I got no need for a green-eared punk kid like you with me anyway.
31:41Don't do...
31:53Don't do it.
32:32Never mind, Jeb.
32:35I didn't expect you to say good-bye.
32:38I'm gonna leave. I won't stop to say good-bye.
32:41Right now, there's something I think you ought to take a look at.
32:44Come on, Colonel.
32:46All right, all right.
32:48All right, all right.
32:50All right.
32:52Come on, Colonel.
33:12That's the only path through these hills.
33:15That fire means soon.
33:20How far away are they?
33:22Oh, two, maybe three miles.
33:25Are they camped in the pass?
33:27No, no, I'd say about 200...
33:30200 yards below it.
33:35But no more than three miles away.
33:38We ought to be able to make it before daybreak if we start now.
33:50All right.
34:20Come on.
34:42Get the horses.
34:50Get the horses.
35:42Doc! Doc!
36:05We lost Bishop.
36:07Sando's badly wounded.
36:09But the Indian camp's right over there.
36:11We can use their water.
36:17Yes, get the water.
36:19Riker, Toby, break out the shovels.
37:06What are your orders?
37:10The tram's running out, Powell.
37:13If you're pulling out, how's the time?
37:16You know why? I already figured that out for myself.
37:20You got a horse, water.
37:22With luck, you can get out of here.
37:25The record will show that...
37:28you died here with me and the others.
37:35You'll never get another chance.
37:38Yeah, that's a fact.
37:41Well, just what are your orders, sir?
37:51You're second in command here, Corporal.
37:55You ought to see that this mission's carried out.
37:59Yes, sir.
38:03No matter what happens to me.
38:07And that's an order?
38:10Yes, sir.
38:16Billy, listen to me.
38:20When that rabbit keels over on his side, it's working.
38:25You break the skin on the colonel's arm with a knife...
38:30and you rub the infected part of the rabbit's belly across it.
38:35And then...
39:01Riker, Toby.
39:04Another grave.
39:17It's my fault again, Jeb.
39:21It ain't your fault your horse spooked.
39:25Go to sleep.
39:30Go to sleep.
40:00Go to sleep.
40:35Somebody help me, quick!
40:41Get his arm ready.
40:44Get away from him!
40:48Stenhope said to do it as soon as the rabbit keeled over.
40:51It's the colonel's only chance.
40:53Now, ain't that something?
40:55I said to get away from him!
40:57You can't do it, Riker.
40:59Because I can't think of a thing that I'd like better.
41:02Now, you listen to me, boy.
41:04And you listen real good.
41:06Getting these bags of water gives us a chance.
41:08And by sticking together, we can all make it easy.
41:11No! Jeb!
41:13All you got waiting for you is a rope or a firing squad.
41:17What do you owe Custer here, this glorious...
41:20who doesn't care how many men he sees get killed...
41:22as long as he gets his name in the papers?
41:26You can't leave him here to die, Jeb.
41:28You're right, Billy.
41:30I'll put him out of his misery.
41:35Right now.
41:37Hold it right there, Riker.
41:46You ain't gonna stop me from killing him, Jeb.
41:48Maybe not.
41:50But I guarantee that you'll follow right after him.
41:53Now put your gun away.
42:00Go ahead, Billy.
42:23Is that all you have to do?
42:27As far as I know.
42:34I gotta get out of here.
42:36You're in no condition to ride.
42:39You're wrong.
42:44Help me on my horse.
42:47Mount up.
42:49We're moving out.
43:05How long does it take for that vaccine to work, Billy?
43:08I don't know, Colonel. Stan hoped you never said.
43:25All right, Jeb.
43:27You like Custer so much, he can take you with him.
43:46Bring out the shovels.
43:49We'll camp here tonight.
44:06Corporal, shh.
44:09There's a Sioux hunting party across the river.
44:13There's a Sioux hunting party across the river.
44:16Now, if they go up the creek or down the creek, we're all right.
44:18But if they cross over, we're in a heap of trouble.
44:23Mount up.
44:32Here they come!
44:42Here they come!
45:00Colby. Over there.
45:04Just the three of us left. Just the three of us.
45:07Billy, you got your shovel? Yeah.
45:09Let's go.
45:12Let's go.
45:35No! No! He already did it!
45:42Come on.
45:45Come on.
46:09I'm glad, my brother.
46:12We reached you in time.
46:14I am not your brother, Yellow Hair.
46:17Murderer of my people.
46:19Will you listen to me, Red Wolf?
46:21Did you listen to my people before you killed them?
46:28I didn't kill your people.
46:31They died of a disease we call smallpox.
46:35Just as you and all your people will die if you join them.
46:41Red Wolf is sick with the disease.
46:44And all his belongings must be burned.
46:47No. Yellow Hair is lying.
46:51Half my men died trying to reach you in time.
46:55Why would you risk their lives and yours, Yellow Hair?
46:58Because the Pawnee Nation must survive.
47:03Red Wolf is not sick.
47:05He is strong as the buffalo.
47:08He will prove that Yellow Hair is a liar.
47:38Red Wolf!
47:59Running Bear, look at his face.
48:04That is the mark of death.
48:07There is truth in your words, Yellow Hair.
48:10The belongings, they will be burned, as you say.
48:16Will they die?
48:19Trooper Nixon.
48:28A very fine doctor gave his life to bring you this medicine.
48:31They will not die.
48:36THE END
48:40THE END
49:11I tried everything I know.
49:14I'm sorry.
49:16Don't be.
49:18I lost, but Billy got a full pardon.
49:24You did pretty good at that.
49:31You take care of the kid for me, hmm?
49:34You'll make a good soldier yet.
49:40It ain't fair, Jeb.
49:43It just ain't fair.
49:45You're either a soldier or you ain't.
49:47Are you a soldier?
49:48Yeah, but...
49:49No buts.
49:51Just be quiet, smile, and say yes, sir.
49:58Yes, sir.
50:01So long, soldier.
50:10THE END
50:40THE END
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