00:30Oh, come on!
00:47Come on!
02:04Not Wadoma, the spirit woman.
02:09He's got to be working the sewer.
02:32Nobody on our side would try to feed a scrub like that.
02:35Well, at least it was warm, Galloway.
02:38The only reason it's warm is because it is still alive.
02:41Corporal to guard, post number one!
02:47What is it, sergeant?
02:49Maybe the moon is playing tricks on me, sir.
02:51But there's an Indian squaw coming in this way.
02:54Open the gate.
03:00Over there, colonel.
03:09Let's go, California.
03:23Hey, ain't that Wadoma?
03:28Some spirit woman.
03:30She must have walked for miles.
03:32What do you suppose it means, general?
03:36Nothing but trouble.
03:38Let's get her inside.
04:09At 24, he had been the youngest general in the Civil War.
04:12Within five years, he had been reduced in rank and sent west to be forgotten.
04:16But he was not the kind of man to let the world forget.
04:19His name, George Armstrong Custer.
05:01Yes, come in.
05:15Yes, colonel?
05:17Sorry to interrupt you, sir.
05:19Something's happened.
05:21What is it? More trouble?
05:23It's Wadoma.
05:26Wadoma, the Sioux spirit woman.
05:28You saw her last summer at Sitting Bull.
05:30Oh, yes, I remember now.
05:34There was a blast, a lot of mumbo-jumbo, throwing dust in the air, muttering incantations and nonsense.
05:41What about her?
05:42She's here.
05:43Here, at Fort Hayes?
05:46It was an attempt to kill her, to prevent her reaching us.
05:50She's in pretty rough shape.
05:52Have you talked to her?
05:53No, sir, she won't talk to me.
05:55She insists on talking only to you.
05:58Why in the world would she want to talk to me?
06:01I don't know, sir, but whatever it is, it must be important.
06:04If her own people are trying to kill her.
06:07I know that she's tied up with their religion, but just how important is she to them?
06:15I'd say pertinent as important as Crazy Horse himself.
06:19More important.
06:21If something were to happen to Crazy Horse, it'd be a blow to the Sioux, but there'd always be someone else to replace him.
06:27But what Toma is, well, she's more than a person.
06:32She's a symbol of their spirit, their soul.
06:36Why would she come to us?
06:38It could be what we've been hoping for, sir.
06:41To bring peace to these plains?
06:43Yes, sir.
06:44You may be right.
06:46Where is she now?
06:47She's resting.
06:48As soon as she's rested, I'll see her.
06:50The two of you had better be present.
06:53I'd keep quiet about this.
06:55The fewer people who know about it, the better.
06:57Yes, sir.
07:03Shoot. First chance I get to pass something around, and I can't tell a soul.
07:07I expect you'll survive.
07:08Survive what?
07:13Let me buy you a drink.
07:15No, thanks, Aldo.
07:20No, I'll pass.
07:22Drink alone. I don't like to drink alone.
07:25Now, wait a minute, Aldo. I think you've had enough.
07:27I need that, Colonel, to go to sleep.
07:29I need that to help me go to sleep.
07:31No, I think you'll manage.
07:33Come on. I'll take you back to your place. Let's go.
07:35Acting like I was drunk? I'm not drunk.
07:37It's just that I need to sleep, that's all.
07:39A trapper needs his sleep, you know.
07:41Oh, he does.
07:42I'm going to be leaving as soon as I get my things in order.
07:46Come on.
07:47I've got to get some sleep.
07:48Colonel, you don't have to take that.
07:50Easy now. Easy.
07:53I want to wake up old Ira.
07:56I doubt if an Indian war party could do that.
07:59Oh, don't bet on that.
08:01Old Ira's just like me.
08:03He'd smell a Sioux war party ten miles away.
08:06Like his sister.
08:08Like they took my Annie and my Joey.
08:12So long, Joe. You get some sleep, huh?
08:14Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
08:18It's been a long time.
08:20Oh, about two years.
08:24She certainly was a pretty woman.
08:26Don't say was, colonel.
08:28She is.
08:29She's alive, colonel.
08:31Oh, yeah. She and Joey both.
08:34Heldo, you're only torturing yourself by believing that.
08:37Oh, no. They're alive.
08:39Somewhere, someplace, they're alive.
08:42Heldo, it's been two years.
08:45Now, I know it's hard to accept, but you've got to learn to face it.
08:48I think they're dead.
08:50Don't say that.
08:51You're wrong! Now, don't say that!
08:58I'm sorry.
09:03No need for apologies. I understand.
09:05You get some sleep, huh?
09:07Yeah, go on. Go on.
09:16You can begin by telling us why you're here.
09:19Why you're running away from your own people.
09:22I come against...
09:25will of my people.
09:28Will of my people?
09:33Will of my people.
09:36Will of my people.
09:39Will of my people.
09:42I come against...
09:45will of my people.
09:48End fighting between us.
09:52How would you do this, Futomo?
09:55Yellow hair.
09:58Enemy of my tribe.
10:04My man, my child.
10:08Why do you charge me with these things?
10:13Is true.
10:18No matter now.
10:21He gone away.
10:25I alone.
10:28Much that I must do.
10:32Did I know your man?
10:37Black beaver.
10:40War chief.
10:43Oglala people.
10:46Second only to crazy horse.
10:51In minds of tribe.
10:55Died White River.
10:58White River.
11:02I lost ten of my men there.
11:05You soldier, yellow hair.
11:08For you, only battle.
11:13For me...
11:17all ends.
11:24I'm sorry.
11:26Yes, there is stupid, senseless killing in every war.
11:32That's why I come to you.
11:35To end killing between us.
11:40I speak to leaders.
11:44I listen to words.
11:48I return...
11:51my people.
11:53Tell them what must be done...
11:56to bring peace.
11:58Will your people listen to you, Utoma?
12:01When your leaders, like crazy horse,
12:03counsel only war.
12:07there is peace...
12:10must be honor on both sides.
12:14Your leaders must promise...
12:17my people their rights.
12:20Must prove final treaty.
12:27Must live...
12:30for all times.
12:37Give me such treaty.
12:41I show my people...
12:44white man means no treachery.
12:48They listen to me.
12:50I see.
12:53Why did you wait until now to come to us?
12:58had vision.
13:01I look deep...
13:03into sacred smoke.
13:07I see...
13:09my people gone...
13:11from lands.
13:13You drive...
13:18I see many die...
13:26arms lifted...
13:36Must not happen.
13:41tell me...
13:44why should I believe you?
13:47Your belief...
13:50my belief...
13:55One thing...
13:57in both...
14:05I come...
14:07to you...
14:09in faith.
14:39Well, what do you think?
15:02I think we're taking an awful big chance.
15:05A chance we really can't afford to pass up, sir.
15:08You believe her, then?
15:10I don't know.
15:12But if she means what she says...
15:14it could lead to a treaty of peace with the Sioux Nation.
15:19You got no guarantee she ain't up to something.
15:22I'll send a wire to General Sheridan...
15:24see what he recommends.
15:27Stay with her.
15:28Yes, sir.
15:38Headed the wrong way, friend.
15:51General Terry's put this whole area off-limits.
15:53Hey, trooper, about face.
15:55You're off-limits.
15:56Hold it!
16:33I just wanted to make sure you were all right.
16:56Back over here.
17:25Hey, trooper!
17:39What's all rotted in it?
18:38I heard a woman singing.
18:40You hear her?
18:42You hear her?
18:45You heard nothing.
18:47Go to sleep.
19:07I heard her.
19:09General Sheridan wants to talk to the woman personally.
19:12Wants to see her in Fort Dodge in three days.
19:14No later.
19:15I'm gonna put you in charge of the detail to get her there.
19:18You should make it three easy stages.
19:20Say, Red Rock Canyon the end of the first day...
19:23then if all goes well...
19:24second night, Ten Mile Creek...
19:27and then Fort...
19:28What's the matter?
19:29Sir, the Sioux undoubtedly know the woman would be with us.
19:33I doubt if a full battalion could get her through there safely.
19:36General Sheridan's orders are specific, Colonel.
19:39That doesn't make them right, sir.
19:41You're saying too much.
19:42I'm not gonna tolerate any further insubordination on your part, Colonel.
19:46Yes, sir.
19:58Hey, Buster, let me talk to you a minute.
20:02What's going on around here?
20:04I don't know what you're talking about.
20:05Well, I heard a woman singing in the middle of the night.
20:08That's quite a dream you were having.
20:09No, no, no, no.
20:11What about that engine buck that your boys buried about an hour ago?
20:14Now, what's going on around here?
20:15Well, you're holding up operations.
20:17Let's move it, Sergeant. We've got a long day.
20:23Well, well, well, well.
20:35We're about ready, sir.
20:37She's in the tack room.
20:39All right, get your gear together.
20:59We'll be leaving soon.
21:08What are you doing?
21:12Reading sand.
21:18What is to become can be read there?
21:28I see.
21:30You read my name in there.
21:33Sand holds everything.
21:36Man's lifetime in single grain.
21:42Thousand moons forever.
21:46What is there for me?
21:48Not always wise to know.
21:53I'm not afraid.
22:25Go ahead. Try again.
22:38What is it?
22:46Across space and earth.
22:50Men lie in sun.
22:53Soldiers all dead.
22:58How many?
23:00Across land.
23:06Men lie dead.
23:09All your men, yellow hair.
23:13When will this happen?
23:16Not soon.
23:22Not long.
23:26Am I there too?
23:32You there too, yellow hair.
23:35We're ready, sir.
23:40Very good, Sergeant.
24:34Now, if I was an Indian, I'd say this column would be pretty easy pickin'.
24:49Boy, I thought you said you were better than any two Indians.
24:53General, you know I'm the biggest doggone liar in the world.
24:58Take the point.
25:02General, some of the boys are might worried about us gettin' our cargo through all right.
25:28Well, worried soldier.
25:30Sleeps lighter and hears better.
25:33You better take a look around, California, before you turn in.
25:37All right.
25:41The heroic forces of U.S. Cavalry in their...
25:49Word, word.
25:55What's that?
25:58The victor in battle.
26:00Triumph over a horde of bloodthirsty savages.
26:08Sensational writing.
26:11Newspaper stories.
26:12That's what sells newspapers.
26:14Truth does not matter?
26:17Apparently, not as much as the number of newspapers they can sell.
26:21The people are at war, and they want to read about their victories.
26:27Is not fair.
26:28Isn't supposed to be.
26:31Will peace be fair?
26:33Will my people be free?
26:37I think so.
26:39You do not know.
26:41I can't guarantee you if that's what you mean.
26:45But I do know one thing, that we just finished fighting one war.
26:50To make sure that a man couldn't be a slave in this country.
26:55My people say, if catch hawk, two ways treat him.
27:03Put him in cage, spirit will die.
27:08No matter much food you give him.
27:13Loose him in forest.
27:17He know you as friend.
27:19Hunt with you as brother.
27:24Sue a hawk.
27:28Oh, who goes there?
27:30Get in that wagon quick.
27:38Colonel Custer.
27:44Good evening, Colonel.
27:46How did you get by my scent?
27:48I guess you know.
27:50It's not like I'm Sue.
27:52Coffee smells good.
27:55Help yourself.
27:58I was just up here, Colonel.
28:00Chasing on my trap lines.
28:03Funny, but I did not know you ran traps so far from the fortress.
28:07Yes, the animals are getting tired.
28:10This is Sue country.
28:13The cavalry can not protect you up here.
28:15I never asked for protection.
28:18The truth, Colonel, since I lost my wife and son.
28:21I do not really care what happens.
28:23It's not very sensible talk.
28:26No, maybe not.
28:28Where are you going?
28:30Just a routine patrol to Fort Dodge.
28:33I'm going to drop off some supplies.
28:36You will not mind me going along with you?
28:39You do not set a trap line along a stage road, Aldo.
28:42Oh, that's right.
28:44I have to get the traps first.
28:46I'm going to pick them up in Fort Dodge.
28:49All right.
28:51You can come along.
28:53We leave at first light.
28:55Just pick any spot you like to bed down.
28:57Well, thank you, Colonel.
28:59I'll get a nice soft spot away from the camp.
29:02Thank you for the coffee.
29:18Funny thing about that Jasper following us clear out here.
29:22We do not know that he followed us.
29:25Take a good look around.
29:30I'll catch about an hour of sleep,
29:32and then I'll take another circle around.
29:34Do that.
29:59I thought I told you to stay undercover.
30:02Sometimes spirit calls.
30:06Someone in need.
30:09Not far from here.
30:14I do hear someone.
30:17Not very far away. Over there.
30:29Sounds like an Indian calling for help, Colonel.
30:32Must be a trick.
30:34It's no trick.
30:36Where'd you get the squaw, Colonel?
30:38Concern yourself, Aldo.
30:40Forget you ever saw it.
30:42Sergeant, come with me.
31:20Colonel, you can't go in there.
31:22The whole rock's caving in.
31:28Let's go.
31:47Are you all right, sir?
31:49Yes, I'm all right.
31:51Don't try and come in after me. That's an order.
31:58Come on.
32:17Get out! Quick!
32:20Come on.
32:27Come back here!
32:31Let him go.
32:33You let him go!
32:35Take Aldo back to camp.
32:49Come on.
33:20What you want?
33:22You're the one who was singing back at Fort Hayes.
33:26Now, who are you?
33:32Why are you...
33:34You're the spiritual...
33:36leader of the whole Sooners.
33:38You're more important than Sid and Bull himself.
33:41Aldo, get away from that wagon.
33:43No, no.
33:45You get away.
33:47You get away.
33:49I'm gonna blow this score apart.
33:51Listen to me, Aldo.
33:53That woman's a friend.
33:55She's gonna help us with the Sioux.
33:57Now, we've gotta get her to Fort Dodge alive.
33:59Now, let her go.
34:01Yeah. Yeah, she's important, ain't she?
34:03She's about the most important thing in the world, I reckon.
34:06Wonder what the Sioux would give to get her back, huh?
34:08You're not talking sense, Aldo.
34:10I'm talking sense more sense than I've talked in my whole life.
34:15I carried her right across the board for my wife and my boy.
34:18Your family is dead.
34:20No, they ain't.
34:22My wife and my boy are still alive.
34:24It's two years, Aldo.
34:26If they aren't alive, they're not the way you remember them.
34:29They'll never be that way again.
34:31You're wrong.
34:33You've gotta be wrong.
34:35They're not gonna get her back,
34:37and things are gonna be just the way they was.
34:39Now, I'm gonna take this woman with me.
34:41Buston, bring me a horse.
34:44Don't try anything funny or I'll kill this woman and Custer's next.
34:51All right, Custer, have your men put their rifles in a pile right there.
34:55You heard what he said.
34:57Put your weapons in a pile.
35:08That's far enough.
35:10Now, you take your revolver. You and Custer, both.
35:12Take your revolvers and throw them over there.
35:16Come on!
35:25You don't realize what you're doing, Aldo.
35:27Oh, you're wrong, Colonel.
35:29All right, come on, woman. Now, get down. Get down!
35:32All right, get up there.
35:34Get up.
35:36All right, easy.
35:38Let me help those reins.
35:40All right, now, move back.
35:42All right, here. Get on the horse.
35:44Get on the horse.
35:52If you try any tricks, then I'll kill you.
35:58Whenever that man says, you obey him, Otomo.
36:04We're not dealing with a normal man.
36:06We'll kill her if we try and stop him.
36:09I'll be going after him then, Colonel.
36:15All right, prepare to move out. We got other ground to cover.
36:31No sign of him anywhere, Colonel.
37:02Hey, uh, I was just wondering,
37:06you know, if you're as important as they say you are,
37:11you've probably done some traveling, you know,
37:14from village to village.
37:16What a man.
37:18I was wondering, uh,
37:21have you ever seen a woman named Annie?
37:25A little...
37:27I mean, a woman named Annie.
37:30A little thing.
37:32About 40 years old.
37:34Black hair.
37:36Just about as black as yours, see?
37:39She might be cooking for you folks.
37:41She sure did like to cook.
37:42She done it a little while.
37:44She had a little boy with her, named Joey.
37:47About two years old when they took him.
37:50Had blonde hair.
37:52Just as blonde as blonde hair can get, I guess.
37:57May have turned brown by now.
37:58I wouldn't know that.
37:59Had blue eyes.
38:01Just as blue as the sky.
38:03He's a stout little fellow.
38:05Real strong.
38:06I used to pick him up in my arms.
38:10Well, what about it?
38:12Did you ever see a boy or a woman look like that?
38:22All right.
38:24Finish up your food.
38:25We gotta be leaving pretty quick.
38:52Miss Sulan.
38:54Find us here both killed.
38:56No, no.
38:58As long as I got you with me, I don't reckon.
39:01But just in case,
39:05we'll let them know that we come friendly.
39:13All right.
39:15Let's go.
39:27Let's go.
39:40I got Watoma.
39:42The spirit woman.
39:44You understand?
39:46I'll trade her for all the captives you got.
39:49Do you understand?
39:51I don't mean you no harm.
39:53I'll trade her.
39:56All right.
40:26Let's go.
40:57No sign of the woman, sir.
40:59They'll be pretty rough on her, won't they?
41:02I hope they know how to be.
41:06You see anything?
41:08Yeah, some tracks.
41:10Looked like eight or nine of them.
41:12I followed them off up in them rocks,
41:14and where they went from there, it's anybody's guess.
41:17That's an awful lot of territory to cover, sir.
41:22Sergeant, you take the rest of the detail
41:24and push along the other side.
41:26Meet back here in an hour. Let's go.
41:28Yes, sir.
41:52Let's go.
42:10All these creeks around here,
42:12you can hardly tell where it's coming from.
42:16Over there.
42:21Come on.
42:51Come on.
43:07Sure don't look good, does it?
43:09Could be worse.
43:11Take a position here.
43:13Don't start firing till I return with the patrol.
43:16I reckon you know that the minute I start shooting,
43:19they'll have my hide hanging on the fence and nothing flat.
43:22No, they won't,
43:24because they're not going to be looking at you.
43:26Hey, wait a minute.
43:28How am I supposed to know when to start shooting?
43:31When you hear the charge.
43:35Against two-to-one odds?
43:45Everything's ready here, sir.
43:47Come on in.
43:49Mount up.
43:55You've all worn in action for some time.
43:57Now you're going to get your bellies full of it.
44:00Bugler, I don't care if you blow that bugle well.
44:03When I say sound the charge, it had better be loud.
44:06Now let's move.
45:26Get over here!
48:23Great spirit
48:33Give brave warriors
48:49Father I asked you to accept these our brothers into your house
49:24Died in honor
49:28Not in vain, I hope
49:35Someday, this will all be one country
49:37The men can live in peace together
49:40Regardless of the color of their skin that day will not be soon
49:47Will be
49:52Let's move gonna make for dodge before dark